

    Explore " confidence" with insightful episodes like "819 Find Your Calculated Confidence", "803 What It Takes To Be a Champion", "797 Jameela Jamil: Be Courageous by Being You", "795 Find Your Poker Face with Todrick Hall" and "762 The Battle between Confidence and Humility with Brad Lomenick" from podcasts like ""The School of Greatness", "The School of Greatness", "The School of Greatness", "The School of Greatness" and "The School of Greatness"" and more!

    Episodes (37)

    819 Find Your Calculated Confidence

    819 Find Your Calculated Confidence

    BECOME AN EXPERT. Confidence is so important. But you have to earn it. If you’re confident without putting in the work, it can come off as arrogance or even insecurity. So how can you have calculated confidence? Learn from your mistakes. Put in the hours. And believe in what you’re doing. Once you’ve worked hard for your confidence, you’ll be able to look your clients in the eye knowing you’re an expert in your field. For this Five Minute Friday, I revisited a conversation I had with the hit show Million Dollar Listing’s Josh Altman where he shared what makes him one of the best realtors in the world.
    In This Episode You Will Learn:
    How to be a successful salesperson (2:05)
    Why you should surround yourself with a dream team (3:00)
    The importance of getting a mentor (4:00)
    The four keys to Josh’s success (5:30)

    803 What It Takes To Be a Champion

    803 What It Takes To Be a Champion

    What does it take to be a champion?
    You have to love what you do.
    You have to care about the little details that other people let slide. And you have to have deep, unshakable confidence. A lot of what separates a player from a champion is mental. We can’t ignore the importance of keeping our mind away from the negative and focused on the end goal. On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I’m sharing the most inspirational clips of interviews with the world’s greatest female athletes: Maria Sharapova, Katrin Tanja Davíðsdóttir, Michelle Waterson, Sasha Digiulian, Brooke Ence, The Bella twins, Emily Skye, and Danica Patrick. Maria Sharapova is one of the world’s greatest tennis players, Katrin Tanja Davíðsdóttir is a two-time champion of the CrossFit Games, Michelle Waterson is a mixed martial artist who competes in the UFC, Sasha Digiulian is a world champion climber, Brooke Ence is an elite CrossFit Champion, The Bella Twins are former WWE Wrestlers, Emily Skye is a top fitness model, and Danica Patrick is the most successful woman in the history of American open-wheel racing. We can all get distracted by self-doubt, comparing ourselves to others, and focusing on the wrong things. But we can train ourselves to have the mindset of a champion. It feels good to be great at what you do. Get ready to learn step into your greatness on Episode 803.
    Some Questions I Ask:
    Why are you so driven to be the best? (7:00)
    What does it mean to be respectful of your opponent? (16:30)
    How do you stay focused when you’re scared? (18:57)
    What are some tools you use when you start comparing yourself? (30:00)
    In This Episode You Will Learn:
    The difference between “showing up” and “playing” (6:00)
    The reason you need to focus on the things you can control (12:00)
    Why not doing your best is doing a disservice to your opponent (18:00)
    How trust can heal anxiety (20:00)
    How to not let negative comments affect you (27:00)
    Follow me on:
    Instagram @LewisHowes
    Twitter @LewisHowes
    Facebook @LewisHowes

    797 Jameela Jamil: Be Courageous by Being You

    797 Jameela Jamil: Be Courageous by Being You

    Shame takes on many forms.
    We can feel shameful about our race, our gender, about aging, and so much more.
    Shame makes us stay small.
    What if instead of feeling shame about our insecurities, we celebrated every aspect of ourselves?
    What if we learned to think independently instead of listening to what the media says about us?
    To become the powerful confident person you are meant to be, you have to identify your shame and work hard to eliminate it.
    It won’t just disappear on its own.
    On today’s episode of The School of Greatness, I talk about shame with an actor who has made body positivity her mission: Jameela Jamil.
    Jameela Jamil is an actress, model, presenter, and body positivity activist. Following a breast cancer scare in 2016, Jamil moved to America to become a screenwriter. She is known for playing Tahani Al-Jamil on the hit TV show The Good Place.
    Jameela is a big proponent of therapy as a way to move past our shame. She says mental health should be a top priority for all of us despite the stigma around it.
    So get ready to learn how to stand up to the harmful messaging we receive from the media on Episode 797.
    Some Questions I Ask:
    How much did you shame yourself growing up? (6:30)
    Do men or women shame women more? (9:00)
    What was the biggest insecurity you’ve had? (16:00)
    Do you think you’d be able to make the impact you’re making if you weren’t on tv? (29:00)
    In This Episode You Will Learn:
    The difference between Brittish and American cultures (4:00)
    The types of shames that Jameela has “killed off” in herself (11:00)
    What led Jameela to come to America (24:00)
    How to combat inequality in the workplace (37:00)
    The wrong messages that men are taught by the media (42:00)
    Follow me on:
    Instagram @LewisHowes
    Twitter @LewisHowes
    Facebook @LewisHowes

