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    Happy and Healthy with Amy Lang

    Are you a busy executive or entrepreneur who wants lasting weight loss but are you struggling with prioritizing your own self-care? This podcast is for you. Your host, Amy Lang, founder and chief motivating officer of Moxie Club will be sharing with you the lessons learned and insights gained from 15+ years as a health club owner and weight loss coach. Become healthier and stronger so you can live the life you want.To find out more about Amy and her coaching programs, visit www.moxie-club.com.

    enAmy Lang225 Episodes

    Episodes (225)

    The Late-Night Snacking Urge

    The Late-Night Snacking Urge

    In this episode, we're talking about the late-night snacking urge that not only undermines your weight loss efforts but disrupts your sleep as well.

    To start, we're looking at three common scenarios: 

    • Mindless snacking while watching TV
    • Giving in to cravings after being "good" all day
    • Using food as a form of stress relief

    Perspective Shift: Instead of focusing on late-night snacking as the problem, let's view it as a symptom. In other words, instead of treating the symptom, let's identify the root causes so we can develop real solutions.

    In addition to providing some practical tips, we take a closer look at the physiological and psychological triggers for cravings, what causes "food noise" and the role of sleep procrastination.

    For a more thorough explanation on how to master your triggers and create healthy habits,  check out my bestselling book, Thoughts are Habits Too.


    Alcohol Is Not The Problem with Colleen Kachmann

    Alcohol Is Not The Problem with Colleen Kachmann

    Did you choose to do a Dry January or Dry February since it's a shorter month? Was it a walk in the park or more like a marathon?

    If it was the latter - maybe you're wondering if you have a drinking problem or if you're drinking because not drinking feels bad or you struggle with binge drinking, this episode is one you're going to want to listen to from beginning to end.

    My guest is Colleen Kachmann, Soberish Recovery Coach and host of the globally ranked podcast, "It's Not About The Alcohol."


    🌿 Dealing With Emotions: Colleen and I explore the fear that often leads us to avoid feeling our feelings and how processing these emotions is a critical step toward self-love and healing.

    🏆 Growth Mindset: Processing emotions and self-love aren't just things you're born knowing how to do. They're skills, which mean you can learn, develop, and master them.  We discuss how these skills can shift your life's trajectory in powerful ways.

    ⏳ The Problem with "Always" and "Never": Colleen challenges the underlying premise of Alcoholics Anonymous and shares why a shift in mindset is the key to recovery.

    ⚖️ Rethinking Weight Loss and Sobriety: Colleen and I delve into how identity and societal labels impact our relationship with food and alcohol. It's a different perspective on nagging problems that may just spark your next breakthrough.

    💡 More Insights: Colleen offers listeners access to her free masterclass, where you can learn the 8 core principles of her Accelerated Recovery Process© so you can break your emotional attachment to alcohol.

    🔗 Connect


    Making Sex Easy and Fun with Jessa Zimmerman

    Making Sex Easy and Fun with Jessa Zimmerman

    In this episode, we're talking about intimacy, pleasure and connection with sex therapist, Jessa Zimmerman.

    Jessa and I have a fun, lively conversation about a topic that many couples struggle with, especially in the context of long-term relationships, even for couples who are otherwise in a good place.

    We talk about the common misconceptions about sex, as well as how body image, weight issues, fertility, and changes that naturally come with aging can affect sexual intimacy.

    Jessa also shares what couples will learn in her "Intimacy with Ease" course and introduces her Touchy Feely™ Cards, a fun game to help couples explore physical intimacy and sensual touch.

    Take the quiz and enter to win a deck of Touchy Feely Cards.



    Demystifying AI with Polly Allen

    Demystifying AI with Polly Allen

    Artificial Intelligence ("AI")  has been in the news a lot during the past few months, and if the topic is causing stress, my guest and AI expert, Polly Allen is here to help us not only calm down but use it to improve the quality of our lives.

    As a Principal Product Manager (Technical) with Alexa AI, Polly led the development and launch of the first Generative AI answers on Alexa in 2019. She has over 20 years experience as a developer and technical product leader, was named a Top 100 Women of the Future for 2023. She is also an active angel investor and keynote speaker.


    - Polly tackles the fear and uncertainty surrounding Generative AI, walking us through its evolution and assuring us of its role as a partner in human innovation and creativity, rather than a replacement.

    - Polly recommends experimenting with tools like Chat GPT and staying informed about the latest trends. You can do this with her free monthly masterclasses.

    - Polly addresses the need for women to pursue AI leadership roles and how this can pave the way for a more balanced tech environment.

    - Polly provides practical career advice, including how to showcase your AI skills in product management and other non-technical business roles.

     - Visit aicareerboost.com for courses and boot camps for business professionals and programmers.



