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    Explore "shamanism" with insightful episodes like "From SHAMANISM to JUNG: Understanding 'Loss of Soul'", "126. Biblical Series: Jacobs Ladder", "Mark Allen: One Of The Greatest Athletes of All Time On The Spirituality of Peak Performance", "#498 - Aubrey Marcus" and "#127 - Aubrey Marcus (Part 2)" from podcasts like ""This Jungian Life Podcast", "The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast", "The Rich Roll Podcast", "The Joe Rogan Experience" and "The Joe Rogan Experience"" and more!

    Episodes (5)

    From SHAMANISM to JUNG: Understanding 'Loss of Soul'

    From SHAMANISM to JUNG: Understanding 'Loss of Soul'

    As Jung’s anthropological studies expanded and his international travel exposed him to new cultures and ideas, he was taken by the concept of ‘loss of soul.’ 

    A collapse of energy, a strange sudden alteration of personality, or episodes of blinding rage could signify a loss of soul from a shamanic perspective. The soul carries the animating and regulating forces as well as memory. In most traditions, it was expected to fly away upon death, much like the Egyptian Ba, depicted as a bird with a human head. Because the soul had an independent life, it might flee suddenly, leaving a listless body behind. The shaman’s task was to retrieve and escort the wandering soul into the body again.

    In Michael Harner’s book The Way of the Shaman, he cataloged various ancient practices and distilled a small set of universal techniques. Soul retrieval involves tying a red string on the patient’s wrist and, with the help of one’s spiritual power animal, traveling to the inner worlds, identifying the lost soul by the red string also on its wrist, bringing it back to the waking world and blow it into the patient’s body. Loss of soul in this contemporary system is often associated with trauma, and the imagery is congruent with modern conceptualizations of dissociation.

    Jung linked shamanic descriptions with the work of psychiatrist Janet and called “abaissement du niveau mental.” Jung described this as “a slackening of the tensity of consciousness, which might be compared to a low barometric reading, presaging bad weather. The tonus has given way, and this is felt subjectively as listlessness, moroseness, and depression. One no longer has any wish or courage to face the tasks of the day. One feels like lead because no part of one’s body seems willing to move, and this is due to the fact that one no longer has any disposable energy.”

    In modern psychiatry, several clinical descriptions might be assigned to such despair and collapse, but those may not capture the psychospiritual depth of ‘loss of soul.’ For Jung, the soul carries creativity and grants meaning; it links us to the divine and represents all we could be if wholeness were possible. Whatever the cause, to be abandoned by one’s soul is devastating, and to be reunited, the greatest gift.


    Philadelphia Association of Jungian Analysts, ADVANCED CLINICAL PRACTICE PROGRAM: A case seminar for experienced clinicians to read, explore, and apply Jung’s concepts to clinical practice: CLICK HERE

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    Mark Allen: One Of The Greatest Athletes of All Time On The Spirituality of Peak Performance

    Mark Allen: One Of The Greatest Athletes of All Time On The Spirituality of Peak Performance
    Between 1982 and 1988, Mark Allen launched six attempts to claim the title of Ironman World Champion. Each year he was squarely defeated by his arch rival, the legendary Dave Scott. In 1989, the two titans of triathlon once again descended upon the white hot lava fields of Hawaii to reprise their annual duel in a spectacular showdown that would make history as the greatest race Ironman had ever seen. Dubbed The Iron War, Allen & Scott raced neck and neck at blistering speeds for 8 hours and would cross the finish line less than one minute apart — decimating the previous world record and redefining the limits of human endurance in the process. When the dust settled, Mark Allen finally emerged victorious. And over the next several years the man they call The Grip would become arguably the most successful triathlete in the sport's history with six Hawaii Ironman World Championship titles, 10 Nice International Triathlon titles and countless other victories across distances, terrains and fields of every variety. So how did Mark Allen go from perennial also-ran to an athlete ESPN dubbed “The Greatest Endurance Athlete of All Time”?  The answer might surprise you. Because it has nothing to do with fitness, nutrition or gear. Instead, it has everything to do with spirituality. Without a doubt, Mark's embrace of shamanism unlocked hidden reservoirs of human potential. It's a devotion that broke the glass ceiling on his mindset and plateaued career and ultimately propelled him to staggering heights of athletic success. But how? And what does it all means to him now? I needed to know. So I jumped in my truck, drove to his house Santa Cruz and put a microphone in front of him. This conversation is the result. It's a conversation about Mark's remarkable life and his ongoing quest for expansion. It's about the importance of aligning yourself with nature's rhythms. It's about investing in yourself, cultivating self-understanding and honing a positive mindset. And it's about the crucial role humility — detaching from ego — plays in manifesting personal potential. Bottom line? If you really want to soar, look within. Deep within. It was an absolute honor to speak with Mark. I sincerely hope you enjoy the exchange. Peace + Plants, Rich