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    life challenges

    Explore "life challenges" with insightful episodes like "060: Chapter 001 | Harnessing Discipline and Consistency", "057: Elevating Life’s Journey and Finding Purpose with John Nelson", "#39 The Spiritual Squeeze - When You're Down on Your Knees Remember This", "052: Consistency is Key - Setting Realistic Health & Fitness Goals" and "The Unexpected Faces of Homelessness" from podcasts like ""Getting After It", "Getting After It", "Practical Spirituality with B", "Getting After It" and "The Kathy Barnette Show"" and more!

    Episodes (42)

    060: Chapter 001 | Harnessing Discipline and Consistency

    060: Chapter 001 | Harnessing Discipline and Consistency

    Welcome to Chapter 001 of my book – this series will come out on a weekly basis and each episode will be a real life working session on different chapters of the book.

    Embark on a transformative journey as we redefine the essence of success through the unparalleled strength of consistency and discipline. These principles are meant for everyone; dedicated parents to the daring hearts of adventurers, all united by a singular mission: Getting After It.

    As your host, diving deep into the creation of a book that explores these pivotal themes, I invite you on a narrative-rich adventure. Together, we'll uncover the life-changing lessons that transition us from the mundane to the exceptional.

    Imagine a reality where every small step you take is a building block towards your grandest dreams. This podcast is your guide to understanding how the simplicity of daily, achievable goals can architect monumental achievements, akin to running a marathon in under three hours. This is a journey of meticulous growth, where consistency and discipline aren't merely concepts, but the foundation of a rewarding life.

    Ever caught yourself wondering how to muster the strength to push forward when you're running on empty? I talk all about that and focus on effort, resilience, and the art of writing your own legendary tale where you're the hero of the story.

    From Jocko Willink, I discuss how discipline paves the path to freedom, and how mastering prioritization and time management leads you to a purpose-driven existence.

    Each story is designed to inspire you to take control, organize your life, and embark on a disciplined journey towards your goals. So, join me, and take the lead in the extraordinary story of your life—where you're not just a character, but the hero.

    Follow on Instagram: @gettingafterit_


    I hope you've enjoyed today's discussion and that it's ignited a fire within you to pursue your dreams and embrace your true potential. (If it was helpful, share it with someone you think could benefit.)

    If you're hungry for motivation, personal development, and career insights, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform. I try to have a diverse lineup of guests, each with their own unique stories and experiences to share.

    Remember, this podcast is all about you—the dreamers and the doers. I'm here to provide a platform where your voice can be heard, where you can find inspiration, and where you can learn from the journeys of others who have dared to chase their dreams.

    If you are interested in being a guest, reach out.

    I appreciate your support, let's connect on social media. Follow us on Instagram (@gettingafterit_) to stay updated on new episodes and behind-the-scenes content.

    Remember, your dreams are within reach. You just have to decide to Get After It.

    057: Elevating Life’s Journey and Finding Purpose with John Nelson

    057: Elevating Life’s Journey and Finding Purpose with John Nelson

    Engage in a heartfelt conversation with John Nelson, my Chief Hype Officer and long-time friend. John, who stood by my side as a groomsman in my recent wedding, embodies the epitome of positivity and relentless ambition, making him someone I look to as a person of inspiration and admiration.

    In this episode, we delve deep into the art of uncovering motivation on days it seems utterly gone. Our discussion emphasizes the critical role of faith or belief in a higher power, offering us help and hope during times of uncertainty. John opens up about his life's journey, sharing invaluable experiences that offer lessons we can use in our daily lives.

    As our conversation unfolds, we explore the power of gratitude and mindfulness. These practices, as we reveal, have profoundly altered our perspective on dealing with life's challenges, steering us away from the abyss of negativity and toward a luminous path of optimism.

    This conversation promises not just insights into personal growth but a guide towards self-enhancement. Tune in to this episode and embark on a journey with us, aimed at casting aside the shadows of doubt to embrace a future brimming with positivity and light. Join us in this quest for self-improvement, enriched by the wisdom gleaned from facing life's hurdles with grace and resilience.

