
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Individual Differences: A Journey of Self-DiscoveryUnderstanding and embracing individual differences can lead to the discovery of personal strengths and passions, paving the way for a fulfilling and unique life path.

      Jason Karp's childhood experiences shaped his interests and behavior. Growing up with undiagnosed ADHD and various health issues, Karp struggled to fit in and excel in traditional school settings. However, his unique challenges led him to discover his passion for tennis, as it accommodated his physical coordination differences. Despite facing risks and dangerous situations, such as being shot with a pellet gun, Karp became more drawn to risk-taking activities, particularly those involving firearms and fire. Eventually, he found a way to distance himself from negative influences and pursue his own path. This highlights the importance of understanding and embracing individual differences, as they can lead to the discovery of personal strengths and passions.

    • Exploring Games, Quotes, and WisdomEmbracing failure and learning from others can shape our perspective and open us up to valuable knowledge and experiences.

      Jason Karp had a fascination with games, chance, and probabilities from a young age. He found solace and predictability in games, whether it was video games or card games. He was determined to deconstruct the mechanics of games and discover their weaknesses. Jason's interest in games also led him to a love for quotes, as they condensed wisdom into short passages. He found inspiration in quotes that taught him about learning from others and embracing failure. This mindset shaped his perspective on the world, making him open to the knowledge and experiences that people, regardless of their background or status, can offer.

    • Overcoming Challenges and Recognizing PotentialThe impact of influential individuals and personal self-discoveries can lead to personal growth and success, even in the face of insecurities.

      Jason Karp's journey in life took a significant turn due to a few impactful moments and individuals. His exposure to quotes from Churchill and Roosevelt shaped his mindset about failure, perseverance, and overcoming challenges. However, it was his high school teachers who recognized his potential and helped him realize his own greatness. They provided him with tools and guidance, telling him that he had untapped potential. Additionally, Karp's realization of his unique brain functioning, specifically his ADHD, allowed him to understand his strengths and weaknesses better. By finding ways to make studying interesting and applying hyperfocus to less intriguing subjects, he achieved remarkable academic improvement. These experiences ignited Karp's interest in self-improvement and productivity, leading to his admission to Wharton, despite his initial insecurities.

    • Seizing Unexpected Opportunities: A Path to Transformative OutcomesEmbrace unforeseen opportunities and defy expectations to unlock personal growth and achieve success.

      Unforeseen opportunities can have a significant impact on one's life trajectory. Jason's chance encounter with a squash player led him to discover a passion for the sport and pursue it despite discouragement. This decision not only allowed him to join the team but also exposed him to a higher level of education, as he had to take the challenging Wharton version of econ. Surprisingly, Jason excelled in this subject, gaining recognition and boosting his confidence. This experience taught him the power of perseverance and defying others' expectations. It motivated him to create a new version of himself, determined to overcome his insecurities and achieve success. Thus, seizing unexpected opportunities and pushing beyond perceived limitations can lead to transformative outcomes.

    • Jason Karp's Journey to Self-Discovery and SuccessBelief in oneself, combined with strategic thinking and decision-making, can lead to personal growth and achievement in various aspects of life.

      Jason Karp struggled with the need to be accepted and successful, which led him to reinvent himself in college. He focused on dominating and excelling in everything he did, sacrificing a good time and even developing an alter ego. However, a pivotal moment came when he wanted to quit the squash team to pursue his academic goals, but the coach and his mentor believed in him and convinced him to stick with it. This belief in his potential when he didn't believe in himself made a significant impact on him. Additionally, Jason learned about decision-making through a unique class that combined philosophy, chess, and games of chance. This class taught him the importance of considering multiple moves and strategies to make better decisions in life and business.

    • Positioning in chess and life for success.Strategic positioning is essential in both chess and life to handle any situation and take advantage of opportunities while balancing expected value and intangible aspects.

      Positioning is crucial in both chess and life. In chess, the concept of positional chess has become dominant, where players strategically position their pieces to handle any situation that arises, whether it's making attacking moves or defending against unexpected moves. Similarly, in life, being well-positioned is key to success. Instead of trying to predict the future or maximize the present moment, exceptional individuals focus on putting themselves in a position to take advantage of opportunities and master their circumstances. This applies to decision-making, relationships, and overall life choices. However, it's important to strike a balance and not overly prioritize expected value optimization, as neglecting intangible aspects can lead to negative consequences.

