

    Explore "media" with insightful episodes like "Shortland Street back catalogue on YouTube", "Tech Won't Save Us; Better World Building With Endeavorance", "Dr. Squatch’s John Ludeke on bringing humor to men’s grooming", "15 Social Media Tips For Clothing Brands In Under 15 Minutes (That Cost $0 Dollars)" and "How True Religion is marketing its Gen Z comeback" from podcasts like ""Afternoons", "Align Vibe Flow", "Ad Age Marketer's Brief", "Apparel Success" and "Ad Age Marketer's Brief"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Tech Won't Save Us; Better World Building With Endeavorance

    Tech Won't Save Us; Better World Building With Endeavorance
    Beginning –Marketing is hard. How do you elevator pitch adhd led content when it is, by nature, seemingly all over the place. We landed on focusing on a vibe rather than a specific topic.We often fall into the traps of denial when dealing with our own problems. Instead of admitting we may need help with something, we sometimes write it off as an obvious solution we “just need to implement”. We also tend to tell ourselves stories about how certain diagnosis don’t apply to us. Not because we’re “too special” but because we don’t feel worthy of the title of the diagnosis.

    Many adults who are only just now finding out that they have a neurodivergent diagnosis struggle with acceptance of it because of deeply rooted beliefs about ourselves and fear of claiming a diagnosis that may not be ours to claim, regardless of the evidence we’re presented.

    Navigating an adult diagnosis of neurodivergence can be a process. Between learning to accept the title, realizing you’ve been masking your entire life and navigating the self discovery process from here on out, it can feel both as if your world has been flipped into something new and relief at finally understanding the problems you’ve always dealt with.

    Moving forward to navigate the world without “a mask” can be tantalizing and takes a lot of confidence. Many neurodivergent people have created their masks as a form of self protection because the world very quickly teaches us that being ourselves isn’t safe.

    This isn’t something only neurodivergent people have to deal with but it is a large part of the neurodivergent experience.Finding the courage to take the mask off and present ourselves authentically to the world is scary, no matter your neuro-wiring. Being diagnosed as an adult often means we’re taking the mask off in front of ourselves for the first time which is an intriguing yet disorienting process of self discovery.

    Self discovery in and of itself, regardless of neuro-wiring, is a spiral. You always find yourself circling back in on things that you were previously into and enjoyed. It’s important to remember that the spiral isn’t flat. It can sometimes feel as though we’re running in place but we are going somewhere.
    11:10 –Tech can be crazy helpful as a tool and make our lives a lot easier. Unfortunately, much of the tech world is ran with the goal of pure optimization in mind, taking the human aspect out of it. There’s something powerful in being able to control tech that gives you a feeling of indescribable satisfaction. Especially when you can create with it.There’s a default “ick” factor to marketing which makes it that much harder for well meaning entrepreneurs to do well in it. So many people are out here on the internet with no other goals that trying to sell and make money and it becomes hard to market yourself when that’s not your goal. Nearly every website has an ulterior motive.

    (https://endeavorance.camp/create) for free creator resources on recording, editing and streaming. Being a creator is becoming an increasingly hostile environment online.Most online things are half baked because no one cares anymore. The vast majority of the online interface is owned and ran by the same big tech companies. What’s frustrating is that their websites and apps are stitched together in a nightmarish way that someone with little more than myspace coding experience could do a better job at.

    Manu of these tech companies are playing the short game rather than the long game which is detrimental to our society because they’re so large they have an incredible impact on everyone’s daily lives. These companies have successfully trained people to stay in their app to such a degree that an alarming amount of people don’t know how to operate the internet outside of their main apps.

    This frameset keeps everyone contained to the miniscule environments in the fenced off corner of the internet that is each app. The internet as a whole wasn’t created this way. It was by default an open system. ActivityPub has given us an alternative which allows the connection of various apps that allow the integration of it to communicate with one another. This keeps it open environment, with no fences. Mastedon is the most famous app for this but the whole is called the Fediverse.

    This is what internet freedom looks like. When you can post something on one platform and all other platforms receive and display it indiscriminately. This would/does release creators of the need to post the same piece of content across multiple platforms. If it exists on one, it exists by default on the others. No more taking the same video and manually posting it across all apps individually.To create a better world for us all we have to continue to vote for the world we want through our energy, attention and interaction. Bringing the people together to discuss what we do want and where we’re going wrong is how we build something better for us all.There’s different sides to each platform based on a carefully tailored feed of the individual in question and most of it is contradicting. On the same platform, one person will be fed content that reaffirms the doom and gloom of the world whereas another person will be fed sunshine, rainbows and progress. This is the algorithm. It’s designed to feed you exactly what you expect to see and engage with the most and it is really good at it.

