
    Relationships, the Core of our Spiritual Growth- A Course In Miracles with Veronica and her Husband Luis.

    enMay 29, 2023

    About this Episode

    Relationships, the Core of our Spiritual Growth- A Course In Miracles with Veronica and her Husband Luis.

    In this casual conversational episode we dive into the following topics:

    -the mythology of A Course in Miracles
    -looking at the contents of our mind
    -why relationships are at the core of our spiritual growth.
    -spiritual bypassing
    -embarking on your own inner journey
    -how your journey's intention manifests in everyday life.

    From the Course:

    "There is a light that this world cannot give. Yet you can give it,
    as it was given you.
    And as you give it,
    it shines forth to call you from the world and follow it.
    For this light will attract you
    as nothing in this world can do.
    And you will lay aside the world
    and find another.
    This other world is bright with love
    which you have given it.
    And here will everything remind you
    of your Father and His holy Son."



    🙌🏻👉PODCACST por SPOTIFY 🙂 https://open.spotify.com/show/1gGiYMa9rxn3btFP5ECVtt...


    🙌🏻👉PODCAST por GOOGLE: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvMzE0NTA0OC9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk

    ❤️ 🎬VIDEOS en YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7YM5Lafc95bwjW2jF_8OVw

    #awakening #spiritualgrowth #acim #marriedlife #searchformeaning

    Recent Episodes from Awakening to Truth! ✨

    Trapped by Time- Consumed by an Endless To Do List

    Trapped by Time- Consumed by an Endless To Do List
    Trapped by Time- Consumed by an Endless To-Do List

    Join me in this conversation where I talk about changing our perception of time from an ego perspective of achieving to a higher purpose of healing.

    What is a miracle and how are they used to control time?
    What if you actually have exactly the time you need?

    Quotes from A Course in Miracles:

    Time and eternity are both in your mind, and will conflict until you perceive time solely as a means to regain eternity.

    The purpose of time is to enable you to learn how to use time constructively. (T-1.I.15:2)

    The miracle is the only device at your immediate disposal for controlling time. (T-1.I.48:1)

    When anything threatens your peace of mind:

    "Ask yourself, “Has God changed His Mind about me?” Then accept His decision, for it is indeed changeless, and refuse to change your mind about yourself. God will never decide against you, or He would be deciding against Himself. "


    Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/2Nixy0Isi3c1LRp5IpdDy2

    Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/awakeningtotruth

    Google Podcast: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvMjgwNzM4MC9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk

    Relationships, the Core of our Spiritual Growth- A Course In Miracles with Veronica and her Husband Luis.

    Relationships, the Core of our Spiritual Growth- A Course In Miracles with Veronica and her Husband Luis.
    Relationships, the Core of our Spiritual Growth- A Course In Miracles with Veronica and her Husband Luis.

    In this casual conversational episode we dive into the following topics:

    -the mythology of A Course in Miracles
    -looking at the contents of our mind
    -why relationships are at the core of our spiritual growth.
    -spiritual bypassing
    -embarking on your own inner journey
    -how your journey's intention manifests in everyday life.

    From the Course:

    "There is a light that this world cannot give. Yet you can give it,
    as it was given you.
    And as you give it,
    it shines forth to call you from the world and follow it.
    For this light will attract you
    as nothing in this world can do.
    And you will lay aside the world
    and find another.
    This other world is bright with love
    which you have given it.
    And here will everything remind you
    of your Father and His holy Son."



    🙌🏻👉PODCACST por SPOTIFY 🙂 https://open.spotify.com/show/1gGiYMa9rxn3btFP5ECVtt...


    🙌🏻👉PODCAST por GOOGLE: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvMzE0NTA0OC9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk

    ❤️ 🎬VIDEOS en YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7YM5Lafc95bwjW2jF_8OVw

    #awakening #spiritualgrowth #acim #marriedlife #searchformeaning

    🙏How to Accept the Unacceptable- A Moment of Help 💘

    🙏How to Accept the Unacceptable- A Moment of Help 💘
    This is a recording of an article published on Miracles Magazine a couple of months ago. The one I really wanted to share I could not find (I have since found it so I will share it next), so instead I opened the page to this one and found it quite insightful! Hope if you are hearing it it helps you on some level. 🕊️



    🙌🏻👉PODCACST por SPOTIFY 🙂 https://open.spotify.com/show/1gGiYMa9rxn3btFP5ECVtt...