    795 Find Your Poker Face with Todrick Hall

    795 Find Your Poker Face with Todrick Hall

    Nerves are important.
    It’s ok to be nervous when you’re up against something big.It means that you’re passionate.But you have to understand that the world is a game.You have to act like you’re confident and that you know what you’re doing. Then others will want to invest in you.After all, everyone who has the power to make decisions about you and your work is also just human.For this Five Minute Friday, I revisited a conversation I had with Todrick Hall where he shared how he is able to take on huge projects that usually take teams of at least 50 and do them with only four people.From original written and choreographed music videos, such as Virgin America’s safety video, the opening number to The 2014 Kids Choice Awards, and upcoming Target spots, Todrick Hall has mastered the art of blending live experiences with social media. Todrick is rapidly becoming one of the next great powerhouses in entertainment.Learn how to conquer your fears and achieve your dreams in Episode 795.
    In this episode, you will learn:
    What Todrick does right before he goes on stage (1:50)
    How to handle high-pressure situations (3:13
    )How Todrick’s mom helps him stay grounded (4:21 )
    Why it’s important to have friends who are honest with you (5:01)
    Plus much more...
    Follow me on:
    Instagram @LewisHowes
    Twitter @LewisHowes

    762 The Battle between Confidence and Humility with Brad Lomenick

    762 The Battle between Confidence and Humility with Brad Lomenick

    When I started my book tour, people were always asking me, “How are you going to stay humble?”
    It’s not easy.
    When you start getting recognition, it can go to your head.
    But you can’t share your message if you don’t believe in yourself.
    It’s a balance.
    You need to be confident but also know that it’s not all about you. You are a part of the story, not the whole thing.
    For this Five Minute Friday, I revisited a conversation I had with Brad Lomenick where we explore the tension between confidence and humility.
    Brad Lomenick is a renowned speaker, writer, leadership advisor, and founder of Blinc Consulting. He is the author of the groundbreaking book, The Catalyst Leader: Eight Essentials for Becoming a Change Maker, as well as his most recent leadership book, H3 Leadership: Be Humble, Stay Hungry, Always Hustle.
    Brad says that the best leaders all have healthy ambition.
    Learn how to dance the dance of humility and confidence in Episode 762.
    In This Episode You Will Learn:
    How to be confident and humble at the same time (00:50)
    Why being too humble can be a bad thing (1:30)
    How gratitude can help you stay humble (2:00)
    The difference between confident humility and arrogant humility (3:00)
    Follow me on:
    Instagram: @lewishowes

    697 Rachel Hollis: How to Build Confidence, Believe in Yourself and Become Your Best Self

    697 Rachel Hollis: How to Build Confidence, Believe in Yourself and Become Your Best Self

    There are three fears we struggle with the most:
    The fear of failure
    The fear of success
    And the fear of judgment.
    The center of all of those fears is “I am not enough.”
    When we get past that, we can step into anything.
    People-pleasing is an issue a lot of us face.
    It’s crazy how we can allow one person’s opinion of us to hold us back.
    That’s why I really enjoyed my conversation with a bestselling mom who overcame her need to make other people happy: Rachel Hollis.
    Rachel had been working for over a decade on her career, her marriage, and her brand before her career took off. She wrote six books that hardly sold any copies. Her seventh book became a hit.
    Her life changed with one viral post that created the momentum for her bestselling book.
    Girl, Wash Your Face has over a million copies sold and is growing every week. She is host of the RISE Podcast and co-host of the RISE Together podcast. She is a mother of four who was named one of the "Top 30 Entrepreneurs under 30" by Inc. Magazine.
    She is an amazing example of the power of not giving up.
    So learn how to follow your dreams and live for yourself (even if you’re a mom) on Episode 697.

