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    mandy lehto

    Explore "mandy lehto" with insightful episodes like "Episode 64: Imposter Syndrome", "Episode 40: Teaching girls to express challenging emotions, with Natalie Costa", "Episode 39: Abrasive Boss? Here’s what You Need to Know, with Dr Laura Crawshaw", "Episode 34: How to Stop Performing Intimacy, with Catherine Topham Sly" and "Episode 33: De-sheep your style, with Anita Feron Clark" from podcasts like ""Enough, the Podcast", "Enough, the Podcast", "Enough, the Podcast", "Enough, the Podcast" and "Enough, the Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (6)

    Episode 64: Imposter Syndrome

    Episode 64: Imposter Syndrome

    If you’ve ever downplayed your success at work, felt like you didn’t belong, or attributed your career wins to luck, you’ve likely experienced Imposter Syndrome. Stats show that 70 per cent of us have experienced its wily grip at some stage of our careers. In this fast-paced solo episode I share three key things that might be causing imposter syndrome in your life. We’ll also explore what might be GOOD about it, and what three-step technique you can try when you’re feeling it. I’m also curious if the term itself is outdated (it originated in the 1970s). Oh, you’re wondering about the banana. You’ll hear how a banana kicked off a shame cycle for me. True story.




    Mandy’s imposter syndrome QUIZ.

    How the Queen would eat a banana.

    YouGov stats on Brits and imposter syndrome.

    Stats 70 per cent have felt imposter syndrome.

    KPMG research.

    Emma Reed Turrell on podcast (refers to Visibility, Novelty, Minority).

    Stylist article with MIT prof quotes.

    HBR article: Stop telling women they have imposter syndrome.

    Episode 40: Teaching girls to express challenging emotions, with Natalie Costa

    Episode 40: Teaching girls to express challenging emotions, with Natalie Costa

    Today’s episode is a practical, fast-paced conversation about how to raise daughters who know how to be with their emotions. Maybe you were discouraged as a child from being angry, and were told things like, “Calm down” or “that’s not very lady-like” or “good girls don’t behave like that." My hope is that with more awareness, we can help to raise a generation of girls who self-advocate and speak up.


    My guest today is Natalie Costa, speaker, coach and author and founder of Power Thoughts, a coaching service designed to give kids power over their own thoughts. She’s featured in the Sunday Times, the Telegraph, Good Morning Britain, and BBC Breakfast, amongst others.


    You’ll learn a brilliant technique that’ll help your kids to see that they are not their emotions (works on all genders – and try it as a grown up too).


    You’ll learn to help your girls to build their assertiveness and boundary-setting muscle – and that might get a little uncomfortable. But it’s worth it.


    Join us!



    Natalie Costa’s website: https://www.powerthoughts.co.uk


    Natalie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/powerthoughtsnc/

    Episode 39: Abrasive Boss? Here’s what You Need to Know, with Dr Laura Crawshaw

    Episode 39: Abrasive Boss? Here’s what You Need to Know, with Dr Laura Crawshaw

    You work for a challenging boss, and you’re struggling. You’ve tried working harder. You’ve tried working smarter. But you’re still feeling undermined, angry, and your self-belief is taking a nose-dive. As someone who “gets things right”, you just can’t figure this situation out – and secretly, it’s unravelling you.


    Enter Dr Laura Crawshaw. She’s been researching and coaching abrasive leaders for more than 40 years. She’s the author of Taming the Abrasive Manager: How to End Unnecessary Roughness in the Workplace, and her clients range from the UN to NASA. 


    We get to grips with the following:


    If someone’s already hard on themselves, are they more susceptible to the damage an abrasive leader can cause?


    You’ll learn about what the abrasive leader is usually afraid of (erm…YOU!).


    You’ll learn how to avoid the "boiling-the-frog effect" that makes the dynamic with an abrasive boss especially insidious.


    Practical and provocative, you’ll get tools (and relief) from Dr Laura. Press play – let’s go!







