
    21st Century

    Are you from the 20th Century? Well! Welcome to the 21st Century! Talk and noise from Atlanta GA.
    enStewart Haddock167 Episodes

    Episodes (167)

    Story For Two Phones, July 2022: Right Phone

    Story For Two Phones, July 2022: Right Phone

    Find a friend and have them play the "Story For Two Phones, July 2022: Left Phone" episode. Find a place where you can play the two episodes together, outloud, you know so you can hear both phones.  Start them at the same time.  10 minutes later, be a little happier.

    21st Century
    enJuly 01, 2023

    Story For Two Phones, July 2022: Left Phone

    Story For Two Phones, July 2022: Left Phone

    Find a friend and have them play the "Story For Two Phones, July 2022: Right Phone" episode. Find a place where you can play the two episodes together, outloud, you know so you can hear both phones.  Start them at the same time.  10 minutes later, be a little happier.

    21st Century
    enJuly 01, 2023