
    Finding Your Peace

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    Finding Your Peace, March 13, 2022

    Finding Your Peace, March 13, 2022
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2022, Shelly J. Miller.  All rights reserved. Episode 16-Happy Join Psychic, Medium Shelly J. Miller as she shares how all of us have a memory of happiness and how to remember happiness for ourselves. This episode contains the teachings of Jesus from A Course in Miracles and non-dual teacher Rupert Spira, that happiness is the state of returning to our natural condition, and how you can refocus yourself as Pure Awareness to remember happiness. Learn to break the cycle of resistance that keeps us focused on our fear, depression, anxiety and lower emotions instead of our natural state of love and peace. Find out how you can use all challenges to awaken and what you can do to change the experience of war on a personal and global level to one of peace. Shelly shares comments from Bruce Lipton PhD about the scientific link between the subconscious and physical manifestation that relate to you becoming a peacemaker. There is additional information from Eckhart Tolle and Anita Moorjani about her Near Death Experience from her book, Dying to Be Me. Shelly also delivers direct Guidance from her readings with the Ascended Masters to help you stay steady, happy and peaceful. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE

    Finding Your Peace, January 16, 2022

    Finding Your Peace, January 16, 2022
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2022, Shelly J. Miller.  All rights reserved. EPISODE 15-DECIDING WHAT IS OF VALUE Join Psychic, Medium Shelly J. Miller as she shares the teachings of Jesus from A Course in Miracles about learning to choose what is of value. If you are struggling with the seeming chaos of an insane world, this episode will help you to stabilize by learning what is truly of value. As we move towards our spiritual awakening, our values change from goals and ambition in the world and our relationships to what Jesus says is truly of value, which has nothing to do with anything that is temporary. Jesus says we have only two choices between what is of value and what is completely valueless. Since the Kingdom of God is within us, listen to discover where you are placing value in in your own life, and how to change your perception so that your choices lead you back through the Gates of Heaven where everything is given to you. Shelly gives insights to daily practice and examples from her own experience to demonstrate how you will find a new experience of love, peace and joy that last by deciding what is of value and living that way from now on. Examples from Dr. Wayne Dyer from his movie “The Shift”, and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len from his book “Zero Limits” are also highlighted. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE

    Finding Your Peace, December 5, 2021

    Finding Your Peace, December 5, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller.  All rights reserved. Episode 14: Grateful Join Psychic, Medium Shelly J. Miller as she lifts your spirits by sharing the teachings of Jesus from A Course in Miracles. Gratitude is the bridge that changes our attitude and our experience. Jesus says that gratitude is not being grateful that you have more or are suffering less than others. He says to have gratitude for the fact that God loves us and has provided a way Home for us through the Holy Spirit. We often count what we are grateful for in the things we have, but gratitude is so much more than things. Listen as Shelly shares how to sustain a feeling of gratitude even through the challenges we face, and how you can look more deeply to truly recognize what we have to be grateful for where you did not see it before. This episode will encourage you on your path to spiritual awakening by helping you to focus on counting your blessings every day in a new way. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE

    Finding Your Peace, November 7, 2021

    Finding Your Peace, November 7, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller.  All rights reserved. Episode 13: Review of A Course in Miracles Core Principles Join Psychic, Medium Shelly J. Miller for a review of the core principles of the non-dual teachings of Jesus from A Course in Miracles. A Course in Miracles is a course in Christ Consciousness or awakening to our Real Self which is Love. Shelly will explain what Jesus says about the Fall from Grace, the Big Bang and why and how the material Universe was created. You will hear the difference between truth and illusion, Love and fear, and why only Love is real. You will understand the only reason we are here, which is to make all of our relationships Holy by undoing our false perception of ourselves and our brother. Shelly will share a daily practice of how to choose to follow Holy Spirit as your Master rather than your ego, and the dramatically different outcome that is available to you when you follow the Voice for God. Understand how to discern the difference between learning to be in your right mind, where judgement and anger are never justified and why radical forgiveness of the illusory world we see with the body’s eyes can be transformed into Christ Vision so you see yourself and each other the way God sees us. This powerful, succinct overview will change the way you experience your life and all your relationships and reaffirm your choice to awaken as you hear the clear steps to take to return to Oneness with God. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Finding Your Peace, October 24, 2021

