    Search podcasts and episodes


    Explore " parenting" with insightful episodes like "092. Underestimated with Chelsey Goodan", "Ep #118: Building Stronger Connections with Your Kids in Our Digital Age", "Why Having Kids is Wonderful!", "Postpartum Expectations" and "Baby Names: The Sequel" from podcasts like ""10 for Teens + Tweens", "Balanced Working Moms Podcast", "A For Effort", "Beyond the Routine" and "A For Effort"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    092. Underestimated with Chelsey Goodan

    092. Underestimated with Chelsey Goodan

    I’m excited to share my interview with Chelsey Goodan, author of this book, “Underestimated: The Wisdom and Power of Teenage Girls.”

    One quick note: this book was written about teen girls and is geared toward them and their parents. While our interview doesn’t discuss anything sensitive in detail, tween listeners should keep that in mind.

    Chelsey's book shares teen girls' collective wisdom on topics like perfectionism, sexuality, people pleasing, identity, friends, self-doubt, the media, beauty, shame, and power. It is a much-needed resource for today's parents and teen girls.

    A full transcript of our conversation is available in the 10 for Teens + Tweens Ep. 092 show notes on EmpowerfulGirls.com.

    Connect with Chelsea and check out her books:

    Ep #118: Building Stronger Connections with Your Kids in Our Digital Age

    Ep #118: Building Stronger Connections with Your Kids in Our Digital Age

    Is it hard connecting with your kids in this digital age?  You're not alone. Many moms share the struggle of building relationships when their kids are constantly busy with screens. In this episode we talk about practical tips to help you establish healthy boundaries with technology, so you can create strong and lasting family bonds.

    • Get the Free Course - How to Find Work/Life Balance as a Working Mom (Even Though It Feels Like a Unicorn 🦄 That Doesn’t Exist!)
    • Join the Facebook community group for a regular dose of support and encouragement

    • For support or to find out more about being coached, send Rina an email at rina@balancedworkingmoms.com

    Connect with Rina:
    Blog - balancedworkingmoms.com
    Community - balancedworkingmomscommunity
    Facebook - balancedworkingmoms
    Pinterest - rinameushaw

    Stock Media provided by TrendingMusic / Pond

    Why Having Kids is Wonderful!

    Why Having Kids is Wonderful!

    And this time we actually mean it! There is minimal sarcasm in this episode as we, your hosts, with the help of you, the listeners, sell everyone else on why having kids is so wonderful. If you’re on the fence, we hope this episode gets you off the fence and over to our side of the yard. We got more fun toys over here anyway…


    • Sponsored by Mariah Carey's unofficial holiday anthem and the real MVP of December.
    • Diving into the most wonderful time of the year: the holidays and parenting.

    Segment 1: The Comedy of Parenting Origins

    • Origin story: the podcast's birth from a mission to counter the unintentional birth control narratives.
    • An encounter with a neighbor reinforcing the societal skepticism around parenting.

    Segment 2: Parental Wonders According to Listeners

    1. Watching Cartoons Sans Judgment:
      • Escaping the adult judgment zone by diving into kids' movies.
      • Because who doesn't want to know every word to every Descendants song?
    2. Unexpected Collections:
      • The unintentional joy of collecting rocks, buttons, and rubber bands.
      • An unintentional "collector" title passed down from the in-laws – who knew?
    3. Handy Diapers and Wipes:
      • The eternal love affair with wipes, the superheroes of cleaning.
      • DM for a damp wipe package from Santa – the unsung hero of cleanliness.
    4. Perfect Excuses:
      • Mastering the art of using kids as the ultimate excuses.
      • Late nights? Sorry, gotta put the kids to bed! Sick kid? Instant pass on everything – no questions asked.

    Segment 3: Creating Holiday Magic and Other Laughs

    • Becoming holiday magicians, adding it to the resume ASAP.
    • Selling points for having kids, including driving the minivan yacht and exploring uncharted territories in stores.