    671 Overcome Emotional Obstacles

    671 Overcome Emotional Obstacles

    There’s so many times where we focus on what society tells us will make us happy, and that’s all we chase. Money, a nice car, a house, and material objects that show off our “success."
    We always end up overlooking ourselves. You avoid exercising until the doctor says you have to. I’m sure you’ve experienced it plenty. You ignore your stress at work until you just can’t take it anymore.
    Ultimately your emotional state should take a priority. Without it, you can’t be at your best. At the end of the day, happiness is an emotional. All of the material items in the world can’t get you there.
    That’s why I wanted to do a mashup this week on overcoming emotional obstacles from some of the masters: Emily Skye, Josh Shipp, Rupi Kaur and Joshua Millburn.
    On this episode you’ll learn how to overcome emotional barriers that continue to hold us back.
    If you take these lessons from people who have come from all walks of life you’ll be able to achieve your true destiny.
    Please, sit down with this one and take notes. I know it’s going to help you tremendously.
    So learn how to keep your emotions in line to nail your goals, and feel fulfilled, on Episode 671.
    Some Questions I Ask:
    Do you still go through times of being insecure? (5:40)
    Why do you get insecure at times? (6:32)
    If something isn’t working in your business, how do you handle the inner critic? (10:26)
    How old were you (Shipp) when you met your final foster parents? (15:56)
    Do you (Rupi) think your work would be as powerful without going through pain and suffering? (19:43)
    In This Episode You Will Learn:
    What everyone needs to be responsible for (5:04)
    Tools you can use to overcome insecurities (7:48)
    How Emily stays grounded when things are going well (11:38)
    How Josh Shipp was emotionally removed from people who were trying to help him (14:02)
    Shipp’s lesson from a night in jail as a teenager (16:38)
    The danger of being your own worst enemy (18:41)
    How Rupi continues to create new things (21:03)
    What you need to focus on (22:34)
    How Joshua Millburn knows what needs to be fixed (25:17)

    662 Mastering Body Language and Confidence

    662 Mastering Body Language and Confidence

    There are two things that can make or break you when it comes to achieving greatness: your body language and your confidence.
    If you don’t have confidence, you’ll never be able to put yourself out there to the world. You need the confidence to try, and it’s confidence that will help you get back up after your failures.
    Once you have the confidence to get out there, your next obstacle is your first impression. Your body language tells someone a lot about you. Sometimes, it may not be what you intended it to say.
    Having proper posture, giving people a big smile, and treating everyone like an old friend will go a long way.
    These are really important lessons, which is why I wanted to bring you a mashup from Chen Lizra, Jordan Harbinger and Vanessa Van Edwards.
    I’ve received such an overwhelming response on the past mashups I wanted to bring you another one.
    I really suggest you go back and listen to the episode multiple times. There’s so much great advice from all three of these guests, you can’t absorb it all in one sitting.
    Take a new nugget of information each day and apply it to your life.
    You’ll quickly learn how not only your life can change, but these tips will also affect the people around you.
    So learn how you can master your body language and improve your confidence, on Episode 662.
    In This Episode You Will Learn:
    How Cuban culture heals the body (6:48)
    Where we should put our energy to become happy (8:05)
    The role tempo plays in your body (14:55)
    What men are commonly missing (18:00)
    Common misconceptions we have about first impressions (19:53)
    How your smile affects others (23:10)
    What makes popular kids popular (28:55)
    The biggest killer of relationships (30:52)
    What an ambivert is (32:07)
    What matters more than IQ (33:13)
    How you can make your interactions count (35:53)
    Plus much, much more

    660 Transform Today with Stacy London

    660 Transform Today with Stacy London

    A lot of people I know have a greatness inside of them, but there’s something holding them back. That thing is their self esteem.
    Without self esteem, you can be the best in the world, but no one will ever know because you’ll be too afraid to put yourself out there.
    This can be one of the hardest things to overcome, but honestly there’s an easy solution to start building your confidence - style.
    Changing the way you look will give you an instant feeling of change, and to go more into it I wanted to bring you a good friend of mine who knows this subject more than anyone else: Stacy London.
    You may know Stacy from the shows What Not to Wear, Access Hollywood, and even the Today Show.
    Her knowledge of style has helped change people’s lives.
    Learn what style can do for you, on Episode 660.
    In This Episode You Will Learn:
    How the world is changing (00:36)
    What Stacy would cure if she had unlimited money (1:26)
    How style affects self esteem (2:17)
    Why Stacy loves style (2:46)
    How style has changed people’s lives (3:36)
    Plus much, much more!

