

    Explore "discipline" with insightful episodes like "378) Discipline is Destiny: The Path to Growth and Freedom for Financial Leaders", "You Are More Than An Athlete", "La discipline collective : clé de voûte du redressement de l'ASNL ?", "42. Top 4 reasons why you're not making progress on your goals with Myf Galloway" and "E53 : Qu'est-ce qu'un besoin?" from podcasts like ""Banking on Digital Growth", "Athlete 2 Entrepreneur Podcast with Mike Waters", "100% ASNL - FB Sud Lorraine", "Actually, You Can" and "À la hauteur de nos tout-petits"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    378) Discipline is Destiny: The Path to Growth and Freedom for Financial Leaders

    378) Discipline is Destiny: The Path to Growth and Freedom for Financial Leaders

    When you think of the term "discipline," what comes to mind? Is it a constraint or a catalyst for growth? Particularly in challenging times, discipline might be the key for financial brand leaders to elevate themselves, their teams, and their organizations.

    In this episode of the #BehindTheCover series, we Audrey Cannata and I explore "Discipline is Destiny: The Power of Self-Control" by Ryan Holiday, a recommended read for leaders aiming to unlock growth and freedom, not only for themselves but also for those they serve in their financial journeys. Join us as we uncover the pivotal role of discipline in navigating both personal and professional spheres.

    Join us as we discuss:

    -Self-control and fulfillment in a distracted world (2:12)

    -Discipline, attention, and financial freedom (16:43)

    -Community, accountability, and personal growth (40:29)

    You can find this episode and many more by subscribing to Banking on Digital Growth on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here

    You Are More Than An Athlete

    You Are More Than An Athlete
    Welcome to the 'Athlete II Entrepreneur' podcast episode #10! 🎙️

    In this eye-opening solo episode, I dive into the transition from athletics to entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of defining one's identity beyond the field.
    Join me as we explore strategies for personal and professional growth, mirroring the discipline and intensity of legendary athletes like Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan in the business arena. #sports #entrepreneur #athlete #business #personalgrowth

    In this episode, I share insights on: - The correlation between maintaining a competitive, disciplined mindset and success in business. - Strategies for adopting an athlete's mindset in entrepreneurship. - Inspiring anecdotes and practical steps to harness characteristics of top athletes for business growth and personal development.

    🔔 Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more motivational content from 'Athlete II Entrepreneur', and join us in the pursuit of excellence in both sports and business!
    ➡️ Connect with us on social media for exclusive content and updates:

    Instagram: @mikewatersofficial Twitter: @mwatersofficial TikTok: @mikewatersofficial

    La discipline collective : clé de voûte du redressement de l'ASNL ?

    La discipline collective : clé de voûte du redressement de l'ASNL ?
    durée : 00:21:02 - 100% ASNL, La quotidienne - Bien défendre et punir l'adversaire quand il le faut, l'ASNL a fait de cette méthode son point fort : seulement 2 buts encaissés, et 9 marqués, sur la série de six victoires qui est toujours encours. Ce résultat est-il le fait d'une discipline collective bien assimilée ?

    42. Top 4 reasons why you're not making progress on your goals with Myf Galloway

    42. Top 4 reasons why you're not making progress on your goals with Myf Galloway
    Struggling to reach your goals? In this solo episode, I delve into the top 4 reasons I feel people don't achieve their goals.

    Keep these points in mind when creating your goals and use them as a guide throughout the process. Practice vizualisation, know your why, have a plan, be persistent, and put in the work. Do that and you’ll find it's much easier reach your goalsin 2024.


