
    Giving no f*cks and the art of being selfish with your time - 15MOGNF Podcast 017

    en-usFebruary 18, 2023

    About this Episode

    Friends, foes, and/or family will suck the life out of you if you let them.  This podcast deals with the methods and mindset of not heading down that path and the art of becoming more selfish with your time for your own sake.   Topics of:

    • Do what you love
    • Fill your own love bucket
    • Internal monologue
    • Selfish vs selfless
    • Not all your friends mix
    • Get a hobby
    • Quiet quitting?
    • Asking for forgiveness rather than permission
    • It’s not about being an asshole
    • Have some personal moment

    Taking time for yourself is paramount in life.  We always say, if you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t adequately take care of the ones you love.  Be selfish!  

    Recent Episodes from Attentive While Oblivious Podcast



    Welcome back to the differences between caring and worrying and how to understand them.  Rachel and I are back on the mic hitting 3 more points to make your life smoother.  

    What if, in parenting and in life, caring could triumph over worrying? We're coming at you with an intriguing conversation about how caring can inspire positivity and change versus how worrying often leads to paralysis. We'll put under the microscope the fine line where caring ends and worrying begins, and guide you on how to give people room to grow while setting the essential boundaries. 

    Points of:

    • Walk the f*ck home
    • Get an ulcer
    • Physical symptoms
    • Too much anxiety
    • The Chronic - that’s different
    • Mental stresses
    • Funerals turn into reunions
    • Small wins
    • Positive speak is important
    • That cheeseburger is going to kill me
    • Seek professional help if you need it

    We'll also shine a light on our own self-talk and its impact on our mental and physical health. Navigating through this sensitive topic, we'll share insights on transforming worries into motivations and victories into productivity. The episode will wrap up with a unique perspective on parents' role in the sports scenario, encouraging them to step beyond being just a sideline heckler. So, brace yourself for a highly engaging discussion that serves as a guide to care more, worry less, and set healthy boundaries.



    Are you constantly bogged down by worry? What if we told you that the power to replace that worry with care is completely within your control? This is not just some abstract theory—we're laying down practical advice to help you conquer your fears by taking ownership and focusing on solutions. We discuss the dangers of over-parenting and how it can lead to an entitled mindset in children. We also shed light on why allowing children to learn from their own experiences is a more effective way of caring.

    But it doesn't end there. We're also diving deep into the concept of acceptance versus fear. We're exploring the liberating power of taking action, of not letting the fear of the unknown paralyze us. Fear is a part of life, but it needn't be the driving force. We discuss how to stay in the present, focusing on the now, and not worrying about the future. Remember, the power to make positive changes in your life is in your hands, and every step you take towards your goals, no matter how small, is a victory. Let's embark on this journey together and learn how to care more, worry less, and take control of our lives. Tune in, and let's transform our mindset

    Nate and his story of drug addiction / recovery and methods to keep that straight and narrow of caring and not caring || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #33 || David and Nate

    Nate and his story of drug addiction / recovery and methods to keep that straight and narrow of caring and not caring  || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #33  ||  David and Nate

    So far on this podcast, we have focused on helping people not care so much so that it doesn’t interfere with their everyday life.  Well, we’re throwing you a curveball - my friend, Nick, is a warrior having and still recovering from early drug addiction and psychosis.  His story and struggles of deviating from the ‘normal’ path of a school-aged kid to getting his ‘shit’ together and start caring about what eventually mattered - himself is amazing.   He had to take care of himself in order to take care of the most important person in his life, his young son.  With a new lease on life and a mission of getting his body and mind right, Nate obtained his certificate for personal training, started working with at-risk youth, and forged a partnership with a professional counselor.  With all those irons in the fire, he still has room for teen court and youth summer camp.  With one book under his belt, Nate has just finished his second one.  He is a big believer that it is the intervention that God has put in front of some of his youth and, hopefully, his bond, resources, and sharing his journey will assist some of them to make better choices.  Great job Nick!

    Would you believe that a traumatic childhood encounter could spark a life-threatening addiction? Prepare to be taken on a rollercoaster of emotions as our guest, Nate, courageously opens up about his harrowing journey from trauma to triumph. Listen in as Nate paints a vivid picture of his downward spiral, from casual marijuana use to the deadly grip of crystal meth, and how it wrecked his life. Hear his raw account of hitting rock bottom and the pivotal moment that sparked his desire for recovery. Through rehab interventions and dealing with the pain of losing friends, Nate recounts his brave fight against the chains of addiction and his journey toward recovery.

