

    Explore "management" with insightful episodes like "216. Robin and Batman", "Fundamentals of Lessons Learned", "Money Talk - The Annex Wealth Management Show | (Sunday) 2/11/24", "213. The Luxury of Failure" and "From Touchdowns to Turntables: Tim Hough's Entrepreneurial Game Plan" from podcasts like ""At The Table with Patrick Lencioni", "Accendo Reliability", "Annex Wealth Management Show", "At The Table with Patrick Lencioni" and "Athlete 2 Entrepreneur Podcast with Mike Waters"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    216. Robin and Batman

    216. Robin and Batman

    Batman needs Robin, and the same sentiment is true in all types of organizations.  This week, the team talks about the importance of the second in command, both in their relationship to the leader and to the success of the team.  


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast: https://www.workinggenius.com/podcast


    NFL Episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bonus-are-you-ready-for-some-football/id1474171732?i=1000625628299


    To listen to the 3-Minute Reset: https://3minutereset.org/

    213. The Luxury of Failure

    213. The Luxury of Failure

    Every experience we have is either an asset or a liability.  This week, the team discusses survival and the importance of how we choose to deal with failure.  


    The 49ers may have lost, but you can still use code TEAM25 until Wednesday, Feb 14 at midnight PT to earn 25% off all assessment purchases!

    Working Genius Assessment: https://www.workinggenius.com/

    5 Dysfunctions of a Team Assessment: https://www.tablegroup.com/topics-and-resources/teamwork-5-dysfunctions/#5dAssessment


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast: https://www.workinggenius.com/podcast


    Unpaid ad: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crouton

    From Touchdowns to Turntables: Tim Hough's Entrepreneurial Game Plan

    From Touchdowns to Turntables: Tim Hough's Entrepreneurial Game Plan
    🏈🎤 Just 2 months shy of the NFL, Tim Hough took a turn that shocked everyone! Unpack his incredible journey on Athlete 2 Entrepreneur. Why did he leave just 2 months before the NFL? What fueled his passion for music? Find out in this not-to-be-missed episode. In this captivating episode of the Athlete 2 Entrepreneur Podcast, Tim Hough, a former college football star turned coach and musician, shares his journey from the field to the studio. Join host Mike Waters for an insightful conversation about the challenges and transitions athletes face when stepping into new arenas of life.

    1. **The Leap from Athlete to Coach**: Uncover how Tim Hough’s journey as a competitive athlete fueled his passion for coaching. He didn’t just turn a page; he rewrote the entire chapter on how to impact young lives through sports mentorship.

    2. **Navigating Transitions**: Listen to Tim’s pivotal decision to step away from a promising football career and how this challenging moment set the stage for growth and self-discovery.

    3. **Mental Fortitude Over Temporary Setbacks**: Tim shares his personal mantra on why young athletes should think long-term and not make life-changing decisions based on short-lived emotions.

    4. **Music and Entrepreneurship**: Discover how the qualities that define an athlete are surprisingly akin to those required in the music industry. Tim talks about the grind and the dedication needed to score success in his newfound passion.

    5. **Creating Impact On and Off the Field**: Learn about Tim’s dedication to community and personal development, and the important role he plays in shaping the future of young talents, marrying mental aptitude with physical prowess.

    GaryVee wants your attention, w/VaynerMedia’s Gary Vaynerchuk

    GaryVee wants your attention, w/VaynerMedia’s Gary Vaynerchuk

    In our attention economy, what does it take to capture the cultural zeitgeist? VaynerMedia’s Gary Vaynerchuk – or GaryVee – joins Rapid Response host Bob Safian to preach the need for widespread empathy and fearless leadership, and he uncovers the secrets to his new platform’s unconventional scale. Plus, Vaynerchuk shares why he is the only person at his company with firing privileges, and why your happiness is worth fighting for above all else. In these trying times, it’s hard to not be inspired by Gary’s practical optimism.

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Your pandemic business takeaways are wrong, with co-authors Joe Nocera and Bethany McLean

    Your pandemic business takeaways are wrong, with co-authors Joe Nocera and Bethany McLean

    Kick the conventional wisdom. In this episode of Rapid Response, Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera sit down with Bob Safian to discuss their book, The Big Fail: What the Pandemic Revealed About Who America Protects and Who It Leaves Behind. The pair faced blowback for their damning investigation of business leadership in the wake of COVID. They share how lockdowns may have miscalculated risk versus reward, the pros and cons of a market-based society, and the era’s parallels to the Enron debacle. Plus, they share vital leadership lessons about adapting to new information instead of relying on precedent, and why no decision should be made out of panic.

