

    Explore "motivation" with insightful episodes like "Are You Stuck?", "15 Ways to Stay Poor | Ep. 402", "Be A Rainmaker", "3 Lessons from Essentialism That Transformed My Life | Ep. 359" and "EP43. Aie confiance en toi, bien-sûr, mais aussi en la Vie..." from podcasts like ""Been There Sold That", "Amplified Impact", "Badass Retirement: More Meaning, Money, & Adventure", "Amplified Impact" and "Aime toi d'abord"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Are You Stuck?

    Are You Stuck?

    Have you and/or your business ever been in a time where you just could not seem to move forward?

    Sales have stalled, employees are becoming frustrated, and the economy related to your industry is not cooperating. You ask yourself, “What can I do.”  

    Phil and Brianna take on this challenging topic. Where no one answer is the solution for everyone or every situation. One broad-based solution is to break down your big situation into small bites. The solution and more great info will be shared.

    Thanks for listening!

    Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant Coaching| bhendley@achievantcoaching.com | www.achievantcoaching.com

    Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | phil@beentherecs.com | www.beentherecs.com

    15 Ways to Stay Poor | Ep. 402

    15 Ways to Stay Poor | Ep. 402

    Today, I'm diving into the brilliant mindset model of "invert, always invert," a favorite of the legendary Charlie Munger. 

    Ever felt stuck solving a problem? Inverting it, approaching from a different angle, can work wonders. 

    I'll show you how this applies to your health, wealth, and beyond.

    Think about it: it's often easier to identify what we shouldn't do than what we should. 

    Our brains are wired to recognize negatives, threats, and patterns that could harm us. 

    Applying this to your finances, I'll share 15 ways to stay poor. 

    Yep, you heard that right...inverting these will set you on a path toward financial success. 

    So, buckle up and let's flip the script.

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


    Learn More About Investing With Anthony

    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com

    3 Lessons from Essentialism That Transformed My Life | Ep. 359

    3 Lessons from Essentialism That Transformed My Life | Ep. 359

    I've learned some incredible lessons from essentialism. 

    Productivity isn't about doing more...it's about doing what truly matters.

    Remember that old book, 'Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius? One line stuck with me: 'If you seek tranquility, do less, but do what's essential.'

    I've actually detailed all six lessons in a YouTube video, so check that out if you're looking to declutter your to-do list. 

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


    Learn More About Investing With Anthony

    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com

    EP43. Aie confiance en toi, bien-sûr, mais aussi en la Vie...

    EP43. Aie confiance en toi, bien-sûr, mais aussi en la Vie...

    J'avais cette reflexion...c'est bien, de se faire confiance, mais parfois, il faut aussi apprendre à lâcher-prise, accueillir la magie de la vie, et commencer aussi par lui faire confiance.
    Pour rejoindre le programme ANTHESIS  sur l'amour de soi, pour apprendre à te reconnecter à toi-même, te pardonner et avancer pour libérer tes croyances limitantes ET ENFIN vivre sans avoir peur d'être jugé, critiqué, ou d'échouer: ANTHESIS LE PROGRAMME 

    Do THIS if You Want to Win This Week | Ep. 335

    Do THIS if You Want to Win This Week | Ep. 335

    Ever pondered a weekly productivity plan? I've got a killer routine tied to my "three to free" concept. 

    Each day, I nail three tasks linked to bigger goals. 

    But today, let's talk about the week…narrowing it down to three crucial things. Quality over quantity, right?

    Whether it's Monday or any other day, this exercise brings clarity. 

    Identify those three goals for the week. 

    Trim the list, time block tasks, and watch the wins roll in.

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


    Learn More About Investing With Anthony

    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com

    7 Mistakes Entrepreneurs MUST Avoid | Ep. 327

    7 Mistakes Entrepreneurs MUST Avoid | Ep. 327

    In today's episode, I'm unpacking misconceptions we often mix up. 

    From worrying and planning to action and progress, and even understanding the difference between hearing and listening. 

    Plus, a crucial distinction between net worth and self-worth.

    These misconceptions are common on the entrepreneurial path. Avoid these pitfalls and stay focused on real progress.