    Follow on Instagram: @gettingafterit_
    Follow John's Instagram: @its.pilotjohn


    I hope you've enjoyed today's discussion and that it's ignited a fire within you to pursue your dreams and embrace your true potential. (If it was helpful, share it with someone you think could benefit.)

    If you're hungry for motivation, personal development, and career insights, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform. I try to have a diverse lineup of guests, each with their own unique stories and experiences to share.

    Remember, this podcast is all about you—the dreamers and the doers. I'm here to provide a platform where your voice can be heard, where you can find inspiration, and where you can learn from the journeys of others who have dared to chase their dreams.

    If you are interested in being a guest, reach out.

    I appreciate your support, let's connect on social media. Follow us on Instagram (@gettingafterit_) to stay updated on new episodes and behind-the-scenes content.

    Remember, your dreams are within reach. You just have to decide to Get After It.

    #39 The Spiritual Squeeze - When You're Down on Your Knees Remember This

    #39 The Spiritual Squeeze - When You're Down on Your Knees Remember This

    When life brings you to your knees, you feel backed into a corner, or confused as challenges, crisis and breakdowns occur in your life circumstances... remember this:

    There is such a thing as the "Spiritual Squeeze" where you soul and Source are purposefully catalyzing you into a positive change.

    However it does NOT feel positive when you're in the middle of it.

    It feels like a pinch, being put in a vice, being squeezed to the limits of your capacity to cope, and from this painful experience something deeply purposeful emerges.


    Here's what we're covering in this episode of Practical Spirituality with B:

    1. Why challenges and crises are potent portals for huge positive changes: Discover how the very obstacles that seem to block our path can actually be gateways to profound personal growth and transformation.
    2. Understanding the birth, life, death, rebirth cycle at the micro and macro levels of your soul journey: Gain insight into the cyclical nature of existence, and how these cycles play out not just in the world around us, but within our very beings, guiding our soul's evolution.
    3. That when life is not going the way we want (at the level of our mind/personality self), it doesn't mean we're not getting what our soul needs and wants: Learn to see beyond the immediate disappointments and understand how what feels like a setback is often exactly what our soul calls for, for its development.
    4. The 3 Cs for how to navigate the spiritual squeeze, so you can work with life not against it, and fast forward the process into positive results: showing you how to apply these 3 Cs to turn your spiritual squeeze into a breakthrough.

    Tune into this episode for actionable points that will not only elevate your consciousness but also advance your soul journey. Whether you're facing personal trials, a crisis of faith, a difficult life change or challenge, or simply curious about the transformative power of life's down moments, this episode will give you a new understanding for facing life as the empowered and wise Soul you are.

    FREE MASTERCLASS: 3 Steps to Designing Your Soul Aligned Life


    FREE GUIDE: Soul Answers


    BOOK: Your Soul Journey Simplified


    PROGRAM: Soul Odyssey Program with Live Support & Community


    PRIVATE MENTORING: Join me for 1:1 Spiritual Life Coaching. Visit: 



    Email: support@bernadettelogue.com

    IG: https://instagram.com/bernadette_logue_

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BernadetteLogueCoach

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCc0aZECdd7ln-A6-U4f14tg

    052: Consistency is Key - Setting Realistic Health & Fitness Goals

    052: Consistency is Key - Setting Realistic Health & Fitness Goals

    Embarking on a fitness journey can often feel like a solitary ascent up a daunting mountain. My own transformation from a relaxed high school athlete to a dedicated advocate of health and fitness is a journey I'm eager to share, detailing both its peaks and valleys.

    This episode delves deeper than mere workout routines and nutritional plans; it's an exploration of the personal quest for wellness and the significant achievements that lie beyond mere sweat and statistics. Through anecdotes from my own life and insights from fellow fitness enthusiasts, we'll explore how true growth emerges from a foundation of patience and genuine self-awareness.

    Mastering the art of customizing a health regimen to fit the unique contours of your life is a skill I've honed, and I'm excited to unfold this process for you. This episode highlights the gradual transformation of my wife and the trial and error of various diets, illustrating the finesse of personalization in health and fitness.

    We'll discuss the importance of consistency, the power of small, sustainable habit changes, and their potential to catalyze profound life transformations.

