

    Explore "forgiveness" with insightful episodes like "Broken & Beautiful", "Overcoming Adversity to Make God’s Dream for You Come True", "How to Reprogram Your Genes Using Meditation with Dr Dawson Church, PhD", "Don't Let Your Past Define You" and "Movie Community Chautauqua - Commentary by David Hoffmeister, December 9, 2023" from podcasts like ""Abide Christian Meditation", "10 Minute Transformation", "Align Vibe Flow", "Abide Christian Meditation" and "A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Broken & Beautiful

    Broken & Beautiful

    The practice of Christian Meditation helps us live with the peace of Christ. Relax to the sounds of meditation music. Narrated by James Seawood. Can God use your brokenness to make something beautiful? Meditate on Psalm 103:11-12. Find peace and rest during this guided meditation for mind and body with deep breathing, prayer, and scripture. Use these meditations as a Bible study in the morning to center yourself on the truth in God's word. For more Bible meditations, download the Abide app: https://abide.co/awesome

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    Overcoming Adversity to Make God’s Dream for You Come True

    Overcoming Adversity to Make God’s Dream for You Come True

    Overcoming Adversity to Make God’s Dream for You Come True

    When adversity strikes, we cry out, “God, save me. God, take this away.” All we see is the pain, the adversity. God sees more than your pain and your problems. Like Joseph, God may use your pain, your struggle for a purpose greater than yourself. 

    Joseph’s story is a love story. It is how God was faithful and was with Joseph, even in prison. It is a story of Joseph learning to love through one hardship after another in his life. It is Joseph learning to forgive and to love even his brothers who had sold him into slavery. Joseph became a great man because his character grew greater than his circumstances. You can too.

    We begin with the story of a spoiled, arrogant 17-year-old, the favorite son of his father. Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers. 

    After eleven years of faithful service, Joseph was wrongly imprisoned for rape. At that point in his life, it would have been easy for Joseph to believe God didn’t care about him at all. It seemed that no matter what he did, life just kept getting worse for him. 

    You may think that is your life right now. Wait! Joseph’s story isn’t over. Neither is yours.

    Joseph was in prison for over two years. I’m sure Joseph had some hard days in that prison. 

    But Genesis 39:20-21 says: “But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.” Joseph became the head of all the prisoners. 

    After God gives us a dream for our lives, we can expect opposition. And we can expect God to be there with us, in the prison of our adversity. No matter what you are going through right now, God is with you. By your side. He will show you kindness and give you favor.

     Pharaoh had a dream no one could interpret. He was told about Joseph.  Joseph explained Pharaoh’s dream then gave Pharaoh a plan to prepare for the famine. Pharaoh made Joseph second in command of all of Egypt.

    During the famine, Joseph’s older brothers came to Egypt to buy grain. Finally, Joseph’s family joined him in Egypt – over twenty-three years after his brothers betrayed him and sold him into slavery. 

    Joseph’s dreams came true, but only after his character grew.

    Psalm 105:19 (NLT) 

    Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the LORD tested Joseph’s character.

    Psalm 105:19 (AMP)

    Until the time that his word [of prophecy regarding his brothers] came true, the word of the Lord tested and refined him.

    Joseph was God’s provision for Israel. Joseph would save his people. But Joseph, the spoiled, favorite son of an overindulgent father wasn’t much use to God. He didn’t have the character yet to become the man God needed him to be.

    God was teaching Joseph hard lessons of love:

    “Love is patient....” 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NLT).

    Twenty-three years after Joseph’s dreams of his family bowing to him, they did. And he saved them from starvation. 

    Love Forgives

    1 Corinthians 13:5 (NLT)

    “…[love] keeps no record of being wronged.” 

    Before God could use Joseph to save his family, Joseph had to love them enough to forgive them. The most stunning accomplishment of Joseph’s extraordinary life was when he forgave his brothers. 

    Love Never Gives Up

    1 Corinthians 13:7 (NLT). 

    “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is 

    always hopeful, and endures through every


    Joseph never gave up, he never lost hope. He never stopped loving God.  God’s love compelled Joseph to never give up, never lose faith, always be hopeful, and endure every circumstance.

