

    Explore "Brain" with insightful episodes like "A Must Listen If You Struggle w/ Burnout Symptoms: Chronic Fatigue, Irritability, Cortisol Belly, Hormone Imbalances, or Brain Fog", "Sleep, Think, and Perform Better With BrainTap's Dr. Patrick Porter", "Pivots & Revelations", "The EST Hangout: Jeff Krushell & Wil Fraser" and "How to Increase Your Willpower & Tenacity" from podcasts like ""Rebel Whitecoat Podcast|Boost Your Mood, Focus, and Energy Naturally| Functional Medicine | Epigenetics | Spirituality", "Happy Bones, Happy Life", "The Social Millenial Podcast", "The EST Hangout" and "Huberman Lab"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    A Must Listen If You Struggle w/ Burnout Symptoms: Chronic Fatigue, Irritability, Cortisol Belly, Hormone Imbalances, or Brain Fog

    A Must Listen If You Struggle w/ Burnout Symptoms: Chronic Fatigue, Irritability, Cortisol Belly, Hormone Imbalances, or Brain Fog

    It's my favorite time of year!!!! Bye Burnout is opening for enrollment for just a few days starting 2/8/24. Space is limited and there are over 550 people on the waitlist. Make sure you join the waitlist so you are notified when early bird pricing drops! 

    Join the Bye Burnout Waitlist HERE: https://www.wildrootsgenetics.com/byeburnout

    This is my signature program I WISH was available for myself back when I was struggling with burnout that turned into insomnia, low hormones, exhaustion, irritability, and terrible gut health. This program includes advanced functional labs that take a deep dive into your hormones, cortisol, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, oxidative stress, heavy metals, mitochondrial strength, gut imbalances, yeast overgrowth, and so much more. BUT the best part is the personalized guidance and support you will receive for an entire SIX months!! AND as an added bonus you will also be given immediate and lifetime access to all the Bye Burnout learning materials that will support you on your healing journey. It's a no brainer investment for your health! Can't wait to support you and help you feel better than you have in a looooong time.

    Join the Bye Burnout Waitlist HERE: https://www.wildrootsgenetics.com/byeburnout




    Sleep, Think, and Perform Better With BrainTap's Dr. Patrick Porter

    Sleep, Think, and Perform Better With BrainTap's Dr. Patrick Porter

    Sometimes, the pace of modern life barely gives you time to stop and rest. But sleep is as essential for good health as diet and exercise. Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood, and health. In the same way, a healthy brain can help you sleep, think, and perform better.


    In this episode, Dr. Patrick Porter joins me to discuss a life-altering tool that enhances brain health. Discover how this technology can improve your life.


    Dr. Patrick Porter is an award-winning author, educator, consultant, entrepreneur, and speaker. He has been on the cutting edge of brainwave entrainment technology for 32 years. His team garnered the Best New Health App award at the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show.

    Dr. Porter's newest brain-training platform, BrainTap, is distinctively designed to activate the brain to help people overcome stress, enjoy superb sleep, lose weight, stop smoking, manage pain, accelerate learning, and make many lifestyle improvements. He is on a mission to make a lasting, positive impact on the world—one brain at a time. 


    Thanks for tuning in to another informative episode of the Happy Bones, Happy Life podcast! 


    “They say that the mind works best like a parachute when open. So just open your mind to the possibility because there is a solution. The brain is designed to heal. The body is designed to heal. But we've got to give it the right opportunities.” - Dr. Patrick Porter


    In this episode:

    - [02:21] - What is BrainTap, and how does it help stress?

    - [05:02] - 3 things you need to do to keep your brain healthy

    - [15:04] - Why sitting down can be detrimental to your brain health

    - [15:24] - How exactly does BrainTap work?

    - [20:01] - Why light energy is vital for brain health 

    - [26:08] - 2 things people suffer from and how BrainTap can help 

    - [36:42] - What is the proper way of using BrainTap to get better sleep?

    - [40:31] - Phenomenal results from using BrainTap


    Resources mentioned

    - Get more information about BrainTap and sign up for the 14-day free trial 

    - MORE Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis and Bone Health Summit 


    Connect with Dr. Patrick Porter

    - Website


    More about Margie

    - Website 

    - Facebook 

    - Instagram 


    DISCLAIMER – The information presented on this podcast should not be construed as medical advice. It is not intended to replace consultation with your physician or healthcare provider. The ideas shared on this podcast are the expressed opinions of the guests and do not always reflect those of Margie Bissinger and Happy Bones, Happy Life Podcast.

