
    Prospecting on Purpose

    Prospecting on Purpose is *the* show to discuss all things prospecting, sales, business, and mindset. As businesses evolve and become more complex, there are HUGE opportunities to cross-pollinate different industries, sales channels, and business practices. This is a place where professionals come together to learn from one another as we prospect for new businesses with creativity, authenticity, and intentionality. Prospecting on Purpose is a mix of Forbes meets Saturday Night Live with your host, Sara Murray. A heart-centric sales champion who will raise your vibes while increasing your confidence in every part of the sales journey; from marketing and prospecting to asking for the order and creating consistent repeat business. Join Sara every Monday for a brand new episode as she unpacks contemporary business strategies with world-class thought-leaders and shares her own insights on how to connect with clients, communicate with confidence, and close the deal! Connect with Sara at: www.saramurray.com IG: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    enSara Murray66 Episodes

    Episodes (66)

    Ep 64: Selling With Noble Purpose With Sales Guru Lisa Earle McLeod

    Ep 64: Selling With Noble Purpose With Sales Guru Lisa Earle McLeod

    Most people think of sales in terms of hard skills but not as something that can be done with a purpose. Sales guru Lisa Earle McLeod found in her career that sales professionals who sell with a sense of higher purpose tend to be a lot more successful than those who only focus on closing deals. She has gathered all the insight she has acquired over the years and condensed them into a compelling work called “Selling with Noble Purpose.” This book moves away from the “tried and true” principles of sales and elevates the profession into a purpose-driven, impact-focused endeavor. Join the conversation as Lisa walks us through the genesis of the book and what it teaches us about the sales profession of today.

    Ep 63: Openness Is The Key To Innovation, and it's a Key We All Have Access To

    Ep 63: Openness Is The Key To Innovation, and it's a Key We All Have Access To

    Openness is the key to innovation. 

    Sara explores how openness is crucial for innovation across industries and the key trait that all successful individuals share. 

    Being open to new experiences, ideas, and cultures allows us to stay present when meeting new people. Curiosity and presence is what leads to creative business development ideas, which results in true innovation.

    Ep. 62: How to Improve Your Relationship with Writing with Sarah Sypniewski

    Ep. 62: How to Improve Your Relationship with Writing with Sarah Sypniewski

    Your legacy is written in every word you share. In this episode, Sarah Sypniewski, a writing coach extraordinaire from The Empire Expander, discusses all about how to improve your relationship with writing. She talks about the secrets behind effective writing, dealing with writer's block, and embracing the power of AI in the writing process. Throughout the episode, Sarah guides us toward a world where writing flows effortlessly and ideas flourish. Tune in now and tap into your creative genius!


    Ep. 61: Stop Being The Best Kept Secret: The Five-Star Approach To eCommerce With Curt Anderson

    Ep. 61: Stop Being The Best Kept Secret: The Five-Star Approach To eCommerce With Curt Anderson

    Authenticity is the cornerstone of success—when you're true to yourself, doors open, connections deepen, and possibilities become endless. In this episode, Curt Anderson, the founder and CEO of B2Btail, talks all about how being true to oneself can open up doors of opportunities in the professional world, especially in the manufacturing eCommerce space. He shares his secret sauce to success: a dedication to passion and serving others. He talks about how authenticity isn't just a buzzword; it's a guiding principle that fosters trust, opens doors, and builds meaningful connections. So stop being the best kept secret. Let your authentic self shine. Tune in now and learn the power of staying true to yourself.

    Ep 60: ACE Your Sales Framework: Action, Communication, Execution

    Ep 60: ACE Your Sales Framework: Action, Communication, Execution

    Sara's excited to officially launch the ACE Your Sales Framework, a culmination of years of experience and success in the sales industry. This framework is designed to simplify the sales process, so in a nutshell, you Prospect on Purpose to ACE Your Sales!

    The ACE Framework: Action, Communication, Execution

    • Action: The journey to sales success begins with intention. Learn to set clear goals, add value, and pivot towards sales activities with our "Act, Add, Ask" mini-framework.
    • Communication: The heart of sales lies in connection. Develop confidence, connection, and competence through empathy, active listening, and articulating your value proposition.
    • Execution: Where strategy meets success. Engage with prospects, execute your plan, and express enthusiasm to close deals and generate repeat business.