    Joseph overcame by outgrowing his circumstances.

    Do the Activation


    How to Reprogram Your Genes Using Meditation with Dr Dawson Church, PhD

    How to Reprogram Your Genes Using Meditation with Dr Dawson Church, PhD

    Beginning –Quantifying the “woo-woo” with statistics that show the effects of things like energy medicine, meditation and mindfulness having a significant impact on the mind and body. These practices have been shown to decrease struggles with problems like pain, anxiety, depression, trauma and more. Studies on EFT that show off the chart results.

    How these alternative practices have an effect on things that we previously thought we had no control over like gene expression. Better immunity, lower levels of inflammation in the body, 60% decrease in PTSD symptoms, neuroplasticity.The three most effective kinds of meditation is community, intensity and compassion. Meditations that draw you into positive emotions like gratitude, joy, love and compassion for others trigger gene expression quicker than other forms.

    You don’t need any time to dedicate to your meditation practice. You can easily work it into the spaces between the tasks of your everyday life. Meditation is simply controlling your thoughts rather than having them run ramped. We can practice this anytime we think about it whether it’s in the shower, in the car, cooking dinner or when we lay down to sleep at night.

    The goal of meditation is not to learn to be good at meditating. The goal of meditation is to learn how to be in a meditative state in your everyday life.

    9:55 –Meditation is all just emotional regulation. Imagine where we would all be if we were taught as a child how to do that. Meditation creates more neural connections in the centers of the brain where we need them. Whatever we focus on is where these connections are made and strengthened.

    We all know people who are always looking for the next thing to upset them. This constant focus on the negative increases the strength of the areas responsible for them. If we’re always activating these stressors, we’re doing damage to our bodies.

    Higher levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) results in lowered immune systems, reduced muscle mass and bone density, poor memory and learning skills, reduced skin elasticity, you age faster and have a shorter life span, have an increased risk of cancer, heart disease and other health concerns and diseases. Uncontrolled emotions are literally killing us, deteriorating our cells and bodily functions and making it impossibly hard for our systems to repair and heal anything.

    Stress management is the number one thing we should be focusing on. After we get our emotions and stress levels in check, there’s not a ton more we need to do to heal mental, emotional and physical concerns.

    11:30 –Emotional regulation is the first step, the 2nd step is focused awareness. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for self obsession. Monks and nuns don’t have that focus. They’re focus lies on others and the divine. Their prefrontal cortex of the “me and mine” is very quiet.

    We’re naturally inclined to be self centered and it takes “training” the mind in order to switch the focus from a “me” to a “we”. Being aware of this can help you recognize it in yourself and those around you which can begin to improve your relationships.

    “Forgiveness” is a word that triggers most people. They don’t want to try and analyze the situation to look at things from the other person’s perspective. They want to throw walls of hate up and never think about it or look at it again. Most people aren’t trying to act with ill intent. Most people are trying their best with what they have available.

    19:20 –Meditation helps us learn how to slow things down and pause so that we can respond rather than react. You don’t forgive others for them. You forgive them for yourself. Holding those who have done you wrong in heart centered compassion lowers your stress levels and therefore the damage the turmoil is doing to you.When we’re children, we have very little control over the happenings around us. When we become an adult, we have more power over the control. People who have a history of childhood trauma through abuse, neglect, or other, have higher rates of cancer, heart disease, obesity, all kinds of illnesses.

    Reparenting the self means taking the stance of the adult and deciding to go within and do the work to heal the inner child. It means choosing to release the baggage you’ve been carrying around with you that not only makes you heavy, which holds you back and makes happiness hard to find but also effects every relationship you have in your life.

    Relationships go far beyond the relationships you have with yourself and people. Our unhealed baggage effects our relationships with food, with money, with our career, literally everything in our lives. It takes up energy to carry it around and once we release it, we free up the energy channels to be able to work on these relationships in a healthy way.

    26:20 –Delta and theta are the two primary brain waves we experience in the first 5 years of life. Delta is the brain wave of deep sleep. Theta is the dreaming state. They’re also the states of trance, super learning and altered states.Thoughts trigger genes. Every time you repeat a stressful story, your body reacts as though the situation is occurring again.They’ve put groups of meditators and even monks in cities and observed the crime rates in those cities drop. Meditation heals the individual and the world.Trauma is passed through our genetics to our children. So we have whole groups of people who struggle with the effects of trauma that they themselves didn’t even experience. Ancestral healing can help with some of these things.We can measure your energy field up to 15 feet away from your body.

