
    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Life's Challenges and Embracing GrowthBy embracing our emotions and finding healthy ways to cope, we can find happiness and fearlessness in the face of life's difficulties.

      Life is filled with challenges, bumps in the road, and moments of loss and grief. When faced with these difficult moments, it's important to have a plan to navigate through them and come out on the other side. We can't avoid getting beaten up by life, but we can choose how we respond to these challenges. Instead of retreating and shrinking, we can choose to approach loss and grief with a different perspective. Rather than turning inward into depression and self-destructive behaviors, we can choose to embrace the messy emotions and find ways to heal and grow. It's not just about what we eat, but also about what's eating us. By being mindful of our emotions and finding healthy ways to cope and heal, we can find wholeness, happiness, and fearlessness in the face of life's difficulties.

    • Embracing Grief: A Path to Healing and Living FullyAvoiding grief only prolongs suffering; facing and processing it is essential for healing and living fully.

      Avoiding grief only prolongs and intensifies our pain and suffering. Kris Carr and Mark Hyman both discovered this firsthand during challenging times in their lives. Kris Carr realized that by suppressing her grief over her father's terminal cancer, she was actually preventing herself from healing and finding relief. Similarly, Mark Hyman buried his grief and loss, only to have it resurface during a time of multiple personal challenges. Both individuals experienced profound healing when they allowed themselves to fully embrace their grief and go through the difficult emotions. This teaches us that facing and processing grief is essential for our well-being and can ultimately lead to light and a path towards living fully.

    • Normalizing Grief and Embracing EmotionsBy viewing our emotions as valuable information, we can navigate grief more effectively and prioritize self-care for our emotional well-being.

      We need to normalize the experience of grief and embrace our emotions rather than suppressing them. In our society, which is often phobic towards messy emotions, it is common to walk around clueless about how to navigate the storms of grief. However, just as we learn about our liver's functions and care for it, we should view our emotions as information and get curious about them. By adopting a wellness detective mindset, we can ask ourselves what our emotions are here to teach us and listen to the answers. This approach allows us to forgive ourselves when we make mistakes and discover ways to tend to our emotions so that we can feel better. It is time to prioritize education and understanding of our internal emotional, psychological, and spiritual worlds.

    • Embracing Emotions for Personal Growth and Well-being.Understanding and navigating emotions is crucial for personal growth. Learning emotional intelligence early in life leads to better interactions and a more authentic and fulfilling life.

      Emotions play a crucial role in our lives, and understanding and navigating them is essential for personal growth and well-being. This is highlighted by the example of a school that prioritizes emotional intelligence and teaches students how to relate to others, practice kindness, and have constructive conversations. Learning these skills earlier in life can have a profound impact on how we interact with ourselves and the world around us. Society often limits us to accepting only certain emotions, but embracing the full spectrum of emotions allows for a richer, more fulfilling life. Additionally, when we avoid or smush down big emotions like grief, past trauma, rage, and shame, they tend to resurface and affect us in unexpected ways. By facing these emotions head-on, we can begin to heal and grow. Ultimately, embracing our emotions and learning to dance with them can lead us to becoming better humans and living more authentic lives.

    • Healing through Emotional Trauma and Seeking SupportAcknowledging and processing emotions, building a support system, and addressing emotional wounds can lead to transformative experiences, increased happiness, and improved well-being.

      Addressing emotional trauma and seeking support are essential for healing and overall well-being. Kris Carr emphasizes the importance of acknowledging our emotions and finding healthy ways to process them, as suppressing them can lead to destructive behaviors and negative outcomes. She highlights the significance of building a support system, just as we would when managing our physical health. Mark Hyman shares his personal experience of delving into his childhood trauma and discovering the profound relief that comes from facing and releasing deep-seated pain. This highlights the power of emotional healing and its potential to bring about transformative experiences. By addressing emotional wounds and seeking support, we can navigate through anxiety and depression, ultimately finding greater happiness and vitality.