    *In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume the following about links on this site: Some of the links going to products are affiliate links of which I receive a small commission from sales of certain items, but the price is the same for you (sometimes, I even get to share a unique discount with you). If I post an affiliate link to a product, it is something that I personally use, support, and would recommend. I personally vet each and every product. My first priority is providing valuable information and resources to help you create positive changes in your health and bring more happiness into your life. I will only ever link to products or resources (affiliate or otherwise) that fit within this purpose.

    Pivots & Revelations

    How to Increase Your Willpower & Tenacity

    How to Increase Your Willpower & Tenacity
    In this episode, I discuss neuroscience and psychology studies that address the basis of willpower and tenacity, how they differ from motivation and how we can all increase our levels of willpower and tenacity. I discuss whether willpower is a limited resource, the controversial “ego depletion” theory of willpower and the role that beliefs play in determining our tenacity and willpower. Then, I discuss the neural basis of willpower in the brain and body and how tenacity and willpower relate to sleep, stress, focus, and possibly lifespan. Then, I provide a series of science-supported tools and protocols to increase your level of tenacity and willpower. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Maui Nui Venison: https://mauinuivenison.com/huberman  Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman  LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman  Momentous: https://livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Tenacity & Willpower (00:01:19) Sponsors: Maui Nui & Helix Sleep (00:03:49) Tenacity & Willpower vs. Habit Execution; Apathy, Depression & Motivation  (00:10:40) Ego Depletion & Willpower as a Limited Resource; Controversy  (00:19:14) Tool: Autonomic Function, Tenacity & Willpower; Sleep & Stress  (00:28:02) Sponsor: AG1 (00:28:58) Willpower as a Limited Resource (Theory) (00:35:36) Willpower & Glucose, Brain Energetics (00:42:44) Beliefs about Willpower & Glucose; Multiple Challenges (00:52:43) Sponsor: LMNT (00:54:01) Willpower Brain ‘Hub’; Anorexia Nervosa, Super-Agers (01:07:15) Anterior Midcingulate Cortex & Brain/Body Communication  (01:14:54) Allostasis, Anterior Midcingulate Cortex Function (01:25:19) Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex (aMCC), Difficult Tasks & Neuroplasticity (01:29:30) Tool: Novel Physical Exercise & Brain; Cognitive Exercise (01:43:43) Tool: “Micro-sucks”, Increase Tenacity/Willpower (01:50:58) Impossible Tasks, Super-Agers & Learning, Will to Live (01:57:23) Tool: Rewards & Improving Tenacity/Willpower (02:01:07) Tenacity & Willpower Recap (02:05:55) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

    The Path to Enough

    The Path to Enough

    This week, we bring you the second part of our conversation on the perils of too much pleasure. Psychiatrist Anna Lembke explains the neuroscience behind compulsive consumption, and how it alters our brains. She also shares techniques she’s learned from her patients to overcome the lure of addictive substances and behaviors.

    Do you like the ideas and insights we feature on Hidden Brain? Then please consider supporting our work by joining our new podcast subscription, Hidden Brain+. You can find it in the Apple Podcasts app, or by going to apple.co/hiddenbrain. Thanks! 

    Dr. Robert Malenka: How Your Brain’s Reward Circuits Drive Your Choices

    Dr. Robert Malenka: How Your Brain’s Reward Circuits Drive Your Choices
    In this episode, my guest is Robert Malenka, MD, PhD, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine who has made numerous seminal discoveries of how the brain changes (neuroplasticity) in response to learning and in response to rewarding and reinforcing experiences. We discuss the brain’s several reward systems involving dopamine and serotonin and how these motivate us to seek out specific behaviors and substances. We discuss how these reward systems are modified based on context and our memories, and how they can be hijacked toward maladaptive drug seeking in addiction. We also explore how reward systems influence social connections, oxytocin and empathy and how that applies to our understanding of autism spectrum disorders. This episode should be of interest to those interested in neuroplasticity, social bonding, addiction, autism, learning and motivation. For the full show notes, visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1 (Athletic Greens): https://drinkag1.com/huberman ROKA: https://roka.com/huberman  Levels: https://levels.link/huberman  LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman  Momentous: https://livemomentous.com/huberman Supplements from Momentous https://www.livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Dr. Robert Malenka (00:02:37) Sponsors: ROKA & Levels (00:05:21) Dopamine & Reward Circuitry (00:11:31) Reward, Arousal, Memory & Dopamine  (00:17:34) Context, Cues & Dopamine Modification (00:25:38) Memory & Reward Scaling (00:30:50) Dopamine, “Addictive Liability” & Route of Administration  (00:39:07) Sponsor: AG1 (00:40:04) Drugs of Abuse & Brain Changes; Addiction & Individual Variability (00:50:51) Reinforcement vs. Reward, Wanting vs. Liking (00:57:500 Opioids, Psychostimulants & Dopamine (01:03:38) Sponsor: LMNT (01:04:51) Self-Doubt, Confidence & Career (01:12:40) Autism Spectrum Disorder (01:19:29) Pro-Social Interaction & Reward; Oxytocin, Serotonin & Dopamine (01:30:30) Nucleus Accumbens & Behavior Probability (01:38:28) Reward for Pro-Social Behavior (01:43:13) Social Media & “Addictive Liability”; Gambling (01:52:17) Pain, Social Behavior & Empathy (02:02:19) Empathy Circuitry, Dopamine & Serotonin  (02:10:07) Autism Spectrum Disorder & Social Interactions, Empathy (02:17:23) MDMA, Serotonin & Dopamine; Addiction & Pro-Social Effects (02:28:13) Autism Spectrum Disorder, Social Behavior, MDMA & Pharmacology (02:37:18) Serotonin, MDMA & Psychedelics  (02:40:16) Psychedelics: Research & Therapeutic Potential (02:47:57) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

