
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding and accommodating each other's needsEffective communication and compromise are crucial for creating a harmonious environment. Treat each other as adults and respect choices, value disagreement and growth, and find solutions that satisfy everyone.

      Effective communication and compromise are essential for creating a harmonious environment, especially when dealing with individual needs and considerations. The discussion between Katie and Helen highlighted the importance of understanding and accommodating each other's needs, rather than expecting everyone to compromise every time. They emphasized the importance of treating each other as adults and respecting each other's choices. Additionally, they acknowledged the value of disagreement and growth, and the importance of finding a solution that satisfies everyone involved. This conversation underscores the significance of open and respectful communication in building strong relationships and creating a positive experience for all parties involved.

    • Empowering others by giving them choicesGiving people choices empowers them, builds decision-making abilities, and fosters autonomy and boundaries

      It's essential to prioritize meeting our own needs and treating others as adults capable of doing the same. When we take responsibility for others' feelings and actions, we're suppressing their autonomy and treating them like children. It's crucial to ask what people need and give them the power to make choices for themselves. This empowers them and helps build their decision-making abilities, which is especially important for those who have grown up in environments where their autonomy was stifled. By giving children choices, we help them identify their preferences and needs, which leads to the development of both autonomy and boundaries.

    • Empower children with clear choicesProvide kids with clear choices to build confidence, reduce decision paralysis, and strengthen parent-child bond.

      Providing children with clear, limited choices instead of open-ended questions empowers them, reduces decision paralysis, and helps them avoid the fear of making the wrong choice. This approach also allows parents to follow through on their promises and avoid giving unlimited power to their children. This method is particularly important for children of narcissistic parents, who may have experienced their decisions being weaponized against them. By providing clear choices, parents can help their children develop healthy decision-making skills and build confidence in their ability to make choices that are right for them. This not only benefits the child but also strengthens the parent-child relationship.

    • Understanding Past Experiences Shape Present DecisionsRecognizing past patterns and creating a safe space can help us access our rational brain and make decisions that align with our wants and desires.

      Our past experiences can significantly influence our present decisions and behaviors, particularly when it comes to making choices under pressure. The speaker shared an experience of feeling pressured to decide what to eat when dining out as a child, which led to panic and making safe, un adventurous choices. This pattern has continued into adulthood. The speaker also discussed how the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for the fight or flight response, can hijack the rational brain, making it difficult to make decisions in the moment. By recognizing these patterns and giving ourselves permission to take our time, we can access our rational brain and make choices that align with our wants and desires. The speaker also emphasized the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment where we can experiment and play, free from judgment or pressure. Overall, this discussion highlights the power of understanding our past experiences and how they shape our present behaviors, and the importance of giving ourselves the space and time to make decisions that serve our best interests.

    • Expressing needs and feelings clearlyClear communication and understanding are crucial for healthy relationships. Neglecting to express needs and feelings can lead to conflict and feelings of resentment.

      Communication and understanding are key in maintaining healthy relationships. The letter writer's experience with her mother highlights the importance of expressing needs and feelings clearly, and the potential consequences of unmet expectations and unexpressed emotions. The mother's reaction to the letter writer's request for help and her subsequent behavior towards her daughter illustrate how a lack of understanding and empathy can lead to conflict and feelings of resentment. The letter writer's journey towards healing and self-discovery through therapy, podcasts, and inner child work demonstrates the power of acknowledging and addressing past traumas and seeking support. It's essential to remember that everyone deserves to be heard, believed, and cared for, especially in times of need.

    • Narcissistic parents manipulate and gaslight, causing confusion and emotional turmoilNarcissistic parents demand dependency while withholding support, leading to mistrust and hyper-independence or avoidance

      Narcissistic parents can manipulate and gaslight their children, creating a cycle of false promises and punishments for dependence. The listener's experience of her mother's inconsistent help and gaslighting tactics highlights the confusion and emotional turmoil that can result from such relationships. The narcissistic parent insists on dependency while withholding support, and when the child asks for help, they are punished for their dependence. This dynamic can lead to a lack of trust in offers of help and a sense of hyper-independence or avoidance.