    40:10 –Are there tons of problems in the world? Yes. But overwhelming amounts of studies show that the world is improving and we’re currently living in a point of history that’s better for the majority of the people on the planet than it has ever been. Again, we’re not saying there aren’t tons of issues still and for sure there are a lot of people in the world who suffer everyday.

    We’re hardwired to pay more attention to the negative because historically, it kept us alive to put our focus on the things we didn’t want. Mainstream media is a business and plays on this wiring to their favor. Therefore, they use all of the bad things in the world to keep us engaged and their numbers up. It’s not profitable for them to show us or tell us about all of the good and improvement the world is seeing.

    This constant bombardment of the bad in the world makes it feel as though things are worsening. Which can really amp up our stress and anxiety levels and distract us even further from the building of our own peace and happiness. Both of which have to be intentionally built. You’re not just going to stumble across either.You have to choose to focus on the positive.

    About Our Guest
    Dr Dawson Church spent some 20 years engaging in outcome studies focusing on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. He founded the peer-reviewed journal Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment and after earlier managing Aslan Publishing now serves as the general manager of Energy Psychology Press. To train professionals in evidence-based stress reduction methods such as meditation and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT acupressure tapping), in 2010 Church established EFT Universe, one of the most-visited alternative medicine sites on the web. He developed the EcoMeditation method to make meditation easy for novices


    Don't Let Your Past Define You

    Don't Let Your Past Define You

    The practice of Christian Meditation helps us live with the peace of Christ. Relax to the sounds of meditation music. Narrated by Bonnie Curry. God forgives your past! Meditate on Hebrews 10:17. Find peace and rest during this guided meditation for mind and body with deep breathing, prayer, and scripture. Use these meditations as a Bible study in the morning to center yourself on the truth in God's word. For more Bible meditations, download the Abide app: https://abide.co/awesome

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    Movie Community Chautauqua - Commentary by David Hoffmeister, December 9, 2023

    Movie Community Chautauqua - Commentary by David Hoffmeister, December 9, 2023
    Movie Community Chautauqua - Commentary by David Hoffmeister, December 9, 2023

    The movie Mully, starring Charles Mully, is a powerful example of prayer, listening, and following. It unites us with the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Creator, focusing on our heart's desire to remember God. The movie takes place in Kenya's slums, highlighting the importance of prayer in achieving spiritual growth.

    Charles must pray through this world and receive and follow inner messages. Spiritual awakening often doesn't emphasize prayer, listening, and guidance. To fully wake up from a dream, one must grasp the power of prayer and the power of the mind. They must believe in guidance, whether it's an inner voice or intuitions and feelings. They must follow the guidance, which leads to joy, presence, laughter, and giggles. The gifts of prayer, listening, and following come from a deep connection with God and the power of the mind. If one has faith in prayer and is willing to give themselves wholeheartedly, everything unfolds from prayer, listening, and following.

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/products/communities/tribe-of-christ

    Recorded in the afternoon, December 9, 2023, in Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    Unconditional Grace

    Unconditional Grace

    The practice of Christian Meditation helps us live with the peace of Christ. Relax to the sounds of Christmas meditation music. Narrated by Dianne Jackson. God’s grace covers all sins. Meditate on 1 John 1:9. Find peace and rest during this guided meditation for mind and body with deep breathing, prayer, and scripture. Use these meditations as a Bible study in the morning to center yourself on the truth in God's word. For more Bible meditations, download the Abide app: https://abide.co/awesome

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    How to Break the Stronghold of Guilt & Shame

    How to Break the Stronghold of Guilt & Shame

    In this episode of A Faithful God Podcast, Mandy Miles from Mandy Miles Coaching joins me to share some practical applications we can take to break the strongholds of guilt and shame.

    Mandy is a Christian Life Coach and Podcast host specializing in helping women move through past hurts and shame and into the life God has for them.

