

    Explore "breakup" with insightful episodes like "Maybe It's Okay To Feel Lonely On Valentine's Day", "45: Navigating Divorce | Healing from Heartbreak", "#101 Let Them Grow? Or Let Them Go?", "Big Budah and Pela Talk About Poems, Misrepresenting and Breakup Songs. 11-9-23" and "Powerful Life Shifts With Justin Wesenberg" from podcasts like ""10 MINUTES TO LESS SUFFERING", "Beyond the Red Flags", "Bandwidth", "Big Budah On-Demand" and "Align Vibe Flow"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Maybe It's Okay To Feel Lonely On Valentine's Day

    Maybe It's Okay To Feel Lonely On Valentine's Day

    Many of us have experienced loneliness or rejection on Valentine's Day, yet it does not mean we are not valuable and loved. This podcast was originally featured as a bonus episode for Podcast 176, but tune in to uncover the truth about feeling loved and valuable! It's perfect to help you recognize the remarkable individual you are every day of the year!

    If you found this podcast enjoyable, kindly consider subscribing and leaving a rating or review. Additionally, I'd appreciate it if you could share it with your friends to spread the love! 

    You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you are interested in my work, please check out my books, "The Gift of Maybe: Finding Hope and Possibility in Uncertain Times" (including a new audiobook) and "A Year Without Men: A 12 Point Guide To Inspire and Empower Women."

    Above all, my sincere wish is that this podcast has contributed to less suffering and more joy in your life!

    45: Navigating Divorce | Healing from Heartbreak

    45: Navigating Divorce | Healing from Heartbreak

    Join Kristen and Leslie as they dive into the tumultuous waters of divorce. In this episode, they share candid stories and heartfelt conversations about the emotional rollercoaster of separation.

    From the initial shock to the journey of rebuilding, Kristen and Leslie explore the raw realities of divorce with empathy and insight. They reflect on shattered illusions, unexpected challenges, and the daunting task of starting over.

    But amidst the pain, there's hope. Through personal anecdotes and shared experiences, they offer glimpses of light in the darkness—showcasing the power of resilience and the beauty of second chances.

    Tune in for a compassionate exploration of heartbreak, healing, and the journey towards rediscovering joy after divorce. You're not alone on this path to renewal.

    If you're contemplating or are in the midst of a divorce and want to explore how a Divorce Coach might help you, visit beyondthebreakup.co for more information.

    #101 Let Them Grow? Or Let Them Go?

    #101 Let Them Grow? Or Let Them Go?

    Should you stay and let someone grow or let them go? In this episode of Bandwidth, Dr. Gabe explores the signs that indicate when it may be time to end a relationship. From lost sense of focus to not wanting the same things out of life, Dr. Gabe shares ten key indicators that may signal it's time to move on.

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    If you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Dr. Gabe as a guest on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to info@gabrielpowell.co

    Powerful Life Shifts With Justin Wesenberg

    Powerful Life Shifts With Justin Wesenberg
    Beginning – 7:01

    The benefits of journaling in collecting your thoughts and clearing your mind. How cultural conditioning teaches us to suppress our emotions. Writing can be a beautiful expression of one’s soul and gives us so many methods of outlet.The mind is expansive and clutters easily because it’s more 5D than linear. With the emotions tied to this, it can be easily overwhelming and distressing to try and make sense of, especially when dealing with large emotions. Writing forces us to linearize these complex mind blobs into something easier to understand and digest.

    7:01 – 12:30

    Movement can be hugely helpful in getting emotions and thoughts processed and cleared. We section ourselves off into pieces in order to make easier sense of it all but we really are a whole being. Yoga is really good for helping us understand the bigger picture of ourselves.There is no line where the mind stops and the body starts. It’s all the same thing, existing simultaneously in the dimensional layers of ourselves. That being said, focusing on the physical is often the best place to start healing anything.What’s good for the individual is good for the whole and vise versa.

    12:30 – 23:58

    Healing the wound of separation so that we can then come back together.Pain is inevitable but suffering is not. Transcending suffering however, means getting familiar with the discomfort of things in life we can’t escape. For example: death. Facing it and sitting with the discomfort of it allows you to move through it to the other side which is acceptance and surrender. Acceptance and surrender lands us in liberation.