    In the concluding segment of our conversation, we shift our focus to building mental resilience. I'll share my personal confrontations with self-doubt and how positive self-talk has been a game-changer during intense gym sessions and marathon challenges.

    Drawing inspiration from icons like Sally McRae, The Rock, and Michael Jordan, we'll learn how their behind-the-scenes efforts set the stage for greatness. Prepare to embark on an episode that promises not just to inspire but to equip you with strategies to embrace the discomfort of growth, recognizing it as the truest indicator of a fulfilling life.

    Follow on Instagram: @gettingafterit_


    I hope you've enjoyed today's discussion and that it's ignited a fire within you to pursue your dreams and embrace your true potential. (If it was helpful, share it with someone you think could benefit.)

    If you're hungry for motivation, personal development, and career insights, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform. I try to have a diverse lineup of guests, each with their own unique stories and experiences to share.

    Remember, this podcast is all about you—the dreamers and the doers. I'm here to provide a platform where your voice can be heard, where you can find inspiration, and where you can learn from the journeys of others who have dared to chase their dreams.

    If you are interested in being a guest, reach out.

    I appreciate your support, let's connect on social media. Follow us on Instagram (@gettingafterit_) to stay updated on new episodes and behind-the-scenes content.

    Remember, your dreams are within reach. You just have to decide to Get After It.

    The Unexpected Faces of Homelessness

    The Unexpected Faces of Homelessness

    In this episode of the Kathy Barnette Show, Kathy engages in a profound conversation with Chaya, a young woman currently experiencing homelessness. Chaya's journey highlights the nuances of this issue, challenging stereotypes and emphasizing the diversity of experiences among the homeless population. They discuss the lack of mental health resources, the stigmas attached to homelessness, and the various faces and backgrounds of those living without a home.

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:30] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. Kathy introduces guest, Chaya to the listeners 

    • [0:45] Kathy explains how she met Chaya

    • [4:30] Chaya shares her journey into homelessness 

    • [7:00] Discussion on the diverse appearances of homeless people

    • [10:00] Chaya talks about the loss of dignity in shelters

    • [15:30] Homeless Shelter Experience  

    • [22:15] Vulnerabilities felt within the homeless community 

    • [23:30] Stereotypes of what potentially causes homelessness   

    • [31:00] The Countdown: Life within the 90-Day Shelter Limit

    • [34:45] Addressing Mental Health and Homelessness 

    • [41:00] Different types of homelessness 

    • [43:30] Chaya and Kathy discuss the importance of political awareness

    • [53:45] “I think most people are one paycheck away from being in your situation.” 

    • [1:03:00] Concluding thoughts and reflections 

    • [0:00] Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.


    Connect with Kathy:

    X: @kathy4truth

    Instagram: @kathy4truth

    051: Maintaining Momentum – The Key to Achieving Your Dreams

    051: Maintaining Momentum – The Key to Achieving Your Dreams

    Join me today as I explore the transformative power of discipline and the small yet impactful steps that can redefine our journey towards personal and professional excellence. 

    This isn't just about basic advice; it's about understanding the essence of a disciplined life. I'm diving deep into the wisdom of Jocko Willink and Tony Robbins, unraveling how the synergy of motivation and discipline, fueled by a profound understanding of our 'why', is key to unwavering commitment to our objectives.

    Envision the person you aspire to be this year. Let's discuss how to become that person. Drawing from Tony Robbins' insights, we'll delve into the significance of aligning your identity with your goals – be it as a runner, gym enthusiast, or podcaster – and how embracing these roles strengthens your resolve for success.

    We'll tackle common motivation killers like procrastination, self-doubt, and the fear of failure. I'll share personal anecdotes, such as my wife's inspiring 20-mile run, to demonstrate the power of setting clear goals and celebrating every win, no matter the size.

    I support my wife in her endurance runs just as I encourage you: surround yourself with those who lift you higher. Let's continue our journey of self-improvement, step by step. Stay focused on your goals, and remember, I'm right alongside you in this pursuit.

    Follow on Instagram: @gettingafterit_


    I hope you've enjoyed today's discussion and that it's ignited a fire within you to pursue your dreams and embrace your true potential. (If it was helpful, share it with someone you think could benefit.)

