
    Guest Series | Dr. Paul Conti: Tools and Protocols for Mental Health

    enSeptember 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Self-Care for Mental HealthTrue self-care involves understanding and navigating our past, present, and future. Processing traumatic experiences and cultivating agency and gratitude are essential for achieving and maintaining mental health.

      True self-care goes beyond pampering oneself or maintaining physical health. It involves constructing a life narrative that allows us to understand and navigate our past, present, and future. Self-awareness is crucial, and it is important to frame our experiences in a way that helps us see what has gone wrong and what has gone right. Dr. Paul Conti emphasizes the importance of processing traumatic experiences and offers various practices like therapy, meditation, and journaling to foster better self-care for our mental health. It is also essential to understand that achieving mental health is an ongoing process, and it involves actively cultivating agency and gratitude in our lives.

    • The Importance of Self-Awareness and Self-Reflection in Mental HealthBy asking important questions about ourselves and actively engaging with the world, we can better navigate challenges, make positive changes, and build resilience for the future.

      Self-care for mental health involves asking important questions about oneself. This goes beyond the traditional ideas of self-care, such as getting enough sleep or avoiding toxic people. It means truly understanding ourselves and our motivations, and being curious about our own thoughts and behaviors. By asking good questions and seeking self-understanding, we can better navigate the challenges that come our way. It is about actively engaging with the world and assessing how we are living our lives. This self-awareness and self-reflection allow us to make positive changes and build resilience for the future. Ultimately, self-care is not just about the present, but also about preparing for the challenges and uncertainties of tomorrow.

    • The Power of Constructing a Life NarrativeReflecting on and sharing our past experiences helps us understand ourselves, make sense of our lives, and establish a roadmap for personal growth. It grounds us, fosters agency, gratitude, and a better understanding of ourselves.

      Constructing a life narrative can have profound benefits. Reflecting on our past experiences and sharing them with trusted others or writing them down helps us learn about ourselves and make sense of our lives. Our emotions shape our narrative, and negative experiences can back map into our lives. Understanding these patterns allows us to ask the right questions and establish a roadmap for personal growth. Journaling or creating files that chronicle our memories and key events helps us orient ourselves in time and exposes truths about ourselves. It grounds us and provides a sense of gratitude for our journey. Ultimately, constructing a life narrative fosters agency, gratitude, and a better understanding of ourselves.

    • The Benefits of Sharing and Self-ReflectionOpening up to trusted individuals and engaging in self-reflection can lead to personal growth, problem-solving, and a better understanding of trauma and our unconscious minds.

      Sharing our thoughts and experiences with a trusted individual can be incredibly beneficial. Often, we fear vulnerability and rejection, but there are usually safe people in our lives who can provide support and understanding. Engaging in activities other than repetitive thinking can also help bring new perspectives and truths to light. Whether it's writing, talking to ourselves, or seeking professional help, these actions activate different parts of our brains and promote problem-solving and self-discovery. Additionally, knowledge is power, and learning about how trauma can impact us or exploring our unconscious minds can lead to tremendous personal growth. While professional help may be necessary in certain cases, starting with self-reflection and seeking out resources can be a valuable starting point.

    • The Power of Self-Inquiry and TherapyThrough self-inquiry and therapy, we create space for our unconscious mind to process our thoughts and emotions, leading to valuable insights, personal growth, and solutions to our problems.

      By allowing ourselves to engage in self-inquiry and therapy, we create space for our unconscious mind to work through our thoughts and emotions. This process can lead to valuable insights and revelations that may not have been accessible to our conscious mind. When we take the time to reflect on our life narrative and experiences, both great and traumatic, we open ourselves up to a sense of peace, contentment, and personal growth. We may even discover solutions to our own problems simply by voicing our thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment. By embracing this inner journey, we can tap into the power of our unconscious mind to bring about positive change and understanding.

    • Embracing discomfort for growth and insights.Self-reflection and therapy help individuals address unresolved traumas, discharge negative energy, and process grief, leading to self-understanding and empowerment.

      Self-reflection and therapy can be challenging and uncomfortable, but they ultimately lead to renewed insights and growth. Many people carry unresolved traumas and conflicts within themselves, unaware of how it affects their well-being. By engaging in self-inquiry and seeking professional help, individuals can begin to discharge negative energy and address their emotions. Through therapy, they may experience moments of sadness, anger, or shame, but these emotional releases are essential for healing and processing grief. It's crucial to let go of guilt and self-blame and acknowledge the role of external factors in difficult situations. This process requires ongoing commitment, just like physical fitness, but it can lead to a sense of self-understanding and empowerment.

    • Balancing self-inquiry and professional help for mental health improvement.Seek professional help when self-inquiry leads to negative emotions, as it can provide guidance and determine the need for additional care. Addressing conflicts is essential for personal growth and well-being.

      Self-inquiry is a powerful tool for understanding ourselves better and improving our mental health. However, it is not always the right answer, especially if we are in a vulnerable or unstable state. If we find that self-inquiry leads us down a path of guilt, shame, or worsening mental health, it is crucial to seek professional help first before engaging in self-inquiry. Seeing a clinician can provide guidance, reassurance, and determine if more care or help is needed. The conflict between gaining self-awareness and the salience of negative thoughts or traumas is something many people face. It's important to address these conflicts and not avoid them, as they often hold the key to our personal growth and well-being.

    • The Power of Unconscious Drives and Self-AwarenessExploring our underlying thoughts and emotions, building self-awareness, and activating qualities like empowerment and gratitude are essential steps for well-being and success.

      When something keeps nagging at our conscious mind, it is likely operating below our conscious awareness. This unconscious drive can have a significant impact on our well-being and success. It is important to explore and address these underlying thoughts and emotions, even if we think we are doing well. Building self-awareness and recognizing our personal narratives are essential steps in this process. By understanding the structure and function of ourselves, represented by the pillars and cupboards of inquiry, we can activate qualities like empowerment and humility. These qualities then become expressed through agency and gratitude, which are active verbs that guide us through life.

