
    The 3 Critical Building Blocks of All Life-Long Relationships EP 1475

    enJuly 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Cultivating Collaboration and Visionary Leadership in a Creative IndustrySuccessful leadership in a creative industry requires fostering a culture of openness, transparency, and collaboration, while also balancing the roles of problem solver and manager. A visionary leader can have a significant impact on the success of a creative endeavor.

      Leadership in a creative industry requires not only technical expertise but also the ability to foster collaboration and manage relationships. Ed Catmull, the co-founder of Pixar, emphasized the importance of creating a culture of openness and transparency, where breakthroughs are shared and a sense of community is fostered. He recognized the challenge of bringing together brilliant creatives and ensuring they worked well together over a long period of time. Additionally, Catmull acknowledged that as a leader, he had to balance his role as a problem solver and a manager. This conversation highlights the significance of visionary leadership and the impact it can have on the success of a creative endeavor.

    • Embracing innovation and inclusivity for success in the film industry.Learning from mistakes, embracing new technology, valuing employees, and maintaining a culture of continuous improvement are key factors for success in the film industry.

      Ed Catmull and his team at Lucasfilm faced various challenges and had to learn from their mistakes. They realized the importance of innovation and embracing new technology in the film industry, which eventually led to their success. Catmull acknowledged that not everything they tried was successful, but they held onto the things that worked and were open to trying new approaches. They also recognized the value of treating all employees as equals and valuing their contributions, regardless of their role or skill set. By maintaining a culture of continuous improvement and inclusivity, they were able to achieve high-quality results and gain the trust and support of their customers.

    • The Importance of Constructive Communication and Self-Awareness in Working with Influential FiguresConstructive communication, self-awareness, and the ability to challenge ideas are essential when working with influential figures, as demonstrated by Ed Catmull's positive working relationship with Steve Jobs at Pixar.

      Steve Jobs acquired Pixar in 1986, despite his controversial reputation and questionable choices in the past. Ed Catmull, one of the founders of Pixar, had a positive working relationship with Jobs and never had an argument with him. Catmull recognized that he couldn't think as fast as Jobs, so instead of debating him, he would take time to think about his responses and present them later. Sometimes, Jobs would agree with Catmull's points, leading to a resolution. Other times, they wouldn't reach a conclusion, and Catmull would proceed with his own decision. This highlights the importance of constructive communication, self-awareness, and the ability to challenge ideas, even with influential figures.

    • Embracing Change and Admitting When You're WrongSteve Job's recognition of the importance of embracing change and admitting mistakes led to Pixar's success by prioritizing showcasing the impact and potential of their technology over immediate public listing.

      Steve Jobs understood the importance of admitting when you're wrong and embracing change. He recognized that winning arguments was not the goal, but rather reaching the truth quickly. Despite his powerful personality, he learned that his superpowers could hinder the discovery process. One example of this was when Pixar went public in 1995, with the success of Toy Story just a week before. Instead of going public immediately, Jobs insisted on showing the world the impact and potential of their new technology before the IPO. This strategy proved successful as reviewers focused more on the movie itself rather than the groundbreaking technology behind it. Pixar's ability to tap into the human mind and create emotional connections through their animations has been a result of a combination of luck and the talented group that initially came together.

    • Embracing the Skills and Talents of Others for SuccessValuing and welcoming the skills and talents of others, even those who may be smarter, is crucial for success. Collaborative efforts and attention to detail are essential for achieving goals.

      Hiring the very best and being open to hiring individuals who are smarter than oneself is crucial for success. Ed Catmull emphasized the importance of not being threatened by the skills and talents of one's employees, but instead valuing their extraordinary abilities. This was evident in the formation of an amazing group of individuals at Pixar who had surpassed Catmull's own understanding of technology and filmmaking. Despite their lack of experience in making feature films, their collaboration and commitment to figuring things out led to their success. Additionally, Catmull highlighted the significance of paying attention to the subtle elements, such as lighting and color, in conveying emotions effectively. Ultimately, creating a cohesive and collaborative environment is essential for a team's success.

    • Embracing failure as a stepping stone to success at Pixar.Failure is viewed as a learning opportunity at Pixar, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment where individuals can take risks and push boundaries for the company's success.

