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    Explore "diversity" with insightful episodes like "Finding Balance with Satish Kumar: Love, Optimism, and Regenerative Economics - Cuppa 36.5", "Radical Love: Satish Kumar's Teachings on Courage, Compassion, and Empowering Action", "Welcome to 2024......with Lisa Mulligan", "Episode 25 - Explore Generative AI with Amazon Bedrock" and "Episode 110 - Über Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Achtsamkeit - mit Christina Bösenberg" from podcasts like ""40 for Tea", "40 for Tea", "A Dog Called Diversity", "AWS She Builds Tech Skills" and "Behind the C"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Finding Balance with Satish Kumar: Love, Optimism, and Regenerative Economics - Cuppa 36.5

    Finding Balance with Satish Kumar: Love, Optimism, and Regenerative Economics - Cuppa 36.5

    Welcome to Cuppa 36.5 of 40. In this episode of the 40 for Tea, host Rachel Allan has a heartfelt and profound conversation with world-renowned activist, peacemaker, and author, Satish Kumar.  With over half a century of activism, Satish is a beacon of hope, drawing from his profound interactions with figures like Pope Francis and Martin Luther King to inspire global change.

    Satish recounts his poignant journey delivering peace tea to global leaders, advocating for mindfulness, unity, and heart-led communication in times of adversity. He shares anecdotes of bridging divides with a cup of tea, a powerful conversation and connection with nature, advocating for patience and trust in the tireless pursuit of justice.

    As co-founder of Schumacher College, Satish talks of regenerative practices and sustainable living, grounding his teachings in the belief that the economy should enhance human and planetary well-being, not exploit it. He reframes HR from Human Resources to Human Relationships. Painting a compelling portrait of an economy that celebrates human relationships and operates within the ecological "doughnut."

    We delve into Satish's guiding principles – soil, soul, and society – and how we must nurture each dimension to foster environmental and spiritual connectivity. With coherent and compassionate wisdom, Satish champions love as the metaphysical gravity that holds our universe together.

    We celebrate the power of love, optimism, and the courage to transform not just our external world, but our inner landscapes as well. 

    This is not just an episode; it's an invitation to pause, reflect, and join us on a journey to uncover what truly matters.

    So grab your cuppa and let's dive in together.

    Sign up to connect with Rachel & for the GOLD + inside info on 40 for Tea here.

    Part 2 of 2.. 

    N.B.  This episode was recorded March 2022.


    08:11 Deliver peace tea to world leaders, prevent nuclear war.

    10:41 Persuading through connection, not just intellect.

    13:51 Build trust through communication.

    19:05 Patience. 

    20:24 Solving problems requires interconnected focus on environment.

    24:27 Embrace diversity, emphasis on common humanity.

    31:19 Meeting Pope Francis, urged climate action.

    35:37 Schumacher College education model.

    41:02 "Small is beautiful, within ecological limits."

    44:07 Love sustains humanity, nature, and connections.


    Radical Love: Satish Kumar's Teachings on Courage, Compassion, and Empowering Action

    Radical Love: Satish Kumar's Teachings on Courage, Compassion, and Empowering Action

    Welcome to Cuppa 36 of 40. In this episode of the 40 for Tea Podcast, host Rachel Allan engages in a heartfelt and profound conversation with world-renowned activist, peacemaker, and author, Satish Kumar.

    They delve into the essence of love, leadership, and radical love, exploring the significance of acceptance, compassion, and the practical application of love in everyday life.

    Satish shares insights on navigating fear and confusion while staying true to the principles of love and action. This episode offers a rich and enlightening dialogue that deepens our understanding of what it means to embody love and compassion in the world we live in today.

    This is Part 1 of 2.. coming next week.

    So grab your cuppa and let's uncover what truly matters in this noisy world, together.

    Sign up to connect with Rachel & for the GOLD + inside info on 40 for Tea here.


    00:00 Introduction

    04:03: Love is accepting others as they are.

    09:33: Racism can be transformed through radical love.

    13:31: Advocacy for love over violence in leadership.

    16:06: Leadership & Love

    17:56: Compassion is specific, love is broader.

    21:05: Relationships & Love: mindset, actions, and relationships.

    27:04: Exciting announcement: more guests and wisdom ahead.

    Welcome to 2024......with Lisa Mulligan

    Welcome to 2024......with Lisa Mulligan

    Welcome to 2024!