    • Creating a Better World through Clarity and EngagementOur choices shape our potential and by prioritizing self-care and cultivating assertiveness, we can experience more happiness and fulfillment, simplifying relationships and building a better life.

      We have the power to make the world a better place by engaging with clarity and actively knowing our role in it. Life is an active process, and within us, there are both deterministic and determined drives that shape our potentials. While genetics may determine some parameters, our choices determine where we fall within that variance. By taking care of ourselves and reinforcing the primacy of our generative drive, we can cultivate assertiveness and engagement, leading to more pleasure and gratification. By optimizing and maximizing our generative drive, we can foster agency and gratitude, empowering ourselves and experiencing peace, contentment, and delight. Approaching the world through agency and gratitude simplifies our relationships and helps us build a healthier and happier life.

    • The Power of Individual Actions in Shaping SocietyOur personal growth, care for our own health, and meaningful connections can create a ripple effect that leads to a more compassionate and empathetic society, fostering fulfillment and happiness. Understanding ourselves helps in building a healthier world.

      Our individual actions have the power to shape the health and well-being of larger groups and even our culture. By focusing on improving ourselves and taking care of our own health, we contribute to the overall health of those around us. This ripple effect can lead to a society that is more compassionate, less punitive, and more empathetic towards the vulnerable. It's important to prioritize relationships based on genuine connection, shared values, and the expression of generosity, drive, and gratitude. Rather than superficial qualities, these deeper aspects of relationships have a greater impact on fulfillment and happiness. Exploring the complex layers of our unconscious mind can provide insights into our behaviors and help us make positive changes in our lives. Ultimately, by understanding and improving ourselves, we can contribute to a healthier and more harmonious world.

    • Unleashing the Powers of the Unconscious MindAddressing unresolved emotional trauma through therapy and self-reflection is like undergoing surgery to drain an abscess, relieving symptoms and promoting personal growth.

      Our unconscious mind can be compared to an abscess in physical medicine. Just like an abscess walls off an infection to protect the body, our unconscious mind may store unresolved emotional trauma that we bury deep down. This can manifest in pervasive symptoms such as low energy, sleep disturbances, and emotional distress. Addressing these issues through therapy and self-reflection is like undergoing surgery to drain the abscess. It may be unpleasant and challenging, but it dissipates the harmful energy and allows us to live a healthier and more fulfilling life. By delving into the unconscious mind, we can understand and resolve these hidden traumas, leading to personal growth and self-empowerment.

    • The Power of Self-ExplorationEmbracing curiosity about ourselves through reflection and examination allows us to challenge negative narratives, uncover the truth about our potential, and make positive changes for personal growth.

      Developing and embracing curiosity about oneself is essential. By exploring our lives through pictures, conversations with others, and reflection on our behaviors and emotions, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. This includes cultivating an observing ego, the ability to stand outside of ourselves and objectively analyze our thoughts and actions without negative emotions. By acknowledging changes in ourselves and questioning our beliefs, we can challenge negative narratives and uncover the truth about our abilities and potential. This process of self-discovery allows for a stronger connection between our conscious and unconscious minds, leading to a greater understanding of defense mechanisms and the ability to make positive changes in our lives. It's important to recognize that looking back and exploring our past is not a sign of weakness, but rather a valuable tool for personal growth and self-improvement.

    • The importance of self-awareness and present moment focusBy being self-aware and focused on the present moment, we can avoid setbacks and make choices that align with our true desires and purpose. Self-inquiry and exploration are valuable tools for improving mental well-being.

      Focusing on our actions in the present moment is key to moving forward effectively. Just like a sprinter who comes out of the blocks too fast, if we don't pay attention to what is behind us, we may stumble and fall in our journey. It's important to understand our limitations and become self-aware in order to avoid rushing forward and experiencing setbacks. Self-inquiry and exploration of the unconscious mind can be immensely valuable in improving our mental well-being and overall functionality in the world. Although it may seem like a detour at times, taking the time to explore and understand ourselves can lead us to a better place. We can approach this exploration through curiosity, questioning our automatic behaviors and values, and bringing them to the conscious mind. By doing so, we can reassess our actions and make choices that align with our true desires and purpose.

    • Reflecting on our actions and priorities for a fulfilling lifeBy questioning our motivations and priorities, we can make conscious choices to redirect negative emotions, prioritize fulfilling activities, and make adjustments in the present based on our values.

      We should reflect on our reasons and motivations for our daily actions. By questioning why we go to work or engage in certain activities, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our conscious choices. This awareness allows us to use tactics like thought redirection to reduce negative emotions and improve overall well-being. Additionally, it's important to recognize the value of our time and energy. We should assess whether our busyness is productive or simply a waste of time, ensuring that we prioritize generative drives that bring us fulfillment and contentment. Rather than trying to predict our future regrets, it is more effective to make adjustments in the present based on our current values and priorities.

    • Shaping a Better Future Through Conscious ChoicesBy focusing on the present moment, understanding our defense mechanisms, and making conscious changes, we can create a positive ripple effect on ourselves and the world.

      Our choices in the present moment shape our future. Life may be complicated and unpredictable, but by focusing on what we can control now, we can create a better future for ourselves. It's important to be aware of our defense mechanisms and understand how they may be impacting our behavior. Reflecting on our coping strategies and exploring our unconscious mind can help us uncover these defense mechanisms. By gaining knowledge about ourselves, we can make conscious changes to our defensive structure, replacing unhealthy branches with healthier ones. This process of self-reflection and growth not only improves our own well-being but also has a positive ripple effect on our character and the world around us.

    • Understanding and Nurturing Our Character StructureTaking responsibility for our growth means accepting and understanding ourselves, while actively caring for and guiding our Character Structure to cultivate a positive and empowered self.