    Special Announcements:

    • New Digital Course: ACE Your Sales is now available! Dive into 5 lessons and 18 modules designed to enhance your sales skills, complete with a digital playbook and resources tailored to both B2B and B2C environments. Learn more about the course at: www.saramurray.com/aceyoursales 

    • Download the Free Big Rocks Workshop: Access a complimentary recording of our goal-setting workshop and Big Rocks editable template at www.saramurray.com/bigrocks2024


    Tune in to ACE Your Sales! 

    Connect with Sara on Social:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales

    Ep 59: How To Make AI Your Unfair Business Advantage With Gunnar Hood

    Ep 59: How To Make AI Your Unfair Business Advantage With Gunnar Hood

    Some people think that AI will replace them in their jobs, but what it does is it automates and makes jobs easier for them. When you learn to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence, you begin to put your organization or business at an advantage. In this episode, Gunnar Hood, the President of WSI-Summit, shares his insights on the power of Artificial Intelligence and how to make AI your unfair business advantage. He also shares his recipe for a successful prompt and how to use it. Gunnar explores the Human in the Loop, CustomGPT, ChatGPT, Image creation, and more! So, let’s join Gunnar Hood in today’s episode and indulge ourselves with his invaluable insights.




    Ep 58: Captivate The Room: Change The Lives Of Your Audience With The Power Of Voice With Tracy Goodwin

    Ep 58: Captivate The Room: Change The Lives Of Your Audience With The Power Of Voice With Tracy Goodwin

    Changing the lives of your listeners starts when you amplify your voice and captivate the room. But how can you make sure your audience is listening to you? In this episode, Tracy Goodwin, the owner of Captivate the Room, unravels the power and psychology of your voice to amplify it and captivate the room. She talks about voice masks and how you can remove the mask. Tracy echoed her wisdom and expertise into this conversation as she explained how active listening shows up in your voice. Learn the depths of your voice’s power and start captivating the room. Tune in!

    Ep 57: Improve Your Accountability: Combine Internal Drive with External Accountability

    Ep 57: Improve Your Accountability: Combine Internal Drive with External Accountability

    Today's episode of Prospecting on Purpose focuses on accountability, a key driver in professional success. We explore its crucial role in business environments, especially for those leading teams, managing client relationships, or driving sales and projects.

    Sara delves into two essential aspects of accountability: our personal commitment to goals (internal) and the structures or relationships supporting our progress (external).

    She’ll share results from a recent survey on professional accountability, revealing how people view their accountability. 

    Sara will share tips for internal accountability including setting clear goals, regularly tracking progress, and maintaining a growth mindset. For more details, listen to episode 7: Four Foundations for a Growth Mindset: 

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4ubpUn5XB4uyGEfX6CFxDY?si=49273b9757ea43d9
    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/prospecting-on-purpose/id1663074741?i=1000598246485
    Sara Murray website: https://www.saramurray.com/podcast/episode-7-four-foundations-for-a-growth-mindset 

    She’ll also introduce one of the greatest accountability tasks, assigning ourselves external accountability. This can include implementing hard deadlines, partnering with an accountability buddy, seeking guidance from coaches or mentors, and publicly announcing goals for added motivation.

    This episode also debuts a new product offering from Sara Murray, Inc. ACE Your Sales Digital Course, details can be found on: www.saramurray.com/aceyoursales.

    More from Sara: 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales 

    Ep 56: Making Sales Social & LinkedIn Best Practices With Bob Woods

    Ep 56: Making Sales Social & LinkedIn Best Practices With Bob Woods

    LinkedIn continues to be one of the best platforms to build and maintain professional connections. However, no one wants to be bombarded with endless pitches and salesy talks every time they log in. Sara Murray sits down with Bob Woods of Social Sales Link, dubbed as the LinkedIn Sherpa, to discuss the right way to leverage LinkedIn to start more targeted and meaningful conversations. They go through the most common mistakes people make, the four impactful ways sellers can develop fruitful business relationships, and what's in store in 2024 for micro-influencers. Sara also undergoes a crash course as Bob checks out her LinkedIn profile while providing advice on profile optimization and value-added content creation.

