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    Explore "mindtraining" with insightful episodes like "David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery - Friday, July 14, 2023", "Closing Session - Miracle of the Mind - Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu", "Movie Workshop - How to Accept Your Brothers as They Are - with David Hoffmeister", "Opening Session - Miracle of the Mind Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu" and "How To Deepen in Divine Trust - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister" from podcasts like ""A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast", "A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast", "A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast", "A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast" and "A Course in Miracles (ACIM) Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (56)

    David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery - Friday, July 14, 2023

    David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery - Friday, July 14, 2023
    David Hoffmeister talks at Living Miracles Monastery - Friday, July 14, 2023

    David Hoffmeister gave a morning talk to people living at Living Miracles Monastery in Utah at the moment. ✨The Perfect way to start the day! 💛☀️🕊

    If you want to know more about Living Miracles and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Closing Session - Miracle of the Mind - Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    Closing Session - Miracle of the Mind - Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu
    Closing Session - Miracle of the Mind - Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    First, David and Frances discuss the healing journey of the Course, which involves learning to relax and enjoy, living like a twig in the river, and letting go of the world and personality and the person that seemed to be so important. Next, they discuss the concept of reverse amnesia, where the Holy Spirit spins the tables on the ego and tells us to forget this world and come with open arms unto God.

    The Lord's Prayer from the Bible states that heaven and earth cease to exist as separate states and that the miracle is showing us connectedness even beyond what the ego made. This gives us a wonderful, expansive experience in consciousness, where it is saying, "This is a perfect reflection of the love of God, and nothing is lacking. Nothing needs to change in this world for me to be happy. I am happy because of my Creator, my Source, and I don't need something of the world to make me happy."

    Enjoy David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu's closing session for this last monthly Heart of Christ online retreat.

    To stay in contact with Living Miracles and David Hoffmeister and coming events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Recorded on May 7, 2023, Online at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    Movie Workshop - How to Accept Your Brothers as They Are - with David Hoffmeister

    Movie Workshop - How to Accept Your Brothers as They Are - with David Hoffmeister
    Movie Workshop - How to Accept Your Brothers as They Are - with David Hoffmeister

    David talks about A Course in Miracles and how it teaches the importance of accepting oneself and others as they are, recognizing that we are not really a body and that the notion of the body is a hallucination. David also emphasizes the authority problem and how turning over our belief systems to the Holy Spirit is essential. Additionally, he delves into the difference between false empathy and true empathy and the importance of inclusiveness and releasing guilt from the mind. The movie "Her" is also used as an example of the representation of private thoughts and the need to free oneself from the belief in them. Jesus in A Course in Miracles focuses on this fundamental belief to help individuals recognize their true identity.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here:

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, May 6, 2023, at La Casa de Milagros, Chapala Mexico.

    Opening Session - Miracle of the Mind Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    Opening Session - Miracle of the Mind Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu
    Opening Session - Miracle of the Mind Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    Frances and David have been making monthly online retreats for the last five and a half years, and this weekend is the last one, called "Miracle of the Mind." David believes that the spiritual journey is about purifying what we want and that it sets us on an automatic trajectory once we realize what we want. Then, the power of the mind, the miracle state of mind, will carry us through.

    Jesus tells us that words are symbols of the symbols twice removed from reality and that the prayer of the heart takes us to communion with God, not the words. Jerry Jampolsky's quote, "Remember the peace of God is my one goal," is a reminder that the desire of the heart is the key to returning the mind to the full awareness of truth.

    Only in complete trust in God and the Holy Spirit can we truly experience present peace. This online retreat aims to help people relax and trust God and the Holy Spirit.

    Enjoy David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu's opening session for this last monthly Heart of Christ online retreat.

    You can watch the beginning of the session on YouTube.

