
    Personal Development Mastery

    Empowering you with the simple, consistent actions needed to master yourself and create a life of purpose and fulfilment. ⁣ I am your host Agi Keramidas, and my mission is to inspire you to grow, stand out, and take action towards mastering your life.⁣ ⁣ I have interviewed hundreds of successful entrepreneurs, authors, thought leaders, spiritual teachers, who share their journey, a-ha moments, milestones & failures for you to find inspiration to grow and actions to implement.⁣ ⁣ In each episode you will find practical wisdom that you can implement right now, even if you only have limited time.⁣ ⁣ Click FOLLOW and start the journey to Personal Development Mastery!
    en-gbAgi Keramidas379 Episodes

    Episodes (379)

    #378 Elevate your vibration: exploring love lessons, karmic connections, and the afterlife, with psychic medium June Edward.

    #378 Elevate your vibration: exploring love lessons, karmic connections, and the afterlife, with psychic medium June Edward.

    Have you ever wondered what insights a near-death experience can reveal about the afterlife, soul evolution, and living a joy-filled life?


    Unlock the secrets of the afterlife with June Edward, a psychic medium whose near-death experience has given her an intimate knowledge of the fifth dimension and the soul's incredible journey. June's gripping narrative takes us through the moment her life hung in the balance during surgery, leading to an enlightening life review and an enhanced connection with the other side. Her insights offer a unique lens through which to view our existence, encouraging us to integrate our higher soul's perspective for a life full of purpose and joy.


    In our discussion, June also reveals the essential love lessons for soul growth, drawn from her own experience and spiritual understanding. We explore the importance of self-worth, trust, communication and the nuanced concept of unconditional love. June's perspective challenges us to consider the dynamic interplay between our relationships, whether karmic, soulmate or the intense twin flame connections, and our spiritual evolution. The wisdom shared in this segment offers listeners a roadmap for navigating the complexities of human connection with grace and purpose, while prioritising personal growth and happiness.


    Concluding with a heartwarming message about the power of raising our vibrations, June Edward teaches us how to foster a deeper connection with our own souls. Through meditation and self-reflection, we learn to align with the frequencies that resonate with our highest good, attracting positivity and distancing ourselves from the negativity of life. June leaves us with practical advice for soul nourishment, including the transformative effects of human touch and the simple act of hugging. Join us as we peel back the layers of the invisible and invite a touch of the divine into our everyday lives.



    0:04:07 - Near-Death Experience and Life Review

    0:12:52 - Five Love Lessons for Soul Growth

    0:15:44 - Lesson on Trust and Communication

    0:22:41 - Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

    0:26:27 - Raising Frequency and Soul Connection



    "Don't stress out so much - wait a minute, it'll change! Trust your journey."



    June's website: https://juneedward.com/



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Get a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":




    Embark on a transformative journey into the afterlife and soul evolution through the lens of psychic medium June Edward, gaining insights into the profound lessons learned from her near-death experience. This exploration will offer you a new perspective on life's purpose and the intricate connections that shape our spiritual path.


    In the podcast episode featuring June Edward, a psychic medium, the focus is on a theme that resonates deeply with many - the pursuit of understanding life beyond death and its impact on our journey of self-discovery and personal growth. This episode holds significant relevance for those grappling with the loss of loved ones, confronting their own mortality, or simply in search of a deeper sense of purpose and connection in life.


    If you're dealing with grief or the fear of death, June's near-death experience and insights provide a comforting viewpoint on the continuity of the soul and the existence of an afterlife. Her portrayal of the soul as existing partly within us and partly in a higher dimension offers a framework to understand that we are never truly separated from those we love, even in death.


    This subject matter also addresses those striving for self-improvement and fulfillment. The exploration of soul evolution through relationships and life lessons aligns with the widespread desire to lead a more intentional, meaningful life. If you're navigating personal or spiritual growth, you might find guidance in the five love lessons June presents, particularly the emphasis on self-worth and the transformative power of trust and communication in relationships.


    For those aiming to enhance their well-being and attract positivity, the episode provides practical advice on raising one's vibrational frequency. June's insights on meditation and self-reflection could prove especially beneficial if you're seeking to align with your higher self and foster a more joyful existence.


    In a broader context, the episode grapples with the universal human desire to understand our place in the universe. It offers a comforting narrative for anyone seeking clarity on the deeper connections that bind us, the importance of our relationships, and the potential for soulful evolution. June Edward's message encourages you to embrace the divine in everyday life, offering hope and a sense of empowerment to those eager to enrich their journey through the world.


    #377 Snippets of wisdom: Enhance your emotional vocabulary, with Chess Edwards.

    #377 Snippets of wisdom: Enhance your emotional vocabulary, with Chess Edwards.

    Snippet of wisdom 37.


    In this series, I select my favourite, most insightful moments from previous episodes of the podcast.


    Today's snippet is from my conversation with Chess Edwards, who is a spiritual teacher and meditation guide.

    It is about enhancing our emotional vocabulary.


    I hope it's as insightful for you as it was for me!


    Enhance your emotional vocabulary with Chess Edwards’ emotional vocabulary builder:



    Listen to the full conversation in episodes #081-082:




    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    As my gift to you, here is a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":



    #376 How to feel vibrantly alive and live intentionally in the present moment, with two-time near-death experience survivor Catherine Duncan.

    #376 How to feel vibrantly alive and live intentionally in the present moment, with two-time near-death experience survivor Catherine Duncan.

    Discover Catherine Duncan's incredible journey from surviving two near-death experiences to embracing a spiritually enriched life. This episode reveals how confronting mortality led her to a profound awakening and a shift from corporate success to a purpose-driven existence.