    • Unmet expectations and unfulfilled promises in relationshipsRecognize and validate emotions, address underlying issues, and promote healthy communication to avoid negative cycles in relationships.

      Unmet expectations and unfulfilled promises can lead to frustration, anger, and feelings of unfairness, especially when one party feels entitled to control or dominance in a relationship. This dynamic can be further compounded by a history of learned helplessness or fear of asking for help, leading to a cycle of unmet needs and negative emotions. Additionally, the shaming, humiliation, and silencing of one's voice can exacerbate these feelings and create a toxic environment. It's essential to recognize and validate these emotions while also addressing the underlying issues and working towards open and respectful communication. The ability to express frustration and ask for help in a healthy way is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and promoting personal growth.

    • The importance of rest and self-care when sickRecognize that rest is essential for healing and prioritize self-care instead of pushing through illness, as it's not a sign of weakness but an opportunity for the body to recover.

      It's essential to prioritize rest and self-care when feeling unwell, rather than pushing through and ignoring your needs. This misconception was instilled in the speaker's upbringing, leading to a belief that not complaining and being stoic were desirable traits. However, this mindset can be toxic and detrimental to one's health. It's crucial to recognize that resting is not a sign of weakness but an opportunity for the body to heal. The speaker shares her personal experience of ignoring her needs and the consequences, including getting sick and spreading illness to others. It's important to understand that people can survive without us, and it's okay to prioritize our well-being. Therapists also have a role in modeling self-care and setting boundaries to help clients recognize their internal and external resources. Ultimately, rest is a necessary component of overall health and well-being.

    • Trusting Ourselves and Prioritizing Our NeedsRecognize the importance of self-care and prioritizing our needs, even when it feels uncomfortable or inconvenient for others. Narcissistic parents may shame us for meeting our own needs, but taking time for ourselves is crucial for effectiveness and avoiding guilt and shame.

      It's essential to trust ourselves and prioritize our needs, even when it may feel uncomfortable or inconvenient for others. The speaker shared an experience of pushing through feeling unwell, gaslighting herself and others, and ultimately recognizing the importance of self-care. This narrative also highlighted the impact of narcissistic parents, who may shame their children for meeting their own needs and label them as selfish or greedy. As a carer, it's crucial to remember that taking time for ourselves, including activities that bring us joy and nourishment, is not a luxury but a necessity. By prioritizing our needs, we can be more effective in our roles and avoid the guilt and shame that can come from others.

    • The importance of direct communicationAvoid passive aggressive behavior and prioritize clear, direct communication to foster healthy relationships and prevent traumatic emotional responses.

      It's crucial to prioritize personal joy and creativity, even under pressure. Passive aggressive behavior, which communicates displeasure indirectly, can be damaging and hurtful. In the case discussed, a mother's mean and passive aggressive comments toward her daughter created a traumatic emotional response, encouraging silence and domination. It's essential to recognize the intent behind such behavior and aim for direct, explicit communication instead. Additionally, it's important to consider the impact of our words and actions on others and strive for healthy, equal relationships.

    • Childhood experiences impact healthUndiagnosed medical conditions and emotional neglect during childhood can lead to mental and physical health issues in adulthood. Recognizing and addressing these issues early can bring relief.

      Childhood experiences, including undiagnosed medical conditions and emotional neglect, can significantly impact a person's mental and physical health. The speaker shared an experience of a friend who had seizures, some of which were overlooked by her mother. The friend's seizures ranged from petit mal, where she seemed to daydream, to grand mal, which were more obvious. The speaker and her classmates recognized the signs of the friend's seizures and sought help, but the friend's mother did not. The speaker also shared her own experience of having seizures since childhood and how her mother projected her own behaviors onto her child, accusing her of being lazy during seizures. The speaker believes that childhood trauma can cause various health issues, including seizures, and that addressing the trauma can bring relief. The speaker's observation of her friend's situation and her own experiences highlight the importance of recognizing and addressing health issues and emotional needs in children.