    In today's show, she'll...

    ✅ help us understand the difference between guilt and shame

    ✅ guide us through the steps we can take to break the stronghold of shame

    ✅ explain what to expect as we walk through healing

    If you've ever been consumed with guilt and shame, and ready to find freedom from its stronghold, you're in the right place.

    Grab your earbuds and your favorite beverage and join me for How to Break the Stronghold of Guilt and Shame.

    ⏩ Mentioned in today's show:

    Mandy Miles Coaching: https://mandymilescoaching.com/

    Mandy Miles IG: https://www.instagram.com/mandymilescoaching/

    ⏩ Subscribe to A Faithful God/Footprints of Inspiration Community: https://www.footprintsofinspiration.com/subscribe

    ⏩ Check out my website: http://afaithfulgod.com

    Mentioned in today's show:

    Fearless prayer: https://footprintsofinspiration.com/fearlessprayer

    FOI Playlist: https://www.footprintsofinspiration.com/worshipmusic

    Free Aligning Your Goals Scripture Challenge: https://footprintsofinspiration.com/freegoals

    Follow Tammy:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/footprintsofinspiration/

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    Music/Stock Media provided by Premium Production Tracks / Pond5: Lift Me Up by Premium Production Tracts


    David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery - Friday, July 14, 2023

    David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery - Friday, July 14, 2023
    David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery - Friday, July 14, 2023

    David Hoffmeister gave a morning talk to people living at Living Miracles Monastery in Utah at the moment. ✨The Perfect way to start the day! 💛☀️🕊

    If you want to know more about Living Miracles and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Relationships, the Core of our Spiritual Growth- A Course In Miracles with Veronica and her Husband Luis.

    Relationships, the Core of our Spiritual Growth- A Course In Miracles with Veronica and her Husband Luis.
    Relationships, the Core of our Spiritual Growth- A Course In Miracles with Veronica and her Husband Luis.

    In this casual conversational episode we dive into the following topics:

    -the mythology of A Course in Miracles
    -looking at the contents of our mind
    -why relationships are at the core of our spiritual growth.
    -spiritual bypassing
    -embarking on your own inner journey
    -how your journey's intention manifests in everyday life.

    From the Course:

    "There is a light that this world cannot give. Yet you can give it,
    as it was given you.
    And as you give it,
    it shines forth to call you from the world and follow it.
    For this light will attract you
    as nothing in this world can do.
    And you will lay aside the world
    and find another.
    This other world is bright with love
    which you have given it.
    And here will everything remind you
    of your Father and His holy Son."



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    ❤️ 🎬VIDEOS en YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7YM5Lafc95bwjW2jF_8OVw

    #awakening #spiritualgrowth #acim #marriedlife #searchformeaning

    Movie Workshop - How to Accept Your Brothers as They Are - with David Hoffmeister

    Movie Workshop - How to Accept Your Brothers as They Are - with David Hoffmeister
    Movie Workshop - How to Accept Your Brothers as They Are - with David Hoffmeister

    David talks about A Course in Miracles and how it teaches the importance of accepting oneself and others as they are, recognizing that we are not really a body and that the notion of the body is a hallucination. David also emphasizes the authority problem and how turning over our belief systems to the Holy Spirit is essential. Additionally, he delves into the difference between false empathy and true empathy and the importance of inclusiveness and releasing guilt from the mind. The movie "Her" is also used as an example of the representation of private thoughts and the need to free oneself from the belief in them. Jesus in A Course in Miracles focuses on this fundamental belief to help individuals recognize their true identity.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here:

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, May 6, 2023, at La Casa de Milagros, Chapala Mexico.

    How To Deepen in Divine Trust - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    How To Deepen in Divine Trust - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    How To Deepen in Divine Trust - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    In this workshop, David talks about the importance of deepening our trust in God and the divine. He shares his personal stories and references to teachings from A Course in Miracles to provide insights on how to do this. He emphasizes the need to release judgments, allow healing, follow one's joy, and be kind and loving towards others. David encourages listeners to trust their intuitions and surrender control of personal relationships to Jesus for personal growth and healing. In the session, he also references a movie called "The Jesus Revolution" and a story about Calvary Chapel's transformation in the late 60s and early 70s, highlighting how the search for spiritual awakening and meeting different cultures can lead to a deeper trust in God.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here:

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, April 15, 2023, Online.

