

    Explore "trauma" with insightful episodes like "How Hypnotherapy can help trauma survivors with Dr. Dana Saperstein PHD", "Everything We’ve Learned About LOVE (Live Audience Q&A + A SURPRISE!) | Martha Higareda", "Airey Bros. Radio / Maranda Lunaa / Ep 233 / Holistic Health / Fitness / Whole Body Wellness / Detoxification / Hard Truths / Mycrobloom", "RNTKY: There Are Stories To Tell and Hear" and "What is EFT & How Global Culture Maths; With Andrea Hunt" from podcasts like ""Align Vibe Flow", "The School of Greatness", "Airey Bros. Radio", "Artistic Spirit" and "Align Vibe Flow"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    How Hypnotherapy can help trauma survivors with Dr. Dana Saperstein PHD

    How Hypnotherapy can help trauma survivors with Dr. Dana Saperstein PHD
    Beginning –There’s tons of different things hypnotherapy can be used to help including but not at all limited to anxiety, trauma, various addictions, self discovery and much much more. Dr Saperstein specializes in helping people with sexual trauma through hypnotherapy.Years ago hypnotherapy was seen as very controversial. People’s misunderstanding led them to distrust in it made worse by those who used it as a tool to manipulate the courts in various cases. For these reasons, many professionals shelved it as a tool, so it’s not always easy to find a practitioner who’s willing to use it with trauma survivors.When trauma is experienced, we innately go into an altered state of consciousness in order to protect ourselves and survive the moment. We don’t have the safety at the time of the trauma to be able to process the emotions of it. Hypnotherapy deliberately recreates this scenario in safe space so that the emotions can be processed and released. This allows for healing to begin.Many professionals are afraid to take on any trauma cases. So much so that they put the fact that they don’t touch trauma cases right up front in their pitches. This can leave so many people displaced, wanting help but struggling to find it.Hypnotherapy is really just a deeper form of meditation. I’ve spoken on it in depth on this page if you’d like to know more when you’re done over here.6:57 –Fear comes from misunderstanding but also facing your trauma is a terrifying thing. Going deeply within yourself to resolve these things takes an enormous amount of courage. It’s not going to be pleasant.Most therapies focus on resolving symptoms of the trauma. This particular mode using hypnotherapy is used to target that which is generating the symptoms in the first place. Symptoms are pointing you towards what needs to be healed. It’s all energy.All problems in your life, whether it be physical ailments, mental turmoil or even quality of life focused, are all stemming from stuck energy within you. It’s what so many ancient teachings tried to explain to us but science is finally starting to catch up to it and solidify it into our understanding.Most everything is deeply rooted in emotions we’re holding onto. The statistics for sexual and physical abuse as well as neglect are astounding. These things are unfortunately more common that not in our society. Healing them hurts because you have to bring them to the surface whereas most of us suppress and bury these feelings in an effort to not feel them.In suppressing them, we’re holding onto them though. And holding onto them is exactly what’s causing us to experience these negative manifestations in our bodies and life. The only way to heal these is to allow them to run their course, which means feeling them.10:02 –We understandably have concerns of hypnotherapy creating false memories. Sometimes this happens but a fail safe to remember is that the content of the “newly unlocked memories” may be distorted but the feelings you have associated with them are most likely true. This can be related to dreams and how the content isn’t as important as the symbolism and the emotions tied to them. Remember, energy communicates in feelings and directions rather than concreate words and images.We discuss past life regression. “Many Lives, Many Masters” book. Ancestral trauma is a very real thing that areas of study are proving in study. Something terrible that happened to our greatest of great great grandparents that then became coded in our DNA and passed down to us to process and release. Sometimes it’s hard to say what’s ours, what’s our ancestor’s and what happened in a past life. Epigenetics is one faction studying this now.All of the various ailments seem like separate things to the general public but when you really start studying it all, you start to see all of the patterns and things become simpler. All problems stem from a root cause of some sort of trauma.Playing with hypnotherapy can be dangerous if you’re not prepared to deal with the things that come up after the door is opened. Some (as seen with entertainment – stage hypnosis) can go into thinking it’s all fun and games and walk away changed due to what comes up and is experienced.Most of the work in healing is sitting with the feelings and surrendering to what happened. It sucks. It shouldn’t have happened. But it did. How can acceptance be found in order to release the pain and move forward?20:13 –Most of the time, in order to