

    Explore "Business" with insightful episodes like "140. Start with a story, cook up success, w/Chef Marcus Samuelsson", "#63 CHINA – einmal quer durchs Land", "EP 289: Unleashing Your Potential - The Subconscious Mind", "E216. Celebrate Early and Often for More Success" and "70._Gesucht: Perfekte Mitarbeiter:innen für Dein Institut" from podcasts like ""Masters of Scale", "AUSTRIA IST ÜBERALL", "Abundantly Clear Podcast", "April Garcia's PivotMe" and "BEAUTY MEETS BUSINESS"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    140. Start with a story, cook up success, w/Chef Marcus Samuelsson

    140. Start with a story, cook up success, w/Chef Marcus Samuelsson

    Telling a clear story about your product is a basic entrepreneurial skill. But to build enduring impact, you need to help amplify other stories — those that surround you in your community and your customers. 

    Marcus Samuelsson has done just this with beloved restaurants such as Hav & Mar and Red Rooster, and through his media group that celebrates the richness of the world's cuisines and the stories embedded within them.

    Marcus shares how embracing a diversity of stories has let him create spaces where every individual's narrative is valued, and has opened up new avenues of inspiration for him as an entrepreneur and award-winning chef. 

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #63 CHINA – einmal quer durchs Land

    #63 CHINA – einmal quer durchs Land
    In der 63. akustischen Geschäftsreise dreht sich alles um China. Die Asien-Expertin und WKÖ-Wirtschaftsdelegierte Birgit Murr lebt und arbeitet seit über 30 Jahren im Reich der Mitte und ist aktuell in Guangzhou stationiert. Bei ihrem Wienbesuch macht Birgit einen kurzen Halt bei unserem Podcast und gibt uns tiefe Einblicke in die chinesische Seele und spricht über unglaubliche, rasante Entwicklungen der Megastädte sowie vieler Provinzen. WKÖ-Wirtschaftsdelegierte: Birgit Murr Moderation und Produktion: Christoph Hahn LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christoph-hahn-b1598227b/ Du hast Feedback oder eine Frage zu einer unserer nächsten Reisen? Schicke uns ein Mail an podcast@wko.at! Mehr Informationen zu China gibt es auf www.wko.at/aussenwirtschaft/china oder direkter Kontakt per Mail an guangzhou@wko.at. Jetzt auch Videos der AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA auf www.lookaut.tv sehen.

    EP 289: Unleashing Your Potential - The Subconscious Mind

    EP 289: Unleashing Your Potential - The Subconscious Mind

    Ever felt a twinge of imposter syndrome or a fear of failure as you tried to navigate through the world of entrepreneurship? Well, it's not just you! This episode is all about those subconscious stories - the ones that can create discomfort, yet are crucial to recognize and understand as they are often designed to protect us. We'll tackle these experiences such as the dreaded imposter syndrome, the fear of potential failure, and the necessary yet intimidating business pivots, reframing them into tools that can build your confidence and self-belief.

    Are you holding onto beliefs that hold you back? Let's work together to identify and release these stories, because burying them under the rug isn't going to help us grow. Instead, by recognizing these stories and choosing to let them go, we can create space for new possibilities and growth. It's time to surround yourself with a supportive network and cultivate positive habits for a growth mindset. Let's step into a space of limitless potential together, redefining our narratives and moving forward in our business journey.

    Did you know Malorie has a book coming out in Summer 2023, stay on the lookout!

    Next step: Take the internal upgrade quiz here

    If you liked this episode, take a moment to subscribe on Apple Podcasts 

    Connect with Malorie on Facebook: Malorie Nicole

    E216. Celebrate Early and Often for More Success

    E216. Celebrate Early and Often for More Success

    How often do you fail to celebrate your milestones and victories while waiting for the elusive moment of perfection, only to later disconnect from the joy of achievement? But what if your life is solely based on the things that you celebrate? What if you celebrated early and often?

    In this episode, April explains the power of celebrating milestones and achievements early and often for more success. She also describes how different versions of fear stop us from appreciating our achievements and acknowledging the goodness in our lives.

    Listen in to learn the power of celebrating every step of the journey, practicing gratitude for the present, and sharing the celebration.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    • [02:17] How we often fail to celebrate our milestones and victories and later disconnect from the joy of achievement.