    • Understanding and Managing Stress and Emotions for Better HealthRecognizing and accepting emotions like fear and anxiety is crucial in coping and healing, as they profoundly impact our physical health.

      Living in a constant state of stress and heightened alertness does significant damage to our bodies. Our immune system, hormones, adrenals, and resilience all suffer. The problem is that we don't know how to navigate out of this state. We struggle to understand and manage emotions like fear, anxiety, and depression that are so prevalent. By learning to recognize and understand these emotions, we can better navigate through them and come out stronger on the other side. It's important to realize that these emotions have a profound impact on our physical health as well. By acknowledging and accepting fear and anxiety as normal and necessary responses, we can begin to find ways to cope and heal.

    • Prioritizing Joy for Overall Well-beingAcknowledge and work through emotions, find practical ways to experience and process them to prevent illness or negative impact. Even in difficult times, joy can be a transformative medicine.

      Prioritizing joy can have a powerful impact on our overall well-being, even during difficult times. Kris Carr and Mark Hyman highlight the importance of being present in the moment and acknowledging our emotions. Instead of trying to avoid or suppress them, we must work through them and find practical ways to experience and process them. By doing so, we can prevent these emotions from manifesting as illness or negatively impacting our lives. Additionally, both Carr and Hyman emphasize the transformative power of joy. Despite facing trials and tribulations, it is possible to navigate them and still find joy in life. Joy can be a powerful medicine for our mental, physical, and emotional well-being, and should be prioritized, even in challenging situations.

    • Prioritizing Joy and Embracing Life's Golden MomentsLive life to the fullest, cherish the present, and seek support to navigate challenges, as emotional well-being is unique to each individual.

      It is crucial to prioritize joy and make the most of every day. Instead of waiting for retirement or putting off activities that bring joy, we should embrace the present and create golden moments now. Kris Carr's father's advice to make your golden years now serves as a powerful reminder to live life to the fullest and not take time for granted. It's not about the quantity of time, but the quality of experiences we have. Additionally, seeking support, whether through therapy, workshops, or friends, can help navigate difficult emotions and challenges that arise throughout life. Ultimately, everyone's path to emotional well-being may differ, and it's important to find what works best for each individual.

    • Prioritize mindful self-care and lower expectations during difficult times.Focus on self-care by optimizing diet, thoughts, rest, and stress reduction, but remember to be mindful and lower the bar to create space for healing and self-care.

      During difficult times, it's important to focus on self-care and lower our expectations of ourselves. As Mark Hyman and Kris Carr discuss, many of us turn to unhealthy habits like drinking or overeating as a way to cope, but these actions can actually worsen our mental health. Instead, Carr suggests doubling down on mindful self-care practices, such as optimizing our diet, thoughts, rest, and stress reduction. However, she emphasizes the importance of being mindful rather than striving for perfection. It's okay to lower the bar and prioritize what we can handle in the present moment. By doing so, we can create more space for healing and self-care, especially if we are already stretched thin as caregivers.

    • Practical Wellness Practices for Challenging TimesLowering the bar and focusing on small, achievable actions can help improve emotional wellbeing and navigate difficult circumstances effectively.

      During challenging times, it's important to establish simple daily practices that can help change our state and support our emotional wellbeing. Whether going through a divorce, personal diagnosis, loss, or job termination, it's normal to experience a lack of motivation or overwhelming emotions. Lowering the bar and focusing on small, achievable actions can make a significant difference. For example, committing to drinking water, making a quick and nutritious smoothie, or taking a short walk can provide physical and emotional benefits. By incorporating practical wellness practices into our lives, we can strengthen our overall wellbeing and navigate difficult circumstances more effectively. Learning how to change our state through these practices can help release stress and promote healing.

    • Embracing Emotions for a Balanced LifeAcknowledging and expressing emotions, along with simple practices and tools, can improve emotional well-being and strengthen relationships during challenging times.