    • The Consequences of Excessive Ambition and Relentless Self-ImprovementSuccess should not come at the expense of one's health and relationships. Balancing ambition and self-care is crucial in maintaining overall well-being and avoiding long-term negative consequences.

      Excessive ambition and a relentless pursuit of self-improvement can lead to serious consequences. Jason Karp's story serves as a cautionary tale for those who believe they can push their limits without consequence. His relentless drive to excel in various areas of his life, including academics, sports, and work, resulted in him neglecting his health and personal connections. By sacrificing exercise, sleep, and social interaction, Karp's physical and mental well-being began to deteriorate. This serves as a reminder that success should not come at the cost of one's health, relationships, and overall quality of life. It emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between ambition and self-care, as neglecting the latter can have long-term consequences.

    • Jason Karp's Journey to Holistic Healing and Challenging Medical Beliefs.Exploring alternative approaches to healing can lead to surprising results, challenging conventional medical beliefs and highlighting the importance of personalized, comprehensive care.

      Jason Karp's traumatic experience of losing his vision led him to question the limitations of Western medicine and explore alternative approaches to healing. He delved into the field of functional medicine, which focuses on addressing the root causes of diseases instead of just treating symptoms. Through extensive research and experimentation, Karp discovered the potential connection between his eye disease and his skin issue, leading him to develop a hypothesis. He embarked on a journey of transforming his lifestyle, including improving his diet, prioritizing sleep, and eliminating harmful substances like alcohol and caffeine. Remarkably, this holistic approach not only reversed his vision loss but also challenged common medical beliefs. Karp's experience highlights the power of personalized, comprehensive care that goes beyond conventional medical practices.

    • Lifestyle, Diet, and Overall Health: The Connection Explored by Jason Karp.By aligning our lifestyle with our evolutionary history and prioritizing accessible and healthy food options, we can improve our overall health and reduce the risk of modern lifestyle diseases.

      There is a strong connection between lifestyle, diet, and overall health. Jason Karp highlights how people living in traditional and natural environments free from modern lifestyle diseases and chronic conditions, such as autism, allergies, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. He emphasizes the importance of aligning our lifestyle with our evolutionary history and returning to a way of living consistent with how humans evolved as hunter-gatherers. Jason's decision to create a restaurant based on these principles, focusing on ingredients that our ancestors would have used, highlights the need for accessible and healthy food options. Additionally, the accidental creation of Hue chocolate demonstrates their commitment to high standards, even in something as seemingly simple as chocolate chips. Jason's own dietary choices, including consuming grass-fed organic dairy and maintaining a balance of clean eating and indulgence, reflect his belief in moderation and personalization when it comes to nutrition.

    • Concerns about Food Quality and SafetyChoosing animal products raised naturally and consuming organic vegetables and fruits can help avoid harmful substances like glyphosate and pesticides, promoting better health. Environmental factors like plastic pollution may also impact overall well-being.

      There are significant concerns about the quality and safety of the modern food supply, particularly in the United States. Jason Karp highlights that animal products should ideally be sourced from animals that are raised in a way that is consistent with their natural evolution. He also emphasizes the importance of consuming organic vegetables and fruits, as he believes that the majority of the modern food supply is poisoned with harmful substances like glyphosate. Glyphosate, found in non-organic wheat and other crops, has been linked to the destruction of the microbiome and the development of autoimmune diseases in rats. To avoid exposure to glyphosate and other pesticides, opting for organic products, especially for concentrated items like juices and chocolate, is recommended. Additionally, the conversation suggests that environmental factors, such as plastic pollution, may also contribute to the decline in overall health.

    • The alarming increase in food allergies, autism, and autoimmune diseases indicates a real change in health conditions, not just improved diagnosis.The modern food system and lifestyle choices may be influencing the rise of health problems like allergies and autism, creating a need to understand the causes behind these trends.

      There are significant differences in the incidence of food allergies, autism, and autoimmune diseases between past generations and the present. These differences are not due to improved diagnosis, but rather a real increase in these conditions. Jason Karp highlights the prevalence of allergies in his children's school compared to his own childhood, emphasizing the need to understand the causes behind this trend. One potential factor discussed is the difference in wheat quality between the US and Europe, where glyphosate is banned and gluten levels are lower. Gluten is an inflammatory protein that can disrupt the gut microbiome, leading to various health issues. This conversation suggests that the modern food system and lifestyle choices may be contributing to these health problems, and there is a growing desire to live healthier despite the challenges in doing so.

