
    Podcast Summary

    • Regaining control by practicing the Let Them theoryLetting go of the need to control others frees up valuable time and energy to prioritize yourself and make choices that align with your needs and desires.

      By practicing the Let Them theory, you can regain control of your time and energy. When someone does something you don't like, instead of getting annoyed or trying to control the situation, simply say to yourself, "Let Them." This simple phrase has the power to diffuse frustration and disappointment. It's important to note that the Let Them theory is not about letting others walk all over you, but rather about prioritizing yourself and focusing on what works for you. By letting go of the need to control others, you free up valuable time and energy to invest in yourself and make choices that align with your needs and desires. Start using the Let Them theory and witness how much unnecessary time and energy you were previously wasting.

    • Letting go of control for a greater sense of peace.By accepting that we can't control everything and focusing on ourselves, we can reduce stress and disappointment and regain a sense of control and peace in our lives.

      We often find ourselves getting worked up about things that are out of our control, whether it's in our relationships or daily life situations. This can lead to frustration and a sense of being out of control. However, by practicing the phrase "Let Them," we can shift our focus back to ourselves and regain our sense of control. By letting go of the need to control everything and accepting that things won't always go according to our expectations, we can free ourselves from unnecessary stress and disappointment. This allows us to handle situations effectively, without getting emotionally overwhelmed. Ultimately, focusing on ourselves and where we choose to invest our time and energy can bring a greater sense of control and peace in our lives.

    • Embracing the Let Them theory for peaceful family dynamicsBy resisting the need to solve every conflict and allowing family members to handle their own issues, we can find peace and growth within ourselves.

      Embracing the Let Them theory can help us navigate conflicts within our families. By unhooking ourselves from the old dynamic and allowing family members to handle their own conflicts, we can find peace and growth for ourselves. It's important to recognize that our discomfort in these situations arises because we have always felt the responsibility to be the peacemaker. Instead of immediately jumping in, we can choose to sit with that discomfort, breathe, and remind ourselves that we don't need to solve every problem. By tolerating the discomfort and letting it rise and fall, we can free ourselves from the need to insert ourselves into every issue and allow others to take responsibility for their actions and emotions. Through this process, we can find that our loved ones may not be as unhappy as we think.

    • Breaking free from toxic dynamics in familiesSet boundaries, be available for problem-solving, practice acceptance, and create a positive and harmonious family dynamic by avoiding gossip and focusing on constructive conversations.

      Gossiping and venting about family members can create a toxic dynamic within a family, keeping everyone stuck in old patterns. Mel Robbins suggests that instead of engaging in gossip, it's important to set boundaries and let everyone know that you're available for problem-solving and finding solutions rather than simply complaining. By breaking free from the gossiping dynamic, you create space for others to show up differently and engage in more constructive conversations. It's also important to practice acceptance and realize that it's not your job to change or make others happy. By adopting a mindset of acceptance, you can release unnecessary drama and create a more positive and harmonious family dynamic.

    • Embracing the "Let Them" theory: how to handle others' opinions without letting them affect our self-worth.We can't control what others think or say about us, but we have the power to choose how we react and prioritize our own beliefs and dreams.

      Everyone has opinions about us, whether they truly know us or not. It's important to remember that we can't control what others think or say about us, but we can control how we react to it. By embracing the "Let Them" theory, we can choose to let others have their opinions without letting it affect our own self-worth or decisions. This is especially relevant when facing criticism or negativity from loved ones, like Jennifer's mother-in-law. Instead of getting caught up in their judgments, we should focus on staying true to ourselves and pursuing our dreams. Ultimately, our own belief in ourselves and the support from those who truly know us should matter most.

    • Breaking Free from Others' OpinionsDon't let others' opinions dictate your life choices; understand that they may stem from their own fears or unfulfilled dreams. Stay focused on your path and surround yourself with positivity.

      We should unhook ourselves from the concerns and opinions of others, specifically our mother-in-law. It's important to understand that her opinions about our career or other aspects of our life are irrelevant. Instead, we can choose to interpret her outbursts as expressions of deep concern and love, or even as a reflection of her own unfulfilled dreams. It's not about us, but rather about her own fears and emotions. Additionally, we should appreciate the fact that our own opinions and choices, like quitting a job to pursue our passion, may make others question their own lives. It's crucial to remember that we deserve support and positivity, but not everyone is capable of providing that. We must let go of caring about gossip or negative opinions and focus on our own path.

