
    153. Dealing with difficult family members ft. Alexis Fernandez

    Control issues often arise from personal dissatisfaction and a lack of control in one's own life. By addressing underlying emotions and communicating calmly, conflicts can be resolved more effectively.

    enDecember 19, 2023

    About this Episode

    As the holiday season approaches so does the expectation to start seeing family, including difficult family members who you would rather avoid. In today's episode we are joined by Alexis Fernandez, the host of the show Do You F***ing Mind, to gain a better understanding of how we can navigate those who we may be related to by blood but have a hard time being around, including: 

    • Narcissistic parents and in laws
    • Jealous family members 
    • Family members with political differences 
    • Depressed parents
    • Compulsive liars and gossips
    • Critical and judgemental family members 
    • The argument starters and energy vampires

    We also provide tips for setting boundaries and actually sticking with them, the courage to stand up for yourself, how to have difficult conversations, knowing when enough is enough and how to walk away, alongside much more. As the holiday season approaches, we are sending you love and strength.


    Listen to Do You F*cking Mind with Alexis Fernandez https://bit.ly/dyfm-pod .

    Follow @dyfmpodcast on IG 

    Follow @alexispredez on IG  

    Follow The Psychology of your 20s: https://www.instagram.com/thatpsychologypodcast/ 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    🔑 Key Takeaways

    • Embrace heartbreak as a sacred experience that leads to personal growth and resilience, allowing for self-discovery and new opportunities for improvement.
    • By empathizing and approaching difficult family dynamics with vulnerability, it is possible to foster healthier relationships and navigate challenges during the holiday season.
    • Embrace change, assert independence, and approach discussions with openness and respect to strengthen relationships despite differing beliefs.
    • When dealing with difficult family members, separate their behavior from their struggles, approach with empathy, and prioritize preserving the relationship.
    • Accepting and adapting to change is crucial in all relationships, including with parents. Setting boundaries, showing patience, and recognizing their imperfections can lead to stronger and more resilient connections.
    • Approach the topic gently and encourage self-reflection in your partner by asking thought-provoking questions. Create a safe and non-judgmental environment to navigate the complexities of dating someone with narcissistic parents.
    • Effective communication, addressing behaviors instead of attacking the person, and prioritizing one's own emotions can help maintain a healthy dynamic with in-laws and strengthen the relationship.
    • It is important to set boundaries and observe how others respond, cutting out toxic people if necessary. Prioritize your well-being and surround yourself with respectful and uplifting individuals.
    • Setting clear boundaries and consistently enforcing them is vital for maintaining healthy relationships and self-respect.
    • Setting clear boundaries, having a game plan, and prioritizing those who respect us empowers us to protect our happiness and maintain healthy relationships.
    • Control issues often arise from personal dissatisfaction and a lack of control in one's own life. By addressing underlying emotions and communicating calmly, conflicts can be resolved more effectively.
    • When facing anger or emotional volatility, it is best to remove yourself from the situation, take ownership of your emotions, and communicate when both parties are calm. Empaths should also recognize their boundaries and consider no contact as a last resort.
    • Clearly communicate your needs and boundaries instead of trying to change someone, giving them a chance to make a genuine effort for a healthier connection.
    • Taking a step back from harmful situations, even temporarily, can show others how to treat you and empower you to build a healthier relationship with yourself.

    📝 Podcast Summary

    The transformative power of heartbreak

    In short, one big takeaway from the conversation between Jemma and Alexis is the transformative power of heartbreak. They discussed how going through heartbreak can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of oneself. They emphasized that heartbreak is a sacred experience that can awaken individuals to new perspectives and opportunities for improvement. Through heartbreak, people are forced to confront unfair situations and find ways to move forward without closure or a sense of understanding. This journey builds resilience and teaches individuals how to make peace with themselves and their circumstances. Overall, the takeaway highlights the importance of embracing heartbreak as a learning experience and recognizing its potential for personal development.