    Laura Crawshaw’s website https://www.bosswhispering.com


    Laura on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/bosswhispering/


    Megan Carle’s website https://www.megancarle.com


    Megan Carle on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-carle/


    Episode 34: How to Stop Performing Intimacy, with Catherine Topham Sly

    Episode 34: How to Stop Performing Intimacy, with Catherine Topham Sly
    This episode is for anyone who manages their image during intimate moments. Maybe you aren’t fully in your body. Or you’re more concerned about being good enough (sexy enough, skilled enough…) than you are about dropping into true (often messy and unpredictable) intimacy.   

    The “I must perform and be good at everything I do” includes sex and intimacy for overachievers and perfectionists.


    Today’s guest is Catherine Topham Sly, a coach and therapist. She says, ‘Good sex is not a performance.’


    You’ll learn about why so many of us perform intimacy. 

    You’ll hear Catherine’s definition of sex (game changer!)

    You’ll learn why it’s so challenging to be in our bodies, and what you can do about it.

    You’ll get ideas on how to rekindle some ooh-la-la if sex has become an item on your to-do list.


    Tender, thought-provoking and practical. 

    Join us!



    Catherine’s website: https://insightconnection.uk


    Catherine on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/insightandconnection/


    Not mentioned, but a great read: Esther Perel and Mary Alice Miller article https://www.estherperel.com/blog/intimacy-and-your-5-senses

    Episode 33: De-sheep your style, with Anita Feron Clark

    Episode 33: De-sheep your style, with Anita Feron Clark

    Can clothes and accessories help us to get to know ourselves better? Can style be an experimental tool for how we create and embody our sense of self in this season of our lives?


    Today’s guest, international stylist Anita Feron Clark, didn’t grow up feeling good enough. She was mercilessly bullied at school and criticized at home for being “too dark and too round.” In her late 20s, she said “ENOUGH,” and experimented with style to find her own look – and she’s never looked back.


    Nowadays Anita has helped more than 5,000 men and women to express their authentic selves in how they dress.


    Sidebar: How we look on the outside, of course, has precisely zero bearing on our wholeness and good enoughness. From that perspective, it doesn’t really matter if you live out your days in sweats.


    But the right clothes can help us lessen the gap between knowing we’re enough, and actually feeling it. Need a little more strut in your life? More sass? More “Oh yeah, that works…”?


    Press play…We’ve got you.





    Anita Feron Clark’s website: https://feronclarkstyle.com

    Anita on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feronclarkstyle/

    Christina Glickman on IG: https://www.instagram.com/christinaglickman/

    Iris Apfel on IG: https://www.instagram.com/iris.apfel/

    Episode 32: Optimize Your Stress Response, with Sarah Norrad

    Episode 32: Optimize Your Stress Response, with Sarah Norrad
    You push yourself too hard, too regularly, for too long. You’re use harsh inner self-talk to motivate yourself because, hey, it works and feels familiar.   You’re incredibly successful, but you’re tired. Like bone tired. You secretly wonder how long this can go on…But you don’t think about it much, because day after day, you’re sucked into the vortex of your diary.


    Today’s highly practical episode is about how you can learn to better regulate your stressed-out mind and body. 


    You’ll learn about why stress gets stuck in the body, leaving you in that fried, spacey state. 


    You’ll learn how to motivate yourself with self-compassion, instead of harshness. 


    You’ll learn practical ways to get stress out of your system, including a kissing technique you’ve gotta try.


    My guest is Sarah Norrad, a coach and mindfulness guide who’s certified in MBSR — that’s mindfulness-based stress reduction. Her other accolades include reiki master, yoga teacher, and trauma-informed educator. You’re in good hands.


    Let’s dive in...




    Sarah Norrad’s website: https://www.sarahnorrad.com


    Sarah Norrad on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarah.norrad/


    Emily and Amelia Nagoski’s book: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.ca/books/592377/burnout-by-emily-nagoski-phd-and-amelia-nagoski-dma/9781984817068


    Thais Sky’s comprehensive podcast episode on the nervous system (this is on her own podcast): https://www.thaissky.com/podcast/174


    Andrew Huberman on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hubermanlab/


    Mandy Lehto on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mandylehto/


    Subscribe to my microblog: https://mandylehto.com/subscribe/