      The Character Structure acts as a nest for our self, containing and defining who we are. It includes conscious and unconscious processes, defense mechanisms, and the unconscious mind. Our self grows within this nest, influenced by our experiences and how we tend to it. It is important to accept and understand ourselves as we are now, but also to take responsibility for nurturing and guiding our growth. Just like tending to a garden, we must weed out negativity and plant healthy seeds. By actively caring for our Character Structure, we can cultivate a self that we are proud of, one that is empowered, humble, and engaged with the world.

    • Nurturing the Whole Self for Overall Well-BeingTaking care of ourselves involves not only tending to our conscious mind but also recognizing the profound impact of our unconscious mind and traumas on our well-being. Foster self-awareness and utilize this knowledge to improve our lives.

      Taking care of ourselves means tending to the whole Structure of Self. Just as a stable iceberg under the surface supports everything on top, our unconscious mind and traumas have a profound impact on our overall well-being. Tending to the garden, or the conscious mind, is crucial, but we must also pay attention to the deeper elements that make up our sense of self. Self-awareness is the foundation, followed by defense mechanisms, salience, behavior, and strivings. Foster self-awareness through self-reflection and understanding the active process of living. By making the unconscious known, we can utilize that knowledge to improve our lives and have agency in the world.

    • Fostering self-awareness and understanding our defense mechanismsBy exploring our narratives and reflecting on our defense mechanisms, we can gain insight into ourselves, make better decisions, and experience personal growth.

      Self-awareness is crucial in understanding ourselves and our actions. By focusing on the reality that we have a physical body and agency in the world, we reinforce self-awareness. Exploring our narratives is another way to foster self-awareness. It's about apprehending the fact that there is an "I" in all our stories and experiences. It's not about the meaning of the narratives, but about the awareness of self. Defense mechanisms, such as sublimation and denial, are unconscious processes that can be understood by directing our conscious mind towards them. By reflecting on our defense mechanisms, we can gain insight into our desires and motivations. Understanding ourselves and our defense mechanisms can lead to better decision-making and personal growth.

    • Recognizing and understanding defense mechanismsReflecting on our actions and patterns can lead to self-awareness and positive change, without necessarily needing to identify the specific defense mechanism at play.

      Recognizing patterns in our behavior can help us identify defense mechanisms at play. We don't always need to verbally identify these defense mechanisms; simply recognizing a maladaptive pattern is enough to prompt change. Understanding the defense mechanism can be helpful, but it's not always necessary. For example, acting out is an unconscious defense mechanism that may manifest in automatic and unconscious behaviors. It's important to differentiate between acting out and intentional bad behavior. By reflecting on our actions and patterns, we can become more self-aware and work towards making positive changes. Exploring the roots of these patterns can help us uncover the unconscious processes that contribute to our defense mechanisms.

    • The Power of Paying Attention to SalienceBy intentionally focusing on what is important and grounding ourselves in the present moment, we can effectively manage anxiety and vulnerability, understand our thoughts and feelings, and nurture our mental well-being.

      Paying attention to salience can help us ground ourselves and change our perception of what's important. This strategy, which involves focusing our visual attention outward or grounding ourselves in the world, can be beneficial in preventing panic attacks and managing feelings of vulnerability. By consciously observing our thoughts and feelings, we can better understand what is going on inside of us and make informed decisions about our mental well-being. This practice can be done in meditative states or by setting aside deliberate time to reflect on our thoughts and attention allocation. Ultimately, paying attention to salience is an effective way to tend to our own personal growth and manage the weeds that may arise in our minds.

    • The Power of Self-Reflection and AwarenessBy taking time to reflect on our behavior patterns, we can break destructive cycles, gain insight and understanding, and make intentional choices that align with our values.

      Self-reflection and awareness are crucial in understanding ourselves and our behavior patterns. It's important to explore how we spend our time and identify what truly works for us individually. Engendering the best use of our conscious minds varies from person to person, and we should focus on what methods or activities help us gain insight and understanding. Reflection allows us to examine both inward and outward aspects of ourselves, acknowledging what is salient and recognizing areas for growth. By reflecting on our behavior patterns, we can break destructive cycles and have greater agency over our actions. This process ultimately leads to a deeper sense of gratitude and the ability to make intentional choices that align with our values.

    • Unleashing the Power of the Unconscious MindBy understanding and addressing the origins of our unconscious behaviors, we can regain control over our actions and behaviors, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

      Our unconscious mind can often take control of our actions and behaviors, metaphorically placing a phantom in the driver's seat while we remain in the backseat. This can lead us to engage in actions or behaviors that we know we shouldn't or don't want to. The key to regaining control is understanding the origins of this phantom and addressing the underlying issues, such as trauma or unhealthy defense mechanisms. By doing so, we can reclaim the driver's seat and take control of our lives. This process of understanding and addressing allows us to have more positive control over our lives and strive towards our ideals of agency and gratitude.

    • Empowerment and Humility: The Key to Self-CareBy empowering ourselves through self-care and embracing humility, we can navigate life with compassion, gratitude, and agency, leading to a healthier and more balanced life.

      Empowerment and humility are crucial components for self-care. Empowerment is a state we create by taking care of ourselves and tending to our wellbeing. It's about having a clear map that empowers us to navigate life and make good choices. On the other hand, humility is not about denying our strengths but acknowledging our true characteristics, both good and bad. It's about being honest with ourselves and striving for self-improvement. By having humility, we develop compassion for ourselves and others, which allows us to navigate life with more ease. These potential states of empowerment and humility transform into active verbs of agency and gratitude, which are ways of being that lead to peace, contentment, and delight. Ultimately, practicing self-care and nurturing these qualities promotes a healthier and more balanced life.

    • Breaking the Boundaries: Overcoming Perceived Limitations for a Balanced LifeBy questioning our perceived limitations and exploring our beliefs, we can overcome self-created barriers and achieve a more fulfilling and balanced life.

