

    Explore "Acupuncture" with insightful episodes like "Living the Whole Self with Dr. Heather Lee Grant", "Le paramédical, les thérapies alternatives et le cancer", "Wisdoms from an Acupuncturist", "Acupuncture For Autoimmune Healing and Wellness" and "Healing Is About More Than Healing Yourself" from podcasts like ""Be Your Soul w/ Sky Bradshaw", "À la santé du Cancer", "Best Day of My Life", "Autoimmune Rehab" and "Etching The Remedy"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Living the Whole Self with Dr. Heather Lee Grant

    Living the Whole Self with Dr. Heather Lee Grant

    In this episode, host Sky Bradshaw explores the topic of feeling whole, and how living the whole self can be freeing, with her guest, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Heather Lee Grant. In addition to messages from Spirit, Sky offers a journaling practice to look into the stories we tell ourselves about our challenges, and how we can bring those stories into present moment acceptance.

    Learn more about Dr. Heather Lee Grant at her website, www.paradoxwellness.org.

    Le paramédical, les thérapies alternatives et le cancer

    Le paramédical, les thérapies alternatives et le cancer

    💌 Bien le bonjour chers auditeurs.trices.
    Aujourd'hui, on avait envie de vous parler de la différence entre paramédical et thérapies alternatives.
    Quels sont les impacts, intérêts et apports?

    Au travers de notre conversation nous aborderons différentes notions, nous vous partagerons nos propres découvertes et pratiques au quotidien. 

    Parce que bon..
    Qu'on se le dise...pourquoi attendre d'avoir un cancer pour enfin prendre soin de soi ?
    Héloïse sera en grande forme sur le côté "prévention". Ralala on la refera pas notre infirmière!
    Betty nous montrera une fois de plus l'importance du massage et l'impact positif que peut avoir la socio-esthétique dans le parcours de soin. Et enfin Soizic ouvrira le champ des possibles avec des petites anecdotes toujours aussi pertinentes.

    Encore une fois nos propos sont des avis consultatifs et en aucun cas une vérité absolue. 
    À vous de créer votre propre avis au travers de nos récits.
    Belle écoute, et levons nos verres à la Santé du Cancer! 🥂


    🧐 Dans cet épisode on vous parle de :

    > De Judith Shedleur, acupunctrice et formatrice spécialisée en cancérologie

    > De Shi Nei Tsang, une technique de massage issue de la médecine chinoise

    > De Sophie Reis, autrice du livre "Un cancer en cadeau"


     🎙️Un Podcast de Betty (Socio-esthéticienne et Massothérapeute spécialisée en cancérologie); 
    Héloïse (ancienne Infirmière en cancérologie et maintenant Coach de vie pour les soignant.es);
    et Soizic (ancienne patiente et aujourd'hui Coach de vie pour les femmes en rémission d'un cancer).

    🦀Un merci tout particulier à Frédéric d'avoir donné vie à notre logo Crabouille et à Florine de l'avoir mis en forme et en couleur!!

    🎶Générique : Musique proposée par La Musique Libre :
    Ehrling - Chasing Palm Trees

    🎵Musique d'ascenseur par SonnarEffects

    Wisdoms from an Acupuncturist

    Wisdoms from an Acupuncturist

    Today we sit with one of Columbus' most beloved wellness practitioners, Heidi Vanderpool. Her 10+ years of collective wisdom and experience in acupuncture, massage, yoga, kundalini - and so much more, lend to her deep wisdom.

    From a young age, Heidi's been drawn toward the delicate interplay of factors that relate to well-being. From her wisdoms as a massage therapist to her Masters Acupuncture accreditation; this episode will offer many insights and inspirations to welcome the opportunity for greater balance in your day-to-day life.

    Heidi owns Pinned Acupuncture and Wellness located in Clintonville - check out her offerings online!

    Acupuncture For Autoimmune Healing and Wellness

    Acupuncture For Autoimmune Healing and Wellness

    Acupuncture for autoimmune healing and wellness. 