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


    Learn More About Investing With Anthony

    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com

    The Seven Figure Storytelling Workshop | Ep. 309

    The Seven Figure Storytelling Workshop | Ep. 309

    We're hosting a live workshop on storytelling, and you're invited! 

    But before I dive into the details, let's talk about why storytelling is so important.

    Throughout history, the most influential figures weren't the strongest or the smartest…they were the best storytellers. 

    Think about it. Whether in religion, politics, or culture, the power of narrative shapes our world. 

    Disney, for instance, wields immense influence through its stories.

    Now, storytelling has played a crucial role in my business and personal growth journey too as well. 

    Because it’s really not just about the tales we share with others…it's also about the stories we tell ourselves. 

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


    Learn More About Investing With Anthony

    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com

    Boosting Creativity - The Hyperfocus Masterclass | Ep. 294

    Boosting Creativity - The Hyperfocus Masterclass | Ep. 294

    Today, we're taking a little detour into the awesome world of creativity. 

    Sure, it might not seem directly linked to flow and hyperfocus, but trust me, it's a secret weapon.

    Creativity isn't just artsy stuff; it's about mixing info in new and useful ways. And in your brain, there are three cool squads running the creativity show: Executive Attention, Default State, and Salience.

    Now, why should you care? 

    Well, these networks are guided by a brain region called the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and when it's fired up, creativity explodes. 

    And here's the thing…creativity can lead you into the sweet spot of flow.

    So, here are three simple ways to light up your ACC:

    • Mood
    • Goals
    • Novelty

    Don't forget to grab our PDF and dive into some fun homework. 

    Get those creative juices flowing and open up the doors to more flow and hyperfocus in your life.

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


    Learn More About Investing With Anthony

    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com

    JOUMOUAA RESET : Avoir des bonnes fréquentation

    JOUMOUAA RESET : Avoir des bonnes fréquentation

    Hello, Selem aleykummm, 

    🌅 Joumouaa Reset aujourd'hui : Avoir des bonnes frequentations 🌟

    🎙️ Te sens-tu perdue face aux défis des relations et de l'amitié ? Te demandes-tu comment choisir les bonnes personnes et bâtir des relations saines en Islam ? Plonge dans ce nouvel épisode de "Joumouaa Reset" où je dévoile "L'importance de s'aimer en Allah et comment cela forge notre foi". 

    🃏Découvre en avant première le nouveau produit "TAFKIR"  : le jeu de conversation à destination de la communauté musulmane : https://qalbeen.com

    Découvre notre 365 jours de défis spirituels :  https://qalbeen.com

    🎧 Pour continuer ton parcours...

    Découvre les autres épisodes de "Joumouaa Reset" et fais le point chaque vendredi.

    🌐 Restons en lien

    Pour du contenu inédit, des lives inspirants et plus encore, suis-moi :

    Instagram : @Safaaetoi

    TikTok : @safaaetoi

    LinkedIn : Safaa M

    Profite bien de cet épisode et à très vite pour d'autres aventures spirituelles !

    On se dit à vendredi pour un nouveau joumouaa reset :)

    #Fajr #PrièreMatinale #Baraka #Spiritualité #Motivation #RoutineMatinale #JoumouaaReset #DéveloppementPersonnel #Islam #BienEtre

    Episode # 276 – Be an Alpha Female - Jennifer Thompson

    Episode # 276 – Be an Alpha Female - Jennifer Thompson
    Michael speaks with entreprenuer Jennifer Thompson on her journey to become an Alpha Female

    Headquartered in sunny Southwest Florida, Webspark Media is a digital advertising company that specializes in local business marketing. It’s our mission to deliver high-quality services while building meaningful relationships with our clients, partners, each other and those in the community around us.