    156: The Art of Saying No

    156: The Art of Saying No

    Calling all my recovering people-pleasers who struggle with saying NO…this one’s for you, my loves! 

    Let’s talk about “the art of saying no” and how it can elevate your leadership & career. 

     In this episode, I’m talking all about saying no (something I’ve struggled with so much in my life & career!) and the most important things I’ve learned along the way to help you break the patterns that are holding you back from career success. 

     Ready for the tips you need to say no with grace & confidence so you can say YES to the things that are going to move the needle in your career?

    Let’s go to the show!

    I dive into:

    • Learning “the art of saying no” so you can elevate your leadership & career
    • Why you might need to say NO to your own ideas
    • How imposter syndrome might be holding you back from saying “no” - and how to tackle this
    • The MOST common examples of saying “yes” to the wrong things
    • My favorite TIPS for saying “no” with grace & confidence
    • Determining the right things to say YES to
    • And more


    **Useful links**

    Your Brain on Food | Dr. Uma Naidoo

    Your Brain on Food | Dr. Uma Naidoo

    Most of us have an intuitive sense that there’s a pretty serious link between what we eat and how we feel. Today’s guest is here to explain the science behind that relationship.

    Dr. Uma Naidoo is a pioneer in the field of nutritional psychiatry and an expert on both the gut-brain connection and the food-mood connection. She is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, a professional chef, and a nutrition specialist. She is the Director of Nutritional and Lifestyle Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and serves on the faculty at Harvard Medical School. And she is the author of a book called This Is Your Brain on Food: An Indispensable Guide to the Surprising Foods that Fight Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, and More.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • What the gut-brain connection is, how it works, and why it’s so important
    • Her contention that “we are in control of how we feel emotionally through the food choices we make every single day”
    • How to leverage nutritional psychiatry to help you handle:
    • ---Anxiety
    • ---Depression
    • ---Sleep disorders
    • ---Dementia
    • ---PTSD
    • ---ADHD
    • ---OCD
    • Her thoughts on taking in all of this information without developing orthorexia (an unhealthy obsession with healthy food)
    • Her thoughts on intuitive eating
    • How to understand vitamins vs. supplements (and her advice on taking supplements)

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/uma-naidoo-614

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Best Exercise for Your Brain, Cognitive Enhancement, and Novel Ways of Boosting Brain Health | Dr Tommy Wood, Research Assistant Professor

    The Best Exercise for Your Brain, Cognitive Enhancement, and Novel Ways of Boosting Brain Health | Dr Tommy Wood, Research Assistant Professor

    Welcome to the brand-new podcast about how to use reason and science to live a long, healthy, decent life.

    Subscribe to join the host, Greg Potter, as he unveils the latest science and the secrets of some of the most brilliant people, including scientists, coaches, entrepreneurs, and many others.

    You can also find Reason & Wellbeing on YouTube here.


    People and resources featured in this episode:

    Tommy Wood, BM, PhD. Follow Tommy on Instagram here.

    Greg Potter, PhD. Follow Greg on Instagram here.

    Books: Behave (Sapolsky). The Coddling of the American Mind (Lukianoff, Haidt).

    Documentaries: The Devil We Know. The Inventor. (Tommy said Bad Blood, but that’s the name of the book about the same scandal. The book Bad Blood (Carreyrou) is definitely worth reading too!)

    Journal article: Demand Coupling Drives Neurodegeneration: A Model of Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Dementia.

    Podcast: Better Brain Fitness.