      It is important to acknowledge and express our emotions. Our emotions can become stagnant and hinder our ability to navigate difficult situations. It is crucial to break free from this state and learn simple practices and tools to help us overcome challenges. This includes paying attention to what we eat, drink, and think, as well as how we rest and renew ourselves. By implementing these practical strategies, we can improve our emotional well-being and develop a better relationship with our feelings. Additionally, being honest with ourselves and others about our emotions creates deeper connections and allows for support and understanding during tough times.

    • Embracing the Mystery of Life and Finding Treasures Along the WayStay open to the unknown and actively seek moments of hope and possibility. Embrace the cracks in life, as they can lead to growth and a deeper connection with ourselves and those who have passed.

      Finding moments of hope and possibility can provide comfort and strengthen our faith in the unknown. Kris Carr's experience with her father's passing and the subsequent signs she received emphasized the importance of staying open to the mystery of life and embracing the treasures that come our way. By making life a treasure hunt and actively looking for signs that we are in a loving universe, we can maintain a connection with those who have passed and continue to live fully aligned with our true selves. This may involve letting go of certain things and embracing the cracks in our lives, as they often lead to growth and the next level of our emotional and spiritual evolution.

    • Embracing Emotions: A Path to Healing and FreedomBy acknowledging and seeking support for our difficult emotions, we can find relief from suffering and build the foundation for a fulfilling life, free from the fear of pain.

      Burying our pain and avoiding our emotions only leads to more pain. It may seem paradoxical, but by facing our grief, loss, and difficult feelings head-on and seeking support, we actually alleviate our suffering. Instead of trying to escape or numb our emotions, we should see them as invitations to delve deeper into our experiences. Just like climbing a mountain, the journey may be challenging, but once we reach the other side, we often feel lighter and freer. It's essential to give ourselves grace and compassion throughout this process, understanding that it is the groundwork for creating the lives we truly desire. While we may never completely be free of pain, we can break free from the fear of it and live more fully.

    Recent Episodes from The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D.

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    Nourish Your Brain with These Powerful Superfoods
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Harness the power of nutrition for a healthier, sharper mind. In this episode of "The Doctor's Farmacy," I explore the science behind five remarkable superfoods that can sharpen your mental acuity, rejuvenate your brain, and safeguard against neurodegenerative diseases. Plus, I share actionable tips to seamlessly integrate these brain-boosting foods into your daily diet, enhancing your cognitive function and overall well-being. This episode is brought to you by Rupa University, Essentia, and Momentous. Rupa University is hosting FREE classes and bootcamps for healthcare providers who want to learn more about Functional Medicine testing. Sign up at RupaUniversity.com. Enjoy an extra $100 off your organic mattress purchase with code HYMAN at checkout on Essentia's site. Visit MyEssentia.com/DrMarkHyman for more details. Head over to LiveMomentous.com/Mark for 20% off creatine, collagen, and all of their best-in-class products.

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    Maria Shriver's Journey: Redefining Women's Health and Alzheimer's Prevention
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    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Approximately 1.2 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes each year​. Understanding the complex nature of this disease is crucial to tackling this widespread health issue. Award-winning science and health journalist Gary Taubes joins me to delve into the history of diabetes and modern treatment options. Together, we explore the use of ketogenic diets, the impact of drugs like Ozempic, and the need to reassess our approach to diabetes management.  In this episode, we discuss: The evolution of diabetes treatment Assumptions about diabetes and the influence of dietary choices The role of calorie intake and exercise in diabetes management The limitations of current drugs used to treat diabetes Clinical trials and their impact on our understanding of diet and health The choice between drug therapy and dietary changes in managing diabetes Join us to discover how bias and ingrained beliefs can obstruct progress in understanding how to treat this chronic illness. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Pique, and BIOptimizers.  Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com.  Enjoy Pique's Sun Goddess Matcha. Just head over to piquelife.com/hyman with code HYMAN for 15% off + Right now, get up to 15% off + a complimentary beaker and rechargeable frother.  Tackle an overlooked root cause of stress with Magnesium Breakthrough. Visit BIOptimizers.com/Hyman and use code HYMAN10 to save 10%.

