

    Explore "10percenthappier" with insightful episodes like "Do We Really Need To Fix Ourselves?", "How Can We Give Meaning To Our Lives?", "How Happy Do You Need To Be To Have A Good Life?", "To Want Something That No Longer Exists" and "We Don't Need To Judge Our Suffering" from podcasts like ""10 MINUTES TO LESS SUFFERING", "10 MINUTES TO LESS SUFFERING", "10 MINUTES TO LESS SUFFERING", "10 MINUTES TO LESS SUFFERING" and "10 MINUTES TO LESS SUFFERING"" and more!

    Episodes (65)

    Do We Really Need To Fix Ourselves?

    Do We Really Need To Fix Ourselves?

    Aren't you exhausted from constantly feeling the need to change something about yourself to land the ideal job, discover your soulmate, or enhance your appearance? What if there's nothing that requires fixing and we are inherently lovable, valuable, and perfectly okay just as we are? Tune in to this podcast to delve into the liberation, happiness, and achievements we can encounter when we recognize that we don't need fixing to live our most profound and fulfilling life.  This podcast, aired previously, is worth revisiting for its impactful message!

    If you found this podcast enjoyable, kindly consider subscribing and leaving a rating or review. Additionally, I'd appreciate it if you could share it with your friends to spread the love! 

    You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you are interested in my work, please check out my books, "The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times" (including a new audiobook) and "A Year Without Men: A 12 Point Guide To Inspire and Empower Women."

    Above all, my sincere wish is that this podcast has contributed to less suffering and more joy in your life!


    How Can We Give Meaning To Our Lives?

    How Can We Give Meaning To Our Lives?

    Sometimes, we wake up feeling empty, wondering why. We seem to have full lives, yet we crave something more profound, something we can't quite grasp. It's often the moment we realize we want to know ourselves better and seek a deeper, more meaningful life that resonates with our hearts. Listen to this podcast to start exploring a more meaningful life where what truly matters grows and genuine joy expands.

    If you found this podcast enjoyable, kindly consider subscribing and leaving a rating or review. Additionally, I'd appreciate it if you could share it with your friends to spread the love! 

    You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you are interested in my work, please check out my books, "The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times" (including a new audiobook) and "A Year Without Men: A 12 Point Guide To Inspire and Empower Women."

    Above all, my sincere wish is that this podcast has contributed to less suffering and more joy in your life!

    How Happy Do You Need To Be To Have A Good Life?

    How Happy Do You Need To Be To Have A Good Life?

    Some pains from our past are more readily released, while others tend to linger. It's not always a simple task to train our minds to be positive or to avoid dwelling on unexpected hurts. In this podcast, discover a way to acknowledge and embrace all our feelings without letting them hinder us in pursuing our goals and creating a fulfilling life. Perhaps, it's in embracing the entirety of who we are that we uncover the strength and resilience to live our best lives.

    If you found this podcast enjoyable, kindly consider subscribing and leaving a rating or review. Additionally, I'd appreciate it if you could share it with your friends to spread the love! 

    You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you are interested in my work, please check out my books, "The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times" (including a new audiobook) and "A Year Without Men: A 12 Point Guide To Inspire and Empower Women."

    Above all, my sincere wish is that this podcast has contributed to less suffering and more joy in your life!


    To Want Something That No Longer Exists

    To Want Something That No Longer Exists

    At times, it can be difficult to release the past and move forward with the life ahead of you. Tune in to this podcast for valuable insights on introspection, discovering the courage, and building the strength to pursue a passionate and purposeful journey into the exciting possibilities that await you in 2024!

    If you found this podcast enjoyable, kindly consider subscribing and leaving a rating or review. Additionally, I'd appreciate it if you could share it with your friends to spread the love! 

    You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you are interested in my work, please check out my books, "The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times" (including a new audiobook) and "A Year Without Men: A 12 Point Guide To Inspire and Empower Women."

    Above all, my sincere wish is that this podcast has contributed to less suffering and more joy in your life!



