

    Explore "healing" with insightful episodes like "How Hypnotherapy can help trauma survivors with Dr. Dana Saperstein PHD", "APR111: Marcos Torres on Healing from Religious Trauma", "Spiritual Healing Handbook - Audiobook", "CREATOR of “THE SECRET” Reveals How The LAW of ATTRACTION Actually Works! | Rhonda Byrne" and "How to Connect to the Universal Energy Patterns for Understanding & Healing with Daniel Mirfield" from podcasts like ""Align Vibe Flow", "Adventist Peace Radio", "40 Days to Christ's Second Coming", "The School of Greatness" and "Align Vibe Flow"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    How Hypnotherapy can help trauma survivors with Dr. Dana Saperstein PHD

    How Hypnotherapy can help trauma survivors with Dr. Dana Saperstein PHD
    Beginning –There’s tons of different things hypnotherapy can be used to help including but not at all limited to anxiety, trauma, various addictions, self discovery and much much more. Dr Saperstein specializes in helping people with sexual trauma through hypnotherapy.Years ago hypnotherapy was seen as very controversial. People’s misunderstanding led them to distrust in it made worse by those who used it as a tool to manipulate the courts in various cases. For these reasons, many professionals shelved it as a tool, so it’s not always easy to find a practitioner who’s willing to use it with trauma survivors.When trauma is experienced, we innately go into an altered state of consciousness in order to protect ourselves and survive the moment. We don’t have the safety at the time of the trauma to be able to process the emotions of it. Hypnotherapy deliberately recreates this scenario in safe space so that the emotions can be processed and released. This allows for healing to begin.Many professionals are afraid to take on any trauma cases. So much so that they put the fact that they don’t touch trauma cases right up front in their pitches. This can leave so many people displaced, wanting help but struggling to find it.Hypnotherapy is really just a deeper form of meditation. I’ve spoken on it in depth on this page if you’d like to know more when you’re done over here.6:57 –Fear comes from misunderstanding but also facing your trauma is a terrifying thing. Going deeply within yourself to resolve these things takes an enormous amount of courage. It’s not going to be pleasant.Most therapies focus on resolving symptoms of the trauma. This particular mode using hypnotherapy is used to target that which is generating the symptoms in the first place. Symptoms are pointing you towards what needs to be healed. It’s all energy.All problems in your life, whether it be physical ailments, mental turmoil or even quality of life focused, are all stemming from stuck energy within you. It’s what so many ancient teachings tried to explain to us but science is finally starting to catch up to it and solidify it into our understanding.Most everything is deeply rooted in emotions we’re holding onto. The statistics for sexual and physical abuse as well as neglect are astounding. These things are unfortunately more common that not in our society. Healing them hurts because you have to bring them to the surface whereas most of us suppress and bury these feelings in an effort to not feel them.In suppressing them, we’re holding onto them though. And holding onto them is exactly what’s causing us to experience these negative manifestations in our bodies and life. The only way to heal these is to allow them to run their course, which means feeling them.10:02 –We understandably have concerns of hypnotherapy creating false memories. Sometimes this happens but a fail safe to remember is that the content of the “newly unlocked memories” may be distorted but the feelings you have associated with them are most likely true. This can be related to dreams and how the content isn’t as important as the symbolism and the emotions tied to them. Remember, energy communicates in feelings and directions rather than concreate words and images.We discuss past life regression. “Many Lives, Many Masters” book. Ancestral trauma is a very real thing that areas of study are proving in study. Something terrible that happened to our greatest of great great grandparents that then became coded in our DNA and passed down to us to process and release. Sometimes it’s hard to say what’s ours, what’s our ancestor’s and what happened in a past life. Epigenetics is one faction studying this now.All of the various ailments seem like separate things to the general public but when you really start studying it all, you start to see all of the patterns and things become simpler. All problems stem from a root cause of some sort of trauma.Playing with hypnotherapy can be dangerous if you’re not prepared to deal with the things that come up after the door is opened. Some (as seen with entertainment – stage hypnosis) can go into thinking it’s all fun and games and walk