

    Explore "poetry" with insightful episodes like "J Messes with Texas / 13 Soft Defecation's", "The Zoot Suit Boogie!", "wir ungeborenen by nelly sachs", "emily dickinson & derek walcott" and "Butt Knuckle and Canker Sore" from podcasts like ""At Five In the Afternoon", "At Five In the Afternoon", "A Poetic Picnic", "A Poetic Picnic" and "At Five In the Afternoon"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    J Messes with Texas / 13 Soft Defecation's

    J Messes with Texas / 13 Soft Defecation's

    Welcome to our special guest, Moulin Rouge. And apologies to all the Eye-Talians out there. Fuhgettaboutit!!! Don't worry, J will stop yelling and poetry will come to the forefront, but then he will make everyone turn against him, including Nina. From his voice during his first reading, it's obvious KM has no memory of this cast. Look up a clock and do the mathematical equation. Hard to become a cult leader when you used to be in a cult. Tink tink, tink tink! For the record, our Mexican guest brought up the skinheads. Now sit down and shut up- you're back in History class! It's J Andrews' Big Adventure! Keep listening to find out if there's a basement in the Alamo. Actually, stop listening. DJ Colorado definitely did. But that doesn't stop her from being the greatest DJ of all time!!! Carnival!!!! Death!!! Death!!! God bless Trumpet! And for DJ Colorado: The shut up count ended at 10.

    The Zoot Suit Boogie!

    The Zoot Suit Boogie!

    If you haven't seen Goodfellas, go f*ck yourself. J. Andrews is way too flamboyant. "'Hello Gub'na!" J. wants to tell you about his feelings. Who's your daddy? Welcome to the neighborhood! DJ Colorado almost kills KM Douglas, but he deserves it because he's poor. Visit SpiritAirlines.com/KMDouglas! (For 20% MORE on all domestic flights). What's the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chick pea? DJ Colorado gets fired! Sports corner! Then she gets re-hired. Then a bathroom break. Be patient, J still has a story to tell! Cheers! (Poetry to follow). Eventually....

    wir ungeborenen by nelly sachs

    wir ungeborenen by nelly sachs

    de oföddas kör av nelly sachs.

    you can watch me read this poem on youtube:

    as i promised here is this poem in english:

    We unborn ones
    Already yearning is beginning to shape us
    The shores of blood open up to welcome us
    We sink like dew into love
    Still the shadows of time lie like queries
    Over our secret.

    You lovers,
    Full of yearning
    Hark, you who are failing with farewells,
    We are those whose life is beginning in your eyes,
    In your hands, who are searching in the blue air –
    We are those bringing the scent of tomorrow’s dawn.
    Already your breath draws us in,
    Bears us down into your slumber
    Into the dreams, the soil where we are planted,
    Where our black nurse, the night,
    Helps us grow
    Until we are mirrored in your eyes
    Until we speak into your ear.

    Like butterflies
    Caught by the captors
    of your yearning –
    Sold to the earth like birds’ voices –
    We new-dawn-scented ones,
    We are lights yet to come for your

    i hope you subscribe to my podcast and support me if you can via
    patreon:) thank you!!!

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    emily dickinson & derek walcott

    emily dickinson & derek walcott

    in today's episode i am gifting you 2 wonderful poems.

    me from myself - to banish by emily dickinson
    love after love by derek walcott

    i am an avid listener to cathy heller's podcast and this morning i listened to her episode with guest jon kabat-zinn which was a brilliant conversation, he is the one who paired these 2 poems and shared wisdom around them. it inspired me to share them here plus the take aways cathy shared at the end of the episode.
    here is the episode's website.

    Support the show

    Butt Knuckle and Canker Sore

    Butt Knuckle and Canker Sore

    Special guest this week: A master of clitoral stimulation, Detroit comedian and close friend, Chuck Mitchell!  Unfortunately, he has to witness J drop his drawers and ask for medical advice about his butt from completely unqualified individuals. Please note: Morgan Freeman does not narrate this. And you thought Butt Fungus was bad. Now he has Cauliflower Butt! And then we ruin Xmas. No one wants a dying kangaroo. Don't blame DJ Colorado for missing this obvious opportunity, but Chuck "once got busy in a Burger King bathroom!" He's crazy! But not as crazy as J. Andrews- his bathroom sex story is way worse. And speaking of things getting worse, the podcast continues...