accept, release and heal, all we need is a safe place with a safe individual who we respect and is there to validate and support us. Dr. Saperstein points out that this is most likely due to the fact that our trauma is most often caused by someone who was close to us and should have protected us. So to counteract that damage done, we need someone who fulfills the role of what they should have been for us.Trauma is caused by malice but also by ignorance. Too often, children are hurt by people who just didn’t know any better. That’s a hard fact to deal with because ‘how can you not know that your actions were harmful!?” Unfortunately, that’s a common truth.People have a hard time with the word ‘forgiveness’. In many situations, people aren’t intending to harm one another, it’s just something that happened unintentionally. Most people really are trying their best with the limited knowledge, understanding and resources they have available to them. That’s not to say that some people aren’t absolutely terrible. Some are. Most people who inflict trauma were they themselves traumatized and are unconsciously passing on the cycle.27:46 –A big misconception about the rich is that they’re all stuck up and out for themselves. When you understand the laws of the universe, though, you’re able to see that in order to meet certain criteria for abundance, you have to be kind, generous and thoughtful. Sure, you can get to those higher statuses through more malice but doing it that way isn’t how it happens for most people because your actions and choices have to align with your heart.Money follows value. Having all of your basic needs met opens you up to the freedom of being unselfish and generous in all areas that you can find.The vast majority of victims blame themselves at least initially and/or subconsciously for what happened. There’s also a misconception that sexual abuse and other traumas occur from a stranger that walks their way into your life but most is caused by a close friend, relative or caretaker.We learn to lie to ourselves in an effort to understand why things happened to us. When someone abuses us, they leave behind a poison that we mistake as our own. Victim blaming is so common that the victims also begin to blame themselves for the incident.Victim blaming is easier than taking responsibility for the evils you’ve done or accepting that others have done evil to someone. We don’t want to believe that these things are so common so we suppress it the only ways we know how to. Shutting it all down and sweeping it into the shadows in an effort to not have to be uncomfortable with addressing it.Obviously, we should not be doing any of this. Understanding why people take the routes they do is not at all excusing the routes chosen. Instead, understanding makes them easier to identify when they arise so that persistence can be taken. Otherwise, we’re allowing the perpetuation of these harmful practices and more damage to the victim is done.
    38:58 –
    It’s historically been seen as unprofessional for professionals to speak about themselves, their life and their experiences. This has led to most pretending they don’t exist outside of their workspace. Professionals instead being open about what they’ve dealt with gives them their humanity back and allows them to connect with victims who have endured similar challenges. Being honest about what you’ve personally gone through helps those who need you to more easily find you.When you’re seeking a professional for a certain type of help, it’s okay to question them on their personal life a bit to try and gauge if they are capable of helping you. A formal education, certification, degree or license doesn’t automatically mean qualified for your specific needs. Every professional is just a person and any person can only help another on a level of which they themselves have experienced.
    Especially when dealing with trauma and healing, you’ll generally find professionals who aren’t very helpful more easily than you will find someone who really can help. There’s a lot of problematic hoops here that make finding someone to help you pretty difficult. Please be persistent and don’t give up because you landed on a few unhelpful ones in the beginning. Keep searching and expand your inquires outside of traditional therapy. You deserve the help you need and that help can come in unassuming forms but they are out there.
    42:50 –A common trap that people fall into when they want to help someone (speaking nonprofessionally in more of a private setting) is willingness to help in any way that isn’t emotional. The biggest help a

    Everything We’ve Learned About LOVE (Live Audience Q&A + A SURPRISE!) | Martha Higareda

    Everything We’ve Learned About LOVE (Live Audience Q&A + A SURPRISE!) | Martha Higareda

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! Get ready for an incredibly personal and heartwarming episode of The School of Greatness Podcast, recorded LIVE at The Summit of Greatness 2023. In this special moment, Martha Higareda and Lewis Howes share the stage for the first time, and their candid conversation about love and relationships is one for the books. Stay tuned until the end, there’s an unforgettable surprise you won't want to miss!