    In this episode Lisa welcomes you to 2024 and shares:

    • Her word for 2024
    • Three books she read over the Christmas/New Year break
    • What's coming up for The Culture Ministry and A Dog Called Diversity, and 
    • Guests she is looking for, for A Dog Called Diversity, and 
    • Sponsorship opportunities

    Here's the link for the books Lisa discussed:

    Enrol in 6 Weeks to Get Started in Diversity & Inclusion

    Grab a copy of the 2023 Diversity & Inclusion Salary and Market Survey here

    Interested in sponsoring the 2024 Diversity & Inclusion Salary and Market Survey?

    At The Culture Ministry we know how challenging and lonely it can be working in Diversity and Inclusion, and how progress is often slow.

    You might be just getting started in Diversity and Inclusion, or you might be on your way. The Culture Ministry is here to help you with your Diversity and Inclusion progress. Go to https://www.thecultureministry.com/ to learn more

    If you enjoyed this episode and maybe learnt something please share with your friends on social media, give a 5 star rating on Apple podcasts and leave a comment. This makes it easier for others to find A Dog Called Diversity.

    A Dog Called Diversity is proud to be featured on Feedspot's 20 Best Diversity And Inclusion Podcasts

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

    Episode 25 - Explore Generative AI with Amazon Bedrock

    Episode 25 - Explore Generative AI with Amazon Bedrock

    In this episode, Senior AI/ML Specialist, Romina Sharifpour is our guest. She talks about how her current interests lead to her career in Machine Learning and answers audience questions from algorithms to recommended ways to get into careers in Machine Learning.

    She demos Amazon Bedrock, which is a fully managed service that offers a choice of high-performing foundation models (FMs) from leading AI companies like AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, Stability AI, and Amazon. You can leverage these FMs via a single API, along with a broad set of capabilities you need to build generative AI applications,

    Episode 110 - Über Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Achtsamkeit - mit Christina Bösenberg

    Episode 110 - Über Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Achtsamkeit - mit Christina Bösenberg
    Managing Director bei BCG BrightHouse, Mentorin, Start-Up Coach, Investorin, Autorin und Mutter: Achtsamkeit hilft Christina Bösenberg in ihrem abwechslungsreichen Alltag. Diversity, Equity und Inclusion Lead? Sie ist Expertin für die Zukunft der Arbeit und die Kulturtransformation für Unternehmen und sagt: Die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung ist auch in der Corporate Welt unglaublich wichtig. Müssen persönliche Ziele und Unternehmensziele übereinstimmen? Welche Apps helfen für Meditations- BeginnerInnen? Was ist ihr Secret Side Project und was für Strategien nutzt sie bei der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung? Die Antworten warten in dieser Folge Behind the C. Themen: - Persönlichkeitsentwicklung - Achtsamkeit - Zukunft der Arbeit - Unternehmenskultur - Routinen & Disziplin ----- Über Atreus – A Heidrick & Struggles Company Atreus garantiert die perfekte Interim-Ressource (m/w/d) für Missionen, die nur eine einzige Option erlauben: nachhaltigen Erfolg! Unser globales Netzwerk aus erfahrenen Managern auf Zeit zählt weltweit zu den besten. In engem Schulterschluss mit den Atreus Direktoren setzen unsere Interim Manager vor Ort Kräfte frei, die Ihr Unternehmen zukunftssicher auf das nächste Level katapultieren. ▶️ Besuchen Sie unsere Website: https://www.atreus.de/ ▶️ Interim Management: https://www.atreus.de/kompetenzen/service/interim-management/ ▶️ Für Interim Manager: https://www.atreus.de/interim-manager/ ▶️ LinkedIn-Profil von Christina Bösenberg https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinaboesenberg/ ▶️ Profil von Franz Kubbillum: https://www.atreus.de/team/franz-kubbillum/ ▶️ Behind the C auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/behindthecpodcast/

    How to Have the Best Sex of Your Life: Surprising Ways to Make Sex Better Even if You Are Tired, Single… or Not in the Mood

    How to Have the Best Sex of Your Life: Surprising Ways to Make Sex Better Even if You Are Tired, Single… or Not in the Mood

    In this episode, you are going to learn how to have better sex. You have an appointment with a leading sex expert, Dr. Emily Morse. I will be the first to admit that I want to have better sex, but I don’t know how to achieve it.


    And I’m asking all the uncomfortable questions you want to ask.