    Segment 4: Unwritten Perks and Quirky Submissions

    • The unspoken perks of having kids – jumping lines, free ice cream, and discounts at the barber.
    • Listener submissions: avoiding jobs, not feeling the pressure to be rich, and the deep realization that kids help us become our best selves. Deep, right?

    Segment 5: Serious Moments and Real Parenting Perks (But Still Funny)

    • Acknowledging serious perks with a humorous twist.
    • Kids' motivating energy levels – the driving force for staying fit (and playing at the playground).
    • A built-in audience for jokes, even when they don't land. Because someone's gotta laugh.
    • The hilarious world of misused words and phrases by kids – a language only parents understand.
    • Embracing the forgiveness of children – even for dinner disasters that aren't just burning food.


    • Celebrating the absurdly wonderful aspects of parenting beyond the chaos.
    • Urging a shift in focus from the challenges to the countless ridiculous perks.
    • Wishing listeners a holiday season filled with unexpected laughs and parenting triumphs.


    • Episode maintains a humorous and playful tone, emphasizing the comedic side of parenting and encouraging listeners to share their own laugh-out-loud moments.

    Postpartum Expectations

    Postpartum Expectations

    In this solo episode, Betina shares her postpartum experiences after having two children and dives into the expectations woman put on themselves after delivering a baby. She covers the various stages of postpartum, the mindset of many women during the postpartum period, and what returning to exercise should look like. Betina closes by offering advice to new parents about working out and breastfeeding. 

    Have questions for Betina & Nic? Email the show at contact@beyondtheroutinepodcast.com for a chance to have your question answered on a future episode. 

    Follow us on Instagram: @beyondtheroutinepodcast

    Visit us beyondtheroutinepodcast.com

    Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Beyond the Routine hosts Betina and Nic Shimonek and their guests. Views and opinions expressed in the podcast are their own and should not be taken as medical advice. The podcast content is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions. 


    Have questions for Betina & Nic? Email the show at contact@beyondtheroutinepodcast.com for a chance to have your question answered on a future episode. 

    Follow us on Instagram: @beyondtheroutinepodcast

    Visit us beyondtheroutinepodcast.com

    Disclaimer: This podcast represents the opinions of Beyond the Routine hosts Betina and Nic Shimonek and their guests. Views and opinions expressed in the podcast are their own and should not be taken as medical advice. The podcast content is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions. 

    Baby Names: The Sequel

    Baby Names: The Sequel

    Thank heaven for Megan and her always pleasant and kind commentary on life in general. She is the jelly to Amanda’s sticky, sticky feelings when it comes to baby names. It’s not that hard, people, just pick something tried and true. But apparently it’s not that easy and Megan is here to support your choice of naming your kid Averly Aftonly. 

    Ep #110: What is Work-Life Integration And Is It Better Than Balance?

    Ep #110: What is Work-Life Integration And Is It Better Than Balance?

    Have you ever heard the term Work-Life Integration? It’s a newer term that’s buzzing around and growing popular. If you haven’t heard it before, you’ll probably hear it soon. In this episode we talk about what is and why it can be more realistic than Work-Life Balance.

    Connect with Rina:
    Blog - balancedworkingmoms.com
    Community - balancedworkingmomscommunity
    Facebook - balancedworkingmoms
    Pinterest - rinameushaw

    Stock Media provided by TrendingMusic / Pond

    Motherhood and Yoga with Lauren Biese

    Motherhood and Yoga with Lauren Biese

    An honest testimonial, motherhood, and yoga with Lauren a guest you may remember from Season 1 That Entrepreneur show.

    Lauren’s journey with a rare autoimmune disease inspired her to go back to school and complete the Health Coach Training Program at Duke Integrative Medicine. Lauren is also Yoga Teacher who has been teaching for over a decade. 

    She is now training to become a certified Yoga Therapist. Her latest (and favorite) role is being a Mom to her son Maddox. 