away changed due to what comes up and is experienced.Most of the work in healing is sitting with the feelings and surrendering to what happened. It sucks. It shouldn’t have happened. But it did. How can acceptance be found in order to release the pain and move forward?20:13 –Most of the time, in order to accept, release and heal, all we need is a safe place with a safe individual who we respect and is there to validate and support us. Dr. Saperstein points out that this is most likely due to the fact that our trauma is most often caused by someone who was close to us and should have protected us. So to counteract that damage done, we need someone who fulfills the role of what they should have been for us.Trauma is caused by malice but also by ignorance. Too often, children are hurt by people who just didn’t know any better. That’s a hard fact to deal with because ‘how can you not know that your actions were harmful!?” Unfortunately, that’s a common truth.People have a hard time with the word ‘forgiveness’. In many situations, people aren’t intending to harm one another, it’s just something that happened unintentionally. Most people really are trying their best with the limited knowledge, understanding and resources they have available to them. That’s not to say that some people aren’t absolutely terrible. Some are. Most people who inflict trauma were they themselves traumatized and are unconsciously passing on the cycle.27:46 –A big misconception about the rich is that they’re all stuck up and out for themselves. When you understand the laws of the universe, though, you’re able to see that in order to meet certain criteria for abundance, you have to be kind, generous and thoughtful. Sure, you can get to those higher statuses through more malice but doing it that way isn’t how it happens for most people because your actions and choices have to align with your heart.Money follows value. Having all of your basic needs met opens you up to the freedom of being unselfish and generous in all areas that you can find.The vast majority of victims blame themselves at least initially and/or subconsciously for what happened. There’s also a misconception that sexual abuse and other traumas occur from a stranger that walks their way into your life but most is caused by a close friend, relative or caretaker.We learn to lie to ourselves in an effort to understand why things happened to us. When someone abuses us, they leave behind a poison that we mistake as our own. Victim blaming is so common that the victims also begin to blame themselves for the incident.Victim blaming is easier than taking responsibility for the evils you’ve done or accepting that others have done evil to someone. We don’t want to believe that these things are so common so we suppress it the only ways we know how to. Shutting it all down and sweeping it into the shadows in an effort to not have to be uncomfortable with addressing it.Obviously, we should not be doing any of this. Understanding why people take the routes they do is not at all excusing the routes chosen. Instead, understanding makes them easier to identify when they arise so that persistence can be taken. Otherwise, we’re allowing the perpetuation of these harmful practices and more damage to the victim is done.
    38:58 –
    It’s historically been seen as unprofessional for professionals to speak about themselves, their life and their experiences. This has led to most pretending they don’t exist outside of their workspace. Professionals instead being open about what they’ve dealt with gives them their humanity back and allows them to connect with victims who have endured similar challenges. Being honest about what you’ve personally gone through helps those who need you to more easily find you.When you’re seeking a professional for a certain type of help, it’s okay to question them on their personal life a bit to try and gauge if they are capable of helping you. A formal education, certification, degree or license doesn’t automatically mean qualified for your specific needs. Every professional is just a person and any person can only help another on a level of which they themselves have experienced.
    Especially when dealing with trauma and healing, you’ll generally find professionals who aren’t very helpful more easily than you will find someone who really can help. There’s a lot of problematic hoops here that make finding someone to help you pretty difficult. Please be persistent and don’t give up because you landed on a few unhelpful ones in the beginning. Keep searching and expand your inquires outside of traditional therapy. You deserve the help you need and that help can come in unassuming forms but they are out there.
    42:50 –A common trap that people fall into when they want to help someone (speaking nonprofessionally in more of a private setting) is willingness to help in any way that isn’t emotional. The biggest help a