    638 Train Your Mind to Win with MMA Champion Mike Chandler

    638 Train Your Mind to Win with MMA Champion Mike Chandler

    Have you ever looked at the best in the world and wondered if you could be that?
    I have.
    I think a lot of us do when we're kids. We are amazed and inspired by the very best examples we find.
    But often we grow up and discover all kinds of reasons for why we can't be as good as the best.
    We fail at things. We struggle. We get knocked down, disappointed, hurt.
    I got to connect with someone this week who has experienced all of that. Many times.
    But he still decided he could be the best in the world at what he does. And he became that.
    Mike Chandler is a Bellator Lightweight Champion fighter. He was an All-American wrestler in college. He's overcome extraordinary opponents to win titles again and again.
    But he's also faced losses. Failures. Setbacks. At one point, after winning the world championship, he didn't win another fight for 688 days straight.
    So when we had a minute to sit down to record a podcast about the mindset of champions, I had to know what his self-talk routine is like.
    It really impressed me. Mike told me that self-image is actually one of the most important things he has cultivated. He has to believe he can be the best in the world, or it's not going to happen.
    I loved his insights on why it's so important to talk to yourself instead of listening to yourself, and so many more nuggets.
    Whatever you're aspiring to, I know you'll find his wisdom very helpful in Episode 638.
    Some questions I ask:
    What lesson did you learn in order to win the world championship? (8:23)
    Who taught you that you could become anything you want? (11:05)
    What do all world-class fighters have in common? (14:47)
    What happens when you believe you deserve great things? (18:03)
    What's your greatest gift in your sport and what do you need to work on the most? (19:10)
    In this episode you will learn:
    Why settling for your mediocre circumstances is unacceptable (9:20)
    What loss can teach us about what our potential is (11:15)
    Why your self-image is so important to your success (14:55)
    Mike's pre-fight self-talk and rituals (21:10)
    Plus much more...

    Douglas Urbanski: Rob Interviews American Film Producer [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    Douglas Urbanski: Rob Interviews American Film Producer [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    Rob talks live with Douglas Urbanski about his journey and business. Douglas talks about the importance of confidence and curiosity in business, and the downsides of laziness. He gives his thoughts on the movie industry, the marketing, production and distribution. His best and worst advice he ever got and what means to be "disruptive".

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    The 7 Entitlement Diseases & How to Cure Yourself of Them for RESULTS [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    The 7 Entitlement Diseases & How to Cure Yourself of Them for RESULTS [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

    What are the 7 diseases you might experience in your pursuit of happiness and money. How to cure them and take control of the situation!

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    582 Build Your Confidence with Jordan Harbinger

    582 Build Your Confidence with Jordan Harbinger

    "Our first impressions are always made non-verbally”
    One of my favorite guests I’ve had on this show is Jordan Harbinger, from The Art of Charm.
    Previously, he gave great advice on how to leave the right first impression, and most importantly it’s not made through what we say.
    So little of the impression we give off is through our words. Our body language, says so much more than anything that comes out of our mouths.
    This 5 Minute Friday will give you tips to build your confidence and create the impression you want, on Episode 582.
    In this episode you will learn:
    When first impressions are really made (00:50)
    How to test the way we make perceptions (1:54)
    Ways to create a good first impression (3:12)
    The doorway drill (4:27)
    Plus much more...

    570 Find Your Confidence with Mel Robbins

    570 Find Your Confidence with Mel Robbins

    We all need a tool chest filled with things that will help us with confidence, and motivation - especially if we want to be successful. One of the most powerful, useful, and important ones you need is the 5 second rule.
    On this Five Minute Friday I felt I HAD to bring you this tip from our episode with Mel Robbins.
    She’s a bestselling author, a former criminal defense attorney, a CNN commentator, happily married for 20 years, and a mom of 3 kids. She also has a 7-figure speaking business and is an inspiration of mine.
    Mel was easily one of my favorite interviews, and I know this is a tool that can launch you further than you ever expect.
    Hear all about her secret weapon and how to utilize it on Episode 570.