

    Explore "work" with insightful episodes like "217. Open on Sunday with Craig Groeschel", "Snadir for rights con Virginia Ciaravolo", "Snadir for Rights con Rosaria Di Meo", "Snadir for Rights con Rosaria Di Meo" and "206. Abnormally Normal" from podcasts like ""At The Table with Patrick Lencioni", "Area Scuola", "Area Scuola", "Area Scuola" and "At The Table with Patrick Lencioni"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    217. Open on Sunday with Craig Groeschel

    217. Open on Sunday with Craig Groeschel

    What's it like leading a large organization, and how is it different if that organization is a church? This week, Pat and Cody are excited to be joined by good friend and special guest host Craig Groeschel.  Craig is the founder and pastor of Life Church, the host of The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast, and the bestselling author of many books related to leadership, faith, and everything in between.  


    Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast: https://tinyurl.com/CGroeschelLeadershipPodcast


    Craig's Newest Book, Think Ahead: https://www.craiggroeschel.com/books/think-ahead


    Life Church: https://www.life.church/



    206. Abnormally Normal

    206. Abnormally Normal

    Being 'normal' is rarer than you think.  This week, the team talks about some recent experiences as customers, and why mastering the fundamentals of running a business, managing your employees, and serving your clients is actually what makes an organization stand out.  


    This week's unpaid ad - The Normal Brand: http://tinyurl.com/unpaidnormalbrand


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast: https://www.workinggenius.com/podcast



    201. Beware of the Novel, Easy, and Immediate

    201. Beware of the Novel, Easy, and Immediate

    Beware of the novel, easy, and immediate.  This week, Pat and the team discuss why even the best companies, teams, and individuals ignore the simple, proven solutions in favor of comfortability and short-term results.  


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast: tinyurl.com/workinggeniuspodcast



    199. The Company You Keep

    199. The Company You Keep

    The people that you surround yourself with probably have a greater impact on you than you think.  This week, Pat, Cody and Tracy discuss the importance of being intentional about the company you keep, and how you can apply this to the people you spend 40 hours with each week.  


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast: tinyurl.com/workinggeniuspodcast


    See Pat 'At the Whiteboard' for a free live virtual event!  Info and registration: workinggenius.me/atwnovreg

    189. The Leadership Hat Trick

    189. The Leadership Hat Trick

    A hat trick from Patrick.  This week, the team boils down what it takes to be a good leader into three simple concepts.  


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast: tinyurl.com/workinggeniuspodcast


    To take the Six Types of Working Genius Assessment: https://www.workinggenius.com/

    188. Whatever You Say, Boss

    188. Whatever You Say, Boss

    Conflict and discomfort is necessary on a healthy team, but when exactly is it better to be deferential to the leader?  This week, Pat, Cody and Tracy discuss the humanity of managers and the importance of humility in managing others.  


    To take the Six Types of Working Genius Assessment: https://www.workinggenius.com/


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast: tinyurl.com/workinggeniuspodcast


    To order Jon Gordon's Newest Book, The One Truth: https://jongordon.com/book/the-one-truth/


    Pat's newest movie recommendation: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443536/

    Secure the Bag: Know When to Fold'em

    Secure the Bag: Know When to Fold'em

    This week on the Bail Yourself Out podcast, Host Kandice with a "K"  Whitaker highlights America's morphing work culture in a post-pandemic corporate world. Joined by this week's co-host Nikki Adams, these two trailblazers break down the true power competent employees have over employers. So pull up a "happy hour" beverage and soak in the work wisdom of two "corporate raiders"  who  make the workplace work for them first - and the corporate employer second.

    Ineffective or afraid of negotiating with prospective employers? Do you lack the self confidence or proper communication tools to demand a salary commensurate with your experience? Well, fear no further; on this episode of the Bail Yourself Out podcast, creator and host Kandice Whitaker has the perfect co-host, Nikki Adams (armed with twenty-plus years in corporate spaces), to answer these and many other corporate employee/employer questions the post covid worker needs to know.