    But it's not all doom and gloom, our conversation gracefully transitions into an insightful discussion on mentoring children. The world of a child is a complex one, filled with various priorities, developing brain functions, and influences both genetic and environmental. As mentors, how can we effectively guide them? This is where the power of motivational interviewing comes in. By helping the child find their own answers, we can better understand what's really going on beneath the surface. Take part in this enlightening exploration of young minds as we discuss how to comprehend, connect, and care for them in the best way possible. This episode is not just a tale of recovery but a rich exploration of understanding and nurturing the future generation




    Do you ever feel caught between caring too much and not caring at all? Struggling to find balance in your relationships and emotions can be exhausting. Join us as we uncover the secret to being attentive while oblivious – the art of balancing caring and not caring in our daily lives.

    We'll discuss the importance of developing emotional intelligence, setting boundaries, and detaching from situations and people that can harm our mental health. Learn how to create long-lasting relationships and friendships that are mutually satisfying. Plus, we offer tips on handling grudges, practicing mindfulness, and embracing self-care to maintain your sanity.

    In this enlightening episode, we also explore how to differentiate between caring and worrying within relationships and when to let go. Find out how to practice acceptance, set boundaries, utilize mindfulness, and seek professional help when needed. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your approach to caring, ultimately improving your emotional well-being and the quality of your relationships.
    Discussions of:

    • coming from a place of hurt
    • setting boundaries
    • journaling
    • depression is a diagnosed disorder
    • solutions don't start from excuses
    • life events can get you centered
    • I'm pretty, I'm smart

    The best ways to deal with the Veruca Salts of the world || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #031 || David and Rachel

    The best ways to deal with the Veruca Salts of the world || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #031 || David and Rachel

    Ever wondered how we can put an end to the entitlement and ingratitude plaguing our society? In Episode 31 of the Attentive While Oblivious Podcast, we examine the concept of "Veruca Salt Syndrome" inspired by Veruca Salt from the beloved children's novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Uncover the ways in which this character represents unchecked greed, entitlement, and the negative consequences of not being grateful, and how it is all too prevalent in both children and adults today.

    So, we are taking the Veruca Salt syndrome to task with our  top ways to battle it.  Discussions of:

    • Veruca Salt is not a spice
    • The difference between a want and a need
    • Sounding board
    • Stress can be a factor
    • Boundaries are healthy
    • Greed and entitlement
    • Men or women, kids or grown-assed adults
    • Society of instant gratification
    • We all want to be happy
    • Self-reflection and personal growth
    • Provide constructive criticism
    • Promote accountability
    • Seek support from others

    Join us as we reveal strategies for combating this spoiled behavior, such as setting clear boundaries, fostering empathy, and nurturing self-awareness. We'll also delve into the vital role of perspective-taking and understanding how our actions and words impact others. Plus, we'll discuss entitlement in relationships, the importance of constructive feedback, and how genetics might play a part in our behavior. Don't miss this eye-opening, thought-provoking episode that will guide you toward a more mindful and conscious way of living.

    BATTLE OF THE SEXES - WHAT IS OBLIVIOUS AND NOT SO OBLIVIOUS IN THE BATTLE? || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast || David and Rachel

    BATTLE OF THE SEXES - WHAT IS OBLIVIOUS AND NOT SO OBLIVIOUS IN THE BATTLE?  ||  Attentive While Oblivious Podcast  ||  David and Rachel

    Rachel is back from vacation and we are back in the studio.  How fitting to welcome her back and talk about all her faults being a woman!  LOL… So, we decided to have a little fun.  But seriously, we are discussing quite gender-specific differences between us with a personal flair.  Discussions of:

    • Men never admit they are lost
    • Whatever direction she is facing is north
    • Fashionably late
    • Procrastination
    • Grocery shopping
    • Electronics
    • Buy it even if you don’t need it
    • Vibrators
    • Pocket puppies
    • Likes a man in a truck
    • Subaru
    • Glamping
    • TV shows
    • Vacations
    • Sleep number beds are like a threesome
    • Girls rule
    • 60 without the 9
    • Abbot Elementary is the best show on TV
    • Lost control of the TV remote
    • National parks
    • Seafood and sushi
    • Online shoe shopping

    This was a fun and witty podcast.  It was a nice departure for us.  We will be back at it next week considering our caring / non-caring subjects.  Enjoy.