    "By visualizing ourselves achieving the goal and experiencing the emotions and sensations associated with it, we can create a new neural pathway in our brain that makes the goal feel more familiar and achievable." - Myf Galloway
    "It's essential to choose an approach that fits your lifestyle and increases the likelihood of long-term success." - Myf Galloway
    "Discipline is a skill that can be learned regardless of your background or past experiences." - Myf Galloway



    Sign up for my FREE 3-Day Self-Discipline Challenge - 3 days of self-discipline for a more fulfilling and productive life, where you feel in control and can get stuff done here: https://www.myfgalloway.com/self-discipline

    Website: https://www.myfgalloway.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myfgalloway/

    E53 : Qu'est-ce qu'un besoin?

    E53 : Qu'est-ce qu'un besoin?

    Dès les premiers épisodes du balado, les mots de Sarah Hamel ont résonné fort en moi : derrière les comportements «intenses ou dérangeants» des enfants, il se cache souvent un besoin non répondu. Donc, notre rôle comme parent est d'aller voir quel besoin se cache derrière les pleurs ou la crise de bacon. Mais c'est quoi un besoin? Quelle est la différence entre un besoin et un désir? Comment décoder les besoins de nos enfants alors qu'on enfouie parfois nos propres besoins?

    Toutes des questions que j'explore évidemment avec la psychoéducatrice Sarah Hamel et aussi avec mon amie, l'humoriste et thérapeute en relation d'aide Mélanie Ghanimé.

    Un épisode à ne pas manquer et qui sera suivi dès la semaine prochaine de : Comment répondre à nos besoins sans brimer ceux du reste de la famille!

    Pour découvrir les projets de Mélanie Ghanimé son site web
    Les billets pour son spectacle Mixte, mélangeant l'humour et la croissance personnelle, sont en vente.
    Son balado, Mélanie Consulte!
    Et ses réseaux sociaux : Facebook et Instagram

    Ne manquez pas l'actualité de Sarah Hamel et ses formations, via son site web
    Sa page Facebook et Instagram

    Suivez les projets de Meggie Bélanger via Facebook et Instagram

    Ce balado est propulsé par Kaleido



    Saison 3 cover Meggie-4.jpg

    39. 3 Steps to uncover your purpose and direction in 2024 with Myf Galloway

    39. 3 Steps to uncover your purpose and direction in 2024 with Myf Galloway
    Have you ever felt like you don't know what you want or where you're headed in life? If so, this episode of Actually You Can is for you!

    I'll be sharing three steps to help you uncover purpose and direction for your life in 2024. We'll talk about identifying your core values, understanding your motivators and how to set a meanignful direction for your life. Tune in now to start your journey towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life!

    • "Having purpose and direction in life means having a clear understanding of your values and priorities." - Myf Galloway
    • "Your core values are the fundamental beliefs that guide your behavior and decision making." - Myf Galloway
    • "Motivation helps you stay focused, prioritize goals, and maintain a positive attitude." - Myf Galloway
    • "Self-discipline is a valuable skill that helps you overcome resistance and discomfort to achieve long-term goals." - Myf Galloway


    Book your no-cost Discovery & Results Call and learn how to use these tools in your personal situation: https://myfgallowayalignedresults.as.me/?appointmentType=53075579

    Grab your FREE list of 40 Core Values here: https://myfgalloway.ck.page/15194cfb73

    Sign up for my FREE Masterclass - Master the Art of Self-Discipline here: https://www.myfgalloway.com/self-discipline

    Episode 37. Uncovering your authentic self using core values with Andrea JohnsoniTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/37-uncovering-your-authentic-self-using-core-values/id1681883373?i=1000638464937

    Website: https://www.myfgalloway.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myfgalloway/

    Santa baby - Where you at?

    Santa baby - Where you at?
    This episode I'm joined by the amazing Jasmine Garner (we miss her voice!) as we talk about our lackluster holiday spirit in 2023. We talk about our highs and lows of the week and what it means to date in a healthy way.

    Do you like my podcast? if so... please like, review, and share!
    If you listen on Spotify check out the episode polls! I'll also be adding audience polls on IG. Follow us!


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/baggage-claim--5839120/support.