    We Don't Need To Judge Our Suffering

    We Don't Need To Judge Our Suffering

    It is often much easier to judge the suffering of others or even our own than to cultivate empathy and compassion for ourselves and others. Tune into this podcast to delve deeper into the universal essence of suffering, exploring the journey towards courage, open-heartedness, and, hopefully, a more peaceful world for everyone.

    If you found this podcast enjoyable, kindly consider subscribing and leaving a rating or review. Additionally, I'd appreciate it if you could share it with your friends to spread the love! 

    You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you are interested in my work, please check out my books, "The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times" (including a new audiobook) and "A Year Without Men: A 12 Point Guide To Inspire and Empower Women." 

    Above all, my sincere wish is that this podcast has contributed to less suffering and more joy in your life!


    Do We Need To Forgive Somebody To Move On?

    Do We Need To Forgive Somebody To Move On?

    Forgiving someone can be challenging, especially when they don't apologize or make amends for the pain they've caused. Despite our desire to let go of the lingering hurt, it can be difficult. Tune in to this podcast to explore an alternative path for moving beyond past hurts, allowing space for new joy, hope, and possibilities in your life.

    After listening to this podcast, you might want to learn more about the Hoʻoponopono, a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. It has helped to clear my mind, lift my spirits, and practice self-forgiveness.

    If you found this podcast enjoyable, kindly consider subscribing and leaving a rating or review. Additionally, I'd appreciate it if you could share it with your friends to spread the love! 

    You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you are interested in my work, please check out my books, "The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times" (including a new audiobook) and "A Year Without Men: A 12 Point Guide To Inspire and Empower Women." 

    Above all, my sincere wish is that this podcast has contributed to less suffering and more joy in your life!

    Does Your Life Feel Stale?

    Does Your Life Feel Stale?

    When we need life to be a certain way, we often miss out on new possibilities or opportunities. Listen to this podcast to learn how to let go of the way we thought life should be to create a new path. This re-aired episode from a few years ago serves as a valuable reminder that we are not stuck, and MAYBE an extraordinary future awaits us -- one beyond our wildest dreams!"

    Worry Doesn't Empty Tomorrow Of Its Sorrow, It Empties Today Of Its Strength

    Worry Doesn't Empty Tomorrow Of Its Sorrow, It Empties Today Of Its Strength
    Despite our awareness of how worrying can make us feel, it's often challenging to stop worrying about the people we care about, our careers, our children, and what's to come. What's important to remember is that worrying has never actually solved any problems; instead, it drains our energy, stifles creativity, and weakens our ability to handle life's challenges. In the words of Corrie Ten Boom, "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength." Take a moment to listen to this podcast, where you'll discover a straightforward method to reduce worry and find the strength to tackle whatever life throws your way.

    Don't Give Up Too Soon!

    Don't Give Up Too Soon!

    The lyrics in a wonderful George Benson song remind us to "Never give up on a good thing. Remember what makes you happy." Yet, a common challenge many of us have is that when things don't unfold as quickly as we expect, we often lose faith in the possibility of our dreams manifesting and give up too soon. Listen to this podcast to discover the motivation and tools you need to continue chasing your dreams and Never Give Up On A Good Thing!

    Set A Larger View Of Life

    Set A Larger View Of Life

    Many of us can reflect on moments when we allowed ourselves to be consumed by stress over issues that, in hindsight, might not have been as daunting as they appeared at the time. We also tend to regret not fully savoring the joys and blessings life offered, as we let ourselves be swayed by feelings of discontent. Listen to this podcast to discover techniques to embrace life's wonders, reduce stress, and experience greater fulfillment every day, no matter what unfolds.

    How Can We Achieve Inner Peace?

    How Can We Achieve Inner Peace?

    Discovering inner peace is a shared desire among us all, yet the burdens of daily life often take a toll on our well-being. I invite you to listen to this podcast, which presents a transformative approach to releasing stress and anxiety. By wholeheartedly embracing the notion of unconditional acceptance for the present moment, you open yourself up to genuine inner peace and pave the way for heightened success in various aspects of your life!