    Catherine Duncan, an integrative spiritual consultant and author, graciously opens the pages of her life, revealing a story of survival and spiritual awakening after two intense near-death experiences. From the grips of a rare childhood cancer to a treacherous whitewater rafting accident, Catherine's narrative is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the call towards a purpose-driven existence. Through her reflections, listeners will find encouragement to tune into the depths of their own hearts and souls, and perhaps, be motivated to pivot towards a path that resonates with their innermost desires.


    Catherine doesn't stop at just sharing her journey; she arms us with the wisdom of her book "Everyday, Awakening," offering practical tools for enriching our daily lives. The conversation weaves through the transformative power of presence, the art of connecting with the greater forces in our lives, and the practices that can help reshape our thought patterns towards joy and love. These are not mere concepts but actionable exercises that Catherine has crafted to guide us towards a more vibrant and heartfelt way of living.


    As we close our time with Catherine, we reflect on the empowering choices that define a life well-lived: the choice of self-love, the choice to meditate and move with intentionality, and the choice to open oneself to guidance from beyond our physical realm. Her insights into the spiritual dimension of our existence serve as a reminder of the unseen forces that accompany us.  


    0:02:44 - Journey of Triumph Through Adversity 

    0:07:15 - Exploring Life's Meaning Through Reading 

    0:12:41 - Five Practices for Living Fully

    0:14:02 - Importance of Living in the Present 

    0:19:19 - Conscious Choices in Daily Life

    0:24:14 - Choosing Self

    0:27:51 - Understanding the Essence of Life


    "Trust all is well. You're exactly where you're meant to be - it will all unfold." 




    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Get a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":



    1. Insights into Transformative Life Experiences: You will gain a deeper understanding of how confronting near-death experiences can lead to profound personal transformation. Catherine Duncan's personal account serves as a real-life example of how such experiences can pivot your life towards spirituality and a more purposeful existence.


    2. Practical Tools for Intentional Living: This episode provides actionable advice on how to live more fully in the present moment. It covers Catherine's five life-affirming practices and 42 exercises from her book "Everyday, Awakening," all designed to help you cultivate presence, connection, trust, love, and openness in your daily life.


    3. Encouragement for Self-Discovery and Growth: Catherine's journey can be a source of motivation for you to embrace self-love, meditation, and the spiritual dimensions of life. The episode encourages personal growth and the exploration of unseen energies, offering a perspective on how to navigate life with intention and an open heart.


    #375 What would you say to someone who wants to grow, but most of the people around them have a fixed mindset?

    #375 What would you say to someone who wants to grow, but most of the people around them have a fixed mindset?

    If you are someone who is on a journey of personal growth, but most people around you prefer to settle, then today's episode is for you.


    During the interviews I did last year, I asked some of my guests a question that was put to me by one of the listeners, Alice. In today's episode you can hear 5 of the previous podcast guests answer that question.


    Their answers were not published in the respective episodes, so this is the very first time they are being shared!


    And the question was: What would you say to someone who wants to grow, but most of the people around them (their peers) have quite a fixed mindset, preferring to settle rather than grow?



    The five answers come from:

    0:01:21 - Allyson Chavez (episode #276)

    0:02:15 - Gul Sonmez (episode #294)

    0:03:20 - Joe Moffett (episode #264)

    0:04:53 - Lucia Montantaro (episode #252)

    0:06:01 - Scott Anderson (episode #248)



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Get a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":




    In the podcast episode, 5 guests explore the theme of personal growth and its impact on relationships with loved ones who may not be on the same journey. They emphasise the importance of honouring one's own path to self-improvement while allowing others to progress at their own pace, without judgement or pressure. By embodying positive change and happiness, one can inadvertently inspire those around them to seek their own growth.


    The guests offer practical advice, such as creating a supportive environment, whether through moving away from negativity or surrounding oneself with inspiring literature and like-minded individuals, to reinforce personal development. Additionally, they highlight the significance of choosing who to spend time with carefully and protecting one's mindset from the limitations others may try to impose, thereby ensuring one's growth and resilience remain unhampered by external influences.

    #374 Create your personal map to navigate life's journey by integrating ancient spiritual wisdom with modern science, with Sanal Bhanu Rajan.

    #374 Create your personal map to navigate life's journey by integrating ancient spiritual wisdom with modern science, with Sanal Bhanu Rajan.

    Discover how the ancient wisdom of Indian spirituality can revolutionise your life through the lens of modern science and personal transformation!

    Could your spiritual path benefit from a scientific compass? Sanal Bhanu Rajan, a visionary in the seamless integration of spirituality and science, graces our podcast with his transformative insights on evolving global consciousness. As we navigate the rich tapestry of methodologies that Sanal has woven from a lifetime of learning, both from ancient Indian wisdom and cutting-edge techniques, our conversation reveals a powerful narrative of personal evolution. Inspired by Himalayan masters, Sanal's journey is a compelling invitation to all of us seeking harmony within and without.

    Throughout the episode, we traverse the landscape of self-creation, with Sanal guiding us through the concept of a personal map—a living, breathing guide to our evolving journey through life. He teaches us the art of fluidity in our personal growth, the kind that empowers us to craft our destinies with a sense of ownership and choice. It's an invigorating look at how we sculpt our existence, not through struggle, but through a dance with the myriad possibilities that lie within each of us.

    Finally, we probe the narratives we craft about our lives, considering their profound impact on our well-being. Sanal leads us through the power of journaling and the revelation that comes from acknowledging and upgrading our stories. Join us in this episode for a thought-provoking exploration that promises to reshape not only your personal narrative but potentially the global consciousness as well.



    1. Learn how to weave together the time-honoured wisdom of Indian spirituality with the accuracy of contemporary science to attain personal mastery and trigger a worldwide shift in consciousness. 

    2. This episode imparts wisdom on moulding your own destiny and personal growth through the idea of a "personal map," endorsing flexibility and self-responsibility in the process of self-creation. 