    Webspark Media is a full-service digital marketing agency that offers Social Media Marketing, Google Search Ads, Google Business Profile, Social Media Posting, and Attraction Marketing. We help businesses grow faster and meet their business objectives. Are you ready to grow your business? Start by getting your free exposure guide here!
    Find out more at https://websparkmedia.com/

    About the Crushing Your Fear Podcast


    Michael Power is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and the Host of the Crushing Your Fear Podcast and Founder of the Alpha Dad Project. He is also an Entrepreneur who has started multiple revenue generating companies both in the US and Europe. He has learned to conquer Fear through leaving the past behind, learning from it and adopting Gratitude and a Positive outlook for the future. On his Crushing Your Fear Podcast, Michael explains "We live in a Society of Fear. Everywhere we turn, fear is there. Most people we know are affected by fear in one form or another. We ourselves are consumed by fear - we can’t move forward - we won’t take chances – we ’fear' what others may ‘think’ of us - and on and on and on. Enough! There is another way. We explore different areas in society, flush out the manipulation and empower you to overcome fear. Our guests are experts and give you the insight and tools needed to identify and conquer fear. So join us and Crush Your Fear!"

    Michael Power
    Crushing Your Fear Podcast

    michael@crushingyourfear.com Website: http://www.crushingyourfear.com/ Instagram: @crushingyourfear Facebook: @crushingyourfear Twitter: @crushingfear Tik Tok: @crushingyourfear Twitter: @michaelpower100 Subscribe to our Podcast! iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crushing-your-fear/id1465751659 Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/craft-beer-storm/crushing-your-fear Blog: https://medium.com/@the_real_michael_power

    Here's What the Real Estate Gurus Aren't Telling You | Ep. 238

    Here's What the Real Estate Gurus Aren't Telling You | Ep. 238

    Today's episode is all about the unfiltered truths of real estate that you don't typically hear on social media. 

    I'm a firm believer in the power of real estate, but it might not make you rich as quickly as you think. 

    First things first, real estate is a long game. 

    It won't shower you with riches overnight. 

    Real estate's strength is its ability to accumulate wealth steadily over time. Remember, patience is the secret ingredient.

    Now, let's talk about syndications. Many aspire to jump into these to build big real estate portfolios. 

    But here's the thing…becoming a General Partner (GP) in syndications takes time before meaningful cash flow kicks in. 

    Embrace this truth…problems are a constant in real estate. 

    But don't be afraid because bigger problems come with bigger rewards. 

    Finally, remember that the most complex factor in real estate – and life – is people. 

    They're unpredictable, unique, and sometimes just plain difficult. 

    Dealing with residents, employees, partners, and others requires patience and adaptability. 

    People management is the heart of real estate success.

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


    Learn More About Investing With Anthony

    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com

    The Best Way To Start Sales Calls | Ep. 226

    The Best Way To Start Sales Calls | Ep. 226

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing my ultimate sales secret. 

    I'm in the real estate game, pitching investment opportunities to folks looking to ride the wealth train with us so it's a high-stakes, high-ticket game, and nailing that sales call is crucial. 

    So, the counterintuitive trick I use to kickstart my sales calls? Weather talk.

    Studies from the book "Persuasion" reveal that weather affects our mood, whether we're aware of it or not. 

    When I jump on a call, I kick things off by mentioning the weather. "Hey, it's a rare 72 and sunny day here. Perfect for a walk, you know?" 

    This seemingly innocuous chat opens the door to a weather discussion. 

    If it's raining at their end, I guide the conversation toward a positive spin. 

    By subtly redirecting their focus, I'm setting the stage for a more receptive audience.

    So, next time you're about to dive into a high-stakes sales call or any persuasion scenario, give the weather a nod.

    It might just be your secret weapon to tip the scales in your favor. 

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


    Learn More About Investing With Anthony

    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com

    Episode 190 - Leadership Branding

    Episode 190 - Leadership Branding
    Leadership branding doesn't just tell the world who you are, it defines what you believe in and what you stand for. Do you have a leadership brand?

    Host: Paul Falavolito

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    • 1 PAPA FOXTROT - General Aviation Podcast

    Episode 179 - Seasonal Lessons in Leadership

    Episode 179 - Seasonal Lessons in Leadership
    The four seasons can teach us a lot about ourselves and leadership. This episode offers insights to each of the seasons and the leadership lessons they can teach us.

    Host: Paul Falavolito

    Facebook: Paul Falavolito Podcast

    Twitter: Paul Falavolito Podcast or @paulfalavolito

    TikTok: paul_falavolito


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    For the best aviator sunglasses on the market, use the link below to get 10% off Flying Eyes. Discount Code: PFAV

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    1 PAPA FOXTROT - General Aviation Podcast

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    Episode 19 : Appréhender sa part d'ombre - Mindset/Auto-sabotages : Comment ne plus être paralysé par la peur, par les doutes ?