    CREATOR of “THE SECRET” Reveals How The LAW of ATTRACTION Actually Works! | Rhonda Byrne

    CREATOR of “THE SECRET” Reveals How The LAW of ATTRACTION Actually Works! | Rhonda Byrne

    Our guest today is none other than the internationally acclaimed author and creator of the groundbreaking film and book, "The Secret." Rhonda Byrne is a visionary, a bestselling author, and a pioneer in the world of personal development. Her work has inspired countless individuals to tap into the power of their thoughts and beliefs, unlocking the secrets to living their best lives. 

    She reflects on the widespread resonance of "The Secret," dispels common misconceptions about manifestation, and provides guidance for skeptics and newcomers to this transformative field. Rhonda emphasizes that positive thoughts alone are not sufficient; there's a crucial missing element. She delves into the role of resistance and offers practical tips for effective visualization. Additionally, she reveals how individuals can set potent intentions aligned with their desires.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The truth about the Law of Attraction and how it goes beyond mere wishful thinking, debunking common misconceptions along the way.
    • Practical strategies to overcome resistance and effectively use visualization as a powerful tool in your manifestation journey.
    • The importance of setting powerful intentions that align with your deepest desires, and learn how to do it effectively.
    • An inspiring success story that showcases the profound transformations that can occur when you apply the principles of "The Secret" in your life, leaving you inspired and motivated to embark on your own journey of personal growth and manifestation.
    • The key insights behind Rhonda Byrne's latest release, "The Secret Manifestation Cards," and how they can empower you to manifest your desires.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1526

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes on Manifesting Success and Abundance:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

    Dr. Tara Swart Bieber –  https://link.chtbl.com/1325-pod

    Rob Dyrdek – https://link.chtbl.com/1159-pod

    How to Connect to the Universal Energy Patterns for Understanding & Healing with Daniel Mirfield

    How to Connect to the Universal Energy Patterns for Understanding & Healing with Daniel Mirfield
    Beginning –

    Everything starts in the mind. Our emotional guidance system helps point us towards the directions we need to go and away from that which isn’t for us. Also, our health is hugely dictated by our mindset and beliefs. If we believe ourselves to be sickly, we will be. If we believe we are healthy and capable, that’s what we’ll manifest.

    Sickness is a physical representation of what we have going on inside our minds. Stress levels largely dictate whether we’re quick to heal or not.

    Energy has no identity, making it the most creative essence we can work with.

    The language of the universe is our emotions. As humans, we want to be communicated with via concrete, clear cut words but it’s just how things work. Everything from our subconscious, the divine to our bodies communicate through feelings.

    6:00 –

    Soul contracts and what we came here to learn.

    We can’t manifest in the long term because it removes the present moment aspect.Some emotions are big, others are smaller, they all come to pass.To heal we have to release all forms of control. Judging others is a form of control. This even means learning to stop judging yourself in the human experience.

    Taking a step back from the first person perspective into a third person perspective where you see yourself as experiencing your avatar and not “being” your avatar. I had a cool video game analogy here. It’s a ‘releasing the ego’ thing.

    We don’t often look at the whole picture. Generally we only operate under the small percentage of “logic” we have available. The need for logic lends to the need for control. We have to be aware in each moment to decide what best resonates with us so that we can choose our own reality, breaking away from the conditioning we’ve been programmed with.

    16:10 –

    The universe is a flowing river of energy. Just as a river of water, fighting against it is impractical and causes drowning. We can float, we can swim, we can sink. It’s up to us to decide which we want to do.Healing, as well as the purpose of the human experience is to allow all of the conditioning to fall away and embody what’s left.

    Many of us are working with YEARS of conditioning. Decades of living by the rules, mindsets and beliefs of others rather than even realizing that they’re not our own and not working for us. We tend to think we’re broken because what works for others doesn’t work for us. It’s ok to let go of these and decide what works for you specifically.


    22:41 –

    Cleansing and managing our energy through plants, decluttering, cleaning and creating spaces that feel fresh and recharging to us.

    It can be super overwhelming to try and figure out where to start healing when you realize there’s healing to be had. Cleaning and decluttering is a great place to start because as physical beings, we’re really good at the physical. The mental, emotional and spiritual sometimes escape us but if we can get our hands on something tangible, we can meet the rest in the middle. I highly recommend minimalism.

    Don’t focus on the “getting rid of”. Instead, focus on the “adding of” that which you want. We want to crowd out the things we don’t with more positive things / habits/ etc.

    28:28 –

    Respecting others is respecting yourself. Nature is not equal, it’s balanced.

    People scroll on social media for hours (not only) because they think it’s helping them to figure out who they are but the truth is that hanging out with yourself is the only way you’re going to figure out who you are, why you are the way you are.We’re here to be a part of the collection of the divine beauty of nature. Greed, envy, anger, jealousy and the like disempowers us. It gives our power to others.
    About Our Guest:
    DANIEL MIRFIELD has been in tune with the healing power of nature ever since he was a boy. Growing up in the English countryside allowed him the freedom to explore the natural world in great detail. He currently resides in New Zealand after living in Australia for many years. SEEDLING is his first book. Connect with Daniel Mirfield at www.asagesjourney.com A renowned healer and mentor, Daniel Mirfield channels the power of nature to help his clients heal and recover from stress. His teachings, which can be found in his new book, Seedling: The Journey to Inner Peace, fuse ancient wisdom with modern times to help us navigate and overcome even the most challenging moments by listening to our intuition, staying grounded, and being aligned and centered, all while reacting from a place of love rather than fear.

