

    Explore "relationships" with insightful episodes like "Engagement - Relationships Pt7", "Christmas 2023", "Samson's Honey", "How Sports-Minded Seniors Can Learn to Protect their Joints" and "Episode 39 - Soul Contract Part 3 (Twin Flames)" from podcasts like ""Aus Table Talk | Conversations you wish you could have at church", "Bad Marriages in the Bible", "Bad Marriages in the Bible", "45 Forward" and "2 Queens & Crystal Things"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Engagement - Relationships Pt7

    Engagement - Relationships Pt7
    Popping the question – when? Apparently, confidence is key 💃 also, counsel, conviction, communication, counselling, and other ‘c’ words- Join Steve, Dave, Luke, and (the “good looking”) Matt, as we discuss the ins and outs of engagement. Purity! Boundaries! Commitment! What’s our experience, and what do we recommend? Listen in and you’ll get the answer 👍 This is the penultimate Part 6 of ATT’s Relationship Series. Enjoy! (P.S. THE AUDIO SUCKS, BUT THE CONTENT DOESN’T!! Technical difficulties etc, but give it a chance and you won’t regret it 😉)

    Christmas 2023

    Christmas 2023

    Merry Christmas everyone!  Sean and Kate take a little moment to discuss the challenges facing Jesus' parents and the miraculous work for which God chose them.  Needless to say their relationship was certainly tested.  We're praying you all have a blessed Christmas celebrating the coming of Immanuel - God with us!

    Dandelion Ministries

    Support the Show

    Send us your questions/prayer needs: sean@dandelionministries.org


    How Sports-Minded Seniors Can Learn to Protect their Joints

    How Sports-Minded Seniors Can Learn to Protect their Joints
    Everywhere you go these days, people are playing pickleball. It’s especially big among those age 55 and older, who account for more than half of the passionate players of this fast-growing game. With pickleball providing consistent health and social benefits, it’s not surprising that it continues to grow in popularity among this age group. But with such popularity comes, perhaps inevitably, injuries. According to one recent study, 86% of ER visits related to pickleball injuries were by seniors, most commonly sprains, strains, and fractures. In today’s conversation, we talk with Dr. David Neuman, an orthopedic surgeon and founder of Pop-doc.com, an innovative online approach to help individuals take charge of their joint health, a key to staying healthy, alleviating pain and avoiding the risk of injury—and not just from pickleball. With more than 17 years of experience treating sports medicine injuries, Dr. Neuman, will explain how Pop-Doc.com is not just a digital tool for rehabilitation, but also can be used in preventive orthopedic programs, as well as joint maintenance and preservation. He’ll describe the biggest problems we face with our joints as we age, and some ways we can improve our musculoskeletal functions, and alleviate pain. And, Dr. Neuman will talk about his multigenerational educational approach as Executive Director of the non-profit Joint Education Outreach, empowering children to have a better understanding of their bodies so future generations can suffer less and assume greater responsibility for their own health and fitness.

    Episode 39 - Soul Contract Part 3 (Twin Flames)

    Episode 39 - Soul Contract Part 3 (Twin Flames)

    Hey Queens & Kings,

    Before we get into the show, don't forget to join Two Queens for their first women's retreat on September 22nd - 24th in Sawyer, Michigan. Details can be find on their website at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com under events. We are a few days away with limited tickets, so register today.

    This episode will be Part 3 of our Soul Contract series. Twin flame relationships are often romanticized, idealized and worshiped. Twin flames are definitely divine,  and they are also intensely unsettling because twin flame relationships are here to revolutionize our lives. A Twin Flame is a person who you feel connected to not just on a physical and emotional level, but also on a soulful or spiritual level.
    They are mirrors that reflect back to us our hidden fears and shadows, and also our true inner beauty and strength. Twin Flames open the door to tremendous emotional, psychological, and spiritual growth.

    Pull up a chair, go run your errands, grab a drink or whatever it is you do while you are tuning in, do that so we can get into this discussion!


    • Twin flames don’t “complete” you, instead, they help to support your spiritual evolution
    • Myths vs Reality of Twin flames 
    • Twin flame relationships can be constructive and destructive
    • Often times they are unconventional relationships
    • Twin flame relationships are not bound by gender
    • Your twin flame is most likely your “opposite” 
    • Make up - Break up Cycle - somehow you keep coming back 
    • Until you both enter a position of wholeness the connection will be repelled

    We'd love to hear your thoughts about this episode. Drop us a line on Instagram and share.
    Please be sure to leave us a review on whatever platform you are using to listen to us. 

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!