    Each platform does this and it’s manipulative and ethically problematic. The technology of social media has the power to either unite or divide us which can mean the collapse or the savior of society. This power is unquestionable and instead of being concerned with the future of humanity, dollar signs are often times the only factor being considered by those controlling it.Go talk to your neighbor. Focus on community building not only online but in the real world too.
    About Our Guest
    Endeavorance has a passion for storytelling, game design, worldbuilding and absurdist comedy. He works to combine these facets to create engaging and joyful works for his audience, often leveraging his capability with software development to create unique online experiences.

    Endeavorance is a strong ally of the queer community and is passionate about equity, collaboration, and human dignity.
    My website with everything I do: https://endeavorance.camp

    15 Social Media Tips For Clothing Brands In Under 15 Minutes (That Cost $0 Dollars)

    15 Social Media Tips For Clothing Brands In Under 15 Minutes (That Cost $0 Dollars)
    Brand Crowd: https://www.brandcrowd.com/apparelsuccess

    Join the Apparel Success Mastermind: https://www.apparelsuccessmastermind.com/sign-up

    In this brand new episode of Apparel Success, Rob shares 15 social media marketing tips for clothing brands in 2024 with no money. The ultimate video for anyone wondering how to market your clothing brand specifically with social media marketing. You will learn how to grow on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube faster through content marketing and ultimately make more sales for your clothing brand. Learn how to use social media to get more orders and get more sales for your brand. This info applies to anyone starting or running a clothing brand, clothing line, fashion brand, fashion line, streetwear brand, streetwear line, print on demand (POD), dropshipping and beyond!

    Ep.18 The Power Of Marketing Automation

    Ep.18 The Power Of Marketing Automation
    Today, we are venturing into the realm of marketing automation, a way to streamline your digital marketing. As the digital landscape evolves, so does the need for smarter, more efficient marketing strategies. And that’s exactly where marketing automation steps in, acting as your personal marketing assistant that works 24/7. Now, who wouldn’t want that? Read More: https://www.leedr.io/post/the-ultimate-guide-to-marketing-automation-how-to-streamline-your-digital-marketing-efforts Access free marketing tools, courses, and resources: https://www.leedr.io/free-resources

    Codice etico dei dipendenti pubblici: novità su email, social media e inclusione

    Codice etico dei dipendenti pubblici: novità su email, social media e inclusione
    Dal 14 luglio sono operative le novelle al codice di comportamento dei dipendenti pubblici, apportate dal D.P.R. 13 giugno 2023, n. 81. Tra le novità di maggiore interesse si segnalano quelle sull’impiego delle tecnologie informatiche, dove si chiarisce che l'utilizzo di account istituzionali è consentito solo per fini connessi all’attività lavorativa e non può in alcun modo compromettere la sicurezza o la reputazione dell'amministrazione.
    >> Leggi anche l'articolo: https://tinyurl.com/3vkestmv
    >> Scopri tutti i podcast di Altalex: https://bit.ly/2NpEc3w

    Americans Back Taiwan, Michigan Attacks Free Speech, Media's Biden Smokescreen

    Americans Back Taiwan, Michigan Attacks Free Speech, Media's Biden Smokescreen
    Join Jim and Greg for a full course of good, bad, and crazy martinis. First they react to a new Rasmussen Reports poll revealing that most Americans support Taiwan's independence, and discuss how it clashes with the recently soft stances of the Biden Administration towards the Chinese Communist Party. They then critique a new bill in Michigan that would jail people for up to five years if their speech makes someone "feel threatened". Finally, they comment on the media distracting from the Biden corruption scandal by suggesting the "real lesson" is Joe Biden's unconditional love for his son through Hunter's battles with addiction.

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    Sound of Freedom
    Join the two million and see Sound of Freedom in theaters July 4th.

    Smoke in the Skies, Newsom's Amendment, Pence in for 2024

    Smoke in the Skies, Newsom's Amendment, Pence in for 2024
    Join Jim and Greg for a second helping of crazy martinis. They first explain what is likely causing Canadian wildfires, and what is not causing them, as the smoke makes its way down the Mid-Atlantic United States. They then react to California Gov. Gavin Newsom pushing for a new gun control amendment to the Constitution, but Jim sees an important silver lining. Finally, they discuss Mike Pence's bid for the Republican presidential nomination, and his potential impact on the campaign.

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    Trump vs. CNN, Prosecutor Flees Chicago, Media Bury Biden Allegations

    Trump vs. CNN, Prosecutor Flees Chicago, Media Bury Biden Allegations
    Join Jim and Greg as they dissect the CNN town hall featuring Donald Trump, how Trump got everything he could want out of it, and CNN is now under heavy criticism for hw it played out. They also shudder while appreciating the honesty of a longtime Chicago prosecutor, who is resigning and leaving the state because "progressive reforms" have led to much more crime and violence and he refuses to raise his son there. And they fire back as the mainstream media either ignore the House Oversight Committee's investigation into alleged influence peddling within the Biden family or contend the probe actually exonerates the president.

