

    Explore "parenting" with insightful episodes like "“Creep” Into Negotiations with Your Kids - 1 + 1 = 3 Halloween Edition!", "Gideon's 70 Sons", "How To Live A Family-Centric Lifestyle with Justin Donald", "La rentrée de Petit Pou" and "DrTinaSellersPrt1" from podcasts like ""1+1=3 | Turmoil to Triumph", "Bad Marriages in the Bible", "18 Summers: Podcast for Parents", "Badaboum & Patatras" and "Ask Nyomi " Bridging The Gap" Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    “Creep” Into Negotiations with Your Kids - 1 + 1 = 3 Halloween Edition!

    “Creep” Into Negotiations with Your Kids - 1 + 1 = 3 Halloween Edition!
    Don’t argue with your child! There are healthy ways of coming to a resolution when you have a conflict with your kids. Listen to hear perspective from experts in conflict about how to “negotiate” with your child to not only have positive interactions but to teach productive communication techniques.

    How To Live A Family-Centric Lifestyle with Justin Donald

    How To Live A Family-Centric Lifestyle with Justin Donald

    Justin Donald joins us as we delve into a paradigm shift toward achieving exponential growth. Gain insights into various facets of our existence, take a moment to reflect on these insights, and consider how they align with your personal journey by listening until the end of the episode.



    Key takeaways to listen for

    • Family-centric lifestyle: What it means, and how does it feel to live one?
    • The intricacies of perfectionism and the challenges it poses in our lives
    • Significance of having financial transparency within relationships
    • Ways to achieve exponential growth in business and life
    • A harmonious integration of family, adventure, and impactful giving in life






    About Justin Donald

    Entrepreneur Magazine calls Justin Donald the “Warren Buffett of Lifestyle Investing.” As the founder of The Lifestyle Investor and a master of low-risk cash flow investing, Justin’s ethos is to “create wealth without creating a job.” He excels at simplifying complex financial strategies, structuring deals, and disciplined investment systems that consistently yield profitable results.

    After 21 months of investing, and before his 37th birthday, Justin’s investments generated sufficient passive income for him and his wife Jennifer to leave their jobs. Following his straightforward investment system and 10 Commandments of Lifestyle Investing, Justin negotiated deals with over 200 companies, multiplied his net worth to over nine figures, and continues to maintain a family-centric lifestyle. 



    Connect with Justin



    Connect with Us

    To learn more about us, visit our website at www.18summers.com or email us at info@18summers.com. To get a copy of our book “The Family Board Meeting”, click here.


    Subscribe to 18 Summers Podcast and leave a rating and written review!



    Social Media Channels

    La rentrée de Petit Pou

    La rentrée de Petit Pou

    C’est la première fois que Petit Pou va à l’école. Tous ses frères et soeurs sont excités à l’idée de retrouver les enfants et leur belle chevelure mais Petit Pou, lui, a un peu peur... 

    Badaboum & Patatras est un podcast pour les enfants de 3 à 6 ans. 

    Dans ce podcast, on fait la course avec le vent, on pique-nique sur les nuages, on voyage dans une larme. Dans ce podcast, il y a des oiseaux qui piaillent, des bulles qui explosent, des ours qui grognent... Derrière chaque son, il y a des tas d'histoires. Des histoires que j'ai plaisir à vous raconter alors suivez ma voix et plongez dans l'univers de Badaboum & Patatras. 

    Pour plus d'infos: https://www.instagram.com/badaboum_et_patatras/


    Écriture et réalisation : Agathe Welcomme

    Musique originale : Alexandre Barberon et Sylvain Legeai

    Visuel : Lola Bogelmann  


    In this captivating episode of Ask Nyomi Bridging the Gap, we are joined by the brilliant and accomplished Dr. Tina Sellers. Dr. Sellers is a renowned expert in the field of psychology and has dedicated her life to helping individuals overcome their personal challenges and achieve optimal mental well-being. Join us as we dive deep into Dr. Sellers' expansive knowledge and expertise, exploring topics such as emotional intelligence, resilience, and personal growth. Get ready for an insightful conversation that will leave you inspired and empowered to take charge of your own mental health journey.

    A Tale of Two Brothers

    A Tale of Two Brothers

    Kate and Sean discuss what happens when Jacob and Esau finally see each other again after 20 years.  Does Esau still want to kill his brother?  Is Jacob the still the same old trickster little sibling?  


