
    Podcast Summary

    • The impact of technology on modern datingTechnology and social media have made it easier to connect with potential partners, but it has also diminished the sense of value and attraction that comes from taking risks and investing in relationships. Finding a balance between convenience and meaningful connections is important.

      Technology and social media have significantly lowered the activation energy required to meet new people and pursue romantic connections. In the past, meeting someone and initiating contact required courage, effort, and investment, which often led to a stronger sense of value and attraction. However, with the rise of dating apps and platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, the process has become easier and less emotionally risky. While this has undoubtedly made it more convenient to connect with potential partners, it has also disrupted the traditional narrative of attraction and the sense of accomplishment that comes with taking risks and investing in relationships. Ultimately, finding the right balance between convenience and meaningful connections is crucial in the modern dating landscape.

    • Stand Out and Be Different in Modern Dating and BusinessIn a world of noise and endless options, it is crucial to have a defining voice and prioritize meaningful conversations and depth over novelty.

      Modern day dating and business require individuals to stand out and be different. In a world with so much noise and endless options, simply relying on scarcity or being the only option is no longer effective. Whether it's in dating or in business, it is crucial to have a voice that defines us and sets us apart from the competition. In a sea of superficial conversations, incessant texting, and endless choices, it is important to take risks, have meaningful conversations, and prioritize depth over novelty. This applies not only to personal relationships but also to professional endeavors, such as podcasting, where standing out and offering something unique is essential.

    • Achieving Relationship Success Through Balance and CommunicationBuilding a successful relationship involves understanding and supporting each other's needs and goals while maintaining self-respect. Open communication and balancing personal happiness with partner's needs are crucial for a balanced and fulfilling relationship.

      Building a successful relationship requires a balance between self-reflection and self-respect. Matthew Hussey and Lewis Howes discuss how many people believe they are evolved enough for a relationship, but later realize they weren't truly ready to be a great partner. They emphasize the importance of understanding and supporting each other's needs and goals, rather than solely focusing on personal happiness. However, they caution against falling into a pattern of unrequited love or becoming a martyr in the relationship. They suggest that both partners should give to each other while also respecting their own core needs. This requires open and cooperative conversations to navigate the execution of relationship standards and determine if requests are reasonable or rooted in insecurity. By combining self-questioning with self-respect, individuals can approach relationships from a more balanced perspective.

    • Prioritizing Understanding and Empathy in RelationshipsBeing a supportive and compassionate partner, recognizing and meeting each other's needs, fostering open communication, and striving for healthy communication are essential for a successful relationship.

      In a relationship, both partners need to prioritize understanding and empathy. Matthew Hussey emphasizes the importance of being a supportive and compassionate partner while also recognizing and meeting the needs of your significant other. It is crucial to create a loving environment where both individuals feel like teammates. However, if one partner consistently lacks empathy and fails to reciprocate understanding, it becomes a problem. In order to address this imbalance and foster equal partnership, open communication about the spirit of the relationship is essential. This means letting go of the need to keep score, being vulnerable, and expressing discomfort or hurt in a loving manner rather than reacting with anger or blame. Creating space to process emotions before responding can also lead to more evolved and constructive conversations. Ultimately, it is important to constantly educate each other on how we want to be loved and to strive for healthy communication in the relationship.

    • The importance of seeking objective perspectives and avoiding instinctual decision-making in relationships.In relationships, it is important to seek input from trusted individuals, avoid impulsive decisions, and prioritize mutual investment for healthier and more sustainable connections.

      Relying solely on instinct and reflex responses can be detrimental to relationships. It's important to seek objective and thoughtful perspectives from people whose opinions we respect, even if they challenge our own views. Acting solely on instinct, especially in the early stages of dating, can lead to hasty decisions and unrealistic expectations. Instead, it is recommended to invest in a relationship based on the mutual level of investment from both parties, rather than solely on personal feelings. It is essential to think clearly, swim parallel to the current, and avoid getting caught up in the chemical rush of initial excitement. By doing so, we can build and nurture healthier, more sustainable relationships.

    • Building a Lasting Relationship: Time, Effort, and CommitmentTrue love is not found in love at first sight or the idea of a perfect partner. It is built through shared experiences, overcoming obstacles, and daily investment from both partners. Evaluate commitment and effort in the present for a meaningful relationship.