    Other areas of discussion:

    • Self-reflection
    • Finding more mental health tools
    • Mental health & motherhood
    • Yoga Nidra
    • Finding community in tough times

    Link to her episode on That Entrepreneur Show - January 24, 2020: https://thatentrepreneurshow.buzzsprout.com/737252/2533069-follow-your-yoga-passion-to-being-a-ceo

    Follow along for this week's spotlight story here: https://www.nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog/January-2018/Motherhood-and-Your-Mental-Health 

    Learn more about the show at www.VincentALanci.com.

    Adventure by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden
    Happy | https://soundcloud.com/morning-kuli

    Brought to you by Tampa Counseling and Wellness- Dedicated to helping individuals looking to positively transform their lives through compassionate counseling and wellness coaching. If you struggle with depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, call now for a free consultation. 1 813 520 2807

    79: 炸梅菜猪肉饺子

    79: 炸梅菜猪肉饺子

    Facebook Post Link: https://www.facebook.com/love972fm/photos/a.218818928136035/4255463684471519/

    《靓妈厨房粉tastic》: 粉樱分享社区养生导师 https://www.facebook.com/carol.lim.1441 Aunty Carol 提供的《麻油鸡》食谱。

    错过了粉樱的烹饪节目或想重温过去的节目,可以到 MeListen,收听“靓妈厨房粉Tastic" 的 Podcast:

    想订 Aunty Carol 的食谱书,请点击网址了解 :




    1. 梅菜干 一 50克

    2. 五花肉 一 30O克

    3. 饺子皮 一 1包

    4. 蒜蓉 一 20克

    5. 薑蓉 一 20克

    6. 胡椒粉 一1茶匙

    7. 酱清 一 5毫升

    8. 麻油 一 15毫升

    9. 料理酒 一 15毫升

    10. 黑糖 一 1茶匙

    11. 蚝油 一 10毫升

    12. 玉米油 一 530毫升(30毫升用来炒肉、500毫升炸饺子用)


    1. 梅菜干洗净后泡30分钟,至到不咸为止。

    2. 五花肉洗净后切成小丁块后加入胡椒粉,醬清,麻油和料理酒搅拌均匀待用。

    3. 热锅下30毫升的玉米油后加入腌好的肉丁翻抄五分钟再加入蒜蓉与薑蓉继续抄香后並加梅菜、黑糖和蚝油后继续抄入味便可 (全程只用10分钟)。

    做法2 - 包饺子和炸饺子

    1. 把1小匙抄好的梅菜肉馅放入1片饺子皮中对半折包起 ,照样的把全部包完 (造型隨人喜欢,只要皮不破不露馅都可以)

    2. 热锅下500毫升的玉米油,待油热后下包好的饺子炸至金黄色就0K了


    Credit Recipe: Carol Lim
    Credit Program Producer: Violet FenYing Love 972FM

    Working Moms: Career or Motherhood | الأم العاملة: حياة مهنية أو أمومة

    Working Moms: Career or Motherhood | الأم العاملة: حياة مهنية أو أمومة

    Working mothers are subject to "the maternal bias," which is the conscious or unconscious perception that a working mother cannot be effective in both career and motherhood.

    When a mother excels at work, people wonder how she manages to do so while simultaneously being effective at home. When a mother excels as a parent, others may assume she does not thrive at work. This bias has the potential to be undermining and demoralizing.

    Moms can respond to these challenges effectively by practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and communicating their needs to their partners or supportive family and friends. They can also discuss their difficulties with their children. Working mothers confront additional challenges in terms of their mental health and jobs. And, while these challenges are numerous, the benefits to employment, including financial rewards, meaning, community, and a sense of contribution drive moms to continue in their career and thrive. However, moms sometimes need to redefine their own expectations and priorities. After all, children don't want ideal mothers; they want mothers who love them.

    During this episode we are welcoming Ghazal Baghdadi, an educational Consultant, Founder of “علمتني كنز” and an activist in the support of women and children. She will speak about her experiences as a mother and a successful entrepreneur, as well as how she managed and balanced her job and motherhood. 