    • Balancing Authenticity and Harmony in a Strained Mother-in-Law RelationshipBy practicing the "Let Them" theory, establishing boundaries, and opening up authentically, you can improve a strained relationship with your mother-in-law and experience a positive shift.

      In order to improve a strained relationship with a mother-in-law, it's important to find a balance between letting her be herself while also showing up as your true self. By practicing the "Let Them" theory, you create space for both your reactions and hers to coexist without getting hooked into negative emotions. In this case, the person involved has been quieting themselves to avoid friction, but this has resulted in feeling disconnected from their true self. The key is to give yourself permission to express your boundaries and make requests for better support from your spouse. Ultimately, by opening up and being authentic, the relationship can shift for the better.

    • Taking Ownership of Your Needs and BoundariesPrioritize your own well-being by expressing your needs, setting boundaries, and focusing on creating a better life for yourself, without feeling responsible for managing others' emotions or sacrificing your own happiness.

      You are responsible for expressing your needs and feelings and showing up as yourself. You don't need to constantly manage other people's emotional reactions or boundaries. Focus on being authentic and creating a better life for yourself. It's important to let people be who they are and not feel obligated to take care of everyone at your own expense. This is especially crucial for those who have experienced abusive relationships or childhoods. It's time to prioritize your own well-being and understand that love and value don't come from constantly solving other people's problems or sacrificing your own happiness.

    • The Let Them theory: Prioritizing our own happiness and letting go of the need to please others.Focus on your own needs and well-being, and let others take responsibility for their own happiness. Discover your true value beyond being the fixer for everyone else.

      The Let Them theory teaches us to prioritize ourselves and our own happiness. By letting go of the need to constantly please others and manage their reactions, we free up our time and energy to focus on our own needs and well-being. It can be empowering to realize that we are not responsible for other people's happiness or solving all their problems. We can choose to let them figure things out on their own and take responsibility for our own happiness. While there may be exceptions, such as situations that require immediate intervention, it's important to establish boundaries and let others deal with their own emotions and actions. This shift allows us to discover our true value and worth beyond being the fixer for everyone else.

    • Setting Boundaries and Honesty: The Key to Being a Good FriendSetting boundaries and being honest with our friends is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and protecting our own mental well-being.

      Setting boundaries and telling the truth to our friends is an important aspect of being a good friend. Mel Robbins emphasizes that it is detrimental to silently complain about our friends' problems without offering any genuine help. By setting boundaries and refusing to engage in repetitive conversations or play the role of a therapist, we can protect our own mental peace and encourage our friends to seek professional help or find alternative sources of support. While there may be some friendships that fade as a result, creating space for healthier relationships with mutual reciprocity can lead to a more fulfilling life. Additionally, it is possible to support others without losing ourselves by recognizing that we are not responsible for their happiness or boundaries. Our true responsibility lies in expressing ourselves and pursuing what we want in life.

    • Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Our Well-beingSupporting others is important, but allowing them to face the consequences of their choices can help them confront and resolve their deeper issues. Taking care of ourselves is necessary for our own happiness and growth.

      We are not responsible for fixing other people's problems or rescuing them from their own choices. It's important to set boundaries and prioritize our own well-being. When we step in and take on someone else's burden, we rob them of the opportunity to face their own issues and take responsibility for their actions. By allowing them to experience the consequences of their choices, they may be motivated to confront the deeper issues they've been avoiding. It's crucial to offer support and love, but we should not carry the weight of their problems on our shoulders. Remember, taking care of ourselves is not selfish, but necessary for our own happiness and growth.

    • Taking control of your own well-being and safetyStaying in an abusive living situation is a choice, but it's important to prioritize your own safety and seek support from family or friends to explore alternative living arrangements.

      Staying in an abusive living situation is a choice, and it's crucial to own that choice. It's important to acknowledge that being in a situation where someone is beating you down every day is not healthy or acceptable. Although it may seem difficult and daunting, exploring alternative living arrangements is essential for one's well-being and safety. Asking for help from family or friends is not a burden, but a necessary step in creating a better future. By seeking support, it shows that there are other options available and that you are not trapped in an abusive relationship. It's crucial to prioritize your own safety and well-being by removing yourself from harmful environments.

    • Taking Control of Our Reactions and MindsetBy focusing on our own reactions and mindset instead of trying to change others, we can find happiness, create healthier relationships, and find peace within ourselves.