    Finding Your Peace, October 24, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller.  All rights reserved. Episode 12: CLAIMING YOUR LIFE RAFT IN A SEA OF CHAOS Join Psychic, Medium Shelly J. Miller if you are worried, in fear, experiencing loss, or simply wish to bolster your faith to know you are on the right path. Shelly shares the teachings of Jesus from A Course in Miracles, as well as information from the Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides taken from her Readings, as the Masters teach you how to claim your life raft in a sea of chaos. Our vision must claim what is real from what is not real in order to find our peace and offer it to others. Shelly shares an exercise from Jesus that will transport you, so you may experience the love and peace you give to others coming back to you in equal measure. Understand how your Real Self will see you through storms and strife, past misery and pain, past loss and death an onward to the certainty of God. Listen to Jesus and the Masters explain why true empathy has nothing to do with joining in our suffering, and what you must know not only for yourself, but to truly be of service to others. This episode will lift and steady you as you learn why, “All Is Well”. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Finding Your Peace, October 10, 2021

    Finding Your Peace, October 10, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller.  All rights reserved. Episode 11: CONFESSIONS OF A RECOVERING GRUMP Join Psychic, Medium and Transformational Life Coach Shelly J. Miller as she shares the teachings of Jesus from A Course in Miracles and the Quantum Healing work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, to help you move into peace and a happier life. What we think and feel determines our state of being and causes an outcome, wanted or unwanted in our experience. Learn how to let go of your problems and rewire your brain and open your heart to enter the Unified Field as science would call it, the state of pure awareness that Jesus calls the Kingdom of Heaven that is within us. Shelly shares insights from science and spirituality as well as her own experience, to help you become aware of how to create lasting positive change in your life. Whether you are suffering from anger depression, sadness, anxiety or unknowingly addicted to suffering, or you just want to tweak a life that is going well in the direction of perfect peace, love and joy that last, this episode will give you the tools to become a conscious creator. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Finding Your Peace, September 26, 2021

    Finding Your Peace, September 26, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller.  All rights reserved. Episode 10: Holy Relationships Join Psychic, Medium Shelly J. Miller as she shares how and why you must make all your relationships holy in order to enter Heaven, according to the teachings of Jesus from A Course in Miracles. All our relationships are given by God to make us happy, but relationships can often be very challenging. You may feel you did not receive love from your parents, or those who mean the most to you, you may be a parent, experiencing a break up or divorce or navigating a marriage. Friends, family, employers and the world at large can make us want to forgive some circumstances and not forgive others. Jesus teaches that this belief in sin that never really happened, is actually our own act of faithlessness in the Holy Spirit who is the one who can heal all pain, and our lack of faith in our brothers to change and awaken. This keeps us trapped on the wheel of duality experiencing the “serial dream” of pain and suffering. It is only when we choose to make all our relationships holy and stay in faith, that we can return to our eternal Home in God and the experience of Heaven as we heal our minds through forgiveness of ourselves and each other. Shelly shares the steps to take that will end all suffering and set you and others free. Since it is not possible to reach God without healing all our relationships, even with the deceased, this life changing information is something you can’t afford to miss. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Finding Your Peace, September 12, 2021

    Finding Your Peace, September 12, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller.  All rights reserved. Episode 9: Surrendering To What Is. Join Psychic, Medium Shelly J. Miller for a gentle conversation about Surrendering to What Is. When life throws us a curve ball, we can resist change or we can decide to walk the path of spiritual surrender. When things become uncomfortable or our burden too heavy, we generally fight to control our situation. Resistance to what is going on creates more pain and suffering. The one thing that is certain about life in a body is that change is inevitable. But change forces us to awaken and to seek for inner peace and stability in the middle of seeming chaos, fear, and loss. Shelly shares stories and examples of how we can let go of expectation, attachment and control and find our way to inner peace, and stability, by choosing to surrender to what is going on and to see it differently with the help of compassion, gentleness, kindness and love. Shelly will offer insights from Jesus in A Course in Miracles, Byron Katie, from her book, ”Loving What Is” and the basis of Self Enquiry from the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi to help you find the changeless and timeless essence of who you are, have always been, and will always be. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Finding Your Peace , August 15, 2021

