

    Explore "432Hz" with insightful episodes like "漂......solo|關注身心靈健康 #療癒舒壓 #感知自我", "#014 Die Bärenbrüder (Teil 3) // Wieso Rituale für uns so wichtig sind", "【禪,不纏|EP011】聽聽溪水聲,少煩少惱多輕鬆", "13. New Moon Guided Sound Bath Meditation with Shanila Sattar" and "Episode 154 - A Hidden Sabre (432 Hz)" from podcasts like ""漂流放送廳", "Buddha Code Podcast", "心裡有軌", "The Playground" and "It Gets Weird"" and more!

    Episodes (6)

    漂......solo|關注身心靈健康 #療癒舒壓 #感知自我

    漂......solo|關注身心靈健康 #療癒舒壓 #感知自我
    你身邊可能圍繞了不少的難關,帶來不少的不滿,製造多少的壓力,旁人可能無法理解或體會你的感受!我們只能努力地維持我們的身心靈健康,去抵抗一切的不愉快或壓力。 YouTube 聲畫足本重溫:https://youtube.com/live/2TwBwp7_9zM #身心靈健康 #減壓 #修煉 #心理健康 #關注組 #平衡和諧 #睡眠質量 #身體健康 #精神健康 #價值觀 #抵抗壓力 #療癒系列 #舒壓方法 #鍛鍊身體 #excercise #安多酚 #血液循環 #新陳代謝 #抗焦慮 #PositiveThinking #正能量 #專注力 #觀察力 #穩定情緒 #Yoga #瑜珈 #平衡身心 #注意呼吸 #放負 #Meditation #冥想 #禪修 #祛除雜念 #放鬆緊張 #自我覺察 #SelfAwareness #情緒累積 #樂善好施 #歡愉感 #微笑行動 #義務工作 #持續學習 #新鮮感 #生活熱情 #MusicTherapy #ArtTherapy #KeepLearning #Generous #心情低落 #抗拒社交 #負面思想 #焦慮不安 #自尊低落 #攻擊性 #無助感 #失眠 #Sleepless #厭食症 #暴食症 #酒精上癮 #MentalHealth #心理諮詢 #396Hz #NegativeEnergy #Emotion #漂夫人 #全方位交流 #HappyShare #開心些牙 #生活雜誌 #台灣人妻 #毒舌港女 #寵愛自己 #愛靚又愛命 #每天美好多一些 #健康的魅力 #漂夫人事務所


    夏天知了在樹枝間鳴叫,究竟是大自然悅耳的樂章,還是擾人清夢的高頻噪音? 一般正常的情況下,我們生活的環境裡,一天24小時都有不同的聲音環繞著。不管音量大小、音頻的高低,不加入自己不必要的判斷和解讀,不比較、不形容,學著跟環境裡的聲音和平相處,在生活上就可以少一點衝突和煩惱。 放鬆一定要閉眼嗎? 練習直觀的方法時,放鬆很重要嗎? 練習「聽溪禪」就只專注在聽溪水的聲音就好了嗎? 練習「聽溪禪」要特別去找水流聲比較大的溪流嗎? 要如何透過聽溪水的聲音,將自己融入環境中?? 禪修帶領:演無法師 現在就按下PLAY鍵,一起來練習「聽溪禪」吧! ※ 03:51~11:58 練習「聽溪禪」 ※《禪,不纏》單元每週二上架,要準時收聽,和我們一起練習各式各樣的生活禪哦! https://player.soundon.fm/p/b0ee1496-91db-4cb3-a225-674628bdd0c0

    13. New Moon Guided Sound Bath Meditation with Shanila Sattar

    13. New Moon Guided Sound Bath Meditation with Shanila Sattar

    Tune in to the to Virgo New Moon Energy in a short guided sound bath meditation. 

    Virgo New Moon is a potent time to be intentional about where your energy is spent. This is a time less about planning, and more about doing. 

    Have you been feeling the season’s energy too?

    It can actually feel really overwhelming until we understand how we can channel into this energy. This season asks you to organize and get things done, but it’s not about putting more on your plate and feeling even more overwhelmed. It’s about being picky about where your energy is going and energetically aligning yourself. Make some big girl decisions about where you’ve been spread too thin, the projects you don’t even care about, doing the most and feeling burnt out.

    What are you aligning with?


    Free Masterclass for Healers (REPLAY): https://tinyurl.com/6224226623


    Learn your Healer Archetype here: https://www.alwaysplay.org/healerarchetype


    We Breathe on Sundays: https://www.alwaysplay.org/sunday-night-breathwork


    Mastermind + Accelerator for Healers, Coaches, and Practitioners Launching Intuitive Businesses: https://www.alwaysplay.org/nca


    Healing Arts Practitioner Training Program Immersion: www.alwaysplay.org/immersion


    Become a certified breathwork facilitator or sound healer: https://www.alwaysplay.org/breathwork-facilitator-certification


    Become an Integrative Health Coach (Save $2000): https://geti.in/3vhkSWB


    Connect on social: @shanila.sattar


    Music: Armeen Musa, Shara Dao

    Support my work: Share with friends, venmo: Shanila-Sattar, sponsor an episode hello@alwaysplay.org

    Episode 154 - A Hidden Sabre (432 Hz)

    Episode 154 - A Hidden Sabre (432 Hz)

    Welcome back to a new episode, friends! Jules is back on the show to talk with the boys about an aural conspiracy: is 432 Hertz the audio tuning of the universe? Of the soul, even? What does this tuning have to do with Sacred and Celestial Geometry? Can you repair your own DNA just by listening to some good, good tunes? Nile, master of sound and music, lays down this theory for everybody and answers some pressing questions about the perfect audio tuning.