
    About this Episode

    Welcome to the inaugural episode of "Berry Unearthed: Rooted in Resilience"! Jump into this spontaneous adventure as hosts Phil and Crystal dive into podcasting on a whim. With no roadmap or preparation, we’re navigating the uncharted territory of our personal narratives and societal musings. Join us as we test the waters, laughing at our missteps and celebrating our triumphs. It's raw, it's real, and it's the start of an exciting journey of resilience and self-improvement. Come along for the ride as we lay the groundwork for what's to come. This is just the beginning!

    Recent Episodes from Berry Unearthed: Rooted In Resilience

    2023's Endless Saga: Reflections on the Longest Year

    2023's Endless Saga: Reflections on the Longest Year

    In Season 2, Episode 1 of the "Berry Unearthed" podcast, Phil and Crystal reflect on the challenges and growth experienced in 2023, likening its impact to that of 2020. They discuss themes of resilience and resistance, emphasizing the importance of supporting each other through tough times. The episode also touches on the necessity of pacing oneself, avoiding burnout, and learning from mistakes. They express gratitude to their listeners, old and new, and share plans to integrate AI technologies to enhance productivity and consistency. The episode concludes with them looking forward to the year ahead, emphasizing personal growth, mindfulness, and setting realistic goals.

    Disclaimer: "The views expressed in this post are based on our personal experiences and reflections on 2023. They are meant to resonate, reflect, and inspire, not to generalize or prescribe."

    The Unseen Layers: Navigating Emotional Landscapes in Relationships

    The Unseen Layers: Navigating Emotional Landscapes in Relationships

    In this emotionally charged episode of Berry Unearthed: Rooted in Resilience, Phil and Crystal delve into the hidden intricacies of their relationship. They kick things off by discussing the art of eliciting reactions from each other—sometimes for humor and sometimes as a barometer for emotional states. Phil shares his amusement in pushing Crystal's buttons just to see her react, highlighting the childlike joy that can be found in long-term relationships.

    As the conversation deepens, Phil and Crystal explore the idea of "emotional mechanics," the unseen forces that keep a relationship ticking. Phil admits to sometimes being the instigator but also appreciates the balance and boundary-setting that Crystal brings to the table. Crystal, in turn, values Phil's provocations as opportunities for self-reflection and growth.

    The duo shifts gears to discuss the concept of resilience within relationships. They both agree that resilience isn't just about bouncing back from hardships but also about navigating the day-to-day nuances that come with being in a committed partnership. Phil stresses the importance of not taking things too seriously, while Crystal emphasizes the need for conscious decision-making rather than reacting out of emotional impulse.

    In a surprising turn, the episode segues into a broader discussion about societal expectations and how they can strain relationships. Phil criticizes the media's role in polarizing opinions and fostering a culture of outrage, advocating for more independent thinking. Crystal counters by pointing out that genuine change requires a collective effort, something that can be daunting in a society resistant to change.

    Throughout the episode, both Phil and Crystal exhibit a level of vulnerability that adds depth to their discussions. They acknowledge the challenges they've faced in their own relationship, from communication breakdowns to differing perspectives on various issues. Yet, they both agree that it's the journey, with its struggles and triumphs, that makes a relationship truly resilient and fulfilling.

    In wrapping up, they stress the importance of continuous growth, open communication, and the value of both embracing and challenging each other's viewpoints. This episode serves as a masterclass in maintaining a resilient relationship, making it a must-listen for anyone invested in personal growth and relational dynamics.

    The Lost Art of Keeping It Real: A Berry Perspective

    The Lost Art of Keeping It Real: A Berry Perspective

    In Episode 18 of "Berry Unearthed: Rooted in Resilience," Mr. and Mrs. Berry dive into an engaging conversation that challenges the status quo. They kick off the episode with their usual energetic greeting, setting the tone for a dynamic discussion.

    Though the episode starts with a light-hearted banter about episode numbering, it quickly evolves into an exploration of authenticity in today's world. The Berrys discuss the dilemma many people face: the conflict between being one's true self and conforming to societal norms. They question how it's increasingly challenging to keep it real in a world that often rewards artifice over authenticity.