    Ep 55: Why Our Core Desires Impact Our Goals & Decision Making

    Ep 55: Why Our Core Desires Impact Our Goals & Decision Making

    Sara introduces the concept of understanding our Core Desires.

    This idea was made famous by Danielle LaPorte's book "The Desire Map," where it highlight focus on aligning our life plans (and goals) based on our core desires and emotions. 

    Sara will share her Top 3 Core Desires and will introduce a variety of Core Desires so you can start thinking of yours. She'll wrap up the episode with examples of how her 3 Core Desires impact her reality and the tangible goals, action-planning and decision making. 

    Desire https://www.amazon.com/The-Desire-Map-Daily-audiobook/dp/B00HAASVSQ/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3IEMZCLC44GD0&keywords=the+desire+map+by+danielle+laporte&qid=1704598728&sprefix=the+desire+map%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-4 

    ALSO! Prospecting on Purpose® Turns One Year's Old. We're celebrating our one-year anniversary on January 9, 2024. Thanks for being part of this journey.

    Connect with Sara on Social:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales


    Ep 54: Elevate Your Authenticity in 2024 (and a Sneak Peek at Season 2!)

    Ep 54: Elevate Your Authenticity in 2024 (and a Sneak Peek at Season 2!)

    Welcome to the Season 2 Premiere of Prospecting on Purpose! Now ranked in the Top 3% of All Global Podcasts!

    Sara gives a rundown of what to expect from this season. She’ll share a sneak peek of the types of topics we’ll be discussing and the upcoming guests you can expect in the first half of the year. *Spoiler alert* it’s going to be awesome! 

    She’ll also kick off the “word of the year” - AUTHENTICITY. 

    Authenticity is not a trend but a timeless virtue.

    Your authentic self is the secret weapon to your confidence. Being relaxed in who you are causes others to feel safe enough to be open with you.  

    That’s where the ego and arrogance dissipate and the confidence shines through and that’s going to be the north star for this season. 

    If you have something you’d like to be covered in an episode, if you have a question, if you’re struggling with something, if you have a suggestion for a guest, send it along to: hello@saramurray.com 

    Connect with Sara on Social:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales


    Ep 53: Continuous Evolution: 11 Questions for Self-Reflection

    Ep 53: Continuous Evolution: 11 Questions for Self-Reflection

    The number of years of experience you have in a role doesn't matter. 

    Individuals can repeat "year 1" over and over again for multiple years, while others have years that build on each other where they learn, grow, and chart out unexplored places. 
    The fastest way to build upon your professional growth is to take the time to self-reflect. What went right? What risks did you take? What mistakes did you make and what were the lessons learned? If you handled something in a way you're not proud of, how would you do it differently in the future? 

    Join Sara for the SEASON ONE FINALE of Prospecting on Purpose as she shares 11 Questions for Self-Reflection. 

    Everything we want is on the other side of fear. 

    Thanks for making it a great first season, friends! 2024 is going to be NEXT LEVEL! 

    Connect with Sara on Social:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales



    Ep 52: Why Measuring Your Impact Increases Your Momentum

    Ep 52: Why Measuring Your Impact Increases Your Momentum

    Sara introduces a personal project that she's been keeping up with her first full year in business. 

    You've heard of a vision board, well this is an IMPACT BOARD! 

    Throughout this year's journey, Sara's been documenting the people who have made an impact on her, and those she's impacted. This podcast audience has been a huge support on this year's impact board. 

    Taking time to document big and small wins helps you realize how much you've accomplished, and looking back gives you the momentum you need (and proof points) to keep going. It's a momentum cycle! 

    Sara invites you to make your own version of an impact board in 2024. She'll share how she made hers, but also will give some ideas for a digital version of it that you can review anytime you need a boost. 

    Connect with Sara on Social:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales

    Bonus Track: Merry Murray Christmas - Original Song

    Bonus Track: Merry Murray Christmas - Original Song

    Sara offers an original song to the podcast audience; Merry Murray Christmas. 

    Written and recorded in December 2020 as a way for the family to connect over the holidays on Zoom, this original track was written and performed by: Craig, Tim, Mary and Sara Murray. For the first time (and limited time) it's out of the vault as a Christmas gift to the podcast listeners. 

    Song starts at the :37 second mark. 

    ** 2024 Lyrics would read: "2024 Better Not Bore"

    Merry Murray Christmas & Happy Holidays! 