    Dandelion Ministries

    Support the Show

    Send us your questions: sean@dandelionministries.org

    Unwrapped: Ginny and Georgia - Episode 1

    Unwrapped: Ginny and Georgia - Episode 1

    Welcome to the first episode in our series Unwrapped: Ginny and Georgia!

    In this series you'll get the chance to meet Sunshine City Counseling's Teen specialists Ciara Gorby, Alexis Younes, and Cara Reiff as they take you through Season 2, picking apart different mental health themes along the way.

    In this episode, Ciara and Alexis talk about a common trend in the show and in reality: anxiety, panic attacks, and self harm. We differentiate between anxiety attacks and panic attacks because let's face it, we use those terms interchangeably, (and we get it, we mess up sometimes too!) but are we using the terms correctly?

    This podcast gives general information on the three topics and helpful coping skills, such as TIPP, to alleviate anxiety and panic attacks, along with ways we can reduce self harm. This episode sets the scene for what you will get to look forward to as the series continues! 

    Free Download for Reducing Anxiety and Panic Attacks!


    Lets get into it!

    Cheering You On,

    The Team at Sunshine City Counseling 

    Want to do individual counseling, couples counseling or child and teen therapy with one of the counselors at Sunshine City Counseling? Schedule your first free session.

    **We are now offering holistic health coaching**

    Are you in Portland, Maine and needing a therapist? Check out our Portland, Maine location and schedule your first free session! 

    We're ready when you are.

    Waking Up with Clearer Intention and Purpose

    Waking Up with Clearer Intention and Purpose

    Looking to cultivate self-awareness and deepen your connection with your environment? In this episode, we explore a simple practice to help you do just that. Whether you're feeling stuck or looking to reach your biggest goals more efficiently, tuning in can provide you with valuable strategies to help you renavigate your journey. Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow and thrive!


    Key takeaways to listen for

    • The 3-question exercise that can help to reassess your life path
    • How time freedom can allow you to explore your desires in life
    • Ways to evaluate and retain the factors driving your growth
    • A concept that you can use for your productivity and purpose 


    Resources mentioned in this episode4 


    Connect with Us

    To learn more about us, visit our website at www.18summers.com or email us at info@18summers.com. To get a copy of our book “The Family Board Meeting,” click here.

    Subscribe to 18 Summers Podcast and leave a rating and written review!

    Social Media Channels

    New CDC Prevalence Numbers 1:36 | Ask Dr. Doreen

    New CDC Prevalence Numbers 1:36 | Ask Dr. Doreen

    Join us for an informative and engaging live session with Autism expert and pioneer in the field, Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh. In this video, Dr. Granpeesheh discusses the latest CDC prevalence numbers related to Autism and answers viewer questions live. As a Psychologist and BCBA, Dr. Granpeesheh has extensive experience working with individuals with Autism and their families. Her insights and expertise are invaluable for anyone seeking to better understand Autism and how to support individuals with this condition. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the leading experts in the field. Tune in now and join the conversation!

    Recording March 28, 2023

    6:00 New CDC Prevalence Numbers

    What do the new numbers mean and what does Dr. Granpeesheh wish would happen as a result of these new numbers? 

    20:35 My Son at the Age of 14 has been diagnosed with Autism. He has been to speech and language therapy and physio therapy. Why was this so hard to detect?

    26:15 Challenges: Tylenol, pre-natals are awful, diapers are toxic in addition to others listed

    27:40 A friend of mine has an autistic son. The guardianship of him was taken by the state of California when he turned 18, They are not allowing the family to see him.

    29:57 Have you seen connections between ASD and Vaccinations?

    37:25 What do they look for in genetic testing in Autism?

    40:34 What age is it safe to bring your child to the dentist with anesthesia?

    41:56 Do you feel auditory processing Disorder is separate from Autism?

    47:00 Any idea why minority children tend to be diagnosed more on the severe side?

    50:15 Why do people hate the topic of Autism Recovery?

    1:01:32 Coming up on Autism Live

    Click here to watch on YouTube

    Click here to set a reminder for the Autism Network Podcastathon

    Autism Network Website 

    Shannon Penrod's book is out now! Order from the link below!

    Autism Live's Link Tree

    Order the book written by the host of Autism Live, Shannon Penrod! 