      Failure is an integral part of the creative process at Pixar. Ed Catmull, one of the founders of Pixar, shares that failure is not seen as a negative outcome, but rather as an opportunity to learn and iterate. While failures are expected and accepted, they are not explicitly labeled as such within the organization. Instead, the focus is on solving problems and finding solutions. The team at Pixar maintains a supportive and collaborative environment, where individuals feel confident in taking risks and pushing boundaries. However, when the team starts losing confidence in a leader's ability to guide them, major changes may be necessary. Surviving and learning from failure can be emotionally challenging, but those who persevere become invaluable contributors to the company's success.

    • The delicate balance of storytelling in film.Building the visuals and developing the story go hand in hand. It's important to find the right balance between visuals and storytelling to create a compelling and engaging movie.

      Storytelling in film is a delicate balance between building the visuals and developing the story. The process involves creating characters, backgrounds, and animation while constantly making adjustments to the story. It's necessary to start making parts of the movie even though the story may not be fully complete yet. Sometimes, scenes or ideas may need to be discarded, which can be costly. The challenge lies in finding the right balance between visuals and storytelling. In the case discussed, the movie faced challenges with the characters and the flow of the story. However, by introducing the concept of a figment of imagination and killing off a character, the filmmakers were able to resolve these issues and improve the storytelling and pacing of the movie.

    • Connecting Emotions and Challenging Stereotypes: The Power of Authentic Storytelling in MoviesThrough in-depth research and a commitment to authenticity, filmmakers can create powerful and emotional movies that challenge biases and stereotypes, provoking unexpected emotional reactions from audiences.

      Creating a powerful and emotional movie involves connecting to personal emotions while also introducing something new and original. In the case of movies like Coco and Ratatouille, the filmmakers went above and beyond to capture the essence of different cultures. They immersed themselves in Mexican villages and spent time in high-end restaurants, gaining a deep understanding of the people and their traditions. By showcasing the Day of the Dead in Coco and the culinary world in Ratatouille, they successfully challenged biases and stereotypes. This dedication to research and authenticity resonates with audiences, provoking unexpected emotional reactions. The rewarding moments for filmmakers like Ed Catmull come when viewers are genuinely surprised and moved by the unexpected depth of the storytelling.

    • Cultural Details and Emotional Depth in MoviesAttention to cultural details and emotional depth in films not only shows respect for different cultures and traditions but also enhances the emotional impact on audiences. Authenticity and meaningful storytelling can create a powerful connection between characters and viewers.

      Attention to cultural details and emotional depth can greatly impact a movie's success. Ed Catmull highlights the importance of accurately representing different cultures, even if the majority of audiences may not notice or appreciate the differences. This shows respect for the people and traditions being portrayed. Additionally, the emotional impact of a film can be enhanced through meaningful storytelling. The example of the movie "Coco" demonstrates how a simple song can hold deep significance and connect characters across generations. The conversation further emphasizes the need for studios to find their own unique approach to filmmaking instead of simply following the industry norm. By focusing on authenticity and emotional resonance, films can create a powerful impact on audiences.

    • The importance of teamwork and passion in the film creation process.In film creation, having a small team that can switch between ideas, finding good writers, and choosing the most passionate idea leads to growth and success.

      When creating a film, it is important to have a small team that can switch between different ideas if they get stuck. The development department's role is to support this small group by finding good writers who can join the team. The creative leadership of the company then listens to pitches from the team and selects the idea they want to pursue. It is not necessarily about choosing the "best" idea, but rather the one the team is most passionate about. Throughout the process, the original concept may change dramatically, but that is expected as the goal is to learn and grow. Ultimately, the decision on which idea to pick relies on the passion and expertise of the individuals involved.

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    Sign up for Zoe:  https://zoe.com/willb

    See Zoe’s METHOD Randomized Control Trial results: https://zoe.com/our-science

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Sign up for Dean's life-changing event!

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    • The pivotal role of the stories we tell ourselves, and how shifting these narratives can help uncover one's true purpose.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1540

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    • Why you must face the shadows and look at what you fear in order to learn from it, surrender, trust and go to the next level.
    • Why transforming your relationship with money is the key to learning how to surrender to get to the next level.
    • How can one be certain that what they desire is what is in their highest good.
    • How to start listening to yourself and stop stepping out of integrity with yourself.
    • How to tell if you’re seeking Fool’s gold versus the real gold.
    • How to create the right spiritual practice for you to uniquely nourish your soul and receive answers.

    For the full episode & show notes, visit https://christieturley.com/podcast-46/


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