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    AI + You | 4 ways to scale your personal growth

    AI + You | 4 ways to scale your personal growth

    In part two of our 3-part series on AI + You, we offer an actionable playbook on how AI can help us scale ourselves personally. Personal scale is all about broadening your skill set and strengthening your human relationships. To guide you, host Reid Hoffman speaks to Stanford HAI’s Fei-Fei Li, Inflection’s Mustafa Suleyman, tech-centric artist Holly Herndon and more AI pioneers. You’ll discover how AI can amplify your ability as a leader, coworker, collaborator and friend.

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    194. The Invisible Threat

    194. The Invisible Threat

    What is your company culture, and how can you protect it? This week, Pat and the team discuss the context of organizational values and how they are affected by the culture at large.  


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast: tinyurl.com/workinggeniuspodcast


    To become a Certified Working Genius Facilitator: https://workinggenius.me/certpodcast23


    To take the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team Assessment: https://www.tablegroup.com/product/online-team-assessment/

    Bonus Episode: When Private Equity Comes for Your Industry

    Bonus Episode: When Private Equity Comes for Your Industry
    This week, Dr. Randy Spencer talks about the changes that have been roiling the vet business. For one thing, that pandemic puppy boom we all heard about has brought additional stress to veterinary workers who had already had more than their share. For another, there’s been a wave of corporate money and private equity flowing into the industry. That sounds as if it could be a good thing. And in fact, Spencer says he’s been dodging a constant flow of acquisition inquiries for years. But the big money has also engendered considerable turnover and disruption, and in response, Spencer decided to sell 100 percent of his business, 1st Pet Veterinary Centers, to an employee stock ownership plan in 2021. The transition to an ESOP remains something of a work in progress, in part because veterinary people tend to be more focused on pets than they are on profits. “Veterinary medicine,” Spencer says, “is just the best profession in the world. In a way, it's a service industry, but we get to serve pets. That's why veterinarians get into it.”

    133. Ron Howard: Evolve your vision

    133. Ron Howard: Evolve your vision

    How do you stay true to your vision for your company amid constant, unpredictable change? And how do you stay true to a singular vision, while also letting it evolve? These are questions every leader needs to consider as they rally people, resources and opportunities to make their vision a reality.

    Celebrated filmmaker Ron Howard has a remarkable ability to maintain his vision of creating captivating and deeply human stories — while strengthening how he delivers this vision by incorporating changes in technology, audience tastes and styles of filmmaking.

    In this episode you'll hear how Ron set out to deliver his vision through movie-making; how he and producer Brian Grazer co-founded Imagine Entertainment and made a string of visionary box office hits; and how Ron continues to embrace advances in technology to scale his vision.

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    How great cultures are built and rebuilt, w/Eric Schmidt, Angela Ahrendts, & Uber’s Dara Khosrowshahi

    How great cultures are built and rebuilt, w/Eric Schmidt, Angela Ahrendts, & Uber’s Dara Khosrowshahi

    Eric Schmidt, Angela Ahrendts, and Dara Khosrowshahi — three legendary culture-setters — sit down with host Bob Safian to discuss how they’ve built and rebuilt great cultures at Apple, Uber, Google and more. Recorded live at the Masters of Scale Summit in San Francisco, the conversation delivers surprising stories, and counterintuitive lessons on authenticity, making mistakes, and how to build a unique culture that’s right for your business.

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    186. The Friday Night Test

    186. The Friday Night Test

    How do you view your weekends?  This week, Pat and Cody discuss how your attitude about Fridays can give you insights about your job.  