      Building a lasting relationship takes time, effort, and commitment from both partners. It's not enough to simply value the initial connection or potential of a relationship. Just like building a castle, a relationship requires daily investment and the willingness to work through challenges and disagreements. Love at first sight or the idea of a perfect future partner can be misleading, as real love is built through shared experiences and overcoming obstacles together. It's important to assess whether both individuals are truly committed to the relationship and if they are willing to put in the effort to build something meaningful and unique. The one day wager, or hoping for future change, is a risky approach that often leads to disappointment. Instead, focus on the present and evaluate whether both partners are genuinely invested in the relationship.

    • The Importance of Little Details in Life and RelationshipsPrioritize meaningful gestures and day-to-day happiness in relationships for long-term fulfillment and prioritize personal happiness in order to build a strong and committed partnership.

      The little details in life and relationships matter more than the big, flashy moments. Just like the themed trash cans in Disneyland, it's the trash cans that we encounter every day that truly define our experiences. In relationships, it's the small gestures, the support in difficult times, and the day-to-day happiness that determine the quality of our lives. Being in love doesn't guarantee happiness if the relationship doesn't bring joy and build towards a future together. It's important to prioritize our own happiness and find someone who is ready to build a strong and committed partnership. Don't get caught up in the fantasy; focus on what truly matters in the long run.

    • Building a Successful Relationship: Understanding and Meeting Your Partner's NeedsSuccessful relationships require understanding and meeting your partner's needs, effective communication, and a willingness to compromise to sustain love, joy, and happiness in the long term.

      Building a successful relationship requires understanding and meeting your partner's needs, even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone. It's not just about giving what you want to give, but rather giving what your partner actually needs to feel loved and appreciated. This requires open communication and a willingness to compromise. While there may be certain things that you can let go or compromise on, there are also non-negotiables that remain important, such as effective communication and empathy. As relationships mature, it becomes essential to focus on these important aspects and prioritize them in order to sustain love, joy, and happiness in the long term.

    • Prioritizing Your Partner's Needs and Focusing on Personal Growth in RelationshipsRecognize and fulfill your partner's needs, even if it differs from your own. Take responsibility for your own happiness and growth, fostering a strong relationship while maintaining individuality.

      In a relationship, it's important to recognize and prioritize your partner's needs and desires, even if they may differ from your own. This means understanding that what you want to give may not always align with what your partner actually needs. It requires selflessness and the ability to step outside of your comfort zone to fulfill your partner's desires, even if it may be less comfortable for you. By doing so, you become irreplaceable to your partner, as not many people are willing to go the extra mile in this way. Additionally, it's crucial to focus on personal growth and self-improvement, taking responsibility for your own happiness and fulfillment rather than relying on your partner to provide it for you. This not only strengthens the relationship, but also allows you to maintain a sense of individuality and purpose.

    • The importance of commitment and teamwork in relationshipsA successful relationship requires commitment to personal growth and meeting each other's needs. It is essential to support and uplift each other as teammates, embracing different roles and stages of the relationship.

      In a successful relationship, both partners need to be committed to their own growth and show up in ways that the other person needs, not just in the ways they want to show up. It is important to work on oneself and foster a genuine sense of teamwork, where both individuals support and uplift each other as teammates rather than competing or expecting their needs to be met. Sometimes, one person may take the lead while the other plays the supporting role, and this dynamic should be embraced and appreciated. Relationships go through different stages, starting with admiration and connection, but true commitment is what lays the foundation for a strong and fulfilling partnership.

    • The importance of compatibility in relationships.Love alone is not enough for a successful relationship; compatibility in various aspects, mutual commitment, and appreciation for sacrifices are essential for a lasting bond.

      Love alone is not enough to sustain a healthy and lasting relationship. Matthew Hussey emphasizes that compatibility is crucial, and commitment without compatibility is insufficient. It is common for individuals to stay in casual relationships, hoping that it will evolve into something more, but this often leads to disappointment and unrequired love. Compatibility involves factors such as sex drive, spending habits, religious beliefs, and lifestyle preferences. Finding a partner who admires you, shares a genuine connection and chemistry, demonstrates mutual commitment, and is compatible with you is essential for a successful relationship. It is also important to recognize the sacrifices and compromises made by each partner and show appreciation for them. Growth and humility are necessary for building strong relationships.