    3. The discussion provides tactics to reshape your personal narratives, mitigate the negative influence of contemporary media on self-image, and institute routines that foster a solid sense of self in an ever-evolving world.


    0:01:11 - Blending Spiritual and Scientific Approaches

    0:05:10 - An Eclectic Approach to Methodology

    0:13:16 - Creating an Internal Orientation With Questions

    0:18:36 - Self-Creation and Personal Growth Power

    0:19:32 - The Map of Spiritual Growth 

    0:24:19 - Exploring Perception and Shifting Consciousness

    0:28:46 - Envisioning a Global Shift in Consciousness

    0:37:17 - Power of Storytelling and Self-Awareness


    "The territory is not going to reorganise itself to meet the map. The map has to reorganise itself to meet the territory."



    Website: https://spiritualogic.com/

    Free masterclass: https://masterclass.spiritualogic.com/

    Instagram: @wisdomwithsanal



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Get a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":



    The podcast episode featuring Sanal Bhanu Rajan is particularly relevant to people who are searching for personal growth and seeking ways to navigate the complexities of modern life by integrating ancient wisdom with contemporary scientific understanding. The desire to achieve enlightenment or a higher state of consciousness is a timeless pursuit, and in today's fast-paced world, it's a quest that seems more urgent and challenging than ever.

    One current problem that many individuals face is the feeling of being overwhelmed by the constant influx of information, the pressures of societal expectations, and the struggle to find meaning in a world where science and technology reign supreme. There is a palpable desire for personal mastery—to not only cope with life's challenges but to thrive and create a life of purpose and fulfillment. The integration of Indian wisdom and modern science offers a pathway to address this yearning.

    Sanal's approach, as discussed in the episode, encourages the listener to consider their personal narrative—the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we can achieve. By examining and potentially rewriting these narratives with a blend of Eastern philosophy and Western innovation, listeners can begin to unlock their potential and shape their destiny.

    The episode also delves into the concept of a "personal map," which represents our evolving understanding of ourselves and the world. This map is not static; it requires continual updates and revisions as we grow and face new challenges. Understanding that we have the power to craft and adjust this map is empowering—it means that we are not victims of circumstance but active participants in creating our lives.

    Another significant point addressed is the influence of modern media on our perception of reality. Sanal's insights into how we can maintain groundedness amidst "content shock" provide listeners with a strategy for staying connected to their inner wisdom, even as external forces pull us in different directions.

    In essence, this podcast episode offers readers tools and perspectives to help them align with their inner strength, reshape their personal stories, and engage with the world from a place of empowerment. It speaks to the universal desire to find harmony between the inner self and outer experiences, and it provides actionable steps for those who wish to embark on a transformative journey toward a more conscious way of living.

    1. Integrating Eastern philosophy and Western innovation: You can explore the convergence of traditional Indian spirituality and modern scientific principles. Sanal Bhanu Rajan's framework illustrates how to blend these diverse schools of thought for a holistic approach to personal growth and mind mastery.

    2. Crafting your destiny through self-awareness and adaptability: This episode introduces the concept of a personal map, a guide for your evolving journey through life. You can learn how to cultivate fluidity in personal growth, which allows you to adapt your responses to life's challenges and consciously shape your destiny with ownership and choice.

    3. Transforming your inner dialogue and life story: Sanal Bhanu Rajan emphasises the importance of the narratives we tell ourselves and others. You'll discover practical ways to recognize disempowering narratives and make necessary upgrades to align with an empowered self. This involves curating life stories with intention and becoming aware of the quality and impact of the words you use.

    Uncover the transformative blend of Indian spirituality and modern science to master your personal growth by listening to this captivating episode with Sanal Bhanu Rajan, and take the first step towards crafting your destiny.

    #373 Solo episode: A reflection on the podcast's recent direction.

    #373 Solo episode: A reflection on the podcast's recent direction.

    In today's personal reflection, I explore the evolution of the podcast  over the past few months and contemplate what lies ahead. After a significant shift towards spirituality, prompted by my silent meditation retreat in September last year, which I talked about in a previous episode, we've moved into deeper spiritual conversations.


    Yet, as 2024 rolled in, the focus broadened once again, bringing a diverse array of topics to the forefront, each designed to empower and inspire transformation. Listen in as I share my insights on the podcast's mission to not only inform but to influence positive change and the importance of taking simple, consistent actions to master yourself and live a life of purpose and fulfilment.


    Get a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Personal Development Mastery
    en-gbFebruary 22, 2024

    #372 How to understand your inner voice, enhance your intuition, and align with your soul purpose, with Susan Zummo.

    #372 How to understand your inner voice, enhance your intuition, and align with your soul purpose, with Susan Zummo.

    Dive into soulful wisdom and discover the transformative power of self-love and purpose in your life by listening to this episode now!


    Join us for an enriching conversation with Susan Zummo, a seasoned guide in the realm of higher consciousness, as we navigate the subtle yet profound journey of living a soul-directed life. Susan, with her 30 years of wisdom, shares the importance of distinguishing the soul's gentle whispers from the cacophony of life's demands and our internal dialogues. She enlightens us with her personal revelations and offers practical advice for attuning to the soul's wisdom, advocating for moments of silence to better listen to its compassionate guidance.


    In this heartfelt discussion, we also unravel the mysteries of discovering one's unique soul purpose and the transformative power of self-love in personal development. Learn how aligning with your soul's purpose can pave the way for a life of fewer obstacles and why challenges faced on this path differ significantly from those encountered when we stray. Susan's insights provide a guiding light for anyone seeking to grow through love rather than fear, extending that love to themselves and others as a central practice for a fulfilled life. Listen in as we share stories, advice, and the simple yet powerful practices that can help illuminate your spiritual journey.