    How to Build Communication Skills in Relationships With Sinead Kennedy

    How to Build Communication Skills in Relationships With Sinead Kennedy
    Beginning – 8:25

    The different types of relationships in our lives be it romantic, platonic, with the self, food or money. Navigating platonic relationships in particular is discussed. Learning to show love through physical touch in a platonic way.Discussing “huggers” and what may lend to being comfortable or uncomfortable with physical touch. Whether it be a cultural thing or an upbringing thing.Love languages and how trauma and neurodivergence may hold us back from being able to fulfil our needs with physical touch.

    8:25 – 18:10

    Finding the courage to communicate past the awkwardness so that everyone is clear about the boundaries of touch. The struggles of communication and some trouble shooting ideas to try in order to get over those brick walls that clam us up when we still have things to communicate.There are many ways to communicate and you have to figure out which modalities work best for you in the specific relationship in question.“Emotional floating” where you start on one point in a conversation and other points and topics come in and get tangled and then emotions come in and now everything is confused.The communication differences and difficulties between neurodivergent and neurotypical people. How you really have to be dedicated to the conversation, the person and sticking it out or taking a break when the conversation gets frustrating so that you can find a resolution and common ground in the end.

    18:10 – 24:50

    The only constant is change so as soon as you figure out a system with your relationship, it’s going to change. Navigating change and how much is too much.Discussing keeping yourself in check and remaining self aware to your own traumas, flaws and toxicity so that you can keep the relationship healthy from your end.Being able to recognize toxicity in yourself and others. Sometimes it can be a difficult navigation knowing what’s okay and what isn’t. Everything is a spectrum, nothing is clear cut black and white.Discussing boundaries and laying out the map for what is okay and what isn’t for each particular relationship.

    24:50 – 33:15

    Overthinking and over analyzing are touched on. Learning to trust yourself when you’ve been soaked in gaslighting and other relationship trauma.How sometimes it can be hard to know who you are and what your own values are. We are constructed our entire lives by the values of others be it family or culture and values that work for some don’t always work for others.We talk about meditation, what it means to meditate and how useful it is as a tool of self discovery and healing. However, we also discuss how it can prompt anxiety attacks in the beginning because you are bringing up all of this trauma to be released. You just have to get to the other side of it. Taking it one moment at a time.

    33:15 – 41:00

    Working on yourself as a whole is preferrable but in the beginning it can be really overwhelming to figure out where to start. In this case, sectioning things up and focusing on one thing at a time can be very useful. Starting with the tangible, touchable can be easier than starting with the mind and emotional stuff.Healing is not linear but it a “whole”. Healing the body will help you to heal the mind which will help you to heal the body. The energy translates across the board.Healing is a spiral. Things keep coming back around until they’re completely healed. How do you navigate being your own biggest problem? How many expectations are too many expectations?We’re all always on the emotional edge of being human. We’re not alone in this and we need to find ways to connect to others.

    41:00 – End

    Social media and how it has a positive side and a negative side, just as all things do. Anything can be healthy or unhealthy depending on how it’s used. Social media has done a lot to divide us but it has also done a lot to bring us together and that’s important to combating loneliness and finding community.We were meant to live together in groups but we’ve all divided ourselves up into too small pods. Parenting is the hardest thing in the world. Especially when you’re trying to heal your own trauma as you go.Building communities is all about cultivating the relationships in our lives. We’re too quick to cut people off these days rather than try and do the work to find common ground. The internet has brought us awareness of things such as gaslighting and narcissism so we’re all hypervigilant to red flags and quick to ax the relationship.Everyone has pros and cons. There’s disfunction in all families. We have to learn to communicate our issues, talk them out and decide what are deal breakers and what we’re willing to work with. Or else we’ll be left on our own.
    About Our Guest

    Sinead Kennedy – Relationship Coach and Psychotherapist.
    Sinead is a Relationship Coaching and Psychotherapist. She is dedicated to helping single women break free from destructive relationship cycles, build self-confidence, and attract the partners they deserve without wasting anymore time. Her background as a Psychotherapist has given her the unique ability to combine therapeutic techniques with effective coaching strategies. She provides a comprehensive, holistic approach to understanding and breaking unhealthy patterns, learning the art of effective communication, asserting boundaries, cultivating self-love, and of course, honing a mindset that empowers you to conquer relationship challenges.Having been through a similar journey herself it is now her mission to guide other single women on their journey. To help them break free from their own toxic cycles, build their confidence, and attract the love they’ve been longing for. She does this through her signature coaching programme: The Relationship Revolution. She also runs a free women only fb group where she offers support and resources to help you on your journey.Relationship Coaching: Therapy: www.here4youtherapy.com

    Simul Justus Et Peccator - It's Latin!

    Simul Justus Et Peccator - It's Latin!