    • Investing in personal growth for a fulfilling love lifePrioritizing personal growth and building a purpose-driven life increases the likelihood of finding a compatible partner and experiencing a fulfilling romantic relationship.

      Progress and success in finding a compatible partner often come through indirect means. Instead of solely focusing on the end goal of finding love, it is important to invest time and effort in building a fulfilling life for oneself. By pursuing hobbies and interests, creating valuable products or services, and nurturing meaningful relationships with friends, one becomes a more attractive and independent individual. This, in turn, enhances the chances of forming a healthy and fulfilling romantic relationship. It is about prioritizing personal growth and becoming the best version of oneself, which ultimately contributes to a better love life. Remember, finding love is a byproduct of living a purpose-driven and attractive life.

    • Dating as a Journey, Not a DestinationEmbrace the process of dating and relationships as an opportunity for personal growth and enjoyment, rather than solely focusing on finding a long-term partner.

      Dating and relationships should be viewed as an enriching part of life, rather than a goal-driven game. Matthew Hussey emphasizes the importance of having a value-filled life that involves leaving the house, meeting new people, and engaging in hobbies and interests. He believes that even if the end result of finding a long-term partner is uncertain, these experiences and interactions contribute to a fulfilling and enjoyable life. Rather than solely focusing on the outcome of finding love, it is crucial to appreciate the journey and the connections made along the way. By shifting our perspective, we can embrace dating as simply living and experiencing life to the fullest.

    • The Power of Love, Connection, and Growth in RelationshipsFeeling safe, seen, and connected by our partner can empower us to be the best version of ourselves and make a positive impact in the world. Being open to questioning our beliefs allows for continuous growth and improvement as partners.

      In a loving and fulfilling relationship, feeling safe, secure, and seen by your partner is crucial. Matthew Hussey shares that his wife made him feel safe enough to be the best version of himself, and her love provided him with a platform to make an impact in the world. Additionally, feeling less alone in the world and having a true connection with someone can be transformative. Hussey acknowledges that his wife's ability to see him made him feel less alone and served as a role model for him. Lastly, the conversation highlights the importance of questioning our beliefs and being open to growth. Recognizing that we may be wrong about certain things in the present, just as we were in the past, allows us to continuously evolve and improve as partners.

    • The Power of Learning from Relationship MistakesDon't dwell on past relationship mistakes; instead, learn from them and use them as an opportunity to grow and create stronger, more genuine connections.

      It is important to be kind to oneself and not obsess over past mistakes in relationships. Matthew Hussey shares that he has often berated himself for not reacting or communicating better in certain situations. However, he emphasizes that constantly dwelling on these mistakes holds us back from moving forward and being effective. Mistakes can actually transform relationships and make them better if we learn from them and improve. Being real, vulnerable, and upfront in relationships and on dates creates a deep attraction and genuine connections. Matthew also expresses his gratitude for those who have been kind and wise to him during difficult moments, highlighting the importance of such friendships for personal growth and support.

    • Building Support and Discovering True PotentialInvesting in personal growth and engaging in self-improvement can cultivate the confidence needed to attract the love and connection desired in a great relationship.

      Throughout our lives, we must continue to build and support one another. Matthew Hussey emphasizes the importance of personal growth and transformation, offering retreats and programs for individuals to discover their true potential. He encourages viewers to take the initiative and invest time in themselves, even providing a free training video to help boost confidence. Lewis Howes, although not the target audience, acknowledges the value of Matthew's teachings, demonstrating that personal growth has no boundaries. By subscribing to Matthew's platforms and actively engaging in self-improvement, individuals can cultivate the confidence needed to attract the love and connection they desire. Ultimately, a great relationship is one where both partners contribute and synergize, creating a result greater than the sum of its parts.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Join Scott and the Dinner Table Community 

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1626

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    In this episode you will learn

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    • The importance of innovating and progressing during challenging times.
    • How to create habits that align with success and fulfillment.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1625

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1623

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1622

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Gary John Bishop – https://link.chtbl.com/1535-pod

    Jillian Turecki – https://link.chtbl.com/1355-pod

    Eric Barker – https://link.chtbl.com/1328-pod

    Have you signed up for Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi's live event  yet?