    Special أم
    Parenting podcast directed to all mothers who speak arabic, discussing all parenting...

    Listen on: Apple Podcasts   Spotify

    Seasonal Parenting: Kids and Tweens

    Seasonal Parenting: Kids and Tweens

    Today we're talking to two moms who are in the throes of the kid and tween years! And we're talking everything from this season’s new-found independence, to new hobbies as a family, to how to help these kids know who they are. It's a conversation that covers a lot of ground, but hopefully it will leave you feeling encouraged about having kids and tweens yourself!

    I Took A Little Trip To Poland And It Was Pretty Rad

    I Took A Little Trip To Poland And It Was Pretty Rad

    #weeklypodcast #podcastshow #backyardsandbevvies #backyards #bevvies #bottomsup #midweektreat #marriage #comedy #parenting #life #drama #interview #friends

    00:00 Welcome to Backyards & Bevvies Podcast

    00:11 Better Help #ad

    01:40 We are starting this one a little differently…

    05:00 I don’t want to do audio again

    10:00 He is an actor

    15:00 Taxis everywhere

    20:00 Back to the hotel

    25:00 There were more at the first…

    30:00 Each tour comes with its own

    35:00 There is lots of hardship

    38:00 Cheers & Bottoms UP!!

    Make Simple Things In Life Special Again

    Make Simple Things In Life Special Again

    #weeklypodcast #podcastshow #backyardsandbevvies #backyards #bevvies #bottomsup #midweektreat #marriage #comedy #parenting #life #drama #interview #friends

    00:00 Welcome to Backyards & Bevvies Podcast

    00:11 Better Help #ad

    01:40 Hello from the BACKYARD… FINALLY

    05:00 Changing your perspective

    10:00 Either we have a… or a…

    15:00 Can’t wait for that hour commute

    20:00 Everybody wants…

    25:00 Make it special again

    30:00 Cheers & BOTTOMS UP!!!

    EP68: To Forgive or Not to Forgive with Lisa Jones

    EP68: To Forgive or Not to Forgive with Lisa Jones

    Listen to crime victims' advocate Lisa Jones as she shares why accountability and justice hold relevance in the search for forgiveness. This episode will give you an idea of how the justice system works, a people's struggle for healing, and how we can head into a future with a lesser crime rate. Learn from the victims' pain and be part of making changes toward a secure society from her inspiring story!

    Key takeaways to listen for

    • The role and relevance of victim advocates in the society
    • Benefits of having psychological therapy and counseling
    • How anger and bitterness keep people from healing and recovery
    • Downsides of cultural myths on masculinity
    • The value of parenting in developing a child’s future state
    • Solutions to keep people from committing criminal offenses 

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode

    Connect With Us

    Master your context with real results leadership training!
    To learn more, visit our website at www.greatsummit.com.
    For tax, bookkeeping, or accounting help, contact Dr. Nate’s team at www.theincometaxcenter.com or send an email to info@theincometaxcenter.com.

    Follow Dr. Nate on His Social Media

    Being Blind Parents Part 1

    Being Blind Parents Part 1

    In this episode Nadir and Yadira discuss the struggles of being blind parents and we are not taliking about the parenting aspect. Yadira speaks about her pregnancy with Abdallah, a life threatening event she experienced while pregnant, and the prejudice and mistreatment they unexpectedly received due to their disability.








    A conversation with Intuitive Wealth Creator, Coco Dee

    A conversation with Intuitive Wealth Creator, Coco Dee

    Coco is a Tahitian-born, French-speaking, straight-talking Aussie - who has lived many lives. She coins herself as an Astro Economist and an Intuitive Wealth Creator.

    From a corporate career and self-made property multi-millionaire in her twenties to taking over her failing family business and learning how to come back from losing all said millions (because of my ego and guilt!) in her thirties.