    Click Here for Autism Live on Apple Podcast

     Autism Network Toy Guide

    Autism Live on Twitch

    Autism Live on Spotify

    Autism Live on IHeartRadio

    Autism Live on Amazon Audible

    Finding More Understanding In Our Relationships

    Finding More Understanding In Our Relationships

    Many of us walk around feeling hurt or stressed because someone we care about said something that offended or disappointed us. We often forget that the people around us might have different perspectives and have no idea how they made us feel. Listen to this podcast to bring fewer expectations and greater understanding to your relationships. Maybe you can create kinder, gentler, and more loving communication with the people in your life.

    The Sacred Path of Motherhood

    The Sacred Path of Motherhood

    Niki Dewart, the mother of Haven and Afton, has willingly detoured from a career as an arts writer/curator and rites-of-passage guide to walk the sacred path of motherhood. Over the past fifteen years, she has studied countless spiritual traditions and traveled worldwide to sit with wisdom keepers.

    In 2005, Niki began a lifetime’s work with her true gurus—her children. Her world is now her home in Lyons, Colorado, where writing, beauty-making, gardening, and chicken tending feed a vibrant and meaning-rich family life. She also is a founder of Applesong, a pioneering cottage school that nourishes the bodies, minds, and spirits of children in her community. Niki leads rituals, workshops, and retreats that nurture the soul of mothering.


    Listen to Aware On The Air wherever you find your favorite podcasts…

    Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, Alexa, Spotify, and much more! If you enjoyed this episode, we truly appreciate your subscribing/following, rating, and reviewing it. It helps tremendously with others finding our podcast.

    Visit our site to know more about Erin and her services as coaching


    Audio Production, Mix & Podcast Editing by Sonorous Laboratory LLC - https://sonorouslab.com

    La Maison-phare

    La Maison-phare

    La Maison-Phare est une maison haut-perchée dans les arbres d'où jaillit une douce lumière. Elle est un phare, un repère, pour les animaux de la forêt.

    Mais un jour, quel drame, la maison-phare disparait... 

    Badaboum & Patatras est un podcast pour les enfants de 3 à 6 ans. 

    Dans ce podcast, on fait la course avec le vent, on pique-nique sur les nuages, on voyage dans une larme. Dans ce podcast, il y a des oiseaux qui piaillent, des bulles qui explosent, des ours qui grognent... Derrière chaque son, il y a des tas d'histoires. Des histoires que j'ai plaisir à vous raconter alors suivez ma voix et plongez dans l'univers de Badaboum & Patatras. 

    Pour plus d'infos: https://www.instagram.com/badaboum_et_patatras/


    Écriture et réalisation : Agathe Welcomme

    Musique originale : Alexandre Barberon et Sylvain Legeai

    Visuel : Lola Bogelmann  

    Episodio 25: ¿Podemos empezar de nuevo?

    Episodio 25: ¿Podemos empezar de nuevo?
    #AuténticaPodcast 🦋 🎧

    ✨Episodio 25: ¿Podemos empezar de nuevo?

    Perder el miedo al fracaso, perder el miedo al cambio, salir de la zona de comfort requiere un gasto calórico.

    El qué dirán, los prejuicios, el grupo social, el entorno nos invita a seguir en automático por un camino que no necesariamente nos llena el alma.

    Los roles, las apariencias, los requisitos, los deberes nos llevan de la mano viviendo en piloto automático.

    Tomar un tiempo, un break para detenernos y si es necesario comenzar de nuevo es indispensable para vivir plenos, para VIVIR.

    ¿Podemos empezar de nuevo?, ¿podemos cambiar de track?
    ¿Tú qué opinas?

    Espero disfrutes este episodio tanto como yo💓

    Escríbeme tus comentarios, ¿de qué otros temas quieres platicar?

    🎧Disponible en Spotify, Apple PodCast y demás plataformas.

    📣Viene MEC 2023 @educandoconsciente.mec Presencial en AKADEM, San Pedro GG.

    Vamos a hablar más de esto en MEC 2023 @educandoconsciente.mec Presencial en AKADEM, San Pedro GG.

    Súper práctico, muy aterrizado con ejemplos del día a día 💛

    🌟Los pilares de este Taller Vivencial son:
    🌱Mindful Leadership

    🌟Primera vez presencial! 🌟Inscríbete ya!

    Dudas, comentarios, por WA o correo.

    📣Separa tu lugar ya!

    WA +52 81 8079 1954

    Con cariño,

    Let's Talk All the Things with Rachael & Shannon

    Let's Talk All the Things with Rachael & Shannon

    In this episode of Let’s Talk All the Things with Rachael & Shannon, our hosts share words of wisdom while schooling us on how to make ginger bread houses before sharing what they are grateful for! Don’t miss it! Use the link below to actually SEE the gingerbread houses on YouTube!