    This conversation is going to make you think differently about this topic and inspire you to prioritize pleasure and connection in bed, no matter your age, relationship status, or gender.


    And if you are saying, “This doesn’t apply to me,” or as my friend just said, “I’m in way worse than a drought! At this point, I’m a born-again virgin."


    No, you’re not. And this episode is for you too, because our expert says improving your solo sex life is the first step.


    You may not want your little ones to listen because, when it comes to confessions about sex, I'm going first.


    Dr. Emily claims that everything you have been taught or observed about sex is WRONG.


    Wait. WHAT??...


    Dr. Emily is insightful, and this conversation is hilarious and actionable.


    You will learn:


    • The 3 unexpected ways you are killing your sex drive.
    • How to get out of your head when you’re in bed.
    • Why meditation and sex might be the combo you need to orgasm.
    • You are NOT alone if you cannot orgasm from penetration.
    • How to tell time with your vulva (yes, it is a thing).
    • Masturbation without shame and secrecy.
    • Why skipping foreplay is ruining your chance of having great sex.
    • The 5 ways your self-awareness ignites hot and steamy sex.
    • Let’s stop faking orgasms. Know the four steps to how you can really get there.


    Grab your mirrors and vibrators, and leave your inhibitions and embarrassment at the door. And according to our expert, it’s amazing foreplay to talk about sex. So why don't you and your partner listen to this together? You’ll thank me later.

    Maybe we’ll call these sex episodes “Listen and Lube”?

    Xo, Mel


    In this episode:

    • 2:40: Great sex starts here first.
    • 5:20: Can you relate with these sex questions from our listeners?
    • 9:00: The 3 elements that kill our desire to connect.
    • 10:20: My ‘killer’ sex life right now, in the raw.
    • 13:25: What partner are you?
    • 17:30: Let’s unpack our lady parts. What exactly is a vulva?
    • 20:20: One big reason why we are all being disserviced as young adults.
    • 24:00: I love the empowering name Dr. Emily gives for masturbation.
    • 24:30: The 3 reasons not to wait for someone else to give you pleasure.
    • 28:00: It wasn’t until I got this from my friends that I learned to masturbate.
    • 30:25: There are thousands more nerve endings in a clitoris than we thought!
    • 33:00: Why are women so uncomfortable about asking for what we need?
    • 35:30: The 3 T’s you need to start an awkward conversation with your partner.
    • 37:40: Never talk about sex in this room.
    • 38:40: Be prepared that your first awkward conversation will go this way.
    • 43:05: 5 Pillars for having great sex.
    • 46:06: Do this exercise with your partner to feel more relaxed and in control.
    • 48:25: A technique to do on your own during sex to make you more present.
    • 49:55: What happens in your body when you orgasm?
    • 50:38: Is it healthy to have multiple orgasms?
    • 52:55: What to do when you’re in a relationship that has become just friendly.
    • 55:10: Learn to do this to increase your chances of having an orgasm.
    • 57:00: How can vulva owners ask for what they need sexually?
    • 59:20: It often takes between 20-40 minutes for this to happen.
    • 1:01:40: How many times a week should we be having sex?
    • 1:04:30: What to do when you’ve not had sex for a long time.
    • 1:06:35: How is your current sex life tied to your childhood needs?
    • 1:07:40: The difference between fantasy and fetish.
    • 1:11:05: Jumping back into dating after divorce from 30 years of marriage.
    • 1:11:58: Becoming intimate again after getting sober.
    • 1:12:55: Why can’t I handle the intensity of pleasure?
    • 1:13:45: How to have healthy intimacy when you’ve experienced trauma.
    • 1:16:53: See a pelvic floor therapist if this happens when you have sex.
    • 1:17:46: Is it possible for women to have sex and not get attached emotionally?
    • 1:20:45: What is the “Yes-No-Maybe List”?
    • 1:21:15: 5 steps to having the best sex of your life.


    Want more resources? Go to my podcast page at melrobbins.com/podcast.