    Business is her bread and butter. But her lifeblood? Is seeing incredible women grow in their business journey and overcome their old stories and paradigms. If you’re looking for a place to bring the work to the woo and make the inner work the every day, grab yourself a carton of chocolate coconut water and get to know her. 

    She is now the owner and shareholder of multiple businesses and her mission is for women and young girls all over the world to gain basic financial literacy.  

    You can find Coco on 

    Instagram: @iamcocodee ; Facebook - iamcocodee ; www.coralinedufroux.com ; YouTube 
    And dear listener here's Coco's FREE course, called Wealthy Women Win 


    Your hosts of Are You Waiting for Permission? are Meridith Grundei and Joseph Bennett. They're friends, co-hosts, actors, improvisers, and coaches. She lives in NYC and coaches actors, business professionals, and presenters to fully engage with their audience, and themselves. She also mentors young actors and directors. He lives in San Miguel de Allende, México, and  coaches artists and other creative beings about the beautiful business of art — and life. 

    You can find Meridith: Meridith Grundei the performer artist gal. Or if you are looking to be a more confident and credible speaker, please reach out to Meridith here at Meridith Grundei Coaching

    You can find Joseph at Joseph Bennett the artist/coach extraordinaire

    *Special thanks to Amy Shelley and Gary Grundei of high fiction for letting us use their music for the Are You Waiting for Permission? podcast.

    And... while the podcast is free, it's not cheap. We'd be thrilled to have your support on PATREON

    Thank you. 

    Drinking Games Go Great With Sports

    Drinking Games Go Great With Sports

    #weeklypodcast #podcastshow #backyardsandbevvies #backyards #bevvies #bottomsup #midweektreat #marriage #comedy #parenting #life #drama #interview #friends

    00:00 Welcome to Backyards & Bevvies Podcast

    00:11 Better Help #ad

    01:40 Hello B&B Friends!! Sports are BACK!!

    07:55 You were asked to play rugby 

    17:25 Hockey with the boss!

    26:45 We drank every weekend…

    36:50 Waterfalls! UGH!

    45:46 It will be hard for me to get mad at..

    49:23 Cheers & Bottoms UP!

    What Do Brothers Osborne, Motorcycles And A Home Studio Have In Common?

    What Do Brothers Osborne, Motorcycles And A Home Studio Have In Common?

    PK sits down with his buddy Logan who is not just a monitor guy to one of country music's hottest duos, Brothers Osborne, but he loves to fix up vintage things. Yes, things! He loves old motorcycles, old vintage radio equipment and even old homes. Ok maybe the first two, a little more than an old home, but come listen to this great conversation about how he got to Nashville and has built up a home studio from old equipment that was about ready to find its final resting place. 

    Check out this album from Logan https://linktr.ee/interkinekt?utm_source=linktree_profile_share&ltsid=148f52ec-5ecc-4b94-ba3a-887692497467

    #weeklypodcast #podcastshow #backyardsandbevvies #backyards #bevvies #bottomsup #midweektreat #marriage #comedy #parenting #life #drama #interview #friends

    00:00 Welcome to Backyards & Bevvies Podcast

    00:11 Better Help #ad

    01:40 Hello Logan

    05:17 My wife is all about the weather

    11:11 How is looks and How it rides

    20:05 Old Indian Motorcycles out west

    29:41 In the BoyScouts we shot bows…

    38:56 You have a template set…

    49:55 I remember being around your confidence

    59:33 Refurbished pieces of gear

    1:07:14 Fix it in the field

    1:15:16 I have done that my whole life

    1:22:05 Cheers & Bottoms UP!

    City vs. Suburbs vs. Rural Living

    City vs. Suburbs vs. Rural Living

    So you're looking to move your family, eh?? No idea where to go?? Fear not, Brave Caregiver. We are about to lay out all the pros and cons of each locale. We may or may not have given way too much love and attention to the city.... but don't let that sway you. The golden fields of wheat of rural lands may also call you... and wherever you land, we'll send you a "house warming" gift.