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Recorded on May 5, 2023, Online at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    How To Deepen in Divine Trust - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    How To Deepen in Divine Trust - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    How To Deepen in Divine Trust - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    In this workshop, David talks about the importance of deepening our trust in God and the divine. He shares his personal stories and references to teachings from A Course in Miracles to provide insights on how to do this. He emphasizes the need to release judgments, allow healing, follow one's joy, and be kind and loving towards others. David encourages listeners to trust their intuitions and surrender control of personal relationships to Jesus for personal growth and healing. In the session, he also references a movie called "The Jesus Revolution" and a story about Calvary Chapel's transformation in the late 60s and early 70s, highlighting how the search for spiritual awakening and meeting different cultures can lead to a deeper trust in God.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here:

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, April 15, 2023, Online.

    Closing Session - "Rise Into Joy" Online Weekend Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    Closing Session - "Rise Into Joy" Online Weekend Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu
    Closing Session - "Rise Into Joy" Online Weekend Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    David and Frances end the "Rise Into Joy" Online Retreat on Resurrection Sunday and discuss the resurrection as a reawakening and a rebirth. It's accepting the Holy Spirit's interpretation of the world's purpose and the atonement for oneself—the single desire of the Son for the Father and the denial of death.

    Love is no longer feared but gladly welcomed, and Christ's face is seen in every living thing. The curriculum ends with no directions needed and all mistakes undone. The goal of the curriculum has been achieved, and all longings are satisfied for what remains unanswered or incomplete.

    The last illusion spreads across the world, forgiving all things and replacing all attacks, and nothing is left to contradict the Word of God. There is no death, and the Son of God is free.

    Enjoy this Closing Session with many prayers, comments, questions, and answers beautifully addressed by David and Frances.

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Recorded on April 9, 2023, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    How to Have It All Handled by Inspiration - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    How to Have It All Handled by Inspiration - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    How to Have It All Handled by Inspiration - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    David discusses the importance of the Holy Week, the week from Palm Sunday to Easter, as it serves as a beam of light that pierces through humanity's fog of ignorance and separation, helping everyone realize their divine nature. He emphasizes following divine guidance rather than personal inspiration, listening to the Holy Spirit, and unwinding from time and space. Trusting in inspiration means letting go of fear and false responsibility and living moment by moment based on what feels most inspiring. David also discusses the ideas of zero percent reliance on senses, perfect equality, and the importance of authenticity and transparency. Lastly, David emphasizes the story of Mary Magdalene and Jesus as reminders of God's oneness and love leading up to the celebration of Easter.

    Enjoy the profound commentary by David Hoffmeister.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, April 1, 2023, Online.

    Taking Back Projections: Having Full Responsibility for My Mind - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Taking Back Projections: Having Full Responsibility for My Mind - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Taking Back Projections: Having Full Responsibility for My Mind - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    David Hoffmeister encourages people to embrace a direct experience and let go of intellectualizing spiritual concepts in his ACIM Teaching Commentary. He advises people to forgive the world, realize that the dream holds nothing they truly want, and forget about future dreams. David discusses the importance of directly connecting with Jesus and not simply dabbling in ACIM concepts. He also introduces the movie Slumdog Millionaire as a tool to entirely forgive and pull the plug on the ego, leading us to a direct experience of God. He encourages people to embrace a direct experience and feel God's love, which is what people have always prayed for.

    Enjoy the profound commentary by David Hoffmeister.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, March 25, 2023, Online.

    Being ok with not knowing what's coming next - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Being ok with not knowing what's coming next - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Being okay with not knowing what's coming next - I know you've got me! - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister.

    "Being okay with not knowing what's coming next. I know you've got me." How's that for a theme? If you go into this theme, you will have less interest in world events because you're not so interested in what's coming next. Your question is not how will it end, but how do I feel right now? That's a more practical question. Jesus likes being practical. How do I feel now? That is beautiful. He's saying let go of your past learning. Just stay with me, step by step. I got you. He called me, and He answered, "Yes, I do. I have got you. And I will guide you step by step. So relax and enjoy the ride. It's going to be an amazing destination in the present moment. The Holy Instant.