    • Revolutionizing the Food Industry for Healthier ChoicesJason Karp and his company, human co, strive to improve popular food options by emphasizing the importance of reading labels and raising awareness about harmful additives, all without sacrificing taste and enjoyment.

      Jason Karp believes that changing people's behavior towards healthier food choices starts by providing better options for the foods they already love. He recognizes that fruits and vegetables are healthier than processed snacks like Twinkies and cakes, but changing behavior is difficult. Therefore, he aims to clean up and improve the ingredients in popular and beloved foods like pizza, pizza bites, bread, ice cream, and cakes. Karp emphasizes the need to read ingredient labels and raise awareness about the toxic chemicals and additives present in many food products. He believes that the food industry's focus on profits and lack of accountability has contributed to a system that prioritizes earnings over the well-being of humanity. Karp's company, human co, aims to change this by offering healthier alternatives without compromising taste and pleasure.

    • Prioritizing Quality: Changing Perspectives on FoodInvesting in healthier food choices is not a luxury, but a decision within reach for most individuals. It is crucial to consider the long-term benefits for our health and prioritize quality over cheapness.

      There is a need to change our perspective on food and prioritize quality over cheapness. Jason Karp emphasizes the importance of buying food companies and making them better, improving their ingredients and ultimately making the products healthier. He believes that people in countries like France and Italy understand the value of properly made and properly farmed food, while in the United States there is an obsession with cheap food. Karp argues that healthy food is not only for those with money, but rather a choice that most people can afford to make. He urges individuals to view it as a long-term investment in their health and to consider the consequences of not choosing healthier options. Additionally, Karp discusses Truford Kitchen, a restaurant that prioritizes taste but maintains uncompromising guardrails around health, making healthier options accessible to everyone.

    • Promoting inclusivity and healthier living for all diets and belief systems.Prioritizing trust, goodwill, and values over profit leads to long-term success for businesses, customers, and the planet. Conscious choices for well-being are vital.

      True Food and Cosmic Bliss are brands that prioritize inclusivity and healthier living for all diets and belief systems. They offer options for vegans, carnivores, and flexitarians, ensuring everyone can find something suitable for their dietary preferences. The emphasis on delicious food is crucial because it motivates people to make changes in their eating habits. Jason Karp believes that companies should focus on building trust, goodwill, and values rather than solely pursuing profit. While it may be tempting to prioritize short-term gains, long-term success requires a win-win-win approach: a win for the business, the customers, and the planet. Although the negative effects of unhealthy eating may take time to manifest, it is essential to make conscious choices that prioritize the well-being of both individuals and the environment.

    • The Importance of Balance in LifePrioritize certain values in life, but avoid taking them to extremes. Maintaining a balance between different aspects is crucial for both mental and physical well-being.

      Balance is crucial in life. Jason's nutrition facts sign serves as a reminder for him to prioritize certain values but not to take them to extreme levels. He shares how he learned the hard way that when you become fanatical about certain habits, it can have a negative impact on both your mental and physical health. For example, some people who eat extremely clean may not look healthy, while others who don't eat that healthy may still look great. This highlights the importance of finding a balance that works for you. It's easy to get caught up in habits that are working, but forgetting about balance can lead to detrimental effects.

    Recent Episodes from The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish

    #199 Esther Perel: Cultivating Desire (2019)

    #199 Esther Perel: Cultivating Desire (2019)

    Few episodes in The Knowledge Project’s nine-year history have impacted people’s relationships and lives more than when Esther Perel shared her infinite wisdom for the first time in 2019.

    Shane and Esther discuss how the stories you tell yourself shape how you see the world (and what to do about that), the important conversations to have at the beginning of a relationship, the most common arguments couples have and how to prevent them, what to say to a partner if the relationship isn’t working out, the relationship between desire, love, and pleasure, and so much more. Plus, the conversation starts out on an interesting note: Esther Perel shares stories about her parents surviving the Holocaust and how their experiences shaped her childhood and continue to shape her life today.

