
    Giggling about stretch girl summer, no nail summer, and flying squirrel summer

    enJuly 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering optimal comfort for unique sleep needs with the Sleep Number Smart BedCustomizable firmness and temperature on each side of the Sleep Number Limited Edition Smart Bed leads to better sleep for couples, with the brand ranking number one in customer satisfaction.

      Quality sleep is essential and the Sleep Number Smart Bed can help individuals achieve optimal comfort for their unique sleep needs. This bed allows couples to customize the firmness and temperature on each side, resulting in better sleep together. The Sleep Number brand ranks number one in customer satisfaction with mattresses purchased in-store according to JD Power. Additionally, there's a limited-time offer for a 40% discount on the Sleep Number Limited Edition Smart Bed. During the discussion, there were some entertaining side notes, including the hosts' love for tennis and their amusing thoughts on pickleball. They also clarified some misconceptions from their previous episode, such as Charlie Puth not knowing about their engagement and the misrepresentation of Braxton's character in an Instagram comment. Overall, the importance of a good night's sleep and the benefits of personalized comfort solutions were the main themes of the conversation.

    • Perceptions of men and women in public controversiesSocietal expectations can lead to different reactions towards men and women in public controversies, with women often facing harsher criticism and judgment.

      Societal perceptions and expectations of men and women can greatly differ when it comes to handling public controversies. While a man like Braxton may be praised for his maturity and honesty, a woman in a similar situation might face harsh criticism and judgment. The conversation then shifted to a discussion about various types of women on TikTok, with the speakers identifying themselves as "Sloth Girl," combining elements of "Sloth Girl," "Mouse Girl," and "Rat Girl." Despite acknowledging the differences, they found common ground in their identities as rodents. The conversation also touched upon past bullying experiences and the importance of self-care and self-acceptance. The speakers' musings highlight the complexities of identity and societal norms, as well as the importance of empathy and understanding.

    • The Importance of Stretching for Women's Health and PerformanceStretching can lead to improved physical health, reduced injury risk, increased height, and enhanced performance for women. Novak Djokovic's injury record and Brian Kelly's growth attest to its benefits.

      Stretching is essential for maintaining physical health and performance, especially for women. The discussion highlights the experiences of individuals who have noticed significant improvements in their bodies after incorporating regular stretching routines. Novak Djokovic, a tennis legend, is a prime example of the benefits of stretching, having a remarkable injury record despite his lanky build. Additionally, stretching can lead to increased height, as mentioned by Brian Kelly, who reported growing taller after visiting a professional stretching facility. The competitive spirit and the desire to excel in unconventional ways, such as beer pong, can also be attributed to the freedom and lack of pressure associated with these activities. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of stretching for overall well-being and the potential benefits it can bring.

    • A realistic portrayal of the entertainment industry and celebrity manipulationThe Idol offers a unique perspective on fame and control, showcasing power dynamics and manipulation in the industry, with Lily-Rose Depp's standout performance adding intrigue.

      The controversial miniseries "The Idol" presents a more realistic portrayal of the entertainment industry and celebrity manipulation than some viewers give it credit for. While some found the sex scenes and cult elements disturbing, others saw it as an accurate representation of power dynamics and manipulation. Lily-Rose Depp's performance as Jocelyn was a standout and sparked intrigue about potential Selena Gomez inspirations. The short length of the series, only five episodes, left some viewers wanting more development and explanation. Overall, "The Idol" offers a unique perspective on fame and control, and despite its controversial elements, some viewers found it thought-provoking and engaging.

    • Exploring new experiences and embracing changeEmbrace new experiences, find inspiration in unexpected places, and appreciate the joy of trying something new.

      Creativity knows no bounds and stepping out of one's comfort zone can lead to exciting new experiences. During a discussion about a recent show they watched, the speakers expressed admiration for an assistant who stepped into an acting role and gave a standout performance. They also shared their personal experiences with hair styles and nail trends, expressing their love for trying new things and embracing change. The speakers encouraged their audience to watch the show and share their thoughts, emphasizing the importance of friendship and mutual support. The conversation also touched on the idea of finding inspiration in unexpected places and the joy of discovering new creative opportunities. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being open to new experiences and the excitement that comes from trying something new.

    • Consistency in Nail and Toe Color PreferencesThe speaker values consistency in her nail and toe color choices, preferring square or French manicures and matching colors.

      The speaker values consistency and symmetry in her appearance, particularly when it comes to her nails and toes. She has a long-standing preference for square or French manicures and feels uncomfortable deviating from this. She also shared an unpopular opinion that her nails and toes must match in color. The speaker also mentioned her attachment to her long-standing nail habits, which she developed early in life, and her discomfort with deviating from these. She also touched upon the concept of "wrong shoe theory," which involves wearing unexpected combinations of shoes and outfits. Despite her unique preferences and quirks, she expressed confidence in her choices and encouraged others to do the same.