    Enjoy the profound commentary on "Evan Almighty'' by David Hoffmeister.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, March 18, 2023, Online.

    Finding Out There Is No World - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Finding Out There Is No World - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Finding Out There Is No World - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    This week's movie is the ultimate forgiveness movie and will take viewers symbolically toward the light. He emphasizes that true forgiveness is about forgiving the ego and not just individuals and that forgiveness is necessary to remove barriers to the awareness of love's presence. Love is far beyond the awareness of this world and requires forgiveness.

    David speaks about the concept of being born again in spirit, which involves being fully present and giving up the belief in the horizontal plane. He explains that true forgiveness involves overlooking the belief in separation rather than forgiving individual people. David believes the movie will take viewers symbolically toward the light and help them bring the darkness in their minds to the light of truth.

    Enjoy the profound commentary on "Solaris'' by David Hoffmeister.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, March 12, 2023, Online.

    "Pray, Listen & Follow" Online Weekend Retreat - Closing Session with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    "Pray, Listen & Follow" Online Weekend Retreat - Closing Session with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu
    "Pray, Listen & Follow" Online Weekend Retreat - Closing Session with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    In this session, David and Frances discuss and answer questions on the retreat theme of learning to pray, listen, and follow. They express their gratitude for the attendees' heartfelt questions and interactions. They also discuss the movie shown during the event, which they see as a metaphor for stepping into one's calling and following God's voice. The conversation then turns to the original four people who brought A Course in Miracles into being. When they finished scribing the Course, they didn't know what to do with it. The four prayed together and heard the guidance to "commit first." They didn't have preconceived ideas of the outcome, which allowed them to receive unexpected guidance that led to a lifelong collaboration. David quotes a passage from the Course that suggests that every decision is for the whole sonship and can influence a larger constellation of events.

    Enjoy this Closing Session from the monthly Heart of Christ online retreat with the theme "Pray, Listen & Follow" - Three Steps That Will Take Care of Everything.

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Recorded on March 5, 2023, Online at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    Trust that Jesus Will Carry Me - Pray, Listen & Follow Online Retreat - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Trust that Jesus Will Carry Me - Pray, Listen & Follow Online Retreat - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Trust that Jesus Will Carry Me - Pray, Listen & Follow Online Retreat - Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Oh, What a beautiful Retreat Weekend. We are going deep into the topic of prayer. Let's call it our new lifestyle of PRAY, LISTEN, and FOLLOW. In the past, we were trying to be educated and learn about the world. Learn how to analyze, compare, and do things based on past learning so we can survive as a person and a body and, hopefully, grow old and eventually die.

    Work hard, grow old, get sick, and die. But, hmm. Maybe there's more than that. Maybe there's more. Perhaps, we had it all wrong. Maybe we were in a fantasy land trying to make the best of this world. You know, try to be a decent person and then try to make it into old age and then yeah, and then succumb to death like everyone else. Maybe we had it wrong. Maybe there's a higher calling for us than such trivial pursuits.

    Enjoy the profound commentary on "'The Girl Who Believes in Miracles" by David Hoffmeister.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, March 4, 2023, Online.

    "Pray, Listen & Follow" Online Weekend Retreat - 2nd. Session Q&A with David Hoffmeister

    "Pray, Listen & Follow" Online Weekend Retreat - 2nd. Session Q&A with David Hoffmeister
    "Pray, Listen & Follow" Online Weekend Retreat - 2nd. Session Q&A with David Hoffmeister

    Enjoy this Question and Answer session with David Hoffmeister, where he engages with the participants in the monthly Heart of Christ online retreat. The overall topic for the retreat is "Pray, Listen & Follow" - Three Steps That Will Take Care of Everything.

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Recorded onMarch 3, 2023, Online at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    Opening Session - "Pray, Listen & Follow" - Online Weekend Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    Opening Session - "Pray, Listen & Follow" - Online Weekend Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu
    3 Steps to Awakening: Pray, Listen & Follow

    If you were at a movie theater and your attention went to the screen, you perceive everything personally through the dream character. You seem to see the things in the dream with the body's eyes and hear with the body's ears.