    🙌🏻👉PODCAST por GOOGLE: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvMzE0NTA0OC9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk

    ❤️ 🎬VIDEOS en YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7YM5Lafc95bwjW2jF_8OVw

    🗣️Friends Talking About Life Challenges Through the Lens of ACIM 🙏#1. ➡️Leaving a Marriage, Work Problems, Watching your Attractions a

    🗣️Friends Talking About Life Challenges Through the Lens of ACIM 🙏#1.  ➡️Leaving a Marriage, Work Problems, Watching your Attractions a
    🗣️Friends Talking About Life Challenges Through the Lens of ACIM 🙏8/25

    ➡️Leaving a Marriage, Work Problems, Watching your Attractions and Your Hates, & more 👀

    We are 3 lifelong friends that have been on the same spiritual path for many years. We would always get together and have these amazing conversations about ACIM in our lives, and we would always say, "You know, this would be really helpful to people". So we decided to start recording and sharing our conversations. This is the first of many to come! Join us in exploring our personal lives, the daily issues we run into, and how we use ACIM to change our minds, each in our own way. Hear us ponder on the deep metaphysical teachings of ACIM & practical applications, and much more! 🙏

    Stay tuned for more episodes to come! 👀


    🙌🏻👉PODCACST por SPOTIFY 🙂 https://open.spotify.com/show/1gGiYMa9rxn3btFP5ECVtt...


    ❤️ 🎬VIDEOS en YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7YM5Lafc95bwjW2jF_8OVw

    💖 Jon Mundy Español & English 👉 El Plan de Dios para la Salvacion

    💖 Jon Mundy Español & English 👉 El Plan de Dios para la Salvacion
    💡El Plan de Dios para la Salvacion 🥰-Jon Mundy Español & English

    ❤️Sesión Celebrada el 04/17/22 en la Plataforma de Un Curso de Milagros Universal. www.ucdmuniversal.org. 12

    Es un honor para mi poder traducirle a este gran caminante de nuestro amado Curso de Milagros. Ingles a Español.

    👉Quien es Jon Mundy?

    😇Jon Mundy, filosofo, ministro, y Ph.D, fue uno de los primeros estudiantes y profesores de Un Curso de Milagros. Durante su niñez Jon vivió en Missouri en una granja con sus padres, anos después siguiendo su llamado espiritual viajo a la India en busca de un guru, posteriormente tuvo una conmovedora experiencia cercana a la muerte, la cual lo llevo en ultimas a conocer Un Curso de Milagros en el año 1973. El Dr. Jon conoció a Helen Schucman, Bill Thedford, y Kenneth Wapnick quienes lo introdujeron a las enseñanzas del Curso un año antes de su publicación. La misma Helen se convirtió en su terapeuta y guía hasta 1980, época en la cual enfermo dejándole este a papel al Dr. Ken Wapnick.

    👉Jon Mundy ha sido profesor universitario de filosofía y religión desde 1967 hasta 2009. Fue uno de los primeros ministros protestantes que predicó los principios del Curso desde un púlpito convencional. En la actualidad Jon Mundy viaja por todo el mundo dando conferencias y enseñando los principios no dualistas encontrados en Un Curso de Milagros. Es el editor de la revista Miracles Magazine (Revista de Milagros), Director del Programa Estudio de Milagros en el Seminario All Faiths (Todas las Fes) en La Ciudad de Nueva York, Seminario del cual el Dr. Jon es co-fundador. El Dr. Mundy es también un extenso escritor de trece libros. Su libro mejor vendido se titula “Vivir Un Curso de Milagros” y esta traducido en 8 idiomas. Jon disfruta de la comedia y en ocasiones se presenta como filosofo comediante, Dr. Baba Jon Mundano.