    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only. The podcast does not constitute the practice of medicine or any other professional healthcare service. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is exclusively at the listener’s own risk. The contents of this podcast are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Listeners should not wait to obtain or disregard medical advice for any medical conditions they have and should seek the assistance of their healthcare professionals for such conditions. Under no circumstances shall Greg Potter, Greg Potter PhD Limited, or any guests or contributors to the podcast be responsible for damages arising from the use of the contents of this podcast.

    How To Support Your Brain, Improve Energy, And Use Exercise As Medicine

    How To Support Your Brain, Improve Energy, And Use Exercise As Medicine

    This episode is brought to you by Paleovalley, Rupa Health, and Athletic Greens.

    Finding ways to add movement into your daily routine is one of the absolute best things you can do for yourself. Our bodies are meant to move, yet so many of us are sedentary due to desk jobs, low energy, or lack of motivation.

    In today’s episode, I talk with Max Lugavere, Mark Sisson, Tony Robbins, and Peter Diamandis about why exercise is the cornerstone of good health and long life.

    Max Lugavere is a health and science journalist and the author of the New York Times bestseller Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life. His sophomore book, also a bestseller, is called The Genius Life: Heal Your Mind, Strengthen Your Body, and Become Extraordinary. Max is the host of a top iTunes health and wellness podcast called The Genius Life. His new cookbook is Genius Kitchen.

    Mark Sisson is the founder of the popular daily health blog, Mark’s Daily Apple, godfather to the Primal food and lifestyle movement, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Keto Reset Diet. His latest book is Keto for Life, in which he discusses how he combines the keto diet with a Primal lifestyle for optimal health and longevity. Mark is the author of numerous other books as well, including The Primal Blueprint.

    Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author, and philanthropist honored by Accenture as one of the top 50 business intellectuals in the world. Through his philanthropy and partnership with Feeding America, he has provided more than 800 million meals and is on track to provide 1 billion meals by 2025.

    Peter Diamandis is the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation, which leads the world in designing and operating large-scale incentive competitions. He was recently named by Fortune as one of the “World’s 50 Greatest Leaders.” He is also the executive founder of Singularity University, a graduate-level Silicon Valley institution that counsels the world's leaders on exponentially growing technologies.

    This episode is brought to you by Paleovalley, Rupa Health, and Athletic Greens. 

    Paleovalley is offering my listeners 15% off their entire first order at paleovalley.com/hyman.

    Rupa Health is a place where Functional Medicine practitioners can access more than 2,000 specialty lab tests from over 35 labs. Check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at RupaHealth.com.

    Right now, Athletic Greens is offering 10 FREE travel packs with your first purchase by visiting athleticgreens.com/hyman.

    Full-length episodes of these interviews can be found here:

    Max Lugavere

    Dr. Mark Hyman

    Mark Sisson

    Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #366 How Your Brain Creates Your Reality: A Neuroscientist’s Take On Consciousness, Near Death Experiences & What it Really Means to be You with Professor Anil Seth

    #366 How Your Brain Creates Your Reality: A Neuroscientist’s Take On Consciousness, Near Death Experiences & What it Really Means to be You with Professor Anil Seth

    What does consciousness mean to you? It’s something that’s fundamental to who we are as humans. And yet it’s a concept that many of us would struggle to define – scientists and philosophers included. But today’s guest is someone who has spent many years and countless hours studying it, and is keen to share what he has learned.


    Anil Seth is Professor of Cognitive and Computational Science at the University of Sussex and Co-director of the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science. He is a globally respected neuroscientist and author of the Sunday Times bestseller Being You: A New Science Of Consciousness. And he is someone who excels at making complex ideas simple as evidenced by the fact that his TED talk has been viewed over 12 million times to date.


    After 20 years researching the brain, Anil’s ideas on perception, reality, and what it means to be you, will have you reconsidering everything you’ve taken for granted about your experience of the world. And if that sounds scary, it really isn’t. You don’t need any prior knowledge of neuroscience, philosophy, or spirituality to enjoy this episode – but it will leave you feeling enlightened in all three areas.


    During this conversation we consider death, ritual and the cultural idea of reincarnation. We talk about Near Death Experiences and what we can potentially learn from them and we dive into what consciousness and the self really mean. Anil also sets out his theory that our brains don’t read the world, they write them – all of life is a controlled hallucination.


    The way we encounter reality, he asserts, is a construction. Our thoughts and perceptions are merely interpretations of external and biological cues. We’re all hallucinating, all the time. It’s just that when we agree on those hallucinations, we call it reality.


