
    About this Episode

    Hey Queens & Kings,

    Before we get into the show, don't forget to join Two Queens for their first women's retreat on September 22nd - 24th in Sawyer, Michigan. Details can be find on their website at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com under events. We are a few days away with limited tickets, so register today.

    This episode will be Part 3 of our Soul Contract series. Twin flame relationships are often romanticized, idealized and worshiped. Twin flames are definitely divine,  and they are also intensely unsettling because twin flame relationships are here to revolutionize our lives. A Twin Flame is a person who you feel connected to not just on a physical and emotional level, but also on a soulful or spiritual level.
    They are mirrors that reflect back to us our hidden fears and shadows, and also our true inner beauty and strength. Twin Flames open the door to tremendous emotional, psychological, and spiritual growth.

    Pull up a chair, go run your errands, grab a drink or whatever it is you do while you are tuning in, do that so we can get into this discussion!


    • Twin flames don’t “complete” you, instead, they help to support your spiritual evolution
    • Myths vs Reality of Twin flames 
    • Twin flame relationships can be constructive and destructive
    • Often times they are unconventional relationships
    • Twin flame relationships are not bound by gender
    • Your twin flame is most likely your “opposite” 
    • Make up - Break up Cycle - somehow you keep coming back 
    • Until you both enter a position of wholeness the connection will be repelled

    We'd love to hear your thoughts about this episode. Drop us a line on Instagram and share.
    Please be sure to leave us a review on whatever platform you are using to listen to us. 

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!

    Recent Episodes from 2 Queens & Crystal Things

    Episode 7 - Interview with Neoshi the Hypnotherapist

    Episode 7 - Interview with Neoshi the Hypnotherapist

    We had an opportunity and pleasure of interviewing Neoshi of Neoshi Hypno. She is an International Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist known worldwide for her Spiritual Hypnotherapy. If you check out her website you will see she has worked with over a thousand women (and a few brave men) who are on a journey to heal their souls, break through blockages, and align with their divine purpose. We are excited to share this interview with you all to introduce you to her world of hypnotherapy.

    You can find Neoshi and her work below:
    YouTube: https://www.neoshihypno.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neoshihypnosoulhealing/

    Before you get comfortable to tune into this episode grab your favorite drink or, blast us on your speakers while you clean. Either way, we welcome you to join us in this conversation. Pull-up and share this episode with a friend.

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!

    Episode 6 - Breaking Out of the Old

    Episode 6 - Breaking Out of the Old

    Hey Queens & Kings,
    Today we are talking about Breaking out of the Old. Breaking out of the old ways of thinking. The old beliefs you've adopted that no longer serve you and breaking out of the self sabotaging way you speak to yourself. 

    Before you get comfortable to tune into this episode grab your favorite drink or, blast us on your speakers while you clean. Either way, we welcome you to join us in this conversation. Pull-up and share this episode with a friend.

    Discussion topics:

    • Self-Reflection and Awareness
    • Being honest with yourself
    • Explore Different Perspectives
    • Question and Challenge Beliefs
    • Meditation and Mindfulness

    ...and more

    If you'd like to support the show, consider buying us coffee, or in this case WINE at Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com). Also be sure to provide us a review on our podcast platform and YouTube.

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!

    Episode 5 - Cycles Closing and Beginning

    Episode 5 - Cycles Closing and Beginning

    Hey Queens & Kings,
    Today we are talking about Cycles Closing and Beginning.

    If you'd like to book a session with Mia: https://www.wingsunleashedcoaching.com/book-online
    If you'd like to book a session with Christie: https://crystalreikihealing.as.me/

    Before you get comfortable to tune into this episode grab your favorite drink or, blast us on your speakers while you clean. Either way, we welcome you to join us in this conversation. Pull-up and share this episode with a friend.

    Discussion topics:

    • Pluto is in Aquarius where it will affect major change for the next 20 years as it anchors in the Aquarian energies of liberation, equality, individuality and community firmly.
    • The upcoming new moon on 10th February, ushers in the Chinese lunar new year – another signal of true new beginnings. 
    • What can we expect of this Chinese Year of the Wood Dragon? 
    • Saturn in is Pisces
    • Age of Aquarius
    • There are NO planets in retrograde until April

    If you'd like to support the show, consider buying us coffee, or in this case WINE at Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com). Also be sure to provide us a review on our podcast platform and YouTube.

    Thank you to 

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!