    Throughout the episode, the duo shares personal anecdotes and lessons they've learned while building their businesses, Crystal Shares and ThunkDeep. They underline the importance of being genuine in both personal and professional settings, emphasizing how authenticity has been a cornerstone of their success.

    Key takeaways include the significance of not losing oneself in the hustle and bustle of life and business, and the need for a genuine approach to relationships, both online and offline.

    As they wrap up, the Berrys issue a challenge to their listeners: to examine their lives and identify areas where they can be more authentic. The episode closes with a call-to-action, urging the audience to be courageous in embracing their true selves, thereby fostering resilience in the face of life's inevitable challenges.

    This episode offers not just food for thought but a full-course meal for anyone striving to live a more authentic and resilient life.

    Life's Changes and Challenges

    Life's Changes and Challenges

    Phil and Crystal start the podcast by catching up after being away for a few weeks. They acknowledge going through some recent challenges and changes in life, both personally and in the world more broadly.

    The conversation covers staying positive and resilient even when things get difficult. Phil and Crys emphasize the importance of finding purpose, taking time for self-reflection, learning new skills, and adapting to change.

    They discuss how rapid change can happen, using the example of horses being replaced by cars within 20 years. New technologies inevitably bring change, whether you like it or not. But change can ultimately be for the better.

    Phil and Crys share thoughts on AI and its potential impacts. While some view AI skeptically, they believe it will mostly create new opportunities. Big corporations are investing in AI research and tools. As individuals, we may benefit from free AI resources incorporated into programs by companies like Google and Microsoft.

    Shifting topics, Phil and Crys touch on the role of money and corporate power structures. They joke about enjoying "government rants" but not wanting to affect money flows. Crys notes how figures like Elon Musk pretend to be anti-AI for government approval.

    The conversation covers loopholes used by corporations and wealthy figures like Trump. Even when people seem negatively affected, they find legal workarounds. Phil and Crys express a mix of frustration and grudging respect for how far loopholes can be pushed.

    Crys discusses her own career path, going into higher education with the goal of helping people. She ended up getting counseling and divinity degrees. Her journey shows how we may start out uncertain of our exact direction. What matters is following our interests and passions.

    Phil and Crys emphasize focusing energy wisely. It's easy to overthink things or waste energy on frustration. We need to decide where to direct energy for maximum personal and social benefit. This requires self-awareness and intentionality.

    They touch on societal expectations and fantasies. People can drain energy while being unaware due to self-absorption. Toxic relationships or family patterns can be accepted out of habit. But we need to reflect carefully on what no longer serves us.

    Overall, Phil and Crys encourage listeners to stay aware, keep growing, focus on purpose and positive impact, and remain resilient through life's ups and downs. With intentionality, we can navigate challenges and changes. The podcast covers many themes relevant to maintaining a positive mindset and being true to oneself.

    Finding Peace in the Everyday Hustle

    Finding Peace in the Everyday Hustle

    In episode 16 of Berry Unearthed: Rooted in Resilience, Phil and Crystal Berry dive deep into the art of finding peace in the midst of life's daily hustle. Ever feel like you're constantly running but never really getting anywhere? The Berrys are here to share their personal strategies for reclaiming tranquility, even when life throws curveballs. From embracing spontaneous moments—like that perfect sip of water—to the importance of taking life one day at a time, this episode covers it all. They also delve into the subtle ways stress manifests and how to nip it in the bud before it overpowers you. If you've been looking for ways to inject a little serenity into your busy schedule, this episode is your one-stop shop for tips, laughter, and maybe even a newfound appreciation for the small things that make life worth living.

    Back on Track – Overcoming Obstacles and Reclaiming Our Rhythm

    Back on Track – Overcoming Obstacles and Reclaiming Our Rhythm

    In this episode, we dive back into our regular schedule after a brief hiatus. We discuss the challenges and lessons learned from missing an episode due to COVID-19 and how we're feeling reinvigorated as we move forward. Tune in to hear our reflections on resilience, the importance of maintaining a consistent schedule, and what to expect in our upcoming episodes.

    Surviving and Thriving: Our COVID-19 Journey

    Surviving and Thriving: Our COVID-19 Journey

    Welcome to Episode 14 of 'Berry Unearthed: Rooted In Resilience.' This week, we've got a special episode that hits close to home—quite literally. Phil and Crys sit down to discuss their recent bout with COVID-19, offering a candid look into their day-to-day struggles and triumphs.