    Anil’s work is fascinating and I’m convinced it could pave the way for a humanity that’s more connected, considerate, and humble. This is a conversation that I think will have you reflecting and thinking deeply about the world and your place within it. I hope you enjoy listening.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Thanks to our sponsors:



    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/366

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Joe Dispenza ON: Why Stress and Overthinking Negatively Impacts Your Brain and Heart & How to Change Your Habits on Autopilot

    Joe Dispenza ON: Why Stress and Overthinking Negatively Impacts Your Brain and Heart & How to Change Your Habits on Autopilot

    Today, I am sitting down with Dr. Joe Dispenza to talk about the connection between our thoughts and our emotions. Joe explains the importance of paying attention to the things that will help us grow emotionally and mentally, the power of the brain and how it can trap us in the past if we allow it to, and how knowing proper breathwork can significantly help us relieve stress and overcome anxious thoughts.  

    Joe Dispenza is an author, speaker, and researcher known for his work in the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics. He is particularly recognized for his teachings on the mind-body connection and the potential for individuals to transform their lives through the power of their thoughts and emotions. Joe regularly conducts workshops and seminars worldwide, where he combines scientific knowledge, meditation practices, and practical exercises to help individuals tap into their potential and create a more fulfilling life. His teachings emphasize the idea that by changing our thoughts and emotions, we can create new neural pathways in the brain and ultimately transform our reality.

    You can order my new book 8 RULES OF LOVE at 8rulesoflove.com or at a retail store near you. You can also get the chance to see me live on my first ever world tour. This is a 90 minute interactive show where I will take you on a journey of finding, keeping and even letting go of love. Head to jayshettytour.com and find out if I'll be in a city near you. Thank you so much for all your support - I hope to see you soon.

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 03:01 Why are repeating thoughts the most dangerous, and the most beneficial thoughts?
    • 07:05 Change your thought patterns by becoming conscious of unconscious thoughts
    • 15:27 “Where you place your attention is where you place your energy.”
    • 18:35 Why our emotions are a record of the past
    • 20:41 Why are we in a habits crisis? How do we change our habits?
    • 26:49 The 3 important elements in your life that you should focus on when you’re stressed
    • 35:50 What is meditation and can you start practicing it?
    • 40:25 How our emotions can convince our body to change significantly
    • 45:34 How does breathwork impact our heart rate variability?
    • 52:21 What happens when you get emotionally stuck in the past?
    • 01:01:45 “What is it about me that I still have to change in order to heal?”
    • 01:08:21 The difference between meditation with and without breathwork
    • 01:11:32 The basic practices to help build a community for our survival

    Episode Resources

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Episode #244: The Magic of Mindset and Cognomovement with Katie Wrigley

    Episode #244: The Magic of Mindset and Cognomovement with Katie Wrigley

    Katie Wrigley is a Transformational Coach, Cognomovement Practitioner, and host of the Pain Changer Podcast. She is also a former chronic pain patient who found herself disabled in her early 40s after years of severe chronic pain and losing herself in a demanding 20 year long corporate career.

    Traditional medicine continued to fail her as her diagnoses continued to pile up, including Fibromyalgia, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), slipped and bulging discs, and unrelenting chronic nerve pain and increasing weakness in her limbs. It all turned around when she was introduced to Cognomovement, a gentle but effective movement modality which interrupts the pain pathways of the brain and restores the body back to health and homeostasis.

    Katie shares her personal pain journey along with her experience of eliminating her pain with Cognomovement, how (and why) the method works, how to listen to yourself and your body, the many benefits of cross body learning, and much, much more.

    Download this positive and informative episode which has a clear message of hope, and please share it with everyone who is struggling with chronic pain to learn the magic of Cognomovement. Because our bodies have an incredible capacity to heal, and no one should suffer with chronic pain.     






    How Inflammation Affects The Brain And How To Cool It

    How Inflammation Affects The Brain And How To Cool It

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Bioptimizers, and Levels.

    Brain conditions, such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s, and even schizophrenia, are fast becoming one of the largest categories of chronic health concerns. Instead of just relying on the traditional approach of looking at the brain in isolation as the means of healing these conditions, we are learning more and more that when you heal the body, you also heal the mind.

    In today’s episode, I talk with Dhru Purohit, Dr. Dale Bredesen, and Dr. Todd LePine about the one common factor behind all brain disorders: inflammation. We explore how inflammation may arise from our diets, toxins in our environment, stress, and more.

    Dhru Purohit is a podcast host, serial entrepreneur, and investor in the health and wellness industry. His podcast, The Dhru Purohit Podcast, is a top 50 global health podcast with over 30 million unique downloads. His interviews focus on the inner workings of the brain and the body and feature the brightest minds in wellness, medicine, and mindset.