    #71 Männliche Führung „Beyond Alpha“ (mit Dominik Schneider)

    #71 Männliche Führung „Beyond Alpha“ (mit Dominik Schneider)
    In den vergangenen Jahren habe ich mich viel mit der Frage beschäftigt, was es eigentlich heißt, ein Mann zu sein: Welche Rollenbilder es in dieser Gesellschaft gibt, wie das mit meinem Selbstverständnis zusammen passt und welche Verantwortung damit einhergeht. Gerade auch in der Arbeitswelt. Um tiefer in das Thema einzutauchen, habe ich mir einen wundervollen Gast eingeladen: Dominik Schneider war viele Jahre Führungskraft in Unternehmen wie Coca Cola, Unilever und L‘Oreal und hat sich vor drei Jahren dazu entschieden, seinen Job zu kündigen und sich als Coach, Berater und Speaker selbstständig zu machen. Unter dem Namen „Beyond Alpha“ hinterfragt er das Bild des Alphas und lädt dazu ein, seinen authentischen Führungsstil zu finden anstatt sich durch ausgediente Schablonen zu pressen. Was mich an unserem Gespräch besonders bewegt hat, ist, wie offen und verletzlich Dominik über seine persönlichen Prägungen spricht und mit wieviel Herz er daran arbeitet, eigene Muster zu überkommen und andere damit zu inspirieren. LINKS ZUR FOLGE ► Website von Dom: https://www.beyond-alpha.com/ ► LinkedIn von Dom: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominik-schneider-mens-executive-coach/ ► TED Talk von Justin Baldoni: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cetg4gu0oQQ BUCHEMPFEHLUNGEN ► Justin Baldoni „Man Enough“ ► JJ Boler „Sei kein Mann“ ► Markus Theunert „Jungs wir schaffen das“ MEHR INFOS 📚 Bestelle jetzt das Buch zum Podcast erschienen im Metropolitan Verlag 🎧 Dir gefällt dieser Podcast? Dann vergiss nicht ihn zu abonnieren 📪 Du hast Feedback oder Fragen? Schreib mir gerne: mail(at)danielrieber.de MEHR ZU DANIEL RIEBER Daniel Rieber ist Experte für Führung und Kulturwandel und Mitgründer des Beratungsunternehmens WEVOLVE. Mit Coachings, Trainings und Transformationsbegleitung unterstützt er Unternehmen in Zeiten des Wandels. Der Wahlberliner kann selbst auf über 14 Jahre Erfahrung in der digitalen Branche zurückblicken. In seinem Podcast und Buch “Auf der Suche nach dem Hier + Jetzt” teilt er seine eigenen Erfahrungen und tauscht sich mit inspirierenden Menschen aus. Mehr unter http://www.wevolve.company und http://www.danielrieber.de

    GUEST SERIES | Dr. Paul Conti: How to Build and Maintain Healthy Relationships

    GUEST SERIES | Dr. Paul Conti: How to Build and Maintain Healthy Relationships
    This is episode 3 of a 4-part special series on mental health with Dr. Paul Conti, M.D., a psychiatrist who did his medical training at Stanford School of Medicine and residency at Harvard Medical School. He is the author of the book, “Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic.” Dr. Conti explains how to find, develop and strengthen healthy relationships — including romantic relationships, work and colleague relationships, and friendships. He explains a roadmap of the conscious and unconscious mind that can allow anyone to navigate conflicts better and set healthy boundaries in relationships. We also discuss common features of unhealthy relationships and clinically supported tools for dealing with relationship insecurity, excessive anxiety, past traumas, manipulation and abuse. Dr. Conti explains how, in healthy relationships, there emerges a dynamic of the mutually generative “us” and how to continually improve that dynamic. The next episode in this special series explores true self-care, which can be cultivated through a process of building self-awareness along with other important practices.   For the full show notes, visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman Momentous: https://livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Build Healthy Relationships (00:02:04) Sponsors: BetterHelp & Waking Up (00:05:01) Healthiest Self in Relationships (00:10:51) Structure & Function of Self (00:15:44) Relationships, Levels of Emergence (00:22:48) Generative Drive in Relationships (00:35:00) Sponsor: AG1 (00:36:26) Generative Drive, Aggressive Drive, Pleasure Drive (00:45:16) Romantic Relationships & Matched Generative Drives, Trauma Bonds (00:53:05) Generative Drive Expression, Libido, Giving & Taking (01:04:29) Sponsor: Eight Sleep (01:05:50) Generative Drive in Partnerships (01:11:16) Libido, Avoidance & Working through Barriers (01:18:02) Repeating Bad Relationship Patterns, Repetition Compulsion (01:29:23) Narcissism, Dependence, Attachment Insecurity (01:34:10) Abusive Relationships, Demoralization (01:39:37) Oppressors, Darkness, Hope & Change (01:48:08) Work Relationships, Oppression & Accountability (01:53:53) Jealousy vs. Envy, Narcissism (01:59:13) Power Dynamics in Relationships (02:05:54) Giving vs. Taking in Relationships (02:09:39) Transactions & Relationships; Family & Generative Drive; Flexibility (02:19:47) Relationships & Kindergarten (02:23:04) Anxiety in Relationships, Communication (02:31:32) The “Magic Bridge of the Us” (02:37:09) Mentalization, Getting into Another’s Mindset; Navigating Conflict (02:46:51) Healthy Boundaries (02:52:08) Self-Awareness, Mentalization (02:55:28) “Broken Compass” & Self Inquiry, “Map” Analogy (03:02:25) Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Social Media, Momentous, Neural Network Newsletter Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