    Sara Murray

    Ep 51: Prospecting On Purpose Guest Roundup: Top Takeaways From 2023 Guest Interviews

    Ep 51: Prospecting On Purpose Guest Roundup: Top Takeaways From 2023 Guest Interviews

    It’s been a long journey we have in Prospecting on Purpose Podcast. This year, we’ve invited amazing guests to share their valuable insights and learn from them. In this episode, Sara Murray takes us back into some of the incredible guests and the top takeaways from 2023 guest interviews in Prospecting on Purpose. What’s your favorite episode this year? What lessons have you learned from them? Let’s join Sara’s 2023 Guest Roundup and grab the different lessons we could learn from these amazing guests.

    Connect with Sara on Social:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales

    Ep 50: Celebrating Our 50th With The Top 5 Most Popular Solo Episodes!

    Ep 50: Celebrating Our 50th With The Top 5 Most Popular Solo Episodes!

    It seemed like a long time coming but we are now celebrating the 50th episode of Prospecting on Purpose! Fifty episodes worth of wisdom and insights from yours truly, Sara Murray, along with different guests across various topics on how to elevate your business and more. In this special episode, Sara Murray looks back on the top five most popular solo episodes that have made a mark in the show. Plus, she takes us on a quick behind-the-scenes tour to show how an episode is created. Tune in now as we relive key insights on the pillars for a confident mindset, overcoming objections, foundations for a growth mindset, the art of relationship building, and the habits to become a rockstar salesperson!

    Connect with Sara on Social:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales


    Ep 49: The Dos And Don'ts Of Attending A Networking Event

    Ep 49: The Dos And Don'ts Of Attending A Networking Event

    No matter the time of the year, taking part in a networking event does wonders for your business and professional relationships. With different types of gatherings to join, you can expose yourself to a wide range of opportunities. You just need to be strategic about attending them and never lose sight of your goals. Whether you are a social butterfly or a bit of an introvert, Sara Murray is here to present the dos and don’ts of joining networking events. She explains how to tap into your connection points the right way, the immense power of small talk, the best approach to leveraging online opportunities, and a lot more.

    Connect with Sara on Social:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales

    Ep 48: Embodying Gratitude: How To Positively Shape Your Personal And Professional Life

    Ep 48: Embodying Gratitude: How To Positively Shape Your Personal And Professional Life

     “When I started counting my blessings, my whole world turned around.” - Willie Nelson.

    Gratitude is a positive emotion that involves recognizing and appreciating the good things, experiences, and people in our lives. It is also the key to help us focus on what we have rather than what we lack. In this episode, Sara Murray talks about the definition of gratitude and how embodying gratitude impacts your work positively. She also discussed how to incorporate it into our personal lives. So, start counting your blessings to shape your tomorrow positively. Take a ride into a world with gratitude in today’s episode.

    Connect with Sara on Social:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales


    Ep 47: How To Get Unstuck With Holly Markham

    Ep 47: How To Get Unstuck With Holly Markham

    In life and business, you only truly get unstuck when you take that first step. For this episode, we have special guest Holly Markham, the driving force behind European Home, a remarkable company that brings stunning fireplaces and architectural solutions to homeowners and professionals alike. Holly shares her journey from high-tech sales to becoming an entrepreneur and building a brand with over 300 dealers across the United States and Canada. Today, she shares her experiences in sales, marketing, and entrepreneurship, exploring how the skills she honed in high-tech seamlessly translated to her role as a business owner. Throughout the episode, she unpacks advice and strategies in decision-making, breaking down complex tasks, and fostering a mindset of independence. Tune in now and get ready to get unstuck.

    Ep 46: The Power of Intentional Silence

    Ep 46: The Power of Intentional Silence

    Sara breaks down one of the most powerful tools in our sales arsenal, the ability to incorporate intentional silence into our communications. 

    She’ll highlight how it builds upon your active listening skills and share examples of how to weave in silence into various stages of the sales process: presenting, pitching 1:1 meetings, and closing strategies. 

    Being quiet at strategic times allows for your client or prospect to also engage in active listening, be prompted to speak, and share additional details that are helpful in closing the sale. 


    More from Sara: 


    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saramurraysales/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/saramurraysales/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@saramurraysales