    Dr. Dale Bredesen is internationally recognized as an expert in the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and the author of the New York Times bestsellers The End of Alzheimer's, The End of Alzheimer's Program, and his latest book, The First Survivors of Alzheimer's: How Patients Recovered Life and Hope in Their Own Words.

    Dr. Todd LePine graduated from Dartmouth Medical School and is board certified in Internal Medicine, specializing in Integrative Functional Medicine. He is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner. Prior to joining The UltraWellness Center, he worked as a physician at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, MA. Dr. LePine’s focus at The UltraWellness Center is to help his patients achieve optimal health and vitality by restoring the natural balance to both the mind and the body.

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Bioptimizers, and Levels. 

    Rupa Health is a place where Functional Medicine practitioners can access more than 2,000 specialty lab tests from over 35 labs. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at RupaHealth.com.

    BiOptimizers is offering my listeners 10% off Sleep Breakthrough. If you buy two or more you’ll get a free bottle of Magnesium Breakthrough. This is a limited-time offer. Go to sleepbreakthrough.com/hyman and use the code hyman10.

    Levels provides real-time feedback on how diet and lifestyle choices impact your metabolic health. Right now, Levels is offering an additional two free months of their annual membership. Learn more at levels.link/HYMAN.

    Full-length episodes of these interviews can be found here:

    Dhru Purohit

    Dr. Dale Bredesen

    Dr. Todd LePine

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    How Psilocybin Can Rewire Our Brain, Its Therapeutic Benefits & Its Risks

    How Psilocybin Can Rewire Our Brain, Its Therapeutic Benefits & Its Risks
    In this episode, I discuss what psilocybin is (chemically) and how it works at the cellular and neural circuit level to trigger neuroplasticity, which is our brain’s ability to rewire itself in ways that lead to long-lasting shifts in our emotional, cognitive and behavioral patterns and abilities. I discuss the emerging clinical trial evidence for the use of psilocybin in the treatment of depression, addictions and other psychiatric challenges. I explain the typical duration and phases of a psilocybin journey, the different categories of dosages often used and I explain the importance of set, setting and support when using psychedelics. I explain which groups of people place themselves at great risk by taking psilocybin as well as groups that could benefit, and I highlight the rapidly changing legal and medical landscape around psilocybin. This episode is a thorough exploration of psilocybin from the scientific and clinical literature perspective and ought to be of interest to anyone curious about psilocybin, mental health, neuroplasticity and/or psychedelics more generally. For the full show notes, visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1 (Athletic Greens): https://athleticgreens.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Waking Up: https://www.wakingup.com/huberman Momentous: https://www.livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Psilocybin, Legal Considerations (00:08:48) Sponsors: LMNT & Waking Up (00:12:00) Psilocybin Becomes Psilocin in the Gut, Serotonin (00:17:00) The Serotonin 2A Receptor, Therapeutic Outcomes SSRIs vs. Psilocybin (00:21:40) Serotonin Receptor Expression; Visual Hallucinations & Eyes Closed (00:26:02) Sponsor: AG1 (00:27:21) Safety & Cautions for Specific Patient Populations (00:30:28) Psilocybin, “Magic Mushrooms” Dosing, Micro-Dosing, “Heroic Doses” (00:36:21) Psychedelic Journey: Set, Setting & Support (00:43:43) Music & the Psilocybin Journey; Duration of Effects (00:48:58) Psilocybin & the Brain: Subjective Experiences, Perception (00:59:48) Brain Networks & Therapeutic Outcomes (01:05:23) Creativity; Music, Emotionality & Psychedelic Journeys (01:12:39) Depression & Psychedelics as Neuroplasticity “Wedge” (01:16:53) Positive Psychedelic Journeys, Unity, “Oceanic Boundlessness” (01:25:23) “Bad Trips”, Anxiety & Physiological Sighs (01:32:57) Therapeutic Use of Psilocybin (01:36:11) Neuroplasticity, Structural Brain Changes & Psilocybin (01:48:08) Psychedelics: Therapeutic Breakthroughs & Depression (01:56:37) Combining Psilocybin Therapy & Talk Therapy, Antidepressant Effects (02:03:11) Psilocybin Experience & Mental Health (2:06:42) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous, Neural Network Newsletter, Social Media Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