    Kate and Sean unpack the Christian paradox of being both fully righteous and fully a sinner at the same time.  And they explain the good news of how Jesus speaks to us and creates new life.


    Dandelion Ministries

    Support the Show

    Send us your questions: sean@dandelionministries.org


    ‘Kinship Care’: A Vital Part of Today’s Caregiving Continuum

    ‘Kinship Care’: A Vital Part of Today’s Caregiving Continuum
    Over the last few decades, addressing the needs of caregivers has emerged as national priority, with millions of people trying every day to balance work with family life—especially “sandwich generation” parents who are managing both child care and elder care. But there’s another type of caregiving that may have not received as much attention, but it, too, involves millions of families nationwide: It’s called kinship care, a term used to describe the raising of children by grandparents, as well as other relatives, and family friends. Recently, the term “grandfamily” was coined to describe families engaged in kinship care, although roughly 40 percent of these caregivers are not parents. In today’s episode, Gerard Wallace, the founder of the New York State Kinship Navigator, will talk about his deep and abiding advocacy on behalf of kinship caregivers and their families. Since graduating from law school more than 25 years ago, Jerry has become a leading expert on kinship care, drafting federal and state legislation, providing legal continuing education training on kinship law, and presenting at many conferences, commissions, and local forums. His work, along with other advocates, has resulted in more than 30 recommendations becoming laws, regulations or policy changes. Gerry has received numerous awards for his leadership, but more than these accolades, you will be inspired by his far-reaching knowledge of kinship issues; his devotion to supporting kinship families; and his commitment to raising national awareness of the needs, challenges and rewards of kinship care.

    Insomnia? Here Is A New Perspective To Help You Fall Asleep!

    Insomnia? Here Is A New Perspective To Help You Fall Asleep!

    Numerous individuals struggle with sleep difficulties, finding it challenging to calm their thoughts and surrender to the mystery and stillness of the night. However, altering our perspective regarding the significance of sleep as a rejuvenating ritual can yield remarkable results, transforming each morning into a fresh start brimming with boundless potential. Although it aired a few years ago, listen to this podcast again to rekindle your inspiration to improve your sleep quality and habits!

    Being Intentional and Authentic

    Being Intentional and Authentic
    In this episode we discuss when is the right time for an adult child to move out, building trusting relationships with your kids (or kids in your life), how each child may need to be parented differently depending on their personality (what is a punishment to one child may be heaven to another), how little things such as knowing kids names in a school setting and greeting them personally can make a difference for them.

    What Makes Marriage so Hard? Featuring Paul Taylor of Paul Taylor Studios

    What Makes Marriage so Hard? Featuring Paul Taylor of Paul Taylor Studios

    Hello supporters of The Beauty in the Breakup Podcast! Wecome to season one finale! In today's episode, Tika and Irise chat with fellow native Memphian Paul Taylor of @PaulTaylor_Studios about the different reasons marriage is so challenging. We all agree that marriage, although difficult, is worth having when shared with the right person. In this episode we shared different reasons we felt hardships in marriage, as well as navigating dating after a dissolution of a marriage. 

    Thank you for supporting the podcast during this first season! Follow us on Instagram @BeautyInTheBreakupPodcast in the meantime and stay tuned for season two.

    This podcast is hosted by @TikaTheTrainer and @VivaciousPinky.


    12. Brat Motivations with Lola Jean

    12. Brat Motivations with Lola Jean

    On this month's Deep Dive interview, Brat Whisperer Lola Jean joins me to talk all about how to find your inner brat and, more importantly, negotiate the conditions that will allow (controlled, joyful) chaos to reign. You are a cute puzzle! 

    Going patreon at $11/month to get the full hour-long interview here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/brat-motivations-79112905 

    Or join at $5/month to join us live for our next Deep Dive interview with @safeslut all about STI’s, safer sex, and her life as an HSV+ queen!  https://www.patreon.com/askasub 

    Submit questions for this podcast as voice memos to podcast@askasub.com

    More on my breakup with Instagram: https://askasub.substack.com/p/my-last-abusive-relationship

    Subscribe to the subby substack for free short form content: https://askasub.substack.com 

    Free & Public Friday Q&As: https://discord.gg/AvkZ9f6BtY 

    Follow Lola: Instagram | Twitter | Her Website 

    Change Ain't Easy - Growth Is Hard

    Change Ain't Easy - Growth Is Hard
    We've all heard the phrase that anything worth haven't isn't easy. It's one of those phrases that you understand to be true but it doesn't make it any easier to swallow.

    Especially when it comes to our own personal growth and transformation- the kind of change we have to be willing to do is so challenging, it takes us being willing to say we're not always right, to learn to behave differently, to surrender to other perspectives or ways of being. It's absolutely not easy work.

