
    The Humble Heroics of Four of WWII's Most Decorated Soldiers

    enMay 30, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Untold Story of the 3rd Infantry Division's HeroismThe 3rd ID's astounding 40 Medal of Honor recipients highlights the significance of endurance, courage, and exceptional leadership in times of war.

      The 3rd Infantry Division of the US Army in World War II had an astonishing number of Medal of Honor recipients. While the more well-known 101st Airborne Division had only two Medal of Honor recipients, the 3rd ID boasted a total of 40. This stark contrast is attributed to the fact that the 3rd ID fought for a longer period of time, from the beginning to the end of the European campaign, and thus had more opportunities to demonstrate their gallantry and bravery. Their immense sacrifice and perseverance in combat led to their commendable achievements. This serves as a valuable reminder of the importance of effective leadership, dedication, and resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Discover the incredible bravery and resilience of the Marne menThe Marne men of the 3rd Infantry Division played a significant role in World War II, facing intense battles and losses, and showcasing bravery and resilience throughout their campaigns.

      The 3rd Infantry Division, known as the Marne men, played a significant role in World War II. They first earned the nickname during World War I for stopping the Germans from reaching Paris. In World War II, the 3rd ID fought in various amphibious invasions, including North Africa, Sicily, Southern Italy, Anzio, and the South of France. They endured 335 days of actual combat, facing intense battles and significant losses. Despite the often overshadowed recognition of their early campaigns, such as in North Africa, the European theater began long before D-Day on June 6th, 1944. The Marne men exemplified bravery and resilience, starting from the beginning and ending at symbolic locations like Adolf Hitler's mountain retreat.

    • The Forgotten D-Days of WWII: Unveiling the Overlooked BattlesThere were numerous D-Days during WWII, not just the iconic one on June 6th, 1944. The European and Pacific theaters saw important invasions, intense fighting, and exceptional leadership from commanders like Lucian Truscott and Alexander Patch.

      There were many significant and overlooked D-Days throughout World War II, both in Europe and the Pacific. While D-Day on June 6th, 1944, is well-known, it is crucial to remember that there were multiple D-Days, which signifies important days of operation for invasion. The European theater witnessed intense fighting long before the iconic D-Day, with amphibious invasions and battles in places like Sicily. Similarly, the Pacific theater had its share of D-Days during island hopping operations. Additionally, the conversation highlights the remarkable efforts of the 3rd Division, led by the tenacious and demanding division commander, Lucian Truscott. Their training program, including the famous Truscott Trot, allowed them to cover record distances in record time, displaying their exceptional physical fitness and mobility. Patton's role, although not directly with the 3rd Division, is also briefly mentioned, emphasizing the often overlooked capabilities of other commanders like Alexander Patch.

    • From humble beginnings to war hero: The incredible journey of Maurice BrittMaurice Britt's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and dedication, inspiring others to overcome adversity and strive for greatness.

      Maurice Britt, despite growing up in difficult circumstances, displayed remarkable courage, resilience, and athleticism throughout his military career. From working hard to put himself through school and becoming a successful athlete, to serving as a Company Commander in Italy during World War II, Britt demonstrated his determination and exemplary leadership skills. His actions on the battlefield earned him numerous accolades, including being the first US soldier to receive every medal for valor in the war. Although Audie Murphy eventually surpassed him in medal count, Britt's achievements showcased his extraordinary bravery and made him a celebrated figure in military history. His story serves as an inspiration for overcoming adversity and showcasing outstanding dedication to duty.

    • War hero's incredible bravery and resilience showcased in World War II.Britt's story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by veterans in war.

      Britt, a war hero, displayed incredible bravery and resilience throughout his service in World War II. From fending off a German attack at Monterotondo to single-handedly taking down multiple enemies and saving his fellow soldiers, Britt proved himself to be a one-man army. Despite losing his arm and sustaining numerous wounds at Anzio, he never lost his spirit and continued to live a full and happy life. Britt's story serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by veterans and the physical and emotional toll that war can have. It is a testament to the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

    • Discover the hidden struggles faced by Medal of Honor recipients!Despite their heroic actions, Medal of Honor recipients faced challenges and a heavy burden that affected their lives, reminding us to appreciate their sacrifices and recognize the true meaning behind this prestigious award.