    Behind The Scenes Part 10 - Finding Your Tribe

    Behind The Scenes Part 10 - Finding Your Tribe

    Welcome to Part 10 and the final episode of this special "Behind The Scenes" series on the making of my bestselling book, Thoughts Are Habits Too.

    Wondering why I chose to narrate the book myself?

    I want you to give you as much information as I can for you to decide if we're a good fit. As much as I believe in the importance of habits, I also believe in the power of support and accountability, and what a difference it can make when you find your tribe.

    If you love this podcast, you're going to love the book and  my coaching program, Joyful Eating Circles.



    Behind The Scenes Part 5 - Finding Your Writing Rhythm

    Behind The Scenes Part 5 - Finding Your Writing Rhythm

    Welcome to Part 5 of this 10-part special series "Behind The Scenes" on the making of my bestselling book, Thoughts Are Habits Too.

    I takes you behind the scenes of my writing process, and the various steps I took to make my dream of writing a book and becoming a published author come true.

    From card sorting and outlines to deadlines and working with an editor, and the invaluable role of coaches, it definitely was teamwork that made the dream work.

    Stay tuned for the next episode, where I will share my favorite part of the writing journey - storytelling.



    Behind The Scenes Part 4 - Designing The Book Cover

    Behind The Scenes Part 4 - Designing The Book Cover

    In Part 4 of this special "Behind The Scenes" series on the making of my bestselling book, Thoughts Are Habits Too, I share the importance of creating a cover that resonates with my audience and reflects the book's message about self-love and joyful eating, and how you can heal your relationship with food, exercise, your body, and most importantly, yourself.

    If you're wondering why I used the specific color palette and design elements, you'll find out in this episode.



    Behind The Scenes Part 7 - The Joyful Eating Framework

    Behind The Scenes Part 7 - The Joyful Eating Framework

    Welcome to Part 7 of this special "Behind The Scenes" series on the making of my bestselling book, Thoughts Are Habits Too.

    In this episode, I walk you through the Joyful Eating Framework, including the four pillars: love, nourish, trust, and gratitude and the practices that correspond with them.

    This framework emphasizes the importance of developing a healthy relationship with food, movement, our bodies, and ourselves.

    If you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-love, this is an episode you don't want to miss.



    Behind The Scenes Part 8 - The Roadmap

    Behind The Scenes Part 8 - The Roadmap

    Welcome to Part 8 of this special "Behind The Scenes" series on the making of my bestselling book, Thoughts Are Habits Too.

    In this episode, I review the "Joyful Eating Roadmap," a milestone map designed to help you achieve lasting weight loss and create deep health.

    From setting a 90-day goal to mastering the fundamental five habits, each milestone reflects the application of the strategies and tips for making healthy habits stick that I describe in the book.

    Stay tuned for the next episode, where I preview what's in the Bonus Companion Workbook that includes several exercises and worksheets I use with my private coaching clients.



    Behind The Scenes Part 6 - The Power of Story

    Behind The Scenes Part 6 - The Power of Story

    Welcome to Part 6 of this 10-part special series "Behind The Scenes" on the making of my bestselling book, Thoughts Are Habits Too.

    In this episode, I dive into the power of storytelling.  We start with a clip from Chapter 1 of my book to illustrate how stories make teaching abstract concepts come to life.

    Stay tuned for an insightful discussion on the impact of storytelling and a beautiful quote by Maya Angelou.



    Behind The Scenes Part 9 - Where The Rubber Meets The Road

    Behind The Scenes Part 9 - Where The Rubber Meets The Road

    Welcome to Part 9 of this special "Behind The Scenes" series on the making of my bestselling book, Thoughts Are Habits Too.

    In this episode, I preview the contents of the companion workbook, a free bonus when you buy the book. It contains exercises and worksheets you can use to applying and integrating the concepts from the book.

    The workbook includes high-resolution color graphics and exercises that aid in understanding and implementing the principles discussed in the book.

    If you're looking for more support and accountability, join the waitlist for my coaching program, Joyful Eating Circles.

    Stay tuned for the next episode to find out why I decided to narrate the book, instead of hiring a professional actor.



    Behind The Scenes Part 3 - Coming Up with The Book Title

    Behind The Scenes Part 3 - Coming Up with The Book Title

    In Part 3 of this special series, "Behind The Scenes," I share how the title Thoughts Are Habits Too: Master Your Triggers, Free Yourself from Diet Culture, and Rediscover Joyful Eating came to be.

    If you're ready to ditch dieting and create healthy habits that stick so you canreach your optimal weight without sacrificing your sense of worth or wellbeing, this book is a must-read!