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    Why You Should Be Using Story in Your Marketing (feat. Eastside Golf)

    Why You Should Be Using Story in Your Marketing (feat. Eastside Golf)
    A new study shows that REAL STORIES have a higher impact and more significant reception on social media than anything else. In light of this study, we discuss why the long-term success and value add you will see by telling real authentic stories will far surpass the results you could get from anything else you are doing on your marketing channels.

    The Scarcity Effect On Clothing Brands: Why Limited Stock Increases Demand

    The Scarcity Effect On Clothing Brands: Why Limited Stock Increases Demand
    *** Show Notes ***

    Brand Crowd: https://www.brandcrowd.com/apparelsuccess

    Looking to boost demand for your products? One strategy you may want to consider is the principle of scarcity. By limiting the stock of your clothing, you can create a sense of exclusivity and urgency among potential buyers. This can lead to increased demand and even higher sales for your brand...

    The scarcity effect is a well-known psychological phenomenon that has been shown to increase perceived value and desirability of a product. When people believe that a product is rare or in limited supply, they are more likely to want it, and even willing to pay more for it...

    In this video, I share why I'm leaving some items out of stock on my website rather than rushing to replenish inventory immediately. I hope you enjoy!

    Do Billionaires Dream of Electric Sheeple?

    Do Billionaires Dream of Electric Sheeple?
    Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media

    The Boiler Room reacts to the social nuclear bomb that was Ye's appearance on Infowars. The gang looks deeper into Elon Musk and his potential dreams of electric sheeple as Neuralink re-enters the public media discussion this week. Where is transhumanism going? Is Neuralink safe & effective? Is it altruistic? Will it be 'NECESSARY'?

    Featuring: Hesher, Ru, Chopper & Corey Drayton

    221. Don’t Feed The Troll

    221. Don’t Feed The Troll
    Jeder kennt sie! Diese kleinen Trolle im Internet. Früher waren sie ein Kinderspielzeug mit ulkigen Haaren die gute Laune ins Kinderzimmer gebracht haben. Heutzutage sind sie einfach nur nervig und überbringen eher schlechte Stimmung. Internet-Trolle und wie man sie erkennt. In dieser Spezial-Urlaubs-Folge erklären euch die drei lustigen zwei Trolle wie man eben diese erkennt und man mit ihnen umgeht. Was ist überhaupt der Anreiz vom trollen und warum haben die sich so komische Namen gegeben? Mister Tomsen2213991??

    Iowans Choose School Choice, Left Downplays Kavanaugh Threat, Grammys Get More Woke

    Iowans Choose School Choice, Left Downplays Kavanaugh Threat, Grammys Get More Woke
    "Political Beats" host Scot Bertram is in for Jim today.  Scot and Greg cheer Iowa voters for ousting four Republican lawmakers who opposed legislation to give parents more options on how to educate their children. They also hammer Democrats and the media for greatly downplaying the arrest of a man attempting to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh not far from Kavanaugh's home. And they groan as the Grammys try to attract more viewers by adding new awards, including one for "Best Song for Social Change."

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    Haunted Hill House Recap - Abnormal Realities

    Haunted Hill House Recap - Abnormal Realities
    Wednesday - 5/25/22

    Last Friday night we were invited to visit the Haunted Hill House. It was quite the experience. We’ll recap our visit on tonight’s show. Join us!


    You can watch us live 8-9p ET: OdysyRadio.com, YouTube.com, Twitch.com, AbnormalRealities.com/ARTV

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    Social Rejects Arrive - (Pt. 1)

    Social Rejects Arrive - (Pt. 1)
    Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Learn to protect yourself from predatory media.

    In the first part of this BOILER ROOM podcast Hesher and the Social Rejects are smashing into multi-streaming as the ACR studios are now multi-streaming to Spreaker, YouTube and Rokfin for this maiden voyage into this new streaming configuration. An update on the Alec Baldwin on set shooting on the film Rust, thoughts and experience on filming food (spoiler, you'll never look at succulent images of food on TV the same), and the silly mini-uproar over the fake news of popular candy bar, Snickers, removing the 'D-Vein' from its aesthetic. All this as well as an update on the ACR Shilling for Sanity Spring donation drive, an accompanying video premiere and much more!

    Featured on this episode: Hesher, Spore, Ruckus, Corey Drayton, Infidel Pharaoh, MindSpaceArt

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    support: https://alternatecurrentradio.com/support
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