    1. Discerning your soul's voice from other internal and external voices: 

    Understand that intuition often manifests as a gentle whisper, easily drowned out by the hustle and bustle of daily life. It's suggested that you take moments of silence throughout your day to better connect with this inner guidance. Your soul's voice is compassionate and supportive, standing out from the critical or fearful voices that may also surface within you.


    2. Aligning with your unique soul purpose: 

    The concept that a soul purpose doesn't have to be grand or complex is discussed. It can be as simple and personal as learning to love yourself and others. When you stay aligned with this purpose, you experience less resistance and more ease in life. Start with small intuitive decisions to build trust and gradually act on more significant guidance.


    3. Embracing personal development through self-love: 

    Personal development is presented as an ongoing journey of learning and growth, rooted in self-love. By welcoming change and acting out of love instead of fear, you can advance your personal development. It's encouraged for you to question your motives and choose actions that stem from a place of self-love.


    0:01:38 - Discovering the Power of Intuition 

    0:04:29 - The Power of the Soul's Whisper 

    0:13:39 - Listening to Your Body in Decision-Making 

    0:19:32 - Discovering Your Unique Soul Purpose

    0:26:17 - The Importance of Asking for Help 

    0:29:18 - Personal Development and Embracing Love


    "Don't wait until you're in your sixties to stop being afraid!"


    Susan's website: https://www.susanzummo.com/


    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Get a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":



    Are you struggling to hear your soul's whispers in the chaos of daily life and longing to discover your true purpose? Join us as Susan Zummo reveals how to harness the power of self-love to lead a soul-directed life that resonates with clarity and joy.


    Listen to the episode to gain:

    1. Guidance on connecting with one's inner voice: Listeners will learn how to tune into the subtle guidance of their soul amidst the noise of everyday life. They will gain practical tips for distinguishing between the soul's voice and other internal chatter, and discover how to listen more effectively to their intuition.


    2. Insights into discovering and aligning with one's soul purpose: The episode offers an exploration of what it means to have a unique soul purpose and how to identify it. Listeners will understand the importance of self-love in this process and learn that alignment with their soul's purpose can lead to a more fulfilling and less resistant life path.


    3. Strategies for personal growth through self-love: The conversation delves into the role of self-love in personal development, offering listeners strategies for embracing change and growth. They will receive advice on overcoming fear and be encouraged to make choices out of love rather than fear, leading to transformative self-discovery and personal evolution.


    #371 Snippets of wisdom: Discovering purpose and freedom through intentionality, with Finnian Kelly.

    #371 Snippets of wisdom: Discovering purpose and freedom through intentionality, with Finnian Kelly.

    Snippet of wisdom 36.

    In this series, I select my favourite, most insightful moments from previous episodes of the podcast.


    Today's snippet is from my conversation with Finnian Kelly, speaker and coach, dubbed as “the Business Mystic”.

    It is about intentionality - and how it can lead to discovering life's purpose and freedom.


    I hope it's as insightful for you as it was for me!


    Listen to the full conversation in episode #168:



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    As my gift to you, here is a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":



    Learn about embracing intentionality through a transformative journey on the Camino trail. The snippet delves into how having a clear vision paired with decisive action leads to a purposeful and extraordinary life. It touches on overcoming life's challenges, the importance of forgiveness, and the power of self-liberation. The guest illustrates how to craft a life of choice, filled with peace, joy, and freedom. The principles of intentionality serve as guideposts, helping you find and stay on your unique path to an intentional and fulfilling life.


    #370 How to reclaim your sexual power and expand your capacity for joy through pleasure, with Dr Fanny Leboulanger.

    #370 How to reclaim your sexual power and expand your capacity for joy through pleasure, with Dr Fanny Leboulanger.

    Listen in as Dr. Fanny Leboulanger, a former family doctor turned sex coach, joins us to share her enlightening journey from gynaecology to the realms of self-love and sexual empowerment. We peel back the layers of pleasure and examine the societal misconceptions that have long obscured the simplicity and necessity of orgasms. Dr Fanny opens up about her own self-discovery and the life-changing insights that led her to champion the cause of sexual healing. She passionately argues that embracing our sexual nature and dismantling ingrained cultural denials of pleasure can pave the way to happiness and success.


    We also explore the intricate relationship between pleasure and fulfilment, and how embracing our senses can enrich our sexual experiences and overall life satisfaction. Dr Fanny and I explore the importance of mind-body integration, the potential of 'feeling it to heal it' and the transformative power of reframing the stories we tell ourselves about our emotions. From aromatic essential oils to the indulgent taste of chocolate, we discuss practical ways to awaken the senses and how these acts can be a starting point for a journey towards more mindful and satisfying sexual encounters. Join us for a thought-provoking session that may just change the way you look at pleasure and its role in creating a life full of joy and satisfaction.



    0:02:41 - From Doctor to Sex Coach

    0:07:09 - Exploring Pleasure and Overcoming Misconceptions

    0:13:21 - Ancient Tantra and Modern Medicine Combination

    0:15:38 - The Connection Between Pleasure and Fulfillment

    0:23:02 - The Power of Reframing Emotions

    0:31:49 - Senses for Better Sex


    "You're normal, stop wondering if there's something wrong with you. You're normal."


    Website: http://www.fannyleboulanger.com/

    Your Sexyfied Life Podcast: https://your-sexyfied-life.captivate.fm/listen


    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    As my gift to you, here is a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":



    Are you denying yourself pleasure and fulfillment by believing misconceptions about sexuality? Tune in to this episode to learn how reconnecting with your senses and expanding your capacity for joy can help you overcome limiting beliefs and start living a more empowered life.


    If you feel disconnected from your body and sexuality or lack fulfillment in your life, you are not alone. Many of us have been conditioned by society and past experiences to deny our natural capacity for pleasure. In this episode, you will learn how embracing pleasure and reclaiming your sexual empowerment can help you overcome feelings of numbness, stress or lack of joy. Funny Leboulanger shares practical tools to start exploring your senses and expand your tolerance for difficult emotions. By taking small steps to reconnect with what truly makes you feel alive, you can begin healing past wounds and start creating the fulfilling life you desire.