    Behind The Scenes Part 2 - Choosing To Self-Publish

    Behind The Scenes Part 2 - Choosing To Self-Publish

    In Part 2 of my special series, "Behind The Scenes" on the making of my best-selling book, "Thoughts or Habits 2." I delve into the pros and cons of going the traditional publishing route vs the self-publishing route, and why I chose to go with the latter.



    Behind The Scenes Part 1 - My Compelling WHY

    Behind The Scenes Part 1 - My Compelling WHY

    In this episode of Happy & Healthy with Amy, I'm sharing a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of my bestselling book, Thoughts Are Habits Too.

    I share my motivation for writing the book,  which is for people struggling with diets and stuck on the weight loss roller coaster.

    I reveal the flaws of traditional weight loss programs and my concerns about the popular weight loss drugs that are being prescribed.

    Tune in to learn more about my mission to help people achieve lasting weight loss without sacrificing your sense of worth and wellbeing.



    Empowering Your Midlife Comeback with Holly Bertone

    Empowering Your Midlife Comeback with Holly Bertone

    Are you caught in a vicious cycle where personal setbacks have left you feeling exhausted and defeated?

    My guest today, Holly Bertone, knows exactly how you feel. Having ascended to one of the top ranks at the FBI, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and then an autoimmune disease that left her chronically fatigued, which ultimately led to her resignation.

    That's all before she discovered how to break free from chronic stress and reclaim not only her health but also her life.

    In this episode, Holly’s sharing her ultimate comeback framework, which she calls 'ROCKY' to help you create your empowered comeback story starting today.

    In This Episode

    Free Resources:


    The Healing Power of Hypnosis and Loving Yourself with Paz Guerrero

    The Healing Power of Hypnosis and Loving Yourself with Paz Guerrero

    Has this ever happened? You've been triggered and the next thing you know, you’re in the middle of a heated argument you had no intention of starting...

    Or halfway through a pint of Haagen Daas ice cream...

    Or perhaps hitting the bottom of a bag of chips…

    Despite practicing yoga and meditation and all that work on being present.

    Rest assured, there's nothing wrong with you. This is actually just your subconscious mind at work. And what you're experiencing are the defense mechanisms - meant to help keep you safe - simply kicking in.

    The root cause? Unresolved conflicts that Paz Guerrero, my guest today, is an expert at uncovering. And she does it with hypnosis, and incredibly powerful tool and healing modality.

    So if you want to uncover and identify limiting beliefs, stop emotional eating, and binge eating, heal your wounds from the past, end dysfunctional relationships, and make healthier choices going forward, this is an episode you're going to want to listen to from beginning to end.

    In This Episode

    Free Resources:


    The Essential 8 for Optimal Health

    The Essential 8 for Optimal Health

    When it comes to optimal health, do you have a strategy for how to approach it?

    There's a quote by Michael Porter, "The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do."

    In this episode, I'm sharing the Essential Eight so you can avoid the overwhelm of all the things you could do for optimal health and focus on the ones that matter most.

    Sometimes I actually refer to them as the Magic Eight, and after you hear what they are, I think you'll agree that they are magical.



    The Vegan and Omnivore Debate

    The Vegan and Omnivore Debate

    We're delving into a hot topic: Vegan vs Omnivore Diets.

    If you've ever wondered about the health outcomes, environmental impact, and the nitty-gritty scientific backing of each diet, this is an episode you don't want to miss.

    In this deep dive, I review and reflect on the new Netflix docuseries, "You Are What You Eat," about a nutrition study at Stanford University involving 22 sets of identical twins.

    The make a fairly compelling case for changing from an omnivore to vegan diet - or at least a more plant-based diet which relies far less on industrialized agriculture.

    As always, I invite you to keep an open mind and think critically.

    Note: Starting in February 2024, this podcast will be releasing new episodes on Wednesdays.



    Defining Your Goals

    Defining Your Goals

    Have you been setting the same New Year's resolutions year after year after year, and you catch yourself thinking, "Why bother?"

    I know how you feel. I did the perennial resolutions for a long time.

    But I don't do that any more.

    In this episode, I'm going to walk you through how to shift from the mindset of New Year's resolution to New Year's evolution.

    If you're ready to make 2024 different from past years, if you're ready to finally make your dreams come true, this is an episode you're going to want to listen to from beginning to end.



    Create Your Vision

    Create Your Vision

    Do you have some big goals for 2024, and you want to actually achieve your goals this year as opposed to just making the same resolutions over and over again, right?

    How about instead of making a New Year's Resolution, we try thinking in terms of a New Year's Evolution?

    It starts with nailing your why, so if you haven't listened to my previous episode about nailing your why, listen to that episode first.

    In this episode, we're going to be talking about creating your vision and setting your intentions before we then dive into defining your goals.