    Have you ever tried acupuncture for autoimmune healing and wellness. If not, you really should try it. Listen in as I interview Morgan Rockwell an acupuncturist about her journey with healing from MS and how acupuncture therapy has helped her and many others. Even if you already do acupuncture you will learn a lot from this episode. If you've never tried acupuncture therapy then this episode should make you want to try it. 

    Connect with Morgan on her website or socials below. 

    This month (November) Morgan is offering 50% off all readings. Morgan is focusing on supporting anyone who is wanting to let go of what is no longer serving them in order to bring about what they desire.
    Connect with me at any of the following places.

    How to Calm Stress + Anxiety Using Tapping with Lorna Hollinger

    How to Calm Stress + Anxiety Using Tapping with Lorna Hollinger

    How do you release stress and anxiety from your mind and body? Have you given thought to how tapping on certain points in your body can help you find calmness when you’re stressed?

    In this episode of The New Mid, I speak with Lorna Hollinger on the benefits of EFT tapping and how to do it to relieve stress and anxiety. Lorna Hollinger is an international Master EFT Trainer and Practitioner, multi-award-winning business owner, and founder of the Australian Tapping Institute where she trains and supports heart-centered people from across the globe to tap into their passions and create an abundant business.

    She explains how even though she was skeptical when she first heard of tapping, the benefits of it drew her in and made it a passion of hers. Listen in to learn the importance of doing tapping for the positive to unblock energy and manifest the things you want in your life.

    Colitis Conversations: Approaches to Treatment

    Colitis Conversations: Approaches to Treatment

    After being diagnosed with a form of IBD, it can be a real challenge to understand that treatment is ongoing. Which might mean taking medications for long periods of time. It also means adding in lifestyle changes such as focusing on nutrition and diet, sleep, exercise, stress reduction, and learning about complimentary treatments that might be helpful.

    There are a lot of barriers to getting treatment, though, including cost and access. Some people might not realize that not only can their healthcare team can help with accessing and understanding treatment choices, but that complimentary therapies have a valid place in the management of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

    Dr Badr Al-Bawardy, a gastroenterologist specializing in IBD and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Yale University School of Medicine and Tina Haupert, an ulcerative colitis patient, Certified Nutrition Coach, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and founder of Carrots ‘N’ Cake uncover the ways medication and lifestyle changes can meet in the middle to help people with IBD live a better quality of life.

    Concepts discussed on this episode include:

    Find Badr Al-Bawardy, MD on Twitter, Yale Medicine, and LinkedIn.

    Find Tina Haupert, FDN-P at Carrots ’N’ Cake, Instagram, Facebook, and the Carrots ’N’ Cake Podcast.

    Find Amber J Tresca at AboutIBD.com, Verywell, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

    Credits: Mix and sound design is by Mac Cooney. Theme music, "IBD Dance Party," is from ©Cooney Studio.

    Episode transcript and more information at https:/bit.ly/AIBD110

    Healing From Breast Cancer

    Healing From Breast Cancer

    This week I will be sharing my journey from being diagnosed with Stage 3, HER2+ breast cancer, to healing in the top 40th percentile. This story is dedicated to the work I did along the way and what I hope for you is an inspiring story of healing. I will be sharing tips and tools that worked for me as a message of hope. I did it and so can you!


    In this episode, I share: 

    • How I handled getting diagnosed with cancer
    • Finding a doctor that was right for me
    • Going through chemo, radiation, and losing my hair
    • Western and plant medicine
    • The breast meridian grid, lymphatic drainage massages, acupuncture
    • My healing process
    • Finding support and asking for help

    Work with Jennifer

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    Resources From This Episode:

    Mederi Center - Holistic Health & Healing, Patient Care, Research, Education

    Texas Original Compassionate Cultivation Medical Marajuana

    Breast Cancer Resource Center of Texas is an incredible local organization that is here to help. Whether you need rides, housework done, financial help, or emotional support ~ they’re incredible and understand. There’s a lot of grants and financial assistance out there if you need it! They can help you navigate through ALL and ANY of this!