    (00:00) Intro
    (02:38) Coming back to life after the war
    (08:09) The myth of stability
    (11:30) The power of reflections
    (19:48) Important conversations for early relationships
    (24:20) Can values change in relationships?
    (27:20) Being secure in a relationship
    (30:40) Better conversations with your partner
    (33:00) What's behind every criticism
    (36:52) Too much honesty
    (39:37) What happens if I don't love my partner
    (47:12) Why does good sex fade in relationships?
    (50:59) Love vs. desire
    (55:38) How to have difficult conversations with your partner
    (01:05:13) Conscious uncoupling

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠⁠⁠

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    #198 Maya Shankar: The Science of Identity

    #198 Maya Shankar: The Science of Identity

    Shane Parrish and Maya Shankar dive into the complexities of identity and personal transformation. They explore how significant life changes can reshape one's sense of self and explain how to navigate these transitions. Maya shares her personal stories and tips on making proactive choices and keeping a flexible, layered sense of self. They also discuss the psychological and philosophical aspects of identity, offering practical advice on goal-setting and personal growth.
    Maya Shankar is a cognitive scientist and the creator, executive producer, and host of the podcast, A Slight Change of Plans. Shankar was a Senior Advisor in the Obama White House, where she founded and served as Chair of the White House Behavioral Science Team. She holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Oxford and a B.A from Yale.

    (00:00) Intro

    (02:40) Shankar's "almost unbelievable" story of getting into Julliard

    (05:30) Why Shankar studied identity

    (11:38) What is identity?

    (14:52) Using your identity to accomplish your goals

    (18:00) Using anti-identities to accomplish your goals

    (18:51) What to do when your identity is "attacked"

    (26:30) How to re-establish trust in institutions

    (32:30) Use identity to start a positive habit

    (35:35) How to debunk myths with stories and facts

    (37:18) How does how we frame our goals help (or prevent) us from accomplishing them

    (43:11) The one motivational technique Shankar uses every day

    (45:15) On success

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠⁠

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: ⁠⁠https://fs.blog/newsletter/⁠⁠

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    #197 Michaeleen Doucleff: TEAM Parenting

    #197 Michaeleen Doucleff: TEAM Parenting

    It's surprising how often we give our kids orders: "Do this!" "Don't do that!" But if we want to raise resilient and independent kids, is this the right approach? Michaeleen Doucleff argues there's a better way, and in this conversation, she explains why and shares practical strategies for solving the parenting "crisis" in the modern world.

    In this conversation, Doucleff reveals four parenting principles that will help foster resilience and independence in your kids while protecting and enhancing their emotional well-being. Shane and Doucleff discuss her observations on how different cultures approach parenting and how their practices can help alleviate the burdens we place on ourselves and our children. We also explore the role of technology and its impact on our parenting and our children's development and maturity.
    Michaeleen Doucleff is the author of Hunt, Gather, Parent. Her work has taken her all over the world to explore, observe, and learn from the parenting practices of various cultures. She is also a correspondent for NPR's Science Desk.

    (00:00) Intro

    (04:12) How (and why) we've lost our way as parents

    (08:02) The rise of the nuclear family

    (13:46) TEAM Parenting: T

    (17:20) TEAM Parenting: E

    (23:01) Why you don't need to praise your child

    (26:12) TEAM Parenting: A

    (36:42) TEAM Parenting: M

    (38:34) "Kids do not need to be entertained"

    (39:12) Technology, parenting, and transmitting values

    (1:02:59) Resources parents can use to educate kids about technology

    (1:04:50) How you can use the environment to give kids autonomy

    (1:09:56) Success and parenting

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠

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    #196 Brent Beshore: Business Brilliance and Happiness at Home

    #196 Brent Beshore: Business Brilliance and Happiness at Home

    Succeeding in both life and business is very difficult. The skills needed to scale a company often clash with those required to cultivate a thriving home life. Yet, Brent Beshore seems to have cracked the code—or at least he's actively working on it. In this conversation, he spills his secrets on excelling in both arenas.

    This episode is split into two parts: the first 45 minutes covers life and how to be a better person. Brent opens up about the evolution of his marriage, physical health, and inner life.

