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    Foster Mealtime Relationships & Increase Your Longevity with Shawn Stevenson

    enDecember 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Environment in Eating for Optimal HealthConsidering the social and emotional aspects of eating, in addition to the nutritional value, can optimize health and wellbeing.

      Key takeaway from this episode of the Resetter podcast is that the environment in which we eat our food can have a significant impact on our health, potentially even matching the importance of the quality of the food itself. Sean Stephenson, a USA Today bestselling author, podcast host, and nutrition expert, discussed this topic in depth. He explained how social science and nutritional science intersect, and how creating a positive environment for eating can enhance the benefits of healthy food. With studies to back up his claims, Sean emphasized the importance of considering the social and emotional aspects of eating, such as relationships and connection, in addition to the nutritional value of our meals. By paying attention to both the food we eat and the environment in which we eat it, we can optimize our health and wellbeing.

    • Food's impact goes beyond our bodiesFood influences our health beyond nutrition, affecting genetic expression and shaped by social context

      Food is more than just nutrients; it's information that influences our genetic expression and deeply impacts our health. The conditions and social environment surrounding our meals also play a significant role. Author Sean Baker, a nutritionist with 21 years of experience, wrote a book that goes beyond recipes, delving into the power of food and social interaction. His book, which has been well-received with 250+ scientific references, emphasizes the importance of considering the context of our meals and the people we share them with. Food's impact extends beyond our bodies, shaping our genetic expression and, ultimately, our lives.

    • The impact of relationships and dining environment on healthQuality relationships and positive dining environments can lead to a 50% reduction in all-cause mortality and promote good nutrition principles, aligning with our evolutionary history and cultural traditions.

      The quality of our relationships and the environment in which we eat have a significant impact on our health, beyond just the nutritional value of the food itself. This is supported by extensive research, including the longest-running longitudinal study on human health and longevity, which indicates that the quality of our relationships is the most influential factor on how long and healthily we live. Furthermore, a large meta-analysis of 148 studies found that having healthy social bonds led to a 50% reduction in all-cause mortality for over 300,000 participants. However, it's important to note that the benefits of socializing extend beyond just being in the presence of others. When we eat together, we can also incorporate good nutrition principles, creating a synergistic effect on our health. This is a practice that aligns with our evolutionary history, as humans have always shared the experience of food preparation and consumption with others. Additionally, the dinner table has historically served as a unifier for conversation, culture, and tradition, making it an important place for passing on knowledge and insights from generation to generation.

    • The importance of family and community connections for health and well-beingRegular family meals lead to better nutrition, reduced risk of obesity and eating disorders, improved stress management, and release of oxytocin which counters cortisol's negative effects on insulin sensitivity.

      Our connections with family and community play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. This connection, which can be traced back to our tribal roots, has evolved over time but has become increasingly fragmented in recent decades due to technology and other factors. Research shows that regular family meals lead to better nutrition, reduced incidence of obesity and eating disorders, and improved stress management. Additionally, hormonally, the presence of oxytocin (released during social interactions) can help counteract the negative effects of cortisol (stress hormone) on insulin sensitivity. Therefore, prioritizing face-to-face interactions with family and community can have significant positive impacts on our health and overall well-being.

    • Eating in a loving environment boosts healthEating in an oxytocin-rich environment with loved ones enhances nutrient absorption, increases satiety, and reduces stress

      The environment in which we eat plays a significant role in how our bodies process food and the health outcomes we experience. Eating in an oxytocin-rich environment, surrounded by people we love, can lead to improved nutrient assimilation, increased satiety, and even the production of more oxytocin itself. This switch from the sympathetic "fight or flight" to the parasympathetic "rest and digest" nervous system allows for better stress management and offloading, leading to reduced work stress and relationship conflict. The act of eating together also fulfills our deep human need to feel seen and significant. This primal connection to sharing meals with loved ones likely stems from our ancestors, who didn't eat alone but around a fire. So, in essence, the quality of the food matters, but the environment and the people we eat with might matter even more.

    • Eating is about more than just nutritionEating positively, surrounded by loved ones, and savoring sensory experiences can make even unhealthy foods beneficial.