    https://bcrc.org https://www.instagram.com/bcrcoftx/

    Mederi Center


    1. I. equal parts ~ hibiscus, fennel, uva ursai, lemongrass

    After you buy the herbs just go on and blend them together in a jar, mix them up, and then just scoop out what you need as you fill the loose tea into the large metal tea infuser. I buy all of my herbs at The Herb Bar on Mary St off of S Congress, they also sell Chaga Mushrooms as a tea and that’s also great! 

    Brew it long & brew it strong! In a crockpot on low for 7hrs + I find is the best way

    1. II. Slippery Elm/Marshmallow Root

    Either one. Marshmallow Root is a Slippery Elm. This is a cold brew. 

    1TBSP : Quart (mason jar) filled with distilled water and kept for 24 hrs in the fridge. Drain & store.

    Slippery Elm is kind of mucusy for lack of a better word and it looks weird but it’s fine, strain it after 24 hrs.

    III. To Drink

    Mix them 50/50 or 75 mix/25 elm - they are both super beneficial and I wouldn’t worry too much about the balance. Serve warm.

    Drink as much as you want. It’s such a great kidney flush and if you’re experiencing any UTI like symptoms it will clear it right up. It’s kind of dry but you can add Stevia or Honey to take care of that.

    BONE BROTH   This is such an awesome way to get nutrients when you don’t feel like eating and it will really help to get your vitamins and minerals. I loosely follow Dave Aspreys recipe. You can get Grass Fed Beef Marrow Bones from most any Farmers Market. Richardson Farms takes orders and you can collect from Barton. 10lbs will make 3 - 4 batches. It goes a long way. If available I will also add chicken feet, egg shells from past eggs I’ve eaten. I keep them in the freezer, knuckles ~ really whatever goodness I can find at the market. And vegetables only for the last 12 hrs. IT seems like a lot but it’s pretty easy. After I warm it to serve I always add sea salt, pepper, cayenne, ginger, turmeric. Yum! It will definitely need salt, other than that flavor it however you like. If you have any problems finding the recipe then let me know.

    If you take HERCEPTIN as one of your drugs ~ You must consume OLIVE OIL and OLIVES. IT helps the Herceptin to work better.

    Water   Water is so vital and with everything you hear nowadays I have taken an extra precaution and installed filtered water that is all throughout the house - including laundry, shower, and bidet! There’s also a PH tap at the sink to get high alkaline water. 

    SUPPLEMENTS/NUTRITION   When I first got diagnosed I went to see an Integrative Wellness Coach, Carl Schmidt at Lake Hills Pharmacy, he was very knowledgeable about Cancer in general and got me onto various supplements; Paw Paw & Methyl Folate were crucial. There’s great, short YouTube videos about Paw Paw and how it works to fight cancer cells.

    It was so hard for me to eat veggies and drink my green drink and all the “healthy” stuff while on chemo and I got to the point where I was too tired to grocery shop, cook, clean, and eat. Ask for help! People want to help you and you have to stay nourished.

    If you take HERCEPTIN as one of your drugs ~ You must consume OLIVE OIL and OLIVES. It helps the Herceptin to work better.

    I worked alongside the Mederi Foundation in Oregon - there’s a lot of info online. They had access to all of my info; blood work, tests, etc. and they sent tonics and all sorts and that’s how I got the recipe for the tea.

