

    Explore "Expression" with insightful episodes like "160 - Expression: Gimme Some Sugar!", "Saison 6 - #70 : Raconte moi ton Éveil", "The Spirit of Work: Spiritual Awareness for a New Future of Work", "Insights: What I Learned from Interviewing 100+ Guests" and "Navigating Freedom of Speech in a Diverse Society With Greg Lukianoff" from podcasts like ""American English Podcast", "Conteuse Végétale I Sorcière en Herbe(s) le podcast", "Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast", "Culture and Leadership Connections Podcast" and "Culture Stew"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    160 - Expression: Gimme Some Sugar!

    160 - Expression: Gimme Some Sugar!

    You're sitting on the couch and your significant other is too far from you. Want them to cuddle up next to you? Say: "Gimme some sugar!"

    "Gimme some sugar" is a common American English expression used to express desire for physical affection, whether that be some cuddles, a hug, a kiss or even a fist pump! It's a playful idiom, and today, you'll learn its origin and hear a number of examples so that you can hear how native speakers would use it in various contexts.

    The second part of this lesson will answer the questions: "How cereal became a popular breakfast food in the U.S." Stay tuned, the story is short, sweet and relevant!

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    Saison 6 - #70 : Raconte moi ton Éveil

    Saison 6 - #70 : Raconte moi ton Éveil

    Pour m'aider à me renouveler, merci de  répondre à ces questions et participe au concours : https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/6JSL3ZP

    Tirage au sort dimanche 25 février.  Le/la gagnant.e sera prévenu.e par mail

    La Voix qui Guérit

    J'ai été invitée par Laurence Bibas à exprimer ma vision, à ma petite échelle, de l'expérience de l'éveil.

    Un épisode partagé avec Réjane qui nous invite à repenser notre vision du monde, affirmant que "La non-dualité, c'est la réalisation que se prendre pour une personne ici et que le monde est là-bas est une erreur d'interprétation de la réalité. Si on change de regard, il n'y a que Cela..." 

    Quant à moi, je décris mon chemin de libération en te racontant ces instants d'éternité vécus il y a quelques années, un instant hors du temps, sans début ni fin, sans pendant. Il n'y avait qu'une sensation où tout était comme encapsulé dedans.

    Un grand merci à Réjane et à Laurence de m'avoir offert ce partage avec  puissance et vérité, des  épreuves qui illuminent notre chemin vers la compréhension et l'éveil.

    Bonne écoute 🎧

    Laurence Bibas, est une Pionnière de la Mindfulness en France (Réduction du Stress par la Pleine Conscience).

    Laurence Bibas pratique la méditation depuis plus de 25 ans dans la tradition tibétaine et d’autres voies de sagesse. Conférencière et auteure du Manuel de Mindfulness (Eyrolles 2012) et Ne s’attendre à rien, être prêt à tout (Eyrolles 2020), elle transmet avec passion à travers ses conférences et programmes, un chemin de conscience authentique et joyeux. En septembre 2023, elle crée le podcast La voix qui guérit, pour la pleine expression de notre vérité intérieure.

    Laurence Bibas a publié 2 ouvrages : 

    Le Podcast "LA VOIX QUI GUÉRIT"  EST AUSSI un LIEU D'EXPRESSION  pour tous. Si tu veux participer au podcast, merci de répondre aux questions préliminaires via ce lien pour poser en quelques mots ce que tu as envie d’exprimer de ta vérité intérieure
    Si le lien n'est pas actif tu peux  le copier et l'ouvrir dans ton  navigateur. Tu seras ensuite invité à rejoindre un live de groupe (zoom) dont l'audio seul sera posté sur le Podcast afin de garantir l'anonymat tout en faisant entendre la voix de votre pleine expression...

    Régulièrement, j'adresse des contenus exclusifs aux abonné-es à ma newsletter/infolettre.  Pour s'inscrire, c'est ici 

    Musique originale par Nelson Loshouarn + montage et mixage de l'épisode.

    Photo : Fani Kanawati

    The Spirit of Work: Spiritual Awareness for a New Future of Work

    The Spirit of Work: Spiritual Awareness for a New Future of Work

    Spiritual Awareness for a New Future of Work

    Without the experience of work as spiritual, we see only parts of the whole.

    “People's behavior starts to autocorrect with self-awareness. Without that self-awareness, it doesn't go anywhere.”

    “We can't create a new future of work if we can't imagine something different or better.”