    Don’t miss the action at SUMMIT 2024 – buy your tickets TODAY at https://lewishowes.com/tickets and use promo code GREATNESS for 20% off at checkout.

    In this episode you will learn

    • Why so many women face challenges in love and relationships, and how can they overcome them.
    • The complex feelings of wanting to leave a relationship but feeling stuck, and how to break away from an unhealthy relationship.
    • Martha "BALANCED" acronym for love and relationships, and how this has helped shape Martha & Lewis’s relationship.
    • Discover why choosing someone based on their potential may not be the best approach.
    • Differentiate between accepting someone for who they are and trying to change them. Learn how to build a healthy, conscious relationship based on acceptance and the fundamentals of a thriving partnership.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1554

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes on relationships and communication we think you’ll love:

    Vanessa Van Edwards: https://link.chtbl.com/1231-pod

    Dr. Ramani Durvasula: https://link.chtbl.com/1195-pod & https://link.chtbl.com/1196-pod

    Lori Gottlieb: https://link.chtbl.com/1191-pod

    Airey Bros. Radio / Maranda Lunaa / Ep 233 / Holistic Health / Fitness / Whole Body Wellness / Detoxification / Hard Truths / Mycrobloom

    Airey Bros. Radio / Maranda Lunaa / Ep 233 / Holistic Health / Fitness / Whole Body Wellness / Detoxification / Hard Truths / Mycrobloom
    Holistic Health and Fitness Coach Maranda Lunaa joins us this week on episode 233 to talk about a Whole Body approach to Wellness. Maranda shares her favorite ways to improving gut health, clearing parasites, coffee enemas, harmful home & body care products and micro dosing mental health and clearing traumas.

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    RNTKY: There Are Stories To Tell and Hear

    RNTKY: There Are Stories To Tell and Hear

    It’s Katie Moran and MJ Coppola. We’re sharing an 11-part mindful mental health mini-series called RNTKY, sharing 11 reasons not to kill yourself. It started as a blog post, YouTube video, and now a discord community where we host gratitude challenges. Episodes will be coming out Tuesdays and Thursdays between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. We speak as mental health advocates, not mental health professionals and this content is not intended for therapeutic purposes.

    This episode is about the power of stories, our personal experiences with mental health, and the impact of external validation and criticism. We shared our experiences with writing, the influence of books on our lives, and the importance of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. The episode revolved around sharing personal stories, the power of resilience, and the challenges of dealing with criticism and negativity. We emphasize the healing power of stories and the importance of self-awareness and self-growth.

    Let’s erase stigma. Suicide is preventable. Mental health recovery is always possible. A person can change.

    You can connect with MJ Coppola here.

    This episode is brought to you by Equanimity Boutique- an online boutique of t-shirts with uplifting messages: Products — Equanimity Boutique. You can find my Amazon author page here: Amazon.com: Katie Moran: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle. Connect with our community of creatives: Creativille.

    What is EFT & How Global Culture Maths; With Andrea Hunt

    What is EFT & How Global Culture Maths; With Andrea Hunt

    Beginning –

    To utilize the law of attraction, one has to take inspired action. In order to do that, you have to remain open to all possibilities and not get too stuck in what you think things should look like or how they should play out.Andrea’s journey of moving from the states to China. My traveling desires are discussed. What languages we speak.

    12:55 –

    EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) helps us to release stuck energy. It’s a tapping technique that, through tapping certain points on our body, we can help old stored emotions to move through and out of our bodies instead of remaining stagnant and causing us problems.

    EFT works with the meridian points the same way acupuncture and acupressure does. Tapping in these certain points signals the brain to release the “fight, flight, freeze, fawn” response. It works for not only emotional release but also for fears and phobias. It can be useful in helping to ease the repercussions of trauma and PTSD.