      The way we eat is not just about the nutritional value of the food, but also about our emotional state and sensory experience. Stress often leads us to eat unhealthy foods, but eating in a positive emotional state, surrounded by friends and family, can make even "bad" foods beneficial. Our cultural habits, such as eating alone in front of screens, contribute to poor food quality and health outcomes. The experience of food goes beyond taste and includes texture and sound, which are essential inputs for our ancestors to determine if food was safe and nutritious. Processed foods have found ways to trick our brains by removing these natural sensory inputs. The Sonic Chip Experiment, which won the Ig Nobel Prize, even showed that the sound of crunching chips can make us feel like they're fresher and more enjoyable. So, to improve our relationship with food, we should aim to eat when we feel good, surround ourselves with others, and savor the sensory experience of our meals.

    • Creating a supportive environment for healthy food choicesHonor individual needs, prioritize real human interaction, and nourish bodies with whole foods to create a supportive environment for healthy food choices.

      Our environment and the people around us play a significant role in our relationship with food and overall health. The food industry has made it seem simple and convenient to rely on processed foods, but the long-term health consequences can be detrimental. Dr. Mindy, creator of PowerSync 60, emphasizes the importance of honoring our individual needs and creating a supportive environment to make the best food choices. Whether it's at home or in the workplace, we need to prioritize real human interaction and nourish our bodies with whole, nutritious foods. Dr. Mindy's new fitness program, PowerSync 60, is designed to help individuals of all backgrounds and lifestyles make positive changes, with a customized meal plan, fasting, and hormonal considerations. By joining the PowerSync 60 community, you'll be part of a loving and supportive environment to help you reach your health goals.

    • Neglecting relationships can harm health and happinessInvesting time and effort in relationships improves well-being and contributes to a cultural shift prioritizing healthy relationships.

      Neglecting to address issues in relationships while they're still small can lead to disconnection and misunderstanding, impacting our health, happiness, and overall well-being. It's crucial to prioritize communication, both verbal and nonverbal, and make time each week for meaningful connections with loved ones or friends. Our relationships are the most powerful determinant of our health and happiness, yet they are often overlooked or neglected in our education and daily lives. By scheduling regular check-ins and investing in our relationships, we can improve our own well-being and contribute to a cultural shift that values and prioritizes healthy relationships.

    • The Power of Social Connections for Health and HappinessPrioritize healthy relationships, let go of toxic ones, and understand the importance of social connections for overall well-being.

      While we may feel isolated and struggle to form meaningful relationships, it's essential to prioritize our health and seek connections with others. Our genes expect us to connect, and even introverts need social interaction. Sometimes, we must let go of toxic relationships to make room for healthier ones. Science, while valuable, should not be our sole guide for proper health habits. Social connections and nutritional science work together to promote overall well-being. The speaker's personal story illustrates how a chance encounter with a friend led to significant improvements in her health and life. Ultimately, we deserve good relationships and must believe in our worthiness to receive them.

    • Approaching science with a critical mindsetScience offers valuable health info, but examine opposing views, honor personal experiences, and consider funding sources. Ongoing research in areas like microbiome is essential, but individuals must integrate info for themselves. Be aware of social media's impact on health advice.

      While science provides valuable information about health, it's important to approach it with a critical and curious mindset. Peer-reviewed data should be considered, but it's also essential to examine opposing viewpoints and honor personal experiences. The funding sources of studies can influence their results, and many are supported by industries with potential conflicts of interest. However, we should also appreciate the ongoing research in various areas, such as the microbiome and its impact on mental health. Ultimately, science serves as a starting point, and individuals must integrate the information for themselves. With the increasing reliance on social media for health advice, it's crucial to be aware of these complexities and make informed decisions based on reliable sources.

    • Stay open to new information for positive health impactsRecognize unique perspectives, validate own experiences, frame challenges as opportunities, and seek advice from trusted sources for continued growth and learning.

      Expanding our perspectives and staying open to new information, whether it comes from social media or real-life interactions, can contribute positively to our health. It's important to recognize that everyone has a unique story and perspective, and we can learn from each other. However, it's also crucial to validate our own experiences while staying curious and open-minded. Framing challenges as opportunities for growth and seeking advice from trusted sources can help us navigate difficult situations and make progress towards our health goals. By seeking multiple perspectives and staying curious, we can avoid being limited by a single viewpoint and continue learning and growing.