    Being ok with not knowing what's coming next - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Being ok with not knowing what's coming next - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Being okay with not knowing what's coming next - I know you've got me! - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister.

    "Being okay with not knowing what's coming next. I know you've got me." How's that for a theme? If you go into this theme, you will have less interest in world events because you're not so interested in what's coming next. Your question is not how will it end, but how do I feel right now? That's a more practical question. Jesus likes being practical. How do I feel now? That is beautiful. He's saying let go of your past learning. Just stay with me, step by step. I got you. He called me, and He answered, "Yes, I do. I have got you. And I will guide you step by step. So relax and enjoy the ride. It's going to be an amazing destination in the present moment. The Holy Instant.

    Enjoy the profound commentary on "Evan Almighty'' by David Hoffmeister.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, March 18, 2023, Online.

    Shine So Bright That All Fear Disappears (Q&A - Part 3) with David Hoffmeister - An All-Day Movie Workshop

    Shine So Bright That All Fear Disappears (Q&A - Part 3) with David Hoffmeister - An All-Day Movie Workshop
    Shine So Bright That All Fear Disappears (Q&A - Part 3) with David Hoffmeister - An All-Day Movie Workshop

    To shine so bright that all fear, not some, but all fear, disappears, psychologists would say, that's not reasonable. There's no way that all fear can disappear. But Jesus is not a psychologist, thank heavens; for Jesus, this is like a done deal. He's like, I've already done it. I'm just going to give you some tips. No problem. No problem being the I Am Presence, no problem being an eternal being because that's how God created you. So it must be that we can accept that we are eternal beings like God created us. It would be arrogant to think that we're something else, which is the situation called time and space. A lot of arrogance, of believing we know better than the Creator, believing our version of ourselves, our flesh version, is better or more important than the eternal version that God created called the Christ.

    Enjoy this Question and Answer session after the movie "The Life of Jesus Christ (Messiah) of Nazareth - Son of God (2021) Part 3" with David Hoffmeister. This podcast is the third part of the movie workshop out of 3 pieces.

    If you want to know more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, November 26, 2022, in Chapala, Mexico.

    From Intellectualism to Mysticism with David Hoffmeister and Joni Dattilo - LIVE Interview

    From Intellectualism to Mysticism with David Hoffmeister and Joni Dattilo - LIVE Interview
    From Intellectualism to Mysticism with David Hoffmeister and Joni Dattilo - LIVE Interview

    Join David Hoffmeister and Joni Dattilo for this live-broadcasted session from La Casa de Milagros, Living Miracles monastic center in Mexico. David and his friend Joni, a 30-year ACIM student from Ken Wapnick's community will dive into the topic of going from intellectualism into mysticism. Enjoy!

    To hear more of David's events online, you can tune in to his "A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast" here: https://www.spreaker.com/show/the_david_hoffmeister_show

    You can watch the interview on YouTube as well: https://youtu.be/t0q3vMziSEo.

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The interview was recorded Saturday, November 17, 2022, in Chapala, Mexico.

    Movie "God's Not Dead 2" - Let the Miracle Convince My Mind with David Hoffmeister

    Movie "God's Not Dead 2" - Let the Miracle Convince My Mind with David Hoffmeister
    The movie "God's Not Dead 2" - Let the Miracle Convince My Mind with David Hoffmeister.

    Let the miracle convince my mind. Let the Holy Spirit use miracles to convince you that you're the One. Let the Holy Spirit use miracles to convince you that nothing can harm you. Let the Holy Spirit show you that you are invulnerable and untouchable when you align with Him.

    There's one part in A Course in Miracles where Jesus said; this world is nothing more than an opportunity to realize who you are. He says you are the goal the world is searching for. Try that on! You are the goal the world is searching for.

    In the Bible, Jesus says the kingdom of heaven is within you, and in A Course of Miracles, Jesus says the word within is not even necessary because the Kingdom of Heaven is You! So he's talking about the abstract love, light, and joy that the world's goal is and that you are as Christ.

