
    Decoding Social Cues: Harnessing the Power of Communication for Success w/ Vanessa Van Edwards EP 1448

    Instead of trying to change someone's values, have a conversation to understand and optimize their strengths. This applies to personal and business relationships. Discuss personality traits and work preferences instead of relying on chemical attraction.

    enJune 03, 2023

    About this Episode

    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com

    Today’s guest is Vanessa Van Edwards, who is the Lead Investigator at Science of People and is the bestselling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People. Vanessa works with entrepreneurs, growing businesses, and trillion-dollar companies. She is renowned for teaching science-backed people skills to audiences around the world where her mission is to help introverts leverage their strengths, show high achievers how to activate their secret skills and teach awkward people to feel more confident. She’s written a new book called Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How to make a great impression at a big conference or networking event
    • The best questions to ask when you meet someone and why
    • How emotions are contagious
    • Why “fake it til you make it” isn’t the best strategy
    • What personality traits to be mindful of when dating 

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1448

    Another great episode with Vanessa Van Edwards – 


    🔑 Key Takeaways

    • To succeed, position yourself as a learner who has struggled with a skill. Connect with people by being curious and listening closely, regardless of their background or interests, to establish trust and relatability.
    • Being liked by the most people is the key to popularity. To achieve that, focus on liking more people and creating a safe environment where everyone feels included.
    • Making a good impression in seconds requires a smile, body language, and conversation skills. Beware of digital footprints and strive for confident approaches to people. Be mindful of gender differences and lying behavior in interactions.
    • Approach interactions as experiments, be curious, try new things, and take on challenges for personal growth. Focus on nonverbal cues, eye contact, and hand gestures when sparking conversations. Every interaction is a chance to learn and discover to become more confident and successful communicators.
    • Choose your words wisely to trigger positive emotions in others. Use context cues like exciting vacations, cool restaurants, and gratitude to prime for success in conversation while being careful not to discuss personal topics prematurely.
    • Our emotions affect those around us and it is important to spread positive ones. Embrace new experiences, tap into natural strengths and rise to the occasion to build confidence.
    • Interpersonal Intelligence is just as important as IQ or technical skills. Strive to make every interaction above average and create positive reinforcement. People with higher PQ make $29,000 more per year.
    • Focusing on positive social interactions, rather than just productivity, can deeply impact others and strengthen connections in business. Genuine care and vulnerability can create a memorable impact and lead to success.
    • High neurotics have a special form of the serotonin transport gene, making it harder for them to calm down after something bad happens. Comforting words like 'it'll be fine' may make them more nervous.
    • Knowing your resource language and trigger points can help you work better with colleagues and partners. Don't try to change their personality, instead optimize the parts that benefit your goals.
    • Understanding and accepting personality traits can lead to better communication and a more fulfilling relationship. Don't judge negative emotions, but communicate preferences to avoid unnecessary stress.
    • Understanding and optimizing natural personality traits, such as conscientiousness, can improve relationships and productivity. Hiring individuals who complement your strengths can be beneficial. Finding happiness in simple pleasures and optimizing your natural personality traits leads to greater happiness.
    • By focusing on big picture thinking, outsourcing details, and retraining our brains to see happiness patterns, we can feel in control and bring happiness into our lives. Effective communication and compromise can also help balance conflicts stemming from conscientiousness in relationships and workspaces.
    • Instead of trying to change someone's values, have a conversation to understand and optimize their strengths. This applies to personal and business relationships. Discuss personality traits and work preferences instead of relying on chemical attraction.
    • To build connections and achieve success, it is crucial to adapt to people’s communication style, develop emotional intelligence, and master vocal power. Not only what you say but also how you say it can influence others’ perception of you.
    • Relax your vocal cords before answering the phone, match the energy of the other person to build rapport, and avoid relying on amateur lie detection, which is often unreliable.
    • Prison inmates, known as BSers, have shown to be more effective at detecting lies than professionals. Look for incongruencies in facial expressions and voice tones, and pay attention to microexpressions like contempt. Developing intuition can improve lie detection.
    • To minimize lies in phone communication, follow-up to confirm details. Your vocal skills are essential to negotiations, use them wisely. Spot hidden emotions and be honest in all communication channels.
    • Speak with a downward inflection and authoritative tone to convey confidence. Practice your pitch and use social proof and testimonials to position your numbers correctly. Own your worth and be confident in your skills and time to achieve success.
    • In negotiation, it's important to subtly showcase social proof, professional credentials, and published works without pretending to be someone else. Spend time finding your unique brand of charisma and authenticity, which is key to meeting new people and finding success in negotiation.
    • Whether you're an introvert, ambivert, or extrovert, take on the challenge and act on it. Make an effort to connect with people, even if it's uncomfortable or may seem small. Embrace vulnerability and own your quirky self, and watch your confidence and personal growth soar.