    • Growing up with a narcissistic mother leads to feelings of blame and shameChildren of narcissistic parents may internalize blame and shame, leading to confusion, fear, and a belief that they're at fault in every situation. Seeking help and understanding the dynamic is crucial.

      The experience of growing up with narcissistic parents, particularly a mother who uses criticism and blame as a form of control, can lead children to develop a core belief that they are bad and at fault in every situation. This phenomenon is known as complementary moral defense. The confusion and fear instilled in children can result in them apologizing for things that aren't their fault and feeling constant blame and shame. The parents' actions, such as sabotaging relationships and not taking responsibility for their own actions, can leave children feeling isolated and powerless. It's crucial for children of narcissistic parents to understand this dynamic and seek help to shift the blame and shame they've internalized. Additionally, it's important for parents to recognize their role in their children's experiences and take accountability for their actions.

    • The damaging effects of authoritarian control, emotional abandonment, gaslighting, and scapegoating within a family dynamicRecognizing and addressing patterns of authoritarian control, emotional abandonment, gaslighting, and scapegoating in families is crucial for promoting healthy and supportive relationships.

      The discussed situation illustrates the damaging effects of authoritarian control, emotional abandonment, gaslighting, and scapegoating within a family dynamic. The father's behavior, including threatening violence, emotional silence, and dismissal of the daughter's emotions, added to her confusion and feelings of abandonment. The mother's complicity in the situation further reinforced the daughter's sense of being a scapegoat and having no autonomy. The denial of one's emotions and autonomy, as well as the scapegoating, can be deeply harmful and confusing for individuals, particularly during their formative years. It's essential to recognize and address these patterns of behavior in order to promote healthy and supportive family relationships.

    • Validating ignored feelings and experiencesIt's normal to feel anger and frustration when emotions have been ignored and validating these feelings is essential for emotional growth. Seek support and understanding from trusted individuals and consider therapeutic interventions for deeper exploration of narcissistic parentification.

      The listener in question is seeking validation for her feelings and experiences, which have been ignored and negated in the past. She is looking for permission to express her anger and frustration, which is a natural response to the emotional neglect and parentification she has experienced. The speaker emphasizes that these emotions and experiences are valid, and encourages the listener to seek support and understanding from those around her. The discussion also touches on the concept of narcissistic parentification, where a child is made to feel overly responsible for their parents' emotions and wellbeing. The speaker acknowledges that this may be a factor in the listener's situation, but encourages her to explore this concept further through therapeutic support. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of acknowledging and validating one's emotions, and the potential impact of emotional neglect and parentification on a person's development.

    • Denial and toxic hope in unhealthy relationshipsDenial and hope for change can prolong unhealthy relationships, leading to minimizing, dismissing, and gaslighting behaviors, and it's crucial to acknowledge and validate our own experiences.

      Denial and toxic hope can keep us in unhealthy relationships longer than necessary. This was discussed in relation to emotionally parentified children and their enmeshed relationships with parents. When we hope for change but continue to experience the opposite, it can lead to a fear of acknowledging the truth and taking action. This denial can manifest as minimizing, dismissing, and gaslighting, as shown in the example of a listener's experience of not being believed when sharing past abuse. The anger and frustration felt in such situations are valid, and it's essential to recognize and validate our own experiences rather than centering the needs and feelings of others.

    • The normalization of abuse within familiesRecognizing and addressing abuse is crucial to prevent intergenerational harm and unhealthy dynamics. Seek support and validate survivors.

      The normalization of abuse within a family can lead to intergenerational harm and unhealthy dynamics. The speaker's experience of being sexually abused as a child and the subsequent lack of safety and validation from her mother highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing these issues. The speaker's mother's behavior, including gaslighting, emotional manipulation, and forced intimacy, demonstrates the need for boundaries and self-validation. The normalization of abuse can manifest in various ways, including covert sexual abuse and emotional parentification, and it's crucial to understand that these behaviors are not normal or healthy. It's important to seek support from therapists and safe relationships to heal and break these cycles. The speaker's experience also underscores the importance of believing and validating survivors of abuse.