    If you're hungry for motivation, personal development, and career insights, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform. I try to have a diverse lineup of guests, each with their own unique stories and experiences to share.

    Remember, this podcast is all about you—the dreamers and the doers. I'm here to provide a platform where your voice can be heard, where you can find inspiration, and where you can learn from the journeys of others who have dared to chase their dreams.

    If you are interested in being a guest, reach out.

    I appreciate your support, let's connect on social media. Follow us on Instagram (@gettingafterit_) to stay updated on new episodes and behind-the-scenes content.

    Remember, your dreams are within reach. You just have to decide to Get After It. 

    'SPIRITUAL BUT NOT RELIGIOUS?' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar

    'SPIRITUAL BUT NOT RELIGIOUS?' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar
    The message was delivered on Sunday, December 31, 2023, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister. DESCRIPTION Is there something you have done that you vowed you would never do? Do you consider this to be a triumph or a failure? What caused you to do it? Was it courage, necessity, or was it a mistake? How has your life changed for this unexpected experience? This is the work of the inner life. Soul work. You don’t have to be religious to grow your soul and nurture your spirit. However, it certainly helps to have a supportive and wise community. In this message, with the help of a poet, and an Inuit, I will share an epic journey of the inner life and how we can nurture our soul and broaden our life in the year to come. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS MESSAGE ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text AllSoulsTulsa to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Instagram: All Souls Church Website:

    049: Change Your Life in 2024 - Keep the Flame Alive

    049: Change Your Life in 2024 - Keep the Flame Alive

    In this episode, I dive into strategies for keeping the flame of ambition burning bright throughout the year.

    Discover the power of patience, the healing touch of self-compassion, and how a supportive community can be your greatest cheerleader in this odyssey of self-improvement.

    Ever found yourself measuring your life against someone else’s successes? We've all been there, entrapped by the lure of social comparison. This episode takes an introspective look at this pitfall. I discuss the significance of setting personal milestones, emphasizing the value of individual progress over juxtaposing oneself with others.

    The overarching message: finding joy in your own journey. Avoid the pitfall of comparing your beginning to someone else's peak.

    As we stride forward into 2024, let's embrace change with open arms and reject the fear of the unknown. The episode culminates with a powerful message on consistency and the transformative magic found in the simple act of showing up. Tune in and be inspired to welcome each day of this new year as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

    Follow on Instagram: @gettingafterit_


    I hope you've enjoyed today's discussion and that it's ignited a fire within you to pursue your dreams and embrace your true potential. (If it was helpful, share it with someone you think could benefit.)

    If you're hungry for motivation, personal development, and career insights, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform. I try to have a diverse lineup of guests, each with their own unique stories and experiences to share.

    Remember, this podcast is all about you—the dreamers and the doers. I'm here to provide a platform where your voice can be heard, where you can find inspiration, and where you can learn from the journeys of others who have dared to chase their dreams.

    If you are interested in being a guest, reach out.

    I appreciate your support, let's connect on social media. Follow us on Instagram (@gettingafterit_) to stay updated on new episodes and behind-the-scenes content.

    Remember, your dreams are within reach. You just have to decide to Get After It. 

    GYLTG 262: Hard Pills to Swallow for Growth

    GYLTG 262: Hard Pills to Swallow for Growth

    As 2023 winds down, we are turning our intentionality, focus, and desires to what is next. In every new chapter, there is something that must come to a close or be grown upon to take you to the next experience, the next level of where you want to be.

    In doing so, there are often a few hard pills that you must swallow to get to that place. While growth is not the most comfortable thing we do, it is one of the most powerful. Today, you and I are taking a one-on-one deep dive into those hard pills and what to do about them so that you can build a life of accountability and self-authority, refusing to abandon your needs and desires, and find a space of stability that you simply haven’t had the tools to touch before now…

    So,  let’s dive right in…the get your life together girl podcast starts right now.

    Key Takeaways:

    00:00 Introduction

    02:32 Living an unabandoned life—the why of this inner conversation

    05:21Hard Pill #1

    06:33Hard Pill #2

    08:35 Hard Pill #3

    11:56 Hard Pill #4

    12:35 Hard Pill #5

    13:51 Hard Pill #6

    14:36 Hard Pill #7

    18:33 How can I push the limits?

