
    dr. joe dispenza

    Explore " dr. joe dispenza" with insightful episodes like "3 KEYS to Reprogram Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to Heal Your BODY", "3 Strategies for THRIVING in Today's Economy EP 1468", "Episode 138: Energetic Communication with Adama Sesay", "Kendra Simpkins - From the Darkest of Places to Building a Revolutionary Non-Profit" and "Finding Your Peace, October 10, 2021" from podcasts like ""The School of Greatness", "The School of Greatness", "Glocal Citizens", "Relentless Goal Achievers" and "Finding Your Peace"" and more!

    Episodes (10)

    3 KEYS to Reprogram Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to Heal Your BODY

    3 KEYS to Reprogram Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to Heal Your BODY

    The mind and body are not separate entities, but rather a unified system that can be harnessed for healing and well-being, so today we focus on healing the body with our mind. Dr. Mariel Buqué, an Afro-Dominican psychologist and intergenerational trauma expert, offers profound insights into breaking the cycle of trauma through a holistic clinical approach that combines ancient healing practices with modern therapy. Dr. Ellen Langer, the first woman to be tenured in psychology at Harvard University and known as the "mother of mindfulness," challenges conventional thinking about mind-body unity and shares her bold theory in her new book "The Mindful Body." Lastly, Dr. Joe Dispenza discusses the transformative power of thoughts and meditation in healing oneself, sharing inspiring stories of individuals who defied the odds and healed from severe illnesses. Together, these experts illuminate the path to healing and personal evolution through the power of the mind.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to heal trauma without medication and recognize trauma within your body.
    • Practical techniques to calm your nervous system and break the cycle of intergenerational trauma.
    • The transformative effects of belief, gratitude, and personal evolution on healing.
    • How our thoughts can influence our physical well-being and the concept of mind-body unity.
    • The impact of unaddressed trauma on relationships and how to navigate healing when one partner is ready, but the other isn't.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1601

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Dr. Mariel Buqué – https://link.chtbl.com/1555-pod

    Dr. Ellen Langer – https://link.chtbl.com/1578-pod

    Dr. Joe Dispenza – https://link.chtbl.com/1564-pod

    3 Strategies for THRIVING in Today's Economy EP 1468

    3 Strategies for THRIVING in Today's Economy EP 1468

    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com – 

    Kyle Cease is a New York Times best-selling author with two #1 Comedy Central specials to his credit. He has been a guest speaker at thousands of colleges, summits, and Fortune 500 conferences and has made over 100 TV and movie appearances. Kyle teaches that most of our “triggers” are fears we have based on old stories. Once we dig deep to figure out where those are rooted, we can stop letting them control us.

    Dr. Joe Dispenza explains how changing our attitude toward our past, we take charge of creating our future. Once we let go of regrets or traumas, we allow ourselves to look at things in a different light. Then, we can start manifesting what’s really important to us. We are only one decision away from living our dreams. Have you made that decision yet? If so, what will it be?

    Bob Proctor shares how gratitude operates on a higher frequency than anger, disappointment, and any other negative emotion. While those negative emotions only attract more negativity and sadness, gratitude attracts abundance. When we acknowledge all of the good things in our lives — our families, the roofs over our heads, passions, and ambitions — we attract more of those good things into our lives!

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How to operate with a receiving vibration
    • Why you should be careful about the way you talk about money
    • What the Law of Attraction is and how it works.
    • How to reprogram your minds for happiness and success.
    • The skills everyone needs in order to make more money.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1468