    How Martial Arts Transforms Your Everyday Grit With Jeremy Lesniak

    How Martial Arts Transforms Your Everyday Grit With Jeremy Lesniak

    Martial arts has a variety of benefits that extend outside of the physical fitness and self defense.

    Bullying is discussed in regards to both the school system and in the dojo.All kids need different things to thrive. “The same boiling water that softens the potato, hardens the egg”

    12:00 –How martial arts helps to develop the understanding of boundaries.Boundaries around discipline. Discipline is how you get good at anything. Sticking it out and allowing yourself the time and space to grow into whatever role in question.

    We get bored with the small daily mundane things that compound into eventually meeting your goals. We’re told to do this one small thing 800 times and we don’t feel as though we’re getting anything out of it and then one day something clicks and you realize you’ve leveled up into something different.

    This translates across our lives, just as the martial artist has to do the same kick 3,000x to master it, so do we have to show up to all categories of our lives that many times to truly get what we want out of it.

    A 1% change every day is a 365% change in a year. “More if you compound that interest.” In the beginning it looks like you’re not evening moving. Most often, we notice benefits in hindsight of what we’ve been doing.

    17:45 –Yoga and martial arts have a lot of cross factors. They both teach us lessons we can take out of the studio. For example, if you can allow yourself to sit in a stretch or pose you hate for several minutes, or do 300 kicks in a row, it makes other things in life easier to handle. Suddenly, waiting in lines hurts less. Having patience at work or in traffic is easier.

    We tend to over estimate what we can do in a year and under estimate what we can do in 5, 10, 20 years. The average timeframe for a successful anything is 10 years.

    Martial arts gives us a means to get in touch with ourselves and our limits. It allows us to learn our boundaries, our bodies and what we’re capable of while giving us an outlet for anger and aggression.

    25:45 –

    Movement and wrestling is instinctual and we’re taught to suppress it in schools as children. We mask this urge with food, video games or other things until we become adults who then don’t know how to get back in touch with it.

    Just as animal cubs wrestle to build bonds, explore their own limits and establish an understanding of who one another is, we also need these tools.

    Physical movement and exercise helps our mental health by getting us out of our own heads and into our bodies. Most of the problems we have in our lives are created in our own heads and not even real.

    30:50 –Healthy competition helps you to push yourself to the next level of growth. There is definitely competition out there that is unhealthy and gets taken too far.

    How you do anything is how you do everything. There are no shortcuts. You have to work for what you want. Often we spend too much time looking for shortcuts where there are none when we could have spent that time making progress.

    You can’t get clean enough to never have to take a shower ever again. There’s no meal you can make to never have to eat again. Some things just have to be done over and over.

    Some people torture themselves in a cold shower for the sake of the benefits. Others torture themselves with learning to cook for the sake of the benefits. You have to decide what you want, what benefits you’re looking for and start. There’s probably going to be a certain amount of torture to it.

    36:15 –There’s a huge overlap with people who are into martial arts having their own business. It teaches you the discipline you need to do the things that aren’t fun or comfortable that get you the results in the end.

    There are no secrets. There’s really only 10-20 basics to anything you want to do once you get in there and figure it out. Mastering those basics is all you have to do to succeed. There’s always a deeper level to the basics you think you already understand.

    You have to figure out where your lane is and what seemingly mundane and boring tasks you’re happy to do every single day to build your own success in what it is you want to do/have/be.

    You may have to try a few martial arts forms out before you find the one that’s for you. Tailor it to fit you, your body and your schedule. It is an art form which means it’s malleable.
    About Our Guest:
    Jeremy Lesniak is a lifelong martial artist, with black belts in karate, taekwondo, and Superfoot Kickboxing. Having started very young, his 40+ years of training includes schools all over New England, in a variety of styles. He is also the author of several martial art books as well as the founder of the martial arts lifestyle brand Whistlekick. Through his work with Whistlekick over the past decade, he has taught seminars all over the US, connecting with martial artists of all styles, both in-person and as host of the top-rated podcast, Martial Arts Radio.