    This week, Kandice has found the perfect resource in Nikki to offer advice and answer the hard questions employees want to know but rarely ask. From split work schedules to nailing the proper tactic in negotiating compensation, Kandice and Nikki chop it up, make it plain, digestible, and, most notably for you, the listener, repeatable in your corporate life. While many take the first salary offer, learn why that is almost always a mistake. Finally, the hosts explain why the current shifting corporate employment landscape is the perfect environment to request other incentives in conjunction with your salary. So join the Bail Yourself Out pod this week for the most educational "happy hour" in the podcasting universe.                                     

    Reference Article
    Episode 4 - Secure the Bag:  Know When to Fold'em Article

    Keep up with Kandice Whitaker and the BAIL Yourself Out Community Online
    © 2023 Alpha and Omega Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

    L'intelligenza artificiale, fine di tutto o l'inizio di altro? (di Alessandra Magliaro)

    L'intelligenza artificiale, fine di tutto o l'inizio di altro? (di Alessandra Magliaro)
    Si parla molto di Ai, un tema che ha quasi del millenaristico: l'avvento massiccio dell'intelligenza artificiale sul lavoro ci spazzerà via? C'è curiosità ma anche ansia, paura ed entusiasmo. Tra tecno ottimismo e disperazione si può ragionare. Tantissime nuove professioni si affacciano su un mercato caldo e nuove generazioni avranno a che fare con dati e algoritmi per tutte le altre c'è da aggiornarsi il più possibile. La diffusione dell'Ai - al netto del famigerato chatGPT - ci costringerà ad un grande reskilling professionale, una nuova geografica del lavoro. Ma su una cosa gli studi convergono:
    la creatività sarà comunque al primo posto e i lavori più difficilmente automatizzabili saranno quelli che
    richiedono competenze interdisciplinari, intelligenza emotiva e sociale.

    Relationships at Work

    Relationships at Work

    On the inaugural Bail Yourself Out Podcast, successful entrepreneur, creator, and host Kandice Whitaker explores the complex minefield of workplace relationships. Joining Kandice as co-host is fellow businesswoman and former co-worker Yolanda Gore. Together, the hosts unpack proper handling of interpersonal relationships in the office and make them work for you.
    On the inaugural Bail Yourself Out Podcast, successful entrepreneur, creator, and host Kandice Whitaker explores the complex minefield of workplace relationships. Joining Kandice as co-host is fellow businesswoman and former co-worker Yolanda Gore. Together, the hosts unpack proper handling of interpersonal relationships in the office and make them work for you. 

    The littered landscape includes the well-known office "gossip," the "non-friend" friend, the ever-popular, oft-doomed work romance, and even the undeclared workplace enemy. Kandice and Yolanda share their perspectives and experiences navigating these varied situations and best practices for handling complex work scenarios. They also share their story of a working relationship that blossomed into a lasting friendship. Finally, they highlight the untrustworthy co-worker, share advice on setting boundaries, and pinpoint the one work relationship you should always avoid. If you're iffy about handling co-workers - this episode is a must. 

    Reference notes:

    Episode 1 - Relationships at Work Article             
    Harvard Business Review "The Power of Work Friends"

    BetterHelp.com - Definition of friendship 


    Keep up with Kandice Whitaker and the BAIL Yourself Out Community Online
    © 2023 Alpha and Omega Consulting Inc. All rights reserved.

    06. A spiritual and strategic approach to moving from burnout to balance with Olivia Chitty

    06. A spiritual and strategic approach to moving from burnout to balance with Olivia Chitty
    Welcome to another episode of Actually, You Can, in this episode I’m joined by Oliva Chitty. Olivia is an NLP practitioner, life coach, and business mentor.

    Olivia’s career journey was shaped by her experience with burnout and now she combines mindset work, spirituality, soul-led strategy, and systems to help people create the life they crave.

    In our conversation we discuss how you can move from burnout to balance. We delve into the symptoms and contributing factors of burnout, and Olivia shares her strategies for achieving balance. Whether you're feeling exhausted from work or life, this episode is for you.