    24. Turning pain into purpose with Teri Wellbrock

    24. Turning pain into purpose with Teri Wellbrock
    Teri Wellbrock, a survivor of trauma, shares her healing journey and the tools she has used to overcome her past. She emphasizes the importance of building a coping skills toolbox and trying different modalities to find what works best for each individual.

    Teri also discusses the impact of childhood trauma on our present-day experiences and the power of reprogramming the brain through therapies like EMDR. She highlights the role of mindfulness, gratitude, and positive affirmations in the healing process. Teri's work with therapy dogs has shown the transformative power of love and presence in helping others heal.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Childhood trauma can have a profound impact on our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

    • Building a coping skills toolbox with various healing modalities is essential for healing from trauma.

    • Healing is a continuous journey, and it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves and seek healing.

    • Mindfulness practice, gratitude, positive affirmations, and meditation are powerful tools for healing.

    • Being present in the moment and practicing self-compassion can help us navigate through difficult emotions and experiences.

    • "The only way through the darkness into the light is through it." - Teri Wellbrock

    • "Pain is pain. Heartache is heartache. Trauma is trauma. You are worthy of healing." - Teri Wellbrock

    • "Just be love. Be there for someone who is hurting or struggling." - Teri Wellbrock



    Website: https://www.myfgalloway.com/podcast
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myfgalloway/


    Website: https://teriwellbrock.com/

    Head to Teri's website to find:

    * blog pieces
    * subscribe option for her Hope for Healing Newsletter
    * Her therapy dog work and how to order Sammie, our therapy dog's, book "The Doodle with the Noodle"
    * Her Resource Library filled with inspirational resources, along with links to videos on meditations, EMDR, coping strategies, and a free e-book

    Why 70% of Relationships End in The First Year w/ Sadia Khan

    Why 70% of Relationships End in The First Year w/ Sadia Khan

    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com – 

    After graduating in psychology and completing masters in developmental psychology Sadia began teaching in inner London schools amongst children of deprived backgrounds. She then went on to teach privileged students in Dubai and noticed not only the economic but psychological advantage wealth provides children when their parents can access therapy. Sadia decided to complete her studies in psychotherapy and decided to post a few videos online mainly to make therapy accessible to those who may struggle to afford it and to make therapy more digestible to those who may not understand the concept. The videos blew up and changed her career path to online therapist, podcaster and content creator racking over 100 million views online.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • The #1 reason why men and women struggle to keep relationships and why narcissistic behaviors are so prevalent in dating today.
    • Why women cheat more than men and the root cause of infidelity.
    • The importance of self control when searching for a long term relationship.
    • Practical advice to enhance your dating confidence, providing you with strategies to feel more self-assured on a first date.
    • Strategies to handle commitment issues, enabling you to navigate this critical phase of relationships and lay the groundwork for a strong and enduring partnership.

    Buy Sadia's book - https://amzn.to/3OVV2me

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1491

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Want more relationship episodes like this one?

    Sheleana Aiyana - https://link.chtbl.com/1436-pod

    Lewis Howes solo episode on relationships - 


    Episode # 275 – Merry Go Round vs. Roller Coaster Life

    Episode # 275 – Merry Go Round vs. Roller Coaster Life
    Michael talks about the choice of a safe, secure and mediocre existence vs. a life of excitemement and achieving great things.

    About the Crushing Your Fear Podcast


    Michael Power is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and the Host of the Crushing Your Fear Podcast and Founder of the Alpha Dad Project. He is also an Entrepreneur who has started multiple revenue generating companies both in the US and Europe. He has learned to conquer Fear through leaving the past behind, learning from it and adopting Gratitude and a Positive outlook for the future. On his Crushing Your Fear Podcast, Michael explains "We live in a Society of Fear. Everywhere we turn, fear is there. Most people we know are affected by fear in one form or another. We ourselves are consumed by fear - we can’t move forward - we won’t take chances – we ’fear' what others may ‘think’ of us - and on and on and on. Enough! There is another way. We explore different areas in society, flush out the manipulation and empower you to overcome fear. Our guests are experts and give you the insight and tools needed to identify and conquer fear. So join us and Crush Your Fear!"