    EFT is also useful to help us reformulate our mindset and belief system into something more helpful. We’re all pretty well understanding these days that from the beginning of our life we’re constantly being programmed by society, culture, people and situations and circumstances in our lives. These programs are often not very helpful and reprogramming can prove to be difficult.

    The relation of EFT to stemming. Both of which help us to regulate the nervous system. When paired with affirmations, EFT can be super helpful.

    28:40 –

    How other countries and cultures have day to day set up more efficiently than we do here in the states. Everything seems to be more family oriented to meet everyone’s needs of food, upkeep and various facets of health.The day to day basics of what needs to be done for survival is too much for any one person to maintain. Life is a team sport. Everything is meant to be a group effort. Please please please don’t beat yourself up if you struggle with basic daily tasks. It’s a losing battle for any one person under the best of circumstances.

    Spain formulates their days so that everyone in the family is on the same schedule. They share in the responsibilities of daily meals and break up the work and school days to allow for rest and family time. The work culture in Germany and China are also discussed in comparison to the U.S.

    Many other cultures are more understanding and integrative with children. The standard until recently in the states is that children are to be seen not heard or even in many cases, not even seen. Women are seen as problematic in the workforce because of children. These things have/are shifting thankfully but it’s very new.Maternity leave is much better in most other developed countries.

    The cost of living in various locations around the world.

    45:05 –

    We can’t live our lives based on what other people think about our decisions. There’s always going to be people telling us what we want to do is a bad idea. You have to listen to what YOU want. Switching from that external validation to the internal validation.You don’t want to be on your death bed with regrets. You truly never know what you can or can’t accomplish until you try and give it your best.It’s perfectly acceptable to try something for a few months and decide you’ve had your fill and it’s not something you would like to continue pursuing.

    About Our Guest:
    I’m a transformational life coach and EFT practitioner for expats and digital nomads who want to conquer their mindset to thrive abroad. As a coach, I help people who aren’t afraid to take risks leaving the country and being independent abroad who run into other issues when it comes to professional confidence, personal insecurities, and long-held limiting beliefs when they’re living abroad because of language, culture, and lack of a support system.

    My mission is to help people rebuild, re-fresh and re-create their lives abroad so they can THRIVE for the better..especially after job loss or breakup in another country.
    Using transformational life coaching and the Emotional Freedom Technique known as EFT Tapping, I help my clients clear emotional blocks to their confidence I help them empower them to overcome sabotaging beliefs, insecurities, by playing it small, and staying stuck in old patterns.
    I want to empower people to be the best version of themselves and feel good about moving forward in life by clearing the limiting beliefs we can boost our self-esteem, self- confidence, and our self-love.

    My professional background is in International Communications and the last 8 years I have lived in Munich following a big move from Beijing, China. Over the years, I have worked in international radio, online media, and marketing. I love helping people, so it only made sense that I would find purpose in life coaching.
    I’m American and lived most of my life in the US in Minnesota and Georgia. Over the years, I have worked or studied abroad in Mexico, Argentina, Italy, the UK, China, and Germany and been a full time expat since 2006.

    I’m from the US but have also lived in China, Germany, Italy, Argentina, Mexico, and England so I’m familiar with the challenges of this lifestyle that can arise in preparation and also without warning.My credentialsI’m an accredited transformational life coach from Animas Centre for Coaching UK and a member of the International Coaching Federation.

    I’m also a Level 2 practitioner in EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) and a member of AEFTP (Association of Emotional Freedom Technique Professionals). I’m listed as well on the Tapping Solution Directory of Practitioners.

    Langage non verbal du Pervers Narcissique

    Langage non verbal du Pervers Narcissique

    Découvrez un format court : "Communication non verbale du Pervers Narcissique"

    Manon est effrayée par son père qui la maltraite. Il y a les mots qu'elle entend qui la dénigrent et la rabaissent sans cesse, mais il y a une pression latente qu'elle sent et qui se fait sans mot. Il y a notamment ce regard, noir, dur et froid...

