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    Explore "newstart" with insightful episodes like "21. On y retourne !", "🔥俄烏戰2.0開啟!為何拜登敢親臨烏克蘭戰場?普丁已騎虎難下 美國敲山震虎 警告中共!「國際調解院」只是中共自我欺騙之「國際烏龍院」!|宋國誠|矢板明夫|【2023年2月22日】", "Diné Adventist Radio Broadcast: 9.18.2022", "Season 2, Episode 19: Pat Chambers" and "#170 - Finding Ourselves in 2022" from podcasts like ""GRAIN.", "新聞大破解", "Diné Adventist Radio", "Back to Life" and "MC Podcasting"" and more!

    Episodes (16)

    21. On y retourne !

    21. On y retourne !

    Après 20 épisodes enregistrés et une pause dans la création des épisodes, j’avais envie de faire un petit bilan de ce que j’ai constaté depuis le lancement du podcast 🔥


    💌 Pour encore plus de ressources qui vous aideront à propulser votre business, rejoignez la newsletter du podcast 

    📸 Découvrez mon travail : www.melodybarabe.fr

    ♥️ Suivez-moi sur Instagram : @melody_barabe

    📸 Photo : Eirin Lebouteiller

    🎶 Jingle : Into the wave

    🔥俄烏戰2.0開啟!為何拜登敢親臨烏克蘭戰場?普丁已騎虎難下 美國敲山震虎 警告中共!「國際調解院」只是中共自我欺騙之「國際烏龍院」!|宋國誠|矢板明夫|【2023年2月22日】

    🔥俄烏戰2.0開啟!為何拜登敢親臨烏克蘭戰場?普丁已騎虎難下 美國敲山震虎 警告中共!「國際調解院」只是中共自我欺騙之「國際烏龍院」!|宋國誠|矢板明夫|【2023年2月22日】
    美中俄大三角,俄烏戰爭一周年前夕,兩大陣營籌備新一波決戰,美歐釋出速戰速決信號,希望年底終結戰爭。 烏克蘭總統警告,如果中共決定支持俄國對烏戰爭,將爆發第三次世界大戰。拜登20日突然訪問烏克蘭,並宣佈50國武器援助,這可能是美國總統第一次踏上沒有美國軍隊存在的外國領土。 21日拜登與普丁各自演說,拜登在波蘭說,烏克蘭屹立不搖、俄軍絕不會戰勝,美國對北約承諾「堅若磐石」。普丁則拋出威脅可能核武試爆,說俄方是「為生存」被迫以武力阻止。 中共似乎兩面三刀,一面對烏克蘭「勸和促談」,一面扣罵美國所謂「三霸」,一面出訪俄羅斯說「堅若磐石」,鋪路習近平訪俄,還拋出所謂「全球安全倡議」,有何圖謀? 俄烏春天激戰,會是終局決戰嗎?如何影響自由陣營、共產專制陣營的對抗?如何影響台灣處境?台灣高層在美國華府國安密談7小時,傳出中華民國總統將出訪美國,與習近平訪俄,美國中共會攤牌對撞嗎? 本次邀請到:政大國際關係研究中心資深研究員 宋國誠、日本資深媒體人 矢板明夫,一同為我們解析,世界重要局勢走向! 00:00 🎯最新國際局勢摘要 02:14 🔥俄烏戰短時間不會結束?目前沒有第三方調解空間?俄烏決戰2.0 拜登訪烏提50國軍援 中共認慫? 19:23 🔥終局決戰?習將訪俄 普丁脅核武試爆 再動員數十萬?俄烏春之戰後眾國拱衛台灣?台美國安密談.總統訪美? 33:18 🔥習談「和平」中共「全球倡議」大重置統戰全球?習近平根本無能進行調停! 47:12 🔥俄烏戰已進入秩序重建期?但自由與專制鬥爭永不會結束?自由陣營中的人民須堅持抵抗決心!只有沒讀好歷史的人 才會重蹈覆轍! #拜登訪烏克蘭 #普丁 #新聞大破解 #俄烏戰 #澤倫斯基 #習近平 #第三次世界大戰 #中國軍援 #敗犬遠吠 #國情咨文 #核武試爆 #NewSTART #核武控制條約 #蔡英文訪美 #台海戰爭 #美台國安會議 #麥卡錫訪台 #英國特拉斯 #提升台灣外交地位 #王毅 #全球安全倡議 #和平統戰 #中共野心 #中共相信自己的大文宣 #國際調解院 #國際烏龍院 #宋國誠 #矢板明夫 ———————— ※以上來賓言論不代表本台立場 #新聞大破解 每週三、五 晚上 10 點更新影片 (台灣時間) 🎯 乾淨世界 ➡️ https://bit.ly/3PYmLl1 🎯 新唐人亞太電視台 APP ➡️ https://bit.ly/3tlw5Hs 社會情勢快速變遷,網路訊息真假難辨,中資媒體炒作,加深社會矛盾。 #新唐人亞太電視台 特別邀請專家來賓破解新聞,讓您快速釐清趨勢動向,掌握國際高度,洞悉真相!

    Diné Adventist Radio Broadcast: 9.18.2022

    Diné Adventist Radio Broadcast: 9.18.2022
    Our Message From the Metal Man Revival Series has concluded, but if you would like to get an audio version of the messages, please call us at 505-427-3536 and request the audio messages.

    LaVida Mission is bringing us our program today! They have a guest speaker, Mary Ellingson who is the director of Mission Creek Outreach Services in South Bend Washington. They have a lifestyle center to help people have a NEWSTART in life! To learn more about there program go to, www.missioncreekchristianschool.com/

    Today she talks about how to live a healthy life!