      We cannot control how others think, act, or include us. We can only control our own reactions and mindset. Mel Robbins emphasizes the importance of adopting the "Let Them" theory, which means letting go of trying to change or force others to include us or think differently. The pain and insecurity we feel when we focus on other people's actions and opinions is often self-inflicted. Instead of getting caught up in negative thoughts and spiraling, we should focus on taking responsibility for our own happiness and well-being. It's essential to recognize that the stories we tell ourselves about not belonging or being excluded are often more painful than the reality. Letting go of this pattern and embracing a positive mindset is key to creating healthier relationships and finding peace within ourselves.

    • Empowering Others and Creating Meaningful ConnectionsWe can empower others by appealing to their greater self, recommending resources, and reminding them of their own power. Letting go of unproductive conversations and focusing on meaningful connections is essential for our own happiness.

      We have the power to change our own dynamics and patterns of thought. Our focus on the places where we feel unseen or uninvited can create internal turmoil and pain. Instead of trying to force someone to see things differently, we can appeal to their greater self and express concern for their well-being. By recommending helpful resources, like a podcast episode, and reminding them of their own power, we can inspire them to make positive changes. We also need to recognize that we cannot fix everything for others and that they have to take responsibility for their own happiness. It is important to let go of engaging in unproductive conversations and instead focus on creating meaningful connections with those who uplift us.

    • The Power of Letting Others Be ThemselvesEmbracing and accepting others for who they are creates a path for personal growth and self-empowerment. Prioritize your needs and embrace the magic that comes from accepting both yourself and others.

      The "Let Them" theory emphasizes the importance of letting other people be themselves. By allowing others to express their true selves, we create a pathway to taking responsibility for our own lives and embracing our true selves. This concept has gained popularity because it helps us realize the magic that comes from accepting others and ourselves. Mel Robbins also mentions the opportunity to engage with her in live calls by signing up for the newsletter through Mel Robbins dot com slash newsletter. Ultimately, as we let others be, we must remember to love ourselves, believe in ourselves, and prioritize our own needs. So, let them be, let them know, and let yourself do what is necessary for your personal growth.

    Recent Episodes from The Mel Robbins Podcast

    How to Create a New Version of Yourself: Let Go of Past Mistakes & Overcome Regret

    How to Create a New Version of Yourself: Let Go of Past Mistakes & Overcome Regret

    Today’s episode is a dare: a dare to get back up and believe in yourself. 

    This is one of the most emotional and inspiring episodes that have ever been on The Mel Robbins Podcast. 

    If you’ve ever failed or felt like you’re not being the version of yourself you know you’re meant to be, this is the episode for you. 

    Today, world-renowned speaker, pastor, and New York Times best-selling author Sarah Jakes Roberts joins Mel to share her incredible story and powerful wisdom with you.

    Pregnant at 13, married by 19, divorced by 22, and all while under the intense scrutiny as the daughter of a famous mega-church pastor, Sarah knows what it’s like to be knocked down. But more importantly, she shares what it takes to get back up. 

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to accept yourself for where you’re at while still pushing yourself to become who you want to be. 

    Sarah teaches you what it truly means to be powerful, how to reclaim your confidence, and how to create a new version of yourself. 

    This is a masterclass in turning your pain and past failures into straight-up rocket fuel. Stop discounting yourself and the impact you have in this world.

    It’s time to reclaim who you are meant to be and take back control of your life.

    For more resources, including links to connect with Sarah Jakes Roberts, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: Do This To Become More Confident: 5 Truths You Need To Hear

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    3 Requirements of a Good Relationship

    3 Requirements of a Good Relationship

    There are 3 powerful and fundamental truths that you need to accept about other people in order to live a better life.

    Most people will never learn these 3 things.

    Which is why today Mel is breaking them down, one by one, to give you a guide for better relationships.

    These truths are hard to accept, but when you accept them, your life will get so much easier.

    You are wasting so much time, energy, and attention trying to control other people.

    And once you hear these 3 things, you will have more emotional peace, an understanding of yourself, and a better relationship with the people in your life. This is an encore episode with new and exciting insights from Mel at the top of the episode that is packed with tools, tips, and scripts to create more meaningful relationships. 

    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, listen to this powerful and tactical episode next: The “Let Them Theory”: A Life-Changing Mindset Hack That 15 Million People Can’t Stop Talking About

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    How To Make Your Life Exciting Again

    How To Make Your Life Exciting Again

    New research shows that your work, your life, and your relationships will get boring. 

    Today, you’ll learn a simple tool you can use to make your life exciting, joyful, and energizing again. 

    This profound conversation will allow you to truly understand and connect the dots between why you've become bored with what used to excite you – and how you can create more meaning in your life.

    In this episode, Mel is joined by the renowned neuroscientist from University College London and MIT, Dr. Tali Sharot. 

    She is here to teach you the groundbreaking science and research about how you can start feeling excitement about your life again.

    Dr. Sharot is a behavioral neuroscientist and the director of the Affective Brain Lab at University College London. Her research integrates neuroscience, behavioral economics, and psychology to study how emotion and behavior influences people's beliefs and decisions.

    After today, you will know how to use Dr. Sharot’s research to make your life sparkle again and reignite happiness in your day-to-day life.

    You’ll also learn very specific, tactical things you can do to make your vacations better, avoid a midlife crisis, and improve the experience of your everyday life.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Tali’s books, website, and research, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode with Dr. Tali Sharot, you will love her first appearance on The Mel Robbins Podcast: How to Motivate Yourself (and Others) to Change Any Behavior

    And to go deeper in the themes of this episode, you’ll love this one: 5 Fun Ideas to Shake Up Your Life & Get Out Of A Rut

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    3 Steps to Eliminate Self Doubt & Get Everything You Want In Life

    3 Steps to Eliminate Self Doubt & Get Everything You Want In Life

    There is a person out there that has what you want. And if you feel jealous, triggered, or like everyone else’s lives are working out better than yours: listen up. 

    Today’s episode is required listening for you.

    Mel is unpacking the 3-step process you need to rise above jealousy and create the life you want. 

    This episode is personal, packed with takeaways, entertaining, and relatable. 

    It is designed to help you feel more in control of your life – and empowered to change your mindset and take action.

    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: Your Dreams Are Not a Joke: It’s Time to Dream Big Again & 3 Ways to Get Started

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    How to Get Unstuck: Do This to Create the Future You Want

    How to Get Unstuck: Do This to Create the Future You Want

    Today’s episode is a roadmap for reaching your potential.  

    If you are feeling stuck in a rut, behind in life, or just a little bored by your life, this episode is for you. 

    There are a few simple steps you can take to quickly get unstuck – and it’s easier than you think.

    Dr. Adam Alter, one of the top psychology experts and professors in the world, is joining Mel on the podcast today to help you uncover the extraordinary potential that is laying dormant inside of you. 

    Dr. Alter is a New York Times bestselling author, a renowned researcher, and a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business. 

    Whether you’re trying to level up an already successful life, have a breakthrough on a creative project, or you need a reset in every aspect of your life, you’ll love the 3 steps that Dr. Alter is sharing with you today. 

    For more resources, including links to Adam’s book, website, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode with Dr. Adam Alter, you’ll love listening to his first appearance on the Mel Robbins Podcast: 6 Simple Science-Backed Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

    If you want more tactical tips to get unstuck, you’ll also love Mel’s interview with Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar: How to Build the Life You Want: Timeless Wisdom for More Happiness & Purpose

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    World Leading Psychologist: How to Master Your Emotions & Deal With Negative People

    World Leading Psychologist: How to Master Your Emotions & Deal With Negative People

    Today, you’re getting a masterclass in how to manage your emotions and deal with people who cannot tolerate their own. 

    Whether you find yourself constantly annoyed, frustrated, or angry…

    Or if you’re sick of dealing with people who can’t handle their own emotions…

    This episode is for you. You’ll learn powerful, practical, and science-backed skills to master your emotions so that you can stay calm when you’re stressed, be fearless under pressure, and reach your potential.

    Dr. Susan David is here to share her best advice with you. Dr. David is an award-winning Harvard medical school psychologist and bestselling author who has been studying emotions, happiness, and achievement for over 20 years. 

    She is here to explain how your thoughts and feelings directly affect your actions, careers, relationships, happiness, and health – and exactly what to do about it. 

    For more resources, including links to Dr. David’s work, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this impactful episode, you’ll love listening to this one next with Dr. Becky Kennedy: Why Am I So Triggered? 3 Steps to Control Your Emotions & Rewire Your Response to Stress

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    Secret Service Agent Explains Psychological Tricks To Read Anyone & Spot A Liar

    Secret Service Agent Explains Psychological Tricks To Read Anyone & Spot A Liar

    Today, a secret service agent is teaching you how to read body language, master your emotions, and spot a liar. 

    In this one of a kind episode, agent Evy Poumpouras is unpacking proven strategies and psychological tricks to get what you want. 

    Evy is a former secret service agent who has protected 5 U.S presidents. 