    📝 Podcast Summary

    The Importance of Connecting with Vulnerability and Empathy.

    Connecting with people, especially in a vulnerable way, helps establish trust and demonstrate relatability. It is more effective to position oneself as a learner who has struggled with a particular skill and has learned through experience, rather than as an expert. This allows for a better understanding and connection with those who are also struggling. Reverse engineering success requires understanding and connecting with people in a meaningful way, something that comes from being curious and listening intently to what they have to say. Being able to connect with people is a learned skill, and it is important to understand and connect with all types of people, regardless of their background or interests.

    The true meaning of popularity and how to achieve it

    Being popular has little to do with attractiveness or extroversion, but everything to do with being liked by the most people. The most popular kids in a study were those who had the longest list of people they liked. The key word to popularity is safety - liking someone makes them feel accepted and safe. Uncertainty or ambivalence about a relationship takes up more mental energy than toxic relationships. Therefore, instead of striving to be extroverted at events, focus on liking more people. Inviting people to sit with you or joining groups can help build an environment where people feel included and safe.

    Importance of First Impressions, Body Language, and Digital Footprints in Interactions.

    First impressions matter within seconds, whether in person or online. A smile is always a good basic practice to have conversations. Understanding body language and conversation skills are important for initial interactions. People can be misread easily, so one should be careful about their digital footprints and what they convey. Personal optimization is not always necessary if one can confidently approach people, which requires some learning and practice. Gender differences can create social challenges, like how women can't always smile at strangers without being misunderstood. Understanding lying behavior can also be useful for interactions, and this will be explored in the following session.

    Overcoming Fear through Experimental Interactions

    Approaching interactions in life as experiments can help us overcome our fears and gain confidence. Being brave and curious enough to try new things and take on challenges can lead to personal growth and unique experiences. When approaching someone for the first time, it's important to signal friendliness and use simple conversation sparkers to create meaningful and interesting interactions. The verbal approach matters less than nonverbal cues like eye contact and hand gestures. By thinking of each interaction as a chance to learn and discover, we can become more confident and successful communicators.

    The Power of Words in Priming for Successful Conversations

    The words we use signal things for other people, which ultimately dictate everything, including emails and interactions. Priming is a powerful tool that sets oneself up for success in conversation, and it can be achieved by using context cues such as exciting vacations, cool restaurants, gratitude, etc. While personal topics can trigger gratitude and build deep relationships, it is not advisable to discuss them with people who are not yet comfortable because it might lead to anxiety or fear. In essence, words are a powerful tool that can create and control feelings, so it is important to use them wisely to trigger positive emotions in others.

    The impact of our emotions on others and how to cultivate positive ones.

    Our emotions produce physical responses and chemicals that can be detected by others. These cues can be contagious and affect the people around us, changing their physiology and shaping their entire day. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of the emotions we bring into interactions and strive to spread positive emotions like excitement rather than anxiety. Rather than faking confidence, we should tap into our natural strengths and rise to the occasion. Whether it’s a trip to Las Vegas or an adventure in South Dakota, embracing new experiences and stepping out of our comfort zones can help us discover our natural strengths and build confidence.