    MIND/BODY ~ SPIRITUAL HEALTH   This is a really important time to look after your spiritual and mental health. This is tough and it sucks. You’ve got to come to terms with the fact that you are down - and that’s not easy. While you’re laying down listen to something inspirational or calming, meditating, etc., whatever suits you. It’s better than drowning in crappy tv and having that vibration bring you down. I recommend Deepak Chopra Soul of Healing Affirmations, The Secret of Healing both on iTunes and it's so awesome to listen to. The Soul of Healing is also a book and a DVD; it’s really incredible. Abraham Hicks is also great to listen to. I think it’s important to reaffirm that you can do this! Don’t ever refer to the cancer as “my”. Do not own it. It’s here and you have to recognize that but that’s not what you are and that’s not how you should own it. You’ll get so much literature and books, etc. Read when you can but don’t overwhelm yourself and don’t look at the word cancer in various forms all over the house. Know what I mean?

    https://open.spotify.com/album/3rpDTnXBdaciYySxV1ElyH?si=1IvS7Z0WS3CCFQxjnq2BJg&dl_branch=1  Soul of healing Affirmations

    https://open.spotify.com/album/71M7hkvO8USA2Qlagia2be?si=O1opisxaTs6VurW8wprEcg&dl_branch=1  Soul of Healing Meditations 

    Chopra, Deepak. The Soul of Healing Affirmations

    Whatever you believe in - believe in it. Pray hard and pray strong.

    ACUPUNTURIST & HEALER   I have an incredible acupuncturist and healer, her name is Rama Chittajallu and her number is 512.293.5388 I saw her for a couple of years before my diagnosis. She is a Reiki Master, Acupuncturist, and a Dr. Master of Chinese Medicine - this is a great addition and balance to the Western Medicine.

     PETS   I had my dog registered as an Emotional Service Animal (ESA) She loves everyone and is just a really special beast and my bestie. She eases my anxiety SO much and truly is my xanax. It’s super easy to certify your pet online audit’s like $80. Trust me - if you’ve got a cool dog that goes everywhere with you, take it to the next level, you’ll love it!


    The Grove Wine Bar



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    Dry Needling Vs Acupuncture - Episode 10.

    Dry Needling Vs Acupuncture - Episode 10.

    Its been a hot topic of debate for years.... Is Dry Needling simply a sub-skill within the skill set of an Acupuncturist? Or is Dry Needling a different, separate and unique modality that is separate to Acupuncture's approach to  using needles for the purpose of treating tender points on the body?
    How are they similar, and what are the differences?
    In this episode Shaun chats with two highly qualified experts in the field to get both side of the story, and to hopefully add some depth and detail to the conversation.
    For any practitioner of Dry Needling OR Acupuncture, this one is not to be missed!

    New Ways to Address Anxiety: Interview with Angela Noelle | Ep #26

    New Ways to Address Anxiety: Interview with Angela Noelle  | Ep #26

    What are some alternative ways we can use to manage or treat anxiety? I love this out-of-the-box question and was excited to be able to discuss some amazing new anxiety-busting techniques with acupuncturist and prosperity coach, Angela Noelle. Tune in and explore with us ways to heal anxiety using Chinese medicine, meditation, acupressure, and more.

    Angela Noelle helps stressed out, overachieving solopreneurs drop the struggle and gain financial abundance by using her unique Reclaim Your F.I.R.E. method. After having a successful practice in Boston for 12 years, Angela closed her practice in August of 2020 to work exclusively online with her clients as a Prosperity Coach.

    You can connect with Angela via her website, angelanoelleinternational.com, through her podcast, The Empowered Warrior Podcast, and on Instagram.

    Have you checked out my newly published book, Calm & Sense? Click here to get your copy now!

    You may also want to download these four panic-proofing techniques to help you manage your anxiety.

    Join me on Facebook and Instagram where I share words of wisdom and thoughts to help you live a less anxious life.

    © 2021 Wendy Leeds

    Vanessa Menendez-Covelo- Acupuncture and Necessary Decisions

    Vanessa Menendez-Covelo- Acupuncture and Necessary Decisions

    Vanessa Menendez-Covelo is an acupuncturist and the host of a podcast.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    She spent 15 years working in technology before retraining to become an acupuncturist.

    We discuss the necessary decisions which change the direction of our lives. And her personal journey towards wellbeing, and the functions and benefits of acupuncture.