      The recipients of the Medal of Honor, despite their heroic actions during the war, faced significant challenges upon their return. They were able to put the war aside, but not behind them, and lead productive lives. It is important to recognize that they did not seek glory or fame, but were committed to their cause and selflessly wanted to save lives. The burden of the Medal of Honor weighed heavy on them as a constant reminder of the worst times in their lives. While they were proud of this ultimate award, it also came with a higher standard of behavior, restricting their personal freedom and reminding them of the sacrifices made in combat.

    • From dropout to war hero: Michael Daly's extraordinary journeyMichael Daly's story illustrates true bravery and selflessness in the face of war, reminding us of the sacrifices made by young soldiers.

      Michael Daly's journey from dropping out of West Point to becoming a company commander at just 20 years old exemplifies incredible bravery and a strong sense of responsibility. Despite not enjoying the regimentation and orders at West Point, Daly chose to fight on the front lines during World War II. He displayed exceptional courage and leadership, consistently putting the lives of his fellow soldiers before his own. Daly's daring acts, such as infiltrating enemy territory and taking out machine gun placements, highlight his determination to protect his men. His selflessness is further demonstrated by his ability to perform a makeshift tracheotomy on himself while wounded. Michael Daly's story serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by young soldiers and the extraordinary acts of heroism displayed during times of war.

    • This Millionaire's Quest for Meaning Will Surprise You!Serving others and finding purpose leads to true fulfillment.

      Finding a cause greater than yourself is the secret to fulfillment in life. It's not about accumulating wealth or material possessions, but rather about serving others and making a real impact. The story of this individual, who came from a privileged background but struggled to find meaning, emphasizes the importance of service and purpose. He discovered that working with veterans and volunteering at a local hospital gave him a profound sense of purpose and satisfaction. The conversation also highlights the remarkable journey of Keith Ware, a draftee who rose to the rank of general officer despite having no prior military experience. This serves as a reminder that anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, can find purpose and make a significant difference.

    • These Brave Warriors Defied the Odds and Made HistoryAudie Murphy and Keith Ware were exceptional warriors who displayed immense courage and dedication, setting themselves apart as some of America's finest warriors. Their sacrifices highlight the bravery and leadership needed in military careers.

      Audie Murphy and Keith Ware were exceptional warriors who displayed immense courage and dedication to their country. Despite facing numerous challenges and being wounded multiple times, Audie Murphy remained on the front lines for the majority of World War II, defying the odds and surviving miraculously. His lethal skills, bravery under fire, and instinctual combat abilities set him apart as one of America's finest warriors. Similarly, Keith Ware, a Lieutenant Colonel and Battalion Commander, demonstrated extraordinary leadership and fearlessness during the battle of the Colmar Pocket, earning himself the Medal of Honor. Tragically, his life ended in 1968 in Cambodia, highlighting the sacrifices made by individuals like him throughout their military careers.

    • Audie Murphy's Unbreakable Bond with His Commanding Officer Will Inspire YouDespite their different paths after the war, Audie Murphy and his company commander, Ware, maintained a strong bond, showcasing the power of friendship forged in the trenches of World War II.

      Audie Murphy and his company commander, Ware, had a special bond forged through their experiences in World War II. Despite their different paths after the war, they stayed in touch and shared a deep respect for each other. Murphy even tried to involve Ware in his successful movie, but unfortunately, Ware was too busy at the time. However, Murphy took Ware's death very hard, as he had saved Ware's life earlier in the war. Audie Murphy's courageous and fierce warrior nature was shaped by his tough upbringing and early life experiences, which made him an exceptional soldier. He possessed incredible skills as a sharpshooter and had the ability to swiftly assess and react to combat situations, making him a formidable opponent to the enemy.

    • WWII soldier shot and wounded, but what he did next shocked everyone.Audie Murphy's incredible bravery and resilience in the face of adversity serves as inspiration for all, and highlights the true spirit of an American hero.

      Audie Murphy, a World War II soldier, displayed extraordinary bravery and resilience in the face of adversity. Despite being shot and wounded, he remained alert and took down the sniper who was targeting him. Additionally, Murphy's heroic actions did not stop there. He commandeered a broken-down tank and single-handedly repelled multiple German attacks, saving his comrades from certain death. Murphy's commanding officer recognized his exceptional courage and recommended him for the Medal of Honor. While Murphy struggled with PTSD and turned to gambling for excitement, he also used his own experiences to reach out and help other veterans. Audie Murphy's story is a testament to the indomitable spirit of a true American hero.

    • Audie Murphy's Inspiring Journey: From Trauma to Hollywood StardomAudie Murphy's story highlights the power of resilience and determination in overcoming trauma and achieving success in unexpected ways.