    When we learn to pray, the prayer of our heart is to come in touch with our desire for God and to start to activate the miracle in our mind. We're all being activated to be miracle workers, but the miracles come to our minds through our consciousness from the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Then they extend and radiate out into the world that we perceive. To the screen, but when we try to interpret, PRAY, LISTEN, and FOLLOW in terms of the dream character, we'll still find doubt. Critical thoughts, and belief in failure, because it's not like the dream character wakes up. The mind dreams the world, and the dream character needs to forgive and wake up. And so when we look at PRAY, LISTEN, and FOLLOW, we tend to interpret things through the personality self. And then we question, What is prayer? How do I pray? Is there a good way to pray besides just using prayers from the Bible, A Course in Miracles, or prayers from St. Francis?

    Enjoy David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu's opening session for this monthly Heart of Christ online retreat with the topic PRAY, LISTEN, and FOLLOW.

    You can watch the beginning of the session on YouTube.

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Recorded on March 3, 2023, Online at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    Jesus Can Do It Through You - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Jesus Can Do It Through You - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Go from “I Can Do It” to “You Do It Through Me” - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister.

    Jesus and all the mystics and saints of the last 2,000 years have had the same message.
    Empty your mind of everything you think you think and think you know.

    In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Judge not, lest you be judged".

    If you hold a concept in your mind about your identity, then you will see the whole world through the filter of that concept. For example, if you have a concept of a body, you believe you're a body. You see everybody as bodies. You see animals as bodies, You might even say a tree has a tree body, or a cloud has a cloud body. It's everything.

    You see, anything that you can think of in time and space is part of the self-concept, and that means that what Jesus is teaching us with the Course is that as long as you look through the filter of the ego, you will see yourself and everyone, and everything in a very distorted way as if it's fragmented and separate. So the whole message of A Course in Miracles is, "Hallelujah, there's only one of us. There's always only been one of us.

    That one of us is a Christ ideal; forgive everything you've ever learned from history or everything you've ever believed, and accept ourselves as the living Christ. That is what reality is. We are an idea in the mind of God.

    Enjoy the profound commentary on "The Three Christs'' by David Hoffmeister.

    To learn more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, February 25, 2023, Online.

    Opening Session - Purpose is Everything - The Heart of Christ Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    Opening Session - Purpose is Everything - The Heart of Christ Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu
    Opening Session - Purpose is Everything - The Heart of Christ Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    Jesus says in A Course in Miracles, You have been called, together with your brother, to the holiest function this world contains. It is the only one with no limits and reaches out to every broken fragment of the Sonship with healing and uniting comfort.

    At the beginning of this journey, you can feel quite clueless about what you are called into, letting up all your darkness and being called to join with your brothers in authentic ways. But soon, bubbling joy starts in your heart, maybe for the first time.

    When you feel this way, you realize there is no reason to return to a depressing state of trying to make it in this world. If Heaven feels this way to you, that's all you want. That's all you would give your life over to. You have to make a conscious choice. 'I want happiness. I like this bubbling joy to be forever for me. That's all there is. Then suddenly, when you are looking back, with this desire, and this purpose held in my mind, a pathway shows up, and every single step has been given to this point.

    Enjoy David Hoffmeister, and Frances Xu's opening session for this monthly Heart of Christ online retreat with the topic 'Purpose is Everything.'

    You can watch the beginning of the session on YouTube.

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Recorded on February 3, 2023, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    How to Find the Holy Spirit’s Prompts in Your Mind - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    How to Find the Holy Spirit’s Prompts in Your Mind - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    How to Find the Holy Spirit’s Prompts in Your Mind - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Even when you contact the Holy Spirit, you start to live a much more intuitive life and much less of an analytical life. However, when you focus more on the present moment and less on the past, you will still find that you must become very conscious of where you reject or ignore the Spirit's prompts.