    Michael Power
    Crushing Your Fear Podcast

    michael@crushingyourfear.com Website: http://www.crushingyourfear.com/ Instagram: @crushingyourfear Facebook: @crushingyourfear Twitter: @crushingfear Tik Tok: @crushingyourfear Twitter: @michaelpower100 Subscribe to our Podcast! iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crushing-your-fear/id1465751659 Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/craft-beer-storm/crushing-your-fear Blog: https://medium.com/@the_real_michael_power

    Ep 3.17 - Kim Thomas Locker

    Ep 3.17 - Kim Thomas Locker
    Alvin and German conduct a great conversation with New Jersey Superior Courts’ Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Officer, Kim Thomas Locker.’91. In her role, she provides training to staff, managers, and judges on matters of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Additionally, she engages in outreach activities, communicating with students about potential opportunities within the field of law. Kim began her career journey in the Kings County District Attorney's Office and has since gained experience in both law firm practice and corporate legal specialization. She also holds a membership in the Mid-Atlantic Association for Court Management. Kim pursued her legal education after graduating from Colgate, obtaining a J.D. from Benjamin Cardozo School of Law. During her time at Colgate, she was an active member of the Sojourners and Swinging Gates and attained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion.

    Going Beyond Words | ACIM Satsang | Jenny Maria & Barret | A Course in Miracles

    Going Beyond Words | ACIM Satsang | Jenny Maria & Barret | A Course in Miracles
    Jenny Maria & Barret begin ACIM Satsang with commentary on the practical application of going beyond words. Enjoy the sharing that follows and insightful feedback from Jenny Maria & Barret.

    A Course in Miracles | ACIM 🌟 Wednesday, 5th July, 2023

    ACIM Satsang every Monday & Thursday at 19:30 CET and Wednesday & Sunday 8:30 CET. For more information about joining these Satsangs and for upcoming retreats go to https://www.awakentolove.net/a-course...

    You can also send an email to contact@awakentolove.net with your interest. Jenny Maria and Barret teach and share the spiritual enlightenment path of A Course in Miracles. They run a spiritual community and ACIM retreat center based in Malaga, Spain. They are cofounders of the non profit foundation Awaken to Love / Despierta al Amor.

    Want to join their mailing list? Sign up here https://tinyurl.com/jennybarret

    If you would like to donate towards their work, go to https://paypal.me/jennyandbarret


    Crystal Clear: Unearthing Affirmations for Healing with Crystal Berry

    Crystal Clear: Unearthing Affirmations for Healing with Crystal Berry

    In this enriching episode, we delve into a deep and transformative conversation with Crystal Berry, co-founder of Crystal Shares Consulting LLC and Crystal Berry Farms. Known for her wisdom and resilience, Crystal opens up about her healing journey, encapsulated in her inspiring book, '10 Affirmations for Healing, a Guided Journey to Moving Past Emotional Pain.' She shares how affirmations have played a pivotal role in her personal growth and how they can empower others to heal emotional wounds. Join us as we unearth the profound connections between faith, affirmations, and inner healing in this captivating interview.

    Ep.90-Pornography & 3P

    Ep.90-Pornography & 3P
    Podcast 90 is a 23-minute extract from a 2-hour GROUP session with the Addiction Department of Back to The Fitrah Mentoring Academy on PORNOGRAPHY & 3P. It has been edited to only hear Harry’s sharing, although the session had great interaction and interest from the other members of the group. Harry has never taught on this topic before, and this session jumps back and forth answering questions between porn for the individual and when one is in a relationship with a partner who is into porn. The podcast ends with Harry reading excerpts from his unfinished book’s chapter titled Human Desires & Addiction.

    Linda - The Adoption Process for Adoptive Parents

    Linda - The Adoption Process for Adoptive Parents
    Welcome to this week's podcast! In this episode, Linda from Act of Love Adoptions provides a step-by-step guide to the adoption process for those looking to adopt a child. Linda has 14 years of experience of guiding families through the adoption process and can offer practical advice on how to navigate the steps involved in adopting a child.