    Kyle Cease’s full episode - https://link.chtbl.com/1399-pod

    Dr. Joe Dispenza’s full episode - https://link.chtbl.com/1309-pod

    Bob Proctor’s full episode - https://link.chtbl.com/1227-pod

    Episode 138: Energetic Communication with Adama Sesay

    Episode 138: Energetic Communication with Adama Sesay
    Greetings Glocal Citizens! As the August moon is now on the wane, we're taking in the moon's full splendor from beginning to end in conversation with professional astrologer, empowerment alchemist, and the author of the highly anticipated book and oracle deck: Black Moon Lilith™ Rising (HayHouse Inc. Fall '23), Adama Sesay. Adama, a Sierra Leonian-American, is also the creator and founder of LilithAstrology.com and the private streaming platform Black Moon Lilith™ Collective. Shadow work, self-empowerment, alchemy, and self-realization through the birth chart and knowledge of Black Moon Lilith are her specialties. Her work has been featured in top media outlets like Cosmopolitan Magazine, Well + Good, Buzzfeed, and BYRDIE.  Whether you're a stargazer, have your feet planted firmly here on earth, or both, this conversation is full of empowering nudges to help guide you into your full energetic self. Where to find Adama? www.lilithastrology.com (https://www.lilithastrology.com/) On LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamasesay/) On Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/lilithastrology/) On Twitter (https://twitter.com/13LilithAstro) On Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/lilithastro) On YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/c/lilithastrology) On TikTok (https://tiktok.com/@lilithastrology) What's Adama reading? Cosmos and Psyche (https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B000OVLIPQ&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_RSS8P6X12QZDFQTQC9YH) by Richard Tarnas African Goddess Rising Oracle: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook (https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1401963102/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_EXNJJGZZW4YAAA61C96C) by Abiola Abrams Books by Kim Krans (https://smile.amazon.com/Kim-Krans/e/B00J38GKIQ?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_3&qid=1660531990&sr=8-3) What's Adama watching? The Handmaid's Tale (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Handmaid%27s_Tale_(TV_series)) Ozark (https://www.netflix.com/title/80117552) What's Adama listening to? Ancient Wisdom Today With Shaman Durek (https://shamandurek.com/ancient-wisdom-today-with-shaman-durek-podcast/) Dr. Deepak Chopra (https://www.deepakchopra.com/) Dr. Joe Dispenza (https://drjoedispenza.com) Other topics of interest: Tropical vs. Vedic Astrology (https://popularvedicscience.com/astrology/vedic-vs-western-astrology-whats-the-difference/) Babylonian Astrology (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babylonian_astrology) National Council for Geocosmic Research (https://geocosmic.org) Haus of Hoodoo (https://hausofhoodoo.com) Pluto Return (https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2022/02/10833656/us-pluto-return-astrology-explained) A Modern Textbook of Astrology (https://smile.amazon.com/Modern-Text-Book-Astrology-Margaret-Hone/dp/1933303352/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1Y0CL6QH1I0G0&keywords=the+modern+textbook+of+astrology+by+margaret+hone&qid=1660532746&sprefix=a+textbook+for+astrology%2Caps%2C81&sr=8-1) Saturn Return (https://www.nylon.com/life/saturn-return-meaning-astrology) Special Guest: Adama Sesay.

    Kendra Simpkins - From the Darkest of Places to Building a Revolutionary Non-Profit

    Kendra Simpkins - From the Darkest of Places to Building a Revolutionary Non-Profit

    Kendra is the founder and CEO of Operation Warrior Resolution. She served in the U.S. Army as an Intelligence Analyst, and after she was honorably discharged in 2010, she was determined to ensure that the best treatment options were available for her fellow veterans. She received a Master’s of Science in Social Work from Columbia University in New York for Clinical Social Work. Soon after she founded Operation Warrior Resolution and made it one of the leading providers of mental health care in the Sarasota area. Kendra is highly respected and considered an innovator in the field of veteran’s mental health. She’s a subject matter expert in the area of combat-related trauma, PTSD, neuroscience, military and veteran transition, global health practices, and wellness program development. Kendra is also one of only a few people worldwide to be certified by Dr. Joe Dispenza as a corporate trainer on teaching individuals how to use the latest in neuroscience research to create real change in their lives.

    Kendra shared her incredible story of going from depression and suicidal thoughts to becoming one of the few people in the world trained by Dr. Joe Dispenza and helping veterans overcome their traumatic experiences.

    Operation Warrior Resolution website: https://www.operationwarriorresolution.org

    Be sure to connect with us in our Lead Sell Grow – The Human Experience Tribe Facebook group:
    Pick up your copy of B2B Sales Secrets Here: https://www.amazon.com/B2B-Sales-Secrets-Step-Step/dp/1695368320/ref=sxts_rp_s1_0?crid=10Z2LNGDOGW4T&cv_ct_cx=b2b+sales+secrets&keywords=b2b+sales+secrets&pd_rd_i=1695368320&pd_rd_r=e2d5b4af-fdae-45a6-9cbd-437ed53b6a45&pd_rd_w=c6e52&pd_rd_wg=jJ0aT&pf_rd_p=dc8286ba-5f1e-4679-adde-8b7fe66c128e&pf_rd_r=ZEW8SZ209DBMRCKDE3BY&psc=1&qid=1643988512&sprefix=b2b+sales+secre%2Caps%2C75&sr=1-1-5e1b2986-06e6-4004-a85e-73bfa3ee44fe

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    Finding Your Peace, October 10, 2021

    Finding Your Peace, October 10, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller.  All rights reserved. Episode 11: CONFESSIONS OF A RECOVERING GRUMP Join Psychic, Medium and Transformational Life Coach Shelly J. Miller as she shares the teachings of Jesus from A Course in Miracles and the Quantum Healing work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, to help you move into peace and a happier life. What we think and feel determines our state of being and causes an outcome, wanted or unwanted in our experience. Learn how to let go of your problems and rewire your brain and open your heart to enter the Unified Field as science would call it, the state of pure awareness that Jesus calls the Kingdom of Heaven that is within us. Shelly shares insights from science and spirituality as well as her own experience, to help you become aware of how to create lasting positive change in your life. Whether you are suffering from anger depression, sadness, anxiety or unknowingly addicted to suffering, or you just want to tweak a life that is going well in the direction of perfect peace, love and joy that last, this episode will give you the tools to become a conscious creator. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Ep. 161 - Healing Trauma & Manifesting Ease with Isabella - The Process

    Ep. 161 - Healing Trauma & Manifesting Ease with Isabella - The Process

    Have you put your authentic self in the driver’s seat of your life? Welcome back to another Process episode where we showcase one of our very own Pathway members and their remarkable manifestation journey! Today we welcome Isabella who joins the podcast to discuss how she manifested getting out of debt and into five-figure months, a move to her dream city and her dream career.