    The importance of Interpersonal Intelligence in Daily Interaction

    Interpersonal intelligence or PQ (Social Intelligence Quotient) is important in decoding and encoding social cues that we encounter in our daily interactions. People with higher PQ have been found to make $29,000 more per year than those with lower EQ. These interactions can be as small as sending an email or having a casual coffee, but the impact can be significant if they go as good as they could possibly go. It's essential to make note of every interaction and strive to make them above average to create positive reinforcement. Social strengths are just as important as IQ or technical skills, and it's exciting to learn more about people and explore the possibilities of what we can do with it.

    The Importance of Social Acumen in Business

    Focusing on social acumen is as important as focusing on productivity, efficiency, and maximizing business revenue. Greeting everyone like an old friend with a positive attitude gives excitement and magic in every interaction, regardless of its duration or productivity. People care more about how you make them feel than how smart you are. Being vulnerable and sharing emotions with others can also infect them positively, creating a two-way street. The famous quote by Maya Angelou, ''People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care,'' has a scientific reason behind it. Infecting others with positive emotions like gratitude, excitement, or fulfillment creates a memorable impact and helps social connections to thrive.

    Neuroticism and its effect on emotional stability.

    Neuroticism is a genetic trait that affects emotional stability. High neurotics have a special form of the serotonin transport gene, which means they do not produce as much serotonin and it goes more slow. When something bad happens to a high neurotic, it takes them longer to calm down than others. This is important to keep in mind when giving comforting words like 'it'll be fine' which may actually make them more nervous. Writing a book could be a challenging and new platform play, but it also brings more opportunities. Vanessa Van Edwards wrote her book for herself and for people who want to get results in their life, like making more money or having better relationships.

    Understanding Resource Language and Trigger Points to Improve Relationships

    Understanding your resource language and trigger points can improve your relationships. We all need the six resources- status, information, money, goods, services and love. We usually desire the resource we did not get in our childhood. Neurotic individuals need emotional stability and can benefit from hiring official warriors or team members who worry for them. Asking for resource theory and knowing your trigger points can help in partnerships. The personality trait of openness determines one's love for routines or new ideas. It is important to work with one's partner or colleague's resource language or personality instead of trying to change them. Changing personality is difficult, and it is better to optimize parts of personality that benefit one's goals.

    Effective Communication and Understanding Personality Traits for a Fulfilling Relationship.

    Having clear communication and using a non-hot button language can turn potential fights into healthy discussions. The Big Five personality traits are scientifically based and each trait is a spectrum, with no right or wrong. Our emotional reactions are part of how we are wired, and it's important not to judge ourselves for negative emotions. At the same time, it's crucial to know ourselves and our preferences so we can negotiate with our partners to avoid unnecessary stress. It's okay to have different preferences, but being open about them and finding a middle ground helps to create a more fulfilling relationship.

    Optimizing Natural Personality Traits for Success and Happiness.

    Understanding your natural personality traits and optimizing them can lead to success and happiness. Conscientiousness, which refers to how one approaches details, can be a significant factor in relationships. If partners have differing levels of conscientiousness, they are likely to experience more problems. People with high conscientiousness enjoy routines and details, while those with low conscientiousness prefer big ideas and avoid being bogged down in details. Optimizing natural traits may include hiring people who are strong in areas where you are not, thus freeing you to focus on your strengths. Finally, happiness does not come from big things, but from simple pleasures and moments where you have optimized your natural personality instead of changing it.

