

    Explore "Bible" with insightful episodes like "4eme dimanche de Carême, année B | nouveau point de départ", "More Like Jesus: The Holy Spirit: Baptized, Filled, Led", "David's Dysfunctional Family", "A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 142" and "David et Jonathan : l'amitié de tous les dangers" from podcasts like ""Baladomélie, un quart d'heure de méditation exégétique", "Adventure Church Podcast", "Bad Marriages in the Bible", "A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Evers Bible Class" and "Au Commencement"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    4eme dimanche de Carême, année B | nouveau point de départ

    4eme dimanche de Carême, année B | nouveau point de départ

    Quinze minutes pour méditer les textes du 4ème dimanche de Carême 2024 qui nous invitent à prendre un nouveau point de départ.

    Cette exégèse a été pensée et lue par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique Évangile et Vie.

    Lire les textes sur le site de l'AELF 👉https://www.aelf.org/2024-03-10/romain/messe  


    #Baladomélie est un #podcast conçu par le père Eric Morin, prêtre du diocèse de Paris, Enseignant au Collège des Bernardins (FND, ISSR, Cours Publics), Directeur du Service Biblique #Évangile et Vie.

    Réalisation : Conférence des évêques de France.


    Générique : pixabay


    Vignette image : Jésus prêche à la synagogue, gravure de Gustave Doré.  

    More Like Jesus: The Holy Spirit: Baptized, Filled, Led

    More Like Jesus: The Holy Spirit: Baptized, Filled, Led

    Continuing our series “More Like Jesus”, today Pastor Jodi teaches about how to be completely consumed with the indwelling power of the Spirit of the living God! The person of the Holy Spirit is mysterious and often misunderstood. As we grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus, and yield to the Holy Spirit we can be baptized, filled, and led by the Spirit of Jesus that He sent to us to lead and guide us into all truth. The Bible has plenty to say about the Holy Spirit.

    Key Scripture Passages:
    Mat 3:11, 4:1, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, John 1:33, Acts 1:4-5, 8:14-17, 19:1-6, 2:4, 4:31, 16:6, Rom 8:14, Gal 5:16-18

    David's Dysfunctional Family

    David's Dysfunctional Family

    Sean and Kate discuss the terrible dysfunction among David's kids and how dark we can actually go as people.  BUT God's grace is always stronger and goes to the absolute depths of our brokenness, to the point of death to bring new life and set us free.

    Dandelion Ministries

    Support the Show

    Send us your questions: sean@dandelionministries.org


    A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 142

    A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 142


    Trouble in Antioch

    Paul and Barnabas are back in Antioch after their missionary journey to Galatia. Peter comes for a visit and mingles with all the new believers--Jews and Gentiles alike. 

    All is well until some Jewish believers show up from Judea and insist that all Gentile believers must be circumcised and follow the Law of Moses. Even Peter and Barnabas are swayed, but Paul is horrified. He calls Peter out, and Peter returns to Jerusalem.

    The believers in Antioch cannot decide what to do, so they send Paul and Barnabas and others to Jerusalem to consult the leaders there. Meanwhile, Jewish believers are making the same case for circumcision to the new believers in Galatia. Paul writes the Galatians a letter, warning them not to fall for this.

    We cover 
        Acts 15:1-35
        Galatians 2:1 thru 3:22

    A free Study Guide is available. A video version of the class is available on YouTube. More info at EversBibleClass.com.

    David et Jonathan : l'amitié de tous les dangers

    David et Jonathan : l'amitié de tous les dangers

    David est un jeune berger plein de courage qui se retrouve à la cour, après un acte héroïque. Là, il rencontre Jonathan, le fils du roi. Une amitié profonde les lie alors, et les deux hommes deviennent comme des frères. Mais cette amitié pourra-t-elle résister à tous les dangers ? Le père de Jonathan n'apprécie guère la renommée de David qui lui fait de l'ombre, et qu'en est-il de Jonathan qui devrait lui succéder si David est mis sur le trône ? Intrigue, amitié, fidélité et trahison... Laissez-vous porter par cette histoire riche en rebondissements.

    A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 138

    A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 138


    The Ethiopian Eunuch

    We run into the “Angel of the Lord” this week. The angel of the Lord is not just a regular messenger-type angel. This phrase is used in the Bible to identify the Lord showing up in human form at some particularly important juncture in the history of Israel. Often the angel of the Lord appears as an important man, but sometimes it is just an audible voice. Either way, it is always a significant event.

    So why did the angel of the Lord orchestrate a meeting between the disciple Philip and the treasurer of Ethiopia who had traveled 2300+ miles to Jerusalem?

    We cover Acts 8.

    A free Study Guide is available. A video version of the class is available on YouTube. More info at EversBibleClass.com.