    Website: http://www.shiftworkplace.com

    Episode Highlights:
    In Episode Two of the "Culture and Leadership Connections" podcast, the focus is on the need for spiritual awareness for a new future of work. The episode begins with a traditional Jewish story about a rabbi whose selfless actions inspire others. The story illustrates the power of leading by example and highlights the importance of spiritual awareness in leadership.

    The podcast discusses the concept that humans are spiritual beings, and work is an expression of the soul. It emphasizes the necessity of recognizing the spiritual nature of work and compares it to the story of the blind men and the elephant, suggesting that without a holistic understanding, workplace issues may persist.

    I share a personal story about addressing a health issue involving dissolving teeth. I saw a dentist, hygienist, an oral surgeon, and a naturopath. They all had ideas and suggestions on how to help me, but my solution came after seeing a naturopath. I kept wondering, what if the three experts had worked as a team, wouldn’t my teeth have been saved earlier?

    The workplace example of holding onto toxic managers for their operational knowledge, despite the emotional and psychological impact on other employees, is presented. Another scenario involving a toxic manager who transforms after a passing comment sparks self-awareness is shared. Our workplaces require us to have a certain level of self-awareness.

    Overall, the episode aims to inspire a shift towards spiritual awareness in the workplace for a more positive and respectful environment.

    Key Takeaways from the Episode:

    Spiritual Nature of Work: The foundational premise is that humans are essentially spiritual beings, and work is an expression of the soul.

    Leadership by Example: The episode underscores the power of leadership by example, using a traditional Jewish story about a rabbi whose selfless actions inspire others.

    Holistic Perspective: The blind men and the elephant metaphor is used to stress the importance of a holistic perspective in understanding workplace issues.

    Transformation through Self-Awareness: A real-life scenario is shared where a toxic manager transforms after a passing comment prompts self-awareness.

    Metaphor of Spider's Web: The metaphor illustrates our interconnectedness and shows how each person's actions impact the entire organization.

    Reflection Question:
    How could your workplace be better if interactions with others were animated by a deep sense of respect for the dignity of others? What would be different?

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    Insights: What I Learned from Interviewing 100+ Guests

    Insights: What I Learned from Interviewing 100+ Guests

    What I Learned from Interviewing 100 Plus Guests

    A reflection on 120 podcast episodes.

    Episode Highlights:
    In this first episode of "Insights into Culture and Leadership," I share a powerful story from my experience in Haiti after an earthquake. I draw a contrast between good and bad leadership, exemplified by a compassionate youth leader working with orphans and harsh teachers in a school.

    In Haiti, I met a Haitian youth leader who demonstrated exemplary leadership by working with earthquake orphans, fostering healing through music and expression. This contrasts with a negative example in a nearby school of teachers berating, punishing and humiliating students. The youth leader's approach inspired self-expression and confidence in the orphans. The contrasting experiences highlight the influence of leadership on behaviour and actions. I define good leadership as that which brings help, insight, health, and healing to individuals, community, and the environment.

    The story serves as a backdrop for my subsequent reflection on the common themes I observed in the 120 interviews I conducted for the Culture and Leadership Connections podcast.

    Six Key Insights That Emerge from The Interviews That I’ve Conducted:

    1. Role of Hardship and Adversity: All interviewees, regardless of the type or severity of their challenges, spoke about the transformative role of hardship and adversity in shaping their character.
    2. Transformation from Suffering: Those who thrived, understood the value of transforming suffering, leading to increased empathy and a profound ability to connect with others.
    3. Embracing Community: Almost all interview guests expressed a sense of belonging to a community or society, recognizing the importance of collaboration and shared values. Only three out of the 120 felt like they did not need a community to thrive.
    4. Fluid Identity and Solid Values: Interviewees exhibited a willingness to evolve and adapt their identities while holding onto solid values. 
    5. Humility Through Unexpected Challenges: Even those with privilege and talent faced unexpected challenges, fostering humility and a realistic understanding of life's uncertainties.
    6. Influence of Family: Family, whether positive or challenging, played a foundational role in the development of each person interviewed.

    I conclude the episode by emphasizing the significance of reflection, transformation, and humility in leadership, whether at home or in the workplace. Considering how these themes have proven formative for you, could reveal some new insights!

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    Navigating Freedom of Speech in a Diverse Society With Greg Lukianoff

    Navigating Freedom of Speech in a Diverse Society With Greg Lukianoff

    Navigating Freedom of Speech in a Diverse Society With Greg Lukianoff

    In this episode of Culture Stew, we delve into the complexities of free speech in a diverse society with Greg Lukianoff. This episode explores how American society can encourage and preserve a marketplace of ideas while being mindful of the impact, opportunities and potential consequences of unfettered free expression. This episode also addresses the challenge of fostering free expression on university campuses and understanding the potential impact on underrepresented and/or marginalized individuals and groups.