    1. Learn how pleasure is part of our human nature and how denying it can negatively impact our lives. 

    2. Discover simple practices to begin exploring one's sexuality and reconnecting with one's senses.

    3. Understand how expanding one's capacity for pleasure can help handle difficult emotions better and live a more fulfilling life.

    Play this episode to gain insights on how embracing your natural capacity for pleasure through small daily practices can help you start healing past wounds and living a more empowered, joyful life.

    #369 Snippets of wisdom: A healing paradigm for your imagination and self-worth, with Victoria Rader, PhD.

    #369 Snippets of wisdom: A healing paradigm for your imagination and self-worth, with Victoria Rader, PhD.

    Snippet of wisdom 35.


    In this series, I select my favourite, most insightful moments from previous episodes of the podcast.


    Today's snippet is from my conversation with Victoria Rader, a possibility coach, multiple-times best-selling author, and holder of a PhD in metaphysical studies.

    The snippet I have chosen is a healing paradigm for your imagination and self-worth.


    I hope it is as insightful for you as it was for me!


    Dive into Quantum Freedom with Dr. Victoria Rader:⁣



    Listen to the full conversation in episode #288:



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, mentor, and knowledge broker. My mission is simple - to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.


    In this snippet of wisdom, Dr Victoria Rader discusses the transformational power of six mental faculties: perception, imagination, intuition, reason, memory, and will. By harmonising these faculties, individuals can shift from scarcity to abundance, manifesting a life of miracles. The episode emphasises the importance of a positive self-image and self-worth in unlocking the potential of imagination, while memory serves as a tool for recalling our true selves. Through anecdotes and strategies, this short episode provides a roadmap to an extraordinary life, encouraging listeners to embrace their magnificence and infinite value for personal growth and fulfillment.


    #368 Stop stretching! Revolutionise your approach to flexibility and muscle activation to live a pain-free life, with Yogi Aaron.

    #368 Stop stretching! Revolutionise your approach to flexibility and muscle activation to live a pain-free life, with Yogi Aaron.

    Unlock the secrets to a life without chronic pain as Yogi Aron takes us on a journey through his revolutionary yoga approach. Gone are the days when stretching was hailed as the ultimate solution to muscle tightness. Instead, prepare to embrace muscle activation and strength as your new allies in the quest for a stable, pain-free existence. With insights from his eye-opening book "Stop Stretching," Yogi Aron shares his transformation from a sprightly teen to battling back pain at 45, leading him to debunk long-held stretching myths and offer an alternative path to well-being.


    Transform how you think about flexibility and dive into the practical tools for maintaining an active, healthy body with the YAMA method. Discover why muscle tightness often cries out for stabilization rather than elongation and how isometric exercises—like the underestimated power of the bridge and Superman poses—can correct compensations and prevent the dreaded hunched back of later years. Yogi Aron demonstrates that dedicating mere minutes each day to these simple exercises is more effective in fortifying your posture than hours spent in the gym, promising a future where chronic pain is no longer your constant companion.


    0:02:00 - Challenging Traditional Yoga Practice

    0:03:51 - Yogi's Journey and Back Problems

    0:11:01 - Questions About Muscle Tightness and Stretching

    0:17:26 - Understanding Pain and Muscle Tightness

    0:22:45 - Improving Core Muscles With Isometrics

    0:29:41 - Muscle Function and Misconceptions 

    0:33:45 - Understanding Personal Development Over Time 

    0:35:42 - Simple Daily Exercises for Better Health


    "Stop stretching!" 


    Yogi Aaron's website: https://yogiaaron.com/


    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    As my gift to you, here is a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":



    1. Insight into a novel approach to pain management: Listeners will gain an understanding of the YAMA method, which emphasizes muscle activation and stability over traditional stretching, potentially offering relief from chronic pain.

    2. Strategies for improving posture and strength: The episode provides practical exercises, such as the bridge and Superman poses, that can be incorporated into daily routines to enhance muscle activation, thereby preventing common posture issues and promoting a more robust and active lifestyle.

    3. A deeper comprehension of muscle function: By exploring the relationship between muscle tightness, strength, and stability, listeners will learn why certain muscles become tight and how addressing muscular weaknesses can lead to a more effective and holistic approach to achieving a pain-free state.

    #367 Four years of Personal Development Mastery podcast!

    #367 Four years of Personal Development Mastery podcast!

    Welcome to a special milestone episode of the Personal Development Mastery Podcast, marking four impactful years since its launch in February 2020. As I reflect on the journey, I observe the podcast's evolution from inspiration to empowerment, highlighting the transformative power of daily, consistent action.


    With over 100,000 downloads in 140 countries and more than 200 interviews, the thread of consistency stands out. As Jim Rohn eloquently stated, success is the result of simple daily disciplines. As we look forward to year five, I invite you to share your thoughts and reflections.


    Here's to continued growth, empowerment and celebrating the podcast's four-year journey together!


    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, author, knowledge broker and mentor. My mission is to empower you with the simple, consistent actions you need to take to create a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    As my gift to you, get a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":


    #366 How to connect with your innate creativity, cultivate your vulnerability, and enhance your imagination, with Patrick Williams.

    #366 How to connect with your innate creativity, cultivate your vulnerability, and enhance your imagination, with Patrick Williams.

    Unlock the secrets of your own creative potential as we journey with Patrick Williams, a self-taught painter whose evolution from child artist to creative maestro is nothing short of inspiring. Our conversation isn't limited to the canvas - it's about the creativity that permeates every facet of our lives.


    Discover how to rekindle the imaginative play of your youth and harness the inner creative spark that's been waiting to burst forth. Patrick's story is a testament to the universal nature of creativity, reminding us that it's an innate quality we all share, ready to be expressed in myriad ways beyond the traditional arts.