    Mastering The Warrior's Mindset

    Mastering The Warrior's Mindset

    🎙️ The Alan Baker Podcast: Mastering The Warrior's Mindset

    Welcome to another riveting episode of the Alan Baker Podcast! In this episode, we're diving deep into the very essence of the warrior's mindset, a concept that transcends ages and cultures. From unwavering discipline to the boldness of courage, Alan Baker guides you through the principles that have shaped warriors across time. Whether you're a student, an entrepreneur, or just someone navigating the challenges of life, these insights are designed to empower you with resilience, focus, and honor.

    🔥 Highlights:

    • The core tenets of the warrior's mindset
    • Understanding adaptability in challenging times
    • Harnessing courage in the face of the unknown
    • The significance of continuous learning and preparedness

    Béatitudes x Isaac Tety : Le calvaire de la discipline ou le déchirement des regrets ?

    Béatitudes x Isaac Tety : Le calvaire de la discipline ou le déchirement des regrets ?

    Dans la vie, y’a les gens qui pensent et les gens qui font. Le monde du sport professionnel est un milieu très difficile d’accès à cause de la concurrence rude mais surtout parce que les efforts nécessaires pour y arriver sont monstrueux.

    Malheureusement, les sportifs de haut niveau ne montrent que très peu tout ce qui se passe « derrière les rideaux », ils affichent uniquement ce qu’ils veulent montrer et en particulier les accomplissements et leur style de vie, ce qui peut altérer la vision de réalité de la vie de ces sportifs.

    Néanmoins, pour réussir, il ne suffit pas d'être bon. Il faut non seulement être très bon, régulier dans son travail et impeccable dans son hygiène de vie, ce qui demande un investissement H24 7/7, ce qu'aujourd'hui peu de personnes peuvent assumer. Alors, la question que l'on peut se poser est la suivante : Suis-je prêt à donner le meilleur de moi-même et à faire des sacrifices pour atteindre mes objectifs ? Ou alors, est-ce que je préfère y renoncer car c'est trop insoutenable, quitte à regretter jusqu'à la fin de mes jours ?

    Le sujet de l'épisode se nomme : "Le calvaire de la discipline ou le déchirement des regrets ?".

    Nous avons eu le plaisir de recevoir Isaac Tety, danseur et mannequin professionnel, qui nous a retracé son parcours sportif depuis sa tendre enfance et nous a parlé avec transparence de sa carrière de danseur professionnel, de son nouveau mode de vie, les moments difficultés qu'il a traversés ainsi que du mental qu'il a dû développer tout au long de sa carrière pour atteindre le haut niveau.

    Vous pouvez retrouver Isaac sur Instagram => @lavivacite

    23. Break old patterns and be, do and have anything you want with Derick Johnson

    23. Break old patterns and be, do and have anything you want with Derick Johnson
    Derick Johnson, a life and fitness coach, shares his personal journey of overcoming childhood trauma and finding success in the military. He emphasizes the importance of staying calm and focused in challenging situations and offers advice for breaking free from negative behavior patterns.

    Derick's approach to coaching involves helping clients identify and eliminate old patterns, allowing them to thrive and achieve their goals. He encourages individuals to take control of their mornings and create a routine that sets them up for success. By eliminating negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, individuals can create a positive mindset and achieve lasting change.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Witnessing and experiencing challenging situations can prepare individuals for life's obstacles and help them develop resilience.
    • Perspective hopping, or zooming out of a situation to gain a different perspective, can help in staying calm and focused.
    • Facing fears and pushing oneself past limits can lead to personal growth and a sense of aliveness.
    • Eliminating negative patterns and replacing them with positive habits can lead to long-term success and fulfillment.
    • Taking control of your morning routine can set the tone for the rest of the day and empower you to handle any situation.
    • "Become the man or woman that you would be proud of and give him or her to the world."
    • "Keep staying calm and staying focused because this is temporary."
    • "If you can face your fears, it can make a major difference in your life."
    • "Everything we need is already within us, but we have all these blockages of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs."
    • "I'm intentional about my day. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm the boss of this thing."
    Like this show? Please leave us a review here – even one sentence helps! Post a screenshot of you listening on Instagram & tag me @myfgalloway so I can thank you personally!