    Seeking Understanding in Difficult Family Dynamics

    In dealing with difficult family members and complex family dynamics, it's essential to seek understanding rather than agreement. Toxic behaviors often stem from insecurities, such as feeling overshadowed or threatened by someone new entering the family. By empathizing and approaching the situation with vulnerability, it becomes possible to turn things around and foster healthier relationships. It's important to remember that not all clashes are toxic; some may simply be clashes of the minds. However, when facing genuinely unhealthy dynamics, it's crucial to recognize behaviors like rejection based on differences in beliefs or lifestyles, as well as parents struggling to let go of their adult children. Finding a balance and fostering open communication can help navigate through these challenges during the holiday season.

    Navigating Relationships and Differing Beliefs

    Navigating relationships with family and friends can be challenging when there is resistance to change. Many families struggle to accept that their children are growing up and developing their own identities and boundaries. This friction often arises during the transition into adulthood, when individuals reject the label of being a child and assert their independence. Additionally, differing political beliefs can also cause tension within relationships. It is important to approach these discussions with openness and a willingness to learn from others, rather than seeking arguments or becoming emotionally attached to a political party. Engaging in healthy debates and respecting differing opinions can lead to a better understanding and stronger connections with loved ones.

    Handling difficult people with empathy and patience.

    When dealing with difficult people, it's important to step away from certain topics or arguments that may cause friction or unhealthy debates. Sometimes, it's necessary to pick your battles and manage your expectations around people. It can be challenging when dealing with difficult family members, whether it's due to changes, disagreements, severe behaviors, or personal struggles like depression. In these situations, it's crucial to remember that the person and their struggles are separate entities. By understanding that their behavior may be influenced by their internal suffering, we can approach the relationship with empathy and patience. It's essential to prioritize the preservation of the relationship while recognizing the impact of their struggles on their actions.

    Embracing Change and Evolving Relationships

    All relationships, including those with parents, are constantly evolving. It's important to recognize and accept that change is inevitable, both in ourselves and in others. We should not hold onto the idea that people should never change because evolution is a natural part of life. Instead, we should strive to evolve together and find ways to adapt to each new phase of the relationship. This may require setting boundaries for the sake of our own mental health, while still showing patience and understanding towards our loved ones. It also means seeing our parents as fallible human beings who are learning and growing, just like us. By giving them space to make mistakes, we can build stronger, more resilient relationships.

    Recognizing Narcissistic Parents in Your Partner's Life

    Identifying narcissistic behavior in a partner's parents can be challenging but crucial for a healthy relationship. It's important not to directly accuse someone of having narcissistic parents, but rather ask thought-provoking questions that encourage self-discovery. By gently prompting your partner to reflect on recurring behaviors and instances where they were put in uncomfortable positions, they may start to recognize the narcissistic patterns themselves. Creating a safe and non-judgmental environment for conversation is key. Additionally, refrain from criticizing or insulting your partner's parents, as it can be seen as a personal attack. Remember, understanding and respect play crucial roles in navigating the complexities that come with dating someone with narcissistic parents.

    Navigating Difficult Relationships with In-Laws

    Navigating difficult relationships with in-laws requires careful communication and setting boundaries. It is important to address problematic behaviors rather than attacking the person themselves. By emphasizing the impact on your own feelings and comfort, it can be easier to have these challenging conversations. Criticizing someone's parenting can be particularly sensitive, so approaching the topic delicately while focusing on your own emotions is crucial. Recognizing the innate loyalty to the family we grew up with while prioritizing our partner and future can be a complex balance. Ultimately, open dialogue and assertively asserting boundaries can help create a healthier dynamic with in-laws and maintain a strong foundation for your relationship.

    Establishing boundaries and maintaining independence in difficult family relationships.

    Establishing boundaries and maintaining a sense of independence is crucial when dealing with difficult family relationships. It is important to remember that no one has a ticket into your life for free, and people have to earn their place just as you have to earn yours in someone else's life. If someone is treating you poorly, it is okay to cut them out of your life. Setting boundaries and observing how people respond can reveal their true capabilities and willingness to change. By limiting interactions and giving your all in small doses, you can navigate difficult relationships with less anxiety and stress. Remember to prioritize your well-being and surround yourself with people who respect and uplift you.