    • Experimenting with Unconventional Fashion Inspired by Creative IndividualsThe speaker enjoys experimenting with fashion, drawing inspiration from creative individuals like The Weeknd and Kanye West, and reflecting on her own dislikes to better understand herself.

      The speaker's unique fashion sense is unpredictable and often unconventional, but she enjoys experimenting with different combinations of colors, styles, and shoes. She admires creative individuals like The Weeknd and Kanye West, and draws inspiration from them. The speaker also discussed her friend Hailey, who has influenced her fashion choices, particularly her use of loafers as a go-to shoe. The speaker also mentioned her involvement in the Kardashians' reality show and her observations of the family dynamics. A deeper reflection led her to realize that sometimes her dislike for certain people might stem from subconscious dislikes of aspects of herself that she projects onto others.

    • People evolve and change, just like Kourtney KardashianPeople transform through life experiences and relationships, and finding comfort in essentials can bring joy and motivation.

      The people we idolize and follow through reality TV or social media may undergo significant changes in their personalities and appearances over time due to various life experiences and relationships. For instance, Kourtney Kardashian, who used to be known for her cute and low-key sense of humor and fashion, has transformed into a more edgy and bold version of herself since dating Travis Barker. This evolution may not always be apparent to fans, but it's essential to remember that people are complex beings who grow and change. Moreover, the discussion touched upon the importance of self-care and finding comfort in essentials, such as Bombas' soft and cozy socks, underwear, and t-shirts, or Peloton's motivating instructors and workout classes. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the need for anti-frizz products, such as Ouai's lightweight anti-frizz cream, and the launch of Rhoback's new women's line, which offers both activewear and loungewear options. Overall, the conversation provided insights into the transformative nature of people and the importance of finding comfort and joy in everyday essentials.

    • Exploring Lesbian Couples on TikTok: Olivia and LondonThe speaker finds inspiration in the emotional connections and support of lesbian couples on TikTok, appreciates their ability to handle household tasks together, and plans to interview LGBTQ+ individuals for a new segment.

      The speaker shares her fascination with lesbian couples on TikTok, particularly a couple named Olivia and London. She appreciates their emotional connection and the way they support each other, which she finds inspiring. The speaker also mentions her own preference for deep connections in relationships, whether with a man or a woman. She jokes about stereotypes surrounding lesbian relationships and expresses her admiration for their ability to handle household tasks together. The speaker plans to interview LGBTQ+ individuals for a new segment and looks forward to learning more about their experiences. Despite the occasional rabbit hole of lesbian drama on TikTok, the speaker finds joy and inspiration in the community and the connections she makes there. The conversation also touched on the speaker's excitement for a sale on clothing items, with the code "giggly" offering a 20% discount.

    • Food and shared experiences build connectionsFood brings people closer, from cooking and hosting gatherings to discovering new preferences and traditions. Embrace and celebrate unique quirks in relationships.

      Food and shared experiences play a significant role in building connections and creating memorable moments in relationships. Whether it's through cooking and hosting a gathering, discovering new food preferences and quirks, or bonding over shared interests, food can bring people closer together. The speaker shares anecdotes about the importance of having a well-stocked cheese board, the joy of discovering new food traditions, and the power of a bold lash look to enhance one's confidence and sultry vibe. The conversation also touches upon the importance of understanding and accommodating each other's unique preferences and quirks, such as mustard consumption or palate differences. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of embracing and celebrating the little things that make each relationship unique and special.

    • Improve sleep quality with luxurious living environmentUsing Cozy Earth's sheets for a comfortable sleep and prioritizing self-care with high-quality products can significantly enhance overall well-being.

      Creating a comfortable and luxurious living environment, such as with Cozy Earth's temperature-regulated sheets, can significantly improve sleep quality. The speaker's experience of using these sheets for the first time led to a restful and rejuvenating sleep. Additionally, prioritizing self-care and treating loved ones to high-quality products, like Cozy Earth bedding and Whole Foods Market offerings, can enhance their overall well-being. Furthermore, the importance of not taking life too seriously and finding joy in unexpected moments, even during a competitive golf outing, was emphasized.

    • Trusting the Universe vs Personal ResponsibilitiesTrusting the universe during restful moments can bring peace, but setting boundaries and taking action for personal responsibilities is essential.