    The rest of the episode focuses on business. Shane and Beshore discuss private equity, how to hire (and when to fire) CEOs, incentives, why debt isn’t a good thing in an unpredictable world, stewardship versus ownership, and why personality tests are so important for a functional organization.
    After beginning his career as an entrepreneur, Brent Beshore founded Permanent Equity in 2007 and leads the firm as CEO. He works with investors and operators to evaluate new investment opportunities.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

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    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/

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    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. https://protekt.com/knowledge

    (00:00) Intro

    (05:08) Why Brent examined his life

    (09:44) How Brent "fixed" his relationships

    (20:04) How helping hurts

    (32:13) How Brent was subtly controlling relationships

    (40:36) Why Brent stopped drinking (mostly)

    (50:29) How to run a business with love yet competitively

    (01:00:34) Win-win relationships

    (01:05:34) On debt

    (01:19:28) On incentives

    (01:29:08) How to hire and fire CEOs

    (01:34:18) What most people miss about hiring

    (01:44:19) Brent's playbook for taking over a company

    (01:51:20) On projections

    (01:55:52) Revisiting investments

    (01:58:44) How "hands-off" is Brent?

    (02:08:34) Where people go wrong in private equity

    (02:14:07) On success

    #195 Morgan Housel: Get Rich, Stay Rich

    #195 Morgan Housel: Get Rich, Stay Rich

    The skills it takes to get rich are drastically different from the skills it takes to stay rich. Few understand this phenomenon more than Morgan Housel. He's identified unique lessons about wealth, happiness, and money by studying the world's richest families and learning what they did to build their wealth and just how quickly they squandered it all.
    In this conversation, Shane and Housel discuss various aspects of risk-taking, wealth accumulation, and financial independence. Morgan explains the importance of understanding personal financial goals and the dangers of social comparison, lets everyone in on his personal financial “mistake” that instantly made him sleep better at night, and why the poorest people in the world disproportionately play the lottery—and why it makes sense that they do. They also touch on the influence of upbringing on financial behaviors, the difference between being rich and wealthy, and the critical role of compounding in financial success. Of course, we can’t have a writer as good as Morgan Housel on the podcast and not ask him about his process, so Housel concludes with insights into storytelling, his writing processes, and the importance of leading by example in teaching financial values to children.
    Morgan Housel is a partner at Collaborative Fund. Previously, he was an analyst at The Motley Fool. He is a two-time winner of the Best in Business Award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers and was selected by the Columbia Journalism Review for the Best Business Writing anthology. He's the author of two books: The Psychology of Money and Same as Ever.
    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: ⁠https://fs.blog/newsletter/⁠

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - ⁠https://fs.blog/clear/⁠ 

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    (00:00) Intro

    (04:46) Risk and income

    (07:40) On luck and skill

    (10:10) Buffett's secret strategy

    (12:28) The one trait you need to build wealth

    (16:20) Housel's capital allocation strategy

    (16:48) Index funds, explained

    (20:59) Expectations and moving goalposts

    (22:17) Your house: asset or liability?

    (27:39) Money lies we believe

    (32:12) How to avoid status games

    (35:04) Money rules from parents

    (40:15) Rich vs. wealthy

    (41:46) Housel's influential role models

    (42:48) Why are rich people miserable?

    (45:59) How success sows the seeds of average performance

    (49:50) On risk

    (50:59) Making money, spending money, saving money

    (52:50) How the Vanderbilt's squandered their wealth

    (1:04:11) How to manage your expectations

    (01:06:26) How to talk to kids about money

    (01:09:52) The biggest risk to capitalism

    (01:13:56) The magic of compounding

    (01:16:18) How Morgan reads

    (01:22:42) How to tell the best story

    (01:24:42) How Morgan writes

    (01:35:42) Parting wisdom and thoughts on success

    #194 Abigail Shrier: The Parent-Therapy Trap

    #194 Abigail Shrier: The Parent-Therapy Trap
    Over the last decade, therapy has become the de facto solution to solve all sorts of problems for all sorts of people. Everyone has slowly accepted that therapy is normal and a net benefit to society.

    But instead of helping kids work through difficult circumstances, what if it's just making the problems worse? That's what Abigail Shrier thinks is happening, and in this conversation, she reveals some surprising reasons why.