    19:37 Think about the definition of living. It's the pursuit. Are you in the pursuit of your best life?

    20:04 What is 1 action you can take today to make changes?

    26:21 What do you want to focus on in 2024? What can you leave behind? What can you elevate? 

    045: Show Up Every Day

    045: Show Up Every Day

    It's okay to start small. In fact, showing up and going all in, even if that simply means walking in and out of the gym every day, is a good place to start. This principle is illustrated with an anecdote from the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. And remember, the size of your goals doesn't matter as much as your dedication and consistency in pursuing them.

    The journey to achieving your goals is often a slow and steady one, filled with many ups and downs. This is a concept I focus on in our discussion on the power of discipline and slow progress.

    Stepping into the gym can be intimidating, especially when you see others lifting weights twice their size. But remember, everyone starts somewhere. Merely showing up and observing the environment can be an excellent first step. The secret to success isn't in extreme bursts of energy, but in the consistency of showing up and taking small steps towards your goal every day.

    What changes can you make to endure the journey to your goal more efficiently?

    I challenge you to reflect on your own goals and devise ways to make the pursuit enjoyable and fulfilling. Remember, you can do hard things, and with consistent effort and discipline, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

    Follow on Instagram: @gettingafterit_


    I hope you've enjoyed today's discussion and that it's ignited a fire within you to pursue your dreams and embrace your true potential. (If it was helpful, share it with someone you think could benefit.)

    If you're hungry for motivation, personal development, and career insights, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform. I try to have a diverse lineup of guests, each with their own unique stories and experiences to share.

    Remember, this podcast is all about you—the dreamers and the doers. I'm here to provide a platform where your voice can be heard, where you can find inspiration, and where you can learn from the journeys of others who have dared to chase their dreams.

    If you are interested in being a guest, reach out.

    I appreciate your support, let's connect on social media. Follow us on Instagram (@gettingafterit_) to stay updated on new episodes and behind-the-scenes content.

    Remember, your dreams are within reach. You just have to decide to Get After It. 

    044: How to Endure Hard Times

    044: How to Endure Hard Times

    Embark on a journey of resilience and determination in today's episode as I unveil my personal narrative of overcoming adversity. We delve into the essence of endurance—beyond the physical realm—into the territories of mental tenacity and emotional resilience. This episode is not just a story; it's an exploration of the profound lessons learned through enduring life's toughest challenges.

    Discover the tapestry of endurance that weaves together the fibers of mental strength, willpower, and the capacity to triumph against all odds. I share actionable insights and strategies, from setting incremental, attainable goals to fostering an unshakeable positive mindset, all designed to empower you to conquer your own struggles.

    The power of a robust support network cannot be overstated, and in this episode, I dive into the pivotal role my own support system played in steering me towards recovery. Learn how such networks can be your bastion of resilience, enabling you to confront and surmount life's hurdles with confidence.

    Join us as we draw inspiration from the likes of David Goggins, an exemplar of mental endurance, and dissect the critical roles that discipline and resilience play in our lives. Tune in to redefine what it means to endure with grace, dignity, and composure, and transform the way you face challenges. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

    Follow on Instagram: @gettingafterit_


    I hope you've enjoyed today's discussion and that it's ignited a fire within you to pursue your dreams and embrace your true potential. (If it was helpful, share it with someone you think could benefit.)

    If you're hungry for motivation, personal development, and career insights, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform. I try to have a diverse lineup of guests, each with their own unique stories and experiences to share.

    Remember, this podcast is all about you—the dreamers and the doers. I'm here to provide a platform where your voice can be heard, where you can find inspiration, and where you can learn from the journeys of others who have dared to chase their dreams.

    If you are interested in being a guest, reach out.

    I appreciate your support, let's connect on social media. Follow us on Instagram (@gettingafterit_) to stay updated on new episodes and behind-the-scenes content.

    Remember, your dreams are within reach. You just have to decide to Get After It. 

    Striking Balance and Battling Biases with Jennifer Scott

    Striking Balance and Battling Biases with Jennifer Scott

    Let's get ready for an enlightening ride as we sit down with the remarkable Jennifer Scott, founder and partner of Appella Advisors.