    Finding Your Peace , August 15, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller. All rights reserved. Episode 7: Self Love-Breaking Through the Tough Times to Happiness Join Psychic, Medium Shelly J. Miller for a key conversation about why Self Love is the most important step you can take towards your peace. One thing we all have in common is the need to learn to love ourselves past the illusion of not being worthy in some way. Shelly shares many stories of the steps you can take to the realization that we can, as Jesus says in A Course in Miracles, “learn our lessons from a place of joy and not pain”. Even those on the Other Side are learning that releasing guilt and empowering and releasing the past is the most important step in spiritual awakening and transformation. Shelly will talk about how to balance loving self and taking care of others, including stressful life situations. She shares a powerful story by Dr. Zach Bush of coming to complete acceptance of ourselves and each other while we are still here and deciding that we are enough. We are loved by a force so benevolent that we must use the truth of the Light that we are to love others and the world to transformation instead of waiting until we cross over in physical death. Listen to how we can love ourselves free to an experience of living a “happy dream” where fear and pain are no longer our experience. Discover how you can truly feel the freedom that comes when we love ourselves completely. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Finding Your Peace , July 18, 2021

    Finding Your Peace , July 18, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller. All rights reserved. Episode 6: Don’t Give Up If you are feeling sad, depressed, frustrated or angry like you will never find your peace or your way, join Psychic, Medium Shelly J. Miller for this inspiring talk about changing your perception so that you can find the confidence that your peace is guaranteed. We are Spirit misidentified with the body, and small mind, and this misperception causes all our pain. Shelly will share how to remember your Holiness and extend that to others so that you may turn all fear to an experience of Love, Peace, and Joy that lasts. Your way out of pain is certain as you leave room to hear how Jesus teaches us to truly see ourselves and the solution to our problems clearly. Take heart, for God goes with you wherever you go and once you correctly identify who you really are, the Light that is within you will help you to heal. Shelly shares two, A Course In Miracles Workbook Lessons; I Am Spirit and I am As God Created Me, to help you recognize yourself as you truly are, Divine, Eternal, Innocent and Holy completely without sin. This Episode offers language by Jesus so you may hear his encouraging words about our true identity and the power that knowing has to release you from fear and suffering forever. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Finding Your Peace , July 4, 2021

    Finding Your Peace , July 4, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller. All rights reserved. Episode 5: Why You Must Give Up the Belief That You Must Plan How can you live a life without making plans? Join Psychic, Medium Shelly J. Miller as she shares the Teachings of Jesus from A Course in Miracles about how planning actually kills the body, (which has its own Destiny), and keeps you from the changes you must make on the road to Eternal Life! Shelly will share stories and examples of how to live your life by following the Divine Mind of Infinite Wisdom of which you are a part. You will clearly learn that when we attempt to plan the future, activate the past or organize the present as we wish, it is based upon the belief that we must protect ourselves because we operate from the belief that what is happening contains a threat to us. Learn how to release that fear and follow God’s benevolent plan for your life as your experience becomes one of witnessing how circumstances effortlessly come into alignment for you as you stay present and stay in peace. Feel the confidence that will grow as you are lifted to take inspired action versus the work of trying to figure things out with your small mind rather than your God Self at the wheel. This podcast will bring you great relief that there is a whole new way of truly living that leads to your happiness and the end of the cycle of birth, death and rebirth of pain and suffering. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Finding Your Peace , June 20, 2021

    Finding Your Peace , June 20, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller. All rights reserved. Episode 4: Learn How to Connect with and Receive Guidance from the Holy Spirit Join Psychic, Medium Host Shelly J. Miller as she helps you get connected to Holy Spirit, who leads you out of the hell of duality to remembering God and yourself as God. Holy Spirit was created by God to function as the remaining communication link between God and his separated Sons. Find out how to get connected and stay connected to that part of yourself who has every answer you will ever need. Shelly talks about how to not only receive daily Guidance that is flawless and for the Highest Good for All Concerned, but how following Holy Spirit will lead you to correctly perceive yourself, your relationships and the world with unerring Spiritual sight that will set you free and awaken you to see as God sees. Learn how to recognize, and gain access to the Divine Mind of God by putting a daily spiritual practice in place designed by Jesus. As a professional Psychic and a Medium, Shelly brings insight as to why receiving assistance from your Spirit Guides and Loved Ones in Spirit can be very different than hearing from The Voice for God within you. Shelly shares many stories and examples so you may recognize how you are being Divinely Guided in your own life, and why we often mistakenly believe there is sacrifice in following our Inner Knowing. Shelly gives you a short exercise to help you know how to trust if you are receiving from your ego or your Spirit. Tune in to episode 4 of Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller, as your faith becomes unshakeable and your inner journey to freedom assured with the help of your Inner Teacher, Holy Spirit. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Finding Your Peace , June 6, 2021