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    Mastering Your Metabolism: Expert Advice You Need
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    Functional Medicine Psychiatry – Getting to the Root Cause of Mental Illness

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    Brain Food: The Top Foods for Mental Wellness

    Brain Food: The Top Foods for Mental Wellness
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal We often hear about food in the context of physical health, but food is very tied to emotional and mental health, too. The growing field of nutritional psychiatry is shedding light on this profound connection between food and mood, and how what we eat impacts everything from anxiety and depression to ADHD and more. In this episode, Dr. Hyman speaks with Max Lugavere and Dr. Uma Naidoo about the best foods to eat to support your brain and the beautiful symphony between what you eat, your gut microbiome, and cognitive function. This episode is brought to you by Rupa University, ButcherBox, and Cymbiotika. Rupa University is hosting FREE classes and bootcamps for healthcare providers who want to learn more about Functional Medicine testing. Sign up at RupaUniversity.com. ButcherBox is giving new members two pounds of wild-caught salmon for FREE plus $20 off. Visit ButcherBox.com/Farmacy and use code FARMACY. Upgrade your supplement routine with Cymbiotika. Get 20% off with free shipping on all orders. Head to Cymbiotika.com and use code HYMAN.

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    Michael Todd is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Damaged but Not Destroyed, Relationship Goals and Crazy Faith and is the lead pastor of Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with over 5,000 people in physical attendance and over 250,000 viewers live online every week. With a 6.3M+ and growing social following, Todd speaks at a variety of influential churches, events, and conferences each year, including Elevation Church, C3 Conference, Lakewood Church, VOUS Conference, Relentless Church, XO Conference, and has been featured on many prominent media outlets such as The Today Show, Fox & Friends, Forbes, Ebony, The 700 Club, and the Tamron Hall Show. He and his wife, Natalie, have been married since 2010 and live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with their four beautiful children: their daughters, Isabella, Ava, and Gia, and their son, Michael Jr. Learn more at iammiketodd.com.

    Buy his book: Damaged but Not Destroyed

    In this episode you will learn,

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Here are some key takeaways from the podcast interview with Daniel Packard:

    - Anxiety does not originate in the mind as commonly believed, but in the body's nervous system. When the nervous system is neglected and becomes fragile, it releases pain and anxiety.

    - The root cause of anxiety is not taking proper daily care of the nervous system over time. We are not taught nervous system hygiene like dental hygiene.

    - Anxiety can be solved in 6-8 weeks by taking the nervous system through a proven step-by-step repair process. This rebuilds trust and safety within yourself. 

    - Daniel created a successful program and company based on getting results. Clients only pay when the program works and anxiety is eliminated.

    - The program uses repetition of customized exercises 4 times per day to accumulate positive changes quickly. An app tracks progress.

    - Other issues like depression, OCD, and fear can improve by calming the nervous system. Depression may take longer to fully resolve.

    - Daniel aims to spread this understanding and solutions globally. It can help various fields and institutions plagued by rising anxiety.

    - Skepticism is understandable given the novel approach. But the program's success rate and payment terms allow risk-free trying.


    The main focus is conveying Daniel's effective solution for anxiety.



    Daniel FB: https://www.facebook.com/daniel.packard.info

    Daniel Website: https://www.danielpackard.com/




    Show Notes:

    • Mindfulness and grounding with a special guest. 0:03

    • Beekeeping, mindfulness, and personal identity. 3:26

    • Bee communication and meditation. 8:25

    • Meditation, energy shifts, and interspecies communication. 13:25

    • Energy, frequency, and vibration in everyday life. 16:01

    • Meditation, energy, and vibrations. 20:46

    • Meditation, energy healing, and personal growth. 26:26




    Kara shares with us a very raw and personal story of her journey to energy healing and how she got into becoming a Reiki master and release expert.

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    IG: @karmic.kara

    FB Group: Being Karmic: The Spiritually Empowered Woman


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