    An unconventional perspective is introduced—the "Pure Informational Theory of Freedom of Speech." This viewpoint challenges traditional notions by emphasizing the value of understanding diverse perspectives and questioning the efficacy of banning offensive speech in a multicultural society. Join us as Maria and Roger talk with Greg about the following themes! 

    Collective Identity and Threat Perception

    • Individuals' varied perceptions of threats are examined with a focus on historically marginalized groups. Who determines what constitutes a threat, and should speech ever be seen as such?

    Speech, Mental Habits, and Censorship

    • The discussion shifts to exploring the impact of speech on mental habits, emphasizing the importance of careful messaging.

    Challenges on College Campuses

    • The conversation delves into the challenges faced on college campuses, particularly concerning the clash between free expression and protecting marginalized groups. 


    Learn more about Greg and his organization, FIRE, here: https://www.thefire.org/about-us/our-team/greg-lukianoff?category=1575


    Greg Lukianoff is an attorney, New York Times best-selling author, and the President and CEO of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE). He is the author of Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate, Freedom From Speech, and FIRE’s Guide to Free Speech on Campus, and he co-authored The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure with Jonathan Haidt. Most recently, he co-authored The Canceling of the American Mind: Cancel Culture Destroys Institutions and Threatens Us All—But There Is a Solution with Rikki Schlott. Greg is also an Executive Producer of Can We Take a Joke? (2015), a feature-length documentary that explores the collision between comedy, censorship, and outrage culture, both on and off campus, and of Mighty Ira: A Civil Liberties Story (2020), an award-winning feature-length film about the life and career of former ACLU Executive Director Ira Glasser.


    154 - Expression: My Cup of Tea

    154 - Expression: My Cup of Tea

    This lesson has two parts. In part one, you'll learn the common English expression "my cup of tea" you'll hear a joke and you'll do some pronunciation exercises.

    In part two (which will be posted shortly), you'll learn about one of the most iconic events in U.S. history, the Boston Tea Party. It's one of the major events that fueled our fight for independence from Britain, and the story is just nuts. It's not your average tea party! If you're interested in learning about the beginning of the U.S., or you're taking the U.S. Citizenship test soon, listen to this episode!

    I've also put together a page to Prepare for the U.S. Citizenship test. 

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    Musical Expression - 332

    Musical Expression - 332

    ▶▶ FREE Blues guitar soloing Course - "Get Your Blues Solos Under Control" - https://www.playguitaracademy.com/blues-solos-under-control

    Are you feeling it but your playing doesn't show it? Here's my three-fold approach to expressing yourself and making sure you get your point across, every time. 

    SHOW NOTES FOR THIS EPISODE- https://www.playguitaracademy.com/blog/musical-expression-332


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    I Speak

    I Speak

    We are back from our mini hiatus, and it feels amazing. Thank you for being here. This week's new episode is all about our words. 

    There is power in our words and what we choose to say or not say. We can either build ourselves and others up with love and intention, or the opposite. What we think about and carry in our hearts, are the words that manifest from our mouths. Today, we’re nourishing our thoughts and choosing to speak life, love, peace and purpose. 

    Here are vows to help us honor the power of our words and voices.

    Created, written + voiced by Mel Chanté for Vow to Self.

    Join our newsletter: Vow to Self Newsletter.

    Listen to Mel Chanté's music on all platforms.

    Music by Franky Payne.

    Make sure to follow @vowtoself on Instagram, and message us your vow to keep spreading light.

    Medium & Psychic, what’s the difference?

    Medium & Psychic, what’s the difference?

    I am inviting you to join me for an Angel Party on February 28th starting at 5:30pm EST! 

    This will be a virtual experience that you can join from anywhere. 

    Dive into a deep understanding of your ability to sense and feel the energy around you, embrace a community of like-minded people that understand you, walk away with a clearer knowledge of your intuitive and psychic gifts and allow me to channel and deliver Heavenly guidance to you from your angel team and passed loved ones in the Angel hot seat. 

    Every single person will have a HOLY experience during this party. 

    Registration is only $77. Bring a friend, stream and host your own Angel Party in your home, or just come as you are to RECEIVE.

    Register for the 02/28 Angel Party now!



    Welcome back to Angels Don’t Lie!

    If you have ever wondered, “what’s the difference between a medium and a psychic?”, you’ve come to the perfect place! They ARE two very different experiences.