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    Check out Zoe’s podcast: https://link.chtbl.com/Dr_Will_B_x_Lewis

    Sign up for Zoe:  https://zoe.com/willb

    See Zoe’s METHOD Randomized Control Trial results: https://zoe.com/our-science

    In this episode you will learn

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    • The top 5 foods to add to your diet to heal your microbiome.
    • What your poop reveals about your health.
    • How facing emotional wounds and trauma is key to healing your body.
    • The power of breathing exercises in improving gut health.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1621

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Sign up for Dean's life-changing event!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to go from being broke to a millionaire, breaking down the first three crucial steps to shift from scarcity to abundance.
    • The three non-negotiable habits of millionaires and the mindset issues that prevent people from making money easily.
    • The importance of "money therapy" and how understanding past money traumas can lead to greater financial freedom.
    • How successful people live by a unique set of rules and habits that avoid mediocrity, and how these can be applied to your own life.
    • The pivotal role of the stories we tell ourselves, and how shifting these narratives can help uncover one's true purpose.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1620

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    MASTER Emotional Regulation: 3 Simple Steps to REWIRE YOUR BRAIN & Reclaim Your LIFE!

    MASTER Emotional Regulation: 3 Simple Steps to REWIRE YOUR BRAIN & Reclaim Your LIFE!

    Have you ever felt lost in life and unsure what path to take forward? In today's episode, three experts share transformative methods and tactics to help you heal your mind and find your true self. Gabor Maté, a renowned speaker and best-selling author, delves into why you may feel lost in life and how to find your path forward. Mariel Buqué, a Columbia University-trained psychologist and intergenerational trauma expert, teaches how to regulate your nervous system and heal your soul. Muniba Mazari, an artist, humanitarian, and global motivational speaker, inspires you to become the source of your own joy and discover true self-love.

    In this episode you will learn

    • Why you may feel lost in life and how to find your path forward.
    • How to regulate your nervous system and heal your soul.
    • Ways to become the source of your own joy and find true self-love.
    • Strategies to heal your mind and uncover your authentic self.
    • Practical tactics for continuing your journey toward mental and emotional wellness.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1619

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Listen to the full episodes featured today here:

    Gabor Mate - https://link.chtbl.com/1319-pod

    Mariel Buque - https://link.chtbl.com/1304-pod

    Muniba Mazari - https://link.chtbl.com/1282-pod

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Today we're excited to welcome a special guest who's no stranger to the spotlight of love and relationships — Nick Viall. An LA-based award-winning podcast host, best-selling author, entrepreneur, and a familiar face from ABC’s “The Bachelor,” Nick has carved a niche for himself as a contemporary voice in the world of dating advice. His podcast, The Viall Files, is a treasure trove of insights on relationships and pop culture, amassing over 100 million downloads.

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    • Insights into the dynamics of social media's impact on love.
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    • Future predictions for the dating world and advice for maintaining authenticity in relationships.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1565

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes on relationships we think you’ll love:

    Esther Perel – https://link.chtbl.com/1546-pod

    Sadia Khan - -https://link.chtbl.com/1533-pod

    Michael Todd – https://link.chtbl.com/1508-pod

    5 Keys to Make Their Relationship Thrive (3 Red Flags to Look For!) | Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce

    5 Keys to Make Their Relationship Thrive (3 Red Flags to Look For!) | Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce

    In this special episode of The School of Greatness, Lewis reacts to the internet-breaking news of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's new relationship. Drawing from the expertise of six of his favorite relationship experts, Lewis offers valuable insights and advice, including a discussion on the three red flags to be on the lookout for in relationships. This episode serves as a unique opportunity to explore the dynamics of high-profile relationships while gaining valuable wisdom from experts in the field, all in the context of the buzzworthy Swift and Kelce romance.