    The episode kicks off with Crys detailing her unpleasant symptoms, ones that hit her harder this time around. She talks about the rollercoaster of physical and emotional pain she went through, from debilitating headaches to high fever. Phil, on the other hand, shares how his experience was somewhat less severe, yet stressful in its own right.

    However, it's not all doom and gloom; this episode is about resilience, remember? The duo also delves into the silver linings they've found amid the pandemic haze. Whether it's newfound gratitude for health or a strengthened bond as a couple, they explore the ways they've managed to turn adversity into an avenue for growth.

    As always, Phil and Crys don't shy away from discussing the mental health aspect. The isolation and uncertainty that come with a COVID-19 diagnosis can wreak havoc on one's emotional well-being. They share practical tips and coping mechanisms that helped them weather the storm, from mindfulness techniques to focusing on small, achievable tasks.

    But what's a Berry episode without some actionable advice? Tune in for their top tips on how to stay rooted in resilience during a health crisis. From maintaining a positive mindset to staying connected with loved ones (virtually, of course), they offer insights that can help not just those fighting COVID-19, but anyone going through a tough time.

    So grab your favorite beverage (perhaps one of those sublimation tumblers Phil's been working on?), kick back, and join us for an episode that's as informative as it is heartfelt. Whether you've been personally affected by COVID-19 or are looking for ways to build resilience in challenging times, this episode is for you.

    The Power of Perspective

    The Power of Perspective

    In episode 13 of Berry Unearthed: Rooted in Resilience, Crys and Phil have a candid conversation about life, relationships, and mindset. One theme that stood out was the power of perspective.

    Our perspectives are shaped by our experiences, environment, and beliefs. As Crys mentioned, we often look back on the past with “rose colored glasses,” remembering only the good and filtering out the bad. But in reality, every era has its challenges. Comparing today’s problems with an idealized version of the past isn’t constructive.

    As Phil pointed out, we need to examine our assumptions and narratives about the past. The 1990s are often remembered as a great decade, but there was also violence, poverty, and family dysfunction. The “good old days” are largely an illusion.

    This matters because our perceptions inform our actions. If we believe the past was better, we may passively wait for those “good times” to return rather than working to improve the present. Dwelling on an unrealistic nostalgia keeps us stuck.

    Instead, Crys and Phil try to learn from the past while living in the present. They focus on what they can control - their own mindsets, reactions, and growth. Even in difficult circumstances, they look for opportunities to breathe, reflect, and reconnect.

    Challenging our assumptions creates space for personal development. The “good old days” differ for everyone based on their distinct experiences. But we all have the power to shape our perspective on the present moment and take action. Progress comes not from nostalgia, but from courage, confidence, and community.

    The Art of Flexibility and Flow

    The Art of Flexibility and Flow

    Get ready to flex those mind muscles! In this empowering episode, hosts Phil and Crys have a thought-provoking dialogue about how shifting your mindset can lead to personal transformation and unlock your inner superpowers.

    They discuss breaking free of limits imposed by societal conditioning to embrace your full potential. Crys emphasizes having the audacity to boldly dream and then take action. Phil stresses focusing on what you can control - your thoughts, beliefs and choices.

    Together they explore maintaining passion and drive through uncertainty, turning inspiration into momentum, and reframing obstacles as opportunities. Tune in for an enlightening reality check on the immense power within your own mind. You'll be inspired to cultivate a mindset that fuels the life you envision.

    Staying Present on the Journey

    Staying Present on the Journey

    In this encouraging episode, hosts Phil and Crys have an uplifting dialogue about staying present even amidst the ups and downs of life. They discuss the importance of maintaining focus on the current moment instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

    Crys shares how she is learning to fully embrace and enjoy experiences like her upcoming trip to the Bahamas, rather than just seeing them as opportunities to check tasks off her to-do list. Phil emphasizes being open to receiving blessings and gifts that arrive, even if you're unsure you want them initially.

    Together, they explore how having faith and taking purposeful action creates momentum to carry you through uncertainties on your journey. By grounding yourself in the present, you can tune out distractions and nurture the passion needed to persevere. Tune in for an inspiring reminder to live meaningfully in the moment as you continue growing toward your goals.