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast: tinyurl.com/workinggeniuspodcast


    To take the Six Types of Working Genius Assessment: https://www.workinggenius.com/

    Mit anderen Wurzeln - Shirin Lausch über die Vielfalt interkultureller Mutterschaft

    Mit anderen Wurzeln - Shirin Lausch über die Vielfalt interkultureller Mutterschaft
    Egal ob du Mutter, Vater, werdendes Elternteil oder grundsätzlich interessiert an anderen Menschen bist, diese Folge solltest du dir auf keinen Fall entgehen lassen. Wir sprechen oft über Vielfalt und Diversität, diskutieren über Inklusion, Gleichberechtigung und den Wert unterschiedlicher Perspektiven. Aber manchmal entgleitet uns das Konzept der Vielfalt, und wir verstehen nicht vollständig, wie reichhaltig und facettenreich sie tatsächlich ist. Ein Bereich, der uns die unglaubliche Vielfalt unserer Gesellschaft verdeutlicht, ist Mutterschaft. Allein das Thema Mutterschaft ist so vielschichtig und vielfältig, dass es schwer zu überblicken ist. Wie erleben Frauen das Mutterwerden oder Muttersein, wenn sie aus einem anderen Land, mit einem anderen Hintergrund nach Deutschland gekommen sind? Welche Herausforderungen stellen sich ihnen hier und welche kulturellen Unterschiede gibt es? Was möchten sie ihren Kindern aus ihrer Ursprungskultur mitgeben – und was nicht? Für diese Folge durfte Robert mit der Autorin Shirin Lausch sprechen, die sich tiefgreifend mit dem Thema Mutterschaft und Vielfalt auseinandergesetzt hat. Ihr Buch "Mit anderen Wurzeln" ist eine Sammlung von 40 Geschichten von Müttern mit unterschiedlichem kulturellen Hintergrund, die heute in Deutschland leben. Diese Frauen kommen aus aller Herrinnen Länder. Gemeinsam tauchen wir in die Welt der Mutterschaft ein, die weit über Klischees und Stereotype hinausgeht. Wir erfahren von den Herausforderungen, den Freuden, den kulturellen Traditionen und den individuellen Erfahrungen dieser Mütter. Es ist eine Reise, die uns die Augen öffnet für die immense Vielfalt und die unendlichen Facetten des Mutterseins. Lesende können sich auf vielen Ebenen reflektieren – sei es bezüglich ihrer Privilegien, ihrer Perspektiven auf aktuelle gesellschaftliche Debatten, ihrer Erziehungsansätze, ihrer Werte und ihrer Identität. Lass uns gemeinsam eintauchen in diese Welt der Vielfalt und Diversität, um zu verstehen, wie reichhaltig und einzigartig die Erfahrungen von Müttern sein können. Es ist an der Zeit, Vorurteile zu überwinden und die wahre Vielfalt der Mutterschaft zu erkennen. Über unsere Interviewpartnerin: Shirin Lausch (*1986), gebürtig aus Braunschweig, begeistert sich schon seit ihrer Kindheit für andere Länder, Kulturen und Menschen. Als Kleinkind lebte sie mit ihrer Familie für einige Jahre in Spanien. Später lernte und arbeitete sie in Frankreich und Mexiko. Studiert hat Shirin Lausch Spanisch und Lateinamerika­studien, sowie European Studies. Beruflich war sie bisher im kulturellen Austausch und im Bildungsbereich tätig. Shirin Lausch lebt mit ihrem Mann und zwei Söhnen in Berlin.

    Business Rules - BRT S04 EP21 (183) 5-21-2023

    Business Rules  - BRT S04 EP21 (183) 5-21-2023

    Business Rules

    - BRT S04 EP21 (183) 5-21-2023  


    What We Learned This Week

    • We are the Average of the 5 People we Spend the most Time with
    • 80/20 Principle – know what levers to pull
    • What Business Are You In?  Business need to Understand what their real Objectives are, How they Serve their Customers, What Problem they Solve  
    • Disruption - History never repeats itself, but it often rhymes
    • A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week
    • Marketing needs Clear Messaging
    • Information + Contacts = Means Everything in Business to get the Deal



    Just like there are Laws in Physics, there are Rules in Business.

    Violate them at your peril….


    Rule #1: You Are Who You Associate With

    Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with

    Care full who you let into your inner circle. Take advice from those who have accomplished what you seek.


    Rule #2: 80/20 Principle

    Focus – what are your priorities?  


    Dominos – there are usually just a few key moves to create success

    Learn to Say ‘No’, choose wisely what you spend time on



    Rule #3: What Business Are You In?