    And that’s why I know you are going to love this episode - you will walk away with a clear understanding of what I mean when I say that ALL mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums! 

    Yummy Takeaway: 6 Daily Practice Steps to Start your Day

    1. Intention: Before placing your feet on the ground in the morning, set the dial for your day to shift your frequency and align with Divine, loving and holy energy.

    2. Gratitude and prayer, “Dear God, please shine your white light of love and protection. Surround me with all of the goodness. Help me to lead from the place of love so that I may serve and hold this gift that you have given to me. I am ready to do the work that you are calling me to do.”

    3. Contemplation- contemplate on a devotional, Bible quote or poem; something that allows you to commune with spirit. This helps you receive more messages with a flowing clarity, understanding the rhythm of Heaven. 

    4. Meditation, where we lean into our breath and drop our energy from our thoughts to our heart. 

    5. Movement: a dance party, lifting weights, an exercise class, a walk in nature - whatever this looks like for you; move your body.

    6. Expression, the “-ing:” expressing the love that is flowing through our hearts. Through painting, singing, vocalizing, cooking, gardening - whatever it is for you. This “-ing,” gives action to our talent, getting us to express all that we are in order to release it. 

    You CAN tune into your highest self and to source energy from God to lift and help you heal. To move through the challenges that you have in your life. To KNOW that you are not alone, and these things are not happening TO you, but they’re happening FOR you.


    You are unconditionally loved!




    💫 Register for the 02/28 Angel Party now!




    💫Join Soul Shine - Channeled healing, guidance and messages in a virtual group setting meeting twice a month.




    Book your own Private Medium Reading - (30 or 60 minute) Session:

    Private readings offer personal support for navigating grief and life experiences. 

    God and your departed loved ones offer validating messages and loving guidance that will support you in your healing and growth.

    💫 Book your private reading here




    💫Schedule your One-on-One Angel Awakening Coaching Sessions: Private sessions guided by God, uniquely layered with channeled messages, Divine guidance and physical healing techniques required for your soul growth and expansion. 




    💫Attend one of my other upcoming events....




    💫Collaborate with Me

    If you are currently hosting live or virtual events in your work, I am available to collaborate with you to create 2x the expansive energy!

    By offering readings, talks or teachings that best serve your audience at your events, retreats, business’ or group gatherings. 

    If this idea of collaboration interests you please reach out to my assistant, Colleen@Jeannestreet.com



    Access my Books

    💫Believe . . . Angels Don't Lie: A Heavenly View of God's Plan for your Well-Being …


    💫The Goddess You: Principles for Living in Soul Alignment




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    Brave Writer with Julie Bogart

    Brave Writer with Julie Bogart

    Writing is something we have to do all the time regardless of what we do in life. I mean, writing a grocery list is technically writing. Writing a thoughtful message in a greeting card is writing. Yet, so many of us will be quick to say that we are not a writer. Why is that? Maybe something from our school experience has put a bad taste in our mouth? Quite possibly we have never learned the true power of writing, keeping instead our written creativity harnessed.

    Writing is a part of my every day, no avoiding it. From writing episodes, to interview questions, to articles for publication, writing is a part of my life. And yet, I can find myself so frustrated so often. Thankfully, writer and educator Julie Bogart developed a program over 20 years ago that allow parents and children in a homeschool setting embrace the creativty that we are teeming with but sometime unsure of how to express it. 

    Join us today as Julie talks more about the program and how we all, regardless of our school setting, can learn strategies to take our expression to the next level. After listening, head over to www.escottengland.com to read out more about Julie.

    Fighting Disinformation to Survive - Irene Khan - UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression

    Fighting Disinformation to Survive - Irene Khan - UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression

    Growing up at a time of war in Bangladesh, Irene Khan learned first-hand how access to trustworthy information can save lives. Now UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, she advocates for reliable information for all, especially during conflict.  

    “Access to information from outside the conflict from a source that we felt was verifiable and trustworthy, was so important for us as a family to know whether we flee, whether we stay, should we go east or west. That's why I call it a survivor right.”

    Social media has connected, informed, and empowered our world like never before. Yet malicious lies and hate speech spread online are causing real harm to our societies. In this episode, Irene Khan reflects on curbing harm while preserving vital freedoms, on the responsibilities of states and platforms, and reveals how she lets off steam in the kitchen.

    “Empathy is Active.” Henry Reese, on Salman Rushdie, City of Asylum, and the “Reader Effect.”

    “Empathy is Active.” Henry Reese, on Salman Rushdie, City of Asylum, and the “Reader Effect.”