    So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn how to create a more balanced and fulfilling life because Actually, You Can.



    Join my FREE Masterclass coming up in May: https://www.myfgalloway.com/strengthsmasterclass
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myfgalloway/
    Website: https://www.myfgalloway.com/


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/balancedbyolivia/
    Website: https://balancedbyolivia.com/

    Are you an ASSertive Person In Your Circles 5-7?

    Are you an ASSertive Person In Your Circles 5-7?

    In this podcast we discuss how to be assertive in our #5-#7 circles of relationships paradigm. These circles consist of work, giving, boundaries, possesions and coping mechanisms of life. 

    Circle #5 – The Mandatory Relationships (work and to do lists)

    Assertiveness in the workplace means being confident in communicating our opinions, suggestions, challenges and desires. It means representing ourselves well in the company while representing the company well. 

    It is about making conflict about the problem or challenge that is important to face in order to make it a better workplace. 

    It is about trusting if the authenticity of the company is worthy of personal authenticity.

    Circle #6 – The Peripheral Relationship

    Boundaries are important in these relationships.                                                                             

    There are two different categories in this circle: 

    1. The people who have hurt
    2. The people who will take from us. 

    Give no energy to our enemies. 

    It’s not harsh to be assertive, it’s harsher when people take advantage of you. Janna Cachola 

    Don’t argue with someone because they have a difference of opinion unless we are willing to argue with ourselves in 10 years when your changes. 

    Be assertive in our research of where we will give.  

    Be assertive with our giving.

    We have three things to give; energy, time and resources. 

    Circle #7 - Temporal

    Are the things that help us cope or give us status.                                                                              These relationships are attached to a materialistic or consumer based culture.                            They add a temporal fix and try to satisfy the inner by the outer.

    Addictions - Alcohol, drugs, pornography, gambling - Guys who struggle with addictions are often trying to change the behavior. 

    Get assertive about the desire or want that is present. Identify the core issue.

    This is a number Circle #1 issue not a Circle #7 issue.

    Be assertive about understanding ourselves

    Get assertive about what is enough personally. 

    Get assertive about what it means to have a good life. Define this for ourselves and don’t let our culture define it for us. 

    Practical Notes of Application 


    1. Communicate clearly and directly: Speak in a clear and confident tone, and use specific language to express your thoughts and feelings.

    - Keep it short, clear and censer   

    2. Stand up for yourself: Don't be afraid to speak up when you feel that your rights or needs are being disregarded or ignored.

    - Know your values and priorities and then communicate them. Communicate what you do want. Example: I would love to go but I am going to hang out with my family. 

    3. Use "I" statements: When expressing your thoughts and feelings, use "I" statements to take ownership of them. For example, instead of saying "you're wrong," say "I disagree."

    4. Respect others' opinions: While being assertive, it's important to respect others' opinions, even if you don't agree with them.

    5. Listen actively: Listen to others' opinions and concerns and acknowledge them.

    6. Be flexible: Be willing to compromise and negotiate in order to find a solution that works for everyone.

    7. Practice confidence: Believe in yourself and your abilities, and practice assertive behavior in different situations.

    8. Seek professional help: If you're having trouble being assertive, consider seeking professional help from a counselor or therapist.

    Use DESC model by Sharon and Gordon Brower in book asserting yourself. 

    Describe the behavior that affecting you 

    Express emotion I am feeling 

    Solution that may help

    Conclusion or consequence if something doesn’t change.

    164. Dangerous DNA

    164. Dangerous DNA

    Organizations need to communicate their values both internally and externally, and especially during the hiring process.  This week, Pat, Cody, Tracy and Beau discuss why accidental values can cause problems if leadership fails to properly identify and address them.  


    To order Pat’s newest book: tinyurl.com/workinggeniusbook


    To take the Six Types of Working Genius Assessment: https://www.workinggenius.com/


    To listen to the Working Genius Podcast: tinyurl.com/workinggeniuspodcast