      Audie Murphy, despite his deep troubles and struggles with PTSD, managed to overcome his traumatic experiences and become a highly functional movie star. His extraordinary trauma and experiences in World War II shaped him, but he was able to harness his resilience and move forward in his life. The recognition he received through a magazine cover caught the attention of Jimmy Cagney, who offered him a chance to pursue a career in Hollywood. With support and assistance from Cagney, Murphy took acting classes and eventually landed roles in movies, including the successful "To Hell and Back." Despite facing tragedy and dying at a young age, Murphy's story teaches us the importance of resilience, determination, and the potential for growth after experiencing trauma.

    • Discover the incredible lives of World War II heroes!The brave men of World War II fought selflessly to stop evil, restore democracy, and bring hope and freedom, leaving an immeasurable impact on American history.

      The stories of World War II are truly extraordinary and unmatched. The men who fought in this war, including figures like Audie Murphy, lived remarkable lives and served as sources of inspiration. The stakes were incredibly high during this conflict, and the soldiers who fought put everything on the line to restore democracy and civilization in the face of complete evil. Through their efforts, they stopped genocide, halted the Holocaust, and brought hope and freedom to millions of people. Their achievements are immeasurable, making World War II one of the greatest chapters in American history. Today, we can enjoy the privileges of living in a free country and owe a debt of gratitude to these heroes.

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    Join me on an insightful journey with Bill Keefe, Fire Team Captain for the Tony Robbins Organisation and Co-General Manager of Namale Resort and Spa. Bill's story is an introspective look at how life can flourish when we take a bold step into the unknown. He shares his experience of relocating his family to the South Pacific, reveals the essence of family unity in decision-making, and offers a glimpse into the power of taking leaps of faith and the rewards that await.


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    "Don't quit when you're tired, quit when you're done."



    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, knowledge broker, and mentor. My mission is to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

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    Listen to learn:


    1. How to cultivate resilience and perseverance: Learn about the importance of not giving up when faced with fatigue or adversity, but rather pushing through until the task is complete. Drawing inspiration from figures like David Goggins and the experience of fire walk events, the conversation delves into the mindset needed to exceed perceived limitations and the power of a supportive team in overcoming challenges.


    2. How to maintain composure in chaotic situations: The podcast highlights techniques for staying calm and focused amidst turmoil, using the metaphor of the 'rock in the river.' You can understand the value of breathing techniques, detachment, and global awareness in high-pressure environments, skills that are transferable to daily life and leadership roles.


    3. How to manage your state for personal growth: Through the insights shared about learning from Tony Robbins, you can discover the significance of managing one's state of mind to handle life's challenges effectively. The episode underscores the continuous journey of personal development, emphasising the need to reframe perceptions and beliefs to maintain a positive outlook and become the best version of oneself.



    The podcast episode featuring Bill Keefe is highly relevant to individuals who are facing uncertainty in their lives or seeking personal growth and resilience. The discussion revolves around how embracing life's unknowns can lead to transformative experiences and a deeper understanding of one's capabilities.


    For those dealing with current problems that involve making difficult decisions, venturing into new territories, or enduring challenging circumstances, Bill's insights offer guidance and inspiration. His journey from the Bahamas to Fiji, which led to unexpected personal and professional growth, exemplifies the potential rewards of taking risks and stepping out of one's comfort zone. This narrative can resonate with listeners who might be contemplating a significant life change or feeling stuck in their current situation.


    Furthermore, the episode delves into the importance of resilience and perseverance, drawing from the powerful messages of individuals like David Goggins. For the reader who is tired and close to giving up on a goal or project, the mantra "Don't quit when you're tired, quit when you're done" serves as a motivational reminder that endurance can lead to achieving one's objectives. This can be particularly relevant for those working on long-term goals that require sustained effort and commitment.


    The concept of being a 'rock in the river,' maintaining composure amidst chaos, is another key takeaway from the episode that addresses a common desire among many people: finding peace and focus during stressful situations. This skill is invaluable for listeners looking to manage their reactions to the fast-paced, often overwhelming demands of modern life.


    Lastly, the episode emphasizes continuous personal growth and the management of one's state of mind, as taught by Tony Robbins. Listeners interested in self-improvement and better handling life's challenges can gain from the discussion on the importance of reframing one's perception of events and maintaining a positive outlook.