    Finding Happiness Through Control, Capability, and Optimization

    The key to happiness is control, capability, and optimization. These three things are underappreciated. By focusing on big picture thinking and creativity, and outsourcing or minimizing details, one can feel capable and in control. This feeling of control brings happiness. Humans have a negativity bias, but by retraining our brains to see happiness patterns, we can bring control into a negative mindset and flip it. Conscientiousness can also cause conflicts in relationships and workspaces. If you and your partner or colleagues have opposite levels of conscientiousness, communication and compromise can help find a balance between what needs to be changed and what doesn't.

    Understanding Value Differences and Optimizing Strengths in Relationships

    When dealing with major value differences, it's important to understand and respect the other person's perspective and not try to change them. Instead, have a conversation to understand their values and strengths and optimize them. This applies not only to personal relationships but also to business relationships and hiring. In the beginning of all relationships, it's important to have a conversation about personality traits, ideal personality match, and work preferences, rather than relying on chemical attraction. This can help avoid stress and pain in the future. While Myers-Briggs is not scientifically based and people do change over time, having a basic understanding of personality traits can still be helpful in navigating relationships.

    The Importance of Communication Style, Emotional Intelligence, and Vocal Power in Building Connections

    It is important to meet people where they are and adapt to their communication style to build connections. This flexible leadership style also applies to emotional intelligence and vocal power. Our perception of others is highly influenced by their vocal tone and non-verbal cues. To sound more resonant, speak on the out breath and keep your vocal range low. Doctors with lower ratings in warmth and intelligence in their voice tone were found to have higher malpractice lawsuit rates, highlighting the importance of vocal power. It is not just what you say, but how you say it that matters in building connections and achieving success.

    The Importance of Phone Etiquette and the Pitfalls of Lie Detection

    How you hold yourself on the phone impacts how people perceive you. Taking a few deep breaths before answering the phone helps relax your vocal cords. Being expressive in response and matching the energy of the other person helps to build rapport, especially in business situations. Lie detection is a powerful but difficult skill. The science behind lie detection is concrete, but amateur lie detectors do worse than people who don't know anything about lying. Giving someone a little information about lie detection actually makes them worse at it. In the biggest study on lie detection, amateur lie detectors could only spot lies with 54% accuracy, which is barely better than flipping a coin.

    Inmates Outperform Professionals in Lie Detection

    Prison inmates are more efficient in detecting lies than professionals like police officers, doctors, or teachers when it comes to lying detection. The reason behind this is that prison inmates termed as BSer can detect liars better, offering more than 55% accuracy. To detect a lie, it is important to check for facial expressions and voice tones' incongruencies, leaks, incongruencies, and microexpressions like contempt. Liars often hate lying and may show contempt when they don't want to lie anymore. Developing an eye for spotting these signs, paired with the gut feeling and intuition, can improve lie detection capabilities. Eye contact could be a sign of honesty unless the liar is well prepared.

    The Power of Communication: Phone Lies and Vocal Skills in Negotiations

    The mode of communication that has the most amount of lies is phone because there is no paper trail, and it's easy to turn away from the lie. To minimize lies, follow-ups after the phone call should be done to summarize and confirm details. Vocal power is also important in negotiations as people value others based on their perception of their skills. Perception comes through vocality. Therefore, it is essential to be mindful of how you sound during negotiations and to work on improving your vocal skills. When coaching on the phone, it's crucial to spot hidden emotions and have measures to address them. Overall, it's vital to be honest and trustworthy in all communication channels.

    How to Communicate Your Value with Confidence

    When quoting a price or discussing a skill, it's important to use a downward inflection and authoritative voice tone to convey confidence. Asking for a price or using a question inflection can invite negotiation and suggest uncertainty. Practicing saying your hardest points out loud and in the appropriate tone and volume can help you convey your value to others. It's also important to position your numbers correctly, using social proof and qualitative testimonials when possible. Finally, owning your worth and being confident in your skills and time is crucial to pricing yourself appropriately and achieving success.