    ❤️Jon Mundy en Español & English 🙏 Mensaje de Navidad, You are the Christ ✨

    ❤️Jon Mundy en Español & English 🙏 Mensaje de Navidad, You are the Christ ✨
    ❤️Jon Mundy en Español & English 🙏 Mensaje de Navidad, You are the Christ ✨

    👉Traducción por Verónica Mejía Barney

    😇Jon nos trae un hermoso mensaje de Navidad, recordándonos quien fue Jesús:

    “El nombre de Jesús es el nombre de uno que, siendo hombre, vio la faz de Cristo en todos sus hermanos y recordó a Dios.²Al identificarse con Cristo, dejó de ser un hombre y se volvió uno con Dios (UCDM, C-5.2:1-2)”

    ⭐️“Como estudiantes de Un Curso de Milagros queremos preguntarnos a nosotros mismos ¿ que hay en mi que esta impidiendo que yo tenga esta misma visión” dice Jon.

    🙏Sesión celebrada en la Plataforma de Un Curso de Milagros Universal, www.ucdmuniversal.org . 12/20/21.

    #entrenamientomental #paz #ucdm #ucdmmentejoven




    ✍️TODO! POSTS, AUDIOS Y VIDEOS --Sigue esta pagina :) Dale Like 👍

    🙌🏻👉AUDIOS sobre un Curso de Milagros Sigueme por Spreaker :) https://www.spreaker.com/user/veronicaswisdom ❤️

    🎬VIDEOS en YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7YM5Lafc95bwjW2jF_8OVw

    ❤️ENG/ESP Liberación del Juicio con David Fishman 07/24/21

    ❤️ENG/ESP Liberación del Juicio con David Fishman 07/24/21
    Hola a todos!!!!

    English 👇This session is in two languages.

    💙Sesion celebrada en la plataforma de UCDM Universal!!
    Chicos en el dia de hoy Jon Mundy no nos pudo acompañar, se encuentra indispuesto de salud, asi que enviemosle todo nuestro amor. En su lugar nos envía a su gran amigo David Fishman, quien compartirá hoy con nosotros acerca de la liberación del juicio!! 🙏

    "No tienes idea del tremendo alivio y de la profunda paz que resultan de estar con tus hermanos o contigo mismo sin emitir juicios de ninguna clase. ²Cuando reconozcas lo que eres y lo que tus hermanos son, te darás cuenta de que juzgarlos de cualquier forma que sea no tiene sentido. ³De hecho, pierdes el significado de lo que ellos son _precisamente_ porque los juzgas. ⁴Toda incertidumbre procede de la creencia de que es imprescindible juzgar. ⁵No tienes que juzgar para organizar tu vida, y definitivamente no tienes que hacerlo para organizarte a ti mismo. ⁶En Presencia del Conocimiento todo juicio queda automáticamente suspendido; y éste es el proceso que le permite al Conocimiento reemplazar a la percepción. " (T-3.VI.3:1-6)


    👉Guys!! Jon couldn't be with us today, but he has sent in his place his dear friend David Fishman. Please join us in his talk "Releasing Judgement"🙏

    "You have no idea of the tremendous release and deep peace that comes from meeting yourself and your brothers totally without judgment. ²When you recognize what you are and what your brothers are, you will realize that judging them in any way is without meaning. ³In fact, their meaning is lost to you precisely _because_ you are judging them. ⁴All uncertainty comes from the belief that you are under the coercion of judgment. ⁵You do not need judgment to organize your life, and you certainly do not need it to organize yourself. ⁶In the presence of knowledge all judgment is automatically suspended, and this is the process that enables recognition to replace perception." (T-3.VI.3:1-6)

    🙏 What Kind of Day Would I Like To Have? ❤️ 12min Meditation

    🙏 What Kind of Day Would I Like To Have? ❤️ 12min Meditation
    ✨Based on Rules for Decision Making. T.30.I ACIM
    Let’s form together the habit of choosing the Right Teacher. May our world belong to His Kingdom today. What I decide for myself is the gift that I offer to the world.

    👉My words are just symbols, if you rather choose different words feel free to change them. The Holy Spirit doesn’t respond to words but to the calling of our hearts. And this is all we need.

    Links de Ayuda (In Spanish):
    Clase completa "Reglas para Diseñar tu Dia" en video: https://youtu.be/ABOS0ojINTQ