      We tend to make ourselves special in certain areas of life, creating a stark contrast between what we can achieve and what seems impossible. We often carve out specific domains, believing that they are inaccessible to us, leading to frustration, anger, and a sense of being cursed. This self-created narrative can cause consternation and imbalance in our lives. It's important to engage in self-inquiry and explore our beliefs about these carve outs. Sometimes, we realize that they make no sense and can be overcome with the same skills we apply to other areas. By questioning our perceived limitations, we can bring our internal self into alignment with our external presentation, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

    • Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Our GoalsWe have the power to navigate through challenges and achieve our goals by utilizing our strengths, seeking inspiration from successful journeys, and surrounding ourselves with supportive people.

      We have the power to overcome challenges and achieve what we want in life. It's important to recognize that even though the ninth road may seem daunting with its boulders and potholes, we have the ability to navigate through it. The first eight roads may not have been easy either, but by bringing ourselves to bear and utilizing our strengths and resources, we can find the courage to face the obstacles on the ninth road. Additionally, surrounding ourselves with supportive and positive people is crucial in our journey. Instead of focusing on examples of those who couldn't overcome similar challenges, we should seek out different examples of successful journeys to inspire and motivate us. Ultimately, our journey becomes better when we have good people accompanying us.

    • The Impact of Relationships and Communities on our JourneySurrounding ourselves with diligent, perceptive, and cooperative individuals who align with our values contributes to our growth and the betterment of society. Online communities, if navigated consciously, can provide strength and reassurance. Managing our anger is crucial for mental well-being and empowerment.

      The people we choose to surround ourselves with greatly impact our journey in life. If we believe we deserve better, we will choose diligent, perceptive, cooperative individuals who align with our values. By seeking out healthy relationships and communities, we contribute to our own growth and the betterment of society. Online communities, despite often being criticized, can provide strength and reassurance for those who feel isolated. Navigating the online world, just like life, requires understanding and making conscious choices. If we actively search for positivity and ways to improve, we will find them. Additionally, understanding and managing our anger is crucial for our mental wellbeing and the wellbeing of the world. Taking the time to work through and process our emotions can ultimately empower and uplift us.

    • Controlling Our Emotions for a Better LifeBy taking care of our well-being and managing our emotions, we can reduce anger and improve our relationships, productivity, and overall contribution to society.

      Our emotions, particularly anger, are not always within our immediate control. Affect, or the arousal of emotions, happens instinctively and without conscious choice. However, in the longer term, we can exert some control over our emotional reactions by taking better care of ourselves and leading a more fulfilling life. When we nurture our well-being, the mechanisms that trigger anger become less potent, and therefore, we experience less anger overall. This is beneficial because anger often leads to negative feelings about ourselves and can cause us to project our emotions onto others. By managing our emotions and cultivating pro-social behaviors, we can become more productive individuals and contribute positively to our relationships, families, and society.

    • Managing Anger in the Age of Social MediaBe intentional with social media usage, avoiding anger-inducing content and prioritizing mental well-being by reducing and appropriately managing anger levels.

      High levels of anger can lead to volatility and confusion, making a person less effective. While lower levels of anger can be healthy and inform our behaviors, excessive anger can be detrimental. The accessibility of social media and online communities exacerbates this issue, as it allows for constant exposure to anger-inducing content. It is crucial to be deliberate in our interactions with social media and the internet, choosing which articles to read and scroll past to avoid unnecessary anger. By reducing anger and maintaining healthier habits, we can operate at more productive and moderate levels of anger. Ultimately, living in the low range of anger is ideal, with occasional rises to moderate levels when faced with distressing circumstances. Understanding and managing anger is essential for maintaining mental health and well-being.

    • Unlocking Our Full Potential Through Self-Exploration and GrowthBy embracing curiosity and striving for personal growth, we can experience empowerment, peace, and deeper connections with ourselves and others, regardless of our current circumstances.

      We all have the potential for empowerment, humility, agency, gratitude, peace, contentment, delight, and a generative drive. It doesn't matter where we currently stand in life or what challenges we face, exploring our inner selves and being curious about life can lead us to all the good things. It doesn't require a lot of resources, but rather a desire to be better, feel better, and do better. This journey of self-discovery and growth is immensely valuable, and it can have a significant impact on our present and future. By embracing these principles and constantly seeking improvement, we can live more fulfilling lives and build stronger connections with ourselves and others.

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    Dr. Matthew Hill: How Cannabis Impacts Health & the Potential Risks

    Dr. Matthew Hill: How Cannabis Impacts Health & the Potential Risks
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Matthew Hill, Ph.D., a professor of cell biology and anatomy at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary and an expert on the biology of cannabis. We discuss how cannabis affects the brain to produce its psychoactive effects (feeling “high”), including altered time perception, focus, memory, appetite, and stress. We discuss how THC vs. cannabidiol (CBD) affects the brain, the effects of different routes of cannabis administration (e.g., smoking, vaping, edibles), high-potency THC, and whether cannabis is addictive. We discuss if there is a link between cannabis use and the development of psychosis, anxiety, bipolar depression, or schizophrenia.  We discuss whether CBD has clinical benefits in regulating stress, promoting sleep, and treating certain diseases. We also discuss if there are real and consistent differences in the biological effects of different cannabis strains, if cannabis impacts hormones, and the uses of cannabis for the management of pain, stress, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and nausea. Listeners of this episode will get an up-to-date understanding of what is currently known about how cannabis affects the brain and body, including both its potential benefits and risks. Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman InsideTracker: https://insidetracker.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Matthew Hill 00:00:00 Sponsors: Eight Sleep, LMNT & BetterHelp 00:07:16 Cannabis, THC, Cannabidiol (CBD), Terpenes 00:12:08 Psychoactive Effects, Cannabis “High”; Time Perception 00:16:55 Cannabis & Brain, CB1 Receptor, Endocannabinoids 00:26:19 Endocannabinoids Types: Anandamide, 2-AG 00:33:46 “Munchies”, Cannabis & Appetite 00:42:17 Sponsor: AG1 00:44:06 THC & Anandamide, Pharmacology 00:52:37 THC & CB1 Receptors, Intoxication & Appetite 00:58:57 Cannabis & Focus, Memory 01:04:09 Routes of Administration, Concentration, Cannabis Research 01:15:12 Self-Regulation, Inhalation & THC, Tolerance; THC Concentrates 01:22:25 Sponsor: InsideTracker 01:23:36 Addiction & Cannabis, Cannabis Use Disorder 01:31:30 Cannabis Legalization & Use, Edibles & ER Visits 01:36:48 Oral Consumption, Edibles, Dosing & Time Course 01:41:12 Drug Testing & Cannabis, Exercise 01:46:04 Cannabis & Hormones, Gynecomastia, Sperm Quality 01:54:37 Cannabis & Pregnancy; Selling Recreational Cannabis 02:04:07 Vaping 02:07:05 Psychosis, Anxiety & Cannabis 02:17:17 Cannabis, Psychosis, Schizophrenia & Genetics 02:30:45 Cannabis Use & Schizophrenia, Manic Bipolar, THC Potency, Nicotine 02:40:37 Schizophrenia, Cannabis Legalization 02:45:06 Cannabis Strains, Indica, Sativa, Subjective Effects & Expectancy Bias 02:57:00 CBD, Pediatric Epilepsy, Adenosine 03:07:22 Entourage Effect; Placebo Effect, CBD & Doses 03:19:12 Cannabis Health Risks, Cardiovascular Risk, Schizophrenia  03:27:08 Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome & Hot Shower 03:31:30 Cannabis Benefits: Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 03:40:18 Cannabis & Anxiety, Anandamide & Stress Response 03:45:55 Scientific Discussion, Clarification & Advancement 03:49:47 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJuly 08, 2024