    Episode 19 : Appréhender sa part d'ombre - Mindset/Auto-sabotages : Comment ne plus être paralysé par la peur, par les doutes ?

    Dans ce troisième épisode de la trilogie "Apprendre à se connaître",  on aborde un sujet un peu plus délicat qui est : Apprendre à découvrir sa part d'ombre. 

    ☀️ L'ombre est le reflet de votre lumière et pour qu'elle brille pleinement, il est indispensable d'aller voir ce qui se passe derrière vos peurs, vos doutes et vos difficultés. 

    👉🏻 On parle dans cet épisode de notre expérience, des messages derrières certaines situations de la vie, des blessures que l'on a dans notre inconscient et des schémas répétitifs depuis notre enfance qui nous obligent à travailler notre part d'ombre. On parle aussi de la puissance de notre corps et de l'importance de se reconnecter à lui pour guérir vos peurs et comprendre vos émotions. 

    🪶 Un épisode puissant, de prise de conscience de la maîtrise de votre corps et de vos émotions pour vous aider à être pleinement épanoui(e) dans la connaissance de vous-même ✨

    Bonne écoute ! 🥰

    Les références que l'on a cité : 

    - Les 5 blessures de Lise Bourbeau 

    - Il faut y croire pour le voir 

    - Franck Lopvet : L'acceptation de soi 

    🎁 Pour aller plus loin, retrouve notre E-book "Trouver sa voie en apprenant à (vraiment) se connaître juste ici ! Un cadeau pour tous nos auditeurs 🥰

    Should You Join A Mastermind | Ep. 161

    Should You Join A Mastermind | Ep. 161

    Today I’m gotta tell you about this amazing trip I took down to Cabo in Mexico last week with my buddy Jamie. 

    We were invited to speak at a mastermind event organized by my friend Hunter Thompson. 

    This community of capital raisers he built is something else. These folks are all about teaching real estate investors how to raise more capital for their deals, and they're really niched down into it.

    The mastermind itself was mind-blowing. The people there were not only incredibly successful in their businesses, but their mindset and the way they saw the world was just next level.

    As an entrepreneur…you're probably already asking yourself what it means to live in alignment with your greatness and be the best version of yourself. 

    But here's the truth: most people you'll meet in your life aren't interested in that…you're in the minority. 

    Most people simply don't think the way you do or want the things you want. 

    And that's where the challenge comes in—how do you surround yourself with successful, badass individuals?

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


    Learn More About Investing With Anthony

    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com

    Less is More, But... | Ep. 155

    Less is More, But... | Ep. 155

    Today, I dive into the concept of "less is more" and share my personal journey as a writer. 

    Inspired by a quote from Rick Rubin, I discuss the idea that to achieve excellence and do less but better, we often have to put in more effort initially. 

    There was a pivotal moment in my life when I realized I needed to provide for my future wife and decided to pursue writing as a career. 

    Remembering my father's belief in my writing abilities…I committed to writing 3,000 words every day for a year, aiming to reach a million words and improve my skills. 

    Through this process, I discovered that good writing is rewriting and great writing is concise writing, as exemplified by the significant word reduction during the editing phase. 

    I emphasize the importance of quantity in the early stages of any creative endeavor…as it eventually leads to quality. 

    As we progress, we can shift our focus to doing less but better, honing our craft and delivering high-quality output. 

    The ultimate goal is to reach a point where we can combine both quantity and quality, achieving mastery in our chosen pursuit. 

    For me, doing less but better extends beyond work and encompasses prioritizing activities that align with my goals and bring fulfillment. 

    I encourage you to reflect on your own journeys and find the balance that ultimately works for you.

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    Join an exclusive community of peak performers at Beyond the Apex University learning how to build a business, invest in real estate, and develop hyperfocus.


    Learn More About Investing With Anthony

    Invictus Capital: www.invictusmultifamily.com

    Multifamily Investing Made Simple Podcast

    Passive Investing Made Simple Book: www.thepassiveinvestingbook.com