    Enjoy the profound commentary by David Hoffmeister on the second 'God's Not Dead' movie. David is showing the entire 4 'God's Not Dead' movies this October and If you want to know more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie on YouTube: https://youtu.be/9ysHxbVxfZ4.

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, October 15, 2022, in Chapala, Mexico.

    Forgiveness & Second Chances

    Forgiveness & Second Chances

    This ones a doozy for me...but it finally happened and I can't wait to share it with you! 
    We ALL have had situations where we needed to forgive and either move on, set a boundary, or extend a second chance. Listen this week if ya wanna hear about my BIGGEST attempt at hope, and how it's showing its face after 40 years of holding on.


    Support the show

    Documentary "How To Change Your Mind - Episode 3" Lifelong Dedication to the Calling by David Hoffmeister - A Weekly Online Movie Workshop

    Documentary "How To Change Your Mind - Episode 3"  Lifelong Dedication to the Calling by David Hoffmeister - A Weekly Online Movie Workshop
    Documentary "How To Change Your Mind - Episode 3" Lifelong Dedication to the Calling by David Hoffmeister - A Weekly Online Movie Workshop

    If you look at things of the world and the things you only give partial attention to or partial devotion to, it will come out sloppy. If you're not attentive to your driving skills, it gets messy. Suppose you're not careful to clean your house. Notice that the house gets dirty and disorganized and if you're trying to learn something, and you don't give it a full effort, then the chances are, you're not going to do well. So unless you give your whole heart and attention to the Holy Spirit to transcend the ego, you will not succeed. You can't hope that you can give it a 90% effort and transcend the ego because the ego will be laughing at that 10% and say Oh, I can make this 10% into madness. Thank you. I'm a death wish, so I'll wreak havoc in your mind.

    Enjoy David Hoffmeister's commentary and profound A Course in Miracles content in this episode 3 of the Netflix documentary series 'How to change your mind,' The new science of psychedelics, and learn about Lifelong Dedication to the Calling.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie on YouTube: https://youtu.be/PWh5zS5a0Rg.

    If you want to know more about Living Miracles, and the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and Monthly Online Retreats: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, October 1, 2022, in Chapala, Mexico.

    Movie 'Otherlife' - Step Back and Let the Holy Spirit Lead the Way with David Hoffmeister - A Weekly Online Movie Workshop

    Movie 'Otherlife' - Step Back and Let the Holy Spirit Lead the Way with David Hoffmeister - A Weekly Online Movie Workshop
    Movie 'Otherlife' - Step Back and Let the Holy Spirit lead the Way with David Hoffmeister - A Weekly Online Movie Workshop

    I will step back and let Him lead the way, that's a workbook lesson from A Course in Miracles, and it's about developing your connection with the Holy Spirit and your intuition. It's not necessarily saying that you have to follow people in the world because it's your mind that needs guidance. And the guidance can come in all kinds of ways, through dream symbols, bumper stickers, billboards, or talking to your mother, father, or a family member. It can come when you're talking to your cat or your dog. But when you say I will step back and let Him lead the way, you're saying, I don't want to personally be in charge of my plan of awakening because the personality self, the persona, is part of the problem. So you can't rely on the problem to bring you the solution, but you can say, Holy Spirit, Jesus, I will step back and let you lead the way. You use the personality self. You use everything in time and space to bring me to a leaping-off point where I remember that I'm still as God created me. I'm still pure spirit.

    Enjoy David Hoffmeister's profound A Course in Miracles content and commentary, and find out how to step back and let the Holy Spirit lead the way.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie on YouTube:https://youtu.be/mG6zk45ShM8.

    If you want to know more about Living Miracles, and the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, July 16, 2022, in Chapala, Mexico.

    Grace in the Book of Galatians

    Grace in the Book of Galatians
    Guided Christian Meditation can help us align our mind and body with Christ. Meditate on topics that are relevant to your spiritual journey by listening to these meditation guides based on scripture. In a 7-day plan in the book of Galatians, hear God's heart of grace for his children. Use this guide as a devotional bible study while you relax to the sounds of rain fall. For more guided Bible meditations, download the Abide app: https://abide.co/awesome