      Trusting the natural flow of life and letting go of control can lead to restful and rejuvenating experiences, but personal responsibilities and commitments may require setting boundaries and taking action. The speaker shares her belief in surrendering to the universe during naps, trusting that the world will guide her, but she also acknowledges the necessity of setting alarms for professional obligations. She reflects on her past experiences of using sleep as an escape from stress and anxiety, and how her environment can impact her mood. The conversation also touches upon the speculation of a potential relationship between Kyle and Mauricio, with similarities between Kyle's friend Morgan Wade and the country singer's girlfriend. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of trusting the universe while remaining accountable to personal responsibilities.

    • The complexities of relationships go beyond what's shown on reality TVReality TV may not accurately depict the authenticity or complexities of relationships, and external factors can impact even high-profile couples.

      The absence of visible signs of a relationship, such as matching rings or social media postsments, can sometimes hint at underlying issues or changes. The discussion also touched upon the idea that people, especially those in the public eye, can face unique challenges in maintaining long-term relationships due to the influence of external factors, like reality TV production. Additionally, the authenticity of what is portrayed on reality TV can be questionable, with many suspecting the use of fakes or paid collaborations. The case of Kyle and Mauricio's relationship serves as a reminder that appearances can be deceiving, and that the complexities of relationships often go beyond what is shown on the surface.

    • Maximizing a wedding's reach with influencersInviting influencers to a public wedding can expand its reach and potential for monetization, but challenges include securing sponsored items and maintaining individual control.

      In today's age, having influencers at a wedding to increase its reach and exposure can be a strategic move for those aiming for fame and monetization. The speaker acknowledges the controversy surrounding a friend's decision to invite influencers to her wedding instead of traditional guests, but she believes that if the wedding is going to be public anyway, one might as well maximize its potential reach. She also discusses the challenges influencers face in getting sponsored items for their weddings and the desire for individual control over their special day. The speaker shares her own experiences and feelings of being overlooked for such opportunities, leading her to express frustration towards her partner for missing a call during a potential encounter.

    • Exciting News About Toronto Festival and Golf TripSpeakers share upcoming Toronto event news, release of additional tickets, and invite fans to join them for a memorable experience

      Despite some logistical challenges and unexpected twists, the speakers are excited about an upcoming Toronto festival and encourage fans to join them. The conversation began with a lighthearted discussion about a golf trip and the challenges of keeping a consistent schedule. The speakers then pivoted to share news about additional tickets being released for the Toronto event, expressing their enthusiasm for the Canadian crowd and wishing a happy 4th of July to their American fans. Throughout the conversation, they maintained a playful and engaging tone, inviting listeners to join them for a memorable experience.

    Recent Episodes from Giggly Squad

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    2686 What Evidence is True for Your Health?

    2686 What Evidence is True for Your Health?

    When aging catches up with your reflection, it's hard to accept what you don't want to see. However, there is beauty in all stages of life. What evidence is true for your health?

    Over the past few days, I've been fighting monkey grass. Looking in the mirror, all I could see was a tired woman with more still to do.

    Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT

    As we age, it's hard to forget that our inside and outside changes too. But, we don't have to get stuck in how we feel.

    You can choose how you accept the evidence, whether true or false.

    However, a lot of our opinions come from what the world shares. With Hollywood, plastic surgery, and concoctions that prove to turn back time, it's hard to see what you wish you would never see; the reflection of aging.

    Yet, I don't want you to get stuck there. Life is not about a number on the scale, a size on a hanger, or the number of wrinkles you don't have.

    Life is how you choose to view it.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ What evidence is true for your health?

    There are so many angles you can take on your health. And only you know what is best. You can have a coach, doctor, spouse, friends, and family. But ultimately, you need to understand where you see yourself and the evidence before you.

    This is a great time to take inventory.

    And I only know this because I've been thinking about it since removing the monkey grass over the last few days.

    Muscles hurt that I forgot existed. Yet, I am impressed with what I can do at a half-century.

    1. How do you feel about your reflection in the mirror? Are you focusing on the wrinkles or the rolls? Where do your eyes draw you in immediately causing a thought of "if only"? Maybe it's your thighs, upper arms, or back.
    2. What part of your body do you think looks older than you feel? This can be anything. And it doesn't have to mean anything specifically, except you feel older. What this does is give you a clue about what you would like to change up.
    3. What area of your body needs some oil like Dorothy's Tinman? Maybe you are a little tight or not as strong as you thought you were. 

    Now after you answer these questions, I want you to go back and look at the evidence. What is true for you versus what society says?

    Because the key is not about trying to be like everyone else. Just be YOU and enjoy life at the age you are.

    Now, age does not have to define who you are. You can change anything you don't like, except going back in time.

    So if it's the rolls that drive you crazy, then start eating more vegetables, and leaner meats, and move more intentionally.

    If it's the wrinkles on your skin, hydrate first with water. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces. Then, think about what else your skin may need. A moisturizer? Some collagen? Skincare does make a difference if you use it consistently.