    Dr. Matthew MacDougall: Neuralink & Technologies to Enhance Human Brains

    Dr. Matthew MacDougall: Neuralink & Technologies to Enhance Human Brains
    In this episode, my guest is Matthew MacDougall, MD, the head neurosurgeon at Neuralink. Dr. MacDougall trained at the University of California, San Diego and Stanford University School of Medicine and is a world expert in brain stimulation, repair and augmentation. He explains Neuralink’s mission and projects to develop and use neural implant technologies and robotics to 1) restore normal movement to paralyzed patients and those with neurodegeneration-based movement disorders (e.g., Parkinson’s, Huntington’s Disease) and to repair malfunctions of deep brain circuitry (e.g., those involved in addiction). He also discusses Neuralink’s efforts to create novel brain-machine interfaces (BMI) that enhance human learning, cognition and communication as a means to accelerate human progress. Dr. MacDougall also explains other uses of bio-integrated machines in daily life; for instance, he implanted himself with a radio chip into his hand that allows him to open specific doors, collect and store data and communicate with machines and other objects in unique ways. Listeners will learn about brain health and function through the lens of neurosurgery, neurotechnology, clinical medicine and Neuralink’s bold and unique mission. Anyone interested in how the brain works and can be made to work better ought to derive value from this discussion. For the full show notes, visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1 (Athletic Greens): https://athleticgreens.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Waking Up: https://www.wakingup.com/huberman Momentous: https://www.livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Dr. Matthew MacDougall (00:04:22) Sponsors: LMNT & Waking Up (00:07:38) Brain Function & Injury; Brain Tumor Treatment (00:13:52) Frontal Lobe Filter; Sleep Deprivation (00:19:00) Neuroplasticity, Pharmacology & Machines (00:22:10) Neuralink, Neural Implants & Injury, Robotics & Surgery (00:27:52) Sponsor: AG1 (00:32:20) Neocortex vs. Deep Brain (00:36:45) Decoding Brain Signals (00:42:08) “Confidence Test” & Electrical Stimulation; RFID Implants (00:51:33) Bluetooth Headphones & Electromagnetic Fields; Heat (00:57:43) Brain Augmentation & Paralysis (01:02:09) Brain Implants & Peripheral Devices (01:12:44) Brain Machine Interface (BMI), Neurofeedback; Video Games (01:22:13) Improving Animal Experimentation, Pigs (01:33:18) Skull & Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) (01:39:14) Brain Health, Alcohol (01:43:34) Neuroplasticity, Brain Lesions & Redundancy (01:47:32) Car Accidents & Driver Alertness (01:50:00) Future Possibilities in Brain Augmentation & BMI; Neuralink (01:58:56) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

    #251 - AMA #46: Optimizing brain health: Alzheimer's disease risk factors, APOE, prevention strategies, and more

    #251 - AMA #46: Optimizing brain health: Alzheimer's disease risk factors, APOE, prevention strategies, and more

    View the Show Notes Page for This Episode

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    In this “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode, Peter goes into depth on the topic of brain health, starting with how Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed, the significance of blood-based biomarkers in diagnosis, and what the various APOE gene variants mean in terms of a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Next, Peter discusses the various strategies for preventing Alzheimer's disease and neurodegeneration. He touches briefly on exercise as a potent tool, but focuses more on lesser-known factors that could impact brain health, such as nutrition supplementation, lipid management, brain games, sauna, oral health, hearing loss, and more.

    If you’re not a subscriber and are listening on a podcast player, you’ll only be able to hear a preview of the AMA. If you’re a subscriber, you can now listen to this full episode on your private RSS feed or our website at the AMA #46 show notes page. If you are not a subscriber, you can learn more about the subscriber benefits here.

    We discuss:

    • Diagnosing Alzheimer's disease [2:45];
    • Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease, the C2N test, and other tools for diagnosis [7:30];
    • Genetic component of Alzheimer’s disease: genes that confer risk [12:45];
    • Understanding your APOE status and why it’s important to know [17:15];
    • The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, and who is at higher risk [21:15];
    • Can the risk of Alzheimer’s disease be decreased with behavioral changes? [24:15];
    • Overview of modifiable behaviors that potentially play a role in risk reduction of neurodegeneration [30:15];
    • Things that clearly impact brain health: smoking, alcohol, sleep, head injuries, blood pressure, and more [34:15];
    • How nutrition impacts brain health: common diets, metabolic health, energy balance, and more [46:15];
    • Comparing common diets: data showing the association between the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and specific diets [59:45];
    • Supplements: EPA and DHA, vitamin D, and B vitamins [1:13:00];
    • Supplements: theracurmin, cocoa flavonols, and magnesium L-threonate [1:25:15];
    • Impact of exercise on brain health, minimum effective dose, and the most important types of exercise [1:33:00];
    • Challenging the mind with brain games—does it impact neurodegeneration? [1:43:00];
    • The data on sauna and brain health [1:49:45];
    • Oral health and its association with brain health [1:52:45];
    • How reducing lipids can improve brain health and prevent neurodegeneration [1:55:30];
    • The potential impact of hearing loss on brain health and neurodegeneration [2:04:30]; and
    • More.