    The Importance of Social Proof, Professional Credentials, and Unique Charisma in Negotiation

    In negotiation, social proof, professional credentials, and published works are important proof buckets. It is important to subtly hit all three of them in your response. But, one should never pretend to be something they're not. Spend time finding your unique brand of charisma, which is your flavor, instead of imitating someone else. You can make it an experiment, like Lewis did with the Red Rose project, to figure out what works for you in meeting new people. The more time you spend on finding your unique self, the happier you will be and that's what people mean when they say authentic.

    How to Improve Your Relationships in Just Five Days

    Take a five day challenge to improve your relationships. Whether you're an introvert, ambivert, or extrovert, there's a challenge for you - it could be as small as texting a friend or buying roses for strangers. Turning knowledge into action is the key to behavior change. Mend broken relationships by reaching out to that one person you've been holding something back from. Vulnerability is sexy, own your weirdness, and your confidence is contagious. Vanessa Van Edwards used her awkwardness to help herself and others, and stretching outside your comfort zone can lead to great personal growth and success.

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    3 KEYS to Reprogram Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to Heal Your BODY

    3 KEYS to Reprogram Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to Heal Your BODY

    The mind and body are not separate entities, but rather a unified system that can be harnessed for healing and well-being, so today we focus on healing the body with our mind. Dr. Mariel Buqué, an Afro-Dominican psychologist and intergenerational trauma expert, offers profound insights into breaking the cycle of trauma through a holistic clinical approach that combines ancient healing practices with modern therapy. Dr. Ellen Langer, the first woman to be tenured in psychology at Harvard University and known as the "mother of mindfulness," challenges conventional thinking about mind-body unity and shares her bold theory in her new book "The Mindful Body." Lastly, Dr. Joe Dispenza discusses the transformative power of thoughts and meditation in healing oneself, sharing inspiring stories of individuals who defied the odds and healed from severe illnesses. Together, these experts illuminate the path to healing and personal evolution through the power of the mind.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to heal trauma without medication and recognize trauma within your body.
    • Practical techniques to calm your nervous system and break the cycle of intergenerational trauma.
    • The transformative effects of belief, gratitude, and personal evolution on healing.
    • How our thoughts can influence our physical well-being and the concept of mind-body unity.
    • The impact of unaddressed trauma on relationships and how to navigate healing when one partner is ready, but the other isn't.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1601

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Dr. Mariel Buqué – https://link.chtbl.com/1555-pod

    Dr. Ellen Langer – https://link.chtbl.com/1578-pod

    Dr. Joe Dispenza – https://link.chtbl.com/1564-pod

    You've Been BLOCKING your BLESSINGS! Do THIS To Get Into ALIGNMENT & MANIFEST Like CRAZY! | Tabitha Brown

    You've Been BLOCKING your BLESSINGS! Do THIS To Get Into ALIGNMENT & MANIFEST Like CRAZY! | Tabitha Brown

    Today we have an incredibly inspiring guest with us, the one and only Tabitha Brown. Tabitha is a social media sensation, actress, and vegan foodie who has captured the hearts of millions with her infectious positivity and wisdom. But her journey to success was not without its challenges. From battling health issues to navigating the complexities of Hollywood, Tabitha has faced it all with grace and resilience. In this episode, she shares her story of finding freedom and abundance by aligning with her true self and deepening her spiritual connection.

    Buy her new book for yourself and a friend – I Did a New Thing: 30 Days to Living Free (A Feeding the Soul Book)

    In this episode you will learn

    • the importance of authenticity and how it can transform your life and career.
    • strategies for deepening your spiritual connection and how it impacts your overall well-being.
    • how to identify and overcome the challenges that prevent you from living in alignment with your true self.
    • the keys to manifesting your dreams and attracting the life you desire.
    • valuable insights into maintaining a successful relationship and the impact of personal growth on your partnerships.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1600

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

    Rhonda Byrne – https://link.chtbl.com/1525-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod