
    What You Believe, Part VIII: How To Co-Create With The Universe

    enAugust 30, 2019

    About this Episode

    Hello friend! I am so excited to share this episode with you. If you have been enjoying this series, I think you'll really dig the culmination of how to dig in and re-examine what you believe.

    Also, this is the last episode of season two! I'll be out for a couple of weeks while I have a bebe. After I learn to nurse again and get myself used to middle of the night diaper changes, I'll be back with all new content.


    Thank you for listening! Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. I am especially interested in connecting with helping professionals and people who spend their days caring for others. I promise that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram or subscribe to Glow Mail (my semi-regular love letter via email). If you have any questions, you can email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you!


    Recent Episodes from Throwing Light

    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 6

    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 6

    Shifting gears! The last couple episodes of this series have focused on the negatives—how to get rid of what we don't want. And that's an important place to start. But now it's time to talk about what we want. What YOU want. Because clarity is key.


    Thank you for listening! If you liked this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. My hope is that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram, or subscribe to the Letter Balm (my semi-regular love letter in which I share actual good news, personal updates, and written readings for the collective). If you have a question, please feel free to email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. 

    So much love to you!


    Throwing Light
    enOctober 26, 2022

    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 5

    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 5

    I have long considered myself a nomad. In 15 years, I've lived in at least 15 homes. But something happened along the way. The more I moved, the harder it became.

    We're moving again in two weeks and I'm feeling it. And so I've had to a LOT of inner work lately to keep myself going. I know I'm not the only one who struggles with this from time to time. So I thought it'd be helpful for this series to talk about what survival mode looks like—and what you can do if you find yourself there.

    Question of the episode: What is blocking you from receiving?


    Thank you for listening! If you liked this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. My hope is that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram, or subscribe to the Letter Balm (my semi-regular love letter in which I share actual good news, personal updates, and written readings for the collective). If you have a question, please feel free to email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. 

    So much love to you!


    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 4

    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 4

    The funk is no fun unless it is accompanied by music! In part IV of this series on the power of belief, I share some powerful ways I have learned to shift my energy when things get funky. Hope you enjoy! Thank you for being a part of the TL tribe. So much love.


    Thank you for listening! If you liked this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. My hope is that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram, or subscribe to the Letter Balm (my semi-regular love letter in which I share actual good news, personal updates, and written readings for the collective). If you have a question, please feel free to email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. 

    So much love to you!


    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 3

    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 3

    There are two kinds of people—those who never cry and those who cry all the time. If you fall into the first camp, then you probably need a good cry. If you fall in the second camp . . . then you probably need a good cry.

    There are two kinds of people—those who never cry and those who cry all the time. If you fall into the first camp, then you probably need a good cry. If you fall in the second camp . . . then you probably need a good cry.

    In this episode, I talk about how bad I am at listening to my body—and why it's so important that we do listen. I talk about how it's often as simple as getting the blood pumping or getting the tears flowing. I also touch on trauma and PTSD and what to do if we have disassociated from our bodies. And, as always, all of this comes with deep, deep self compassion. So much love.


    • Vix the New Age Hipster (she's awesome)
    • Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski (one of my favorite books on female sexuality—not mentioned in this episode, but if you want to get in touch with your body, this is a great resource)

    Thank you for listening! If you liked this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. My hope is that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram, or subscribe to the Letter Balm (my semi-regular love letter in which I share actual good news, personal updates, and written readings for the collective). If you have a question, please feel free to email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. 

    So much love to you!


    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 2

    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 2

    When I recorded this episode—the Monday morning before it posted—I was waiting impatiently for my social work license. By the time I started editing it a couple of hours later, I had gotten the email that I am officially an LMSW!

    It was especially meaningful because of the subject of this particular episode. It's a raw one. I share my process as I have been working through the journey of figuring out the scripts in my subconscious and attempting to align them with what my conscious mind knows to be true. It's full of self-discovery that I hope you'll find helpful on your journey.

    As promised, below are some helpful places to start with EFT if you're interested. Hope you enjoy!


    Thank you for listening! If you liked this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. My hope is that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram, or subscribe to the Letter Balm (my semi-regular love letter in which I share actual good news, personal updates, and written readings for the collective). If you have a question, please feel free to email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. 

    So much love to you!


    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 1

    From the Vault: What We Believe, Part 1

    I've been gathering this research for a while, but for the longest time I was steeped in imposter syndrome and afraid I was not smart enough/good enough/had strong enough beliefs to share (ironic, I know).

    I've been working on it, though. And I've decided to just dive in. So here we go!


    1. My coach, Jill Ellen (she's amazing)
    2. Rob Bell's work (also amazing)
    3. TL episode, Manifesting for Dummies
    4. The Field by Lynne McTaggart
    5. Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza
    6. Bruce Lipton's website and the full lecture on the Biology of Belief

    Thank you for listening! If you liked this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. My hope is that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram, or subscribe to the Letter Balm (my semi-regular love letter in which I share actual good news, personal updates, and written readings for the collective). If you have a question, please feel free to email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. 

    So much love to you!


    Throwing Light
    enSeptember 12, 2022

    Why we decided to homeschool

    Why we decided to homeschool

    In this behind the scenes episode, I touch a tiny bit on the deal with our debt and the joy of beginning to feel a bit more stable. And then I dive into why we decided to homeschool our gifted 10 year old son, and put the emphasis on his emotional well-being. 


    Thank you for listening! If you liked this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. My hope is that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram, or subscribe to the Letter Balm (my semi-regular love letter in which I share actual good news, personal updates, and written readings for the collective). If you have a question, please feel free to email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. 

    So much love to you!

    A Reading for the Lion's Gate Portal

    A Reading for the Lion's Gate Portal

    Happy birthday to me! Happy Lion's Gate to you! I opened the Akashic Records to connect with the energy of this day. I hope that this reading blesses you.


    Thank you for listening! If you liked this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. My hope is that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram, or subscribe to the Letter Balm (my semi-regular love letter in which I share actual good news, personal updates, and written readings for the collective). If you have a question, please feel free to email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. 

    So much love to you!

    The Reason We're In $455k Debt and Why I'm Optimistic

    The Reason We're In $455k Debt and Why I'm Optimistic

    We have some debt and a lot of hope. This is story of how much we have. In a couple of weeks I will share what we are doing about it. Blessings to you!


    Thank you for listening! If you liked this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. My hope is that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram, or subscribe to the Letter Balm (my semi-regular love letter in which I share actual good news, personal updates, and written readings for the collective). If you have a question, please feel free to email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. 

    So much love to you!

    Soul Journeys

    Soul Journeys

    The story of a few of my own soul journeys in the hopes that it will inspire you to listen in for yours.


    Thank you for listening! If you liked this episode, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Throwing Light is for people who believe in the restoration and healing of the world and who aren't hung up on outdated dogma that seeks to dictate what that's supposed to look like. I'm interested in connecting with people who are actively working toward healing and restoration for themselves and the world. My hope is that engaging with this podcast will help you on your healing journey and motivate you to delve even deeper into the beautiful work you are already doing in the world.

    If you resonate with my work and want to stay connected, be sure to follow me on Instagram, or subscribe to the Letter Balm (my semi-regular love letter in which I share actual good news, personal updates, and written readings for the collective). If you have a question, please feel free to email me at brandyglows@gmail.com. 

    So much love to you!

    Throwing Light
    enJuly 21, 2022