    Linda is here with a brief breakdown of each step involved in the adoption process, from the initial decision to adopt, to the home study process, to matching with a child, to finalizing the adoption. She offers practical tips on how to prepare for each step, including what documentation is needed, what questions to ask, and what potential obstacles to anticipate.

    We believe that understanding the steps involved in the adoption process can help prospective adoptive parents feel more confident and empowered throughout their journey. Our podcast aims to provide a platform for these experts to share their knowledge, to educate and inform our listeners, and to help families successfully navigate the process of adopting a child.

    If you would like to schedule an in-person meeting with Linda to go over an adoption plan please visit our website at actofloveadoptions.com or call our office at 1.888.767.7740

    Thank you for listening!

    Are you Pregnant? We can help:
    Text us at: 801-450-0094
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    Episode # 226 – Iceberg or Lighthouse?

    Episode # 226 – Iceberg or Lighthouse?
    Michael poses the question on how you are showing up for others - are you the Iceberg or the Lighthouse?

    About the Crushing Your Fear Podcast


    Michael Power is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and the Host of the Crushing Your Fear Podcast. He is also an Entrepreneur who has started multiple revenue generating companies both in the US and Europe. He has learned to conquer Fear through leaving the past behind, learning from it and adopting Gratitude and a Positive outlook for the future. On his Crushing Your Fear Podcast, Michael explains "We live in a Society of Fear. Everywhere we turn, fear is there. Most people we know are affected by fear in one form or another. We ourselves are consumed by fear - we can’t move forward - we won’t take chances – we ’fear' what others may ‘think’ of us - and on and on and on. Enough! There is another way. We explore different areas in society, flush out the manipulation and empower you to overcome fear. Our guests are experts and give you the insight and tools needed to identify and conquer fear. So join us and Crush Your Fear!"

    Michael Power
    Crushing Your Fear Podcast

    michael@crushingyourfear.com Website: http://www.crushingyourfear.com/ Instagram: @crushingyourfear Facebook: @crushingyourfear Twitter: @crushingfear Tik Tok: @crushingyourfear Twitter: @michaelpower100 Subscribe to our Podcast! iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crushing-your-fear/id1465751659 Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/craft-beer-storm/crushing-your-fear Blog: https://medium.com

    Stop Wasting Your Life With THIS Mindset Shift w/ Bozoma Saint John EP 1397

    Stop Wasting Your Life With THIS Mindset Shift w/ Bozoma Saint John EP 1397

    https://lewishowes.com/mindset - Order a copy of my new book The Greatness Mindset today!

    Bozoma Saint John is an influencer and American businesswoman who has had a stellar career in marketing, most recently as the Global Chief Marketing Officer at Netflix. She began her career at Spike Lee’s advertising agency, then going on to become a senior marketing executive at Pepsi, Apple Music, Uber, and Endeavor. She has been featured on the cover of Adweek as “one of the most exciting personalities in advertising” and has been inducted into the American Advertising Federation Hall of Achievement, as well as the American Marketing Hall of Fame, among others. Bozoma was named the #1 most influential CMO by Forbes in 2021,and has created a successful online tutorial “The Badass Workshop” which teach others to be their greatest selves.

    In this episode you will learn:

    • How to prioritize your life.
    • Why you should seek satisfaction in your everyday life.
    • How Bozoma navigated and grew from the loss of her husband.
    • The powerful insights of loving someone with terminal cancer.
    • And so much more!

    Order Bozoma's Book - The Urgent Life: My Story of Love, Loss, and Survival 

    For more, go to lewishowes.com/1397

    How To Change Your Behavior And Accomplish Your Goals [MASTERCLASS]: https://link.chtbl.com/1317-pod

    Dr. Joe Dispenza: Break Free Of The Addiction To Negative Thoughts & Emotions: https://link.chtbl.com/1309-pod

    Bruce Lipton on How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind To Manifest Your Dream Life: https://link.chtbl.com/1312-pod

    Episode # 213 – Trying Times? Don’t Quit

    Episode # 213 – Trying Times? Don’t Quit
    Michael discusses setbacks that happen when reaching for a goal - keep going - don't quit!