    ‘What Business Are You In?’ This the famous question from the classic business consultant, Peter Drucker. This was one of Drucker’s key questions for management to figure out, the who, what, where, why and how of their business.

    The point of the question was to really challenge business owners to understand what their real objectives are.

    Don’t assume you know what business you’re in. Drucker loved to ask executives “What business are you in?” because they often missed the mark, defining their organization in terms that were too narrow or not properly attuned to customers’ needs.



    The Founder Real Estate Business Scene

     "You don't seem to realize what business you're in," Harry Sonneborn says to Ray Croc. "You're not in the burger business. You're in the real estate business." Kroc can't build an empire off a 1.4 percent cut of a 15-cent hamburger. Own the land that the burger is cooked on. "Land. That's where the money is." 


    Marketing Myopia – thinking short term, and putting the business needs before the customers


    Rule #4: Disruption - History never repeats itself, but it often rhymes

    Business have Market Cycles, when they are on top one day, and displaced by new industries the next. You have to see around the corner and anticipate if the train is coming.

    Innovator’s Dilemma – afraid to shelf old tech because it is your core business right now, for new tech which is the long term future

    Black Swan Events are rare events that upend everything  


    When a management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact.

    Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.

    Quotes by Warren Buffett


    Rule #5: Strategy Needs Execution

    Without strategyexecution is aimless. Without executionstrategy is useless. - Morris Chang.

    Strategy plus blocking and tackling

    A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. – George Patton

    "The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do." — Michael E. Porter, American  economist and founder of strategic management



    Rule # 6: Cash is King

    This phrase is used to analyze the financial health of a business. Does it have Cash Flow and growing profits to handle any downturns.

    Startups often need a lot of cash as they are not profitable yet. Burn Rate is the term for when a startup is blowing thru cash and could go out of business.

    Business’ need access to capital and credit lines, to handle situations or when opportunities for investment come along.





    Rule # 7: Everything in Life is Sales

    Sales and Marketing

    How you represent your business, how the receptionist answers the phone, what the lobby looks like, the layout of marketing material or affect how people view your business.  

    Entrepreneur needs to be the best salesman in his company, who tells the story

    Marketing needs clear messaging as confusion is the enemy of sales



    Bonus Rule – Follow the $

    People vote with their wallets, what are they spending money on, what are people investing in, follow the actions, not the words

    To Get the Deal, You have to Know the People in the Deal.

    Information + Contacts = Everything in Business



    BRT Marketing: HERE

    BRT Business: HERE


    More - BRT Best of: https://brt-show.libsyn.com/category/Best+Of



    Thanks for Listening.

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    Business Roundtable with Matt Battaglia

    The show where EntrepreneursHigh Level Executives, Business Owners, and Investors come to share insight and ideas about the future of businessBRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, and how classic industries are evolving

    Common Topics Discussed: Business, Entrepreneurship, Investing, Stocks, Cannabis, Tech, Blockchain / Crypto, Real Estate, Legal, Sales, Charity, and more… 

    BRT Podcast Home Page: https://brt-show.libsyn.com/

    ‘Best Of’ BRT Podcast: Click Here

    BRT Podcast on Google: Click Here

    BRT Podcast on Spotify: Click Here                   

    More Info: https://www.economicknight.com/podcast-brt-home/

    KFNX Info: https://1100kfnx.com/weekend-featured-shows/


    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.


    170. Sorry Not Sorry

    170. Sorry Not Sorry

    Regret sucks.  This week on At the Table, we talk about how the best teams deal with mistakes and discuss a few of our own.  


    See Pat 'At the Whiteboard' for a free live virtual event!  Info and registration:  https://www.workinggenius.com/jobscareersandhiringreg


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast:  tinyurl.com/workinggeniuspodcast

    159. Cowardly Lion

    159. Cowardly Lion

    In the pursuit of truth, hard conversations have to happen.  So what are we afraid of?  This week, Pat, Beau and Karen discuss what it means to have courage as a leader.  


    Ep. 157 - 'Start With Yourself' Self-Audit Worksheet: https://www.workinggenius.com/resources#additional-resources 


    To order Pat’s newest book: tinyurl.com/workinggeniusbook


    To take the Six Types of Working Genius Assessment: https://www.workinggenius.com/


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast: tinyurl.com/workinggeniuspodcast