    Ep. 122: Pace CEO Marc Glimcher "Picasso: 14 Sketchbooks"

    Ep. 122: Pace CEO Marc Glimcher "Picasso: 14 Sketchbooks"
    A conversation with Pace Gallery CEO Marc Glimcher about the gallery’s current Picasso exhibit which honors the artist on the 50th anniversary of his passing. The exhibit, titled “Picasso: 14 Sketchbooks”, is just that - fourteen sketchbooks that provide unrivaled insights into the development of iconic Picasso artworks over a period of nearly sixty years.



    12 Claudia Gauci

    12 Claudia Gauci

    F'dan l-episodju niltaqgħu ma' Claudia Gauci, il-poeta awtriċi ta' "Sekonda Qabel Tqum", u li issa tinsab finalista għall-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb bit-tieni ġabra tagħha, "Max-Xatt tat-Tamarisk".

    Claudia tkellimna dwar il-mixja tagħha fl-għaxar snin bejn iż-żewġ kotba tagħha, fejn minn kitba introspettiva mxiet għal kummentarju soċjali u politiku dwarna.

    Antenni Suspettużi huwa l-podcast ta' PEN Malta mal-awturi ta' żmienna. Joħroġ nhar ta' Tlieta.

    Jippreżenta: Karl Schembri

    Riċerka: Clare Azzopardi


    In this episode we meet Claudia Gauci, the poet author of "Sekonda Qabel Tqum" who is now finalist for the National Book Prize with her second poetry collection, "Max-Xatt tat-Tamarisk".

    Claudia tells us about her journey in the 10 years between the two poetry collections, which saw her move from an introspective poetry to a social and political commentary about us.

    Antenni Suspettużi is PEN Malta's weekly podcast with contemporary authors. Out every Tuesday.

    Host: Karl Schembri

    Researcher: Clare Azzopardi

    Twitter: @MaltaPEN

    Facebook: PENMalta

    Instagram: @pen_malta

    Wesbite: https://pen.org.mt/

    Email: PENMalta@gmail.com

    #137 Łukasz Jarosz- poeta jest solo. „Widoczna i niewidzialna” w słowach i rytmach

    #137 Łukasz Jarosz- poeta jest solo. „Widoczna i niewidzialna” w słowach i rytmach
    Odcinek #137, w którym z Łukaszem Jaroszem w Willi Decjusza w Krakowie dumamy nad tym jak się w poezji nie przejęzyczyć.

    Towarzyszą nam słowa z tomu „Widoczna i niewidzialna” złożonego z P jak ponumerowanych błysków. Korzystamy z dowolności C jak czytania i wpadamy do niszy nisz. Sprawdzam jak się pisze w czasie rezydencji literackiej i czego opisać się nie da. Wychodzimy poza P jak prywatność i przyglądamy się S jak samotności.

    „Dobry poeta nigdy nie wie o czym napisał wiersz” – mówi gość odcinka. Wracają nam słowa na W: wolność, wierszorób, wiejskość. Obok słów, sprawdzamy też dźwięki i słuchamy piosenek B jak Bazy Ludzi Żywych i C jak Chaotic Splutter, zespołów, w których Łukasz jest autorem tekstów i perkusistą. Porywają nas muzyczne H jak historie i R jak rytmiczność wersów. Wybieramy wiersz, który powstał przy śniadaniu i przyglądamy się współbyciu różnych pokoleń. Jest Ż jak życiopisanie i Żurada pod Olkuszem. W parafii dźwięków pojawia się też Lesers Band.
    I jest szczerze, bardzo szczerze.

    Partnerem tego odcinka jest Audioteka- dobrze opowiedziane historie.

    6 Miriam Calleja Shaw

    6 Miriam Calleja Shaw

    Fis-sitt episodju ta' Antenni Suspettużi niltaqgħu ma' Miriam Calleja Shaw, poetessa, awtriċi, traduttriċi u l-Viċi President ta' PEN Malta. 

    Miriam, li studjat u ħadmet bħala spiżjara, titkellem dwar kif għall-bidu kienet tħossha fil-marġini tal-komunità letterarja Maltija, speċjalment minħabba li tikteb l-iktar bl-Ingliż. Illum tgħix Alabama, fl-Istati Uniti, fejn hi attiva fi ċrieki letterarji, tagħti workshops fil-kitba kreattiva u qed timraħ f'ġeneri ġodda ta' kitba fosthom il-mikrostorja. 