    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myfgalloway/
    Website: https://www.myfgalloway.com/


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitwithderick2/
    Website: https://fitwithderick.com/

    Comment être meilleur que 99% des gens ?

    Comment être meilleur que 99% des gens ?

    Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce qui différencie les 1% des personnes qui semblent exceller dans presque tout ce qu'elles font des 99% restants ?

    Découvrez cet épisode du podcast ALLO GIRLBOSS animé par Justine Roy, alias jutoune sur les réseaux sociaux.

    En tant que fondatrice de Liberté Digitale, la première formation en France qui accompagne les femmes à lancer leur activité en ligne, Justine souhaite partager ses conseils, réussites et échecs pour inspirer et motiver les femmes à devenir de véritables Girl Boss.

    Rejoignez cette aventure d'indépendance et d'épanouissement, et trouvez votre meilleure version.

    Tu peux me retrouver par ici :

    → Mon Instagram : @jutoune

    → Site Web : https://malibertedigitale.com/

    → Regarder la présentation OFFERTE : www.justine-liberte.com/masterclass

    Episode # 268 – Your Discipline Exposes Weaknesses in Others

    Episode # 268 – Your Discipline Exposes Weaknesses in Others
    Michael speaks about how others feel when you get disciplined to make yourself better.

    About the Crushing Your Fear Podcast


    Michael Power is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and the Host of the Crushing Your Fear Podcast and Founder of the Alpha Dad Project. He is also an Entrepreneur who has started multiple revenue generating companies both in the US and Europe. He has learned to conquer Fear through leaving the past behind, learning from it and adopting Gratitude and a Positive outlook for the future. On his Crushing Your Fear Podcast, Michael explains "We live in a Society of Fear. Everywhere we turn, fear is there. Most people we know are affected by fear in one form or another. We ourselves are consumed by fear - we can’t move forward - we won’t take chances – we ’fear' what others may ‘think’ of us - and on and on and on. Enough! There is another way. We explore different areas in society, flush out the manipulation and empower you to overcome fear. Our guests are experts and give you the insight and tools needed to identify and conquer fear. So join us and Crush Your Fear!"

    Michael Power
    Host Crushing Your Fear Podcast

    michael@crushingyourfear.com Website: http://www.crushingyourfear.com/ Instagram: @crushingyourfear Facebook: @crushingyourfear Twitter: @crushingfear Tik Tok: @crushingyourfear Twitter: @michaelpower100 Subscribe to our Podcast! iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crushing-your-fear/id1465751659 Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/craft-beer-storm/crushing-your-fear Blog: https://medium.com/@the_real_michael_power

    Devenez le Boss de Votre Vie : Astuces Infaillibles pour Booster votre Auto-Discipline !

    Devenez le Boss de Votre Vie : Astuces Infaillibles pour Booster votre Auto-Discipline !

    #6 - Dans cet épisode de "Allez, café !", on aborde l'auto-discipline ! 🚀 Découvrez des astuces simples pour garder le cap, éviter les distractions et devenir le boss de votre vie. C'est le boost dont vous avez besoin pour atteindre vos objectifs ! 

    Alors, prenez une tasse de café, installez-vous confortablement et rejoignez-nous pour cette conversation inspirante et motivante !

    E45 Comment faire rimer consignes, discipline et bienveillance ?

    E45 Comment faire rimer consignes, discipline et bienveillance ?