    Le stress issu des PN est dit "chronique" c'est à dire qu'il est permanent. Il peut conduire à l'épuisement de la victime. Il résulte du langage verbal, comme partagé dans le précédent podcast dont le lien est ici : https://www.annasyo.fr/langage-verbal-du-pervers-narcissique/

    Mais il peut aussi provenir du langage non verbal du PN. Le langage non verbal, c'est plus de 80% d'un message dans la communication. Il comprend les expressions du visage, les gestes et postures, le ton de la voix, la tenue vestimentaire, les silences et enfin le toucher.

    -Stress et communication non verbale, du PN comment ça marche ?

    Découvrez des exemples de situations dans un but de faire de la prévention et d'aller sur le chemin de la guérison.

     -Nous vous souhaitons une bonne écoute et vous disons à bientôt pour la suite !

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    -N'hésitez pas à liker et à partager, si vous aussi, vous souhaitez oeuvrer pour une enfance protégée

      🍀 Sybille DUBOST, Consultante, Coach certifiée RNCP et Thérapeute holistique, pour enfants & pour adulte, spécialisée en psychotrauma  : https://www.annasyo.fr

      🍀 Réalisation & Montage du podcast par Marie-Cécile Drécourt de Podcast Esperluette : https://www.esperluette-podcast.fr/

     🍀 Le podcast est publié : sur toutes les chaînes audio (deezer, apple podcast, spotify...), sur le site https://www.annasyo.fr, sur la chaîne Youtube annasyo

    Stress et Pervers Narcissique

    Stress et Pervers Narcissique

    Dans cet épisode, découvrez une nouvelle thématique : le stress issu des pervers-(e) narcissiques.

    Nous avons vu dans le précédent podcast sur le stress, qu'il existe 3 étapes : la phase d'alarme, la phase de résistance puis la phase d'épuisement dû à un stress chronique. 

    Le stress issu des PN est dit "chronique". Vous pouvez avoir le sentiment de moments d'apaisements mais dans les faits il est continu. C'est même le propre de ces profils, de le maintenir, sachant qu'il y a un autre mécanisme inconscient en jeu : celui de vous prendre votre énergie.  

    Dans cet épisode, découvrez :

    I/ le stress issu du Pervers Narcissique

    1/ par le langage verbal 

    2/ par le langage non verbal : expressions du visage, gestes et postures; voix, tenue vestimentaire, toucher et comportement

    II/ Comment s'en sortir

      Nous vous souhaitons une bonne écoute et vous disons à bientôt pour la suite !

    🍀N'hésitez pas à liker et à partager, si vous aussi, vous souhaitez oeuvrer pour une enfance protégée

     🍀Je suis Sybille DUBOST, Consultante, Coach certifiée RNCP et Thérapeute holistique, pour enfants & pour adulte, spécialisée en psychotrauma  : https://www.annasyo.fr

      🍀 Réalisation & Montage du podcast par Marie-Cécile Drécourt de Podcast Esperluette : https://www.esperluette-podcast.fr/

    Le podcast est publié : sur toutes les chaînes audio (deezer, apple podcast, spotify...), sur le site https://www.annasyo.fr, sur la chaîne Youtube annasyo

    Jack Shonkoff on Trauma and Child Development

    Jack Shonkoff on Trauma and Child Development

    Jack Shonkoff, director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, talks with us about the science around trauma and toxic stress in child development.

    “I never talk about toxic stress or excessive stress activation without also talking about adaptation and resilience and the fact that you can build resilience against that,” he says. “There's huge variability and sensitivity to these kinds of traumas… the early experiences shift the odds, but they don't determine exactly what's going to happen.”

    Shonkoff also shares broader insights about how science can be helpful to the public.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    EP158 - Carta de una esposa desesperada

    EP158 - Carta de una esposa desesperada
    Escucha el podcast en Spreaker.com, Youtube y TODAS LAS PLATAFORMAS de audio como Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google, iVox, iHeartRadio, TuneIn, etc.