    Ep 3.20 - Sonia Gonzalez-Thomas

    Ep 3.20 - Sonia Gonzalez-Thomas
    Alvin and German conduct a great conversation with Corporate Technology Trainer, Sonia Gonzalez-Thomas.’81. Working in the legal field, her expertise is in project management and technology training. She is an advocate for education and loves her alma mater, Colgate University. While on campus she was a member of the UMF (Union of Minority Folk) and received her Bachelor of Arts.

    Ep 3.19 - Angela Moody Robinson

    Ep 3.19 - Angela Moody Robinson
    Alvin and German conduct a great conversation with Savants of Robinson Academics’ Founder, Dr. Angela Moody Robinson,’77. Angela has expertise in academic counseling and guiding prospective students to success in higher education. A lifelong learner, after graduating from Colgate University, she received a Doctorate from Nova Southeastern University, a Master of Education from Rutgers Graduate School of Education, and a Master of Social Work from Syracuse University. She also has led the Alumni of Color Organization. She graduated Colgate with a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish.

    Episode 23 - Accelerate your GenAI workloads with Amazon SageMaker

    Episode 23 - Accelerate your GenAI workloads with Amazon SageMaker

    Generative AI is a powerful technology that can generate realistic and creative content. AWS provides a comprehensive platform for building and deploying Generative AI solutions. With partnerships with foundation model providers like StabilityAI and Hugging Face, Amazon SageMaker offers state-of-the-art infrastructure and tools for developers and businesses.In this session, we will help you to discover the power of Generative AI and learn how to build innovative solutions on Amazon SageMaker. Explore the current landscape and state-of-the-art techniques in Generative AI, and see how Amazon SageMaker provides the ideal platform for implementation.

    Our guest, Melanie Li is a Senior AI/ML Specialist Technical Account Manager at AWS based in Sydney, Australia. She helps enterprise customers to build solutions leveraging the state-of-the-art AI/ML tools on AWS and provides guidance on architecting and implementing machine learning solutions with best practices. She holds a PhD degree from Macquarie university. Prior to joining AWS, she has worked as a data scientist in financial and retail industries.

    Ep 3.16 - Tyrone Russell

    Ep 3.16 - Tyrone Russell
    Alvin and German conduct a great conversation with Faces International - Marketing & Development’s CEO and Cleveland School of Cannabis’ President/Partner, Tyrone Russell,’03. In his role, he uses his professional experience in the subjects of advocacy and social reform. After Colgate, he received his Master’s in Counseling and College Student Personnel from Shippensburg University. While at Colgate, Russell formed an organization geared towards strengthening the presence and community of minority students on campus called Brothers, an organization still existing on the campus of Colgate to this day. He was a highly decorated track and field athlete, a four-time Patriot League Outdoor Champion, taking first place in both the 200 and 400 meters in 2001 and earning gold in the 4x100 meter relay and 200 meters in 2003. He was a four-time recipient of the program’s Outdoor Excellence for Achieving Award. Additionally, he was a two-time recipient of the Walter and Dorothy Fullam Award for significant team contribution. Russell’s performances garnered him a spot in the Colgate Hall of Honor. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology.

    Episode 21 - Public Safety Engine - Pre Crime Predictor - Kesha Williams - Slalom

    Episode 21 - Public Safety Engine - Pre Crime Predictor - Kesha Williams - Slalom

    In this episode we are joined by Technology Influencer Kesha Williams from Slalom, who is an AWS ML Hero and AWS Ambassador will be our guest. Learn how she leveraged Machine Learning to predict crime. This episode is business focused and tailored to IT professionals and architects; however, anyone interested in the topic is welcome to join!