    • [05:16] The importance of celebrating the steps and the journey and not waiting for the finish line.

    • [06:03] How fear of ridicule, disappointment, and other versions of it stops us from appreciating our achievements and acknowledging the goodness in our lives.

    • [09:35] Look back at all the milestones you’ve overcome and celebrate your progress and performance.

    • [11:40] Three tips to embrace the power of celebration.

    • [14:00] The power of celebration in enhancing your entire journey and propelling you towards greater achievements.


    • “What if we could shape our reality by focusing on the good and celebrating only what we want more of?”- April [01:43]

    • “Celebrating early and often can transform your journey towards success.”- April [02:05]

    • “You get more of what you celebrate, so let celebration become a natural part of your progress.”- April [11:15]


    Want help with your Goals and Productivity?

    Interested in learning more about crushing Goals and Procrastination - getting more done in less time? Would you like to connect with April live? We are hosting a live FREE virtual event. You should be there, all the cool kids are and so should you. www.pivot-me.com/event


    👉👉 Connect with me here: 

    Website: https://www.pivot-me.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AprilGarciaPivotMe

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theAprilGarcia/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theaprilgarcia

    70._Gesucht: Perfekte Mitarbeiter:innen für Dein Institut

    70._Gesucht: Perfekte Mitarbeiter:innen für Dein Institut
    ABER: Wenn Deine Umsatzplanung stimmt: Möchte ich dich heute auch über aufregende Neuigkeiten informieren, die dir dabei helfen können, deinen Mitarbeitern mehr Nettoeinkommen zu zahlen, ohne dabei das Bruttoeinkommen zu erhöhen. Diese Möglichkeiten sind nicht nur finanziell vorteilhaft, sondern können auch dazu beitragen, deinen Salon als attraktive Arbeitgebermarke in der Region zu positionieren.

    Prioritize principles in crisis, w/Upwork’s Hayden Brown and Merck’s Ken Frazier

    Prioritize principles in crisis, w/Upwork’s Hayden Brown and Merck’s Ken Frazier

    Navigate today’s uncertain climate with a steadfast resolve. Recorded live at the Masters of Scale Summit in San Francisco, former Merck CEO Ken Frazier and Upwork CEO Hayden Brown talk with host Bob Safian about how leaders should trust their values when faced with social, political, and economic challenges. Brown shares how leading through the chaos of the pandemic brought new opportunities to increase diversity and productivity. Frazier details Merck’s reactionary strategy to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and offers clear advice to socially conscious leaders.

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    (#31) Mindset & Energy in Business and the Online Space with Sarah Cordiner

    (#31) Mindset & Energy in Business and the Online Space with Sarah Cordiner

    Get my '50 Affirmations for Business Success + Subliminal Meditation' for free HERE and start attracting the life you want by cultivating a mindset for success. 🤸‍♀️

    👋 Hello, hello! I am thrilled to welcome my special guest, Sarah Cordiner, to the Alchemy Mindset Podcast. 

    Let me tell you, this was a HIGH Energy kind of chat with Sarah!

    In this episode, we covered so much ground around Mindset & Energy within the Entrepreneurial world.

    Sarah is a postgraduate qualified course creation specialist with over 250,000 students enrolled in her online education programmes from over 181 countries.

    Sarah helps organisations, experts, speakers, coaches, and consultants to create and launch online courses, coaching programmes, and membership subscriptions. She is also the founder of the All-In-One online business and course creation platform, Matics, which is brand new and exciting. During the Covid-19 outbreak, Sarah donated over $1.35 million worth of places in her education programmes to help small business owners get online.

    Hang on tight to this fast flowing conversation where Sarah drops SO MANY GOLDEN pieces of advice around:

    The benefit and rise of AI and her psychic prediction of video content.

    • Moving away from lack and ‘not enough’ in to abundance mindset
    • What you should be celebrating when looking at your metrics in business and social media
    • How you should really be viewing your ‘To Do List’
    • Imposter Syndrome 
    • Comparisonitis
    • Why Energy and Intuition are helpful in the work that you do and create.

    You’ll even get to hear Ava in the background!

    Let me know what deeply resonates with you in this episode!