    The struggles of yoga in some locations due to misconceptions. How yoga helps connect you to yourself and the world around you which makes it an invaluable spiritual tool. The more connected we become, the more power we are as an individual.This is the essence of government control. There’s a shift coming in with the younger generations though. The illusion of “The American Dream” has been shattered and they’re helping us liberate ourselves from the unfair controls placed on us by those in power.

    23:58 – 31:25

    The obnoxious structure of formal education. The internet has brought all of the information to us for free and self study is often more successful in educating us than a classroom.The dynamics of everything is changing. We’re creating our own ways of living without the perimeters and limitations of the boxes society and culture have chosen for us.The frustrations of being qualified but unable to prove it because you don’t have a specific degree.

    31:25 – 45:50

    We’re physically ill with loneliness due to the sectioning off into the nuclear family units. How we’re beginning to break down that very new system and develop our villages back because of it. People are moving back in with one another due to not only this but also because of the state of the world and the uncertainty in the future.There’s power in numbers, unity and coming together.Start where you’re able to start with the pieces that you’re given.

    Communication is key when trying to live in close quarters with people. Nothing will test you more but also nothing will be as fulfilling.Having a mentor who sees and understands you, who can validate your thoughts and emotions is invaluable. You need someone to reassure you that you’re not crazy.

    45:50 – End

    In order to teach people about connection, you have to experience the extreme of the opposite and then work your way towards the solution. You can’t truly know unless you experience it. Only then can you begin to meet people where they are.
    Connect With Our Guest

    Justin Wesenberg is an international bestselling author, channel, poet, and spiritual guide. His mission is to awaken the world and create Unity on Earth.He has written numerous inspirational poetry books on unity consciousness, finding freedom, spiritual awakening, self realization, personal transformation, enlightenment, claiming your inner goddess, and manifesting your reality.He loves to spend time in the mountains hiking, climbing, skiing, and meditating in the peace of nature.


    Thriving in the Post-Breakup World | Healing and Growth after a Breakup

    Thriving in the Post-Breakup World | Healing and Growth after a Breakup

    Join Kristen, and special guest, Blake as they explore the emotional landscape of moving on, providing practical strategies and insights to help you not just survive, but thrive in the aftermath of a relationship's end. Get ready to embark on an inspiring voyage of self-discovery and empowerment as we navigate the path toward healing and growth after a breakup.

    The 4 Rs to Get Through a Break Up with Gilza Fort-Martinez

    The 4 Rs to Get Through a Break Up with Gilza Fort-Martinez

    If you’ve recently been through a break up or know someone that has, this week’s episode is a must listen. Joining Maria to talk about the 4 Rs to get through a break up is Tough Love Healer, Gilza Fort-Martinez.

    Gilza Fort-Martinez, MS, LFMT is a Latina therapist, speaker, and writer that specializes in helping women rebuild self-love and confidence after betrayal. For 30 years, Gilza has helped hundreds of individuals navigate life transitions and create paths of resolution that have turned their lives around.

    She is the founder and CEO of Resolution Counseling Center, a private practice in Miami, Florida. Her passion for helping individuals improve their lives drives her to continuously find ways to reach the community, which is why when she’s not working directly with individuals and couples, she can be found leading workshops or speaking at corporations and organizations.

    Gilza is a therapist trained in marriage and family therapy with a degree in Psychology from Barry University and a Master’s Degree from the University of Miami. She is certified in hypnotherapy, family therapy, and meditation.

    Follow Gilza on Instagram at http://instagram.com/toughlovehealer 

    Learn more about Gilza at https://www.gilzafort.com/

    Let's work together! 

    Schedule a Dating Strategy call: https://calendly.com/felix-louie 

    or Enroll in an upcoming Agape Intensive! http://agapeintensive.com 

    Follow Maria on instagram at http://instagram.com/matchmakermaria 

    Getting to Good Riddance with Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt

    Getting to Good Riddance with Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt

    I have always stood by my phrase that everyone and everything are anchored in education at the end of the day. Which is exactly how I get my hands on a book called Getting to Good Riddance: A No-Bullsh*t Breakup Survival Guide and immediately see how I can relate what I'm reading to breaking up with a bad boss, a bad organization, or a bad habit. I know, because I've been there.

    Author Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt returns to Anhored in Education to talk about her book Getting to Good Riddance and how we can in fact apply this into our professional breakups as well. After listening, head over to www.escottengland.com to read out more about Jodie.