    How to Improve Skin Health & Appearance

    How to Improve Skin Health & Appearance
    In this episode, I discuss skin health appearance and why both are important indicators of the health status of your immune system, gut microbiome, and other organ systems. I explain why sunlight is essential for skin and hormone health and how excessive sunlight can accelerate skin aging and cause certain skin cancers. I discuss the different types of sunscreens (physical, chemical, and mineral-based) and potential health concerns of the chemicals found in some (but not all) sunscreens. I also discuss the importance of getting your skin (and not just moles) checked for pre-cancerous and cancer growths, the role of nutrition and lifestyle factors that improve skin health and appearance, and how to improve your skin by reducing local and systemic inflammation and supporting your microbiome.  I explain what works to improve your skin's youthfulness and appearance, including reducing wrinkles, sagging, and pore size. I review the data on ingesting (or topically applied) collagen, vitamin C, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, and retinol, and what is known about the use of peptides (e.g., BPC-157, copper peptides) and red and far-red light phototherapies for improving skin health and appearance. I also discuss the causes of acne, rosacea, and psoriasis and explain nutritional, skin care, and prescription-based approaches to treating these common skin conditions. This episode ought to help everyone better understand the biology of the skin and help them make the best possible decisions for their skin health, care, and appearance according to age, goals, and current skin conditions. Access the full show notes, including referenced articles, books, people mentioned, and additional resources at hubermanlab.com. Andrew's New Book Protocols: An Operating Manual for the Human Body: https://protocolsbook.com Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Joovv: https://joovv.com/huberman BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman  ROKA: https://roka.com/huberman  LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman  Timestamps 00:00:00 Skin Health 00:02:59 Sponsors: Joovv, BetterHelp & ROKA  00:07:18 Skin Biology, Skin Layers 00:12:40 Sun Exposure, UV Light & Skin Cancers; Sunscreen 00:19:51 Aging, Sun Exposure, Skin Cancers, Physical Barriers 00:27:24 Sunburn & Skin Cancers 00:30:09 Sponsor: AG1 00:31:58 Vitamin D, Sun Exposure & Sunscreen 00:36:50 Organic (Chemical) Sunscreen & Inorganic (Mineral-Based) Sunscreen 00:49:20 Skin Cancers, Moles, Laser Resurfacing 00:53:59 Sponsor: LMNT 00:55:34 Sun Exposure, Melanoma & Life Expectancy 01:03:13 Tool: Youthful Skin, Collagen & Vitamin C 01:12:55 Peptides, BPC-157, Copper 01:20:58 Tool: Niacinamide (Nicotinamide), Youthful Skin, Dark Spots, Hyaluronic Acid 01:26:25 Tool: Retinol (Retin-A, Tretinoin, Retinyl Esters), Youthful Skin 01:33:07 Tool: Phototherapy, Youthful Skin, Treating Skin Conditions 01:41:10 Tool: Nutrition for Skin Health, Anti-Inflammatory Diets 01:47:54 Highly Processed Foods, Advanced Glycation End Products & Skin Health 01:52:08 Tools: Reduce Inflammation: Gut Microbiome, Sleep, Alcohol, Smoking, Stress 01:58:58 Acne, Hormones & Insulin; Tool: Low Glycemic Diet, Dairy 02:07:26 Tools: Face Cleansing & Acne; Scarring & Popping Pimples 02:13:29 Tool: Treating Rosacea, Alcohol, Skin Care, Nutrition 02:18:31 Stubborn Rosacea, Over Cleansing, Pulsed Dye Laser 02:21:04 Psoriasis Treatment, Immune System & Prescriptions 02:25:24 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJuly 01, 2024