    Jesus told us, let your yes be yes and let your no be no; the Spirit's guidance will not be saying yes to everything and everyone; it will require discernment. And there will be times when you must let the Spirit put the word in your mouth - Yes. And sometimes you must let the Spirit put the word in your mouth - No. But the Holy Spirit is the one who's helping the mind navigate toward the light.

    You have to start to learn to forgive the past and forgive the person and forgive the image that has been made to take the place of Christ. It's about letting go of the self, which the ego made, and letting the light shine through the mind and radiate, which is its natural state, its natural condition.

    Enjoy the profound commentary on "Bruce Almighty" by David Hoffmeister.

    If you want to know more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, January 28, 2023, Online.

    Strengthen My Inner Connection with the Spirit - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Strengthen My Inner Connection with the Spirit - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Strengthen My Inner Connection with the Spirit - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Pretty early on in the beginning of the second chapter of A Course in Miracles, Jesus offers a prayer; 'I am here only to be truly helpful. I'm here to represent Him who sent Me. I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, he who sent me will direct me, and I'm content to be wherever he wishes, knowing he goes there with me. I will heal as I let him teach me to heal.' So whenever Jesus puts the words 'truly helpful' in a prayer, that's an interesting, open-ended prayer that means we have to unlearn a lot of our beliefs and thoughts, which the ego believes is truly helpful, and let the Holy Spirit replace it.

    Who knows what is truly helpful at any moment?

    Enjoy the profound commentary on "The Peaceful Warrior" by David Hoffmeister. If you want to know more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, January 21, 2023, Online.

    Accept the Gentle Unfolding of God’s Plan - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Accept the Gentle Unfolding of God’s Plan - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister
    Accept the Gentle Unfolding of God's Plan - Online Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister

    Accept the gentle unfolding of God's plan. For most of us, when we're going through trials, challenges, and tribulations, we doubt there is a plan. We seriously doubt it. We think this is madness. The world is madness. My life is madness, and there's no way out. It seems like we're stuck in hell. And so when we have emotional difficulties, we feel, if there is a plan, I don't know what it is. And if there is a plan, it's a mystery to me. That is the human perspective. We like the idea of happiness. We like the idea of joy and freedom, but we only randomly seem to have access to it until we go into deep prayer and surrender. Then it's like, wow, maybe I've been wrong about the whole thing. And perhaps I need some help. I need help here. God help me! Let me accept the gentle unfolding of God's plan.

    Enjoy the profound commentary on "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen" by David Hoffmeister. If you want to know more about the Weekly Movie Workshops, look here: https://bit.ly/ACIM-Movie-Workshop.

    You can watch the introduction to the movie workshop on YouTube:

    Look for more info on David Hoffmeister and upcoming events: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    The movie workshop was recorded Saturday, January 14, 2023, Online.

    Closing Session - The Light Has Come Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    Closing Session - The Light Has Come Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu
    Closing Session - The Light Has Come Online Retreat with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu

    The Kingdom of Heaven is a spiritual Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Heaven is a state of mind. It's a beatitude. It's a presence of mind that is entirely independent of the body. And so when you ask if healing involves bodily activity. I would say it consists of the purpose or the use of the body, but not the body's activities. If everything's an illusion, which it is, and the body is an illusion, it can't mean whether the body is active or inactive is essential.

    What Jesus tells us is that the miracle is involuntary and shouldn't be under conscious control. And so we have to get into every moment. What would you have me do? Where would you have me go? What would you have me say? I'm here, I'm giving my body over to you, Spirit, and I'm no longer in charge of it. I take zero responsibility for it. And I'm going to give it entirely over to you and then the miracles start to happen.

    Enjoy David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu's Closing Session for this monthly Heart of Christ online retreat with the topic 'The Light Has Come.'

    If you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.

    Recorded on January 8, 2023, at La Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.