    Solomon Becomes King

    Solomon Becomes King

    This week’s passage is 1 Kings 1:32-53. The same story repeating in form of instruction, carrying in out (obedience), and the testimony of a witness. The fearful response of Adonijah and those who supported him. Calling on God when it looks like the enemy is winning. The Lord’s will prevails. In life we will have people who try to manipulate the situation to their advantage regardless of God’s instructions. In life we are to listen to God’s instructions, to go and carry it out, and to be a witness of all Jesus has done and taught.   God loves you, God’s plan will prevail and we are fortunate to be used to carry it out as we follow Him. We already know of the victory God has made as we witness to the good news.    

    The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 20

    The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 20

    Revelation 13:1-17 -- Unholy trinity of the Dragon, the beast of the sea, the beast of the land; Foreshadowings in Daniel; Interpretations of the Two Beasts. Next time - the name/number of the Beast, 666. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an incredible comfort? Join us as we explore this controversial book together. https://www.awakeusnow.com


    The EmpowerHER Conversation That Will Help You Prioritize Yourself, Boost Confidence, and Live Fabulously With Debbie Bettendorf

    The EmpowerHER Conversation That Will Help You Prioritize Yourself, Boost Confidence, and Live Fabulously With Debbie Bettendorf


    Do you find yourself last on your list with low energy and low confidence?  First, it happens to the best of us!  However, you do not need to stay in those places, you have the choice.  

    Today, I am having a beautiful and impact trull conversation with my guest, Debbie Bettendorf who is an author, podcaster, fashion stylist, and business owner.  

    She believes that we all need to find our fabulous so we can live a life that we truly love. 

    Here's what we discuss:

    • Understanding the relationship you have with yourself and the importance of nurturing it daily
    • The labels you put on yourself might be keeping you stuck
    • Thoughtless journaling and the benefits from doing this
    • Prioritizing what is most important to you in the areas you want to succeed
    • Speak your words and trust what you are saying

    There's so many confidence boosting tips that I know you will love and feel empowered by!


    Connect and grab all things Debbie>>www.debbiesbizcard.com

    CONNECT WITH KELLEY and get yourself on the email list so you can be "in the know" of her upcoming RETREAT FOR WOMEN and the MASTERMIND starting in January!






    A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 120

    A Gentle Ramble Through the Bible - Class 120


    Lazarus Is Raised From The Dead

    Jesus raises one of his best friends from the dead and thoroughly awes the crowds, which in turn sets off alarm bells for all the powers that be. Fearing that Rome is about to step in and crush the Jewish nation, the religious leaders call an emergency meeting. Caiaphus, the High Priest, declares that Jesus must die so the entire nation does not perish. There’s just one problem--they have to catch him alone, away from the crowds who increasingly believe he is the Messiah.

    Jesus calls his disciples aside to give them the bad news (again) that he will die soon. They, like the people, still have trouble believing it. The mother of two of the disciples even asks Jesus to be sure to give her sons places of honor as soon as he gets to be King.

    We cover
       Matthew 20:17-28
       Mark 10:32-45
       Luke 18:31-34
       John 11:1-54

    A free Study Guide is available. A video version of the class is available on YouTube. More info at EversBibleClass.com.

    Embracing Imperfection: Breaking the Perfection Trap for True Success With Rachel Brooks

    Embracing Imperfection: Breaking the Perfection Trap for True Success With Rachel Brooks



    Have you ever felt that you were not perfect enough?  Maybe you wish you were not as imperfect as you want to be? 

    Then this episode is for you!

    Meet Rachel Brooks, a entrepreneur, author, and podcaster, who empowers women to become the best versions of themselves personally and professionally.  She is the founder of the Confident Woman, a lifestyle and media brand dedicated to inspiring and empowering women to create lasting change from within, without having the need to be perfect!


    In this episode, we talk about:

    • Practical strategies to help you break free from perfectionism
    • Self acceptance
    • Overcoming challenges
    • Redefining our standards
    • Cultivating self compassion

    Society has burdened us with expectations of needing to be perfect, and we are here to openly discuss the detrimental effects this has on us, and how we can change it. 

    If you ever have struggled with the pursuit of unattainable ideals, you are not alone.  Listen in as we give you actionable strategies to overcome perfectionism so you can redefine success on your own terms.

    Remember, chasing perfection always leads to dead ends!



    Purchase a copy of her book, Chasing Perfection

    Follow Rachel on Instagram



    Work with Kelley 1:1


    Grab a copy of Kelley's book, Addicted to the Climb!





    This week’s passage is Daniel 1:9-21. The division and ultimate fall of the kingdom of Israel and Judah. Daniel was born into the kingdom of Judah who survived the fall of their kingdom. Daniel and his friends asked to not defile themselves with the king’s food. God remains with those who remain with God (John 15:5).  God gives favor in hard circumstances. Daniel and his friend’s growth and ability eating only vegetables and water was a gift from God.  Romans 12:2, they could have had bad attitudes in exile, they could have been selfish, but the stayed loyal to God and fasted. What we consume and what it represents. Consuming what God has for us brings us into the abundant life. Matthew 6:33, seek first the kingdom of God and live righteously, and everything else will be added to you. God makes the way, God gives us favor and victory. We represent God, Daniel points to God when he tells Nebuchadnezzar the dream and the interpretation.