    Social Sundae Episode 5: Break Up To Make Up

    Social Sundae Episode 5: Break Up To Make Up
    3 Scoops On A Sundae Presents.... SOCIAL SUNDAE!

    Social Sundae is our version of a social experiment, where we challenge ourselves in different settings to promote growth and empowerment.

    This week on Social Sundae, we discuss the relationship with self and the process of breaking up with the old you in order to grow into the new you! We will cover questions such as: When is the point in which you realize something within you needs to change? What does the growth phase look like? What are the necessary things you have to face in order to grow? And, when do you know you're ready to make up with yourself? This is another incredible episode you won't want to miss, so sit back relax, and enjoy a delicious helping of your favorite podcast!

    Ep. 67 Just Friends - 分手後還能做朋友嗎

    Ep. 67 Just Friends - 分手後還能做朋友嗎
    第67集上線啦! 今天非常榮幸再度邀請星星來我們Abulasika 一起暢談分手後,你還可以跟前任當朋友嗎? 過往的回憶會刺痛著你的心嗎? For the night is dark and full of terrors 你準備好大喊 Abulasika 一起迎接挑戰了嗎?! == 時間軸 00:00 自我介紹( 今天有特別來賓 - 星星) 01:12 特別邀請( 有意圖分手、從來沒想過會分手,跟單身的人特別邀請你來聽!) 04:35 就算要當朋友,也要決定好要當什麼樣程度的朋友 09:07 阿嗚對於前任沒有任何好奇心,但開放對方可以主動關心她 12:30 星星一旦分手會果斷封鎖前任各種可能的聯繫管道 14:37 三年之內聽到前任的消息都還是會升起某種情緒的星星 19:26 Pozi談感情很乾脆,分手後能封鎖就封鎖,能刪除就刪除 21:15 大家能接受現任的伴侶Instagram上還留著前任的照片嗎? 24:54 Pozi 感覺就是挖坑給隊友跳的高手 26:55 你們會對於某些場景地點觸景傷情嗎? 33:44 路上遇到前任,甚至還帶著她的現任時該怎麼辦? 40:10 挑戰 == 歡迎大家到我們的 IG 上留言分享你是能夠跟前任當朋友的人嗎? Abulasika IG : https://www.instagram.com/abulasika/

    Standing Behind Your Choices

    Standing Behind Your Choices

    We are always making choices. Sometimes these choices are made during challenging times, and sometimes they don’t lead exactly where we expected. Yet, if we don’t stand behind these choices, it can be hard to stay resilient and strong as we try to move forward with our lives. Listen to this podcast to find a process to own your choices and create a springboard for the best days ahead.

    E16 Choice to Create

    E16 Choice to Create
    Wherever we are in life, we have the choice to create. Creation starts as a thought and from there builds into an outcome tied to that thought. If the thought is around scarcity-based thinking (fear/doubt/worry), then the outcome holds that theme. If the thought is around prosperity-based thinking (creation/possibility), then the outcome centers on this theme. Listen to Steve talk about creating new outcomes as a result of divorce, and how to recognize the thoughts you need to change to reach what you intend to create.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon Page gives listeners access to a wide range of support.

    Also, use these links to find out more of what I offer:

    E5 Define, Destroy, or Strengthen?

    E5 Define, Destroy, or Strengthen?
    Dr. Suess has a great quote, "When something bad happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you." Irrespective if you left your partner, or they left you, divorce carries many negative impressions and fosters the potential for negative outcomes. In this episode, Steve talks about how to move from letting the divorce define or destroy us, to allowing it to strengthen you. He shares tools you can use as you practice your day-by-day recovery.

    "A Man's Journey Through Divorce" Patreon Page gives listeners access to a wide range of support.

    Also, use these links to find out more of what I offer:

    Episode 1 - How to Get Laid In a Day

    Episode 1 - How to Get Laid In a Day
    Ask & Tell is a new series where friends B (a het/cis male) and J (a het/cis female) ask all the taboo questions about sex, dating and romance and tell no lies. Featuring diverse guests, each episode boldly tackles topics ranging from giving good head, to body positivity to finding your kink. In this episode, B & J discuss the art of a Reddit sex post and the necessity of a safety plan for hookups with strangers.