    Shane and Shrier discuss the real reason therapy is "bad," how we got to this point of acceptance as a culture, and what you can do as a parent to get back to normalcy. Shrier also shares her experiences with lifelong therapy patients, who should actually be in therapy, and the one thing that makes someone a successful parent.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane

    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. https://protekt.com/knowledge

    (00:00) Intro
    (05:44) Inverse: How do we raise mentally unstable kids?
    (08:29) How we got to now
    (11:45) Bad therapy...or just social trends?
    (13:21) Being your kids' friend: good or bad?
    (15:55) The parenting type that raises the BEST kids
    (21:35) Is this all the parents' fault?
    (29:53) Is "Bad Therapy" a world-wide problem?
    (32:57) Talk to your kids' therapist about these things
    (42:09) The importance of facing adversity in childhood
    (47:06) Can we blame grad schools for all of this?
    (49:14) On technology and social media
    (51:03) Schools should "never" have gotten involved in mental health
    (54:43) Did COVID accelerate "bad therapy?"
    (56:07) How to return to normalcy
    (58:21) Why Shane shares negative YouTube comments with his kids
    (01:01:23) Shrier's experience being "cancelled"
    (01:04:13) On prestige media
    (01:07:47) Small steps parents can take to return to normal
    (01:11:02) Dealing with schools saying one thing and parents saying another
    (01:13:32) Why is the silent majority...silent?
    (01:16:32) If this continues, what happens?
    (01:18:19) What makes someone a successful parent?

    #193: Dr. Jim Loehr: Change the Stories You Tell Yourself

    #193: Dr. Jim Loehr: Change the Stories You Tell Yourself

    What if reaching the next level of success wasn't determined by another skill, degree, or course but by something that changed on the inside?

    That's what Dr. Jim Loehr believes, and in this episode, he reveals everything he knows about mental toughness and winning the mind game. Shane and Loehr discuss the radical importance of the stories you tell yourself—including how they can damage your kids—and how to change the negative stories you believe. Loehr also shares the best reflection questions to ask yourself to reveal personal blindspots, the importance of rituals for calming anxiety and performing under pressure, and how the best in the world use their recovery time effectively.

    Dr. Jim Loehr is a world-renowned performance psychologist and author of 16 books. From his more than 30 years of experience and applied research, Dr. Loehr believes the single most important factor in successful achievement, personal fulfillment, and life satisfaction is the strength of one’s character. Dr. Loehr possesses a masters and doctorate in psychology and is a full member of the American Psychological Association.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

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    (00:00) Intro

    (03:20) Parenting and storytelling

    (06:15) How to determine whether or not the stories are limiting or enabling you

    (08:41) What the stories world-class performers tell themselves

    (15:02) How to change the stories you tell yourself

    (23:26) Questions to journal about

    (26:16) Private voices vs. public voices (and how they impact your kids)

    (31:32) How to help your friends change their stories

    (37:30) How to better come alongside your kids to prevent destructive behavior

    (44:48) - (45:06) What Loehr knows about high performers that others miss

    (53:12) On time and energy

    (01:06:26) Conquering the "between point" ritual

    (01:11:50) On rituals vs. habits

    (01:15:54) How to increase your mental toughness

    (01:23:51) On success



    #192 David Segal: Yearly Planning, Daily Action

    #192 David Segal: Yearly Planning, Daily Action

    Working in a business and working on a business are two different things. Without the former, nothing gets done; without the latter, the wrong things get done. David Segal has a unique way of managing that tension, and this episode, he reveals all his business operating secrets and explains how he failed along the way.

    Shane and Segal discuss what entrepreneurship really is, where motivation comes from, and what Segal learned building a $200 million tea business. Shane and David also dive deep into the dark side of success and the radical depression that can strike when you get a big payday, life and business lessons they learned from Warren Buffett, and the value of time management.

    David Segal is the co-founder of Firebelly Tea. He’s also best known as “the David” of DAVIDsTEA. During his time at DAVIDsTEA, Segal grew the company from a single store to a $200 million retail giant. Segal left DAVIDsTEA in 2016 and started Mad Radish—a quick service restaurant concept. Mad Radish is all about providing healthy, gourmet fast foods. In 2021, Segal started Firebelly tea to create exceptional loose leaf teas tailored to modern living.