    Quelle est la réaction de votre entourage lorsque vous dites que vous adoptez une parentalité bienveillante ou positive ? Avez-vous reçu des commentaires comme : «bon, tu vas les laisser tout faire! » «Tu vas en faire des enfants rois!» C'est probable lorsque ce concept soit mal compris. On sait aujourd'hui que la discipline et les consignes ont leur place dans la parentalité positive et bienveillante. Mais comment les mettre en place ? Est-ce que chaque consigne sera écoutée par notre enfant ? Comment asseoir notre autorité sans lever le ton et mettre notre enfant en retrait ? Ce sont toutes des questions que Meggie pose à Pénélope Allen, psychoéducatrice et Audrey Sénéchal physiothérapeute.

    Segment coup de cœur

    En segment coup de cœur, Meggie échange avec la populaire coach familial et éducatrice spécialisée, Nancy Doyon afin d'aller encore plus loin. Puisque discipline rime aussi avec le fait de dire non, comment amener les enfants à gérer l’attente? Comment les accompagner à tolérer l'inconfort? Comment pouvons-nous, pour nos enfants, être de meilleurs leaders?

    Visitez le contenu en ligne de Pénélope via son site Web, sa page Facebook ou Instagram

     Visitez le contenu d'Audrey via la clinique Petits PasFacebook ou Instagram

    Il est également possible de consulter le contenu présent sur le site Web de Nancy et visiter sa page Facebook ou Instagram

     Musique et montage : Studio 706  

    Animation : Meggie Bélanger sa page Facebook ou Instagram 

    Ce balado est propulsé par Kaleido, le REEE qui en fait plus!







    Visuel balado Saison 2-41.png

    EP. 48 When you don't feel like it

    EP. 48 When you don't feel like it
    EP 48 When you don’t feel like it.
    In this episode Brian and Amy talk about when you don’t feel like it, how discipline helps keep you on your path or working towards your set goals.
    *Just a heads up there are a couple of harsh words dropped so protect any sensitive ears and hearts!

    Navy Seals Reveal 3 Steps To Achieve Anything You Want EP 1381

    Navy Seals Reveal 3 Steps To Achieve Anything You Want EP 1381

    https://lewishowes.com/mindset - Order a copy of my new book The Greatness Mindset today!

    In today’s masterclass, Former Navy Seals break down the steps to overcoming your limiting beliefs and how you can overcome obstacles to achieve the goals you have in life.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    • David Goggins , Former navy seal and best-selling author, explains how to reframe our mindset in order to achieve our goals.
    • Jocko Willink, Former navy seal describes how we can become better leaders to support those around us, and overcome any self-doubt.
    • Jason Redman, Former navy seal, speaker and author, goes through the process of how to overcome any obstacle that we may face in our lives despite what we have been through.

    Previous Episodes:

    David Goggins - https://link.chtbl.com/715-pod

    Jocko Willink - https://link.chtbl.com/871-pod

    Jason Redman - https://link.chtbl.com/1175-pod

    40. Le pouvoir de l'auto-discipline

    40. Le pouvoir de l'auto-discipline

    Vous avez tendance à vous disperser ? 

    Vous avez du mal à respecter votre planning ? 

    Vous êtes dans la confusion et n’arrivez pas à avancer vers vos objectifs ? 

    Découvrez avec moi le pouvoir de l'auto-discipline et comment contourner ses obstacles.

    🎧 Bonne écoute !


    Si vous souhaitez soutenir ce podcast, vous pouvez contribuer finacièrement  sur la plateforme de financement participatif Tipeee : https://fr.tipeee.com/audacieuse-inspirante/ 


    🌺 Réveillez la femme audacieuse et inspirante qui est en vous ! Réservez votre séance découverte GRATUITE et SANS ENGAGEMENT 

    Création, animation, réalisation et production : Stéphanie Pettinato 

    Musique : Corbyn Kites