    Episode 4 - What's In Our Spiritual Toolkit

    Episode 4 - What's In Our Spiritual Toolkit

    Hey Queens & Kings,
    Today we are talking about the different healing/divination tools that we have both personally used in our journeys. There are some things that haven't necessarily stuck while others have resonated so much with us that we are now sharing that service/healing modality as a provider and/or teacher.

    If you'd like to book a session with Mia: https://www.wingsunleashedcoaching.com/book-online
    If you'd like to book a session with Christie: https://crystalreikihealing.as.me/

    Before you get comfortable to tune into this episode grab your favorite drink or, blast us on your speakers while you clean. Either way, we welcome you to join us in this conversation. Pull-up and share this episode with a friend.

    Discussion topics:

    • Meditation
    • Journaling 
    • Pendulum/Copper rods/crystals
    • Reiki 
    • Readings 
    • Sound Healing 
    • Akashic Records
    • Plant Medicine

    If you'd like to support the show, consider buying us coffee, or in this case WINE at Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com). Also be sure to provide us a review on our podcast platform and YouTube.

    This month's sponsor: https://www.magicmind.com/twoqueens

    Discount code: TWOQUEENS20

    Our code will be valid forever as a 20% off for both one time purchases and up to 50% off if applied to a subscription (it stacks with the subscription discount from the website for a total ~50% off)

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!

    Episode 3 - The Energy Around Numbers

    Episode 3 - The Energy Around Numbers

    Hey Queens & Kings,
    In this episode we are going to discuss the energy around numbers. Believe it or not, numbers carry a specific frequency that you can tap into to understand what is happening around you.

    Discussion topics:

    • What numbers we've been seeing lately
    • Where did numerology come from? 
    • What is Numerology?
    • What is Gematria?
    • Calculating you Life Path number

    Before you get comfortable to tune into this episode grab your favorite drink or, blast us on your speakers while you clean. Either way, we welcome you to join us in this conversation. Pull-up and share this episode with a friend.

    If you love the free content we are sharing and you'd like to support the show, consider buying us coffee or in this case wine at Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com). Also be sure to provide us a review on our podcast platform and YouTube.

    This month's sponsor: https://www.magicmind.com/JANtwoqueens 

    Discount code: TWOQUEENS20

    This month in January only you get 1 month for free, when you’re subscribing for 3 months. Our TwoQueens20 code allows an extra 20% off, which gets you to a 75% off. This only lasts until the end of January, so you want to make sure to hurry up before this offer goes away.

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!

    Episode 2 - The Universal Laws

    Episode 2 - The Universal Laws

    Hey Queens & Kings,

    *We want to apologize for the sound everyone. We are still working through our technology*                                             
    Have you ever felt like a universal force is guiding your life? As if there are laws or principles that apply to every being. A great example of this is gravity.  In this episode we are going to touch on the concept of "universal laws."  These principles govern the universe and are applied universally. These laws are often considered to be transcendent and affect people's daily lives and the world around them, whether or not you are aware of them or don't believe in them.

    Before you get comfortable to tune into this episode grab your favorite drink or, blast us on your speakers while you clean. Either way, we welcome you to join us in this conversation. Pull-up and share this episode with a friend.

    If you love the free content we are sharing and you'd like to support the show, consider buying us coffee or in this case wine at Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com). Also be sure to provide us a review on our podcast platform and YouTube.

    Discussion topics:
    1. Law of Divine Oneness
    2. Law of Vibration
    3. Law of Correspondence
    4. Law of Attraction
    5. Law of Cause and Effect
    6. Law of Compensation
    7. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
    8. Law of Relativity
    9. Law of Polarity
    10. Law of Rhythm
    11. Law of Gender
    12. Law of Inspired Action

    This month's sponsor: https://www.magicmind.com/JANtwoqueens 

    Discount code: TWOQUEENS20

    This month in January only you get 1 month for free, when you’re subscribing for 3 months. Our TwoQueens20 code allows an extra 20% off, which gets you to a 75% off. This only lasts until the end of January, so you want to make sure to hurry up before this offer goes away.

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!

    Episode 1 - The Year of 8

    Episode 1 - The Year of 8

    Hey Queens & Kings,

    Welcome to 2024! A New Year means a new season. We shifted out of the year of 7, which was a time of introspection. The energy of 7 encourages us towards inward contemplation, self-discovery and revelation. We have now entered into the year of 8, which presents the opportunity for each of us to step and stand into our power. 8 is the year of action when abundance is available.

    Before you get comfortable to tune into this episode grab your favorite drink or, blast us on your speakers while you clean. Either way, we welcome you to join us in this conversation. Pull-up and share this episode with a friend.