    ¿Te quieres poner contacto conmigo o participar en algún episodio? Mándame un correo a gregory@adiosadiccion.com y hazme llegar tus comentarios.

    Extracto de la carta:
    "Quería contarte que me sentí en la necesidad de buscar podcasts relacionados con el alcoholismo porque estoy desesperada. Mi esposo tiene un problema con el alcohol que está empeorando lentamente y está afectando a mi familia. Es un problema que él no quiere reconocer. Honestamente, no quiero separarme; quiero luchar por mi familia hasta el último momento. Pero duele, es muy difícil.
    En estos últimos días, he aprendido mucho de todos y cada uno de los casos que he escuchado en tu podcast. He aprendido a buscar similitudes en lugar de diferencias, pero esas similitudes duelen. Duelen porque mi esposo no quiere admitir que tiene un problema. Duele porque para él, todo está bien. Y sobre todo, duele porque no quiero esperar hasta que algo malo como una enfermedad, un accidente o algo peor suceda..."

    El podcast de Adiós Adicción y todas las personas que directa o indirectamente participan en el, NO BRINDAN ASESORÍA MÉDICA. La información compartida en este podcast es solo para fines informativos y no intenta ser un sustituto a los consejos, diagnósticos o tratamientos médicos de ningún tipo. Por lo tanto, por favor consulta siempre a tu médico o a otro profesional de salud calificado si es que tienes alguna duda sobre tu estado de salud o de el como tratar tu adicción.

    471- For Clinicians: Improving Communication & Removing Treatment Barriers for Patients with Depression, Trauma

    471- For Clinicians: Improving Communication & Removing Treatment Barriers for Patients with Depression, Trauma

    Lawrence Amsel, M.D., explains the unique challenges primary care providers and mental health clinicians face when engaging and treating patients with depression, and how to build trust and improve communication and outcomes.

    Free Resources on Depression Treatment Barriers:

    Access the video and slides for this episode here: https://www.additudemag.com/webinar/depression-treatment-barriers-challenges-for-clinicians/

    Thank you for listening to ADDitude's ADHD Experts podcast. Please consider subscribing to the magazine (additu.de/subscribe) to support our mission of providing ADHD education and support.

    Episode 54 - Maman, j'aimerais te dire que...

    Episode 54 - Maman, j'aimerais te dire que...

    Hi my G, j'espère que tu vas bien ! 

    Cet épisode est un peu la suite logique de l'épisode 12, maman, j'aurais aimé que tu me dises que... 

    Je parle de toutes les choses que j'aimerai dire à ma mère, des choses dont j'aimerai discuter avec elle pour enfin, boucler la boucle ! 

    Artistes mentionnés :

    Cardi B ft Megan Thee Stallion - Bangos 

    Jorja Smith - Falling or Flying
    Si l'épisode te plaît, n'hésite pas à le partager autour de toi.
    Tu peux aussi laisser 5 étoiles sur Spotify/Apple Podcast.

    Viens me rejoindre sur instagram, on est super sympa là-bas : @acoeursouerts 

    💗Enjoy xoxo

    Given a 50% Chance to Live, Ian Panter Took Control

    Given a 50% Chance to Live, Ian Panter Took Control

     "I turned 37 in rehab after suffering a severe TBI. As a passenger in a car, I got hit on my side going 86 in the 35 speed zone. 

    I was given a 50% chance to live by the doctors.

    The next week, my mother was told I would need 24-hour care for the rest of my life, then another week later in a group home, and then a week later I could be taken to rehab. 

    This whole time I was non-responsive and had six weeks of amnesia."

    A few areas of discussion with Ian Panter include:
    -The power of changing one word: change has to get in your choice of sentences 
    -The last thing he remembered for 6 weeks
    -The community of Tough Mudder
    -Other people are affected by situations in your life
    -Having to adjust
    -Having a support system 

    Learn more about the guest and show at www.VincentALanci.com.
    Adventure by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden
    Happy | https://soundcloud.com/morning-kuli

    Brought to you by Tampa Counseling and Wellness- Dedicated to helping individuals looking to positively transform their lives through compassionate counseling and wellness coaching. If you struggle with depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, call now for a free consultation. 1 813 520 2807

    Trauma y Recuperación. 12: Continúa la dialéctica del Trauma. Judith Herman.