    Venture into the spiritual dimensions of creativity as Patrick and I explore how a deeper awareness enhances the creative process. Discover practical techniques for tapping into your creative wellspring, such as focused breathing and immersion in nature. 


    We reflect on the deep connection between vulnerability and creativity, and acknowledge the fears that often accompany the act of creation. This discussion promises to shift your perspective, illustrating how vulnerability is not just a challenge to overcome, but a powerful ally in amplifying your creative voice.


    Finally, we examine the intricate dance of personal development within the creative journey, encouraging you to nurture your creative spark with the care it deserves, and to listen closely to the whispers of your heart as you create your next masterpiece.



    0:01:56 - Exploring Creativity and Identity

    0:06:05 - Defining and Understanding Creativity

    0:14:14 - Levels of Creativity

    0:20:53 - The Connection Between Vulnerability and Creativity

    0:26:27 - Creativity and Improvisation in Creating Something

    0:31:04 - Artistic Creativity and Social Media Discussion

    0:34:12 - Personal Development and Creativity 


    "Don't go too fast. Slow down." 


    Patrick's website: http://patrickwilliams.com/

    Instagram: @pmwcreativity


    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Get a free copy of my book "88 Actionable Insights For Life":



    1. Embracing Vulnerability in Creativity: Learn the importance of embracing vulnerability as an integral part of the creative process. By understanding that making mistakes and taking risks are necessary for authentic expression, you can unlock a richer and more genuine creative voice.

    2. Connecting with Your Inner Creativity: The conversation provides practical advice on reconnecting with your innate creativity. This includes engaging in simple practices such as focused breathing and spending time in nature, as well as recalling the imaginative play of your childhood to tap into your unique creative potential.

    3. Enhancing Imagination through Practice: The podcast outlines exercises that can stimulate your imagination, such as the practice of drawing circles and making various marks on paper. By doing this regularly, you can train your mind to think more divergently, thereby expanding your creative abilities.

    #365 Snippets of wisdom: How to improve your emotional intelligence, with Uzma Naqvi.

    #365 Snippets of wisdom: How to improve your emotional intelligence, with Uzma Naqvi.

    Snippet of wisdom 34.


    In this series, I select my favourite, most insightful moments from previous episodes of the podcast.


    Today's snippet is from my conversation with Uzma Naqvi, a holistic transformational coach.

    The snippet I have chosen is about improving your emotional intelligence and managing your emotions.


    I hope it is as insightful for you as it was for me!


    Listen to the full conversation in episode #061:



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, mentor, and knowledge broker. My mission is simple - to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.


    This episode discusses building emotional intelligence through two components: gaining insight into your emotions by reflecting on what each emotion is trying to tell you rather than ignoring them, and taking control of your emotions by understanding what you want to feel instead of reacting in the moment. It also talks about the importance of allowing yourself to feel emotions fully to understand the underlying messages and layers. Other topics covered include setting boundaries, having self-respect so others know how to treat you, making lists of what triggers good and bad feelings, and focusing on cultivating more positive emotions like happiness and joy for both mental and physical well-being.


    #364 Integrating technology and spirituality for holistic well-being, and how to navigate life transitions & cultural diversity, with Constantin Morun.

    #364 Integrating technology and spirituality for holistic well-being, and how to navigate life transitions & cultural diversity, with Constantin Morun.

    Join us for a thought-provoking journey with my esteemed guest Constantin Morun, a holistic life empowerment mentor and senior account technology strategist at Microsoft, who brings a unique perspective on embracing change and cultural diversity. Listen in as we explore the personal growth that stems from Constantin's move from Romania to Canada, and how such experiences can broaden one's mindset and understanding of inclusivity. Sharing my own transition from Greece to the UK, we reflect on the significance of openness to new environments in shaping our lives and fostering a sense of belonging.


    This episode surprises with an unexpected pairing: technology and spirituality. Constantin, a senior account technology strategist at Microsoft, joins forces with me to uncover the energetic nature of tech innovations like AI and the internet. We scrutinize the potential of raising our vibrations to better harness these tools, sharing personal experiences that attest to the accuracy of tarot readings for the spiritually inclined. It's a journey through the fusion of the material and the mystical, charting a course toward self-discovery and empowerment.


    As we look toward the horizon of personal development, Constantin imparts his wisdom on the transformative qualities of gratitude, vulnerability, and authenticity. He guides us through his simple yet profound morning routine that primes a day filled with positivity and self-love. We discuss the power of celebrating even the smallest victories and the importance of aligning the heart's desires with the mind's logic for a fulfilling existence. Closing with a reflection on personal development and the pursuit of joy, Constantin leaves us with the inspiring notion of embracing our journey through self-improvement with an open heart and an authentic spirit.


    • 1. How to Embrace the Synergy of Spirituality and Technology for Holistic Well-Being

    • 2. How to Navigate Life Transitions and Cultural Diversity for Personal Growth

    • 3. How to Incorporate Gratitude and Self-Love into Your Morning Routine for a Positive Day



    0:06:35 - Perception and Spiritual Awakening

    0:12:26 - Intersections of Science and Spirituality

    0:15:40 - Technology and Spirituality in Personal Development

    0:19:55 - Holistic Approach to Personal Development 

    0:23:23 - Balancing Focus and Attention in Life 

    0:26:18 - Gratitude, Vulnerability, and Authenticity

    0:30:10 - The Burden of Multiple Personalities 

    0:33:42 - Personal Development and Following Your Heart

    0:35:59 - Advice to 18-Year-Old Self 

    0:38:28 - Start Your Day With Self-Love


    "Everything that we know in the universe is made up of energy - it doesn't matter if it's you or me, if it's the piece of grass I see in front of my window here, if it's the snow outside - everything is energy."