    She is a “human lie detector” who has been specially trained in the art of lie detection, human behavior, and cognitive influence. 

    And today, she is giving you a masterclass of all of her best secrets from over 3 decades of training and experience.

    Evy’s extensive and decorated career includes operating undercover, complex criminal investigations, and working as an interrogator for the Secret Service’s elite polygraph unit – and she’s here to arm you with information, tools, and strategies in this special episode.

    For more resources, including links to Evy’s work, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this impactful and tactical episode, you’ll love listening to this one next, which shares more body language secrets (including those that are specific to helping you get ahead at work): Research From Princeton: 13 Proven Hacks That Boost Your Influence & Make You More Confident

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    5 Fun Ideas to Shake Up Your Life & Get Out Of A Rut

    5 Fun Ideas to Shake Up Your Life & Get Out Of A Rut

    Want to know the secret to make your life exciting again? 

    By the end of this podcast, you are going to have a plan to shake things up in your life, starting today. 

    In this fun and engaging episode, Mel is leading you through an exercise that will prompt you to find more adventure and passion in your life. 

    She will walk you through 5 different questions that will help you start your “Never Been There, Never Done That” adventure. 

    You are going to learn the surprising benefits of trying something new, and it doesn't have to cost a thing or take up very much time.

    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love listening to this episode next: Transform Your Life at Any Moment: The Surprising Science of Happiness

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    Brain Hacks: 6 Secrets to Learn Faster & Unlock The Full Power Of Your Mind

    Brain Hacks: 6 Secrets to Learn Faster & Unlock The Full Power Of Your Mind

    Do you want to know the most important lesson from 200,000 brain scans? 

    What about the daily habits that make you smarter, improve your memory, and help you learn faster? 

    Would you like to control your mind and speak to yourself in a more positive way? 

    Today’s episode is a masterclass on how you can unleash the full potential of your brain.

    Your brain health is pivotal when it comes to your mental health, memory, focus, and more. So it is time to start prioritizing it. 

    In this episode, you’re getting the simple, science-backed hacks and daily practices you can start implementing today – and they are easier than you think.

    6 world renowned experts, including the #1 brain doctor, a professor from Harvard Medical School, and other esteemed researchers are giving you a step by step guide to build a better brain. 

    After you finish listening, you’ll love the full podcast episodes with each of the experts featured today.

    Check out the full episodes here:

    Dr. Sarah Wakeman: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-155

    Dr. Daniel Amen: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-90

    Jim Kwik: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-128

    Dr. Paul Conti: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-125

    Shawn Achor: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-79

    Dr. Joseph Ferrari: www.melrobbins.com/podcasts/episode-127

    For more resources, including links to the 6 experts’ websites, research, and social media, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    How to Build Closer Friendships & Get Rid Of Loneliness

    How to Build Closer Friendships & Get Rid Of Loneliness

    Why is adult friendship so hard? 

    Today, Mel is finally having the conversation on how to find your people, have more fun, and create meaningful friendships as an adult. 

    In this deeply relatable episode, you’ll learn the 5 lies that you tell yourself about friendship that are keeping you from having the best relationships of your life—and the truths you must know. 

    If you’ve been feeling lonely, left out, or just like your friendships are not as strong as they used to be, you’ll feel empowered and encouraged by the time you finish listening. 

    Mel is giving you her exact 3-step playbook for finding, making, and strengthening your relationships. This is an encore episode with new and exciting insights from Mel at the top of the episode, that is packed with tools, tips, and scripts to create more meaningful friendships. 

    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, especially the last 10 minutes of it (you’ll have to listen to know what I’m talking about!) you’ll love this one next: This One Hack Will Unlock Your Happier Life

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    Relationships have always been essential to human survival. Our bodies and brains are programmed to seek out connection, whether familial, romantic, or platonic. And yet, these vital bonds are often at the root of our deepest suffering. While our hearts are primed for compassionate connection, our nervous systems—which store all our past hurts and disappointments—are wired for threat and negativity.

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    Buy her new book How to Be the Love You Seek: Break Cycles, Find Peace, and Heal Your Relationships

    In this episode you will learn

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    • Common patterns and beliefs that hinder the ability to receive love and ways to shift these mindsets.
    • The role of self-compassion in emotional healing and reprogramming the brain.
    • Techniques for setting healthy boundaries and overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors in relationships.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Let's Talk About... Priorities (Episode 3)

    Let's Talk About... Priorities (Episode 3)

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