    Trauma y Recuperación. 12: Continúa la dialéctica del Trauma. Judith Herman.
    Este es el último capítulo del libro.
    Epílogo de la primera (y única) edición en español de 2004, seguido de nuestra traducción del epílogo de la edición 2015. Continúa la dialéctica de negar, olvidar y redescubrir el trauma. Poco se ha logrado en cuanto a la reducción de la violencia, pero mucho se ha logrado en cuanto a su entendimiento y tratamiento en escala individual y comunitaria. Lo que falta, es un movimiento político suficientemente fuerte para frenar la violencia y prevenir el trauma. Se describen problemáticas más actuales.
    Un clásico de la psicología y psiquiatría moderna. Desde su publicación en 1992, introduce el concepto de trauma complejo como consecuencia de violencia prolongada, desde los veteranos de combate, prisioneros de guerra, mujeres maltratadas, y supervivientes de abuso infantil.

    Defying Domestic Abuse

    Defying Domestic Abuse
    From the heart-wrenching loss of her father to the oppressive chains of an abusive marriage, Kelle Steineche's story is a testament to resilience and the power of the human spirit. But this isn't just Kelle's story; it's an enlightening guide for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of domestic violence and the path to healing.

    By tuning in, listeners will gain invaluable insights into the challenges faced by survivors, the systemic failures that often let them down, and the crucial steps toward recovery and empowerment. Kelle's experiences serve as both a cautionary tale and a beacon of hope, offering practical advice on seeking support, recognizing one's worth, and navigating the often daunting legal landscape. Her story underscores the importance of community, self-worth, and the transformative power of speaking out.

    Join us for an episode that promises more than just a compelling narrative. Through Kelle Steineche's journey, listeners will find inspiration, resources, and actionable takeaways to support themselves or loved ones in similar situations. This is an opportunity to not only hear a story of triumph over adversity but to arm oneself with the knowledge and tools to champion change in one's life and the lives of others.

    Like this episode? Please help us boost the episode so others can hear it. Just go into the mobile app, leave us review, and send this episode to your friends. Thank you.

    Contact links:
    Beverley Glazer
    Website: https://reinventimpossible.com
    Schedule a call: https://calendly.com/reinventimpossible/15min?month=2023-05
    Change your life from 'Fine' to FANTASTIC https://reinventimpossible1.lpages.co/life-perspective-inventory/
    Social links: Social Links:
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/beverley.glazer
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beverleyglazer/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beverleyglazer_reinvention/
    Facebook group: Women Over 50 Rock https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenover50rock

    Contact Links
    Kelle Steinecke
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kellesteinecke/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kelle.steinecke
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thekellerene

    Trauma y Recuperación. 11: Comunidad. Judith Herman.

    Trauma y Recuperación. 11: Comunidad. Judith Herman.
    La recuperación en grupo puede ser opción para las tres fases de recuperación, pero con ciertas diferencias dependiendo de la fase. Se revisan ejemplos de grupos de sobrevivientes en distintas fases y sus pros y contras.
    Un clásico de la psicología y psiquiatría moderna. Desde su publicación en 1992, introduce el concepto de trauma complejo como consecuencia de violencia prolongada, desde los veteranos de combate, prisioneros de guerra, mujeres maltratadas, y supervivientes de abuso infantil.

    The #1 Key To Overcoming Trauma & Transforming Your Relationships TODAY w/ Sheleana Aiyana EP 1436

    The #1 Key To Overcoming Trauma & Transforming Your Relationships TODAY w/ Sheleana Aiyana EP 1436

    https://lewishowes.com/mindset - Order a copy of my new book The Greatness Mindset today!