    • Understanding Manipulation in RelationshipsManipulation in relationships often stems from a need for control by the manipulator, not the receiver's fault. Validate feelings and explore resources to leave toxic relationships.

      Manipulation and control in relationships often come from a place of trying to benefit someone else, rather than the person being manipulated. This was discussed in the context of financial aid and boundaries. The speaker emphasized that it's not the receiver's fault if they're made to feel guilty or manipulated into compliance. In fact, the manipulation is a sign of the manipulator's need for control. The speaker also encouraged the listener to explore all available resources for financial aid, and validated the feelings of sadness that come with recognizing and leaving toxic relationships. The speaker emphasized that allowing and validating all emotions, even the painful ones, is an important step towards healing and finding healthy relationships.

    • Embrace your authenticity and let your true colors shineEmbracing authenticity leads to self-love, growth, and fulfilling experiences. Express yourself truly, whether through bold hair color or daring home decor decisions.

      Embracing your authentic self, even if it makes you stand out, is a form of self-love and growth. Katie McKellen shared her wins this week, which included embracing the visibility that comes with having colorful hair and making bold decorating choices. Helen offered words of encouragement and emphasized the importance of not suppressing emotions like joy and connection. By stepping out of comfort zones and expressing ourselves truly, we can experience true wins and live more fulfilling lives. So, whether it's through a bold hair color or a daring home decor decision, remember to embrace your authenticity and let your true colors shine.

    Recent Episodes from In Sight - Exposing Narcissism

    118. How Do I Protect My Sister?

    118. How Do I Protect My Sister?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Our listener begins to spot red flags in her brother-in-law's behaviour, including massive invasions of privacy and public shaming of their children. She's worried his ultra-religious views and need for control have not only traumatised his wife, but her children are at risk too. Our listener asks if her sister is somehow enabling his abuse, and more importanly how can she protect her?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on..

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    117. How Do I Deal With The Anger?

    117. How Do I Deal With The Anger?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Desperate for closure after a string of abusive relationships throughout her life, our listener can't help but cling on to rage and even hatred towards those who wronged her. As acknowledgment and atonement grow ever more unlikely, she asks how to deal with the hurt and anger.

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    116. Why Can’t I Cry?

    116. Why Can’t I Cry?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    After a nasty outburst on a family holiday, our listener this week is struggling with words from her mother that can’t be unsaid. As the insults chip away at her self-esteem, examples of toxic behaviour in childhood bubble to the surface and she’s questioning everything she thought she knew about her role in the family. But is she really unlovable, a bad mother, and ‘broken’?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    TW: This episode talks about sexual abuse.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    115. Should I Confront Her?

    115. Should I Confront Her?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Our listener this week recalls a family conversation about her grandmother’s toxic behaviour. However, her mother is oblivious to how she displayed the same behaviour, and the lasting effects it had on our listener. Despite her mother’s difficult relationship with alcohol and emotional manipulation, our listener doesn’t want to rock the boat by saying how she’s feeling and asks, can there ever be healing in confrontation?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    114. Can I Protect Myself & Keep My Siblings?

    114. Can I Protect Myself & Keep My Siblings?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Growing up in the shadow of her siblings, our listener has recognised the toxic traits that were always excused and enabled. Despite going low contact, she's struggling with the idea of giving up on her siblings when she's been taught that "family is everything". Can a relationship with her siblings be salvaged, and should it?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    113. Mother in Law + Trauma = Smothering. What Do I Do?

    113. Mother in Law + Trauma = Smothering. What Do I Do?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    Our listener this week shares how her kind and generous mother-in-law is "the nicest person you could ever wish to meet", with an enticing ability to keep the peace. But digging deeper, it appears there's so much more to her fawning and people-pleasing behaviour. As worry and exhaustion bubble to the surface, our listener asks how she can protect someone that doesn't believe they deserve protecting?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    112. Is My Mother Toxic or Am I Being Unfair?