    Dr. Gabrielle Lyon: How to Exercise & Eat for Optimal Health & Longevity

    Dr. Gabrielle Lyon: How to Exercise & Eat for Optimal Health & Longevity
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, D.O., a board-certified physician who did her clinical and research training at Washington University in geriatrics and nutrition. She is also an expert in how diet and exercise impact muscle and whole-body health and longevity. Dr. Lyon is a bestselling author and public educator. We discuss how healthy skeletal muscle promotes longevity, brain health, disease prevention, ideal body composition, and the health of other organs and bodily systems. She makes specific nutritional recommendations for optimal health: what to eat, how much to eat, the timing of meals, the essential need for adequate quality protein (including animal and plant-based options), supplementation, and how our dietary requirements change with age. She explains why specific types of resistance training are essential to build and maintain muscle and overall metabolic health. She also describes how to include resistance training as part of your exercise regimen — regardless of age or sex.  She also provides specific mindset tools to encourage sustained adherence to healthy eating and exercise practices. Women and men of all ages will benefit from Dr. Lyon’s practical, evidence-based protocols to improve muscle and whole-body appearance, function, and health. Access the full show notes, including referenced articles, books, people mentioned, and additional resources at hubermanlab.com. Andrew's New Book Protocols: An Operating Manual for the Human Body: https://protocolsbook.com Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Maui Nui Venison: https://mauinuivenison.com/huberman  Levels: https://levels.link/huberman  Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman InsideTracker: https://insidetracker.com/huberman  Timestamps 00:00:00 Protocols Book; Dr. Gabrielle Lyon 00:03:23 Sponsors: Maui Nui, Levels & Helix Sleep 00:07:40 Skeletal Muscle & Longevity 00:11:25 “Under-muscled”, Leucine & Muscle Health 00:15:55 Muscle Health 00:19:45 Tool: Carbohydrate Consumption & Activity, Glycogen 00:25:14 Tools: Nutrition for Healthy Skeletal Muscle, First Meal 00:31:57 Sponsor: AG1 00:33:46 Quality Protein, Animal & Plant-Based Proteins 00:37:36 Dietary Protein Recommendations, Meal Threshold 00:41:19 Muscle Health & Aging 00:46:02 Supplements & Creatine; Dietary Protein 00:50:07 Tool: Dietary Protein Recommendation; Gout & Cancer Risk 00:52:43 Effects of Dietary Protein & Exercise on Body Composition 01:03:06 Thermic Effects, Protein  01:05:02 Sponsor: InsideTracker 01:06:14 Protein & Satiety, Insulin & Glucose 01:12:04 Tool: Older Adults, Resistance Training & Dietary Protein 01:17:48 Dietary Protein, mTOR & Cancer Risk 01:21:36 Muscle Span & Aging, Sedentary Behaviors 01:24:00 Mixed Meals, Protein Quality, Fiber 01:29:21 Inactivity & Insulin Resistance, Inflammation 01:38:43 Exercise & Myokines, Brain Health & BDNF 01:44:11 Tool: Resistance Training Protocols, Hypertrophy, “High Ground” 01:52:51 High Ground Exercises; Tendon Strength; Training Duration, Blue Zones 01:58:19 Movement, Exercise & Older Adults 02:04:25 Tool: Protein Timing & Resistance Training; VO2 Max, Aging, Blood Work 02:11:13 Supplements: Creatine, Urolithin A, Whey Protein, Fish Oil, Collagen 02:20:18 Fasting, Older Adults; Tool: Meal Timing 02:25:18 Animal Proteins & Dairy; Organ Meats, Vegan; Magnesium, Zinc 02:30:59 Medications & Muscle Health 02:32:49 Obesity & GLP-1 Analogs, Ozempic, Mounjaro, Skeletal Muscle 02:40:48 Benefits of Skeletal Muscle & Aging 02:42:16 Tools: Nutrition & Resistance Training for Muscle Health 02:45:44 Mindset Tools: Standards vs. Goals; Vulnerability Points 02:52:00 Mindset Tools: Neutrality; Health & Worth 03:01:14 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter, Protocols Book Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 24, 2024

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Why Muscle Matters & How to Build It

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Why Muscle Matters & How to Build It
    I'm honored to share Episode 2 of the first season of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. Dr. Andy Galpin is a tenured full professor at California State University, Fullerton, where he co-directs the Center for Sport Performance and leads the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Andy is both a friend and a colleague, and I'm delighted to have assisted in the creation of this podcast. I'm certain you'll both enjoy and learn from it. Season 1 features 10 episodes, airing every Wednesday for 10 weeks. Dr. Galpin will cover everything from building strength, the importance of strength for long-term health, the science of breathing, the benefits of sleep extension, genetic testing for personalized training, and nutrition for injury recovery. While we have Episode 2 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin here, please be sure to subscribe and follow Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin on your preferred platform. Show notes for this episode can be found at performpodcast.com. Timestamps 00:00:00 Introduction from Dr. Andrew Huberman 00:01:06 Skeletal Muscle 00:04:06 Sponsors: Absolute Rest & Momentous 00:07:20 Quantity & Quality; Organ System; Health & Performance 00:12:58 Plasticity, “Look Good, Feel Good, Play Good”; Muscle Types 00:15:46 What is Muscle?, Muscle Fibers, Tendon 00:21:37 Muscle Fiber Number, Hyperplasia, Anabolic Steroids, Age 00:24:03 Myonuclei & Adaptability 00:26:27 Muscle Fiber Types, Variable Muscle Functions 00:32:24 Fiber Type & Lifestyle Factors 00:34:54 Sponsors: David Protein & AG1 00:37:37 Age & Muscle Loss, Slow vs. Fast-Twitch Fibers; Motor Units 00:46:36 Muscle Size vs. Muscle Strength, Quantity vs. Quality 00:50:56 Investigate: Muscle Quantity, Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI) 00:56:21 FFMI, Elite Athletes, Muscle Mass 01:00:59 Muscle Asymmetry; Too Much Muscle Possible? 01:03:49 Interpret: Muscle Mass, FFMI Calculations & Percentiles 01:09:28 Tool: Intervene - Increase Muscle Mass, 72-Hour Rule 01:15:27 Sponsors: Maui Nui & Renaissance Periodization 01:17:51 Investigate: Muscle Quality & 4 Movement Principles 01:23:34 Muscle Quality & 3 Performance Principles  01:26:42 Interpret: Muscle Speed, Age 01:32:45 Muscle Power, Vertical Jump, Broad Jump 01:36:17 Muscle Strength, Powerlifting Elite, Bench Press, Leg Press, Grip Strength 01:44:05 Increasing Strength, Improve Health & Longevity 01:46:44 Tool: Intervene - Improve Muscle Quality, 4 Training Principles, 3-to-5 Rule 01:53:56 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media 01:56:10 Conclusion from Dr. Andrew Huberman Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 19, 2024