    Sheleana Aiyana is a best selling author of Becoming the One, and founder of Rising Woman, a growing community of more than 3 million readers. Her training and immersion in couples facilitation, inherited family trauma, family systems, conscious relationship and somatic healing inform her holistic approach to seeing relationship as a spiritual path. She lives with her husband, Ben and their daughter on the unceded land of the Coast Salish peoples, now known as Salt Spring Island, BC.

    Be sure to buy her book, Becoming the One

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How to foster healthy love with others.
    • How to use lessons from traumatic experiences to be of service to others.
    • What patterns to be aware of in toxic and abusive relationships.
    • How to become aware of our own nervous system patterns and heal our nervous system.
    • How to develop healing processes to work through deep rooted pain.
    • How to take an honest look at yourself in order to create a conscious relationship with someone else.
    • How to listen to and trust your own intuition.
    • How to recognize and work through attachment wounds.
    • What it looks like to mature in a relationship.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1436

    Listen here for more episodes on healing, love and relationships:

    Joe Dispenza: https://link.chtbl.com/1054-pod

    Stephan Speaks: https://link.chtbl.com/1114-pod

    Marisa Peer: https://link.chtbl.com/1228-pod

    4. All Things Anxiety

    4. All Things Anxiety

    Are you experiencing episodes of anxiety? Do you get frustrated because you don’t know why? Have you had to take medication in the past and it didn’t really help or it helped but it created new symptoms? Today I wanted to discuss some physiological reasons a person may deal with anxiety such as blood sugar mismanagement, neurotransmitter imbalance, histamine intolerance, vitamin deficiencies, poor gut bacteria, stress, substance abuse, poor ability to process emotions/stress, being a highly sensitive individual, trauma, lack of movement or excessive movement, and chronic stress patterns. Not only do we dive into these imbalances but I give advice as to ways to help rebalance your system.


    16. Intégrer l’approche chamanique à son entreprise avec Guillaume Zeender

    16. Intégrer l’approche chamanique à son entreprise avec Guillaume Zeender

    Je m’appelle Anaïs, je suis coach pour entrepreneurs audacieux.

    Dans cet épisode, j’ai eu la joie d'échanger avec Guillaume Zeender de @chamanismeintégratif.

    Nous avons évoqué ensemble son parcours entrepreneurial & spirituel qui l'a mené à créer son approche via chamanisme intégratif.

    Nous avons également explorer les clés d'intégration de l'approche chamanique dans nos activités entrepreneuriales ainsi que le soutien que cela offre ! 

    Vous pouvez retrouver les partages et invitations de Guillaume ci-après :

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/chamanisme_integratif/

    Site Internet : https://www.chamanismeintegratif.com/

    Plateforme de guérison des traumas : https://www.lecerclechamanique.com

    Si tu es un entrepreneur de coeur déjà lancé ou en devenir et que tu souhaites rejoindre la Shamanic Business Academy, viens en parler avec moi dans le cadre d’un appel clarté offert pour identifier les blocages dans ton business : https://bit.ly/appelclarteSBA

    Pour soutenir la visibilité du podcast, je t’invite à le noter sur Youtube, Spotify ou ta plateforme de podcast préférée !

    Belle écoute !

    Retrouvez toutes mes actualités via ma newsletter ainsi que les plateformes sociales : 

    ♡ Newsletter : http://anahathalife.com/newsletter/

    ♡ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/anahathalife

    ♡ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/anahathalife

    ♡ Linkedin : https://bit.ly/likedinanaislebrech 

    ♡ Site Internet : https://www.anahathalife.com/

    Healing the American Psyche

    Healing the American Psyche

    First-generation immigrant Nikole Nunoo, aka Nikki Nu, host of the Argh U Mad podcast, decided to create her very own YouTube video on January 20, 2020. Listen in as the host burst into song while empathizing with the injury inflicted on the African Diaspora in the US. Disconnected yet connected through the cries of the people, Nikki Nu expresses her mission to be a vessel of inspiration to the nation with a focus on healing those of the African Diaspora.

    Opening quotes were taken from Dr. Joy Degruy's "Be the Healing: Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's Legacy of Injury and Healing". 



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