    But the reward of that hard work is incredible. For me- that's always been one of the reasons I'm so committed to personal growth work is because I find it so satisfying to know that who I am now is not the same person I was 10 years, 5 years, even 1 year ago.

    Today I'm reflecting on this subject, sharing a bit from within around growth and just how long it truly takes when you're committed to inner change. I hope this meets you where you are.

    With Love,


    Giving no f*cks and the art of being selfish with your time - 15MOGNF Podcast 017

    Giving no f*cks and the art of being selfish with your time - 15MOGNF Podcast 017

    Friends, foes, and/or family will suck the life out of you if you let them.  This podcast deals with the methods and mindset of not heading down that path and the art of becoming more selfish with your time for your own sake.   Topics of:

    • Do what you love
    • Fill your own love bucket
    • Internal monologue
    • Selfish vs selfless
    • Not all your friends mix
    • Get a hobby
    • Quiet quitting?
    • Asking for forgiveness rather than permission
    • It’s not about being an asshole
    • Have some personal moment

    Taking time for yourself is paramount in life.  We always say, if you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t adequately take care of the ones you love.  Be selfish!  

    Hotline Edition with Online Dating Expert Erika Ettin

    Hotline Edition with Online Dating Expert Erika Ettin

    This episode is sponsored by First Rounds on Me. Download here: https://firstroundsonme.co/?utm_source=Maria&utm_medium=Ad&utm_campaign=December

    We start the new year taking your dating and relationships questions with online dating expert, Erika Ettin!

    To find out when we open up the next hotline, follow http://instagram.com/askamatchmaker 

    Things we talk about on this week’s episode… 

    • How long should I give a guy a chance? I’m not really attached to him physically.
    • How do I tell a guy that he should plan a date?
    • How do I get out of a date that I’m just not feeling?
    • What can we do with our online dating to have more fun dates?
    • How do I know if I want a hoe phase or if I want a relationship?

    Erika Ettin is an online dating expert and dating coach who helps people navigate the world of online dating. Her expertise includes profile creation, photo selection and photography, message writing, and date planning. She is also the author of the book Love at First Site: Tips & Tales for Online Dating Success from a Modern-Day Matchmaker and the co-host of the popular dating podcast “So, We Met Online…”

    Find Erika on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ALittleNudge/ 

    Follow Maria on Instagram for more dating and relationship content: http://instagram.com/matchmakermaria 

    Want to work with Maria? Book a Dating Strategy call with a member of her team and learn more about her matchmaking and coaching programs. https://calendly.com/felix-louie

    How Can We Be Less Stressed In 2023?

    How Can We Be Less Stressed In 2023?
    Even if we have great intentions and resolutions for 2023, unexpected events can make us feel stressed and move us off our path. Listen to this podcast to learn how to reduce your stress and make 2023 the year you have the strength and resilience to make your dreams come true!

    New Year 2023: Do Not Look Too Long Before You Leap!

    New Year 2023: Do Not Look Too Long Before You Leap!

    In 2023, "Look for the opportunity to leap, and leap faster than your fear can grab you"(Vironika Tugaleva). Listen to this podcast to invite and pursue all the incredible possibilities and opportunities for this beautiful New Year 2023! Maybe the best is yet to come!

    6. 5 Key Mindset Shifts When Building Relationships That Make Profit

    6. 5 Key Mindset Shifts When Building Relationships That Make Profit
    Tired of building surface level relationships, inviting strangers to an offer you don’t even know they’ll resonate with just to meet your monthly ‘quota’ or wasting time cold messaging when you know there’s a better way?

    In order to make more money in your biz as a coach, healer, mentor or service provider, you need to build genuine relationships that actually turn into sales. But building genuine relationships requires the right mindset and energy that most business coaches and leaders are NOT teaching.

    People can sense when you’re being fake, have a hidden agenda, or feel desperate to make a sale. To build authentic connections in your business that have impact AND magnetize more money to you, you need to embody these 5 key mindsets!

    In this episode you’ll learn how being yourself is your most powerful tool in manifestation, how to step into your divine worthiness so you can receive, how you can work with one of the most important laws of the Universe to activate your abundance and how to let go of the outcome and lean into being fully supported by the Universe.

    Join the PODCAST LAUNCH PARTY here to enter into the giveaway with over $1,000 worth in products and services to help you make more money in your biz! https://coachlaurenashley.com/podcast-launch/

    Ready to build authentic relationships and make more money in your business in a way that feels good to you so you can make 2023 your biggest year yet? Book a free Connection Call with Lauren: https://coachlaurenashley.as.me/?appointmentType=16792182