    Constantin's website & podcast: https://unleashthyself.com/


    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Get your free copy of my first book:



    #363 Snippets of wisdom: The three levels of emotional awareness, with Chris Marhefka.

    #363 Snippets of wisdom: The three levels of emotional awareness, with Chris Marhefka.

    Snippet of wisdom 33.


    In this series I select my favourite, most insightful moments from previous episodes of the podcast.


    Today’s snippet comes from my conversation with Chris Marhefka, who is a Master Coach and worldwide retreat facilitator.

    The snippet I chose from that conversation is about understanding the three levels of emotional awareness.


    I hope it is as insightful for you as it was for me!


    Listen to the full conversation in episodes  #136-137:

    Part 1: https://bit.ly/3wIMKny

    Part 2: https://bit.ly/3qkHc0l


    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, mentor, and knowledge broker. My mission is simple - to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    #362 Cultivate a resilience mindset and thrive in the face of uncertainty, with Tony Robbins' fire captain Bill Keefe.

    #362 Cultivate a resilience mindset and thrive in the face of uncertainty, with Tony Robbins' fire captain Bill Keefe.

    Join me on an insightful journey with Bill Keefe, Fire Team Captain for the Tony Robbins Organisation and Co-General Manager of Namale Resort and Spa. Bill's story is an introspective look at how life can flourish when we take a bold step into the unknown. He shares his experience of relocating his family to the South Pacific, reveals the essence of family unity in decision-making, and offers a glimpse into the power of taking leaps of faith and the rewards that await.


    Our conversation delves into the mindset of resilience, drawing inspiration from the relentless spirit of the likes of David Goggins and the unique challenges of Tony Robbins' Fire Walk events. Discover how the collective mindset and camaraderie of a team can push you beyond your perceived limits, especially during the most challenging times. Bill and I reflect on the importance of commitment and the role it plays not only in enduring physical and mental fatigue, but also in overcoming adversity - a lesson that applies to all facets of life.


    Finally, we turn our attention to the principles of calmness and detachment, particularly in high-pressure situations. Using the metaphor of the 'rock in the river', Bill illustrates the importance of maintaining focus in the midst of chaos, and how leaders can benefit from remaining objective in their decisions. Tune in for an engaging discussion that's sure to leave you with a new perspective on life's possibilities.



    0:03:18 -Relocation to Fiji and Career Change

    0:07:48 -Overcoming Obstacles and Successful Business Transition

    0:12:10 - Fiji Factor and Fire Team Perseverance

    0:15:10 - Resilience and Perseverance

    0:19:07 - Testing Resilience and Overcoming Limits

    0:22:47 - "The Rock in the River

    0:28:52 - Metaphor of Rock in a River: Detachment and Focus in Chaotic Situations

    0:32:29 - Key Lessons Learned From Tony Robbins

    0:41:08 - Unleashing Potential Through Discomfort


    "Don't quit when you're tired, quit when you're done."



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    Get your free copy of my first book:



    Listen to learn:


    1. How to cultivate resilience and perseverance: Learn about the importance of not giving up when faced with fatigue or adversity, but rather pushing through until the task is complete. Drawing inspiration from figures like David Goggins and the experience of fire walk events, the conversation delves into the mindset needed to exceed perceived limitations and the power of a supportive team in overcoming challenges.


    2. How to maintain composure in chaotic situations: The podcast highlights techniques for staying calm and focused amidst turmoil, using the metaphor of the 'rock in the river.' You can understand the value of breathing techniques, detachment, and global awareness in high-pressure environments, skills that are transferable to daily life and leadership roles.


    3. How to manage your state for personal growth: Through the insights shared about learning from Tony Robbins, you can discover the significance of managing one's state of mind to handle life's challenges effectively. The episode underscores the continuous journey of personal development, emphasising the need to reframe perceptions and beliefs to maintain a positive outlook and become the best version of oneself.



    The podcast episode featuring Bill Keefe is highly relevant to individuals who are facing uncertainty in their lives or seeking personal growth and resilience. The discussion revolves around how embracing life's unknowns can lead to transformative experiences and a deeper understanding of one's capabilities.


    For those dealing with current problems that involve making difficult decisions, venturing into new territories, or enduring challenging circumstances, Bill's insights offer guidance and inspiration. His journey from the Bahamas to Fiji, which led to unexpected personal and professional growth, exemplifies the potential rewards of taking risks and stepping out of one's comfort zone. This narrative can resonate with listeners who might be contemplating a significant life change or feeling stuck in their current situation.


    Furthermore, the episode delves into the importance of resilience and perseverance, drawing from the powerful messages of individuals like David Goggins. For the reader who is tired and close to giving up on a goal or project, the mantra "Don't quit when you're tired, quit when you're done" serves as a motivational reminder that endurance can lead to achieving one's objectives. This can be particularly relevant for those working on long-term goals that require sustained effort and commitment.


    The concept of being a 'rock in the river,' maintaining composure amidst chaos, is another key takeaway from the episode that addresses a common desire among many people: finding peace and focus during stressful situations. This skill is invaluable for listeners looking to manage their reactions to the fast-paced, often overwhelming demands of modern life.


    Lastly, the episode emphasizes continuous personal growth and the management of one's state of mind, as taught by Tony Robbins. Listeners interested in self-improvement and better handling life's challenges can gain from the discussion on the importance of reframing one's perception of events and maintaining a positive outlook.


    In summary, this podcast episode provides actionable insights for listeners seeking to navigate life's uncertainties with confidence, strengthen their resilience, and commit to a journey of personal development. It encourages listeners to push their boundaries and embrace the beauty of life's uncharted waters, offering advice and real-life examples that can lead to fulfilling outcomes.

    #361 Snippets of wisdom: Our emotions are feedback to restore balance, with Dr John Demartini.