    Why do people want to control you and how to combat it. || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #029 || David and Rachel

    Why do people want to control you and how to combat it.  ||  Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #029  ||  David and Rachel

    This podcast deals with why people want to control you and how not to let them.  Rachel and I go through quite a few reasons why people want control of you and us.  Sometimes just a simple no can be a remedy in most circumstances.  Discussions of:

    • Mic drop
    • Guilt is a subfactor of control
    • Boundaries
    • I don’t like the lunch lady in the line
    • I am the boss of myself
    • Generational
    • Narcissistic
    • No with no explanation
    • You care about yourself more than others feelings
    • Rachel is a people pleaser
    • Touch love
    • Position holder
    • You can be a healer and not be a sucka
    • Electric shock therapy

    We feel that the only one that should control you is you.  Make it a point to set simple boundaries at first and go from there.  Good luck with your journey!

    Why is waiting for the shoe or the other shoe to drop such a part of our lives? || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #028 || David and Rachel

    Why is waiting for the shoe or the other shoe to drop such a part of our lives? || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #028 || David and Rachel

    Why are we always waiting for the shoe to drop in certain situations?  We discuss that thought process and others just like it.  We found that it is amazing how many times in our lives we have destructed things and/or circumstances for no reason except for our paranoia.  Topics of:

    • Scooby snacks
    • P.F. Flyers and Buster Browns
    • Throw the show out the window
    • Even a squirrel gets a nut
    • Anticipating anxiety
    • Rule of threes
    • Folklore
    • Both the kettle and pot are black
    • Land of the Lost
    • Speak it into existence
    • Generational curses
    • Stress can cause physical ailments
    • Sh!t sometimes happens that you can’t control 
    • The ‘other’ shoe

    So, we decided that waiting for a shoe or even the other shoe to drop is basically a waste of time and you can use that energy for positive thoughts or deeds.  Taking control of the ‘shoe’ is paramount for living a better life.

    How is your motivation a reflection of your life’s history? || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #027 || David and Rachel

    How is your motivation a reflection of your life’s history? || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #027 || David and Rachel

    History - it is so important to give us a relative point.  Repeating it can be a good thing or a bad thing.  We humans are supposed to learn from our positive and negative histories.  But, sometimes we don’t good a good job.  We discuss the topic of history and it interplays in our lives.  Topics of:

    • Rachel is a helper to a fault
    • Their shoes don’t fit me
    • We don’t set enough boundaries with friends and/or family
    • You have to recognize the destructive patterns
    • You got to give no f*cks
    • The title flows like butter
    • History repeats itself until you change it
    • Groundhog Day
    • Patience and love will get you only so far
    • You can’t live someone’s life
    • Sage spray
    • Be gone demons
    • Actions speak louder than words
    • I’m not a doormat or a rug
    • You can distance yourself
    • Throwing clots
    • You only stubbed only your toe
    • You have to search for your happiness
    • Becoming the a$$hole can be a good thing
    • It can be ok to be the villain in someone’s story

    Bottom line - you gotta take care of yourself.  Or you can’t take care of others.  Pay attention to your history and adjust your life from there.  Good Luck!!

    Why is the healthcare system flawed (most of the time) || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #026 || David and Rachel

    Why is the healthcare system flawed (most of the time) || Attentive While Oblivious Podcast #026 || David and Rachel

    Between the two of us we could talk about the subject and our sometimes disdain for our healthcare system.  It is because of COVID, many people just don’t care, there are not enough professionals, and the bottom line becomes the key to approving or not approving certain treatments, or maybe just a total realization of lack of a better word - empathy.  This podcast could have gone for hours discussing a few of those problems.  Topics of:

    • Nursing shortage
    • The healthcare system is overtaxed
    • The squeaky wheel gets the grease
    • Either see my daughter or see the police
    • Self-care
    • We need to hold insurance companies accountable
    • Don’t be an a$$hole to the nurses
    • You have to advocate for yourself
    • No practical experience
    • People getting out of the healthcare system
    • Patience and fortitude
    • We need to do better
    • Starts with one person at a time
    • Having a toothache vs having cancer, treatment time!

    We don’t subscribe to having the answer to the problem, but we think it starts with patience, respect for others, and self-love - things we preach on both podcasts.  We hope it gets better than worse.  Prayers…..