    A Two Word Meditation: "So What?"

    A Two Word Meditation: "So What?"

    Meditation brings you back to the present moment, reducing stress and anxiety. Some meditate in silence, focusing on their breath, while others use a word or phrase. Listen to this podcast to learn a two-word meditation called: "So What?" to reduce your daily stress and bring you more peace and happiness.

    The Right People Will Know How To Hold Our Love

    The Right People Will Know How To Hold Our Love

    When it comes to matters of the heart, it's not uncommon to find ourselves stuck in friendships and romantic relationships that lack genuine kindness and support. Additionally, after experiencing heartbreak, we may hesitate to engage with new people due to feelings of unworthiness and doubts about finding love again. However, in her book "A Gentle Reminder," Bianca Sparacino encourages us to reflect on how our feelings and actions would change if we truly believed that the right people will always find us and know how to hold our love. Listen to this podcast to fully embrace this beautiful possibility and gain the confidence to keep our hearts open to the infinite possibilities of love!

    Insomnia? Here Is A New Perspective To Help You Fall Asleep!

    Insomnia? Here Is A New Perspective To Help You Fall Asleep!

    Numerous individuals struggle with sleep difficulties, finding it challenging to calm their thoughts and surrender to the mystery and stillness of the night. However, altering our perspective regarding the significance of sleep as a rejuvenating ritual can yield remarkable results, transforming each morning into a fresh start brimming with boundless potential. Although it aired a few years ago, listen to this podcast again to rekindle your inspiration to improve your sleep quality and habits!

    Sometimes We Need To Choose Between Rejection and Regret

    Sometimes We Need To Choose Between Rejection and Regret

    Frequently, when we face the prospect of embarking on a new path in life, such as seeking a different job, initiating a fresh business venture, or entering into a new relationship, we find ourselves caught between the fear of rejection and the burden of potential regret. Listen to this podcast to better understand our inclination towards regret and to discover effective strategies for building resilience in the face of rejection. By doing so, you'll empower yourself to embrace the vast array of possibilities that await you in life!

    With Gratitude Optimism Is Sustainable

    With Gratitude Optimism Is Sustainable

    "With gratitude, optimism is sustainable." - Michael J. Fox.  After watching the documentary "Still" about Michael J. Fox's life and his journey with Parkinson's disease, it becomes apparent that his fearlessness in the face of the unknown, coupled with gratitude, has sustained him and brought meaning to his life as well as the lives of others. I encourage you to listen to this podcast to discover a path towards enjoying the beautiful moments life offers and to cultivate strength and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

    Maybe There Is Nothing To Fix

    Maybe There Is Nothing To Fix

    Some of us believe that if we fix something about ourselves, we can finally get the opportunity, secure the job, or find love. But we forget that we already are valuable, lovable, and deserving of the life we want. Listen to this podcast to remember that you already have what it takes to achieve and attract your desired life. When we shine the light on ourselves, we give ourselves the fortitude always to find our way.

    Do You Already Feel 2023 Exhaustion?

    Do You Already Feel 2023 Exhaustion?

    Are you finding everything going on in the world emotionally exhausting? Many of us need to be careful about stressing and worrying about things out of our control because it takes away from energy we can use to take care of our work and personal lives and enjoy all of our blessings. Listen to this podcast for some tips on feeling less exhausted and having more energy for the things that matter to you the most. This is a modified version of a previous podcast that is extremely applicable in 2023!

    Can We Change Our Thoughts Before We Feel Unhappy?

    Can We Change Our Thoughts Before We Feel Unhappy?

    Many of us are aware that our thoughts create our feelings, and our feelings often dictate whether or not we take inspired action to achieve our goals. But can we actually control our negative thoughts before they turn into negative emotions? And if we try to control them but continue to feel negative, is there a way still to manifest good things in our lives? Listen to this podcast to learn how to create more positive thoughts, process our feelings, and take more inspired action even during challenging times.