    Dr. Zachary Knight: The Science of Hunger & Medications to Combat Obesity

    Dr. Zachary Knight: The Science of Hunger & Medications to Combat Obesity
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Zachary Knight, Ph.D., a professor of physiology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigator. We discuss how the brain controls our sense of hunger, satiety, and thirst. He explains how dopamine levels impact our cravings and eating behavior (amount, food choices, etc) and how we develop and can change our food preferences and adjust how much we need to eat to feel satisfied. We discuss factors that have led to the recent rise in obesity, such as interactions between our genes and the environment and the role of processed foods and food combinations. We also discuss the new class of medications developed for the treatment of obesity and diabetes, including the GLP-1 agonists semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) and tirzepatide (Mounjaro). We discuss how these medications work to promote weight loss, the source of their side effects, and the newer compounds soon to overcome some of those side effects, such as muscle loss. Dr. Knight provides an exceptionally clear explanation for our sense of hunger, thirst, and food cravings that translates to practical knowledge to help listeners better understand their relationship to food, food choices, and meal size to improve their diet and overall health. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman  BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Zachary Knight 00:02:38 Sponsors: BetterHelp, Helix Sleep & Waking Up 00:07:07 Hunger & Timescales 00:11:28 Body Fat, Leptin, Hunger 00:17:51 Leptin Resistance & Obesity 00:20:52 Hunger, Food Foraging & Feeding Behaviors, AgRP Neurons 00:30:26 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:15 Body Weight & Obesity, Genes & POMC Neurons 00:39:54 Obesity, Genetics & Environmental Factors 00:46:05 Whole Foods, Ultra-Processed Foods & Palatability 00:49:32 Increasing Whole Food Consumption, Sensory Specific Satiety & Learning 00:58:55 Calories vs. Macronutrients, Protein & Salt 01:02:23 Sponsor: LMNT 01:03:58 Challenges of Weight Loss: Hunger & Energy Expenditure 01:09:50 GLP-1 Drug Development, Semaglutide, Ozempic, Wegovy 01:19:03 GLP-1 Drugs: Muscle Loss, Appetite Reduction, Nausea 01:23:24 Pharmacologic & Physiologic Effects; GLP-1 Drugs, Additional Positive Effects 01:30:14 GLP-1-Plus Development, Tirzepatide, Mounjaro, AMG 133 01:34:49 Alpha-MSH & Pharmacology 01:40:41 Dopamine, Eating & Context 01:46:01 Dopamine & Learning, Water Content & Food 01:53:23 Salt, Water & Thirst 02:03:27 Hunger vs. Thirst 02:05:46 Dieting, Nutrition & Mindset 02:09:39 Tools: Improving Diet & Limiting Food Intake 02:14:15 Anti-Obesity Drug Development 02:17:03 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 17, 2024

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: How & Why to Strengthen Your Heart & Cardiovascular Fitness

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: How & Why to Strengthen Your Heart & Cardiovascular Fitness
    I'm honored to share the first episode of the new podcast, Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. Dr. Andy Galpin is a tenured full professor at California State University, Fullerton, where he co-directs the Center for Sport Performance and leads the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Andy is both a friend and a colleague, and I’m delighted to have assisted in the creation of this podcast. I'm certain you'll both enjoy and learn from it. Season 1 features 10 episodes, airing every Wednesday for 10 weeks. Dr. Galpin will cover everything from building strength, the importance of strength for long-term health, the science of breathing, the benefits of sleep extension, genetic testing for personalized training, and nutrition for injury recovery. While we have Episode 1 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin here, please be sure to subscribe and follow Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin on your preferred platform. Show notes for this episode can be found at performpodcast.com. Timestamps 00:00:00 Introduction from Dr. Andrew Huberman 00:01:07 Heart 00:03:55 Sponsors: Vitality Blueprint & Rhone 00:07:27 Muscle Types 00:09:54 VO2 max, Health & Mortality 00:15:49 Overall Health, Cardiorespiratory Fitness & All-Cause Mortality 00:25:23 Sponsor: AG1 00:26:54 Disease, Health & Mortality 00:30:02 Cardiac Muscle & Heart 00:38:29 Cardiac Muscle vs. Skeletal Muscle, Cardiac Advantages 00:43:53 Pacemakers & Heart Rate, Vagus Nerve 00:50:35 Why Doesn’t the Heart Get Sore? 00:54:32 Heart & Exercise, Stroke Volume, Ejection Fraction, Cardiac Output 00:59:21 Heart Rate Variability 01:02:41 Sponsors: Momentous & LMNT 01:06:54 Why Do You Breathe?: Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide & Respiratory Rate 01:13:37 Respiratory Rate & Stress 01:15:08 Tool: The “Three I’s”, Investigate: Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, VO2 Max 01:19:53 Tool: Interpretation, Resting Heart Rate & Ranges 01:23:16 Tool: Interpretation: VO2 Max & Ranges 01:30:45 Athletes & Highest VO2 Max Scores 01:35:53 Elite Athletes & Context for VO2 Max Scores 01:41:42 Tool: Intervention, VO2 Max, Varying Exercise Intensities, SAID Principle 01:48:20 Tool: Varying Exercise Intensity; Intervals & Continuous Training; Frequency 01:58:18 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media 01:59:55 Conclusion from Dr. Andrew Huberman Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 12, 2024

    Dr. Jonathan Haidt: How Smartphones & Social Media Impact Mental Health & the Realistic Solutions