    Maybe you are not feeling strong. Your muscles are sore from the monkey grass, or whatever monkey is on your back. Start strength training your body intentionally. Do some yoga or pilates. Incorporate walking every day.

    The evidence that you discover does not have to be the end of the world. Aging is beautiful. So embrace this new season you're in and make it an adventure. 

    Because soon enough, you'll be in another season and making more changes.

    Change is a constant. So consistently love who you are becoming at any age.

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #WellnessWednesday #CreateYourNow #HealthAndWellness

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to be on the podcast or make recommendations for who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    @Kristianne Wargo






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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

    2686 What Evidence is True for Your Health?

    2686 What Evidence is True for Your Health?
    When aging catches up with your reflection, it's hard to accept what you don't want to see. However, there is beauty in all stages of life. What evidence is true for your health? Over the past few days, I've been fighting monkey grass. Looking in the mirror, all I could see was a tired woman with more still to do. Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT. http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT As we age, it's hard to forget that our inside and outside changes too. But, we don't have to get stuck in how we feel. You can choose how you accept the evidence, whether true or false. However, a lot of our opinions come from what the world shares. With Hollywood, plastic surgery, and concoctions that prove to turn back time, it's hard to see what you wish you would never see; the reflection of aging. Yet, I don't want you to get stuck there. Life is not about a number on the scale, a size on a hanger, or the number of wrinkles you don't have. Life is how you choose to view it. The K.I.S.S. ~ What evidence is true for your health? There are so many angles you can take on your health. And only you know what is best. You can have a coach, doctor, spouse, friends, and family. But ultimately, you need to understand where you see yourself and the evidence before you. This is a great time to take inventory. And I only know this because I've been thinking about it since removing the monkey grass over the last few days. Muscles hurt that I forgot existed. Yet, I am impressed with what I can do at a half-century.
    - How do you feel about your reflection in the mirror? Are you focusing on the wrinkles or the rolls? Where do your eyes draw you in immediately causing a thought of "if only"? Maybe it's your thighs, upper arms, or back.
    - What part of your body do you think looks older than you feel? This can be anything. And it doesn't have to mean anything specifically, except you feel older. What this does is give you a clue about what you would like to change up.
    - What area of your body needs some oil like Dorothy's Tinman? Maybe you are a little tight or not as strong as you thought you were. 
    Now after you answer these questions, I want you to go back and look at the evidence. What is true for you versus what society says? Because the key is not about trying to be like everyone else. Just be YOU and enjoy life at the age you are. Now, age does not have to define who you are. You can change anything you don't like, except going back in time. So if it's the rolls that drive you crazy, then start eating more vegetables, and leaner meats, and move more intentionally. If it's the wrinkles on your skin, hydrate first with water. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces. Then, think about what else your skin may need. A moisturizer? Some collagen? Skincare does make a difference if you use it consistently. Maybe you are not feeling strong. Your muscles are sore from the monkey grass, or whatever monkey is on your back. Start strength training your body intentionally. Do some yoga or pilates. Incorporate walking every day. The evidence that you discover does not have to be the end of the world. Aging is beautiful. So embrace this new season you're in and make it an adventure.  Because soon enough, you'll be in another season and making more changes. Change is a constant. So consistently love who you are becoming at any age. "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"   #WellnessWednesday #CreateYourNow #HealthAndWellness https://form.jotform.com/62988215824163  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward. Live. Love. IMPACT!  "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!" Subscribe to https://youtube.com/createyournow on YouTube. Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you https://form.jotform.com/62988215824163. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.   ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on https://goo.gl/forms/uqjN0rBZ3PZwCbft2. Here you can submit yourself to be on the podcast or make recommendations for who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!   Subscribe to https://youtube.com/createyournow on YouTube. Listen to Create Your Now on Spotify. Listen to http://www.iheart.com/show/263-Create-Your-Now-Your-Best/ The http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 andhttp://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive4 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive5 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive6 and https://bit.ly/CYNarchive7 Contact me at https://createyournow.com http://createyournow.com/fuss-meal-plan/ Instagram
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    We Can't Always Tie Up Loose Ends

    We Can't Always Tie Up Loose Ends

    Most people feel great when they can tie up loose ends, but we are often faced with situations where ‘closure’ isn’t possible. We find this most in our relationships with other people. We can have a bad breakup, an argument, or even a slight disagreement, and as hard as we try, we just can’t make things right with someone. The truth is that life can be messy sometimes, and all we can do is accept things as they are. Through our acceptance, we acknowledge that we can’t change the messiness, but we may still be able to gain wisdom. Hopefully, over time we can release the pain of not being able to be in a good place with someone we care about so that we can be open to new healing and relationships in the days to come.