    Rachael Bird's Instagram: @SmallKitchenBigFlavor

    Autism Network Website 

    Shannon Penrod's book is out now! Order from the link below!

    Autism Live's Link Tree

    Order the book written by the host of Autism Live, Shannon Penrod! 

    Click Here for Autism Live on Apple Podcast

     Autism Network Toy Guide

    Autism Live on Twitch

    Autism Live on Spotify

    Autism Live on IHeartRadio

    Autism Live on Amazon Audible

    La révolte des lutins

    La révolte des lutins

    A quelques jours de Noël, les lutins décident d'arrêter de travailler. A force d'emballer toujours les mêmes jouets, ils commencent à se demander si les listes de commandes envoyées par les enfants existent bien, et même bien plus grave... si les enfants existent tout court !

    Badaboum & Patatras est un podcast pour les enfants de 3 à 6 ans. 

    Dans ce podcast, on fait la course avec le vent, on pique-nique sur les nuages, on voyage dans une larme. Dans ce podcast, il y a des oiseaux qui piaillent, des bulles qui explosent, des ours qui grognent... Derrière chaque son, il y a des tas d'histoires. Des histoires que j'ai plaisir à vous raconter alors suivez ma voix et plongez dans l'univers de Badaboum & Patatras. 

    Pour plus d'infos: https://www.instagram.com/badaboum_et_patatras/


    Écriture et réalisation : Agathe Welcomme

    Musique originale : Alexandre Barberon et Sylvain Legeai

    Visuel : Lola Bogelmann 

    Ask Dr. Doreen - Teaching Imagination & More!

    Ask Dr. Doreen - Teaching Imagination & More!

    Autism Expert and pioneer in the field of Autism, Psychologist and BCBA, Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh is discussing how to teach imagination and answering viewer questions LIVE! Tune in and check it out!

    14:36 How do I Teach Imagination?

    26:54 If my hypothesis is automatically main function, how should my trial basis FA be conducted?

    36:10 How do I handle My Son's Anxiety about Death?

    42:49 My Son is Having Problems with Friendship

    51:47 Tylenol Lawsuit

    55:54 My Son is not Interested in any of his Toys but messes with my Stuff


    Autism Network Website

    Autism Network Toy Guide

    TikTok: @AskDrDoreen

    Instagram: @AskDrDoreen

    YouTube: Ask Dr. Doreen

    Autism Network Website 

    Shannon Penrod's book is out now! Order from the link below!

    Autism Live's Link Tree

    Pre-Order the book written by the host of Autism Live, Shannon Penrod! 

    Click Here for Autism Live on Apple Podcast


    Autism Live on Twitch

    Autism Live on Spotify

    Autism Live on IHeartRadio

    Autism Live on Amazon Audible


    You Are The Holder Of The Dream

    You Are The Holder Of The Dream
    Are you feeling stuck? Do you have a dream but don't think you can make it happen? Listen to this podcast for inspiration to start believing that your dreams are real, change is possible, and that Maybe the best is yet to come!

    Parent to Parent: Healthy Eating

    Parent to Parent: Healthy Eating

    In this episode of Autism Live, our host and author of Autism Parent to Parent (Available on Amazon now), Shannon Penrod, discusses healthy eating and how important a healthy diet is for growing children, and tips and tricks for making sure kids and adults get a balanced diet! Don't miss it!

    Recorded Live 10am PT November 7th, 2022

    #HealthyEating #Autism #ParentingTips


    Autism Network Website 

    Shannon Penrod's book is out now! Order from the link below!

    Autism Live's Link Tree

    Pre-Order the book written by the host of Autism Live, Shannon Penrod! 

    Click Here for Autism Live on Apple Podcast


    Autism Live on Twitch

    Autism Live on Spotify

    Autism Live on IHeartRadio

    Autism Live on Amazon Audible

    to be an anchor of safety

    to be an anchor of safety

    when we, as mamas, give our children options/choices in difficult situations what is our motivation?

    what is going on in our inner world as they choose to express themselves in loud, bold, and beautiful ways?

    how can we remain in a powerful position creating safety for them no matter what state they're in?

    hailley shares with authenticity and realness her journey in paying attention to what motivates her parenting on a daily basis.

    her desire is to partner with compassion on this adventure of motherhood rather than shame/blame and help guide/encourage other mamas to do the same.