    About the Crushing Your Fear Podcast


    Michael Power is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and the Host of the Crushing Your Fear Podcast. He is also an Entrepreneur who has started multiple revenue generating companies both in the US and Europe. He has learned to conquer Fear through leaving the past behind, learning from it and adopting Gratitude and a Positive outlook for the future. On his Crushing Your Fear Podcast, Michael explains "We live in a Society of Fear. Everywhere we turn, fear is there. Most people we know are affected by fear in one form or another. We ourselves are consumed by fear - we can’t move forward - we won’t take chances – we ’fear' what others may ‘think’ of us - and on and on and on. Enough! There is another way. We explore different areas in society, flush out the manipulation and empower you to overcome fear. Our guests are experts and give you the insight and tools needed to identify and conquer fear. So join us and Crush Your Fear!"

    Michael Power
    Crushing Your Fear Podcast
    michael@crushingyourfear.com Website: http://www.crushingyourfear.com/ Instagram: @crushingyourfear Facebook: @crushingyourfear Twitter: @crushingfear Tik Tok: @crushingyourfear Twitter: @michaelpower100 Subscribe to our Podcast! iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crushing-your-fear/id1465751659 Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/craft-beer-storm/crushing-your-fear Blog: https://medium.com/@the_real_michael_power

    Reborn in the Light of Christ - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Reborn in the Light of Christ - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Trust That All Is Taken Care Of - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister - Movie 'Man of God'

    Trust that all is taken care of - no more need to plan and scheme. Your need for learning ends when you realize that all is taken care of because what we have learned from the ego has been fear. It's tricked us into believing that we're frail and weak and that we are at the mercy of time and space and all the laws of this world—the laws of economics and relationships. Imagine if you were carefree and didn't have any attachments. It didn't matter what was happening because all was taken care of, regardless of circumstances or situations. Have an abiding, strong trust that all is taken care of.

    Enjoy David Hoffmeister's Movie session for this monthly Tabula Rasa weekend online retreat with the topic 'Reborn in the Light of Christ'. If you want to know more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the beginning of the session on YouTube.

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Recorded on December 3, 2022, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    Nutrition for Back Health

    Nutrition for Back Health
    You are what you eat, so the saying goes and more and more we understand just how much our diets impact health and can actually lead to the prevention of certain conditions. But did you know that the food you eat imacts the health of your spine? In today's episode we dig into the foods needed for a healthy spine that lead to a happy life.
    Find out more about maintaining a healthy spine on my back health webinar.

    The Word of God is Given Me To Speak, Lesson 276, Jenny Maria & Barret, Awaken to Love, ACIM

    The Word of God is Given Me To Speak, Lesson 276, Jenny Maria & Barret, Awaken to Love, ACIM
    Monday 3rd October, 2022

    Today we continue our journey through the workbook of A Course In Miracles by reading Lesson 276, ''The Word of God is Given Me To Speak,''. This is followed by commentary by Jenny Maria and Barret, a 10 minute meditation and sharing from the Awaken to Love Community ✨

    The purpose of expression is to clear the mind of anything that is preventing it from feeling peace. Once the mind is clear it is open to receive guidance from the Holy Spirit. Following this guidance without compromise will ultimately lead you out of the dream of separation from God and Awaken to His Love. 🙏❤️

    To learn more and sign up for sessions with Jenny Maria & Barret, visit https://www.jennymaria.org/a-course-i...

    Want to join their mailing list? Sign up here https://tinyurl.com/jennybarret


    If you would like to donate towards their work, go to https://paypal.me/jennyandbarret


    My Holy Self Abides in You, God's Son, Lesson 266, Jenny Maria & Barret, ACIM, Awaken to Love

    My Holy Self Abides in You, God's Son, Lesson 266, Jenny Maria & Barret, ACIM, Awaken to Love
    Friday 23rd September, 2022

    Today we continue our journey through the workbook of A Course In Miracles by reading Lesson 266, ''My Holy Self Abides in You, God's Son''. This is followed by commentary by Jenny Maria and Barret and a short reading from chapter 29- God's Witnesses ✨

    To learn more and sign up for sessions with Jenny Maria & Barret, visit https://www.jennymaria.org/a-course-i...


    Want to join our mailing list? Sign up here https://tinyurl.com/jennybarret


    If you would like to donate towards their work, go to https://paypal.me/jennyandbarret