    The Importance of Setting and Enforcing Boundaries

    Setting boundaries is essential, even if they may not be immediately respected. It is crucial to vocalize where your limits are, even if there are no consequences to the other person's actions. A boundary is not truly a boundary unless there are consequences for crossing it. It may take time and persistence to enforce boundaries effectively. It can be uncomfortable and challenging, but it is necessary to establish clear boundaries and stick to them. It's important to remember that setting a boundary is more than just expressing an intention to be treated a certain way; it also involves taking action to enforce it. Overall, setting and enforcing boundaries is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and self-respect.

    Setting Boundaries for Healthy Relationships and Well-being

    Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and protecting our own well-being. When we establish a boundary, we need to understand what it will look like if it is crossed and be prepared to take action accordingly. It's important to have a game plan for ourselves and not get caught off guard when a boundary is violated. Removing ourselves from the situation, without making extreme statements or burning bridges, can be an effective response. Furthermore, it's essential to recognize that not everyone deserves our time and energy. Prioritizing those who make us feel comfortable and respected is key. Lastly, identifying and addressing controlling behavior and compulsive lying is crucial for maintaining autonomy and preventing manipulation. Overall, setting boundaries empowers us to protect our own happiness and maintain healthy relationships.

    Understanding the Root of Control Issues

    Control issues often stem from a lack of control in one's own life and a lack of satisfaction. Those who feel out of control in their circumstances may try to control others as a way to feel empowered. This control can manifest in relationships, where individuals become overly controlling and manipulate others. It is a displacement of their own insecurities and a coping mechanism. However, it is important to remember that walking away or expressing oneself calmly and confidently can be a more effective approach than engaging in reactive confrontations. By understanding the underlying emotions behind anger, such as feeling abandoned or rejected, one can navigate conflicts more constructively and open the door to healthier communication.

    Maintaining self-care and emotional intelligence in relationships.

    When faced with anger or emotional volatility in a relationship, it is important to maintain self-care and emotional intelligence. Engaging in a conversation when someone is angry rarely leads to productive communication. It is better to remove yourself from the situation and allow both parties to calm down before discussing the issue. Taking ownership of your emotions and expressing the desire to have a rational conversation when both parties are calm can create a sense of unity. Additionally, it is crucial to recognize the impact of sensitive individuals or empaths who absorb and feel the emotions of others. Knowing when it is time to go no contact with a family member involves exhausting all other options and setting clear boundaries. Open communication can be achieved through various means, including writing letters or notes, and it is not necessary to initiate difficult conversations in person.

    Effective communication and setting boundaries for a healthier relationship

    When facing issues in a relationship, it is important to clearly communicate your needs and boundaries. Trying to change someone's behavior rarely works, and it is essential to accept that fact. Instead, articulate what changes you require and express that if those needs are met, you may be open to trying again. However, it is crucial to recognize that expecting change based on past behavior is unrealistic. By setting clear boundaries and explaining what is necessary for a successful relationship, you are giving the other person a chance to make a genuine effort. While there is no guarantee, this approach allows for the possibility of growth and the potential for a new and healthier connection.

    Prioritizing self-worth and setting boundaries in toxic relationships.

    Making the decision to prioritize your own well-being in a toxic or manipulative relationship can be challenging and requires a deep understanding of oneself. Many people who have grown up in such environments may struggle with their own sense of self-worth and find it difficult to put themselves first. However, it is crucial to recognize that one has the power to teach others how to treat them. Walking away from a harmful situation, even temporarily during important family holidays, can send a clear and powerful message without being aggressive. Your absence speaks louder than words, and making this choice is an empowering first step towards building a healthier relationship with yourself.

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    Listen now! Today's episode is a rerun of Episode 69 whilst Jemma is recovering from a sudden illness. New episodes will be back on Friday, happy listening. 


    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 


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    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    Follow Thais and The Personal Development School on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepersonaldevelopmentschool/?hl=en 



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    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast



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    Study Three: Loneliness, Escapism, and Identification With Media Characters 


    Study Four: The Imposter Phenomenon in High Achieving Women


    Study Five: Effects of Coastal Environment on Well-being 



    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    Business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Follow us on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    4. Water your own grass 
    5. Comparison as a motivator 

    Listen now to learn how you can control your urge to compare yourself to others! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast



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    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Listen now for when you want to maximise your shut eye! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.