    Dr. Jonathan Haidt: How Smartphones & Social Media Impact Mental Health & the Realistic Solutions
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Jonathan Haidt, Ph.D., professor of social psychology at New York University and bestselling author on how technology and culture impact the psychology and health of kids, teens, and adults. We discuss the dramatic rise of suicide, depression, and anxiety as a result of replacing a play-based childhood with smartphones, social media, and video games. He explains how a screen-filled childhood leads to challenges in psychological development that negatively impact learning, resilience, identity, cooperation, and conflict resolution — all of which are crucial skills for future adult relationships and career success. We also discuss how phones and social media impact boys and girls differently and the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of how smartphones alter basic brain plasticity and function.  Dr. Haidt explains his four recommendations for healthier smartphone use in kids, and we discuss how to restore childhood independence and play in the current generation.  This is an important topic for everyone, young or old, parents and teachers, students and families, to be aware of in order to understand the potential mental health toll of smartphone use and to apply tools to foster skill-building and reestablish healthy norms for our kids. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman  Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman AeroPress: https://aeropress.com/huberman Joovv: https://joovv.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Jonathan Haidt 00:02:01 Sponsors: Helix Sleep, AeroPress & Joovv 00:06:23 Great Rewiring of Childhood: Technology, Smartphones & Social Media 00:12:48 Mental Health Trends: Boys, Girls & Smartphones 00:16:26 Smartphone Usage, Play-Based to Phone-Based Childhood 00:20:40 The Tragedy of Losing Play-Based Childhood 00:28:13 Sponsor: AG1 00:30:02 Girls vs. Boys, Interests & Trapping Kids 00:37:31 “Effectance,” Systems & Relationships, Animals 00:41:47 Boys Sexual Development, Dopamine Reinforcement & Pornography 00:49:19 Boys, Courtship, Chivalry & Technology; Gen Z Development 00:55:24 Play & Low-Stakes Mistakes, Video Games & Social Media, Conflict Resolution 00:59:48 Sponsor: LMNT 01:01:23 Social Media, Trolls, Performance 01:06:47 Dynamic Subordination, Hierarchy, Boys 01:10:15 Girls & Perfectionism, Social Media & Performance 01:14:00 Phone-Based Childhood & Brain Development, Critical Periods 01:21:15 Puberty & Sensitive Periods, Culture & Identity 01:23:55 Brain Development & Puberty; Identity; Social Media, Learning & Reward 01:33:37 Tool: 4 Recommendations for Smartphone Use in Kids 01:41:48 Changing Childhood Norms, Policies & Legislature 01:49:13 Summer Camp, Team Sports, Religion, Music 01:54:36 Boredom, Addiction & Smartphones; Tool: “Awe Walks” 02:03:14 Casino Analogy & Ceding Childhood; Social Media Content 02:09:33 Adult Behavior; Tool: Meals & Phones 02:11:45 Regaining Childhood Independence; Tool: Family Groups & Phones 02:16:09 Screens & Future Optimism, Collective Action, KOSA Bill 02:24:52 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 10, 2024

    LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

    LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
    Recently I had the pleasure of hosting a live event in Brisbane, Australia. This event was part of a lecture series called The Brain Body Contract. My favorite part of the evening was the question and answer period, where I had the opportunity to answer questions from the attendees of each event. Included here is the Q&A from our event at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. Sign up to get notified about future events: https://www.hubermanlab.com/events Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman Resources Mentioned Huberman Lab Non-Sleep Deep Rest Protocols Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Matt Walker Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Paul Conti Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Andy Galpin Dr. Becky Kennedy: Protocols for Excellent Parenting & Improving Relationships of All Kinds Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin Timestamps 00:00 Introduction 00:31 Sponsors: AG1 & Eight Sleep 03:48 Nicotine Discussion 07:42 ADHD Management: Tools & Medications 12:43 Sleep Deprivation & Recovery 18:54 Understanding & Addressing Burnout 22:12 Daily Nutrition & Eating Habits 24:40 Understanding Food & Neural Pathways 26:21 The Benefits of Elimination Diets 27:21 Intermittent Fasting & Personal Diet Choices 28:23 Top Health & Fitness Recommendations 30:50 The Value of Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) 33:08 Testosterone Replacement Therapy Insights 38:02 Breathing Techniques for Stress & Focus 41:46 Morning Sunlight & Circadian Rhythms 43:18 Parenting Tips for a Healthy Start 49:03 Final Thoughts & Gratitude Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJune 07, 2024

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/livebrighterwithtara/

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    For More Information: https://www.livebrighter.info/


    Instagram: @livebrighterwithtara https://www.instagram.com/livebrighterwithtara/

    Youtube: @livebrighterwithtara https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBBYAfgbd60bQuYB07ufFPw


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    Don’t miss the action at SUMMIT 2024 – buy your tickets TODAY at https://lewishowes.com/tickets and use promo code GREATNESS for 20% off at checkout.

    In this episode you will learn

    • Why so many women face challenges in love and relationships, and how can they overcome them.
    • The complex feelings of wanting to leave a relationship but feeling stuck, and how to break away from an unhealthy relationship.
    • Martha "BALANCED" acronym for love and relationships, and how this has helped shape Martha & Lewis’s relationship.
    • Discover why choosing someone based on their potential may not be the best approach.
    • Differentiate between accepting someone for who they are and trying to change them. Learn how to build a healthy, conscious relationship based on acceptance and the fundamentals of a thriving partnership.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1554

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    • Setting boundaries around what feels right
    • Creating bonds through sharing struggles
    • Having patience as change happens slowly
    • Relating to primary partners vs. group members
    • Witnessing transformations from negative self-talk
    • Continuing vulnerability practice in daily life





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    117 Unhealthy Relationship Habits People Mistake for 'Being Nice'

    117  Unhealthy Relationship Habits People Mistake for 'Being Nice'
    Listen in on "7 Unhealthy Relationship Habits People Mistake for 'Being Nice'" highlights common mistakes people make in relationships, including not speaking up when hurt, saying yes to unwanted things, blaming oneself for others' failures, trying to save someone who doesn't want to be saved, apologizing unnecessarily, normalizing disrespect and allowing oneself to be used, and prioritizing others over oneself.