    Connect With Peter on TwitterInstagramFacebook and YouTube

    Aya Allison // Microdosing w/ Psilocybin for Focus, Clarity, & Mood & the Recent Research Showing It's Many Benefits

    Aya Allison // Microdosing w/ Psilocybin for Focus, Clarity, & Mood & the Recent Research Showing It's Many Benefits

    Aya is a highly-rated microdosing educator, with 18+ years of experience in natural wellness as a coach and practitioner. She has a passion for providing hidden knowledge to those wanting natural solutions for physical and mental well-being. Aya is a mindset coach who works 1:1 with her clients to unlock their true potential.

    Highlights from this episode:

    1. The research backing psilocybin use for PTSD, depression, and ADHD
    2. Microdosing vs Macrodosing
    3. The MANY potential benefits of microdosing psilocybin
    4. The changes being made to decriminalize it's use
    5. What to expect when microdosing with mushrooms
    6. Who should NOT microdose

    If you are looking for a breakthrough and to level up or if you have any questions on psilocybin or it's use, I highly recommend working with Aya. You can reach her here:

    Thank you Aya for your time and knowledge!!

    **This is not medical advise or meant to be diagnostic in any way. Always do your own research.



    All podcast inquiries can be sent to kellyrompelcoaching@gmail.com

    #249 ‒ How the brain works, Andrew’s fascinating backstory, improving scientific literacy, and more | Andrew Huberman, Ph.D.

    #249 ‒ How the brain works, Andrew’s fascinating backstory, improving scientific literacy, and more | Andrew Huberman, Ph.D.

    View the Show Notes Page for This Episode

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    Andrew Huberman is a Professor of Neurobiology at Stanford University and host of the Huberman Lab podcast. In this episode, Andrew begins with a fascinating discussion about the brain, including the role of the prefrontal cortex in adjusting your ruleset to match your setting, the neural circuitry underlying the ability of stress to limit creativity and problem-solving, the effect of belief on physiology and performance, and more. He speaks about vision being our “superpower” and compares this to animals that rely more on other senses. Next, he opens up about his personal journey, the struggles and losses he has overcome, the value of therapy, and the many great people who helped him along the way. He speaks to his love of biology and discovery and the importance of staying true to your passion rather than being driven purely by ambition. Lastly, the conversation includes a look to the future of Andrew's scientific work and podcast as well as his unique approach to communicating science and tackling the issue of scientific illiteracy.

    We discuss:

    • Exercise under blood flow restriction, lactate utilization, and transient changes in the brain function in response to adrenaline and stress [3:30];
    • The role of the prefrontal cortex in governing rulesets [9:15];
    • New discoveries about the circuitry between the prefrontal cortex, insula, and amygdala, and the insights gleaned about brain function in different emotional states [15:30];
    • Comparing human vision and other senses to animals [26:00];
    • A deep dive into vision: evolutionary adaptations, facial recognition, color, and more [39:45];
    • Sense of smell, pheromones, and why evolution developed better vision over smell [46:30];
    • The relationship between visual input and time perception [55:30];
    • Mindset effects: the effect of belief on physiology and performance [1:00:45];
    • Accessing higher levels of creativity with broadening rulesets and the limiting nature of stress and fear on creativity [1:05:30];
    • Stress and fear increase autonomic arousal, limit access to rulesets, and inhibit performance [1:12:15];
    • Andrew’s upbringing, early childhood, and tough adolescent years [1:15:00];
    • Andrew’s time in a residential treatment program and how he benefited from therapy [1:20:15];
    • The beginning of positive changes in Andrew’s young life [1:28:30];
    • Andrew’s decision to turn his life around [1:37:00];
    • A new passion for science and exercise helps Andrew [1:42:00];
    • The difference between a postdoc and a PhD [1:54:15];
    • Staying in touch with the love of biology and not getting pulled into ambition [1:59:15];
    • Andrew starts his own lab, and continues work to overcome his demons [2:07:00];
    • The loss of three mentors leads to deep soul searching [2:12:00];
    • What motivated Andrew to begin his podcast [2:18:00];
    • Looking to the future of Andrew’s scientific work, podcast, and more [2:22:45];
    • Andrew’s unique approach to communicating science and the issue of scientific illiteracy [2:30:00]; and
    • More.

    Connect With Peter on TwitterInstagramFacebook and YouTube