    In 1997, Henry Reese and his wife, Diane Samuels, were at a public talk by writer Salman Rushdie, and inspired by his call for communities around the world to offer sanctuary to exiled writers. They "kicked each other under the chair" and thought, why not? Six years later, they founded the City of Asylum, Pittsburgh, a multi-unit residency program that has welcomed exiled writers and artists from China, Syria, Bangladesh and beyond. 

    Twenty-five years later, Reese was invited to interview Rushdie at the Chautauqua Institute Amphitheater. Just as the interview was about to begin, Rushdie was violently attacked. Reese has described the audience’s rushing to the writer’s aid, attributing it to what Reese calls the “reader effect” – a real time demonstration of how reading literature and sharing stories builds empathy and meaningful community.

    2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Thursday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)

    2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Thursday PM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (6:30 p.m. CT)

    At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons continue to teach about utterance. It is divine expression that leads to a release of the divine. It can be a divine expression of information, leading to a release of revelation with divine empowerment to do what you’ve just heard!

    2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Monday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT)

    2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Monday AM - Prayer Everywhere LIVE (8:30 a.m. CT)

    Join Ps. Terri Copeland Pearsons, Iva Bennett and Holden Hanley at the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention as they lead prayer for freedom of utterance according to Ephesians 6. Utterance is a divine expression that releases the divine. Learn how to pray from your spirit rather than your mind!

    Episode 40: Teaching girls to express challenging emotions, with Natalie Costa

    Episode 40: Teaching girls to express challenging emotions, with Natalie Costa

    Today’s episode is a practical, fast-paced conversation about how to raise daughters who know how to be with their emotions. Maybe you were discouraged as a child from being angry, and were told things like, “Calm down” or “that’s not very lady-like” or “good girls don’t behave like that." My hope is that with more awareness, we can help to raise a generation of girls who self-advocate and speak up.


    My guest today is Natalie Costa, speaker, coach and author and founder of Power Thoughts, a coaching service designed to give kids power over their own thoughts. She’s featured in the Sunday Times, the Telegraph, Good Morning Britain, and BBC Breakfast, amongst others.


    You’ll learn a brilliant technique that’ll help your kids to see that they are not their emotions (works on all genders – and try it as a grown up too).


    You’ll learn to help your girls to build their assertiveness and boundary-setting muscle – and that might get a little uncomfortable. But it’s worth it.


    Join us!



    Natalie Costa’s website: https://www.powerthoughts.co.uk


    Natalie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/powerthoughtsnc/

    124 - 3 Must-Know Expressions for IELTS Speaking and Daily Life with Aubrey Carter

    124 - 3 Must-Know Expressions for IELTS Speaking and Daily Life with Aubrey Carter

    The decision to move overseas is a big one and it requires preparation. The first step for non-native English speakers who want to live, study or work in the U.S. is taking an English exam as proof of English ability. The IELTS exam is one of the most popular.

    Today, I had the pleasure of speaking with Aubrey Carter, who shared three expressions that you can use on the IELTS exam and in daily life. These expressions can be squeezed into almost any conversation!

    If you'd like to learn all about the IELTS exam and hear some tricks for getting a higher score and dealing with the  anxiety of speaking in English in an interview setting be sure to check out episode 104 with Jessica Beck! Jessica is a former IELTS examiner of 14 years and creator of the 3 KEYS IELTS course.

    Get a $50 DISCOUNT on the 3 KEYS IELTS course now.

    I am an affiliate of this course for a few reasons: 

    • Jessica has 14 YEARS of experience as an IELTS examiner! She created the study plan. 
    • The 30 and 60-day study plans are structured in an achievable format with fun activities. 
    • Student success stories serve as proof of course effectiveness! So many students have increased their score with the tips, trips and knowledge within the course. Their stories can be found on the IELTS Energy podcast as well as on the official YouTube Channel. 

    Even if you decide you want to take the IELTS 6 months from now, plan ahead! Start working on your general English knowledge and learn more about the test format.

    Get a $50 DISCOUNT on the 3 KEYS IELTS course now.

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    117 - Expression: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

    117 - Expression: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

    In today's episode you'll learn how to use the common English expression BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE.

    Premium Content

    This episode is part of Season 3.  By purchasing Season 3 transcripts, you'll be able to access the full episodes, the full PDF transcripts for episodes 101 - 150, an Mp3 download  and the premium podcast player to work on your pronunciation.

    Follow along with the Season 3 audio (episodes 101-150) as episodes are released. Season 3..

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