    N - Nutrition, plant based diet to help manage disease
    E - Exercise, regular exercise helps you to resist diseases and be strong and exercise. It also helps to relieve stress and get better rest!
    W- Water, cleanses you on the outside AND the inside. Drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces per day.
    S - Sunshine, kills germs and prevents mold. Sunshine helps your body make Vitamin D to help you have strong bones.
    T - Temperance, living a balanced life. Use good things in moderation, stay away from harmful things like alcohol.
    A - Air, we can only survive a few short minutes without air. Poor ventilation can cause headaches and tiredness.
    R - Rest or sleep, is essential to helping our body to heal and be healthy. We cannot resist disease without adequate rest.
    T - Trust in God, gives us the missing piece because it gives us fulfillment and hope for the future. God can also intervene in our lives in miraculous ways if we trust in Him! Spend time with Him and experience a relationship with our Creator.

    Kid’s Time: Ms. Katie Chitwood tells us the story about the children of Israel when they broke their promise to God. Even though they messed up, God still forgave them, and He forgives us too!

    Bible Study call us at: 505-427-3536
    Website: https://www.dineadventistradio.com/about
    Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070222355733
    Children’s Bible Study Materials: www.mybiblefirst.org

    Season 2, Episode 19: Pat Chambers

    Season 2, Episode 19: Pat Chambers

    If you’ve ever found yourself in a place of serious struggle, then this Back to Life podcast episode is one you should listen to ! My guest, Pat Chambers, is the head men’s basketball coach for Florida Gulf Coast University. You might know Pat from his years coaching at Villanova, Boston University and then Penn State where he was at for almost 10 years. 

    At the end of his time at Penn State, Pat decided to resign amidst potential career-ending controversy. In this episode, Pat talks about his journey where he went into what he calls a “dark place”. 

    You will hear Pat share ideas on: 

    • How to move through challenges
    • The importance of your Faith and family in your life…and staying connected
    • The power of a strong morning routine
    • His five “pillars of leadership” (all you leaders will love this)

    After listening, you’re 100% going to take a few things away and start experimenting with them on your own journey through life. So whether you're listening on your commute, your workout or a break at work, you are going to enjoy hearing from Pat Chambers. 

    #170 - Finding Ourselves in 2022

    #170 - Finding Ourselves in 2022

    Merry New Year! New Year, same us. In this episode we discuss the positives of a new year, new start. How people try and change who they are (for the better) but also how some people make it impossible for themselves and others to succeed. What do we really need or want to find happiness? And we'll discuss what we want from this new year ... (Man United to be better).

    If you enjoyed the episode feel free to give us a review on any podcast platform. Also, if you have any suggestions on topics you would like to hear us discuss head over to our Instagram page @MCPodcasting and drop us a comment!

    And if you REALLY enjoyed the episode, head over to our YouTube channel @MCEntertainmentTV, were we release new episodes, as well as give our honest reactions to music, comedy and our own movie reviews. 

    Episode 200 | How To Prepare Energetically for 2022 | Solo

    Episode 200 | How To Prepare Energetically for 2022 | Solo
    Happy New Year! On this episode of Authentic Talks, I discuss the following: Why the pause of Authentic Talks, what new with Authentic Talks, my new book -


    Connect with Host:
    Email: Shanta@authentictalks2.com
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/authentictalks2.0withshanta/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachShantaGenerally

    The girls start new jobs!?

    The girls start new jobs!?

    Navigating through your career path can be a struggle in your early 20's especially now given what's happened to the job field during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Kenzie and Clarity talk about starting new jobs during the same week, and how their schedules have changed to fit heading back to work. Listen to Clarity's new career change and Kenzie's new industry and how they're starting this new chapter of their lives, and gets some tips for starting a new job. 

    Podcast #35 - Gratitude for Beginnings Meditation

    Podcast #35 - Gratitude for Beginnings Meditation

    Welcome to 2020. It’s the first day of the new year. It’s the first day of the new decade. And not to be trite, but it is, indeed, the first day of the rest of your life. We love New Years celebrations – and waking up on January first of a new year – because of the possibility they represent. The chance to start over. Begin again. Repair or repent for past mistakes. Move forward.

    On December 30, we did a meditation about gratitude for endings. Today we’re focused in the opposite direction, on gratitude for things just beginning. They may be things we have planned – or spontaneous or unplanned new things that come up this year. Our goal today is to set our minds toward gratefulness for all the new things that 2020 will hold – both the ones we’re already looking forward to, and the ones that may surprise us.

    Say Yes Boldly with G. Brian Benson - TT 037

    Say Yes Boldly with G. Brian Benson - TT 037

    G. Brian Benson is an award-winning and #1 best-selling self-improvement and children’s book author, actor, filmmaker, coach and TEDx speaker. As a 4x Ironman triathlete and cross-country bicyclist, Brian knows the value of hard work and never giving up on his dreams, a message he shares with audiences through each of his creative expressions. Brian’s brand-new book “Habits for Success – Inspired Ideas to Help You Soar” is an Amazon #1 Best-Seller.

    Quote: "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Connect with Brian

    Website: GBrianBenson.com


    To learn more about booking me to speak at your event, please go to 


    If you would like to sponsor the podcast, please send an email to: trinatalk@trinamartin.com 

    Connect with me on Social Media:

    Show hashtag: #TrinaTalk

    Twitter: @TrinaLMartin

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alooktokill/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrinaTalk/





    EP 007 Meet Ellen GUEST Heather Evans Pt. 1 of 3

    EP 007 Meet Ellen GUEST Heather Evans Pt. 1 of 3

    Heather Evans, registered nurse of 30+ years, current hospital administrator and natural health educator breaks down the "8 Laws of Health" in a new three-part series. Evans goes into detail about each law and how these simple principles can be applied daily.  When these natural laws are wholeheartedly incorporated into one's life, healing and health can follow.