    #361 Snippets of wisdom: Our emotions are feedback to restore balance, with Dr John Demartini.

    Snippet of wisdom 32.


    In this series I select my favourite, most insightful moments from previous episodes of the podcast.


    Today’s snippet comes from my conversation with Dr John Demartini, the world-renowned specialist in human behaviour and featured expert in the film and book "The Secret".


    The snippet I chose from that conversation is about mastering our emotional state. I asked Dr Demartini how we can improve our ability to be reflective, rather than react to our emotions and perceptions out of unconscious reflexes.


    I hope his answer is as insightful for you as it was for me!


    Listen to the full conversation in episode #250:



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, mentor, and knowledge broker. My mission is simple - to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.


    Dr. John Demartini explains that emotional reactions signal incomplete perceptions. Infatuation and resentment are due to a bias that skews our understanding, causing inauthentic behavior. Emotions serve as feedback to restore balance and encourage full awareness. By acknowledging both the positive and negative aspects of our experiences, we can achieve emotional equilibrium. Reflective awareness, as opposed to reflexive reactions, allows for thoughtful responses and a balanced state of mind. DeMartini emphasizes the importance of recognizing traits we admire or despise in others within ourselves to maintain authenticity and achieve a state of grace and gratitude.


    #360 Navigate your life in 2024 with the North Star thinking approach, with Will Polston.

    #360 Navigate your life in 2024 with the North Star thinking approach, with Will Polston.

    Uncover the transformative secrets of North Star Thinking with business strategist and best-selling author Will Polston. He provides an enlightening discussion on setting ambitious, lifelong goals and how this visionary approach can reshape our daily decisions and overall trajectory in life. His latest book serves as a guide, offering practical steps to identify your core values from life's highs and lows, setting you firmly on the path to a fulfilling and purpose-driven existence.


    In this episode, we delve into the practical steps of finding purpose through North Star Thinking, discussing how mastery is not a destination but a continuous process tied to a grand life mission. We discuss the art of setting incremental goals, reverse engineering a grand vision into achievable steps, and creating our own purpose. Will shares insights on how identifying our core values from life's highs and lows can guide us toward a life we love, steering us toward our ultimate mission.


    We conclude the episode by exploring the transformative power of gratitude and spirituality in achieving a balanced, enlightened state of being. We talk about reframing life's difficulties through a lens of appreciation, and we shine a light on spirituality as the thread weaving through our personal and universal tapestries. Will instils the notion that life's synchronicities are subtle hints toward our grand design. By adopting North Star Thinking as a guide, we set our sights on not just doing and having, but being—living in a state of peace and contentment that's within reach for each of us.


    0:01:37 - Exploring North Star Thinking

    0:03:52 - Taking Health Seriously

    0:06:29 - Finding Purpose Through North Star Thinking

    0:12:08 - Power of Values

    0:18:13 - The Power of Gratitude

    0:24:23 - The Secret of Light

    0:28:41 - Spirituality and North Star Thinking

    0:32:14 - North Star Thinking as a Lifestyle

    0:36:04 - Advice From Future Self

    0:40:13 - The Benefit of Writing Down Goals



    To participate in the competition to win dinner with Will and Agi, email proof of purchase to will@willpolston.com until 31st January 2024. 


    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is simple: to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.


    Are you ready to transcend the 'when, then syndrome' and set your life's compass towards true mastery and fulfillment? 

    Discover how North Star Thinking can redefine your journey to success with business strategist Will Polston.


    In this episode:


    1. Strategies for setting and achieving lifelong ambitious goals that provide a sense of mastery and fulfillment, going beyond short-term successes to focus on long-term contentment.

    2. Insights into personal development through North Star Thinking, including practical steps for discovering and refining one's life mission and core values, thus providing direction and purpose in life.

    3. The role of gratitude and spirituality in achieving balance and inner peace, with discussions on how these elements can transform one's perspective on life's challenges and lead to a state of contentment.

    4. How to Set and Achieve Long-Term Goals: Learn how to transcend short-term achievements by setting ambitious, lifelong goals guided by the North Star principle. This involves creating a grand life mission that acts as a beacon for daily decisions, and breaking down this grand vision into actionable steps. This concept encourages individuals to focus on the journey rather than the destination, finding fulfillment in the progress they make each day towards these grand life missions.

    5. How to Find Fulfillment in the Mastery Process: The podcast explores the idea that mastery is not a final destination but an ongoing journey. Learn to detach from specific outcomes and instead find fulfillment in daily progress by embracing North Star Thinking. This includes understanding how to use one's core values and purpose, identified through plotting life's highs and lows, to guide the pursuit of a life mission.

    6. How to Discover and Craft Your Purpose: The conversation offers practical advice on how to speed up the process of discovering one's purpose through creative exercises, such as plotting the highs and lows of one's life to identify core values. This method can help crystallise one's purpose, transforming it from an abstract idea into a concrete guiding principle.

    7. How to Embrace Gratitude and Spirituality for a Balanced Life: The episode explores how gratitude can be a transformative tool for reframing life's challenges and achieving a balanced state of being. Additionally, the discussion touches on spirituality's role in connecting with oneself and the universe, suggesting that spiritual moments and synchronicities can nudge individuals toward the realisation of their life's grand design.


    Discover how to navigate your life towards true mastery and fulfillment by tuning into this insightful episode with Will Polston on North Star Thinking.


    #359 Embarking on a year of mastery and the podcast mission for 2024.

    #359 Embarking on a year of mastery and the podcast mission for 2024.

    Step into a transformative year with Personal Development Mastery! This short episode is a glimpse into the exciting journey ahead. 


    As your host, my goal is simple: to share wisdom that sparks positive change in your life. This podcast isn't just information—it's a tool for influence, challenging you to stand out. Together, we'll navigate a year of clarity, purpose, and mastery. Evolution is my commitment, making this journey one of growth and empowerment.