    Jen's journey of establishing her own company, built on the philosophy of fostering healthier, long-term relationships with stakeholders, is nothing short of inspiring.

    Her strong belief in going beyond transactional dealings and cultivating a more relational approach resonates throughout our conversation.


    Fireside Whispers is hosted by Sarah Moxom learn more at www.SarahMoxom.co.uk.

    You can learn more about Fireside Whispers at www.FiresideWhispers.com.


    The Lost Art of Keeping It Real: A Berry Perspective

    The Lost Art of Keeping It Real: A Berry Perspective

    In Episode 18 of "Berry Unearthed: Rooted in Resilience," Mr. and Mrs. Berry dive into an engaging conversation that challenges the status quo. They kick off the episode with their usual energetic greeting, setting the tone for a dynamic discussion.

    Though the episode starts with a light-hearted banter about episode numbering, it quickly evolves into an exploration of authenticity in today's world. The Berrys discuss the dilemma many people face: the conflict between being one's true self and conforming to societal norms. They question how it's increasingly challenging to keep it real in a world that often rewards artifice over authenticity.

    Throughout the episode, the duo shares personal anecdotes and lessons they've learned while building their businesses, Crystal Shares and ThunkDeep. They underline the importance of being genuine in both personal and professional settings, emphasizing how authenticity has been a cornerstone of their success.

    Key takeaways include the significance of not losing oneself in the hustle and bustle of life and business, and the need for a genuine approach to relationships, both online and offline.

    As they wrap up, the Berrys issue a challenge to their listeners: to examine their lives and identify areas where they can be more authentic. The episode closes with a call-to-action, urging the audience to be courageous in embracing their true selves, thereby fostering resilience in the face of life's inevitable challenges.

    This episode offers not just food for thought but a full-course meal for anyone striving to live a more authentic and resilient life.

    Prayer's Healing Power

    Prayer's Healing Power

    Welcome to another soul-stirring episode of "The Guided Words" with your host, Benel. Today, we dive deep into a topic that's close to many of our hearts: the transformative power of prayer in healing and recovery. Drawing inspiration from the Bible, specifically James 5:13-16, Benel unpacks how prayer isn't just a ritual but a potent source of comfort and strength during tough times. Listen to touching personal stories and learn actionable steps to integrate prayer into your own healing journey. Tune in to discover how you can unlock the healing potential of prayer in your life.

    Another Year: Birthday Reflections & New Adventures

    Another Year: Birthday Reflections & New Adventures

    In this special birthday edition, I talk about the art of self-reflection, the joys of embracing another year, and the tradition of seeking new adventures on my birthday. Discover why looking back is pivotal and how stepping into the unknown can reignite your passion for life. Let's celebrate the beauty of growth, change, and the endless possibilities that each year brings.


    FREE WORKSHOP: Unlock the Power of Positive Self-Talk! Join this transformative 60-minute workshop and turn the volume down on the self-criticism to amplify your inner strength and confidence. For more information & to register, visit: www.adriennecrowley.com/selftalkworkshop 


    SILENCE YOUR INNER CRITIC: Are you ready to dismiss that nagging, unpleasant voice in your head - the one that's forever critiquing and undermining your potential? Download the FREE guide to change how you talk to yourself NOW! https://pages.adriennecrowley.com/silenceyourinnercritic


    Have you ever wanted to start a journaling practice? Visit www.adriennecrowley.com/podcast/022 to get your FREE journal prompt and download your Write & Release workbook to get started today!


    Follow me on Instagram @MissAdrienne_C

    Follow the podcast on Instagram @LiveYourTruthLoveYourLife

    Visit https://www.adriennecrowley.com/shop to find apparel that will enable you to look how you want to feel.


    Subscribe now to "Live Your Truth Love Your Life," and don't forget to leave a review. Your support means the world to me! 🌟


    Embracing the Unpredictable: The Power of Uncertainty

    Embracing the Unpredictable: The Power of Uncertainty

    Life’s uncertainties can often feel overwhelming and intimidating. But what if we flipped the script? In this episode, we delve into the heart of uncertainty, uncovering why it scares us and revealing its hidden potential. Discover actionable strategies to lean into the unknown and unlock growth opportunities that lie in life’s unpredictable moments. Whether it’s a career change, personal decision, or global event, learn how to harness the power of uncertainty and make it your ally. Turn apprehension into ambition and step confidently into the future.