    If you love the free content we are sharing and you'd like to support the show, consider buying us coffee or in this case wine at Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com). Also be sure to provide us a review on our podcast platform and YouTube.

    Discussion topics:

    • 8 is considered the rainbow after the storm 
    • 8 is the year of movement
    • 8 is associate with eternity and infinite potential
    • 8 represents equilibrium in both the physical and spiritual realm
    • 8 represents karmic cycle and the law of cause and effect
    • 8 represents transformation and renewal

    This month's sponsor: https://www.magicmind.com/twoqueens

    Discount code: TWOQUEENS20

    Our code will be valid forever as a 20% off for both one time purchases and up to 50% off if applied to a subscription (it stacks with the subscription discount from the website for a total ~50% off)

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!

    Episode 50 - Closing Out 2023

    Episode 50 - Closing Out 2023

    Hey Queens & Kings,

    (Again, we apologize about the audio. Despite testing our mics...)
    Episode 50. Wait, Episode 50?! We are closing out season 4 of the podcast with our 50th episode. If you have been following our podcast you will know this is a big deal for us. We  are discussing 2023 and what we are looking forward to in 2024. Thank you for spending 2023 with us and for accompanying us along on this beautiful journey or life.

    Before you get comfortable to tune into this episode grab your favorite drink or, blast us on your speakers while you clean. Either way, we welcome you to join us in this conversation. Pull-up and share this episode with a friend!

    If you love the free content we are sharing and you'd like to support the show, consider buying us coffee or in this case wine at Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com). Also be sure to provide us a review on our podcast platform and YouTube.

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!

    Episode 49 - Empower your Life: The Power of Choice

    Episode 49 - Empower your Life: The Power of Choice

    Hey Queens & Kings,

    (We apologize about the audio and the cut. We had some tech issues with our set-up)
    Episode 49 we discuss one of the great ways to Empower your Life through the Power of Choice. Our present reality is a manifestation of all of the choices we have made in our lives up and to this point. If you don't like your reality, you can shift it through making different choices. Every choice we make creates a ripple effect in our lives.    Look at your life right now, we promise you can connect every part of your life to a choice that was made.

    Before you get comfortable to tune into this episode grab your favorite drink or, blast us on your speakers while you clean. Either way, we welcome you to join us in this conversation. Pull-up and share this episode with a friend.

    If you love the free content we are sharing and you'd like to support the show, consider buying us coffee or in this case wine at Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com). Also be sure to provide us a review on our podcast platform and YouTube.

    Discussion topics:

    • Your life is a reflection of the choices you have made in your life. 
    • Our choices send energetic signals to the universe.
    • Making a Choice is being intentional 
    • Our reality is our own responsibility. Our choices, whether conscious or unconscious, are our own responsibility.
    • Self-love enhances our ability to make decisions aligned with our highest good.
    • The concept of free will and its role in shaping our destiny - Consult Your Inner 

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!

    Episode 48 - Cry It Out

    Episode 48 - Cry It Out

    Hey Queens & Kings,

    Episode 48 is about Crying It Out. The focus of this discussion is to share why it's so important to allow the emotions that surface to flow through you. Often times due to the way we were raised or the way we were taught to believe what it meant to cry, we have a challenge allowing ourselves the freedom to cry it out. Let's talk about it.

    Before you get comfortable to tune into this episode grab your favorite drink or, blast us on your speakers while you clean. Either way, we welcome you to join us in this conversation. Pull-up and share this episode with a friend.

    If you love the free content we are sharing and you'd like to support the show, consider buying us coffee or in this case wine at Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com). Also be sure to provide us a review on our podcast platform and YouTube.

    Discussion topics:

    • There is strength in tears
    • Why crying it out can help you
    • What happens when you don't allow yourself the freedom to cry
    • The chemical make-up of tears
    • Tears are a barometer

    ...and more

    Check out https://podcasts.feedspot.com/crystal_healing_podcasts/ which named Two Queens #2 as the top crystal podcast.

    Support the show

    If you like the content we are putting out, please consider supporting the show through Two Queens and Crystal Things Podcast (buymeacoffee.com).
    Be sure to follow our social media pages: @wingsunleashed444, and @christieredwards on Instagram. Please like, share and follow our @twoqueensandcrystalthings Instagram page.

    Visit our webpage at www.twoqueensandcrystalthings.com
    NEW Two Queens and Crystal Things Merch. Check it out on our website at our shop.

    Thank you all for your love and support we appreciate you all so much!