    Sadia Khan discusses the importance of asking a fundamental question before dating and navigating relationship red flags. Michael Bungay Stanier offers insights on pre-marital considerations and how to address challenges in relationships, while Martha explores why women often choose troubled partners over healthier options. Sheleana Aiyana debates the need for complete personal healing before starting a new relationship. Mark Manson defines toxic relationships and the significance of trust and respect, prompting self-reflection. Dr. Caroline Leaf explores the attraction to broken partners and the desire to fix them in relationships.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • The biggest red flags to look for when starting a new relationship.
    • The single most important question to ask someone before you start dating.
    • Three critical questions to ask before getting married.
    • The #1 reason so many people seek out toxic relationships.
    • If it is possible to find lasting love while you’re still healing your personal emotional wounds.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1507

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960


    Sadia Khan – https://link.chtbl.com/1491-pod

    Michael Bungay Stanier – https://link.chtbl.com/1477-pod

    Martha Higareda – https://link.chtbl.com/1423-pod

    Sheleana Aiyana – https://link.chtbl.com/1436-pod

    Mark Manson – https://link.chtbl.com/1485-pod

    Dr. Caroline Leaf – https://link.chtbl.com/1481-pod

    The Unexpected Power of Self-Healing & THRIVING RELATIONSHIPS | Gary John Bishop

    The Unexpected Power of Self-Healing & THRIVING RELATIONSHIPS | Gary John Bishop

    Gary John Bishop is a leading personality development expert, coach, and New York Times bestselling author for his book – Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life. That’s not all, as Gary has written several other books including – Stop Doing That Sh*t, Do The Work, Wise as Fu*k, and most recently: Love Unfu*ked

    Originally from Scotland, UK; Gary has a passion for people and his purpose is to help us in tapping our true potential. From celebrities and athletes to CEOs of several multinational corporations, and stay-at-home individuals and couples, Gary has impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide through his groundbreaking work. Gary’s “urban philosophy” approach brings to light a new wave of personal empowerment and life mastery that has helped countless people in improving the quality and performance of their lives. 

    Combined with world-class development and training, Gary has the uncanny ability to understand people’s circumstances and bring out the deeper issues that consume them and pull them down. If you are willing and ready to learn the keys to a long-lasting relationship, then stick around for what Gary has to say!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to approach your life in decades
    • The key to a healthy relationship with your family and spouse
    • How to let go and move on from your past traumas
    • One of the best mindsets to have when approaching marriage
    • How to heal family trauma and redefine relationships

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1535

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Rob Dial – https://link.chtbl.com/1516-pod

    Dr Joe Dispenza – https://link.chtbl.com/1494-pod

    Inky Johnson – https://link.chtbl.com/1483-pod

    7 Keys to Lasting Love (& Attracting a Healthy Relationship) | Lewis Howes

    7 Keys to Lasting Love (& Attracting a Healthy Relationship) | Lewis Howes

    As you may have heard me share on the show, when it comes to romantic relationships I’ve had to learn some hard lessons and have had to do a lot of healing work on myself. I’m far from perfect, but I have been curious, committed and hungry to understand what makes certain relationships succeed. 

    And now I have something I have never experienced before in any relationship. Peace and Harmony. 

    So, whether you're in a relationship or on the journey to find that special someone, we've got a powerful episode for you today. We're discussing the "7 Keys To Lasting Love." This episode is for those who are willing to do the work, to take a hard look at your patterns, to define your own worthiness and to adopt a mindset of Greatness when it comes to your romantic relationships. 

    In this episode you will learn

    • The importance of effective communication in relationships, including mastering the art of listening, and how it serves as the foundation for lasting love.
    • The transformative power of vulnerability, how it fosters intimacy and trust, and why it's crucial to show up and be seen in your relationships.
    • The significance of showing respect and setting boundaries, how to communicate your needs clearly, and the role of boundaries in fostering healthy relationships.
    • The value of showing appreciation and understanding your partner's love language, and how recognizing and fulfilling each other's emotional needs strengthens your bond.
    • The importance of growth and adaptability in relationships, embracing change, and supporting each other's journeys towards becoming the best versions of yourselves.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1574

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOLO episodes from Lewis we think you’ll love:

    The Dangers of the Good Life – https://link.chtbl.com/1466-pod

    Crush Self-Doubt – https://link.chtbl.com/1459-pod

    Lead with Love & Manifest Your Perfect Relationship – 