    112. Is My Mother Toxic or Am I Being Unfair?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    TW: Pregnancy loss

    Despite a history of cold, abusive behaviour from her mother leading to a trail of broken family bonds, our listener is haunted by the notion that 'life is short'. She is questioning whether she was right to go low contact, or will she regret her decision in the future?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    111. YNTP Book Launch

    111. YNTP Book Launch

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UKUS (affiliate links)

    This week we break from the usual format to talk about one of the most surreal weeks we've had, embarking on a whistlestop media tour of Ireland to launch YNTP! Plus, we make In Sight history as we are actually recording in the same room for the first time - catch the video on YouTube!

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.

    110. Can a Narcissist Change?

    110. Can a Narcissist Change?

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UK, US (affiliate links)

    As her father prepares to reconcile with her abusive mother, our listener feels like she's at breaking point. Her father begs her to put their differences aside for a family wedding, but she can't put her mental health at risk again. For the sake of her father she asks whether a narcissist is capable of change, or is this yet another spin on their Merry-Go-Round relationship?

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com.


    109. Interview with Harriet Shearsmith - The Book!

    109. Interview with Harriet Shearsmith - The Book!

    You’re Not the Problem gives you the tools to recognise and heal from narcissistic and emotional abuse - out now: UK, US (affiliate links)

    This week we chat with previous guest Harriet Shearsmith, author and host of Unfollowing Mum. After Harriet's exclusive early access to 'You're Not the Problem', we hear how the book has impacted her, what she's learned from it and how things have been since we last caught up!

    Listen to Katie and Helen look at this difficult situation from all angles and offer their insight into what's going on.

    Find Harriet on Instagram.

    We talk theories and strategies in our exclusive Patreon show, The Freudian Slip. Unlock instant access to over 50 episodes today on our Patreon page, including identifying your family roles, the cycle of abuse, empathy and how to spot a good apology.

    In Sight is sponsored by Pinch of Nom! Buy their amazing cookbook ‘Enjoy’ here!

    Submit your own letter, find free resources and sign up for our weekly newsletter at www.InSightPodcast.com


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    Ep 029 | Mind, Body and Sexual Wellbeing with Julianne Vaccaro


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    Be prepared to be inspired and start working on yourself!


    What we’re talking about


    • Healing From Your Past
    • Confidence
    • Somatic Sexology


    Your Past Can Be The Reason For Your Present & Future


    Julianne and a lot of her clients have had a history of sexual abuse along with limiting beliefs around their bodies. She works with clients to change their mindset about how they see themselves and how they treat their own bodies without going to the extreme. Sometimes it takes looking back to see how far you’ve come.


    Confidence is a Feeling


    Confidence is a feeling and according to Julianne, you create that feeling for yourself. Anyone can have confidence, it’s a matter of figuring out what makes you feel that way and putting it into action.


    Somatic Sexology – What is that?!


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    Small changes can have big effects!



    Julianne Vaccaro’s Website

    Julianne Vaccaro’s Instagram



    14:31 (13 sec JV) – You can really shift your body and shift the things you’re wanting to, but it has to come from that place of wellness and love and I feel like the work behind that is so important to tackle it first.



    1. The energy you bring forward is what you are going to be met with. JV
    2. Confidence is just a feeling and you create it. JV



    TCC Facebook post

    1. Holistic Health Coach, Julianne Vaccaro is sharing her health and fitness journey, how every single one of us can choose to feel confident, how her past and those of her clients have brought them to this place in their lives and what somatic sexology is on  Ep 29 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. Julianne Vaccaro is a #holistic #health #coach and is talking all things #confidence, #health and #fitness on EP29 of The Confidence Crown.
    2. Confidence is a feeling and today’s guest, Julianne Vaccaro shares how she helps clients create that feeling  on EP29 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Have you listened to the latest Podcast episode with Julianne Vaccaro discussing health, wellness and fitness? Head on over to iTunes and check it out!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO:

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com

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     Sunny & Ken, xo!


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    Becoming an Emotionally Healthy Person

    While it is natural to want to avoid painful emotions, the truth is that they can teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and the world around us.

When we learn to deal with our emotions in a healthy way, we can become emotionally stronger and more resilient.  Learn how to raise the bar on dealing with your emotions!