    • Mindful practices before mealsIncorporating practices like prayer, gratitude, or blindfolded eating before meals can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, enhance sensory experiences, and create a deeper connection with the food and those we share a meal with.

      Incorporating mindful practices before meals, such as prayer or gratitude, can have a positive impact on the assimilation of food into your body. This practice, which has been done for centuries, helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing for a moment of pause and connection. Additionally, the energies of those involved in the meal synchronize, leading to an energy exchange with the food itself. Practices like blindfolded eating can enhance the overall experience of consuming food by allowing us to fully engage our senses and appreciate the complex flavors and textures. Ultimately, these mindful practices create a deeper connection with the food and those we share a meal with, setting the stage for a truly beneficial and enjoyable dining experience.

    • Exploring the role of smell in health and relationshipsWomen use smell to identify suitable mates, and investing in resources like The Eat Smarter Family Cookbook and The Model Health Show can lead to personal growth and positive changes in life.

      Our sense of smell plays a significant role in our health and life choices. Women, in particular, use it to identify suitable mates for their immune system, and the memory associated with certain smells is deeply ingrained. The Eat Smarter Family Cookbook and The Model Health Show are great resources to explore this concept further and invest in personal growth. The cookbook, now a USA Today national bestseller, is available at various bookstores and online platforms, while The Model Health Show offers free masterclasses with top experts. Ultimately, taking time to engage with these resources and prioritize self-empowerment can lead to positive changes in our lives. As for a superpower, both the speaker and I believe that the ability to inspire and create positive change is a powerful one.

    • Connecting and simplifying complex ideasEffectively communicating complex concepts empowers others to understand and benefit from them. Gratitude, engagement, and sharing are keys to successful communication.

      Effective communication and simplification of complex concepts are valuable skills. The speaker, who identifies their superpower as the ability to connect and simplify complex ideas, emphasizes the importance of making complex information accessible and empowering for others. This was highlighted in their discussion about food and the environment. They expressed gratitude for the opportunity to explore these topics and encouraged listeners to engage with the material, share their thoughts, and leave reviews. Overall, the conversation underscores the power of clear and empowering communication to help people understand and benefit from complex ideas.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep236

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To help raise money for nonprofits that support, protect, and provide opportunities to women around the world, go to https://drmindypelz.com/glag/

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep233

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep232

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep231

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep230

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep229

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep228

    Sara Szal Gottfried MD is a physician, researcher, educator, mother, and seeker. She graduated from Harvard Medical School and MIT, and completed residency at UCSF, but is more likely to prescribe a CGM and personalized nutrition plan than the latest pharmaceutical. Dr. Gottfried is a global keynote speaker and the author of four New York Times bestselling books about trauma, hormones, and health. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at Thomas Jefferson University, and Director of Precision Medicine at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health. Her focus is on the interface of mental and physical health, N-of-1 trial design, personalized molecular profiling, use of wearables, and how to leverage these tools to improve health outcomes.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    Thanks to today’s podcast sponsors:


    Animalearnanimalearn.org/compassion (free resources for opting out of animal dissection in schools)


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    Get Help for Eating Disorders:
    Call: (800) 931-2237

    Additional Eating Disorder resources: bornthisway.foundation/get-help-now


    Travel With Curves Blog: http://travelwithcurves.com/blog/2016/12/16/staying-body-positive-through-the-holidays?rq=holidays



    Use #Thankful30 or #LYBThankful30 for 30 days of gratitude. Post something EVERY DAY that you are thankful/grateful for through the Holiday Season!

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    Love Your Bodd Stuffz


    Website: www.heather-boddy.com/loveyourbodd


    Email LYB: loveyourboddcast@gmail.com


    Tweet: @LoveYourBodd


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    Find Heather @HeatherBoddy on Snapchat, Twitter & Instagram


    Don't forget to rate & review LYB on whichever podcast platform you use to listen! Thanks for listening!! 


    ** Music in the Episode is Royalty Free/PodSafe - Carol Of The Bells by Audionautix**