    Finding Your Peace , June 6, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller. All rights reserved. Episode 3: Why Knowing Who You Are Will Save Your Life When you continue to identify with your body and the ego, you keep yourself and others entrapped, sometimes for millions of years, on the slow and painful path of evolution. Join Shelly J. Miller as she shares the teachings of Jesus from A Course in Miracles that will take the confusion out of the Ascension as you learn what true Spirituality and Enlightenment is. There is a great deal of talk about entering the 5th dimension and evolving into a higher dimensional frequency, but you should know, there is a way to save yourself 1000 years or more of the illusory cycle of birth, death and rebirth that we have mistakenly believed is real. Listen as Shelly talks about Evolution vs. Involution or the only true spirituality known as Non-Dualism that will free you and others, even in other dimensions, to the eternal experience of yourself as pure Awareness, Presence. This is your freedom and your birthright and your only function here. Shelly will illuminate the many distractions that keep you focused on the illusion, such as worshipping technology and more “advanced” civilizations. Information is not knowledge or wisdom of the Creator, and it is easy now to lose your way from the truth of who you are as an all-powerful and unlimited extension of the Source which is Love. You are what God is. Don’t settle for less. Learn to see the truth of who we are and what is not real. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Finding Your Peace , May 23, 2021

    Finding Your Peace , May 23, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller. All rights reserved. Episode 2: If THEY Would Change I Would Be at Peace If you have ever been annoyed, hurt or traumatized by others and wish they would change so you could be at peace, this is an episode you don’t want to miss. Shelly shares the teachings of Jesus from A Course in Miracles as to how to perceive forgiveness as it is, and why forgiveness may be difficult for you. Shelly shares why Jesus says we have a twisted view of what forgiveness is, and gives us the reason for that and an easy way to correct it. Shelly will share examples of the process of how to turn any story into one of the experience of peace and love you are looking for. TO CONTACT SHELLY: WEBSITE WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM OR SHELLY@SHELLYJMILLER.COM TO BOOK A PRIVATE READING WITH SHELLY, PLEASE USE THE BOOKING LINK PROVIDED HERE: www.shellyjmiller.com/contact.html. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, PHONE, EMAIL AND TIME ZONE.

    Finding Your Peace , April 25, 2021

    Finding Your Peace , April 25, 2021
    Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller. All rights reserved. EPSISODE 1: April 25, 2021 Where Is My Peace and How Do I Find It? Have you ever wondered if you could find the lasting peace you hope to find in Heaven now in your present lifetime? Finding your peace is a challenge because most of us are looking for it outside of ourselves in things and in others, where we will never truly find it. Host, Shelly J. Miller will talk about why our peace is temporary, and the practice necessary to not only make the experience of love peace and joy last, but free you from the illusory cycles of birth, death and rebirth. Time/Space is given for one reason only, and that is to use the course of your lifetimes to learn only one lesson. It is not possible to be separate from our Divine Self, God and each other. By using the Principles of A Course In Miracles, a book dictated by Jesus to a scribe in 1965, yes, Jesus wrote a book after his resurrection, you will learn the steps necessary to free yourself from fear and awaken spiritually, by identifying with yourself as Divine and Eternal with the help of the Miracle, which is a change in perception. Shelly will discuss how the fall happened, and share the steps Jesus outlines to make your way back to the lasting experience of Oneness with Self, God and All Life now. You will be empowered to learn how to heal your own mind and may be surprised that you are charged by God with no less than being the salvation for the world and your brothers in all dimensions. Call in to get help on any issue that keeps you from your peace. Shelly will help you to transform your life by following the full proof principles Jesus has laid out to bring us Home. Wherever you find yourself now is a good place to start. TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT SHELLY J. MILLER AND HER WORK: WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM/HTML TO BOOK A READING WITH SHELLY: WWW.SHELLYJMILLER.COM/CONTACT/HTML BE SURE TO LOOK FOR THE PODCAST OF FINDING YOUR PEACE WITH SHELLY J. MILLER ON I TUNES, GOOGLE PLAY AND ALL YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST STATIONS. YOU CAN VIEW THEM ON SHELLY J. MILLER PSYCHIC, MEDIUM YOU TUBE CHANNEL.