    Miriam titkellem ukoll dwar il-bżonn tas-solidarjetà bejn l-awturi u l-ġurnalisti, u x-xogħol ta' PEN kontra l-persekuzzjoni tagħhom u l-attakki fuq il-libertà tal-kelma. 

    Nisimgħu ukoll il-poeżija profetika "Ix-Xita," miktuba mill-poeta Libjan Mustafa Trabalsi, li għereq fid-dulluvju f'Derna fil-11 ta' Settembru ta' din is-sena.  

    Antenni Suspettużi huwa l-podcast ta' PEN Malta mal-awturi ta' żmienna. Joħroġ nhar ta' Tlieta. Jippreżenta: Karl Schembri Riċerka: Clare Azzopardi  


    The sixth episode of Antenni Suspettużi is with Miriam Calleja Shaw, a poet, author, translator and Vice President of PEN Malta. 

    A chemist by profession, Miriam speaks about being a relative outsider to the Maltese literary world and how that changed over the years. She now lives in the Alabama, US, where she is engaged in literary circles, gives workshops on creative writing, and has started venturing into new writing forms, including flash fiction. 

    Miriam speaks about the need for solidarity between authors and journalists, and about the work carried out by PEN against their persecution and attacks on freedom of speech. We also hear a reading of "The Rain", a prophetic poem by Libyan poet Mustafa Al Trabelsi, killed in the floods in Derna on 11 September 2023.  

    Antenni Suspettużi is PEN Malta's weekly podcast with contemporary authors. Out every Tuesday. 

    Host: Karl Schembri 

    Researcher: Clare Azzopardi   

    Twitter: @MaltaPEN  

    Facebook: PENMalta  

    Instagram: @pen_malta  

    Wesbite: https://pen.org.mt/   

    Email: PENMalta@gmail.com

    Take Me Out to the Ballgame

    Take Me Out to the Ballgame

    Yes, we remember the end of the last cast, and K.M. put the work in to answer last week's question about what happened to Michael Jackson's animals from the Neverland Ranch after his death. Here's what we know: Bubbles outlived Michael. Michael could have used a vet. Seems like Thriller could have used a vet, too. Madonna may be in Oklahoma, but J. Andrews is definitely in Colorado. And we are all aliens. You just got scienced, Karen! Silence is golden.... and black. Then it gets super gay! Respect Arthur Rimbaud & Walt Whitman. Learn some history, bitch! "Arrrr matey!" Pirates never dropped a grumpy. Let's end by getting to the root of it.

    Choose the Sword

    Choose the Sword

    Choose the Sword and join us. Otherwise, grab your balls & f@ck your mother. It sounds crazy that a sword fight ended in death in this day & age, but it's not only true, it's also hilarious! There's a reason K.M. knows the difference between sword fighting and swashbuckling... not that there's anything wrong with that! "Tis only a flesh wound!" The Red Dress Run has been co-opted by bros. Surf's up dude! Then car racing... Then the Brittney Spears of football... Who nose? We do our best to discover the original champagne ass. Instead, we discuss llamas and and a chimpanzee. Rest in Power Rodriguez!

    6.21 - Original Sin: Part Four - Born This Way?

    6.21 - Original Sin: Part Four - Born This Way?

    This week Sam, John, and Ron continue to look at what the Bible says about sin. The guys focus this episode on the passages that are routinely used to support the doctrine of original sin and see how they hold up to scrutiny. Of the many passages from the Old Testament that paint the picture of sinful humanity, most come from poetry. Should we be more careful about building doctrine off poetic sources? What about the New Testament, will we find strong support for Original Sin? Only one way to find out…  

    Shakti Girls with Shetal Shah

    Shakti Girls with Shetal Shah

    I think of a lot of books I enjoyed reading as a child. The Boxcar Children. Fudge. The Goosebump Series. I could get lost in these books because I felt so connected to the characters. Dare I say, I identified with them? Yes, I could definitely say that because I often did. Which is why I never considered that many grow up not getting to say the same thing.