    She joins our host Jessica Gill for an expansive conversation about how she overcame tests, blocks and limiting beliefs to manifest her new career, a higher salary, an improved relationship with her parents and much more. They also cover body image, leaving toxic jobs, magnetic parents, flower remedies and the power of Scorpio energy. This episode is a great resource for harnessing your inner trust, and we can’t for everyone to listen!

    Find the Complete Show Notes Here -> https://tobemagnetic.com/expanded-podcast


    In This Episode We Talk About:

    • The remarkable manifestation journey of Pathway member Isabella!
    • Her astrological profile and powerful Scorpio energy
    • Her cultural background growing up in the US with Brazilian and German parents
    • Body image insecurities that grew out of her upbringing
    • Her struggle to find expanders for women with healthy relationships with their bodies
    • The importance of daily reprogramming
    • The blocks, tests and rock bottoms she went through
    • Her manifestation list for calling in a partner
    • How she manifested a new career and started her own business
    • Doing TBM work alongside professional therapy work
    • Recognizing your own patterns and taking energetic action
    • The positive impact of flower remedies
    • How our shadow can help and support us




    In The Episode:


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    Who do you Think you Are? (episode #15) - Dr. Christina Clapham

    Who do you Think you Are? (episode #15) - Dr. Christina Clapham
    In today's episode, Glenn and I had an amaaaazing time chatting with friend, chiropractor extraordinaire, and the super smart and brilliant Dr. Christina Clapham. From her opening answer of her "I am an energetic being having a human experience..." to telling us in fascinating detail about the B.E.S.T. (Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique) work she specializes in, to her stories about studying with Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and a very diplomatic discussion on Covid19 vaccinations, we really just skimmed the surface of the depth of knowledge, gifts, and expertise Dr. Christina has to offer and share with the world...! Tune in and find out the significance of the mother/father/teacher/preacher impact on how we navigate our lives; how thoughts are (at) the very root of what can eventually ail us; what role S.E.M.O.'s play (better yet, what they are!) in our overall wellness and approach to life; and how ultimately, we really are designed to self-heal, and self-regulate, with chiropractic being such an amazing tool to allow our bodies to get back to that optimal state of self- healing and regulation. This, and so much more...! Plus, there's the super fun Rapid Fire Question Round at the end! A new episode posted every other week! Background Illustration - sakkmesterke@123rf.com Music - Vasco Lourenco@123rf.com Join Lesia's Soul Excavation tribe at https://www.lesiakohut.com​ . Connect with Dr. Christina at http://www.alignmentforlife.ca/​. Join Lesia's Soul Excavator Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LesiaKohutSE​ . Thanks for watching! Thank you for subscribing! Thank you for your love and support! Now go ahead and post a comment below! And let us know... who do you think you are...? With Infinite Love & Gratitude, Lesia

    What You Believe, Part VIII: How To Co-Create With The Universe

    What You Believe, Part VIII: How To Co-Create With The Universe

    Hello friend! I am so excited to share this episode with you. If you have been enjoying this series, I think you'll really dig the culmination of how to dig in and re-examine what you believe.

    Also, this is the last episode of season two! I'll be out for a couple of weeks while I have a bebe. After I learn to nurse again and get myself used to middle of the night diaper changes, I'll be back with all new content.


    Thank you for listening! Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. I am especially interested in connecting with helping professionals and people who spend their days caring for others. I promise that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram or subscribe to Glow Mail (my semi-regular love letter via email). If you have any questions, you can email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you!


    What You Believe, Part I

    What You Believe, Part I

    I've been gathering this research for a while, but for the longest time I was steeped in imposter syndrome and afraid I was not smart enough/good enough/had strong enough beliefs to share (ironic, I know).

    I've been working on it, though. And I've decided to just dive in. So here we go!


    1. My coach, Jill Ellen (she's amazing)
    2. Rob Bell's work (also amazing)
    3. TL episode, Manifesting for Dummies
    4. The Field by Lynne McTaggart
    5. Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza
    6. Bruce Lipton's website and the full lecture on the Biology of Belief

    Thank you for listening! Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. I am especially interested in connecting with helping professionals and people who spend their days caring for others. I promise that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram.


    How to Become a Massive Manifestor - Natalie Ledwell, July 5, 2017

    How to Become a Massive Manifestor - Natalie Ledwell, July 5, 2017
    Do you have a dream you want so badly but can't seem to make it a reality? Learn how to become a Massive Manifestor from Natalie Ledwell, co-founder of Mind Movies, a business that has transformed millions of lives. She works with Dr. Joe Dispenza and many other experts, who study the power of using our subconscious to create our reality. FYI - Oprah Winfrey also claims to be a massive manifestor and look what she's achieved! Natalie discusses obstacles that many have had in implementing manifesting and tells us how to breakthrough those challenges. Natalie has proved the power of manifesting while creating her huge empire of products, books, TV shows, and magazines.