    Have fun and Happy Listening,

    Anna xx

    Subliminal Audio for achieving your GOALS HERE

    🤸‍♀️ Connect with Sarah!

    Get Sarah’s Free Stuff here

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CordinerSarah

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cordinersarah/


    📆FREE Business Mindset Subliminal Meditation📆


    Join my VIP community: https://annahastie.com/contact/

    🤸‍♀️ Connect with me!

    Website: annahastie.com

    Instagram @annfhastie https://www.instagram.com/annafhastie/

    Facebook @annfhastie https://www.facebook.com/annafhastie

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDfE6OhaxiHOGnf33xPnEvA

    🎧Spotify Listeners - Tap "Follow" to get a friendly reminder when a new episode is released & leave a comment as to what you loved the most! Rate ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    🎧 iTunes Listeners - Please leave a 5 ⭐ Review on Apple so that this podcast can reach more people and I can keep the good stuff rolling.

    I acknowledge & pay my respects to the Traditional owners, the Yawuru People of the land and waters of Rubibi (Broome) where this Podcast is recorded, and all Aboriginal Elders, past, present & emerging.

    Podcast Produced by Livvi Music Media


    Episode 4 - How to Make Money Online- The Triple Threat

    Episode 4 - How to Make Money Online- The Triple Threat

    In this episode I will dive into how anyone can make money online. I know I know there are so many people out there who will make you promises about how much you can make in a short period of time. How it's so easy but then they can't deliver results. This isn't what I am talking about here. Making money online is just like any business, it takes times, it takes work and it will be difficult but it's doable. I we will talk about the 3 most important things to starting/growing your online business.

    Airbnb Arbitrage

    Airbnb Arbitrage

    In this episode, real estate investor Carstin Hao joins us to discuss the topic of Airbnb Arbitrage. Airbnb Arbitrage, or Rental Arbitrage, is the process of renting properties from the long-term rental market and subsequently subletting them in the short-term rental marketplace through platforms such as Airbnb, VRBO and HomeAway. 

    Carstin shares with us the many advantages to rental arbitrage, how he picks his markets, mitigates risk, creates an economy of scale, and how he has built a portfolio of 60 units and counting, using this model in the United States. 

    This is a fascinating episode packed with knowledge. If you are looking for an investment with a low cost of entry and significant return potential, Airbnb arbitrage may be the strategy for you!

    E209. What if I am the Ceiling for My Kids?

    E209. What if I am the Ceiling for My Kids?

    What if it’s not just about what you give your children? What if when your children become mothers, they only allow to give themselves what they saw you give to yourself? What if your life becomes your children’s ceiling? Do you live your life good enough for it to be the standard for children’s lives?

    In this episode, April shares why she’s living a remarkable life that is a ceiling for her daughters when they become mothers. She explains why you must first model a remarkable life to permit the same in your kids.

    Listen in to learn the importance of teaching your kids more than sacrifice and selflessness in how you parent.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    • [01:17] What if everything you give to your children is just part of the parenting equation?

    • [06:21] Why April is doing better than teaching her kids only sacrifice and selflessness.

    • [08:40] Why she wants her daughters to feel normal living a remarkable life.

    • [09:40] Why she’s intentionally normalizing living a remarkable life as a mother so her kids can emulate it.


    • “If I don’t allow any time for me, I can assume my kids will struggle with this as adults; they need to see me do it first.”- April [09:30]

    • “If I want to normalize it in their adult life, they should first see it in my adult life.”- April [09:48]


    Want help with your Goals and Productivity?


    Interested in learning more about crushing Goals and Procrastination - getting more done in less time? Would you like to connect with April live? We are hosting a live FREE virtual event. You should be there, all the cool kids are and so should you. www.pivot-me.com/event


    👉👉 Connect with me here: 


    Website: https://www.pivot-me.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AprilGarciaPivotMe

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theAprilGarcia/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theaprilgarcia


    Agency Life Deutschland | Kundengewinnung: Klein anfangen oder groß pitchen? | #1

    Agency Life Deutschland | Kundengewinnung: Klein anfangen oder groß pitchen? | #1
    Herzlich willkommen zur ersten Folge von "Agency Life Deutschland by Teamleader". In dieser Episode dreht sich alles um die Vor- und Nachteile von Pitches aus der Perspektive von erfahrenen Marketing-Experten. Während einige unserer Branchenexpert*innen sie als notwendig betrachten, um bei großen Marken Fuß zu fassen, halten andere sie für ineffektiv oder sogar als das "absolut dämlichste Modell überhaupt". Weiterhin beleuchten wir die Faktoren, von denen die Meinungen abhängig sind wie das Agenturmodell und die Positionierung. Außerdem diskutieren wir, welche Rolle Ehrlichkeit im ersten Kundenkontakt spielt und welche Wirkung Kaugummi-Pitches haben können. Falls Euch die Diskussion gefallen hat und Ihr Euch für weitere ähnliche Themen interessiert, abonniert gerne unseren Kanal und teilt diese Folge. So verpasst Ihr keine weiteren spannenden Diskussionen und bleibt immer auf dem neuesten Stand. · Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teamleader.eu/ · LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/teamleader/ · Homepage: https://www.teamleader.de/ Powered by www.teamleader.de Production & creation by www.socentic-sound.de and www.socentic-media.de

    EP50: Breaking Glass Ceilings with Jen Du Plessis

    EP50: Breaking Glass Ceilings with Jen Du Plessis

    Are you truly living life on your own terms?

    In this episode of the I Own It Podcast, we welcome Jen Du Plessis. She is a keynote speaker, a leadership mentor, the best-selling author of “Tell Me I Can’t” and “Impact: Inspiring Motivational Powerful Acronyms for Cognitive Thinking”, and a podcast/TV host.

    Jen believes entrepreneurs can live their legacy while building it. After being “owned” by her business, she teaches other visionaries to let go and attain the freedom and luxury of a balanced life.

    All Jen wants is for business people like her to stop being “on-demand”... start being “in-demand”. Just like her, you can break free from the daily grind and build strong teams, so you can go ABOVE and BEYOND your business!

    Tune in as Jen goes deep into her past experience of an unbalanced life, why customer experience matters more than satisfaction, defining your own successes, how to be fully present for your people, and what it takes to break your glass ceilings.


    01:59 Does your business “own” you?

    05:37 Delegating work and talent scouting

    09:50 Empower your people

    13:05 Life after breaking glass ceilings

    16:40 Stop proving, start living!

    18:40 Success vs significance vs impact

    20:48 Live your legacy while building it

    23:32 How to be present

    29:02 Money means nothing

    35:28 Aim for customer experience

    42:25 Passive investing for financial freedom

    46:59 Tips for effective networking

    51:17 Vulnerability creates abundance

    53:31 Slow down to speed up

    57:42 Jen’s advice to her 16-year-old self

    58:14 What would Jen’s last meal on Earth be?



    “What I focus on now is living that life of luxury, not the luxurious life.” - Jen Du Plessis

    “It’s so important to know you have a good leadership team, people that you can rely on that can maybe even do the job that you’re allocating to them even better than you.” - Ben Reinberg

    “Be significant in the world and leave a mark.” - Jen Du Plessis

    “Personal development makes you better as a human ‘being’ rather than a human ‘doing’ all the time.” - Jen Du Plessis

    “Live your life and your legacy while you’re building it.” - Jen Du Plessis

    “We have to know when to say no to people and when to say yes to ourselves.” - Jen Du Plessis

    “I don’t have time to chase clients, but I certainly have time to attract them.” - Jen Du Plessis


    Get in touch with Jen Du Plessis:

    Website: https://jenduplessis.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferduplessis/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JenDuPlessis22

    Instagram & Twitter: @jenduplessis  

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@JenDuPlessis

    Success To Significance on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/success-to-significance/id1512731230


    Connect with Ben:

    Website: benreinberg.com

    Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @therealbenreinberg

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/benreinberg

    Facebook: facebook.com/TheRealBenReinberg

    Check out Ben's firm here: https://alliancecgc.com/

    #54 THAILAND – mit Bescheidenheit zum Erfolg

    #54 THAILAND – mit Bescheidenheit zum Erfolg
    Unsere 54. akustische Geschäftsreise führt uns nach Thailand. In Bangkok lebt und arbeitet der WKÖ-Wirtschaftsdelegierte Georg Weingartner. Der Export-Experte spricht mit uns in dieser Folge über die verschiedenen Facetten der thailändischen Kultur, über Roboter und Kokosnüsse sowie über die größte PET-Recycling-Anlage Asiens. WKÖ-Wirtschaftsdelegierter: Georg Weingartner LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/in/georg-weingartner-68aabba Moderation und Produktion: Christoph Hahn Du hast Feedback oder eine Frage zu einer unserer nächsten Reisen? Schicke uns ein Mail an podcast@wko.at! Mehr Informationen zu Thailand gibt es auf www.wko.at/aussenwirtschaft/thailand oder direkter Kontakt per Mail an bangkok@wko.at. Jetzt auch Videos der AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA auf www.lookaut.tv sehen.

    Sessions: David Senra (Founders Podcast)

    Sessions: David Senra (Founders Podcast)

    ACQ Sessions returns with David Senra of the Founders Podcast. David is one of our very favorite people in the world — it’s impossible to spend an hour (or 3!) with him and not come away inspired to go take over the world. This conversation is an “extended, IRL version” of monthly calls that we do together where we share stories, swap life and podcast advice, and just genuinely enjoy sharing time with someone who shares our outlook and enthusiasm for the history of entrepreneurship. Pull up a chair, grab a beverage (or energy drink in David’s case) and join us!

    ACQ2 Show:


    Pilot: https://bit.ly/acquiredpilot24
    Statsig: https://bit.ly/acquiredstatsig24
    Crusoe: https://bit.ly/acquiredcrusoe


    Note: Acquired hosts and guests may hold assets discussed in this episode. This podcast is not investment advice, and is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. You should do your own research and make your own independent decisions when considering any financial transactions.

    Ep19 “The Future of Money: Central Bank Digital Currency?” with Kevin Warsh

    Ep19 “The Future of Money: Central Bank Digital Currency?” with Kevin Warsh

    Cryptocurrency is increasing in popularity but still confusing to many consumers and finance professionals alike. On this episode of All Else Equal, finance professors Jules van Binsbergen and Jonathan Berk admit they don’t understand why some central banks are introducing digital currencies and why there would be need in our economic system.

    To help answer these questions they speak with Kevin Warsh, a former governor for the Federal Reserve and current Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institute at the Stanford School of Business. Kevin makes the case for regulating crypto currencies and what that would look like, and says the recent collapse of FTX, the world’s largest crypto currency exchanges, is not an indicator of this being a failing currency. 

    Submit your questions to the show here: https://bit.ly/AllElseEqual

    Find All Else Equal on the web: https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/business-podcasts/all-else-equal-making-better-decisions

    All Else Equal: Making Better Decisions Podcast is a production of Stanford Graduate School of Business and is produced by University FM.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    E181. What Are You Avoiding?

    E181. What Are You Avoiding?

    Happy Thanksgiving if you are listening in from the USA! We are knee-deep into the execution of Turkey day!

    In today’s episode, April asks us What are We Avoiding?

    Why don’t we talk about it?  The area, this thing, Why don’t we address it? Perhaps we think, -- I simply can’t change it. It’s outside of my control.

    In this episode you will learn:

    • What is the area in your life, you are avoiding? 
    • How to face that area of your life, you aren’t talking about.
    • Where is a place in your life you need to apply this work?
    • Why don’t we talk about it?

    Want help with your Goals and Productivity?

    Interested in learning more about crushing Goals and Procrastination - getting more done in less time? Would you like to connect with April live? We are hosting a live FREE virtual event. You should be there, all the cool kids are and so should you. www.pivot-me.com/event

    👉👉 Connect with me here: 

    AIAW Podcast Episode 074 - Rasmus Thornberg - Value Engineering

    AIAW Podcast Episode 074 - Rasmus Thornberg - Value Engineering

    In this Season 5, Episode 1, of the weekly Artificial Intelligence After Work (AIAW Podcast), we have the pleasure to welcome Rasmus Thornberg, Decision & Data Science Manager at Tetra Pak. Rasmus is a business-focused, a humanistic and social engineer with a passion for rational and data-driven decision making. Prior to joining Tetra Pak, Rasmus worked in various analytics and engineering positions in companies such as Sony, Eon, Assa Abloy, the European Spallation Source ESS, Enfo, Sigma.

    Follow us on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@aiawpodcast