    Listeners of The Knowledge Project can receive a special 15 percent discount on Firebelly Tea products by heading to www.firebellytea.com and entering the code Shane15 at checkout.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


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    (00:00) Intro

    (04:59) What entrepreneurship really is

    (07:10) How to manage your psychology

    (10:40) Yearly planning, daily action

    (15:50) Avoiding "ivory-tower syndrome"

    (18:30) Segal's childhood and background

    (25:15) The history of DAVIDsTEA and Firebelly

    (36:40) The evolution of tea and business over the last twenty years

    (42:30) On failures

    (49:00) Dealing with depression

    (52:30) Lessons about money

    (56:55) Business and life lessons from Warren Buffett

    (1:00:00) On time management

    (1:04:50) What's missing in Segal's life

    (1:08:39) On success



    #191 Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Diet Essentials For Healthy Living

    #191 Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Diet Essentials For Healthy Living
    Shane Parrish sits down with the renowned biochemist Dr. Rhonda Patrick to explore the intricate world of nutrition and health. Dr. Patrick provides a deep dive into the role micronutrients play in our daily health, detailing how deficiencies and insufficiencies in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids can lead to serious health issues over time. Shane and Dr. Patrick also discuss the science behind deliberate heat exposure. She outlines the optimal sauna conditions—temperature, duration, and frequency—necessary to achieve these health benefits and explains the physiological mechanisms at play.
    Rhonda Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry/chemistry from the University of California, San Diego. She has done extensive research on aging, cancer, and nutrition.

    (00:00) Intro

    (04:40) A philosophy for nutrition

    (15:36) Micronutrients through supplements vs. food

    (25:43) Wild-caught vs. farm-raised fish

    (28:44) Organic vs. non-organic vegetables

    (36:14) On macronutrients

    (40:20) How protein levels differ in different foods

    (45:27) The best morning smoothie recipe

    (54:48) Dr. Patrick grades Shane's "GOAT" smoothie recipe

    (59:14) Grass-fed vs. non-grass fed

    (01:04:40) On vitamin D (Is sunscreen killing us more than the sun?)

    (01:19:48) Deliberate heat and cold exposure

    (01:44:27) Top three behavioral and diet interventions for life and health improvements

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Eight Sleep: Sleep to power a whole new you. https://www.eightsleep.com/farnamstreet

    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane

    #190 Brad Jacobs: Building a Business Empire

    #190 Brad Jacobs: Building a Business Empire
    Throughout his tenure, Brad Jacobs has built multiple billion-dollar companies. While there is no "playbook" for growing a business, he focuses on a few factors above all else in every company he operates, and in this conversation, he reveals them all.

    Shane and Jacobs discuss how to read anyone during an interview through a series of intentional questions, the exciting role of AI and technology in the future of business, and where money-making ideas hide in companies. Jacobs also shares how his training in math and music made him a better business operator, the one thing he focuses on to grow his businesses, how to spot big trends before everyone else, and the only thing a company should focus on for success.

    Brad Jacobs has started five companies from scratch and led each to become a billion-dollar or multibillion-dollar enterprise. These include three publicly traded companies: XPO Logistics, where he serves as Chairman and CEO, United Rentals, and United Waste Systems. Before starting XPO in 2011, Jacobs founded United Rentals in 1997 and led the company as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. In 1989, he founded United Waste Systems.
    (00:00) Intro
    (04:44) The future of AI
    (07:21) How to think rationally
    (08:48) The major trend
    (10:57) The research process
    (13:29) On asking better questions
    (19:35) On rearranging your brain
    (22:23) On music, math, simplicity, and business
    (32:26) Leverage, debt, and optionality
    (35:11) What it takes to take contrarian bets
    (40:45) Confidence and parents
    (50:21) Why negative-only feedback is detrimental for employees
    (56:14) Money lessons
    (58:13) A deep dive on M&A (Jacobs' secret sauce to growing his companies)
    (01:07:51) Questions to immediately get to know anyone
    (01:11:14) On boards and board meetings
    (01:16:57) On decision-making
    (01:23:37) The role of capital markets
    (01:25:41) The type of person you don't want to hire
    (01:31:16) The best capital allocators
    (01:33:53) Biggest lesson Jacobs learned from the past year
    (01:37:20) On success

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Eight Sleep: Sleep to power a whole new you. https://www.eightsleep.com/farnamstreet

    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1542

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SPONSOR: goodr. Click here and use code ONTHERUN for $10 off!

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