    Selbstbestimmung auf ganzheitlicher Ebene ist die Befreiung von unseren Ketten; mit N'joula Baryoh

    Selbstbestimmung auf ganzheitlicher Ebene ist die Befreiung von unseren Ketten; mit N'joula Baryoh
    N’Joula Baryoh, Medizinerin, Mama, Schwarze Frau und Poetin aus Sierra Leone mit noch einigen anderen Gaben und Talenten spricht heute mit mir. Und zwar über die Themen klassische Medizinlehre vs. Realität hierzulande, über Wissensaneignung und die Verantwortung, die damit einhergeht, über Spiritualität und auch über Authentizität, gerade wenn es darum geht, mit sich selbst ins Gericht zu gehen, um authentisch zu sein und zu bleiben. N’joulas Gedankengut ist gefüllt mit Reichtum. Und das hat sie ihren Eltern auf besondere Art und Weise zu verdanken. Hört selbst rein.

    Ep 3.13 - Allan Flowers

    Ep 3.13 - Allan Flowers
    Alvin and German conduct a great conversation with NFL Network’s Coordinating Producer, Allan Flowers.’81.A member of the Alumni Council, he has worked his way through the ranks of all facets of live TV production, starting as a production assistant at ESPN in 1989. Allan joined the Fox Sports family in 1995, taking on a multitude of television production roles, ultimately producing live studio shows for Fox Sports Net. In 2008, Allan became a Coordinating Producer for Fox Sports Midwest with oversight of pregame, game, and postgame productions. Allan joined the NFL in 2013 and after a year on Thursday Night Football, he started leading the productions of NFL Red Zone and all of NFL Network’s draft-eligible all-star games, which include the Reese’s Senior Bowl, East West Shrine Bowl, HBCU Legacy Bowl and NFLPA Collegiate Bowl. At Colgate, he was a 4 year starter, and two year captain on the men’s tennis team. He also was a public address announcer for the men’s and women’s basketball teams, wrote for the Colgate News, President in his senior year of Phi Tau fraternity, and a member of the student Senate. After Colgate, he was the President of the Colgate Club of St. Louis. He received his Bachelor of Arts in History.

    Diversity in Storytelling and Publishing with Reenita M. Hora

    Diversity in Storytelling and Publishing with Reenita M. Hora
    In this episode of All Things Book Marketing, Reenita M. Hora offers perspective and actionable advice on the topic of diversity in publishing for both authors and industry professionals. Tune in or watch for insights and expert advice!

    Reenita Hora is a South Asian writer, audio-producer and award-winning journalist. Her backlist titles are listed here: www.reenita.com/books. As a writer/journalist, she has contributed to National Geographic Kids, Cartoon Network Asia, Disney, South China Morning Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, CNN, and Times of India. As an on-air news reporter, writer, and producer, she has contributed to Bloomberg, RTHK Radio 3, Monocle Radio and the BBC. She is a Script2Comic finalist (Shadow Realm), a Santa Barbara International Screenplay Awards winner (Operation Mom) and finalist (Shadow Realm) a Launchpad Prose Top 50 finalist (Playtime at the Bagh) and a Vail Film Festival Screenplay contest quarterfinalist (Shadow Realm). She has two podcasts —the True Fiction Project, and Shadow Realm. Her YA RomCom novel, Operation Mom, is a Grand Prize winner for the Chanticleer International Book Awards-Chatelaine Romance and the Eric Hoffer Book Award Grand Prize winner too. She is Chief Storyteller at Chapter by episode, a digital publishing platform for immersive chat fiction stories with diverse themes. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

    Discover more about Smith Publicity at www.smithpublicity.com and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & LinkedIn.

    Ep 3.7 - Jeffrey Boone

    Ep 3.7 - Jeffrey Boone
    Alvin and German conduct a great conversation with University of Miami’s Executive Director of the Treasury Department, Jeffrey Boone.’85. As a senior-level treasury professional, he has also served at BayCare Health Systems, Inc., Harris Corp, CHEP USA and American Express. In 2022, he ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Florida's 10th Congressional District. He also was the first African American to serve as Student Government President of Colgate. After Colgate he earned a graduate degree from the NYU Leonard N. Stern Graduate School of Business in 1995. He was a student athlete, playing on the football team and received his Bachelor's Degree in Economics & Political Science.