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    #051 Being 10% Braver with Vivienne Porritt OBE

    Every sector has its secrets. Some are better hidden than others and it took time for Vivienne Porritt to stumble upon some of the shocking secrets that launched her mission in the world of education.

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    Vivienne’s second mission began with the discovery of the massive gender pay gap in education. She worked with fellow volunteers, using Twitter as a social platform, to launch what became a global movement with over 43,000 members in 21 countries around the world.

    In this inspirational conversation, co-founder and strategic leader of @WomenEd, Vivienne Porritt OBE describes how building a community and sharing their experiences exposed the hidden secrets AND created a voice to be reckoned with, in their mission to reduce racial and gender inequality and enable more women in education to have the choice to progress on their leadership journey.

    Having rebuilt her confidence, Vivienne now helps other women to be brave and courageous in removing barriers to choice and progress, so they can be who they want to be in their leadership career.  

    This episode is for anyone who wants to learn more about the inequalities in education, and be more confident and impactful in leading change.



    Vivienne Porritt, OBE, is a leadership consultant supporting school and trust leaders with vision, strategy, professional learning and development, and impact evaluation.

    Vivienne is, joyously, one of the Co-founders and Global Strategic Leaders of WomenEd, a community that empowers aspiring and existing women leaders in education. Vivienne is also Vice President of the Chartered College of Teaching, a Non-Exec Board Member of Captiva Learning Ltd and a member of FED Advisory Council and the Eko Trust as well as the Chair of the Strategic Board for the North London Teaching School Hub.

    Previously, Vivienne was a secondary headteacher and Director for School Partnerships at UCL Institute of Education. She writes for TES and academic journals and is co-editor of 10%braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education (Sage, 2019) and Being 10%braver (Corwin, 2021).

    Vivienne’s full bio and contact details can be found on her personal guest page.



    Sue is on a mission to STOP women playing small so that they can create the legacy they want to leave in the world.  With over 30 years coaching and leadership experience, Sue loves nothing more than disrupting the unhelpful thinking that often holds women back, so that they can think, dream and BE bigger in leading the change they want to see.  Coaching internationally, Sue’s clients are primarily world-changing women who want to lead with confidence, increase their impact and live a life that matters.


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    10% Braver by Vivienne Porritt & Keziah Featherstone

    Being 10% Braver by Vivienne Porritt & Keziah Featherstone

    Retaliation at Work - Sarah Noll Wilson

    Retaliation at Work - Sarah Noll Wilson

    Sponsored by Nola Simon Advisory: Learn More From This Bonus Podcast Episode

    I expected that this episode would be a conversation about leadership development, maybe with some talk of Sarah's book Don't Feed The Elephants and how leadership in hybrid/remote needs to be different from what we've always done.  Sarah started the conversation with "I'd really like to talk about retaliation."

    Wow.  That's not a topic most people acknowledge as reality in work and to have a whole discussion centred on that?  Yes, please.

    This is why I don't script my podcast.  If I had planned every question, this episode wouldn't exist.  There are lots of stories to give context to the issues we are highlighting.

    Here is a link to the Twitter thread we discuss in the middle of the episode.



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    Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. is who you call when you’re ready to do the hard work of leading yourself and leading others. 

    Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. is on a mission to help leaders build and rebuild teams. Our goal is to empower leaders to understand and honor the beautiful complexity of the humans they serve. We create a safe, honest environment, preparing people to deal with real-world conflict, have more meaningful conversations, and create purposeful relationships. Working with CEO's, HR leaders, and organizations that care deeply about their employees and understand the connection between employee development, employee satisfaction, and organizational success, Sarah Noll Wilson, Inc. specializes in transforming relationships from good to great. 


    Through her work as an Executive Coach, an in-demand Keynote Speaker, Researcher, Contributor to Harvard Business Review, and Bestselling Author of “Don’t Feed the Elephants”, Sarah Noll Wilson helps leaders close the gap between what they intend to do and the actual impact they make. She hosts the podcast “Conversations on Conversations”, is certified in Co-Active Coaching, Conversational Intelligence, and is a frequent guest lecturer at universities. In addition to her work with organizations, Sarah is a passionate advocate for mental health.  


    With 15+ years in leadership development, Sarah earned aMaster's Degreefrom Drake University in Leadership Development and a BA from the University of Northern Iowa in Theatre Performance and Theatre Education - no wonder clients love the energy she brings to their teams! When she isn't helping people build and rebuild relationships, she enjoys playing games with her husband Nick and cuddling with their fur baby, Sally.