    My guest today is one of them. Shetal Shah has been in and around education for many years.  One thing she noticed was the lack of books in the classroom featuring Indian or Indian-American women like herself. As a former history teacher at an all girls school, Shetal witnessed how curriculum and literature inclusive of women from diverse backgrounds can have a positive impact on girls’ self-esteem, identity development, and belonging. She knew what she had to do: She decided to write her own book.

    She chose the Hindi word Shakti for the title because it means feminine energy and strength, power, and a force to be reckoned with. I am excited to welcome Shetal today to talk more about her book Shakti Girls: Poems of Inspiring Indian Women, and why we need to see a more inclusive curriculum of many cultures.

    After you listen to today's episode, go to www.escottengland.com and click on the Podcast tab at the top to find today's episode page and read more about Shetal.

    YEAH!!! COME ON!!!

    YEAH!!! COME ON!!!

    Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Featuring a special guest poet: Moulin Rogue. Have you ever played "Bear, Ninja or Hunter"? Looking for a can't lose $5 bar bet? Ask if they can pronounce this name: Giannis Antetokounmpo. They can in Milwaukee (just sayin). We spend way too much time talking about street signs. It turns out we were right- the robots are coming to kill us! #RememberKentState

    4 - Earth Day Cookout

    4 - Earth Day Cookout
    Happy Earth Day!

    What better way to celebrate spring and Earth Day than with a cookout? Let us set the scene while you relax, imagine your ideal cookout, and enjoy some good sounds.

    The Sunny Side of the Beat
    John Runefelt

    Gather Round

    Fox Morrow

    I’m Exactly Where I Need to Be

    Vincent Vega

    Miss User

    Daniel Fridell & Sven Lindvall

    Chased by Chasers

    John Runefelt

    DOWNLOAD and SUBSCRIBE to Beatz Community Talent Podcast.

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    Please email us here with any suggestions, comments, and questions for future episodes” beatz@nuwavemedia.org

    Connected to Place: Sarah Audsley

    Connected to Place: Sarah Audsley

    Poet Sarah Audsley has an elevated point of view, even when her feet are on the ground. While the Vermont-based writer and climber believes she was indeed born to write poetry, she didn’t start pursuing it professionally until age 29. 

    Before that, she traveled the world, from Africa’s Mt. Kilimanjaro to Turkey’s Mt. Ararat to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, before making her way back to Vermont, the state where she grew up.

    Audsley’s work has been widely published, including her debut collection titled Landlock X. Her poetry and writing has also graced the pages of Alpinist, with poems published in issues 65 and 74, as well as an interview with Ed Roberson in Alpinist 71.

    In this conversation, Audsley reads two select works, reflects on the idea of elective suffering, and relishes the elevated perspective climbing provides. 

    This episode is brought to you by Rab Equipment

    Alpinist Magazine: Website | Instagram | Facebook

    Host: Abbey Collins

    Guest: Sarah Audsley

    Producer + Engineer: Mike Horn

    Photos by Anne Skidmore


    Vura Julius-orage - Poetry, the Sound of our Story

    Vura Julius-orage - Poetry, the Sound of our Story

    Vura's voices are a joy.
    His speaking voice, his perspective, and his poetry, each rings straight and true. We both love writing and it brings us such pleasure that we spend a good part of this episode laughing. Vura serves on the Hertfordshire County Council in the UK and has a background in project management, as well as giving his time and energy to youth and recovery work. For two people of different generation, location, and race, we find a foundation of brotherhood, and isn't that what's it's all about? Take a listen as we talk and as Vura reads a marvelous poem, Tranquil in the Hill , during our exploration of Poetry, the Sound of our Story.
    Vura is also a featured contributor ("The Agenda") to the upcoming book. Gender Crap, to be released May 15, 2023.

    Deep Space Nein

    Deep Space Nein

    Look at my sh*t! Hillbillies can also be millionaires. Shaq Diesel has the final word on the Stevie Wonder conspiracy. K.M. gives back to the community. The Pink Ladies had NOTHING to do with the recent kidnappings and murders in Mexico. Gangs don't offer apologies. J puts the cock in Cocktail. Mexico is the next China. Season 3, baby!!! Sci-Fi needs a movie about Nazis in space. Typewriter poets are beautiful performance artists but probably sh*tty poets. Make some noise for DJ COLORADO!!!