    FREE WORKSHOP: Unlock the Power of Positive Self-Talk! Join this transformative 60-minute workshop and turn the volume down on the self-criticism to amplify your inner strength and confidence. For more information & to register, visit: www.adriennecrowley.com/selftalkworkshop 


    SILENCE YOUR INNER CRITIC: Are you ready to dismiss that nagging, unpleasant voice in your head - the one that's forever critiquing and undermining your potential? Download the FREE guide to change how you talk to yourself NOW! https://pages.adriennecrowley.com/silenceyourinnercritic


    Have you ever wanted to start a journaling practice? Visit www.adriennecrowley.com/podcast/021 to get your FREE journal prompt and download your Write & Release workbook to get started today!


    Follow me on Instagram @MissAdrienne_C

    Follow the podcast on Instagram @LiveYourTruthLoveYourLife

    Visit https://www.adriennecrowley.com/shop to find apparel that will enable you to look how you want to feel.


    Subscribe now to "Live Your Truth Love Your Life," and don't forget to leave a review. Your support means the world to me! 🌟


    Unlocking Infinite Potential: The Power of a Growth Mindset

    Unlocking Infinite Potential: The Power of a Growth Mindset

    In this episode of our Renewal series, we explore the transformative power of the Growth Mindset. Introduced by Dr. Carol Dweck, this concept has revolutionized the way we view challenges, success, and personal growth. Discover how embracing this mindset can lead to deeper self-connection, increased fulfillment, and the drive to achieve more than you ever thought possible. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a dreamer, or someone looking for personal evolution, this episode is your guide to unlocking endless potential.


    SILENCE YOUR INNER CRITIC: Are you ready to dismiss that nagging, unpleasant voice in your head - the one that's forever critiquing and undermining your potential? Download the FREE guide to overcome negative self-talk NOW! https://pages.adriennecrowley.com/silenceyourinnercritic


    Have you ever wanted to start a journaling practice? Visit www.adriennecrowley.com/podcast/019 to get your FREE journal prompt and download your Write & Release workbook to get started today!


    Follow me on Instagram @MissAdrienne_C


    Follow the podcast on Instagram @LiveYourTruthLoveYourLife


    Visit https://www.adriennecrowley.com/shop to find apparel that will enable you to look how you want to feel.


    Subscribe now to "Live Your Truth Love Your Life," and don't forget to leave a review. Your support means the world to me! 🌟

    Life Isn’t A Dance

    Life Isn’t A Dance

    In this episode of Navigate the Day, we dive into the wisdom of the great philosopher Marcus Aurelius and explore how life is more like wrestling than dancing. The famous quote, "The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing because an artful life requires being prepared to meet and withstand sudden and unexpected attacks," serves as our guiding light.

    Aurelius draws a powerful metaphor between life and wrestling, reminding us that life often throws unexpected challenges our way. But instead of being discouraged by these challenges, we should embrace them as opportunities for growth.

    In today's journal prompt, we ponder the question: How ready am I for unexpected attacks? Through introspection, we realize that self-awareness is the key to preparedness. By being mindful of our thoughts, feelings, and actions in the present moment, we equip ourselves to face unforeseen challenges with grace and adaptability.

    We explore the idea that expecting pain and suffering as natural parts of life can fortify our readiness to confront adversity. By acknowledging the inevitability of struggles, we can remain resilient and stay focused on our goals, regardless of the obstacles that arise.

    The episode delves into the importance of building a support network and practicing self-care as essential tools for navigating life's ups and downs. We hear personal anecdotes and stories of growth, highlighting the transformative power of embracing life's unpredictability.

    As we reflect on our journey, we realize that life isn't about avoiding challenges but about developing the strength and adaptability to conquer them. By embracing both the highs and lows, we navigate life's twists and turns with resilience, optimism, and a belief in our own potential.

    Join us in this inspiring episode of Navigate the Day as we learn to approach life as a wrestler, ready to face whatever challenges come our way, and emerge from each experience stronger and wiser than before.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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